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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agents of Change: An Analysis of Gender Planning for Development in Africa at the Canadian International Development Agency

Acquah, Augusta January 2012 (has links)
The thesis examines how the social construction of African women in development discourse transformed from the 1970s to the 2000s, focusing in particular on the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). From the 1970s to the 1990s representations of African women were based on women’s economic potential. The mainstreaming of gender in the 1990s resulted in women being represented as agents of change. This approach gave women an opportunity to play roles in decision-making but led to policies that failed to challenge the established institutions. The emphasis on women as agents of change opened doors to some African women but with implications for the women’s movement. Only some middle-class women appear to benefit but their gains have been marginal in comparison to the gender inequalities that persist. The thesis uses secondary sources and interviews with development practitioners in Ottawa to understand the representation of African women as agents of change.

Komunikační strategie neziskových organizací / Communication Strategy of Non-Profit Organizations

Doležalová, Klára January 2009 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on communication of NGOs. Firstly it defines non-profit sector, his financing, then it describes marketing of these organizations. In practical part the thesis deals with the attitude of people to NGOs and their way of communication and analyses communication of individual non-profit organization.

Terorismus a globální občanská společnost / Terrorism and global civil society

Werner, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis presents an alternative to the traditional representation of terrorism in the field of international relations. Terrorism is interpreted through the Fukuyamian-Hegelian prism of thymos, which allows it to be integrated into the framework of an anormatively defined global civil society. On a strategic-tactical level contemporary terrorism is identified with guerilla. On these foundations new primary and secondary categories for terrorism analysis are laid out, and possibilities of optimizing its strategies and tactics are suggested. The attention is then focused on the overlaps of such alternative conception on states - which so gain new possibilities in counter-strategies, adoption of methods or silent cooperation - and the non-governmental organizations. Both the analytical and political applications of the proposed approach are demonstrated in the two appendices to the thesis.

Mikroekonomické dopady strukturálních fondů v neziskovém sektoru / Microeconomic Impacts of Structural Funds in the Nonprofit Sector

Špaček, Martin January 2010 (has links)
My thesis titled "Microeconomic Impact of Structural Funds in the Nonprofit Sector" focuses on the analysis of the impact of EU funds on the capacities of Czech NGOs. I dealt with the situation of public benefit companies. I have measured the impact on capacity through economic indicators derived from financial statements of organizations which are the total revenues, total staff costs, profit and total debt. Results of the analysis has been achieved by comparison of supported and unsupported organizations for the period 2006-2011 using selected methods of counterfactual impact evaluation as the difference-in-difference method and matching method. Using these methods I have been able to find a positive effect of EU Structural funds on the capacities of Czech non-profit organizations.

Dodržování lidských práv na Kubě: Působení opozičního hnutí / Human rights in Cuba: Influence of the Cuban opposition movement

Kolářová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
The central topic of the thesis is the Cuban pro-democracy opposition movement and its activities towards an official regime of Raul Castro. This is to try and achieve improvements in civil and political rights in Cuba. The opposition tools and strategies are analysed in the context of specific conditions of the current repressive Cuban regime. Special attention is dedicated to framing processes towards the local audience, communication strategies oriented to an international society, and an ability to involve external players to participate in effective pressure from outside; the so called boomerang effect. The movement's progress is displayed on a base of particular achievements as well as challenges faced in a long term pursuit to a democratic transition of the country.

L'Organisation Internationale du Travail et les milieux chrétiens (1919-1969) / The International Labour Organization and Christian milieus (1919-1969)

Zaragori, Aurélien 10 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’étudier les relations entre l’Organisation Internationale du Travail (OIT), créée en 1919 par le traité de Versailles, et les milieux chrétiens, c’est-à-dire les chrétiens organisés en Eglises, syndicats, et associations, depuis la fondation de l’OIT jusqu’au voyage de Paul VI à Genève pour son cinquantenaire, en 1969. Alors que l’OIT est, dès sa création, soumise à des influences sociales-démocrates, incarnées notamment par la personnalité du premier directeur, le socialiste français Albert Thomas, des relations sont nouées très tôt avec les syndicats chrétiens, puis avec l’ensemble des groupes se réclamant de la doctrine sociale de l’Eglise, du Saint-Siège et du christianisme social. Albert Thomas demande lui-même la nomination d’un prêtre au sein du Bureau International du Travail, le secrétariat de l’OIT, obtenue en 1926. Un fonctionnaire est également nommé pour les relations avec les milieux protestants. Il s’agit de mettre en évidence dans quelle mesure la collaboration des milieux chrétiens a pu constituer un intérêt et un appui pour l’OIT, dans les missions que celle-ci s’est vu confier à sa naissance – établissement d’une législation internationale du travail, recension d’informations sur les conditions de travail dans le monde – et après 1945 – notamment la coopération technique - et dans son développement et sa pérennité par delà la dissolution de la SDN. Il convient aussi de voir quelles ont été les conséquences pour les milieux chrétiens de l’inclusion dans le système international créé par l’OIT, tant en termes de diffusion de leurs idées que par la confrontation qui s’y produit avec les doctrines sociales-démocrates, communistes et, dans une moindre mesure, fascistes. / This thesis aims to study the relationship between the International Labour Organization, created in 1919 by the Treaty of Versailles, and Christian “milieus”. In other words, the relationship between the ILO and all the Christian churches, trade unions and associations, from the birth of the ILO to Pope Paul VI’s trip to Geneva on the occasion of the ILO’s fiftieth anniversary in 1969. Since its creation, the ILO has been heavily influenced by socialist trade unions and parties, beginning with Albert Thomas, the first Director-General, who was himself a French socialist. However, since 1921, relationships have also been established with Christian trade unions and other Christian groups which had previously been involved before 1914 in the first attempts to set up international labour standards. An official position was created in 1926 at the International Labour Office when Albert Thomas requested that a Jesuit priest be appointed as “counselor in religious matters”. From 1927 to 1940, the ILO also had a Protestant counselor in charge of the relations with Protestant churches and organizations. The objective of my research is to show, on the one hand, that ILO had an interest in a strong relationship with Christian churches and organizations in order to promote its own objectives – objectives such as establishing internationally binding labour standards, collecting information on labour around the world and, mainly after 1945, developing technical cooperation programmes. The aim here is to analyze the extent to which this relationship played a role in the ILO’s development and survival after the end of the League of Nations. Conversely, my research also intends to highlight how Christian organizations were impacted as a result of their participation in activities of international organizations such as the ILO. There are two aspects which are important to explore: first, the role the ILO played in supporting the dissemination of Christian ideas; and secondly, the ideological confrontation with socialist, communist and – to a lesser extent – fascist ideas and their supporters.

Kulturelles Erbe in Gefahr: NGOs als Partner der UNESCO beim Schutz syrischer Kulturgüter

Al-Jumaili, Diana 08 August 2016 (has links)
In den Diskussionen zu Globalisierung und Global Governance wird häufig darauf hingewiesen, dass Staaten und zwischenstaatliche Organisationen allein nicht in der Lage sind, die verstärkt auftretenden transnationalen Probleme zu lösen. Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs) gelten als Hoffnungsträger, die Problemlösungskompetenzen beisteuern und die Legitimität internationaler Politik verbessern könnten. Obwohl die UNESCO bereits seit 1945 eine ausgeprägte und institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit mit der Zivilgesellschaft pflegt, lassen viele politikwissenschaftliche Studien über die Einbeziehung von NGOs durch internationale Organisationen die UNESCO völlig unberücksichtigt. In Arbeiten zu globalen öffentlichen Gütern bleibt die UNESCO ebenso unter-belichtet. Der Fokus richtet sich vor allem auf Umwelt und Klima. Doch das Weltkulturerbe ist gleichfalls ein globales öffentliches Gut. Mit dem Welterbeprogramm ruft die UNESCO alle Menschen weltweit auf, auch die Kulturstätten anderer Völker als ihr eigenes kulturelles Erbe zu begreifen und sich für dessen Erhaltung einzusetzen. Seit der von der UNESCO initiierten Rettung der nubischen Kulturstätten in den 1960er Jahren etablierte sich ein spannendes transnationales Politikfeld – leider wenig beachtet von der Politikwissenschaft. Wird in Medien über das Welterbe berichtet, findet die UNESCO meist nur im Zusammenhang mit der Verleihung des Welterbetitels Erwähnung. Von der Öffentlichkeit kaum wahrgenommen, hat die UNESCO auch die Aufgabe, Welterbestätten zu überwachen und ggf. Hilfsprogramme zu initiieren. Diese Studienarbeit wird politikwissenschaftliches Licht auf die Interaktionen zwischen UNESCO und Zivilgesellschaft zum Schutze von gefährdetem Kulturerbe werfen. Dabei konzentriere ich mich auf die Notfallmaßnahmen für die Kulturgüter in Syrien, die seit Beginn der kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen im Jahr 2011 massiv von Zerstörung und illegaler Entwendung bedroht sind. Eine umfassende Analyse aller Beziehungen zwischen NGOs und UNESCO im Rahmen der Arbeit ist unmöglich. Ich wählte deshalb die NGO ‚Heritage for Peace‘ aus, um an diesem Beispiel zu zeigen, aus welchen Gründen und in welchen Bereichen die UNESCO mit NGOs kooperiert bzw. welche Gründe dagegen sprechen. Theoretisch angeleitet wird die Arbeit von der Ressourcentausch-Theorie. Die Untersuchung beginne ich mit einer kurzen Darstellung des Kulturgutschutzes durch die UNESCO und der Situation, in der sich die syrischen Kulturgüter gegenwärtig befinden.

Strategie založení sociálního podniku nestátní neziskovou organizací / Strategies that non-profit organizations can use for the establishment of a social enterprise

Bernášková, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with the possible strategies that non-profit organizations can use for the establishment of a social enterprise. These strategies were designed on various relationship models non-profit and social enterprise can have. These models are different in the extent to which social enterprises and non-profit organizations share social and economic activities. These models and also possible motivations of non-profit organizations, which lead to the establishment of a social enterprise are described in the theoretical section. In the practical part, these models are applied to the decision-making process of non-profit organization Life 90, z. ú., which is planning to establish a social enterprise. is evaluated considering its pros and cons from the point of view of non-profit organisations.. These findings and each model and its applicability for Czech non-profit organizations were evaluated as a result of my thesis. KEY WORDS Social entrepreneurship, non-profit organizations, NGOs, commercialization, hybridization, case study, EMES International Research Network

Repertoár jednání českých ženských organizací / The Action Repertoire of Czech Women's Organizations

Zvelebilová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Concern of this master thesis are action repertoires of czech feminist organizations. The main goal of this paper is to find out whether there are some types of activism in terms of following characteristics in the Czech Republic: organizational age, political opportunity structure, human and financial resources, and action repertoir to be found. The thesis is devided into two parts - theoretical and empirical. The author introduces evolution of the social movement theory in the theoretical part. Greater attention is given to an advocacy function of civil society organizations and to action repertoire, which social movement organizations use to reach their goals. Subsequently is shown how the literature talks about particular forms of action and its selection. There are characteristics mentioned above used in Hierarchical Cluster Analysis on sample of twenty-nine czech feminist organization in the empirical part. Finally, findings of this paper are being discussed. Keywords: Action repertoires, social movements, social movements organization, non-governmental organizations, feminist organizations, Czech activism.

Faktory přispívající k fungování sociální inkluze na školách / Factors contributing to Social Inclusion Education at Schools

Jandová, Helena January 2017 (has links)
ANOTATION This work deals with factors which contribute to social inclusion in education. Research is aimed at one of the basic schools, which has been selected according to the previously set criteria. In the theoretical part the most important concepts linked to social education have been discussed with respect to research question. The vital factors I focus on are school culture, which may consists of the right environment, norms and values or forms of communication and cooperation with the partners of the school, who I consider to be mainly the parents. Further on, I focus on the practices which the school sets to establish relations with the NGOs which provide assistance in order to support social inclusion at schools. With respect to the objectives of this thesis qualitative strategy has been selected. The research pattern was formed from three types of actors who have been somehow connected to school. The data collection was carried out via in-depth interviews with the actors chosen based on the snowball method. Each group has been then analysed separately with the aim to create the most important categories. In the final part the most vital discoveries from analysis are compared in order to draw inferences with connection to the research questions. Key words: social inclusion in education,...

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