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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turgenev and the question of the Russian artist

Sundkvist, Luis January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the thoughts of the Russian writer Ivan Turgenev (1818-83) on the development of the arts in his native country and the specific problems facing the Russian artist. It starts by considering the state of the creative arts in Russia in the early nineteenth century and suggests why even towards the end of his life Turgenev still had some misgivings as to whether painting and music had become a real necessity for Russian society in the same way that literature clearly had. A re-appraisal of "On the Eve" (1860) then follows, indicating how the young sculptor Shubin in this novel acts as the author's alter ego in a number of respects, in particular by reflecting Turgenev's views on heroism and tragedy. The change in Shubin's attitude towards Insarov, whom the sculptor at first tries to belittle before eventually comparing him to the noble Brutus in Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar", can be said to anticipate Turgenev's own feelings about Bazarov in "Fathers and Children" (1862) and the way that this 'nihilist' attained the stature of a true tragic hero. In this chapter, too, the clichéd notion of Turgenev's alleged affinity with Schopenhauer is firmly challenged - an issue that is taken up again later on in the discussion of "Phantoms" (1864) and "Enough!" (1865). Other aspects of Turgenev's portrayal of Shubin are used to introduce the remaining chapters, where the problems of dilettantism, originality, nationalism and Slavophilism - among the most acute problems which Russian artists had to contend with in Turgenev's eyes - are explored through various works of his, especially the novel "Smoke" (1867), as well as by reference to his observations of such contemporaries as Glinka, the painter Ivanov, Tolstoi, and the composers of the 'Mighty Handful'. The springboard for the final chapter on the tragic fate befalling so many Russian artists is once again Shubin, whose voluntary exile in Rome at the end of the novel allows for certain parallels to be drawn with Gogol'. Despite Turgenev's own 'absenteeism' from Russia, for which he was much reproached, it is emphasized in the conclusion that healways remained devoted to the cause of Russia's civic and cultural development, especially in the realm of the arts, whose national, and at the same time universal, value he upheld so compellingly in his Pushkin speech of 1880.

Salvador Dalí et la musique / Salvador Dalí and Music

Barbier de Reulle, Caroline 28 January 2017 (has links)
À plusieurs reprises, Salvador Dalí a affirmé mépriser la musique. Pourtant, les références à cet art dans son œuvre sont omniprésentes dans des domaines variés : peinture, dessin, sculpture, cinéma, ballet, happening, photographie, écrits… La dissonance entre le discours et l’œuvre est au cœur de cette thèse qui cherche à définir le rôle joué par la musique dans la création de Dalí en décloisonnant les disciplines, tout en replaçant sa démarche dans le contexte du surréalisme et de l’histoire des arts. Cette approche est liée à la personnalité de l’artiste : curieux et ouvert, il souhaitait s’exprimer par tous les modes artistiques à sa disposition. Certains styles et genres musicaux comme le jazz, la sardane, le tango, la sonate, l’opéra, le rock ou la musique électronique l’ont inspiré. Sa représentation du musical, souvent associée au comique, à l’érotisme ou à la temporalité, a été atypique. Dalí s’est régulièrement mis en scène en tant que musicien pour correspondre à l’image de « génie » qu’il souhaitait offrir et qui masquait un désir inassouvi. Dans une quête « d’art total », il a eu la volonté de marier le sonore et le visuel en réunissant les arts, notamment dans ses œuvres scéniques, où l’influence de Wagner a été majeure. En 1974, il enregistre son opéra-poème Être Dieu dans lequel il parle et chante, accompagné par la musique d’Igor Wakhévitch. L’analyse de cette œuvre, très peu étudiée à ce jour, offre une synthèse des thèmes de prédilection de l’artiste. Ce travail se fonde sur des archives publiques et privées consultées en Europe et aux États-Unis et reproduit des sources et témoignages inédits de musiciens et personnalités ayant côtoyé Salvador Dalí. / Salvador Dalí asserted time and again that he despised music. Nevertheless, references to this art in his work are omnipresent in various domains: painting, drawing, sculpture, cinema, ballet, happenings, photography, writings… The dissonance between the word and the work is at the heart of this thesis which attempts to define the role played by music in the creation of Dalí by opening up the disciplines, while replacing his approach within the context of surrealism and art history. This approach is linked to the personality of the artist: curious and open, he wished to express himself through all artistic means at his disposal. Styles and musical genres such as jazz, sardana, tango, sonata, opera, rock and electronic music inspired him. His representation of the musical, often associated with the comic, the erotic or the temporal, was atypical. Dalí regularly performed as a musician to correspond to the image of « genius » which he wished to convey and which masked an unsated desire. In the quest for « total artwork », he had the will to marry the tonal and the visual by unifying the arts, in his scenic works in particular, where the influence of Wagner reigned supreme. In 1974, he records his opera-poem Être Dieu in which he speaks and sings, accompanied by the music of Igor Wakhévitch. The analysis of this work, little studied to this day, offers a synthesis of the artist’s preferred themes. This thesis is based on public and private archives consulted in Europe and in the United States and reproduces sources and unpublished testimonies of musicians and personalities who were close to Salvador Dalí.

Résonances, reflets et confluences : trois façons de concevoir les ressemblances entre le sonore et le visuel dans des œuvres du XXe siècle / Resonances, reflections and confluences : three ways of conceiving the resemblances between the sonorous and visual in twentieth century art works / Ressonâncias, reflexos e confluências : Três maneiras de conceber as semelhanças entre o sonoro e o visual em obras do século XX

Siqueira de Freitas, Alexandre 05 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de suggérer des lignes directrices pour observer les rencontres entre des arts, des matières et des techniques artistiques distincts et caractériser les passages possibles entre le sonore et le visuel. Dans un premier temps, nous étudierons les différences entre les arts et les manières de les organiser dans des systèmes classificatoires. Ensuite, nous nous tournerons vers l’étude de la notion de ressemblance entre les arts et de l’esthétique comparée et nous présenterons quelques liens et interactions entre les phénomènes musicaux et visuels. Les ressemblances seront exposées plus loin à travers leurs traits spécifiques, que nous appellerons « similitudes ». À partir de ces dernières, présentées sous les noms de sympathie, d’émulation, d’analogie et de convenientia, nous proposerons des façons d’observer des rencontres entre le sonore et le visuel. De la sympathie provient la notion de résonance, qui se fonde dans la liberté du récepteur d’établir des correspondances entre des paires d’œuvres d’art distinctes. Les reflets trouvent leur fondement dans les similitudes émulation et analogie, et s’adressent à des œuvres dont les créateurs ont tenté d’appliquer dans leur propre art des éléments provenant d’un autre art. Dans le troisième, consacré aux confluences, nous inclurons des œuvres qui contiennent dans leur structure propre des matières sonores et visuelles. À l’origine des confluences se trouve la convenientia, similitude qui traite de la coexistence des éléments hétérogènes. Picasso, Stravinsky, Ligeti, Rothko, Dutilleux et Klee sont parmi les artistes qui illustrent les résonances, reflets et confluences de cette recherche. / The main objective of this thesis is to suggest guidelines in observing meetings between arts, materials and separate art techniques and to characterize some of the possible passages and interactions between the sonorous and visual. First we talk about the differences between the arts and the ways to organize them into classification systems. Then we turn to the study of the concept of resemblance between the art forms, introduced in Comparative Aesthetics and present some links and intersections between the musical and visual phenomena. Their similarities will be exposed, later, through specific traits, which we call “similitudes”. From these latter, presented by the names: sympathy, emulation, analogy and convenientia, we propose ways of observing encounters between the sonorous and visual. From sympathy comes the notion of resonance, which is based on the liberty of the receiver to establish correspondences between pairs of distinct art works. The reflections address the art works whose artists sought to apply in their own art, elements coming from another art and find their bases in the similitudes of emulation and analogy. Finally, the confluences. In this third group are included the art works that contain, in their own structure, sonorous and visual materials. At the origin of the confluences is the convenientia, similitude that deals with the coexistence between heterogeneous elements. Picasso, Stravinsky, Ligeti, Rothko, Dutilleux and Klee are the artists whose works illustrate the resonances, reflections e confluences of our research. / Esta tese tem como principal objetivo sugerir diretrizes para se observar encontrosentre artes, matérias e técnicas artísticas distintas e caracterizar algumas das passagenspossíveis e interações entre o sonoro e o visual. Primeiramente, discorremos sobre asdiferenças entre as artes e as maneiras de organiza-las em sistemas classificatórios. Emseguida, nos voltamos ao estudo da noção de semelhança das mesmas, à Estética Comparadae apresentamos algumas elos e interseções entre os fenômenos musicais e visuais. Assemelhanças são expostas, mais à frente, através de traços específicos, aos quais chamamos de“similitudes”, de acordo com o entendimento de Michel Foucault. A partir dessas últimas,apresentadas pelos nomes de simpatia, emulação, analogia e convenientia, propomosmaneiras de se observar encontros entre o sonoro e o visual. Da simpatia provém a noçãoressonância, que se baseia na liberdade do receptor de estabelecer correspondências entrepares de obras de arte distintas e fertilizar mutuamente seus entendimentos. Os reflexos seendereçam às obras cujos artistas procuraram aplicar em sua própria arte elementos provindosde uma outra arte e encontram suas bases nas similitudes de emulação e analogia. Finalmente,as confluências. Neste terceiro grupo incluem-se obras que contém em sua própria estruturamatérias sonoras e visuais. Na origem das confluências está a convenientia, similitude quetrata da coexistência entre elementos heterogêneos. Pablo Picasso, Igor Stravinsky, GyörgyLigeti, Mark Rothko, Henri Dutilleux, Paul Klee, Alban Berg e Serguei Eisenstein são osartistas cujas obras ilustraram as ressonâncias, reflexos e confluências de nossa pesquisa.

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