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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JOSE LEONEL AREVALO GARCIA 15 August 2016 (has links)
[pt] Na primeira parte desta tese, são desenvolvidos dois esquemas de detecção por listas para sistemas MIMO multiusuário. As técnicas propostas usam uma única transformação de redução de reticulado (LR) para modificar a matriz de canal entre os usuários e a estação base (BS). Após a transformação LR, um candidato confiável do sinal transmitido é obtido usando um detector de cancelamento sucessivo de interferências (SIC). No detector em múltiplos ramos com redução de reticulado e cancelamento sucessivo de interferências (MB-LR-SIC) proposto, um número fixo de diferentes ordenamentos para o detector SIC gera uma lista de possíveis candidatos para a informação transmitida. O melhor candidato é escolhido usando o critério maximum likelihood (ML). No detector por listas de tamanho variável (VLD) proposto, um algoritmo que decide se o candidato atual tem uma boa qualidade ou se é necessário continuar procurando por um candidato melhor nos ordenamentos restantes é utilizado. Os resultados numéricos mostram que os esquemas propostos têm um desempenho quase ótimo com uma complexidade computacional bem abaixo do detector ML. Um esquema de detecção e decodificação iterativa (IDD) baseado no algoritmo VLD é também desenvolvido, produzindo um desempenho próximo a um sistema mono usuário (SU) livre de interferências. Na segunda parte desta tese, uma técnica de detecção desacoplada de sinais (DSD) para sistemas MIMO massivo é proposta. Esta técnica permite que o sinal composto recebido na BS seja separado em sinais independentes, correspondentes a diferentes classes de usuários, viabilizando assim o uso dos procedimentos de detecção propostos na primeira parte desta tese em sistemas MIMO massivos. Um modelo de sinais para sistemas MIMO massivo com antenas centralizadas e/ou antenas distribuídas operando em redes heterogêneas de quinta geração é proposto. Uma análise baseada na soma das taxas e um estudo de custo computacional para DSD são apresentados. Os resultados numéricos ilustram o excelente compromisso desempenho versus complexidade obtido com a técnica DSD quando comparada com o esquema de detecção conjunta tradicional. / [en] In the first part of this thesis, we introduce two list detection schemes for the uplink scenario of multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MUMIMO) systems. The proposed techniques employ a single lattice reduction (LR) transformation to modify the channel matrix between the users and the base station (BS). After the LR transformation, a reliable candidate for the transmitted signal vector, provided by successive interference cancellation (SIC) detection is obtained. In the proposed multi-branch lattice reduction SIC (MB-LR-SIC) detector, a fixed number of different orderings, generates a list of SIC detection candidates. The best candidate is chosen according to the maximum likelihood (ML) selection criterion. For the proposed variable list detection (VLD) scheme, an algorithm to decide if the current candidate has good quality or if it is necessary to further explore different orderings to improve the detection performance is employed. Simulation results indicate that the proposed schemes have a near-optimal performance while keeping its computational complexity well below that of the ML detector. An iterative detection and decoding (IDD) scheme based on the VLD algorithm is also developed, producing an excellent performance that approaches the single user (SU) scenario. In the second part of this thesis, a decoupled signal detection (DSD) technique which allows the separation of uplink signals, for each user class, at the base station (BS) for massive MIMO systems is proposed. The proposed DSD allows to implement the detection procedures proposed in the first part of this thesis in massive MIMO scenarios. A mathematical signal model for massive MIMO systems with centralized and distributed antennas in the future fifth generation (5G) heterogeneous cellular networks is also developed. A sum-rate analysis and a study of computational cost for DSD are also presented. Simulation results show excellent performance of the proposed DSD algorithm when combined with linear and SIC-based detectors.

Coding and decoding for multiuser communication systems / 多端子通信システムにおける符号化および復号の研究 / タタンシ ツウシン システム ニオケル フゴウカ オヨビ フクゴウ ノ ケンキュウ

路 姍, Shan Lu 22 March 2014 (has links)
本論文は、多端子通信路に対するマルチユーザ符号化および復号の研究成果をまとめたものである。多重接続加算通信路による情報伝送において、複数ユーザの稼働状態を識別するための誤り訂正可能なシグネチャ符号の構成を論ず,全伝送率の高いシグネチャ符号の一般的な構成法を解明する.双方向中継通信路では、2ユーザターボ符号に対する復号の演算量を低減させる復号法を提案する。加法性白色ガウス雑音環境下では復号性能を劣化することなく、レイリーフェージング環境下では僅かな劣化にとどめながら、復号の演算量を約半分程度に低減することができる. / Coding and decoding for multiuser communication systems are investigated. For MAAC, we propose a coding scheme of (k + 1)-ary error-correcting signature codes. We give binary and non-binary signature codes. They are the best error-correcting signature codes for MAAC, in the sense that they have highest sum rates known. For TWRC, we propose a low-complexity two-user turbo decoding scheme when turbo codes are applied in two users. The approximate decoding algorithm preserves low decoding complexity over the Gaussian TWRC, without much performance degradation. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Practical Deployment Aspects of Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks

Zaher, Mahmoud January 2023 (has links)
The ever-growing demand of wireless traffic poses a challenge for current cellular networks. Each new generation must find new ways to boost the network capacity and spectral efficiency (SE) per device. A pillar of 5G is massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technology. Through utilizing a large number of antennas at each transmitting node, massive MIMO has the ability to multiplex several user equipments (UEs) on the same time-frequency resources via spatial multiplexing. Looking beyond 5G, cell-free massive MIMO has attracted a lot of attention for its ability to utilize spatial macro diversity and higher resilience to interference. The cell-free architecture is based on a large number of distributed access points (APs) jointly serving the UEs within a coverage area without creating artificial cell boundaries. It provides a promising solution that is focused on delivering uniform service quality throughout the mobile network. The main challenges of the cell-free network architecture lie in the computational complexity for signal processing and the huge fronthaul requirements for information exchange among the APs. In this thesis, we tackle some of the inherent problems of the cell-free network architecture by providing distributed solutions to the power allocation and mobility management problems. We then introduce a new method for characterizing unknown interference in wireless networks. For the problem of power allocation, a distributed learning-based solution that provides a good trade-off between SE performance and applicability for implementation in large-scale networks is developed with reduced fronthaul requirements and computational complexity. The problem is divided in a way that enables each AP (or group of APs) to separately decide on the power coefficients to the UEs based on the locally available information at the AP without exchanging information with the other APs, however, still attempting to achieve a network wide optimization objective.  Regarding mobility management, a handover procedure is devised for updating the serving sets of APs and assigned pilot to each UE in a dynamic scenario considering UE mobility. The algorithm is tailored to reduce the required number of handovers per UE and changes in pilot assignment. Numerical results show that our proposed solution identifies the essential refinements since it can deliver comparable SE to the case when the AP-UE association is completely redone. Finally, we developed a new technique based on a Bayesian approach to model the distribution of the unknown interference arising from scheduling variations in neighbouring cells. The method is shown to provide accurate modelling for the unknown interference power and an effective tool for robust rate allocation in the uplink with a guaranteed target outage performance. / Den ständigt växande efterfrågan på trådlös datatrafik är en stor utmaning för dagens mobilnät. Varje ny nätgeneration måste hitta nya sätt att öka den totala kapaciteten och spektraleffektiviteten (SE) per uppkopplad enhet. En pelare i 5G är massiv-MIMO-teknik (multiple-input-multiple-output). Genom att använda ett stort antal antenner på varje mobilmast har massiv MIMO förmågan att kommunicera med flera användarutrustningar (eng. user equipment, UE) på samma tid/frekvensresurser via så kallad rumslig multiplexing. Om man ser bortom 5G-tekniken så har cellfri massiv-MIMO väckt stort intresse tack vare sin förmåga att utnyttja rumslig makrodiversitet för att förbättra täckningen och uppnå högre motståndskraft mot störningar. Den cellfria arkitekturen bygger på att ha ett stort antal distribuerade accesspunkter (AP) som gemensamt serverar UE:erna inom ett täckningsområde utan att dela upp området konstgjorda celler. Detta är en lovande lösning som är fokuserad på att leverera enhetliga datahastigheter i hela mobilnätet. De största forskningsutmaningarna med den cellfria nätverksarkitekturen ligger i beräkningskomplexiteten för signalbehandling och de enorma kraven på fronthaul-kablarna som möjliggör informationsutbyte mellan AP:erna. I den här avhandlingen löser vi några av de grundläggande utmaningarna med den cellfria nätverksarkitekturen genom att tillhandahålla distribuerade algoritmlösningar på problem relaterade till signaleffektreglering och mobilitetshantering. Vi introducerar sedan en ny metod för att karakterisera okända störningar i trådlösa nätverk. När det gäller signaleffektreglering så utvecklas en distribuerad inlärnings-baserad metod som ger en bra avvägning mellan SE-prestanda och tillämpbarhet för implementering i storskaliga cellfria nätverk med reducerade fronthaulkrav och lägre beräkningskomplexitet. Lösningen är uppdelat på ett sätt som gör det möjligt för varje AP (eller grupp av AP) att separat besluta om effektkoefficienterna relaterade till varje UE baserat på den lokalt tillgängliga informationen vid AP:n utan att utbyta information med de andra AP:erna, men ändå försöka uppnå ett nätverksomfattande optimeringsmål. När det gäller mobilitetshantering utformas en överlämningsprocedur som dynamiskt uppdaterar vilken uppsättning av AP:er som servar en viss UE och vilken pilotsekvens som används när den rör sig över täckningsområdet. Algoritmen är skräddarsydd för att minska antalet överlämningar per UE och förändringar i pilottilldelningen. Numeriska resultat visar att vår föreslagna lösning identifierar de väsentliga förfiningarna eftersom den kan leverera jämförbar SE som när AP-UE-associationen görs om helt och hållet. Slutligen utvecklade vi en ny Bayesiansk metod för att modellera den statistiska fördelningen av de okända störningarna som uppstår på grund av schemaläggningsvariationer i närliggande celler. Metoden har visat sig ge en korrekt modell av den okända störningseffekten och är ett effektivt verktyg för robust SE-allokering i upplänken med en garanterad maximal avbrottsnivå. / <p>QC 20230503</p>

Databáze akustických nahrávek / Database of acoustic records

Terz, Marek January 2008 (has links)
The databsae of accoustical recordings is a web-based application, which is accessible with an usual web browser. There were used technologies, that are ussually used in web applications. This ensures, that the application is open for using by wide range of users. The application enables uploading WAWE files to the server and allows the user to add various description of the recordings. The application allows also comparing the quality of recordings, which were processed with some method for highlighting the accoustical signal from noise. This function is established by listening tests, which are open for every user, who wants to join the tests.

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