Spelling suggestions: "subject:"myoblasts"" "subject:"cytoblasts""
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Role of Map4k4 in Skeletal Muscle Differentiation: A DissertationWang, Mengxi 01 May 2013 (has links)
Skeletal muscle is a complicated and heterogeneous striated muscle tissue that serves critical mechanical and metabolic functions in the organism. The process of generating skeletal muscle, myogenesis, is elaborately coordinated by members of the protein kinase family, which transmit diverse signals initiated by extracellular stimuli to myogenic transcriptional hierarchy in muscle cells. Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) including p38 MAPK, c-Jun N terminal kinase (JNK) and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) are components of serine/threonine protein kinase cascades that play important roles in skeletal muscle differentiation. The exploration of MAPK upstream kinases identified mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4 (MAP4K4), a serine/threonine protein kinase that modulates p38 MAPK, JNK and ERK activities in multiple cell lines. Our lab further discovered that Map4k4 regulates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) translation in cultured adipocytes through inactivating mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which controls skeletal muscle differentiation and hypotrophy in kinase-dependent and -independent manners. These findings suggest potential involvement of Map4k4 in skeletal myogenesis.
Therefore, for the first part of my thesis, I characterize the role of Map4k4 in skeletal muscle differentiation in cultured muscle cells. Here I show that Map4k4 functions as a myogenic suppressor mainly at the early stage of skeletal myogenesis with a moderate effect on myoblast fusion during late-stage muscle differentiation. In agreement, Map4k4 expression and protein kinase activity are declined with myogenic differentiation. The inhibitory effect of Map4k4 on skeletal myogenesis requires its kinase activity. Surprisingly, none of the identified Map4k4 downstream effectors including p38 MAPK, JNK and ERK is involved in the Map4k4-mediated myogenic differentiation. Instead, expression of myogenic regulatory factor Myf5, a positive mediator of skeletal muscle differentiation is transiently regulated by Map4k4 to partially control skeletal myogenesis. Mechanisms by which Map4k4 modulates Myf5 amount have yet to be determined.
In the second part of my thesis, I assess the relationship between Map4k4 and IGF-mediated signaling pathways. Although siRNA-mediated silencing of Map4k4 results in markedly enhanced myotube formation that is identical to the IGF-induced muscle hypertrophic phenotype, and Map4k4 regulates IGF/Akt signaling downstream effector mTOR in cultured adipocytes, Map4k4 appears not to be involved in the IGF-mediated ERK1/2 signaling axis and the IGF-mediated Akt signaling axis in C2C12 myoblasts. Furthermore, Map4k4 does not affect endogenous Akt signaling or mTOR activity during C2C12 myogenic differentiation.
The results presented here not only identify Map4k4 as a novel suppressor of skeletal muscle differentiation, but also add to our knowledge of Map4k4 action on multiple signaling pathways in muscle cells during skeletal myogenesis. The effects that Map4k4 exerts on myoblast differentiation, fusion and Myf5 expression implicate Map4k4 as a potential drug target for muscle mass growth, skeletal muscle regeneration and muscular dystrophy.
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Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Muskeldystrophie Duchenne modifizierenden Genen und StoffwechselwegenGrunwald, Stefanie 04 March 2010 (has links)
Hintergrund und Zielsetzung: DMD ist die häufigste Form der Muskeldystrophie im Kindesalter und bis heute unheilbar. Sie wird durch das Fehlen des Proteins Dystrophin verursacht, welches verschiedene Signaltransduktionswege beeinflusst. Das Anliegen der Arbeit ist die Untersuchung und Modulation von Signaltransduktionswegen, die als alternative Therapiestrategie den Verlust von Dystrophin kompensieren könnten. Experimentelle Strategie: Für die Charakterisierung von Dystrophin nachgeschalteten Prozessen wurden mRNA-Expressionsanalysen in Muskelgeweben von DMD-Patienten und einem DMD-Brüderpaar mit einem infrafamiliär unterschiedlichen Verlauf der DMD durchgeführt. Aus diesen Expressionsdaten wurde erstmalig ein Petri-Netz entwickelt, welches Dystrophin mit in diesem Zusammenhang bisher unbekannten Signaltransduktionswegen verknüpft. Das Petri-Netz wurde auf Netzwerkintegrität und –verhalten mittels Invarianten- (INA) und theoretischen Knockout- (Mauritius Maps) Analysen untersucht. Durch beide Methoden läßt sich der maßgebliche Teilsignalweg bestimmen. In diesem Signalweg wurden die Proteinaktivität und die Genexpression durch siRNA, Vektor-DNA und chemische Substanzen in humanen SkMCs moduliert. Anschließend wurden die Proliferation und die Vitalität der Zellen sowie auch die Expression auf mRNA- und Protein-Niveau untersucht. Ergebnisse: RAP2B und CSNK1A1 waren in dem DMD-Brüderpaar differentiell exprimiert und konnten erstmalig in einem neuen, komplexen Signalweg in Zusammenhang mit Dystrophin nachgeschalteten Prozessen dargestellt werden. Mittelpunkt dieses Signalweges ist die De- und Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors NFATc. Seine Zielgene umfassen neben anderen den negativen Proliferationsfaktor p21, das Dystrophin homologe UTRN und den Differenzierungsfaktor MYF5. Folglich würde ein Anstieg von UTRN eine unerwünschte Reduktion der Proliferationsrate von Myoblasten implizieren. Letzteres konnte bereits nachgewiesen werden und stellte das Motiv für weitere Studien dar. Jedoch zeigten siRNA- und Vektor-DNA-Experimente, daß NFATc nicht der ausschlaggebende Faktor für diese Zielgene ist. Die Substanzen Deflazacort (DFZ) und Cyclosporin A (CsA) wurden dagegen beschrieben, die Aktivierung von NFATc zu beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, daß beide Substanzen die Proliferation von Myoblasten erhöhen können. Die gleichzeitige Applikation von DFZ und CsA führte zu einem Anstieg der UTRN-Expression. Schlußfolgerung: Die Modulation der Proliferation und UTRN-Expression ist unabhängig von einander möglich. Entsprechend der Grundidee der Arbeit zeichnet sich eine neue Therapiestrategie ab, welche Dystrophin nachgeschaltete Prozesse einbezieht. / Background and aim: DMD is the most common muscular dystrophy in childhood and incurable to date. It is caused by the absence of dystrophin, what influences several signal transduction pathways. The thesis is interested in the investigation and modulation of signal transduction pathways that may compensate the lack of dystrophin as an alternative therapy strategy. Experimental strategy: To study Dystrophin downstream pathways the mRNA expression of DMD patients and two DMD siblings with an intra-familially different course of DMD were analysed in muscle tissue. On the basis of these expression data a Petri net was first developed implicating signal transduction pathways and Dystrophin downstream cascades. Invariant (INA) and theoretical knockout (Mauritius Maps) analyses were applied for studying network integrity and behaviour. Both methods provide information about the most relevant part of the network. In this part modulation of protein activity and of gene expression using siRNA, vector-DNA, and chemical substances were performed on human SkMCs. Subsequently, the cells were studied by proliferation and vitality tests as well as expression analyses at mRNA and protein level. Results: RAP2B and CSNK1A1 were differently expressed in two DMD siblings, and first are part of a signal transduction pathway implicating Dystrophin downstream processes. The central point of this pathway is the de- and activation of the transcription factor NFATc. Its target genes are, among others, the negative proliferation factor p21, the Dystrophin homologue UTRN, and the differentiation factor MYF5. Consequently, an increase in UTRN implicates an undesirably reduced myoblast proliferation rate. Latter was found in DMD patients and was target for further studies. But, siRNA and vector DNA experiments showed that NFATc is not the decisive factor for the target genes. Deflazacort and cyclosporin A are known to influence the activation of NFATc. The results first showed that both substances do induce myoblast proliferation. The use of deflazacort in combination with cyclosporin A resulted in an increase of UTRN expression. Conclusion: The modulation of proliferation and UTRN-expression independently of each other is possible. According to the basic idea of this study, a new therapeutic strategy becomes apparent, which considers Dystrophin downstream processes.
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