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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Composting of cow manure and rice straw with cow urine and its influence on compost quality

Nguyen, Thanh Phong, Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Quynh 16 January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of composting process of cow manure and rice straw with application of cow urine and to evaluate the quality of composting products. There were two treatment piles, in which one pile was applied with cow urine every week and another pile without urine application. Each pile was set up by one tone cow manure and 500kg rice straw. The piles were half-covered by plastic foil to protect from rain and turned one a week. The composting duration lasted 8 weeks. The parameters such as temperature, pH, DM, density and nitrogen were monitored and observed during the 8-week period. The results showed that there was a significant difference in temperature, compost quality and duration between two piles with and without cow urine application. The application of cow urine increased significant nitrogen and phosphorous content and shortened the composting process. This study recommends that cow urine should be applied for composting process of cow manure and rice straw in order to increase the quality of compost. The final product was in the range of matured compost level and can be used directly for agriculture crop. / Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu nhằm đánh giá ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng phân compost của việc bổ sung nước tiểu vào trong quá trình ủ phân từ nguyên liệu phân bò và rơm rạ. Thí nghiệm được thực hiện trên hai đống ủ phân, một đống ủ được bổ sung nước tiểu bò hàng tuần và một đống ủ không bổ sung nước tiểu bò như là một nghiệm thức đối chứng. Mỗi đống ủ được trộn 1 tấn phân bò và 500kg rơm. Đống ủ phân được đậy kín một nửa phía trên nhằm ngăn cản ảnh hưởng của mưa và được đảo trộn một lần mỗi tuần. Quá trình thí nghiệm được tiến hành trong 8 tuần. Các chỉ tiêu như nhiệt độ, pH, DM, mật độ và chất dinh dưỡng Nitơ và Phốt Pho được quan trắc trong thời gian ủ. Kết quả cho thấy có sự khác biệt đáng kể giữa hai đống phân ủ đối với các chỉ tiêu như nhiệt độ, chất lượng phân compost và thời gian ủ. Đống ủ phân có bổ sung nước tiểu có hàm lượng Nitơ và Phốt pho cao hơn và thời gian ủ ngắn hơn. Kết quả nghiên cứu khuyến cáo nên bổ sung nước tiểu bò cho quá trình ủ phân compost nhằm tăng hàm lượng chất dinh dưỡng cho sản phẩm phân compost. Sản phẩm sau quá trình ủ đạt mức độ phân hữu cơ và có thể sử dụng cho cây trồng.

Preliminary investigation of nutrient contents in wastewater at some coastal communes of Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province

Le, Nhu Da, Le, Thi Phuong Quynh, Duong, Thi Thuy 07 February 2019 (has links)
Wastewater, especially non-treated wastewater from different sources is one of causes for surface and ground water pollution. However, the monitoring of wastewater quality has not been regularly implemented. This paper presents the preliminary observation results of the wastewater quality of different sources such as domestic, fishery processing, husbandry, agricultural runoff and irrigation canals in some coastal communes of Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province in 2017 - 2018. The results showed variation values of some variables as following: pH: 3.4 to 8.7; DO: 1.1 – 7.6 mg/l; conductivity: 0.01 – > 99.9 S/m; Suspended solids: 7 – 599 mg.L-1; nitrate (NO3-): 0.01-1.74 mgL-1; ammonium (NH4+): 0.01 - 3.99 mgNL-1, phosphate (PO43-): < 0.01– 3.05 mgPL-1, total phosphorus: 0.01 – 5.03 mgPL-1. The values of some variables such as DO, pH, nitrite, ammonium, suspended solids and phosphate at some observation time exceeded the allowed values of the Vietnamese standards for domestic wastewater quality, for industrial wastewater quality and for surface water quality. Among these different wastewaters observed, the higher contents of nutrients were found for domestic wastewater. The results provide a dataset for environmental managers in order to control of wastewater quality, especially for the coastal communes where coastal aquacultural areas are large like Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province. / Nước thải, đặc biệt là nước thải chưa qua xử lý từ nhiều nguồn thải khác nhau là một trong những nguyên nhân gây ô nhiễm nguồn nước mặt và nước ngầm. Tuy nhiên việc giám sát chất lượng nước, lại chưa được thường xuyên thực hiện. Bài báo trình bày kết quả khảo sát bước đầu về chất lượng nước thải sinh hoạt, chế biến thủy sản, chăn nuôi, nông nghiệp, kênh dẫn tưới tiêu tại một số xã ven biển thuộc huyện Giao Thủy, tỉnh Nam Định trong năm 2017 - 2018. Kết quả khảo sát cho thấy khoảng giá trị của một số thông số như sau: pH 3,4 – 8,7; DO: 1,1 – 7,6 mgL-1; độ dẫn điện: 0,01 – 99,9 S/m; chất rắn lơ lửng: 7 – 599 mg.L-1; nitrat (NO3-): 0.01-1.74 mgL-1; amoni (NH4+): 0.01 - 3.99 mgNL-1; phốtphat (PO43-): <0,01 - 3,05 mgPL-1 và phốtpho tổng số: 0,01 – 5,03 mgL-1. Hàm lượng một số chỉ tiêu như NO2, NH4 +, PO43-, SS tại một số thời điểm đã vượt quá giá trị cho phép theo các quy chuẩn nước thải sinh hoạt, nước thải công nghiệp và nước tưới tiêu. Trong các loại nước thải đã quan trắc, nước thải sinh hoạt có hàm lượng các chỉ tiêu dinh dưỡng cao hơn. Các kết quả nghiên cứu nhằm cung cấp cơ sở dữ liệu cho các nhà quản lý về việc kiểm soát chất lượng nước thải, đặc biệt là các xã ven biển có diện tích nuôi trồng thủy sản khá lớn như huyện Giao Thủy, tỉnh Nam Định.

Estimation of Nutrient Exports Resulting from Thinning and Intensive Biomass Extraction in Medium-Aged Spruce and Pine Stands in Saxony, Northeast Germany.

Knust, Christine, Feger, Karl-Heinz 27 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
A growing interest in using forest biomass for bioenergy generation may stimulate intensive harvesting scenarios in Germany. We calculated and compared nutrient exports of conventional stem only (SO), whole tree without needles (WT excl. needles), and whole tree (WT) harvesting in two medium aged Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands differing in productivity, and related them to soil nutrient pools and fluxes at the study sites. We established allometric biomass functions for each aboveground tree compartment and analyzed their nutrient contents. We analyzed soil nutrient stocks, estimated weathering rates, and obtained deposition and seepage data from nearby Level II stations. WT (excl. needles) and WT treatments cause nutrient losses 1.5 to 3.6 times higher than SO, while the biomass gain is only 1.18 to 1.25 in case of WT (excl. needles) and 1.28 to 1.30 in case of WT in the pine and spruce stand, respectively. Within the investigated 25-year period, WT harvesting would cause exports of N, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ of 6.6, 8.8, 5.4, and 0.8 kg·ha−1 in the pine stand and 13.9, 7.0, 10.6, and 1.8 kg·ha−1 in the spruce stand annually. The relative impact of WT and WT (excl. needles) on the nutrient balance is similar in the pine and spruce stands, despite differences in stand productivities, and thus the absolute amount of nutrients removed. In addition to the impact of intensive harvesting, both sites are characterized by high seepage losses of base cations, further impairing the nutrient budget. While intensive biomass extraction causes detrimental effects on many key soil ecological properties, our calculations may serve to implement measures to improve the nutrient balance in forested ecosystems.

Estimation of Nutrient Exports Resulting from Thinning and Intensive Biomass Extraction in Medium-Aged Spruce and Pine Stands in Saxony, Northeast Germany.

Knust, Christine, Feger, Karl-Heinz 27 March 2017 (has links)
A growing interest in using forest biomass for bioenergy generation may stimulate intensive harvesting scenarios in Germany. We calculated and compared nutrient exports of conventional stem only (SO), whole tree without needles (WT excl. needles), and whole tree (WT) harvesting in two medium aged Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands differing in productivity, and related them to soil nutrient pools and fluxes at the study sites. We established allometric biomass functions for each aboveground tree compartment and analyzed their nutrient contents. We analyzed soil nutrient stocks, estimated weathering rates, and obtained deposition and seepage data from nearby Level II stations. WT (excl. needles) and WT treatments cause nutrient losses 1.5 to 3.6 times higher than SO, while the biomass gain is only 1.18 to 1.25 in case of WT (excl. needles) and 1.28 to 1.30 in case of WT in the pine and spruce stand, respectively. Within the investigated 25-year period, WT harvesting would cause exports of N, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ of 6.6, 8.8, 5.4, and 0.8 kg·ha−1 in the pine stand and 13.9, 7.0, 10.6, and 1.8 kg·ha−1 in the spruce stand annually. The relative impact of WT and WT (excl. needles) on the nutrient balance is similar in the pine and spruce stands, despite differences in stand productivities, and thus the absolute amount of nutrients removed. In addition to the impact of intensive harvesting, both sites are characterized by high seepage losses of base cations, further impairing the nutrient budget. While intensive biomass extraction causes detrimental effects on many key soil ecological properties, our calculations may serve to implement measures to improve the nutrient balance in forested ecosystems.

Berichte aus dem Ökolandbau 2022 - Parameterdatensätze von organischen Materialien: Ernte- und Wurzelrückstände und Nährstoffgehalte der Fruchtarten, Nährstoffgehalte organischer Düngemittel sowie Abbauverhalten und Nährstofffreisetzung von organischen Materialien im Boden

Schliephake, Wilfried, Müller, Peter 31 January 2022 (has links)
Ziel des Beitrages ist es, die für Beratungsprogramme (BEFU, BESyD, CCB) hinterlegten Richtwerttabellen und Parametersätze zu überarbeiten, neue Entwicklungen aufzuzeigen sowie die wichtigsten Literaturquellen zusammenfassend darzustellen. Auf Grund des Nachholbedarfs trifft das besonders für den ökologischen Landbau zu. Folgende Parameterdatensätze wurden ausführlich beschrieben: - Nährstoffgehalte der Haupt- und Nebenprodukte der Fruchtarten und Zwischenfrüchte - Nährstoffgehalte der Wirtschafts- und Handelsdünger - Ertragsabhängige EWR-Mengen der Fruchtarten - Abbauverhalten und Humifizierungskoeffizienten von Fruchtarten und organischen Materialien - N-Freisetzung aus organischen Materialien - N-Effizienzen von Anbausystemen mit mineralischer und organischer Düngung. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an Einrichtungen der Praxis, Beratung und Forschung.:1 Einleitung 2 Material und Methoden 3 Ergebnisse und Diskussion 3.1 Nährstoffgehalte sowie Ernte- und Wurzelrückstände der Fruchtarten 3.1.1 Körnerfrüchte 3.1.2 Hülsenfrüchte 3.1.3 Ölfrüchte 3.1.4 Hackfrüchte 3.1.5 Samenvermehrung 3.1.6 Futterpflanzen 3.1.7 Zwischenfrüchte 3.2 Nährstoffgehalte von organischen Düngemitteln 3.2.1 Wirtschafts- und Sekundärrohstoffdünger 3.2.2 Organische Handelsdünger einschließlich Eigenprodukte 3.3 Abbauverhalten organischer Materialien 3.3.1 Getreidestroh 3.3.2 Kartoffelkraut 3.3.3 Gründünger 3.3.4 Ernte- und Wurzelrückstände 3.3.5 Organische Wirtschaftsdünger 3.3.6 Blätter und Nadeln von Baumarten, Torf und Holz 3.3.7 Abbaurangfolge der organischen Materialien 3.4 Ableitung von Humifizierungskoeffizienten für Fruchtarten und organische Materialien zur Humusbilanzierung 3.4.1 Fruchtartenkoeffizienten 3.4.2 Koeffizienten für organische Materialien und Düngemittel 3.5 Nährstoff-Freisetzung aus organischen Materialien im Jahr der Anwendung 3.5.1 Verhältniszahlen zwischen Kohlenstoff und anderen Nährstoffen 3.5.2 Einfluss der C:N-Verhältnisse auf die N-Freisetzung 3.5.3 Relationen zwischen den organisch gebundenen N- und den NH4-N-Anteilen der Düngemittel 3.6 NH3-N-Verluste aus gemulchten organischen Materialien 3.7 Einschätzung der Gesamt-N-Effizienz von Anbausystemen mit mineralischer oder organischer N-Zufuhr 4 Zusammenfassung 5 Literaturverzeichnis

Berichte aus dem Ökolandbau 2022 - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Intensivierung: Zusammenführung der Ergebnisse von komplexen Dauerversuchen zur Untersuchung ökologischer Anbau- und Düngungsverfahren in zwei Anbausystemen (Marktfrucht, Futterbau) auf Ertrag, Produktqualität, Bodenfruchtbarkeit und Umweltwirkungen auf einem Sand- und Lößboden in Sachsen

Kolbe, Hartmut 16 March 2022 (has links)
Zielsetzung dieser langjährigen experimentellen Untersuchungen war eine komplexe Prüfung folgender ökologischer landwirtschaftlicher Anbauformen mit unterschiedlich hohem Tierbesatz unter den klimatischen Bedingungen von Ostdeutschland: Standorte Spröda (Sandboden, Ackerzahl 30), Methau (Lößboden, Ackerzahl 63); Anbausysteme und Betriebsformen: Marktfruchtbau (Leguminosenaufwüchse werden gemulcht, Koppelprodukte verbleiben auf dem Acker), Futterbau (Leguminosenaufwüchse und Koppelprodukte werden vom Feld abgefahren); Düngemittelarten und -höhe: Stalldung, Grüngut (Mulch) aus Leguminosengras, Rindergülle; organische Düngung mit 0 – 2 DE/ha u. Jahr, mineralische N-Dünger (kleiner Umfang zum Vergleich). In dem vorliegenden Forschungsbericht wurde eine Gesamtauswertung der Dauerversuche über die langfristigen Wirkungen von über 80 Merkmalen zur Entwicklung der Erträge, Qualität und Vitalität der Fruchtarten und Fruchtfolgen, Merkmalen der Bodenfruchtbarkeit der Ackerkrume und im Tiefenprofil sowie bestimmten Umweltwirkungen vorgenommen. Die Versuche haben eine Darstellung der Ergebnisse über ein weites Spektrum an Anbauverfahren ermöglicht, die bewusst auch über das übliche Maß des Ökolandbaus hinausgehen. Das Intensitätsniveau reichte von einer niedrigen Nährstoffversorgung in den viehlosen Marktfruchtvarianten ohne Düngung bis zu einer sehr hohen Versorgung in den intensiven Futterbauvarianten. In einer umfangreichen Diskussion wurden die Grenzen und die Möglichkeiten zur Weiterentwicklung des Ökolandbaus in Folge einer gesteigerten Intensivierung durch Leguminosenanbau (Körner- u. Futterleguminosen) sowie flüssigen und festen organischen Düngern für eine optimale Gestaltung und Ertragsbildung der Fruchtfolgen und der Umweltverträglichkeit detailliert aufgeführt.:1 Einleitung 2 Darstellung und Abgrenzung der Fragestellungen 3 Material und Methoden 3.1 Standortbeschreibung 3.2 Boden 3.3 Witterung 3.4 Versuchsdesign 3.5 Fruchtfolgen 3.6 Düngung 3.7 Versuchsdurchführung und Feldprobenahme 3.8 Bodenuntersuchung 3.9 Düngemitteluntersuchungen 3.10 Pflanzenuntersuchungen 3.11 Berechnungswerkzeuge 4 Ergebnisse und Interpretation 4.1 Erträge der Fruchtarten 4.2 Inhaltsstoffe und Qualitätsparameter der Fruchtarten 4.3 Nährstoffgehalte des Bodens 4.4 Nährstoffbilanzen und -effizienzen 4.5 Ermittlung von zeitlichen Veränderungsraten an Humus und Bodennährstoffen in Relation zur Veränderung der Fruchtartenerträge 4.6 Relationen zwischen Salden und der Bodenveränderung an Nährstoffen sowie Strategien zur Verbesserung der Aussagefähigkeit der Nährstoffbilanzierung im Marktfruchtsystem 4.7 Relation zwischen Nährstoffzufuhr, Nährstoffbereitstellung über Mineralisation und Nährstoffbedarf der Fruchtarten 4.8 Komprimierte Darstellung der Wirkung von Standort, Anbausystem und Düngung 5 Diskussion und Schlussfolgerungen 5.1 Überblick 5.2 Möglichkeiten und Grenzen steigender Intensivierung im Ökolandbau und deren Umweltwirkung 6 Zusammenfassung 7 Danksagung 8 Literatur 9 Anhang

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