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Young's Schema Theory: Exploring the Direct and Indirect Links Between Negative Childhood Experiences and Temperament to Negative Affectivity In AdulthoodJesinoski, Mark S. 01 December 2010 (has links)
Young's schema theory offers a theoretical approach that relates negative childhood experiences, temperament, and early maladaptive schema, to the experience of negative affect and/or depression in adulthood. However, despite the widespread use of schema therapy in clinical practice, little research has explored the pathways theorized by Young. This study explored the pathways posited by Young and colleagues looking at the direct and indirect relationships among negative childhood experience, temperament, early maladaptive schema, and the experience of negative affect in adulthood.
Self-report data were collected from 365 undergraduate students. Results demonstrated consistent and robust direct relationships between temperament and negative affect, as well as indirect relationships between temperament and/or NCE, schema, and the outcome of negative affect. Results, though mixed, reveal strengths of the schema therapy model and provide suggestions for future research.
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The Role of Adolescent Neuroticism for Adult Partner Relationships and HappinessDanielsson, Nanette January 2006 (has links)
<p>Neuroticism and partner relationship quality are associated with happines. A Swedish longitudinal project was utilized to examine whether these two aspects together determine happiness. Adolescent neuroticism was measured at age 15 witht he High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ). Measurements of neurotic manifestations were adminstered at ages 15-18. Adult neuroticism was measured at age 37 using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-I). Measures of partner relationship quality and happiness were also administered. An adolescent neurotic dimension and partner relationship quality were related to happiness. Overall, neuroticism appears to be a better predictor of happiness with both direct and indirect effects through the influence on partner relationship quality.</p> / <p>Neuroticism och partnerrelationens kvalitet är två aspekter relaterade till människans livsglädje. Data från ett svenskt longitudinalprojekt användes för att undersöka om dessa tillsammans verkar avgörande för livsglädjen. Ungdomsneuroticism mättes vid 15 års ålder genom High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ). Neurotiska manifestationer mättes också mellan 15 och 18 års ålder. Den vuxnes neuroticism mättes sedan vid 37 års ålder med Eysencks Personality Questionnaire (EQP-I). Partnerrelationens kvalitet och livsglädje användes som utfallsmått. En neurotisk dimension från adolescensen och partnerrelationens kvalitet i vuxen ålder var relaterad till livsglädjen. Totalt sett tycks ungdomsneuroticism vara en av de tydligaste förutsägelserna för livsglädjen; dels genom direkt påverkan och dels genom indirekt påverkan via partnerreltionens kvalitet.</p>
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The Role of Adolescent Neuroticism for Adult Partner Relationships and HappinessDanielsson, Nanette January 2006 (has links)
Neuroticism and partner relationship quality are associated with happines. A Swedish longitudinal project was utilized to examine whether these two aspects together determine happiness. Adolescent neuroticism was measured at age 15 witht he High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ). Measurements of neurotic manifestations were adminstered at ages 15-18. Adult neuroticism was measured at age 37 using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-I). Measures of partner relationship quality and happiness were also administered. An adolescent neurotic dimension and partner relationship quality were related to happiness. Overall, neuroticism appears to be a better predictor of happiness with both direct and indirect effects through the influence on partner relationship quality. / Neuroticism och partnerrelationens kvalitet är två aspekter relaterade till människans livsglädje. Data från ett svenskt longitudinalprojekt användes för att undersöka om dessa tillsammans verkar avgörande för livsglädjen. Ungdomsneuroticism mättes vid 15 års ålder genom High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ). Neurotiska manifestationer mättes också mellan 15 och 18 års ålder. Den vuxnes neuroticism mättes sedan vid 37 års ålder med Eysencks Personality Questionnaire (EQP-I). Partnerrelationens kvalitet och livsglädje användes som utfallsmått. En neurotisk dimension från adolescensen och partnerrelationens kvalitet i vuxen ålder var relaterad till livsglädjen. Totalt sett tycks ungdomsneuroticism vara en av de tydligaste förutsägelserna för livsglädjen; dels genom direkt påverkan och dels genom indirekt påverkan via partnerreltionens kvalitet.
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Reactions to lapses in exercise therapy : a self-regulatory perspectiveGlazebrook, Karen Elizabeth 01 October 2008
The self-regulation of exercise for the purposes of disease prevention and rehabilitation is a complex process that includes temporary lapses from exercise adherence. Research is lacking in the understanding of the cognitive experiences associated with lapsing and the impact of possible negative thoughts, emotions, and self-evaluations on future exercise self-regulation. Using a Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) framework, the primary purpose of the present experimental study was to examine the impact of potential negative reactions to exercise lapse experiences on exercise self-regulatory cognitions (i.e., decisional struggle, exercise self-regulatory efficacy, action planning, and willingness to self-regulate) using an experimental message designed to induce negative thoughts and affect about exercise lapsing. A secondary purpose of the study was to examine the potential moderating influences of the relatively unexplored construct of emotional self-efficacy on possible negative reactions. Forty-four adult participants were recruited from two exercise therapy programs run by the local health region to participate in this study. Participants filled out baseline measures of demographics, exercise self-regulatory efficacy (exercise SRE), and emotional self-efficacy at the first meeting. At the second meeting, participants were randomly assigned to read either an information control message or a negative lapse message. After reading the message, participants responded to affect measures and recorded their acute exercise thoughts. Next, self-regulatory cognitions were measured including decisional struggle, exercise SRE, action planning, and willingness to self-regulate. There were no significant differences between experimental groups on any of the measures, F(9, 34) = .80, Wilks ë = .825, p = .619. Possible explanations for these nonsignificant results are discussed. Given the opportunity to compare the present results to past research on acute positive and negative exercise thoughts by Gyurcsik and colleagues, and to potentially extend these findings to a population of exercise therapy maintainers, post hoc analysis of related research questions was carried out. Groups of positive and negative thinkers were formed based on the measure of acute thoughts. The omnibus MANOVA comparing positive and negative thinkers on social-cognitive measures was significant, F(8, 31) = 2.72, Wilks ë = .588, p = .021. As hypothesized, positive thinkers were found to have higher positive affect (p = .03), lower decisional struggle (p = .006), higher exercise SRE (p = .013), and higher willingness to self-regulate (p = .003). Positive thinkers also exercised more frequently than negative thinkers both at the program, F(1, 36) = 9.5, p = .004, and independently, F(1, 36) = 5.4, p = .026. Results are discussed in relation to SCT and past research on acute exercise thoughts. Limitations of the original experiment are discussed in terms of the negative lapse message. Future research is discussed both for the study of negative reactions to lapsing and for positive and negative thinking related to exercise.
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Validering som bemötande : -En experimentell undersökning av katastrofierande, affekt och tillfredsställelse / A Validating Approach : - an Experimental Study of Catastrophizing, Affect, and SatisfactionBülow, Linn, Izrael, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
Smärta är en komplex biopsykosocial process i vilken vårdgivarnas bemötande verkar kunna spela en viktig roll. Syftet med denna uppsats var att genom ett experiment undersöka om validering leder till lägre grad av katastrofierande, negativ affekt och ilska samt mer tillfredsställelse med bemötandet jämfört med invalidering. De 62 deltagarna, samtliga studenter utan smärtproblematik, randomiserades till betingelserna validering respektive invalidering. En smärtinducerande övning utfördes varpå deltagarna skattade en rad psykologiska mått. Efter varje övning gavs antingen betingelsen validering eller invalidering. Resultaten indikerar att validering leder till lägre grad av katastrofierande och högre grad av tillfredsställelse jämfört med invalidering. Inga signifikanta skillnader återfanns för negativ affekt och ilska. Sammanfattningsvis verkar validering som bemötande ha en positiv effekt på smärtrelaterade processer. / Pain is a complex, biopsychosocial process, where doctor-patient communication seems to play an important role. This study experimentally tested whether validation leads to less catastrophizing, negative affect and anger, and higher satisfaction compared to invalidation, in a sample of 62 healthy students. The participants were randomized to either validation or invalidation. After engaging in a pain inducing task, the participants completed a form, measuring different psychological aspects, followed by a short interaction where the validation or invalidation was provided by the experimenter. The results indicate that validation leads to less catastrophizing and more satisfaction than invalidation. No significant results were found for negative affect or anger. In summary, validation seems to have a positive effect on pain outcome.
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The Effects of Positive Emotions on School Satisfaction Among AdolescentsLund, Jesper January 2011 (has links)
The relationship between positive emotions and school satisfaction was studied in 19 adolescents aged 13,57 to 15,17 years (M=14,45, SD=0,446), of these 50% were female. The subjects were all Caucasian native Swedish speakers. Schools satisfaction, life satisfaction, positive affect, negative affect and gratitude was measured at the beginning of the study and again fourteen days later. During the fourteen days, the subjects were given a task to carry out each day. The control condition was asked to list up to five things that had affected them during the last day. The experimental condition was asked to list up to five things they were grateful for in the last day. The results did not show any relationship between positive affect and school satisfaction. It is suggested that the results might be caused by either too little time for the intervention to cause a significant effect, by the subjects failing to carry out the given task each day or by too few subjects to rule out random effects.
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Reactions to lapses in exercise therapy : a self-regulatory perspectiveGlazebrook, Karen Elizabeth 01 October 2008 (has links)
The self-regulation of exercise for the purposes of disease prevention and rehabilitation is a complex process that includes temporary lapses from exercise adherence. Research is lacking in the understanding of the cognitive experiences associated with lapsing and the impact of possible negative thoughts, emotions, and self-evaluations on future exercise self-regulation. Using a Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) framework, the primary purpose of the present experimental study was to examine the impact of potential negative reactions to exercise lapse experiences on exercise self-regulatory cognitions (i.e., decisional struggle, exercise self-regulatory efficacy, action planning, and willingness to self-regulate) using an experimental message designed to induce negative thoughts and affect about exercise lapsing. A secondary purpose of the study was to examine the potential moderating influences of the relatively unexplored construct of emotional self-efficacy on possible negative reactions. Forty-four adult participants were recruited from two exercise therapy programs run by the local health region to participate in this study. Participants filled out baseline measures of demographics, exercise self-regulatory efficacy (exercise SRE), and emotional self-efficacy at the first meeting. At the second meeting, participants were randomly assigned to read either an information control message or a negative lapse message. After reading the message, participants responded to affect measures and recorded their acute exercise thoughts. Next, self-regulatory cognitions were measured including decisional struggle, exercise SRE, action planning, and willingness to self-regulate. There were no significant differences between experimental groups on any of the measures, F(9, 34) = .80, Wilks ë = .825, p = .619. Possible explanations for these nonsignificant results are discussed. Given the opportunity to compare the present results to past research on acute positive and negative exercise thoughts by Gyurcsik and colleagues, and to potentially extend these findings to a population of exercise therapy maintainers, post hoc analysis of related research questions was carried out. Groups of positive and negative thinkers were formed based on the measure of acute thoughts. The omnibus MANOVA comparing positive and negative thinkers on social-cognitive measures was significant, F(8, 31) = 2.72, Wilks ë = .588, p = .021. As hypothesized, positive thinkers were found to have higher positive affect (p = .03), lower decisional struggle (p = .006), higher exercise SRE (p = .013), and higher willingness to self-regulate (p = .003). Positive thinkers also exercised more frequently than negative thinkers both at the program, F(1, 36) = 9.5, p = .004, and independently, F(1, 36) = 5.4, p = .026. Results are discussed in relation to SCT and past research on acute exercise thoughts. Limitations of the original experiment are discussed in terms of the negative lapse message. Future research is discussed both for the study of negative reactions to lapsing and for positive and negative thinking related to exercise.
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The Role Of Gender, Sense Of Coherence And Physical Activity In Positive And Negative AffectOztekin, Ceyda 01 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The present study investigated the role of gender, sense of coherence and total physical activity in positive and negative affect. The participants were 376 (169 female, 206 male, and 1 missing value) volunteered students from different faculties of Middle East Technical University. Three questionnaires, namely, Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC), Physical Activity Assessment Questionnaire (PAAQ), and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) were administered to the students together with the demographic information sheet. Two separate stepwise multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to examine the predictive power of gender (coded as dummy variable), sense of coherence and total physical activity on positive and negative affect scores. Results revealed that, sense of coherence and total physical activity predicted the positive affect whereas sense of coherence predicted the negative affect of university students. Findings are discussed in the light of sense of coherence, physical activity and positive and negative affect literature.
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An Examination of Linkages between Personality, Leader-Member Exchange, and the Psychological ContractKunze, Mark George 11 January 2006 (has links)
Abstract An Examination of Linkages Between Personality, Leader-Member Exchange, and the Psychological Contract By Mark George Kunze 2005 Committee Chair: Dr. Edward Miles Major Department: Management While previous research has focused mainly on relationships between various personality variables and either leader-member exchange or psychological contract violation, none has yet to examine how these constructs are linked. A model of these proposed relationships is developed based on theory drawn from literature in the areas of social psychology, leader-member exchange, and psychological contracts. The present research used structural equation modeling to examine the strength of the relationship between the personality variables of negative affect, positive affect, self-monitoring, and trait cynicism with respect to leader-member exchange and perceptions of psychological contract violation. Positive affect and negative affect were found to significantly relate to both LMX and the perception of psychological contract violation. Trait cynicism was not significantly related to LMX and only weakly related to perceptions of psychological contract violation. It was hypothesized that LMX would partially mediate the relationships between the individual personality factors and perceptions of psychological contract violation; however, the data did not support this hypothesis. While self-monitoring was hypothesized to moderate the relationship of positive affect, negative affect, and trait cynicism with LMX, the moderating effect was found to be significant only for the negative affect/LMX relationship.
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Interstitial Cystitis / Painful Bladder Syndrome (IC/PBS) is a persistent and refractory medical condition that is characterized by chronic pelvic pain along with abnormal urinary frequency and urgency. There is no widely accepted etiology or efficacious cure for IC/PBS, thus treatment often relies on pain and symptom management. IC/PBS is associated with strong functional disability but theoretical models of disability have yet to be tested with these patients. As well, psychosocial factors associated with various IC/PBS outcomes (i.e., depression, catastrophizing, social support) are also associated with disability in a variety of chronic painful medical conditions but remain untested in disability models for IC/PBS. Thus, this research evaluated psychosocial factors as potential mediators of disability within the Disablement Process Model. Female patients diagnosed with IC/PBS by a urologist in a tertiary care hospitals were recruited (n=196; females). In using structural equation modeling of a final IC/PBS disability model, negative affect and catastrophizing were found to be partial mediators on the relationship between impairments and functional disability and social support was not a significant mediator of disability. Negative affect and catastrophizing may be key psychosocial factors in IC/PBS disability. Research implications for the Disablement Process Model and potential clinical interventions are discussed in light of the current findings. / Thesis (Master, Psychology) -- Queen's University, 2011-08-29 14:18:29.478
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