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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obecní úřad s multifunkčním sálem / City hall with a multifunctional space

Zabáková, Laura Unknown Date (has links)
The main task of the master project is to design a nearly zero energy local council building with multipurpose hall in Syrovice cadastral area. It is a three-storey building with basement. In the basement there are technical facilities and garage. Ground floor includes conference room, multipurpose hall, kitchen, cloak room and toilets. First floor includes offices, archive, staff kitchen and toilets. The building’s vertical load-bearing structures are a combination of ceramic block masonry and reinforced concrete columns. Envelope walls are insulated with mineral wool and XPS. The floor slabs and the staircase are designed from cast-in-place reinforced concrete. The building has flat extensive green roofs with photovoltaics installation. The building is equipped with HVAC system with mechanical ventilation with heat-recovery, floor heating and cooling supplied by a ground-water heat pump. The building is also equipped with rainwater accumulation system supplying rainwater for the toilets and watering.

Víceúčelová aréna Brno / Multi-purpose Arena Brno

Chaloupková, Jolana January 2009 (has links)
Multipurpose hall Brno- Arena is situated in Brno- Bosonohy with capacity 12.000 visitors and 20.000m2. retail. Composition of all area is contained the Mulltipurpose hall, the Training hall, one floor garage and parking. Walkable roof of garage and the Training hall serve as a dispersion area as well as a relaxation zone.

Městský polyfunkční dům na ulici Křížová, Brno / Multipurpose Town House on Křížová Street, Brno

Souček, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this Diploma Thesis was the design of multipurpose town house located on Křížová Street, Brno with the significant housing part, but also with areas for administration offices and commercial use. The project focuses on new attempt and concept of inner part of the block, as well as on connection into the existing historical urban structure. A new multi-storey monolithic house with seven floors and glass façade was designed. Commercial area is located in the parterre of the house, second floor is used for offices and the roof (7th floor) gives attractive place for a café. The rest of the house (3rd to 6th floor) has a dwelling purpose. Diploma Thesis copes with the function of yard and underground parking place, as well.

Město místo továrny / The City instead of the Factory

Vaculovičová, Vanda January 2011 (has links)
Architectural and urban design for the reconversion of the part of the Old Brno (former textil fabric of the company Kras and surrounding areas) based on the existing structure of the Old Brno and ideas of compact city (mixing functions> multipurpose buildings, the divergence between private and public space, higher density of the city ...) The work consists of several parts: planning studies, design transportation solutions, waterfront Svratka concept and design for the multifunctional block on the waterfront. What is important is the idea of calming waterfront Svratka (sheltering services to the proposed tunnel and the cancellation of barrier between the city and the river). The waterfront district should become after more attractive location and provide a space for sport, recreation and afternoon walks. There is a block of multipurpose buildings on the waterfront. A corporate underground garage, which is under the block, should be build by a strong investor / city. After underground garage completion, the site will be divided into several parcels and these will be rented to various long-term investors .Tenants can build buildings on them according to their needs. It is possible to build buildings above the garage in sequence development. The project is just one of many options. Individual buildings are design in scale 1:200

Three Essays in Parallel Machine Scheduling

Garg, Amit January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Incorporación del modelo polivalente en el derecho a huelga

Lopez Nombera, Rocio del Pilar January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación planteó como objetivo proponer la incorporación del modelo polivalente del derecho a huelga a efectos de regular un universo de modalidades para el ejercicio efectivo de la medida de fuerza. En esa línea, resultó necesario comprobar la ineficiencia de la modalidad clásica conforme a piezas doctrinarias y jurisprudenciales; a su vez, se enfatizó en la naturaleza dinámica del modelo polivalente que provee de diversos mecanismos a la organización sindical para la consecución de sus fines. Por otro lado, la metodología empleada fue cualitativa, de tipo descriptivo, bibliográfico y analítico. Para finalizar, de los resultados obtenidos se resaltó que la modalidad clásica es deficiente, en cuanto a que, la paralización de actividades no es efectiva para causar una afectación en todas las empresas debido a que contemplan distintos procesos de producción, no generándose el daño lícito buscado. En ese sentido, se concluye que el modelo polivalente es considerado como la máxima expresión de la libertad sindical y su ejercicio genera la presión esperada hacia el empleador; asimismo, la desconexión digital al ser incompatible con la modalidad clásica demanda su debida protección en el ordenamiento jurídico. / The objective of this research was to propose the incorporation of the multipurpose model of the right to strike to regulate a universe of modalities for the effective exercise of the measure of force. Along these lines, it was necessary to verify the inefficiency of the classical modality according to doctrinal and jurisprudential pieces; in turn, the dynamic nature of the multipurpose model that provides different mechanisms to the union organization to achieve its goals was emphasized. On the other hand, the methodology used was qualitative, descriptive, bibliographic and analytical. Finally, from the results obtained, it was highlighted that the classic modality is deficient, in that the stoppage of activities is not effective in causing an impact on all companies because they contemplate different production processes, not generating legal damage. sought. In this sense, it is concluded that the multipurpose model is considered the maximum expression of union freedom, and its exercise generates the expected pressure on the employer; Likewise, digital disconnection, being incompatible with the classic modality, demands its due protection in the legal system.

Study and analysis of the behavior of a construction system for sustainable architecture / Estudio y análisis del comportamiento de un sistema constructivo para arquitectura sostenible

Jaber, Nader 12 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo de esta tesis es diseñar una estructura polivalente que tiene la capacidad y los criterios a ser utilizados en situaciones de emergencia, y en los países en desarrollo, donde se deben realizar intervenciones para ayudar a superar algunos problemas de la vida. Se trata de un esqueleto principal que definirá la forma final de la estructura y se va a transformar con el fin de que se adapte a todos los climas, y a los diferentes terrenos, y a las diferentes situaciones de emergencia. Esta estructura puede ser utilizada para las escuelas y los hospitales en los países en desarrollo, para el apoyo a los refugiados, para las exposiciones temporales de recaudación de fondos... El proyecto se realizará con materiales sostenibles traídos de los alrededores de la zona de intervención con el fin de eliminar los gastos de transporte y dejar que se mezclan con su ambiente. La tecnología elegida es la del Space Frame, proporcionando una gran cobertura de espacio con un mínimo de material. La estructura es sostenible por lo que se basara únicamente en las fuentes naturales de energía para satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios y, si es posible, crear energía adicional. La investigación y el desarrollo del proyecto se llevaron a cabo en 3 países: el estudio sostenible ha sido realizado en Italia, el desarrollo del proyecto en España, Valencia, y la recuperación de información, investigación de campo y la experimentación se llevaba a cabo en el Líbano, donde los conflictos en curso han dado lugar a un número sin precedente de refugiados allí. La tesis parte desde el estudio de la arquitectura de emergencia en general para después tratar la historia de este tema en el Líbano. Una vez entendido el contexto es más fácil traer las líneas guiadas necesarias para que este proyecto no cae en los mismos errores de los antecedentes. Llegado a este nivel, y para justificar más el proyecto y hacerlo lo más cercano de las necesidades actuales en el país, se ha hecho un largo trabajo e investigación y entrevistas en diferentes campos de refugiados. Desde esta parte se ha podido traer otras líneas guiadas para mejorar el proyecto. Con todas estas líneas guiadas, se ha adelantado el dibujo, estudio y análisis sostenible y estructural del proyecto de la tesis. / [CA] L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és dissenyar una estructura polivalent que tingui la capacitat i els criteris a utilitzar en situacions d'emergència i en països en desenvolupament, on s'han de fer intervencions per ajudar a superar alguns problemes de vida. Es tracta d'un esquelet principal que definirà la forma final de l'estructura i es transformarà de manera que s'adapti a tots els climes i a diferents terrenys i a diferents situacions d'emergència. Aquesta estructura es pot utilitzar per a escoles i hospitals dels països en desenvolupament, per donar suport als refugiats, per a exposicions temporals de recaptació de fons... El projecte es farà amb materials sostenibles provocats per l'àrea d'intervenció per eliminar els costos de transport i deixar-los barrejar al seu entorn. La tecnologia escollida és Space Frame, proporcionant una gran cobertura espacial amb un mínim de material. L'estructura és sostenible, de manera que només es basarà en fonts d'energia naturals per satisfer les necessitats dels usuaris i, si és possible, crear energia addicional. La investigació i el desenvolupament del projecte es van dur a terme a 3 països: l'estudi sostenible es va dur a terme a Itàlia, el desenvolupament del projecte a Espanya, València i la recuperació d'informació, la investigació i l'experimentació de camp es van dur a terme al Líban, on els conflictes en curs han provocat un nombre sense precedents de refugiats. La tesi parteix de l'estudi de l'arquitectura d'emergència en general i després tracta la història d'aquest tema al Líban. Un cop entès el context, és més fàcil portar les línies guiades necessàries perquè aquest projecte no caigui en els mateixos errors que els anteriors. A aquest nivell, i per justificar encara més el projecte i fer-lo tan a prop de les necessitats actuals del país, s'han realitzat treballs extensos i investigacions i entrevistes en diferents camps de refugiats. A partir d'aquesta part ha estat possible portar altres línies guiades per millorar el projecte. Amb totes aquestes línies guiades, s'ha avançat el dibuix, l'estudi i l'anàlisi sostenible i estructural del projecte de tesi. / [EN] The objective of this thesis is to design a multipurpose structure that has the capacity and criteria to be used in emergency situations, and in developing countries, where interventions must be made to help overcome some life problems. This is a main skeleton that will define the final shape of the structure and will be transformed so that it adapts to all climates, and to different terrains, and to different emergency situations. This structure can be used for schools and hospitals in developing countries, for supporting refugees, for temporary fundraising exhibitions... The project will be made with sustainable materials brought from around the area of intervention in order to eliminate transportation costs and let them blend into their environment. The technology chosen is Space Frame, providing great space coverage with a minimum of material. The structure is sustainable so it will rely solely on natural energy sources to meet the needs of users and, if possible, create additional energy. The research and development of the project was carried out in 3 countries: the sustainable study was carried out in Italy, the development of the project in Spain, Valencia, and the information retrieval, field research and experimentation was carried out in Lebanon, where ongoing conflicts have led to unprecedented numbers of refugees there. The thesis starts from the study of emergency architecture in general and then deals with the history of this topic in Lebanon. Once the context is understood, it is easier to bring the necessary guided lines so that this project does not fall into the same errors as the previous ones. At this level, and to further justify the project and make it as close to the current needs in the country, extensive work and research and interviews have been done in different refugee camps. From this part it has been possible to bring other guided lines to improve the project. With all these lines guided, the drawing, study and sustainable and structural analysis of the thesis project has been advanced. / Jaber, N. (2024). Study and analysis of the behavior of a construction system for sustainable architecture [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206180

Conjunctive And Multipurpose Operation Of Reservoirs Using Genetic Algorithms

Seetha Ram, Katakam V 05 1900 (has links)
Optimal operation of reservoir systems is necessary for better utilizing the limited water resources and to justify the high capital investments associated with reservoir projects. However, finding optimal policies for real-life problems of reservoir systems operation (RSO) is a challenging task as the available analytical methods can not handle the arbitrary functions of the problem and almost all methods employed are numerical or iterative type that are computer dependent. Since the computer resources in terms of memory and CPU time are limited, a limit exists for the size of the problem, in terms of arithmetic and memory involved, that can be handled. This limit is approached quickly as the dimension and the nonlinearity of the problem increases. In encountering the complex aspects of the problem all the traditionally employed methods have their own drawbacks. Linear programming (LP), though very efficient in dealing with linear functions, can not handle nonlinear functions which is the case mostly in real-life problems. Attempting to approximate nonlinear functions to linear ones results in the problem size growing enormously. Dynamic programming (DP), though suitable for most of the RSO problems, requires exponentially increasing computer resources as the dimension of the problem increases and at present many high dimensional real-life problems can not be solved using DP. Nonlinear programming (NLP) methods are not known to be efficient in RSO problems due to slow rate of convergence and inability to handle stochastic problems. Simulation methods can, practically, explore only a small portion of the search region. Many simplifications in formulations and adoption of approximate methods in literature still fall short in addressing the most critical aspects, namely multidimensionality, stochasticity, and additional complexity in conjunctive operation, of the problem. As the problem complexity increases and the possibility of arriving at the solution recedes, a near optimal solution with the best use of computational resources can be very valuable. In this context, genetic algorithms (GA) can be a promising technique which is believed to have an advantage in terms of efficient use of computer resources. GA is a random search method which find, in general, near optimal solutions using evolutionary mechanism of natural selection and natural genetics. When a pool of feasible solutions, represented in a coded form, are given fitness according to a objective function and explored by genetic operators for obtaining new pools of solutions, then the ensuing trajectories of solutions come closer and closer to the optimal solution which has the greatest fitness associated with it. GA can be applied to arbitrary functions and is not excessively sensitive to the dimension of the problem. Though in general GA finds only the near optimal solutions trapping in local optima is not a serious problem due to global look and random search. Since GA is not fully explored for RSO problems two such problems are selected here to study the usefulness and efficiency of GA in obtaining near optimal solutions. One problem is conjunctive operation of a system consisting of a surface reservoir and an aquifer, taken from the literature for which deterministic and stochastic models are solved. Another problem is real-time operation of a multipurpose reservoir, operated for irrigation (primary purpose) and hydropower production, which is in the form of a case study. The conjunctive operation problem consists of determining optimal policy for a combined system of a surface reservoir and an aquifer. The surface reservoir releases water to an exclusive area for irrigation and to a recharge facility from which it reaches the aquifer in the following period. Another exclusive area is irrigated by water pumped from the aquifer. The objective is to maximize the total benefit from the two irrigated areas. The inflow to the surface reservoir is treated as constant in deterministic model and taken at 6 different classes in stochastic model. The hydrological interactions between aquifer and reservoir are described using a lumped parameter model in which the average aquifer water table is arrived at based on the quantity of water in the aquifer, and local drawdown in pumping well is neglected. In order to evaluate the GA solution both deterministic and stochastic models are solved using DP and stochastic DP (SDP) techniques respectively. In the deterministic model, steady state (SS) cyclic (repetitive) solution is identified in DP as well as in GA. It is shown that the benefit from GA solution converges to as near as 95% of the benefit from exact DP solution at a highly discounted CPU time. In the stochastic model, the steady state solution obtained with SDP consists of converged first stage decisions, which took a 8-stage horizon, for any combination of components of the system state. The GA solution is obtained after simplifying the model to reduce the number of decision variables. Unlike SDP policy which gives decisions considering the state of the system in terms of storages, at reservoir, aquifer, and recharge facility, and previous inflow at the beginning of that period, GA gives decisions for each period of the horizon considering only the past inflow state of the period. In arriving at these decisions the effect of neglected state information is approximately reflected in the decisions by the process of refinement of the decisions, to conform to feasibility of storages in reservoir and aquifer, carried out in a simplified simulation process. Moreover, the validity of the solution is confirmed by simulating the operation with all possible inflow sequences for which the 8-stages benefit converged up to 90 % of the optimum. However, since 8 stages are required for convergence to SS, a 16-stage process is required for GA method in which the first 8 stages policy is valid. Results show that GA convergence to the optimum is satisfactory, justifying the approximations, with significant savings in CPU time. For real-time operation of a multipurpose reservoir, a rule curve (RC) based monthly operation is formulated and applied on a real-life problem involving releases for irrigation as well as power production. The RC operation is based on the target storages that have to be maintained, at each season of the year, in the reservoir during normal hydrological conditions. Exceptions to target storages are allowed when the demands have to be met or for conserving water during the periods of high inflows. The reservoir in the case study supplies water to irrigation fields through two canals where a set of turbines each at the canal heads generate hydropower. A third set of turbines operate on the river bed with the water let out downstream from the dam. The problem consists of determining the the RC target storages that facilitate maximum power production while meeting the irrigation demands up to a given reliability level. The RC target storages are considered at three different levels, corresponding to dry, normal, and wet conditions, according to the system state in terms of actual (beginning of period) storage of the reservoir. That is, if the actual beginning storage of the reservoir is less than some coefficient, dry-coe, times the normal target storage the target for the end of the period storage is taken at the dry storage target (of the three sets of storages). Similarly the wet level is taken for the end of the period target if the actual beginning storage is greater than some coefficient, wet-coe, times the normal storage. For other conditions the target is the normal storage level. The dry-coe and wet-coe parameters are obtained by trial and error analysis working on a small sequence of inflows. The three sets of targets are obtained from optimization over a 1000 year generated inflow sequence. With deterministic DP solutions, for small sequences of inflows, the optimization capability of GA-RC approach, in terms of objective function convergence, and generalization or robustness capability of GA-RC approach, for which the GA-RC benefit is obtained by simulating the reservoir operation using the previously obtained GA-RC solution, are evaluated. In both the cases GA-RC approach proves to be promising. Finally a 15 year real-time simulation of the reservoir is carried out using historical inflows and demands and the comparison with the historical operation shows significant improvement in benefit, i.e. power produced, without compromising irrigation demands throughout the simulation period.

Cadastro Técnico Multifinalitário com uso de Sistema de Informação Geográfica aplicado à gestão pública de municípios de pequeno porte / Multipurpose Register with use of Geographic Information Systems applied to public management of small cities

Duarte, Daniel Camilo de Oliveira 26 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:28:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 2529764 bytes, checksum: 7f147ffd9236848ebb769b843c2a8571 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-26 / Most small towns in the state of Minas Gerais is currently living in a state -of-date geographic information, that prevents them from properly discharge duties as the municipalization of education and public health , the provision of sanitation services, proper taxation the preservation of the environment, among others . The Technical Registry Multipurpose can be defined as a system of territorial information about a municipality, based on plots , designed to serve both the public agency and the private , in addition to service a greater number possible applications. To support this process several geoprocessing techniques such as Remote Sensing, Geodesy and Surveying, Geographic Information and Modeling Geographical Database systems can be used. These systems have the purpose of improving the process of design,implementation, generation and dissemination of maps, either digital analog way. Thus the objectives of this study were research methodologies in the areas of modeling, development and structuring of Geographical Database maintained by Geographic Information System applied to technical Sign Multipurpose, Management of small municipalities. Therefore a conceptual model of geographic database for a small municipality was created and deployed a Geographic Information System in order to analyze spatially multipurpose factors in the areas of taxation, transportation and environment. This conjuncture of data, methods and geographic information enables the planning and management of physical space and serve as a parameter for solving many problems, can be used in prospecting studies urban planning and supporting decision making. Thus contributing to increase the efficiency of municipal cadastral systems to enable faster decisions, increasing operational capacity in terms of quality of decisions and intervention time, increasing the objectivity and enabling decisions on a more technical and less subjective basis, plus of providing a more rational use of financial resources and social facilities and allowing the most suitable design of public policies and providing better quality of management. / A maior parte dos municípios de pequeno porte no estado de Minas Gerais caracteriza-se pela falta ou desatualização de informações geográficas, o que os impede de assumir adequadamente funções como a municipalizaçãoda educação e saúde pública, a concessão de serviços de saneamento, a correta tributação, a preservação do meio ambiente, entre outros.O Cadastro Técnico Multifinalitário pode ser definido como um sistema de informações territoriais a respeito de um município, baseado em parcelas, projetado para servir tanto aos órgãos públicos como aos privados, além de atender a um maior número possível de aplicações. Para subsidiar este processo podem ser utilizadas diversas técnicas de geoprocessamento como o Sensoriamento Remoto, Geodésia e Topografia, Sistemas de Informações Geográficase Modelagem de Banco de Dados Geográficos.Estes sistemas têm a finalidade de aperfeiçoar o processo de concepção, implantação, geração e difusão de mapas, seja por forma digital ou analógica. Assim os objetivos deste trabalho foram pesquisar metodologias nas áreas de modelagem, desenvolvimento e estruturação de Banco de Dados Geográficos mantidos por Sistema de Informação Geográfico aplicado ao Cadastro Técnico Multifinalitário, para gerenciamento de municípios de pequeno porte. Portanto, foi criado um modelo conceitual de banco de dados geográficos para município de pequeno porte e implantado um Sistema de Informação Geográfica de modo a analisar espacialmente fatores multifinalitários nas áreas de tributação, transporte e meio ambiente. Esta conjuntura de dados, métodos e informações geográficas possibilitam o planejamento e a gestão do espaço físico e servem de parâmetro para solução de muitos problemas, podendo ser utilizada em estudos de prospecção ao planejamento urbano e no apoio à tomada de decisão. Contribui assim,para aumentar a eficiência do sistema cadastral municipal ao permitir decisões mais rápidas, aumentando a capacidade operativa em termos de qualidade das decisões e tempo de intervenção,aumentando a objetividade e possibilitando a tomada de decisões sobre uma base mais técnica e menos subjetiva,além de proporcionar maior racionalização no uso de recursos financeiros e dos equipamentos sociais,permitir o desenho mais adequado de políticas públicas e proporcionar melhor qualidade de gestão.

Nosná ocelová konstrukce víceúčelového halového objektu / Load carrying structure of multipurpose hall object

Prokešová, Pavlína January 2019 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis is to design and assess a multipurpose hall building in the area of Brno. The shape of the hall is rectagular with dimensions 30,0 x 84,0 m. Roofing stucture is disegned and assessed in three versiions. Variant A is designed as a sadle - type truss from the CSH profile. Variant B is designed as a square - type truss from the CHS prosile. Variant C is designed as a arched truss from the CSH profile. These versions are compared by weight, manufacturing complexity and appearance. Preferable version is processed in detail. The work also includes a static calculation of the supporting elements, joints and drawing documentation..

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