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The God of all the Earth : contextual theology in a globalizing world : the example of KoreaHwang, Namduk January 2013 (has links)
Korea became a multicultural society through the influx of foreigners: migrant workers, international married couples, foreign students, and naturalized citizens. This social change challenges Korean churches to reflect on their mission styles and theology. The theology of the welcomed stranger is a theological response to the Korean context, requiring a profound understanding of globalization and migration. It focuses mainly on the lives of migrant workers in Korea and suggests a model of settlement for both Koreans and migrant workers for peaceful living while exploring a community of toleration, friendship, and harmony for co-existence and emphasizing social justice for the poor and marginalized. Interfaith dialogue between Korean churches and migrant workers is also an important facet of this theology. The introduction outlines my personal life story in relation to Minjung theology and the theology of the wanderer as preconditions to the theology of the welcomed stranger. Chapter One explains the theological responses to globalization and the context of globalization and migration while researching the role of international economic institutions and international laws for migrant workers and their families. Chapter Two explores the situation of migrant workers in Korea, especially women, while highlighting the work of Korean NGOs working for migrant workers and showing the viewpoints of NGO staff on globalization. Chapter Three reflects on Minjung theology and suggests its new responsibility in the era of globalization. Chapter Four considers the theology of the wanderer, comparing it with Minjung theology. Chapter Five outlines the theology of the welcomed stranger and argues for the virtue of a multicultural society, challenging Korean churches to understand the social reality of migrant workers and accepting them as “welcomed stranger.” Chapter Six emphasizes interfaith dialogue and relations between Korean churches and migrant workers, examining the religious context of Korea and the historical background of the Korean church. This chapter also provides the viewpoints of NGO staff in Korea on interfaith dialogue, supporting Korean churches and migrant workers to work together for the realization of a “basic human community,” which I understand as a response to the idea of the kingdom of God.
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Defining hunger, redefining food : humanitarianism in the twentieth centuryScott-Smith, Tom January 2014 (has links)
This thesis concerns the history of humanitarian nutrition and its political implications. Drawing on aid agency archives and other historical sources, it examines how food has been delivered in emergencies, from the First World War to the present day. The approach is ethnographic: this is a study of the micro-level practices of relief, examining the objects distributed, the plans made, the techniques used. It is also historical: examining how such practices have changed over time. This thesis makes five interlocking arguments. First, I make a political point: that humanitarian action is always political, and that it is impossible to adhere to ‘classical’ humanitarian principles such as neutrality, impartiality and independence. Second, I make a sociological argument: that the activities of humanitarian nutrition have been shaped by a number of themes, which include militarism, medicine, modernity, and markets. Third, I make a historical argument: that the main features of humanitarian nutrition were solidified between the 1930s and the 1970s, and were largely in place by the time of the Biafran war. Fourth, I make a sociological argument: that these mid-century changes involved a profound redefinition of hunger and food (with hunger conceived as a biochemical deficiency, and food as a collection of nutrients). Finally, I make a normative argument, suggesting that this redefinition has not necessarily benefited the starving: the provision of food in emergencies, I argue, is often concerned with control and efficiency rather than the suffering individuals themselves.
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Knowing best? : an ethnographic exploration of the politics and practices of an international NGO in SenegalNí Mhórdha, Máire January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the social and political relations of an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) based in Senegal. NGOs and international development have been the subject of research from a number of different perspectives, including the politics (and anti-politics) of development, post-development, structural violence and the ‘everyday lives' of NGO participants and workers (Ferguson 1990; Escobar 1995; Farmer 2004; Bornstein 2005; Hilhorst 2003). The present study builds on this scholarship through an ethnographic exploration of the networks of people involved with Tostan, an American NGO based in Senegal whose developmental objective is to engender social change among rural groups in Senegal (particularly those that practice female genital cutting), using a human rights education framework. Through identification and scrutiny of the organisation's macro- and micro-level social relations, I critically examine how ‘development' operates as a cultural and political process. I focus analytically on conceptions of knowledge and ignorance, particularly the ways in which these constructions are acted upon and utilised by different actors within the organisation. I argue that, as an NGO (and thus a ‘moral actor,' Guilhot 2005: 6) within the contemporary donor-driven development industry, a key preoccupation for Tostan as an organisation is the management of perception, or a concern for the ‘spectacle of development' (Allen 2013). Flowing from this argument is the assertion that the activities carried out by actors at every level of the organisation to produce and re-produce particular narratives through strategic knowing and unknowing are as significant (if not more so) as the formal programmatic activities implemented by the organisation ‘on the ground.' As David Mosse argues, development involves not only social work, but also the conceptual work of ‘enrolment, persuasion, agreement and argument that lies behind the consensus and coherence necessary to sustain authoritative narratives and networks for the continued support of policy' (Mosse 2005: 34). As I argue here, NGO actors work to (re)produce, project and protect particular narratives, through the strategic exercise of knowledge and ignorance, in order to access or consolidate positions of power within the politics of aid. Drawing on critical theories of development and human rights (e.g. Sachs 1992; Escobar 1991, 1995; Guilhot 2005, inter alia), within a political context succinctly described by Ellen Foley (2010: 9) as ‘the neoliberalization of just about everything,' I explore how actors across the organisation are linked in a web of cultural and political presuppositions, values, and motivations.
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Rapports de pouvoir et stratégies d'acteurs dans les relations interorganisationnelles Nord-Sud. Etude de cas : les partenariats de Brücke·Le pont (Suisse), EED et Pain pour le Monde (Allemagne) avec les ONG togolaises / Actor's strategies in Nort-South interorganizational relations. Study case : the partnership of Brücke·Le pont (Switzerland), EED and Pain pour le Monde (Germany) in Togo.Apenuvor, Kossi Dodzi 21 November 2011 (has links)
Les partenariats entre ONG du Nord et du Sud sont souvent considérés comme étant des relationsasymétriques entre deux types d’organisations aux caractéristiques fortement contrastées. Pour réelleque soit la nature de ces rapports, le recours à l’histoire des relations entre pays développés et sousdéveloppéset, dans certains cas, entre ex-colonisateurs et colonisés comme seule grille de lecture favorise une interprétation en termes de domination. Ainsi, des décisions provenant des ONG du Nord seraient imposées aux organisations du Sud qui, pour continuer à bénéficier des financements nécessaires pour leurs actions, se verraient contraintes de s’y conformer. Il semblerait, cependant, que cette façon de lire les relations interorganisationnelles Nord-Sud, dans le champ de la solidarité internationale, soit plutôt limitative et ne rende que très partiellement compte de la réalité de ces rapports. En effet, en adoptant une posture théorique comme celle proposée par l’approche stratégique des acteurs où le pouvoir est considéré comme une relation négociée au regard des objectifs et contraintes des différentes parties, les comportements des ONGimpliquées dans les partenariats devraient pouvoir être lus comme relevant d’un ensemble de « jeux » visant l’acquisition ou le renforcement d’une certaine légitimité qui leur garantit l’accès aux ressources. Dans cette logique, le modèle basé sur le recrutement de cabinets de consultants comme tierce partie dans les relations, souvent dyadiques, entre ONG du Nord et du Sud, devra être interprété au-delà de la simple manifestation de la domination des premières sur les secondes. En s’appuyant sur le cas des partenariats de Brücke·Le pont (Suisse), EED et Pain pour le Monde (Allemagne) au Togo, cette thèse met l’accent sur les besoins pratiques auxquels répond ce modèle et montre l’écart entre les comportements prescrits et ceux réellement adoptés par les acteurs, reflet des stratégies des uns et des autres en fonction de leurs enjeux / Partnerships between northern and southern NGOs used to be considered as asymmetric relations between two different types of organizations with many contrasting characteristics. As real as it can be, referring to the traditional relations between developed and developing countries or countries linked by colonization relations as the one best way to explain the nature of those interorganizational relations may induct a wrong interpretation. Indeed, in that perspective, their relations can only be read such as signs of domination. However, this way of reading the North-South inter-organizational partnerships is a limited andpartial point of view. But using theoretical approaches such as those proposed by the actor’s strategy analysis where power is considered as a negotiated relationship according to the constraints and challenges of the different organizations, these relations can be differently read. For example they can be interpreted as a set of strategies which aim to acquire or strengthen legitimacy which is such a guarantee for their projects and organizations to be funded. In this way, the model which consist in recruiting consultants as a third party in the partnerships between northern and southern, NGOs has to be interpreted more than a simple sign of domination. Based on the case of study of three European NGO’s partners in Togo, this thesis focuses on thepractical needs met by this model and shows the difference between behaviours prescribed and those actually adopted by the actors, reflecting the strategies of each other according to their stakes.
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L'expérience des "jeunes de la rue" (faqman) à Dakar : entre marginalisation et reconnaissance sociale / The experience of "street youth" (faqman) in Dakar : between marginalization and social recognitionDiack, Safietou 20 June 2017 (has links)
À Dakar (Sénégal), des enfants et des jeunes ont investi des recoins abandonnés de l’espace public. Ils vivent de mendicité, de récupération, de petits commerces, mais également de pratiques à la limite de la légalité (vols, consommation de stupéfiants…). Communément désignés sous le terme de faqman (fugueur), ces jeunes quittent domicile ou daara (écolecoranique) pour la rue. Leur apparence, leurs comportements, leurs activités, mais surtout la perception qu’en ont les populations, leur valent d’être mis en marge et stigmatisés. Leur présence dans la rue est réprimée par les autorités publiques quand des acteurs de l’humanitaire de leur côté proposent de venir à leur secours pour les « réinsérer » dans la société.Qualifiés de marginaux qui quittent les cadres sociaux conventionnels pour développer dans la rue des « contre-valeurs », les faqman continuent pourtant de partager avec leurs concitoyens un même univers moral et symbolique. En s’intéressant au sens subjectif que ces jeunes donnent à leur présence dans la rue par une ethnographie de l’expérience qu’ils font dans cet espace,cette thèse propose un décloisonnement de la figure du faqman jusque-là cantonné aux statuts de victime et de déviant. / In Dakar, Senegal, children and young people have taken over abandoned corners of public space. They live by begging, recycling, small shops, but also practices at the limit of legality (theft, consumption of narcotics ...). Commonly referred to as faqman (runaway), these young people leave home or daara (Koranic school) to invest the street. Their appearance, theirbehavior, their activities, but especially the perception that the populations have of them, are worth marginal and stigmatized. Their presence on the street is repressed by the public authorities when humanitarian actors on their side propose to come to their aid for their rehabilitation into society.Qualified as marginals who leave the conventional social frameworks to develop in the street of the "counter-values", faqmans nevertheless continue to share with their fellow citizens the same moral and symbolic universe. By taking an interest in the subjective sense that these young people give to their presence in the street with an ethnography of the experience they make in this space, this thesis proposes an exploration of the figure of the faqman to break with his usual status of victim and deviant.
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Local NGOs’ Contribution to Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention in the Southern Region of UkraineTarapatova, Oksana January 2019 (has links)
Since the end of the Cold War peacebuilding and conflict prevention became an important part of the international agenda in the processes of achieving peace. Nowadays there is an acknowledgment that civil society is an important actor that shares responsibility with the state, international actors, and contributes to rebuilding of states and societies after violent conflicts. However, there is a lack of contemporary research on the role and involvement of civil society in conflict prevention. This abductive study is addressing a problem of the undiscovered potential of civil society’s role in conflict prevention. The objective of the study is to contribute to a discussion on the importance of inclusion of civil society actors in peacebuilding and conflict prevention by investigating the contribution of local NGOs to sustainable peace in Ukraine. The Southern region of Ukraine serves as a case study in which primary data was gathered through qualitative semi-structured interviews with NGOs and donor representatives. The research objectives are reached through the analysis of the activities of local NGOs by applying an analytical framework for peacebuilding functions by Paffenholz and Spurk and then by interpreting the functions through a conflict prevention concept, using a toolbox for conflict prevention actions developed by SIPRI. The results of the study based on the case of the Southern region of Ukraine demonstrate that the functions of civil society in peacebuilding, as outlined by the analytical framework, may not just be applied to the post-conflict stage of peacebuilding. In fact, they may be applied during different cycles of the conflict as part of the conflict prevention set of actions. Local NGOs are contributing to conflict prevention and performing all seven peacebuilding functions as defined in the analytical framework. However, the main challenge is that these NGOs do not completely realize their role in peacebuilding and conflict prevention due to limited capacities and knowledge. That leads back to the problem of the undiscovered potential of civil society in conflict prevention. One possible solution, resulting from the suggestions of this study’s respondents, is the need for development of local knowledge and expertise in order to make the peace process sustainable.
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Restauração florestal em São Paulo: diagnóstico de projetos e estudo de caso de produtores de sementes / Forest restoration in São Paulo: assessment of projects and a case study of seed producersHorbach, Michéli Angélica 22 November 2012 (has links)
Programas que contemplem a restauração florestal são importantes para conter o processo de degradação ambiental. A análise do processo de restauração florestal se faz necessária para verificar como estas ações vêm sendo realizado e quais suas características, bem como os principais atores do processo. Este estudo apresenta um diagnóstico do estado atual e das tendências que guiam o processo de restauração florestal no Estado de São Paulo realizado por prestadores de serviços e organizações do terceiro setor. No primeiro capitulo é apresentada uma revisão com aspectos conceituais e práticos da restauração florestal, com a descrição das partes interessadas da restauração. No segundo capítulo foi realizado um diagnóstico do processo de restauração florestal realizado por organizações do terceiro setor (organizações não governamentais) e empresas prestadoras de serviços da área. Para isto foram realizadas visitas a campo e entrevistas com organizações do terceiro setor e prestadores de serviços que desenvolvem projetos de restauração florestal. No capítulo três foi realizado um estudo de caso analisando a colheita de sementes para a restauração florestal por produtores familiares na região de Ribeirão Grande, SP. De acordo com os resultados obtidos no diagnóstico observa-se que a restauração florestal realizada por organizações do terceiro setor e prestadores de serviço do Estado de São Paulo está seguindo duas vertentes: a restauração para recuperação e conservação ambiental e, a restauração devido a exigências legais, para compensação de passivos ambientais ou licenciamento ambiental. Dentro destas vertentes têm surgido novos mercados de valorização da floresta, como o marketing ambiental e o mercado voluntário de compensação das emissões de carbono. As organizações do terceiro setor são também articuladoras do processo, tendo um trabalho importante na captação de recursos para a restauração e na formação de uma consciência ambiental pela sociedade. Para a maioria das organizações do terceiro setor e alguns prestadores de serviços, o processo de restauração florestal tem obtido melhores resultados quando envolvem atividades de educação ambiental e ações participativas com as comunidades envolvidas. A diversidade de espécies utilizadas nos projetos aumentou, bem como a preocupação com a qualidade das sementes utilizadas, apesar da dificuldade de rastreamento do processo. A atividade de colheita de sementes por pequenos produtores familiares tem se desenvolvido como um complemento à renda em regiões com fragmentos de mata nativa. A colheita de sementes também proporcionou uma maior valorização da floresta pelos produtores rurais. As dificuldades enfrentadas pelos produtores relacionam-se à falta de capacitação com a colheita, a identificação das espécies, a marcação de matrizes e também com o transporte das sementes. A colheita de sementes trouxe alguns benefícios econômicos para os produtores, porém aquém do esperado, em parte pela falta de estruturação na comercialização das sementes e de capacitação para a colheita. Os resultados encontrados poderão ser úteis na formulação de políticas públicas para regular e guiar o processo de restauração florestal e a melhoria da qualidade dos projetos resultantes. / Forest restoration programs are important to mitigate environmental degradation. The analysis of forest restoration process is needed in order to determine how these programs are being carried out, its mains characteristics, as well as who are the key stakeholders. This study provides an analysis of the current state and trends that drive the process of forest restoration in the São Paulo State conducted by NGOs and service providers. The first chapter presents a review addressing conceptual and empirical aspects of forest restoration. The descriptions of main stakeholders involved with restoration projects were also reported. Chapter two presents an analysis of forest restoration projects and their underlying process. Field visits and interviews were conducted with NGOs and service providers for forest restoration projects. In chapter three a case study was conducted based on seed collection practices for forest restoration by farmers in the region of Ribeirao Grande, SP, Brazil. The results of this thesis show that the restoration projects are being conducted for two main purposes: for recovery and conservation of environmental services and due the legal requirements to compensate or for compliance with environmental licensing. New markets and opportunities had emerged for forest restoration, such as green marketing and voluntary compensation of carbon emissions. NGOs are important players, raising funds for the restoration and environmental awareness. Forest restoration projects have shown better results when they involve environmental education and participatory activities with communities. The diversity of species used in these projects has increased, as well as awareness about seed quality, despite difficulties from collection, tracing and proper economic valuation. Seed collection by small farmers has generated income alternatives for areas with native forest fragments. Farmers are also giving proper value to forest areas. Seed producers main difficulties are associated with seed collection, species identification, seeds transportation and seed registration. Seed collection brought some economic benefits for collectors, but less than expected, partly due to the lack of seed market structure and of capacitation. These results may be useful for policy making and makers to regulate and guide the process of forest restoration, and improving quality of the resulting projects.
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A leitura nas organizações não-governamentais e inter-relações com a escola pública: um estudo de caso. / Reading activities in nongovernmental organizations and interrelations with the public school: a case study.Inglesi, Ana Shitara 27 May 2008 (has links)
Tendo em vista o baixo grau de letramento entre os alunos do ensino fundamental e médio no Brasil e, concomitantemente, o crescimento espantoso do número de organizações não- governamentais (ONGs) trabalhando no campo da educação nas últimas décadas, o presente trabalho procura estabelecer uma ponte entre estas duas faces da educação no Brasil. Pretendemos, então, compreender a dinâmica e a influência das ONGs no Brasil no campo da educação e, mais especificamente, no campo da leitura, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento do letramento. Para tanto, fizemos um estudo qualitativo com características etnográficas baseado, sobretudo, em observações feitas em campo das atividades de uma organização e que foram analisadas a partir de concepções de leitura propostas pelos teóricos da psicolingüística (Smith, 1989,1999) e da Estética da Recepção (Jauss, 2002). Com isso, esperamos contribuir com os estudos sobre leitura e, principalmente, avançar nestas novas possibilidades educativas que nos são, hoje, apresentadas pela sociedade civil e que nos direcionam em busca de uma solução alternativa para um problema que vem afligindo os educadores há décadas no Brasil. Nossa principal hipótese seria que a escola pública poderia beneficiar-se e melhorar o grau de letramento de seus alunos, bem como ampliar o número de leitores proficientes/competentes, se pudesse estabelecer uma parceria com as instituições da sociedade civil/ONGs que já possuem um projeto consistente. Assim, por meio de troca de idéias e experiências, as instituições educacionais não-governamentais poderiam contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma escola pública de qualidade, sem, no entanto, substituí-la de forma alguma, deixando para o Governo a responsabilidade que lhe cabe. / In view of the low level of literacy among students of elementary and middle schools in Brazil and, meanwhile, the astonishing growth of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) working in the educational field in recent decades, this work tries to establish a connection between those two faces of education in Brazil. We intend to understand the dynamics and influence of NGOs in Brazil, and more specifically, in the field of reading for the development of literacy. Therefore, we did a qualitative study with ethnographic characteristics founded, above all, in remarks made at the field of the activities we saw, which later were examined/analyzed using the reading conceptions proposed by the psycholinguistics scholars (Smith, 1989, 1999) and the Aesthetics of Reception scholars (Jauss, 2002). In this way, we hopefully wish to contribute to the many studies on reading and, in particular, to move forward with these new educational possibilities that are, today, presented by the civil society which is searching for alternative solutions to a problem that has been worrying educators for decades in Brazil. Our main hypothesis would be that public schools could benefit themselves and improve the level of literacy of their students, as well as expand the number of proficient readers / competent, if they could establish a partnership with institutions of civil society / NGOs who already have a consistent project. Thus, by means of an exchange of ideas and experiences, the non-governmental educational institutions could contribute to the development of the quality of our public school, without, however, replace it in any way, leaving what is the governmet responsibility for the government itself.
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Médias et environnement : le processus et les protagonistes du « Grenelle de l’environnement » / Environmental media : process and protagonists of the "Grenelle of the environment"Hamdan, Akhlasse 03 November 2011 (has links)
Ce tapuscrit est une contribution à la recherche sur la communication politique concernant les sujets environnementaux en France. Nous nous focalisons dans notre étude sur le cas du « Grenelle de l’environnement » annoncé par Nicolas Sarkozy en 2007. Il nous semble intéressant de dégager deux grands axes dans cette recherche. La première concerne la stratégie de l’action publique du gouvernement, en s’interrogeant sur la méthode du Grenelle et sur les raisons qui ont abouti à l’organiser, et le second est l’axe médiatique où nous nous interrogeons sur la relation entre les deux champs médiatique et politique. Cela conduit à approfondir notre étude en cherchant les raisons pour lesquelles les journalistes se sont intéressé au GDE, et analyser la couverture médiatique du Grenelle. Pour tester nos hypothèses la recherche s’est fondée sur un certain nombre d’investigations empiriques. / This typescript contributes to research in political communication concerning environmental issues in France. We focus in our study on the case of the "Grenelle de l'environnement" announced by Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007. It seems interesting to identify two main areas in this research. The first is the strategy of the government policy, investigating the method of the Grenelle and the reasons that led to its organization and the second axis is the media and our question concerns the relationship between both media and political fields. The later leads us to deeply study the reasons why the journalists were interested in the GDE, and analyze media coverage of the Grenelle. To test our hypotheses the research was based on a number of empirical investigations.
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Educação ambiental não formal: a experiência das organizações do terceiro setor / NON-FORMAL ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION: the experience of third-sector organizations.Tristão, Virgínia Talaveira Valentini 03 October 2011 (has links)
A educação ambiental é um campo de conhecimento e de atividades pedagógicas constituído internacionalmente ao longo das últimas décadas, com o objetivo de compreender e oferecer respostas a um conjunto de problemas decorrentes das relações que envolvem a sociedade, a educação e o meio ambiente. Com rápido crescimento, a educação ambiental estendeu sua atuação para outras dimensões além da escola. A educação ambiental não formal praticada pelas organizações do terceiro setor apresenta-se como uma nova proposta pedagógica voltada para a mudança de hábitos, atitudes e práticas sociais que apontem uma solução para o quadro de degradação socioambiental que aflige o mundo contemporâneo. Esta trabalho é uma iniciativa de investigação no campo da educação ambiental não formal, procurando compreender sua constituição e dinâmica. Tem como objeto de estudo as práticas de educação ambiental não formal desenvolvidas pelas organizações não governamentais ONGs e problematiza a fundamentação epistemológica e pedagógica dessas práticas, refletindo sobre suas finalidades e condições de existência e funcionamento. Discute-se o papel pedagógico das ONGs em sua atuação como agentes detentores de know-how em metodologias, estratégias e programas de ação para o atendimento de demandas sociais que refletem a complexidade das relações socioambientais do tempo presente. Para consecução dos objetivos, foi realizado um levantamento da literatura da área e uma pesquisa empírica que aplicou duas metodologias: o estudo de caso e a pesquisa Delphi. Foi, também, elaborado um referencial analítico que permitiu a classificação dos processos educativos, a partir da sua orientação pedagógica. Os resultados apontam no sentido de uma crescente, embora ainda incipiente, consolidação das atividades de educação ambiental não formal desenvolvidas pelas organizações do terceiro setor. / Environmental education is a field of knowledge and pedagogic activities constructed internationally during the past few decades with the objective of understanding education and the environment and offering answers to a set of current problems that involve relationships with society. Growing rapidly, environmental education has extended its activity to other dimensions beyond the school. Non-formal environmental education practiced by third-sector organizations is presented as a new pedagogic proposal focusing on change in habits, attitudes, and social practices that point toward a solution to the situation of socio-environmental degradation that affects the contemporary world. This thesis is an investigation into the field of non-formal environmental education, seeking to understand its structure and dynamic. The objects of study are the non-formal environmental educational practices developed by non-governmental organizations - NGOs and this work raises the issue of the epistemological and pedagogical structuring of these activities, reflecting on their results and existing conditions and functioning. The pedagogic roles of NGOs are discussed in their performance as agents possessing methodological know-how, strategies, and action plans to serve the social demands that reflect the complexity of present-day socio-environmental relations. In order to achieve these objectives, a review of the literature and empirical research, which applied two methods: case study and Delphi, were realized. Also elaborated is an analytical benchmark that permitted the classification of the educational processes from their pedagogic orientation. The results point to a growing, while still incipient, consolidation of non-formal environmental educational activities developed by third-sector organizations.
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