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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La société sherpa à l’ère du « Yak Donald’s » : lutte des places pour l’accès aux ressources dans la région touristique de l’Everest (Népal) / The Sherpa community in the “Yak Donald’s” era : Locational struggles for access to resources in Mount Everest touristic region (Nepal)

Jacquemet, Etienne 09 July 2018 (has links)
Au-delà des représentations et des pratiques des alpinistes et trekkeurs, toujours plus nombreux, les conditions du développement et de la pérennisation du système touristique associées à la région népalaise de l’Everest – le Khumbu – semblent de plus en plus reposer sur la valorisation de ressources comme l’eau, l’électricité et l’emplacement foncier. Source de revenus considérables pour les populations locales, et plus particulièrement pour les hébergeurs touristiques, l’accès à ces différentes ressources ne va pourtant pas de soi. Tous les acteurs n’occupent pas les mêmes positions, ni ne possèdent les mêmes moyens pour les valoriser. Cet accès aux ressources, et par extension à de nouvelles positions socio-spatiales, donne lieu à de multiples stratégies fondées sur les capitaux, compétences et intérêts de chacun. Dans cette petite région, néanmoins hautement symbolique, ces stratégies d’accès aboutissent à une lutte des places entre d’une part les membres de la communauté sherpa – qui revendiquent une position d’insiders mais se déploient à l’extérieur du Khumbu par des modes d’habiter très polytopiques –, et d’autre part, de nouvelles populations originaires des basses vallées, en position d’outsiders, qui cherchent à s’y implanter. Dans le contexte d’un espace de plus en plus ouvert sur le monde, en pleine recomposition sociodémographique et culturelle, ce qu’incarne le « Yak Donald’s » – l’un des nombreux nouveaux pubs implantés dans la région –, se pose ainsi la question du partage et de la gouvernance des ressources et des revenus de ce haut-lieu du tourisme. Loin d’être passifs, mais plutôt à l’origine de ces nouvelles dynamiques, cette thèse montre comment les manipulateurs de symboles sherpas contrôlent encore largement le territoire et l’économie du tourisme. / Beyond the representations and practices of mountaineers and trekkers, conditions for the development and functioning of the touristic system linked to the Nepalese Mount Everest area (the Khumbu region) seem to be increasingly based upon resources such as water, electricity and property. With the rise of tourism, these various resources are source of considerable incomes for local populations, especially for lodge owners. However, sharing these resources is not simple. First, the different actors do not occupy the same positions in relation to them. Second, they don’t have the same capacities (i.e., capital and skills) to exploit them. Eventually, they do not have the same interests depending on their social status, so their cooperation is not always guaranteed. In this small but highly symbolic region, local access to resources leads to “locational struggles” (Lussault, 2009). This struggle opposes members of the Sherpa community - who claim to be deeply rooted inhabitants, but whose ways of life are very polytopic – and on the other hand, new populations from the lower valleys, who seek to establish themselves within the Khumbu region. In the context of intense interrelations with the rest of the world, as well as wide socio-demographic and cultural changes, which is embodied in one of the many new pubs established in the region; the "Yak Donald's", this questions the good resources governance of this tourist hub. Far from being passive, but rather very proactive, this thesis shows how the Sherpas still control the territory and its touristic economy.

Proposta de sistema de monitoramento de doenças para animais silvestres e domésticos na Serra do Japi / Proposal for a disease monitoring system for wild and domestic animals in the Japi Mountain Range

Klein-Gunnewiek, Monica Fagundes de Carvalho 24 November 2005 (has links)
A necessidade de investigar a relação entre as doenças de animais domésticos e animais silvestres da fauna brasileira motivou a realização deste trabalho. Tais doenças podem afetar de forma irreversível populações de espécies silvestres e, sobretudo comprometer do ponto de vista sanitário, produtivo e comercial a criação de animais domésticos de produção. A nova concepção da Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal sobre a importância da introdução das espécies silvestres nos sistemas de vigilância de doenças notificáveis, o significativo aumento de eventos de doenças emergentes cujo reservatório é um animal silvestre e a necessidade de preservação da nossa biodiversidade levou ao estudo de um modelo teórico de sistema de monitoramento de doenças de animais silvestres e domésticos em uma unidade de conservação de uso sustentável. Setenta por cento das unidades de conservação criadas pelo Estado de São Paulo são de uso sustentável. Como ali a permanência de residentes é permitida, acredita-se que o desafio da convivência entre seres humanos, animais domésticos e silvestres é ainda maior. Além disso, a corrente neo conservacionista atual tende a defender a permanência de comunidades tradicionais em áreas naturais protegidas. Com todos esses fatores, decidiu-se tomar como modelo de estudo a unidade de conservação de uso sustentável da Serra do Japi, pois ela constitui uma área de transição de ecossistemas e, portanto, possui uma riquíssima fauna e mais de 100 propriedades rurais com criação de animais domésticos. Inicialmente, a estratégia foi fazer um diagnóstico da situação sanitária dos animais domésticos de produção e ao mesmo tempo analisar as possibilidades de implantação de um monitoramento das doenças de animais silvestres e domésticos na Serra do Japi. O grande desafio identificado no estudo foi definir a metodologia a ser empregada para que seja possível estabelecer uma rotina de coleta de amostras e introduzi-las em um sistema de monitoramento permanente visando posteriormente a criação de um sistema de vigilância. Outro desafio será reunir entidades afins, porém heterogêneas em sua concepção e organização, com o propósito de tornar factível a implantação de um sistema futuro de vigilância de doença de animais silvestres para o Estado de São Paulo. Tal situação sugere-nos a imprescindível necessidade de regulamentar uma parceria entre o serviço veterinário oficial e demais serviços ligados à saúde animal e ao meio ambiente e organizações não governamentais. A sorologia para brucelose nos animais domésticos da região foi negativa para todas as amostras. Enquanto a prevalência para leptospirose foi de 43,4% [37,5-49,4] para bovinos e 63, 7 % [57, 3-70, 5] para equinos. / What motivated the accomplishment of this work was the need to investigate the link between wild and domestic animals diseases of the Brazilian fauna. Such diseases can irreversibly affect the wild species populations and especially compromise (from the sanitary, productive and commercial point of view) the breeding of domestic production animals. The new concept of the World Animal Health Organization regarding the inclusion of wild species in the health surveillance systems, the significant increase of new cases of diseases which originated from wild species and also the need to preserve our biodiversity led to the study of a theoretical model of a disease monitoring system for wild and domestic animals in a conservation area of sustainable use.Seventy percent of the conservation areas established by the São Paulo State are of sustainable use. Since human beings are allowed to reside in these sites, the challenge of the coexistence among human beings, wild and domestic animals is even greater. Besides that, the modern neo-conservationist current tends to defend the permanence of traditional communities in natural areas which are protected. Taking these factors into account, we decided to use as a study model the conservation area of sustainable use in the Japi Mountain Range, since it is an area of ecosystem transition and; thus, it has an invaluable fauna and it has more than 90 rural properties which raise domestic animals. At first, the strategy was to make a diagnostic of the sanitary situation of domestic production animals and at the same time to analyze the means for implanting a disease monitoring system for wild and domestic animals in the Japi Mountain Range.The great challenge identified in this study was to define the methodology to be employed in order to establish a routine of collection of samples and to introduce them in a permanent monitoring system so that later a surveillance system could be created. Another challenge was to bring together entities, which were similar but at the same time heterogeneous in its organization and conception, in order to make the implantation of a future disease monitoring system for wild animals in the State of São Paulo feasible. Such situation indicates that there would be a need to have a partnership among the official veterinary services, other services related to animal health, and with environmental and nongovernmental agencies. The serology for undulant fever (brucellosis) in domestic animals in the region was negative in all samples. While the prevalence of leptospirose was of 43, 4% [37.5 - 49, 4] for bovine and 63, 7 % [57, 3-70, 5] for equine.

Le management de la performance sociétale des stations de montagne : une approche par les parties prenantes / Mountain resorts' social performance management : a stakeholder approach

Bourgel, Boris 29 November 2018 (has links)
La Performance Sociétale de l’Entreprise (PSE) a reçu une attention croissante tant au plan théorique qu’empirique. Pourtant, elle reste souvent réduite à sa dimension « résultats », centrée sur la mesure. Par opposition, sa dimension managériale a été largement ignorée et le management des Parties Prenantes (PP), notion vague et indéterminée, constitue toujours l’unique levier managérial de la PSE proposé par la littérature. Cette thèse cherche à combler ce manque et propose une modélisation de la PSE qui considère explicitement le rôle des PP vis-à-vis de sa dimension managériale. Cette dernière est saisie à travers un ensemble de leviers managériaux situés à trois niveaux – stratégique, tactique et opérationnel. L’applicabilité du modèle aux stations de montagne est discutée à l’aide d’une revue systématique de la littérature pour rendre compte d’éventuelles spécificités propres à cette unité d’analyse. La méthodologie empirique, de nature exploratoire et confirmatoire, repose sur l’étude de 4 cas de stations de montagne situées dans les alpes françaises. Les données primaires issues de 71 entretiens semi-directifs et de questionnaires auprès de PP représentatives des sphères civile, politique et économique des stations ont été complétées par des données secondaires. Malgré le constat d’un certain « tropisme économique » dans les 4 stations étudiées, les résultats indiquent que les PP des stations ont un rôle à jouer aux trois niveaux du management de la performance sociétale et que l’intensité de ce rôle varie en fonction de leur légitimité et pouvoir. Ils montrent également que l’intégration des PP au management de la performance sociétale est une condition nécessaire pour permettre une réelle prise en compte de leurs responsabilités sociétales. Au plan théorique, cette thèse contribue à l’approche de la PSE par les PP par la prise en compte explicite de sa dimension managériale à côté de sa dimension « résultats ». Au plan managérial, elle débouche sur des recommandations utiles pour aider les stations de montagne à se saisir d’une performance élargie à ses composantes économiques, sociales et environnementales en réponse aux enjeux sociétaux auxquels elles font face / Corporate Social Performance (CSP) has received a significant attention from scholars and practitioners. However, the study of the concept is often limited to its “results” dimension, focusing on measurement only. On the other hand, its managerial dimension has mostly been ignored and the concept of “stakeholders management”, a rather vague and ambiguous one, remains as CSP only managerial lever in the literature. This research seeks to fill that gap and develops a new CSP model. Its new managerial dimension comprises a set of managerial levers at strategic, tactic and operational levels and explicitly takes stakeholders’ role into account. As this research focuses on mountain resorts, the model’s relevance for such a unit of analysis has been assessed by confronting it to mountain resorts’ specificities identified through a systematic literature review. From a methodological point of view, 4 mountain resorts located in the French Alps have been studied through two (exploratory and confirmatory) case study methodologies. Primary data consists of transcripts of the 71 semi-directive interviews conducted with stakeholders from the political, civilian and economic spheres in the 4 resorts. Secondary data has also been collected. Despite the “economic tropism” observed in all 4 resorts, results show that stakeholders have a role to play on each three levels of social performance management and that this role may vary according to stakeholders’ power and legitimacy in the resort. They also show that integrating stakeholders in social performance management is a mean, for them, to better take their social responsibilities into account. From a theoretical perspective, the research contributes to the stakeholders’ approach of CSP by explicitly taking its managerial dimension into account and replacing it next to its “results” dimension. From a managerial point of view, we propose recommendations to help mountain resorts to embrace a wider – economic, social and environmental – view of performance

Propriedades geotécnicas dos solos e modelagem matemática de previsão a escorregamentos translacionais rasos / Geotechnical properties of soils and mathematical modeling for shallow landslides prediction

Listo, Fabrizio de Luiz Rosito 08 October 2015 (has links)
Em função da ocorrência de desastres naturais no Brasil, instaurou-se em 2012 a Lei Federal no 12.608 de Política Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Civil, que incentiva medidas de previsão para conter desastres naturais e situações de risco. O uso de modelos matemáticos em bases físicas pode ser uma importante ferramenta no auxílio à redução das situações negativas geradas por escorregamentos, sobretudo em áreas íngremes como a Serra do Mar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar cenários de suscetibilidade a escorregamentos translacionais rasos gerados pelo modelo TRIGRS na Bacia do Rio Guaxinduba (Caraguatatuba, SP) afetada por vários escorregamentos e corridas de detritos em março de 1967. Especificamente, objetivou-se gerar três cenários de suscetibilidade considerando valores da literatura, coletados in situ e distribuídos estatisticamente; caracterizar espacialmente as propriedades geotécnicas e hidrológicas do solo (coesão; densidade; espessura máxima; ângulo de atrito interno e condutividade hidráulica saturada vertical) coletadas in situ e avaliar a variação do Fator de Segurança (FS) conforme a profundidade do solo. Para isso, foram gerados três cenários utilizando-se, no primeiro, valores geotécnicos e hidrológicos disponíveis na literatura, no segundo, valores coletados dentro da bacia e no terceiro, valores geoestatisticamente distribuídos. A partir da combinação com o mapa de cicatrizes de 1967, para validação dos cenários foram utilizados os seguintes índices: (a) Concentração de Cicatrizes; (b) Potencial de Escorregamentos e (c) percentual de áreas instáveis sem cicatrizes e de áreas estáveis com cicatrizes. Os resultados dos cenários indicaram que o uso de dados geotécnicos e hidrológicos coletados in situ forneceu resultados melhores e mais representativos. Nos três cenários foi verificada uma concordância entre as cicatrizes e as áreas instáveis, mas houve uma diferença na distribuição de classes de estabilidade. Topograficamente, foram observadas maiores instabilidades em ângulos da encosta >20º, com formas retilíneas e côncavas e em classes intermediárias de área de contribuição. Geotecnicamente, foram observadas importantes relações entre a instabilidade e os valores de coesão do solo; especialmente entre os valores de 0kPa a 6kPa. Nos demais parâmetros, observou-se maior suscetibilidade nas áreas com densidade entre 17kg/m3 e 18kg/m3; espessuras de 3m; ângulos de atrito interno entre 31º e 35º e condutividade hidráulica entre 1,0x10-3m/s e 1,0x10-4m/s. Em função dos resultados obtidos, o modelo TRIGRS e a espacialização de parâmetros geotécnicos e hidrológicos podem ser utilizados pelo poder público, em suas diferentes esferas administrativas para a definição de áreas de risco e para o planejamento do uso e ocupação do solo (ex. construção de moradias e de estradas, práticas florestais, entre outros). / Due to the occurrence of natural disasters in Brazil, the National Protection and Civil Defense Policy Federal Law no. 12,608 was established in 2012, which encourages prediction measures to minimize natural disasters and risk situations. The use of mathematical models in physical basis can be an important tool in helping to reduce negative situations generated by landslides, especially in steep areas such as the Serra do Mar mountain rage. The goal of this work was to compare susceptibility scenarios to shallow landslides generated by the TRIGRS model at the Guaxinduba hydrographic basin (Caraguatatuba, SP), affected by various landslides and debris flows in March 1967. Specifically, the generation of three susceptibility scenarios was aimed, considering literature values, collected in situ and statistically distributed; to spatially characterize the geotechnical and hydrological properties of the soil (soil cohesion; soil density; soil thickness; internal friction angle and saturated hydraulic conductivity) collected in situ and evaluate the Factor of Safety (FS) according to soil depth. To achieve this, three scenarios were generated, using, in the first, geotechnical and hydrological values available in literature, in the second, values collected inside the basin and in the third, geostatistically distributed values. From the match with the 1967 map of scars, the following indexes were used to validate the scenarios: (a) Scars Concentration; (b) Potential Landslides and (c) percentage of unstable areas without scars and stable areas with scars. The results of the scenarios indicated that the use of in situ collected geotechnical and hydrological data supplied better and more representative results. In the three scenarios, a concordance between the scars and the unstable areas was verified, but there was a difference in the distribution of stability classes. Topographically, greater instabilities were observed at >20º slope angles, with slope straight and concave slope shapes, and at intermediate classes of contribution area. Geotechnically, important relations between the instability and the soil cohesion values were noted; especially between the values ranging from 0kPa to 6kPa. In the other parameters, a greater susceptibility was observed in the areas with densities between 17kg/m3 and 18kg/m3; 3m thicknesses; internal friction angles between 31º and 35º and hydraulic conductivity between 1,0x10-3m/s and 1,0x10-4m/s. According to the results, the TRIGRS model and the spatialization of geotechnical and hydrological parameters may be used by the Government, in its various administrative levels, for the definition of risk areas and to plan the land use and occupation (e.g., construction of housing and roads, forest practices, among others).

Variations de croissance et capacité d’adaptation des populations marginales fragmentées d’arbres des zones boréo-montagnardes, en réponse aux changements climatiques / Growth variations and adaptation capacity of fragmented marginal tree populations in boreo-mountain zones, in response to climate change

Housset, Johann 10 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de déterminer le devenir des populations marginales d’arbres boréo-montagnards dans le contexte des changements climatiques. La réponse dendroclimatique et la structure génétique des espèces sont analysées conjointement sur des gradients incluant les zones de distributions continues et marginales. Les deux modèles biologiques choisis sont le thuya occidental en limite nordique (forêt boréale canadienne) et le pin cembro en limite occidentale (Alpes). Les hypothèses suivantes ont été testées : le réchauffement climatique au cours du XXe siècle a entrainé une augmentation de croissance ; la variabilité de croissance est reliée à la structure génétique aux niveaux intra- et inter-populationnels. Une baisse de croissance du thuya a été observée après 1980 en zone marginale, qui serait liée à une limitation par la sécheresse. Pour les deux espèces, les relations climat-croissance étaient essentiellement modulées par le volume des précipitations, mais également par des variables édaphiques et par la taille des arbres. L’existence d’un lien significatif entre la structure génétique et certaines variables climatiques laisse néanmoins espérer un potentiel d'adaptation génétique, dont l’ampleur dépendra de la diversité génétique disponible pour la sélection naturelle. Par ailleurs, le synchronisme de croissance entre les arbres était à la fois influencé par la diversité génétique intra-populationnelle et par le volume des précipitations. En conclusion, il apparaît très difficile de distinguer les effets du climat et de la génétique sur la croissance des arbres étudiés. / This thesis aims to assess the fate of marginal populations, in the context of climate change, for boreo-mountain tree species. The dendroclimatic response and the genetic structure of the species are jointly analyzed on gradients including both the continuous and the marginal distribution zones. Two biological models have been chosen for this research, white cedar at its northern limit (boreal forest) and stone pine at its western limit (temperate mountain forest). The following hypotheses were tested: global warming during the twentieth century has led to increased growth; growth variability is related to the genetic structure at the intra- and inter-population levels. A decline in cedar growth was observed after 1980 in marginal zone, which could be linked to drought constraints on growth. For both species, climate-growth relationships were essentially modulated by the amount of precipitation, but also by soil and tree-size variables. The existence of a significant link between genetic structure and some climatic variables still leaves some hope for a genetic adaptation potential, which magnitude will depend on the genetic diversity available for natural selection. The growth synchronicity between the trees was both influenced by the intra-population genetic diversity and the amount of precipitation. In conclusion, it is very difficult to disentangle the effects of climate and genetics on the growth of the studied trees.

Déformation polyphasée et importance de l'héritage structural dans les longmen shan (sichuan, chine) : apports d'une approche couplée entre géophysique et géologie / Polyphased deformation and importance of the structural inheritance in the Longmen Shan (Sichuan, China) : contributions from a coupled study between geophysics and geology

Robert, Alexandra 01 September 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre la formation, la structuration et les processus de réactivation d'une chaîne de montagne intracontinentale atypique : les Longmen Shan, situés dans la province du Sichuan, en Chine. Localisés à la limite entre le craton du Yangtze où s'est déposé le bassin du Sichuan (au Sud-Est) et le bloc du Songpan Garze appartenant au plateau tibétain (au Nord-Ouest), les Longmen Shan se sont majoritairement structurés lors de l'orogénèse indosinienne, à la fin du Trias et ont ensuite subit plusieurs réactivations.Cette chaîne de montagne est donc un endroit privilégié pour étudier la réactivation et l'héritage structural et thermique d'une structure intracontinentale, en relation étroite avec la formation et l'évolution du plateau tibétain. Tout d'abord, pour contraindre les paramètres crustaux, une imagerie crustale détaillée le long d'une coupe à travers cette chaîne est proposée. Une réseau sismologique de 35 stations a été déployé pendant plus de 2 ans le long d'un profil dense. La technique des fonctions récepteurs a été appliquée et les données gravimétriques ont été utilisées conjointement pour renforcer l'imagerie obtenue. Un saut de Moho abrupt de 20km a été imagé, entre une croûte tibétaine épaisse d'environ 63km et la croûte du craton du Yangtze , épaisse de 45km. Ce résultat traduit la confrontation de deux lithosphères d'épaisseurs et de propriétés physiques contrastées. Les rapports Vp/Vs ainsi que les mesures d'anisotropie crustale et mantellique ont montré l'absence d'une zone à faible vitesse ou d'une zone de fluage important au sein de la croûte, ce qui réfute les modèles de déformation de la croûte tibétaine impliquant un chenal de déformation au sein de la croûte tibétaine. L'imagerie crustale a donc mis en évidence un important contraste à l'échelle lithosphérique. Le second axe de ce travail a consisté à étudier cette région à plus long terme en menant une étude stratigraphique, tectonique et métamorphique afin de déduire l'importance de l'héritage géologique dans sa structuration actuelle. Dès le début du Paléozoïque, la marge passive qui sera ensuite inversée présentait déja probablement une variation abrupte de l'épaisseur crustale. Un premier contraste d'épaisseur lithosphérique au niveau des Longmen Shan se situaient donc à la limite entre deux domaines paléogéographiques différents. A la fin du Trias, lors de la fermeture de la Paléotéthys, l'épais prisme sédimentaire du Songpan Garze a débordé sur la marge passive de la bordure Ouest du craton du Yangtze, dans la région des Longmen Shan. Cependant, il n'y a aucune évidence de subduction dans cette chaîne et le métamorphisme associé à cette phase de déformation correspond à des moyennes températures (jusqu'à plus de 600°C) pour des pressions relativement modestes. Les données métamorphiques ont montré un pic de pression (relativement faible, inférieur à 8kbar) suivi d'un pic de température pouvant conduire à une migmatisation associée à une exhumation variable en fonction de la localisation au sein de la chaîne. Les variations latérales de l'exhumation sont interprétées comme directement associées à la dynamique de la mise en place de la nappe du Songpan Garze sur la marge Ouest du craton du Yangtze. L'apex des Longmen Shan correspond donc au front de la nappe du Songpan Garze et délimite deux domaines structuraux et métamorphiques contrastés.Cette étude met en évidence une phase de réactivation à la fin du Crétacé de la chaîne, probablement associée à la rotation dans le sens horaire du craton du Yangtze. Enfin, la dernière phase de déformation affectant les Longmen Shan est une répercussion de la collision entre l'Inde et l'Eurasie qui fini de structurer cette chaîne.Nous avons donc montré qu'une limite paléogéographique majeure, héritée d'une structure en marge passive transtensive peut subir le débordement de nappes sédimentaires provenant d'un prisme distant de très grande taille. Ce débordement a provoqué une inversion de relief et un surépaississement crustal en conséquence de la superposition de ces épaisses nappes. Une fois cette limite tectonique formée, la région va subir plusieurs réactivations liées à des déformations annexes comme l'orogénèse Yanshanienne ou la collision entre l'Inde et l'Eurasie. Cette chaîne est encore active aujourd'hui comme l'a démontré le séisme du Sichuan du 12 Mai 2008 qui a eu lieu dans les Longmen Shan avec des caractéristiques atypiques. / The aim of this study is to understand formation, evolution and reactivation processes of an atypic intracontinental mountain range : the Longmen Shan (Sichuan, China). The Longmen Shan are located at the boundary between the Yangtze craton and the tibetan crust and were mostly formed during the indosinian orogeny, at the end of the Triassic. After this orogeny, the Longmen Shan were reactivated by several deformation phases. This mountain range is a key area to study reactivation processes and structural and thermal inheritance. Furthermore, the Longmen Shan tectonic history is linked with the formation and the evolution of the Tibetan Plateau.At first, a detailed seismological imagery was performed along a cross-section through the Longmen Shan, passing by the epicenter of the Sichuan earthquake. 35 seismological stations were deployed during more than 2 years with a small interstation distance. Using the receiver function method and gravimetric data, a steep Moho step of about 20km between the 63km-thick Tibetan crust and the 45km-thick Yangtze craton was imaged. This geometry is the result of the confrontation between the thick and soft tibetan lithosphere abutting the resistant Yangtze lithosphere. Vp/Vs ratio and crustal and mantellic anisotropic measurements indicate that there is no extensive zone of partial melting inside the tibetan crust, which is in disagreement with models that proposed the occurence of a channel flow inside the crust. The second part of this word was focused on the long-term study of the deformation in the Longmen Shan using stratigraphic, tectonic and metamorphic data. This part highlights the importance of the geological inheritance in the present-day crustal geometry of the mountain range. Since the beginning of the Paleozoïc, the Western passive margin of the Yangtze crust was probably already associated with a crustal thickness step, as a consequence of the transtensive openning context. The Longmen Shan were located at a paleogeographic boundary. At the end of the Triassic, the closure of the Paleotethys is responsible of the formation of the thick Songpan Garze accretionary wedge which overflowed on the Western part of the Yangtze craton margin, in the Longmen Shan area. There is no evidence of subduction in this belt and the associated metamorphism consists of middle temperatures and relatively low pressures. Metamorphic data indicates that a pressure maximum (lower than 8kbar) was followed by a temperature maximum which could be associated with partial melting, as observed in Danba metamorphic complexe. Lateral variations of the recorded exhumation are interpreted as a consequence of the dynamics of the setting up of the Songpan Garze nappe on the Yangtze craton margin. The Longmen Shan are located at the front of the Songpan Garze nappe and marks a transition zone between two contrasted tectonic and metamorphic provinces.This study highlights a cretaceous reactivation phase probably associated with the clockwise rotation of the Yangtze craton. At the end, the last deformation phase is a consequence of the India/Eurasia collision.The Longmen Shan were a major paleogeographic boundary at the end of the Paleozoïc which were subject to the overflow of the thick Songpan Garze accretionary wedge. This overflow is responsible of a relief inversion and a crustal thickenning as a consequence of superposition of the sedimentary pile. After this episode, the region will be reactivated by the distant Yanshanian and the Himalayan orogenies.

L’image de la tombe en Égypte ancienne. Histoire iconographique d’un motif (XVIIIe – XXIIe dynasties) / The Image of the Tomb in Ancient Egypt. Iconographical History of a Motif (XVIIIth – XXIInd Dynasties)

Semat, Aude 09 May 2017 (has links)
L’objet de cette étude est la représentation de l’architecture dans la peinture (ou architectura picta), en Égypte ancienne, à travers une étude de cas : la tombe comme motif iconographique au Nouvel Empire et au début de la Troisième Période intermédiaire.Après une mise au point sur les principes de représentation égyptiens et l’image architecturale en Égypte, dans toute sa diversité, l’étude porte sur l’évocation de la nécropole et des abords de la tombe dans l’iconographie. Une part importante de l’analyse est consacrée à la montagne en tant qu’objet figuré, notamment sa genèse à la XVIIIe dynastie, et aborde la question de la « représentation paysagère » en Égypte ancienne.L’architecture funéraire fait l’objet d’une mise en image à partir de la XVIIIe dynastie, dans le cadre de la représentation de rites funéraires sur les parois des tombes. Si les premières représentations sont conventionnelles et renvoient à l’architecture sacrée, elles intègrent au cours de la XVIIIe dynastie des éléments du réel, prenant pour modèle les tombes telles que se présentent au Nouvel Empire, c'est-à-dire des tombes pourvues d’une structure pyramidale. Cette image de la tombe à pyramide devient un motif du répertoire iconographique égyptien et perdure sur les cercueils et les papyri funéraires à la Troisième Période intermédiaire, après que les tombes à pyramide cessent elles-même d’exister. L’étude pose donc la question, en filigrane, du rapport au réel dans la peinture égyptienne, mais aussi de la fonction d’une telle image. / The study examines the representation of architecture in painting (or architectura picta) in ancient Egypt, through a case study of the tomb as an iconographical motif during the New Kingdom and the early Third Intermediate Period.After an overview of the principles of Egyptian representation and the architectural images in ancient Egypt, in all their diversity, the study focuses on the iconographical evocation of the necropolis and the tomb’s surroundings. An important part of this study concerns the mountain as an object of representation and in particular, its origins during the XVIIIth Dynasty, as well as dealing with landscape depictions in ancient Egypt.The funerary architecture is put in painting during the XVIIIth Dynasty, within depictions of funerary rites in private tombs. If the first tomb depictions refer to sacred architecture, according to representational conventions ; they show realistic elements in the course of the XVIIIth Dynasty, being modeled after the tomb architecture as it is during the New Kingdom, which is to say a pyramid-topped tomb. This tomb motif is integrated into the Egyptian iconographical repertoire and remains on coffins and funerary papyri, after the pyramid tomb itself disappeared from architecture in the Third Intermediate Period.The underlying question in this study is the relation to reality in Egyptian painting, but also the function of the tomb image.

Exploiter les territoires, maîtriser l'espace : économies de montagne dans le Haut-Atlas marocain / Exploit the territoires, master the space : mountain economies in the Moroccan High Atlas

Mulet, Pascal 15 October 2015 (has links)
Au croisement de l’ethnographie économique, de l’anthropologie de la parenté et des études des mondes ruraux, cette thèse traite de l’imbrication de différentes sphères économiques dans le cadre de la poly-activité ainsi que de l’inscription spatiale des pratiques économiques dans un milieu agraire de montagne du Haut-Atlas marocain. Ce faisant, il s’agit de questionner la structuration de l’espace, les processus de catégorisation des lieux et des personnes à partir de la notion de monde à portée empruntée à la phénoménologie.Basée sur une étude ethnographique de deux ans au sein d’un village, des réseaux de migration, et auprès de touristes et porteurs de projets de « solidarité internationale », l’analyse est centrée sur les pratiques économiques en tant que situations dans lesquelles s’engagent des personnes et sur la constitution des groupes sociaux en tant qu’ils ont lieu dans le cadre de pratiques effectives. Dans ce contexte où l’économie domestique est le cadre de nombre d’activités productives et où parmi celles-ci l’agro-pastoralisme tient une place importante, l’analyse des pratiques est conjointe à celle de la parenté pratique, que l’on considère l’organisation des groupes domestiques ou encore la circulation des patrimoines et des statuts au sein des lignées. Au-delà de ces productions, échanges et consommations à base locale, les pratiques économiques observées ont lieu dans des espaces plus larges : marchés des biens et marchés du travail accessibles par la mobilité, économie du tourisme mettant en scène allochtones et autochtones, ou encore économie de l’humanitaire constituant le village comme centre d’une scène sociale transnationale.L’analyse de ces pratiques, de leurs imbrications et des liens ainsi constitués permet de questionner les logiques de la structuration du monde vécu et de la construction en situation du monde à portée. / At the junction of economic ethnography, anthropology of kinship and rural studies, this thesis focuses on how different economic spheres interlace within the framework of poly-activity, and examines how the economic practices are spatially inscribed within the agrarian mountainous environment of the Moroccan High Atlas. In so doing, I tackle processes of space structuring and social categorization of places and people by drawing on the phenomenological concept of world within reach. Based on a two years ethnographic study carried out in a village as well as within migration networks and with tourists and ''international solidarity '' project leaders, my dissertation scrutinizes both economic practices as situations in which people engage, and social groups formation as they take place in the context of actual practices. In this perspective, in which the household economy constitutes the setting of various productive activities – agro-pastoralism holding an essential place among them – the study of economic practices meets the analysis of pratical kinship by considering, for instance, the organization of domestic groups or the circulation of heritage and statuses within the lineages. Beside these productions, exchanges and consumptions made on a local basis, I was able to observe economic practices which take place in wider spaces such as : the consumer and labor markets that geographical mobility allows access to ; the tourism economy which bind together natives an foreigners ; or the economy related to the humanitarian field through which the village becomes the center of a transnational social scene. The analysis of these practices, their interweaving, and the links so established, allow me to inquire into the logics of the structuring of the world as it is experienced and into the ways the world within reach takes form.

Geomorfologické projevy neotektonické aktivity podél úpatního zlomu pohoří Cordillera Blanca, Peru / Geomorphological evidence of neotectonic activity along Cordillera Blanca fault zone, Peru

Masák, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Southwest base of Cordillera Blanca mts. in South American Ands belongs to the most tectonically active fault zones. The core of this thesis was making of a detailed geomorphological map based on remote sensing satellite images for the purpose of analysis of direct and indirect manifestations of neotectonics. The greatest emphasis was placed on morphological manifestations of tectonics movements which are fault scarps facets and vertical fault steps deforming other shapes of relief - e.g. lateral moraines, dejection cones. Vertical steps reach from a few meters to tens of meters (max. 60 m) according to the age of influenced landform. Evaluation of measurements from deformometr from locality Pitec shows main trends of movements - moderate rise of massif, slow opening of fault plane and negligible left-lateral slip. Calculation of mountain-front sinuosity index, whose values were found relatively low, confirms high tectonic activity of fault zone. Analysis of longitudinal stream profiles hasn't showed presence of knick-points in the place of crossing with fault zone. Non-continuous process of lifting movements, whose interval is estimated at 1ka to 3ka (while the very last 2ka has been in relative tectonic calm), could be a possible explanation. Deep erosion of water streams wiped the tectonics...

Proposta de sistema de monitoramento de doenças para animais silvestres e domésticos na Serra do Japi / Proposal for a disease monitoring system for wild and domestic animals in the Japi Mountain Range

Monica Fagundes de Carvalho Klein-Gunnewiek 24 November 2005 (has links)
A necessidade de investigar a relação entre as doenças de animais domésticos e animais silvestres da fauna brasileira motivou a realização deste trabalho. Tais doenças podem afetar de forma irreversível populações de espécies silvestres e, sobretudo comprometer do ponto de vista sanitário, produtivo e comercial a criação de animais domésticos de produção. A nova concepção da Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal sobre a importância da introdução das espécies silvestres nos sistemas de vigilância de doenças notificáveis, o significativo aumento de eventos de doenças emergentes cujo reservatório é um animal silvestre e a necessidade de preservação da nossa biodiversidade levou ao estudo de um modelo teórico de sistema de monitoramento de doenças de animais silvestres e domésticos em uma unidade de conservação de uso sustentável. Setenta por cento das unidades de conservação criadas pelo Estado de São Paulo são de uso sustentável. Como ali a permanência de residentes é permitida, acredita-se que o desafio da convivência entre seres humanos, animais domésticos e silvestres é ainda maior. Além disso, a corrente neo conservacionista atual tende a defender a permanência de comunidades tradicionais em áreas naturais protegidas. Com todos esses fatores, decidiu-se tomar como modelo de estudo a unidade de conservação de uso sustentável da Serra do Japi, pois ela constitui uma área de transição de ecossistemas e, portanto, possui uma riquíssima fauna e mais de 100 propriedades rurais com criação de animais domésticos. Inicialmente, a estratégia foi fazer um diagnóstico da situação sanitária dos animais domésticos de produção e ao mesmo tempo analisar as possibilidades de implantação de um monitoramento das doenças de animais silvestres e domésticos na Serra do Japi. O grande desafio identificado no estudo foi definir a metodologia a ser empregada para que seja possível estabelecer uma rotina de coleta de amostras e introduzi-las em um sistema de monitoramento permanente visando posteriormente a criação de um sistema de vigilância. Outro desafio será reunir entidades afins, porém heterogêneas em sua concepção e organização, com o propósito de tornar factível a implantação de um sistema futuro de vigilância de doença de animais silvestres para o Estado de São Paulo. Tal situação sugere-nos a imprescindível necessidade de regulamentar uma parceria entre o serviço veterinário oficial e demais serviços ligados à saúde animal e ao meio ambiente e organizações não governamentais. A sorologia para brucelose nos animais domésticos da região foi negativa para todas as amostras. Enquanto a prevalência para leptospirose foi de 43,4% [37,5-49,4] para bovinos e 63, 7 % [57, 3-70, 5] para equinos. / What motivated the accomplishment of this work was the need to investigate the link between wild and domestic animals diseases of the Brazilian fauna. Such diseases can irreversibly affect the wild species populations and especially compromise (from the sanitary, productive and commercial point of view) the breeding of domestic production animals. The new concept of the World Animal Health Organization regarding the inclusion of wild species in the health surveillance systems, the significant increase of new cases of diseases which originated from wild species and also the need to preserve our biodiversity led to the study of a theoretical model of a disease monitoring system for wild and domestic animals in a conservation area of sustainable use.Seventy percent of the conservation areas established by the São Paulo State are of sustainable use. Since human beings are allowed to reside in these sites, the challenge of the coexistence among human beings, wild and domestic animals is even greater. Besides that, the modern neo-conservationist current tends to defend the permanence of traditional communities in natural areas which are protected. Taking these factors into account, we decided to use as a study model the conservation area of sustainable use in the Japi Mountain Range, since it is an area of ecosystem transition and; thus, it has an invaluable fauna and it has more than 90 rural properties which raise domestic animals. At first, the strategy was to make a diagnostic of the sanitary situation of domestic production animals and at the same time to analyze the means for implanting a disease monitoring system for wild and domestic animals in the Japi Mountain Range.The great challenge identified in this study was to define the methodology to be employed in order to establish a routine of collection of samples and to introduce them in a permanent monitoring system so that later a surveillance system could be created. Another challenge was to bring together entities, which were similar but at the same time heterogeneous in its organization and conception, in order to make the implantation of a future disease monitoring system for wild animals in the State of São Paulo feasible. Such situation indicates that there would be a need to have a partnership among the official veterinary services, other services related to animal health, and with environmental and nongovernmental agencies. The serology for undulant fever (brucellosis) in domestic animals in the region was negative in all samples. While the prevalence of leptospirose was of 43, 4% [37.5 - 49, 4] for bovine and 63, 7 % [57, 3-70, 5] for equine.

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