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Controlling the Swedish state : Studies on formal and informal bodies of controlSchoultz, Isabel January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation aims to develop an understanding of the outcomes and limitations of formal and informal control of the Swedish state, and of the positions and strategies of the social agents involved in this field. The dissertation contributes with new perspectives on controls directed at the state, comparing various control organs (the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the Chancellor of Justice, the United Nations, the European Court of Human Rights and NGOs) and focusing on a wide range of wrongs and harms by the Swedish state. Paper I explores incidents for which the Swedish state and its agencies have been judged to be responsible by formal control organs. Paper II analyzes the accounts used by state representatives in judgments from formal control organs on issues related to migration. Paper III examines the characteristics of those who hold the state accountable via the European Court. Paper IV explores how formal and informal control organs frame problems in relation to the Swedish state’s treatment of residence permit applicants. The studies demonstrate that formal domestic control organs mainly direct criticisms at state agencies that focus on particular and procedural issues. International bodies of formal and particularly informal control publish criticisms of the state that focus on general and systemic issues. The dissertation highlights how control organs offer limited access to accountability, and how controls of the state may be perceived as both ineffective and counterproductive. Another conclusion is that the positions and strategies of the agents in this field are dependent on their specific capital (resources, knowledge and support). Control of the state is understood as a field of struggle for recognition and legitimacy, in which accusations are denied by representatives of the state and control organs balance their criticism in order to maintain credibility. Both informal control organs and those who hold the state accountable must adjust to the rules of the game or risk being defined out. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Organizational Structures And Networks Of Four Islamist/islamic WomenKucukoglu, L. Sevinc 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study is to understand the organizational structures of Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s NGOs and explain the network mechanisms of them in the context of new social movements. This study is based on a social movement research / thus, both organizational structures and network mechanisms of Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s NGOs are explained and analyzed in terms of the features of new social movements, to answer the question of &lsquo / whether Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s NGOs are potential and possible actors of a possible Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s movement in Turkey&rsquo / .
The fieldwork of the present study was conducted on Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s NGOs, which were selected according to a purposive sampling. 4 NGOs were selected, of which founders and the active members are all Islamist/Islamic women, from 4 cities of Turkey, One NGO was selected from each city. The semi-structured interviews and deep interviews were the main data collection techniques used to get information about their organizational structures and network mechanisms.
The responses were analyzed through the issues of organizational diversities, three different levels of network mechanisms, and networking types in the context of formation a new social movement. As network mechanisms, the three levels of networks defined in the study: relations with the state and local governments, networks with the NGOs outside the sampling group and networks among the NGOs inside the sampling group, in the framework of the role and potential of Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s NGOs to form an Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s movement.
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Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Service Dominant LogicSebhatu, Samuel Petros January 2010 (has links)
The process of globalization over the past five decades has given impetus to drivensustainability and related thinking in business. It is also observed that there areunprecedented trends in corporate strategy towards sustainable thinking - the emergenceof sustainability as corporate strategy and the concern of business for ecology and society.This forces companies to rethink their standard business models and increase theirinterest in innovating products and services based on the challenges of global sustainabledevelopment. The pressure from external stakeholders, mainly non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs), as drivers of change may also contribute strongly to thisendeavour. This substantial change pressure clearly reflects companies’ recognition of themounting pressures for social responsibility and governance. The overall aim of this thesisis to describe and understand how social responsibility and value-creation of customers’influence the overall service quality of companies in developing a sustainable servicebusiness. The theoretical and conceptual frame of reference finds its stimulation from the researchin sustainable development – corporate social responsibility, service research and qualitymanagement. In this way it attempts to bridge the gap between business and socialresponsibility. Theoretically and conceptually, the thesis amalgamates sustainabilitythinking and the service logic. Here, value creation and co-creation of Service DominantLogic (S-D logic) approach expands to integrate the values based approach of CorporateSocial Responsibility (CSR) in management thinking and have created the prevailingbusiness practices and service quality (SQ) improvement. This thesis is a compilation offive different papers that follow an interpretative case study approach. The empiricalstudy developed from the cases of multinational companies, small and mediumenterprises, smallholders and NGOs. In this thesis, ‘Sustainable Service Dominant Logic’ (SSDL) was labelled to argue thatvalue-based co-creation of the S-D logic framework can be used to create values-basedservices for sustainable business by examining the link between CSR and S-D logic basedon value, values and service quality for sustainable business. This is this thesis’scontribution to the ongoing discussion of the paradigm shift in service research. Theframework is of the integration of CSR thinking into service business to create sustainablebusiness thinking. This signifies the new thinking of incorporating different managementsystems in creating the organizational change process, sustainability and finally SQimprovement. This counters the critique against S-D logic by expanding the societal andethical dimensions by using CSR, and showing real business cases. This depends on theintegration of different change pressures for value creation, whether related to economicand social resource integration. This involves the shift of the focus of managerial controlfrom a preoccupation with financial issues to a wider awareness of CSR thinking. Theseissues are also explored by demonstrating, based on cases, how the adoption of thisperspective can also enable the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) framework to become animportant aspect of value creation. Finally, the paradigm shift can be generalized to newthinking in S-D logic and the social responsibility of businesses as the major phenomenonof the changing and globalizing business environment; time for the CSR framework to permeate S-D logic.
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The 'third way' in action: Inclusion at a costBegg, Clive Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Women and NGOs' participation in development: partnership and control in IndiaSabhlok, Smita G. January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation examines the participation of women and NGOs in a rural development and empowerment project in India. The World Bank initiated Rural Women’s Development and Empowerment Project was funded with the primary objective of working towards women’s economic and social empowerment through the formation of self-help groups. Within the framework of Gender and Development (GAD), women’s development and participation has to fulfil both practical and strategic gender needs in order for them to gain, share and exercise power. In women’s development, the economic cannot be understood apart from the social and the political. Transformative or genuine participation for women involves a process of partnership where one or more forms of power are attained through social capital and the participants are able to surmount structural barriers. Genuine participation can be achieved only through the processes of partnership and control, that is, through the building of equitable relationships among the primary beneficiaries themselves and between the primary beneficiaries and external agents. The incentives to participate and the pattern of participation are influenced by the material expectations and the social reality of women. (For complete abstract open document)
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The 'third way' in action: Inclusion at a costBegg, Clive Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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"Criando parentesco?" : um estudo sobre o "apadrinhamento afetivo" em Porto Alegre/RS / "Creating kinship?" : a study about the "affective godfathering" in Porto Alegre/RSDantas, Luísa Maria Silva January 2011 (has links)
Essa pesquisa está centrada no “Apadrinhamento Afetivo”, programa desenvolvido pela ONG Instituto Amigos de Lucas, situada na cidade de Porto Alegre/ RS, que visa instituir “madrinhas” e/ou “padrinhos” a crianças e adolescentes residentes em abrigos situados na cidade, com baixas probabilidades de serem adotados. Através do método etnográfico, a pesquisa discute a possibilidade de "criar parentesco" entre pessoas de gerações e classes distintas, através de uma forma institucionalizada de apadrinhamento, colocando ênfase nas negociações entre os significados e expectativas que as pessoas envolvidas na consecução do apadrinhamento e instituições relacionadas à proteção dos direitos da criança e do adolescente desenvolvem em torno dessa prática. / This research focuses on "Affective Godfathering" program developed by the NGO “Friends of Lucas Institute”, located in Porto Alegre / RS, which aims to encounter "godmothers" and/or "godfathers" for children and adolescents living in public shelters with low probability of being adopted. Through ethnography, the study discusses the possibility of "creating kinship" between people of different generations and classes, through an institutionalized form of godfathering, with emphasis on negotiations between the meanings and expectations that those involved in godfathering and institutions related to protecting the rights of children and adolescents develop around this practice.
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Enfance vulnérable au Burkina Faso et politiques d'insertion : analyse de la contribution de deux ONG à Ouagadougou / Vulnerable childhood in Burkina Faso and inclusion policies : an analysis of the contribution of two NGOs in OuagadougouGnessi, Siaka 09 November 2017 (has links)
La protection des enfants en situation de vulnérabilité est une réalité sociale préoccupante au Burkina Faso.Malgré l'adoption et la ratification de nombreux textes juridiques et la présence significative d'acteurs censés défendre leurs droits, la question d'une prise en charge efficace de ceux-ci reste toujours posée. Comment expliquer ce paradoxe ? C'est à cette question que cette thèse s'efforce de répondre. Elle analyse le système national de protection de l'enfance au prisme des modèles organisationnels, en mettant un accent particulier sur la contribution de deux acteurs non étatiques intervenant dans le pays : Direct-Aïd et SOS Villages d'enfants. Dans une perspective comparatiste, la recherche appréhende les logiques de ces ONG, les stratégies qu'elles mettent en œuvre et les perceptions des bénéficiaires dans la ville de Ouagadougou. Deux mécanismes cohabitent en matière d'aide à l'enfance : le premier est formel et placé sous la responsabilité de structures publiques, le deuxième est non formel, animé par des composantes de la société civile. Le système de protection a besoin d'une meilleure gouvernance afin de trouver des solutions durables aux problèmes d'organisation et de coordination qui affectent la qualité de la participation des acteurs. Les perceptions, positives chez la plupart des bénéficiaires, sont des preuves que les ONG comblent un grand vide laissé par les pouvoirs publics. En revanche, les différences et même les contradictions de logiques relatives à la définition des concepts d'enfant, de protection et de vulnérabilité montrent que les structures ne sont pas sur la même longueur d'onde dans le combat quotidien qu'elles mènent. La responsabilité de l'État est ici engagée pour parvenir à une co-construction d'un système de protection plus dynamique et d'insertion mieux profitable aux jeunes en difficulté. La méthode de recherche a mobilisé les techniques de l'enquête qualitative (entretiens semi-directifs, récits de vie, focus groups, observations) en associant la photographie et le dessin. / The protection of children in situation of vulnerability is a social concern in Burkina Faso. Despite the adoption and the ratification of numerous legal texts and the significant presence of actors who are supposed to be defending child rights, the question of how to deal effectively with these rights remains an open question. How to explain this paradox ? lt is this is question that we will turn on in this thesis. lt analyzes the national child welfare system with the prism of organizational models by highlighting the contribution of two non-state actors in the country : Direct-Aïd and SOS Villages d'enfants. From a comparative perspective, the research apprehends the logics of these NGOs, the strategies they implement and the perceptions of beneficiaries in the city of Ouagadougou . Two mechanisms co-exist in child welfare : the first mechanism is formai and is under the responsibility of public structures while the second mechanism, a non-formai one, is led by components of civil society. The protection system needs better governance in order to find long-lasting solutions to organization and coordination related problems that affect the quality of the participation of stakeholders. The positive perceptions expressed by the majority of beneficiaries are evidence that NGOs fill a large gap left by the government. Nonetheless, differences and even contradictions with regard to the definition of concepts such as childhood, protection and vulnerability show that structures are not on the same wavelength in their daily struggle. The State must take it responsibility in achieving a co-construction of a protection system more dynamic and which will allow insertion that will better benefit young people in difficulty. The research method mobilized qualitative methods (semi-directive interviews, life staries, focus groups, and observations), including photography and drawing.
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Les enjeux de la gestion communautaire des ressources naturelles et les politiques environnementales malgaches : l’exemple de la région Alaotra-Mangoro / The stakes of community management of natural resources and environmental policies in Madagascar : the case of the Alaotra-Mangoro RegionRakotoarijaona Razafimbelo, Niry Minohery 18 December 2017 (has links)
Si l’on se réfère aux recherches en cours, la gestion des périmètres forestiers de la côté Est de Madagascar connaît de nos jours une évolution notable tout en différant néanmoins d’un endroit à un autre. Dans le cas de la région faisant l’objet de notre étude (Alaotra-Mangoro), elle se limite à un mode d’organisation et de gestion ancestral où les autorités traditionnelles, les anciens (Ray aman-dreny) et les communautés sont les maîtres d’œuvre. Cette gestion traditionnelle consiste en un droit d’exploitation des ressources naturelles pour les besoins de la communauté. À Madagascar, l’impératif de conservation de la biodiversité focalise l’attention de la communauté internationale. De nouveaux territoires se créent avec l’extension des aires protégées ; toutefois, les pratiques des ONGs de conservation, appuyées par les bailleurs de fonds, excluent « massivement » les collectivités territoriales et les populations locales des processus de décision. Mais en parallèle, de nouveaux projets de conservation voient le jour, avec pour objectif principale mise en place d’une gestion communautaire de la forêt par le biais de Communautés de Base (COBA). Nous défendons l’idée selon laquelle une application « adroite » des us et coutumes locales en leur sein permettra à la population de tirer un profit supérieur de l’exploitation rationnelle des ressources locales. / According to ongoing research, the management of forest areas on Madagascar's east side is currently undergoing a significant evolution, though it differs from one place to another. In the case of the study region (Alaotra-Mangoro), it is limited to an ancestral mode of organization and management where the traditional authorities, the elders (Ray aman-dreny) and the communities are the prime contractors. This traditional management consists of a right to exploit natural resources for the needs of the community. In Madagascar, the imperative of biodiversity conservation is the focus of international attention. New territories are being created with the extension of protected areas; however, the practices of conservation NGOs, supported by donors, mainly exclude local communities and local populations from decision-making processes. But at the same time, new conservation projects are being launched, with the main objective of setting up community-based forest management through the intermediary of the Basic Communities (COBA). We support the idea that a "skillful" integration of local customs within conservation projects will enable the population to derive greater benefit from the rational exploitation of local resources.
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"Criando parentesco?" : um estudo sobre o "apadrinhamento afetivo" em Porto Alegre/RS / "Creating kinship?" : a study about the "affective godfathering" in Porto Alegre/RSDantas, Luísa Maria Silva January 2011 (has links)
Essa pesquisa está centrada no “Apadrinhamento Afetivo”, programa desenvolvido pela ONG Instituto Amigos de Lucas, situada na cidade de Porto Alegre/ RS, que visa instituir “madrinhas” e/ou “padrinhos” a crianças e adolescentes residentes em abrigos situados na cidade, com baixas probabilidades de serem adotados. Através do método etnográfico, a pesquisa discute a possibilidade de "criar parentesco" entre pessoas de gerações e classes distintas, através de uma forma institucionalizada de apadrinhamento, colocando ênfase nas negociações entre os significados e expectativas que as pessoas envolvidas na consecução do apadrinhamento e instituições relacionadas à proteção dos direitos da criança e do adolescente desenvolvem em torno dessa prática. / This research focuses on "Affective Godfathering" program developed by the NGO “Friends of Lucas Institute”, located in Porto Alegre / RS, which aims to encounter "godmothers" and/or "godfathers" for children and adolescents living in public shelters with low probability of being adopted. Through ethnography, the study discusses the possibility of "creating kinship" between people of different generations and classes, through an institutionalized form of godfathering, with emphasis on negotiations between the meanings and expectations that those involved in godfathering and institutions related to protecting the rights of children and adolescents develop around this practice.
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