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A Study of the Alpine Vegetation Classification at Yushan National ParkHsieh, Ling-chun 07 August 2006 (has links)
Alpine vegetation is the plant communities above the treeline. Alpine vegetation in Taiwan, distributing throughout Central Mountains, Yushan Mountains and Sheishan Mountains, covers an area of 100 000 ha. There are about seven hundreds of vegetation literatures in Taiwan. However literatures about classification of alpine vegetation are very few. Therefore we must increase studies of alpine vegetation to understand its distribution in Taiwan more. The study selected alpine vegetation in Yushan National Park as study area and surveyed floristic composition and distribution. The vegetation sampled based on relevé method and species cover estimated using the Braun- Blanquet cover-abundance scale. Analysis methods of vegetation classification are two-way indicator species analysis, nom-metric multidimentional scaling and diagnostic species determination. We recognized seven vegetation types: Solidago virgaurea var. leiocarpa herb vegetation type, Lycopodium clavatum herb vegetation type, Scabiosa lacerifolia herb vegetation type, Pieris taiwanensis shrub vegetation type, Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum shrub vegetation type, Gentiana horaimontana rock vegetation type and Brachypodium kawakamii rock vegetation type. The classification will be helpful for Yushan National Park on management and conservation. Besides, the data will be useful for detecting the effects of climatic changes threat to alpine vegetation.
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Códigos NMDS sob a métrica poset / NMDS codes under the poset metricCouto, Luiz Henrique de Almeida Pinto 17 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this Work, frorn a generalization of the metric Hamming for a Weighted metric by a partial order, We deñne the poset spaces and We study linear NMDS Codes in such spaces, gaining Characterizations for these. With the aid Of such Charac- terizations, We present tWO applications With respect to distributionsz the Weight distribution of a Code and, in particular Case Of the rnetric Obtained by a poset Rosenblomm-Tsfasman, the distribution of points in the unit Cube U" = [0,1) . We also provide sorne Constructions Of NMDS Codes in Rosenbloom-Tsfasman spaces. / Neste trabalho, a partir de uma generalização da métrica de Hamming por urna métrica ponderada por uma Ordem parciaL deñnimos os espaços poset e estu- damos os Códigos lineares NMDS em tais espaços, Obtendo Caracterizações para estes. Com 0 auxílio de tais Caracterizações, apresentamos duas aplicações Com respeito à distribuiçõesz a distribuição de pesos de um Código e, no Caso parti- Cular da métrica obtida por um poset Rosenblomm-Tsfasman, a distribuição de pontos no Cubo unitário U = [0,1)". Fornecemos também algumas Construções de Códigos NMDS em espaços Rosenbloom-Tsfasman.
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Fitogeografia e influência de variáveis ambientais em uma comunidade arbórea de Floresta Nebular no Planalto Catarinense / Phytogeography and influence of environmental variables in a tree community of a Cloud Forest in Southern BrazilMarcon, Amanda Koche 09 June 2013 (has links)
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PGEF13MA001.pdf: 156198 bytes, checksum: 63e9013930345ec4e5ba26c24ba62d7a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-06-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study was conducted in a cloud forest in urubici, SC, latitude 28˚04 27 S and longitude 49˚37 30 O, with about 1600 m of altitude. The objective of the first chapter was to check if there tree component of the cloud florest shows structural and floristic patterns variations associated to the environmental heterogeneity, and the objective of the second chapter was to evaluate the floristic similarity of there component of this fragment with other studies of upper montane forests. For the tree community characterization, a total of 25, 20 x 20m, permanent plots were systematically allocated in the forest fragment. All trees with circumference at breast height (CBH) ≥ 15,7 cm were measured (CBH and height) and identified. In each plot, environmental variables related to soils physical and chemical traits, terrain, canopy cover and environmental impact were collected. The data were analysed by Mann-Withney test, nonparametric multivariate ANOVA (NPMANOVA), nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis (NMDS), with vectors of environmental variables (p ≤ 0.01) plotted a posteriori, and indicator species analysis. The floristic-structural groups were partitioned according to the plot declivity and the defined sectors associated with this variable. The analysis of the floristic composition was based on a floristic checklist containing 39 floristic and phytosociological surveys of upper montane forests. For the relationship of the floristic composition of the areas with the environmental and spatial variables were extracted from the publications the geographic coordinates of each area and used climate data extracted from the worldclim database. For determination of clusters and environmental and spatial nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis (NMDS) were used, with vectors of environmental and spatial variables (p ≤ 0.01) plotted a posteriori. The floristic similarity of the fragments was measured using a dendrogram, using Sorensen as the distance method and UPGMA as the connection method. In the environmental analysis of the fragment wasfound that the sctors differed in their environmental characteristics, with the lower declivity sector demonstrating higher values of organic matter, sand, aluminum content and cation-exchange capacity, and the higher declivity sector with higher values of elevation difference, silt and calcium content, base saturation and pH. The environmental heterogeneity influenced the floristic-structural organization of the tree component and the occurrence of indicator species at the two sectors considered. The evaluation of the floristic similarity between upper montane forest fragments showed the formation of clusters, predominantly among fragments located in the same phytogeographic unit. The existence of an environmental gradient based on the climatic conditions was observed. In areas with higher thermal seasonality, annual temperature range, precipitation and longitude occurred the forests with rain forest matrix, and in areas with higher mean temperature, temperature daily range, isothermality seasonality of precipitation, minimum temperature of coldest month and latitude, occurred the forests with seasonal matrix. Internally these clusters demonstrated subdivisions: the rain forests divides into Araucaria forest and dense rain forest: the seasonal forests were divides in Bahia fragments with great influence of rain forests and MG fragments with altitude lower than 1.900 m / Este trabalho foi realizado em uma floresta nebular localizada no município de Urubici, SC, na latitude 28˚04 27 S e na longitude 49˚37 30 O e com uma altitude aproximada de 1600 m. o primeiro capítulo teve como objetivo verificar se o componente arbóreo da comunidade apresentava variações florísticas e estruturais associadas à heterogeneidade ambiental existente, e o segundo capítulo, avaliar a similaridade florística do componente arbóreo deste remanescente junto a outros estudos de florestas superomontanas. Para caracterização da comunidade arbórea foram alocadas, de forma sistemática na área do fragmento, 25 parcelas de 400 m². nelas, todos os indivíduos arbóreos com CAP (circunferência medida a altura do peito) ≥ 15,7 cm foram medidos (CAP e altura) e identificados. Para caracterização ambiental foram coletadas, em cada parcela, as informações sobre as propriedades físicas e químicas do solo, relevo, compactação dos solos, cobertura do dossel e impacto ambiental. Os dados foram analisados por meio do teste de Mann-Withney, análise de variância multivariada não-paramétrica (NPMANOVA), escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico (NMDS), onde os vetores das variáveis ambientais significativas (p ≤ 0,01) foram plotados à posteriori, e análise de espécies indicadoras. Os grupos florístico-estruturais foram particionados em função da declividade existente, definindo-se setores associados a esta variável. Para realizar a comparação florística foi utilizada uma lista de espécies arbóreas compiladas de 39 levantamentos florísticos e fitossociológicos de florestas superomontanas. Para conhecer a relação da composição florística das áreas com variáveis ambientais e espaciais, foram utilizados dados climáticos extraídos do banco de dados do WORLDCLIM e as coordenadas geográficas de cada uma dessas áreas. Para determinação dos agrupamentos e a influência de variáveis ambientais e especiais sobre os padrões florísticos, foi utilizada a técnica de escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico (NMDS) e um dendrograma, utilizando o índice de Sorensen como medida de distância, e o método UPGMA como ligação. Na análise ambiental do fragmento verificou-se que os setores apresentam diferenças em suas características ambientais, sendo que o setor de menor declividade apresentou maiores valores de matéria orgânica, areia, alumínio e CTC, enquanto o setor de maior declividade apresentou maior desnível e maiores teores de silte, cálcio, saturação de bases e pH. A heterogeneidade ambiental influenciou a organização florístico-estrutural do componente arbóreo e a ocorrência de espécies indicadoras nos dois setores considerados. A avaliação da similaridade florística entre os remanescentes de florestas superomontanas demonstrou a formação de agrupamentos, predominantemente entre remanescentes localizados em uma mesma unidade fitogeográfica. Observou-se a existência de um gradiente ambiental ligado às condições climáticas. Em áreas com maiores valores de sazonalidade térmica, amplitude térmica anual, precipitação e longitude UTM ocorreram florestas com matriz ombrófila, e, em áreas com maiores valores de temperatura média, amplitude térmica diária, isotermalidade, sazonalidade da precipitação, temperatura mínima no mês mais frio e latitude UTM, ocorreram predominantemente florestas com matriz estacional. Internamente a estes agrupamentos ocorreram subdivisões: florestas ombrófilas dividiram-se em mista e densa; florestas em matrizes predominantes estacionais dividiram-se em remanescentes da BA, com influência da flora arbórea de florestas úmidas e remanescentes de MG, com altitude menor que 1.900 m
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Estabelecimento da vegetação arbórea em uma Área de Preservação Permanente em processo de restauração em Santa Catarina / Tree vegetation establishment in a permanent preservation area in restoration process in Santa CatarinaRech, Carla Carolina Chini 10 June 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-06-10 / Currently, several strategies have been employed in forest restoration process, being monitoring and evaluation of the restored areas key steps to verify if the practices actually allowed the recovery of the ecosystem. The objective of the study was to evaluate forest restoration by verifying the establishment of woody vegetation in a degraded APP in Pouso Redondo, SC, six years after sapling plantation and protection of the area. In the first chapter, the changing in tree species richness was determined; and in the second chapter, the structure of the adult and juvenile component was compared. For this, a census was conducted to inventory the adult trees (dbh ≥ 5 cm), being the area subdivided in 82 100 m2 plots, where all trees were identified and measured (dbh and height). For the survey of juvenile tree species (trees higher than 1 m height and dbh < 5 cm), the plots were subdivided in 25 m2 sub-plots, where all individuals were identified and measured (height). The variation in richness that occurred due to natural establishment of new species was obtained using the list of species initially planted. The dispersal syndromes and regeneration guilds were determined for the found species. The analyze of the floristic-structural composition of adult and juvenile components were conducted through NMDS (Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling), phytosociological estimatives of components and distribution of individuals in diametric and height classes. A total of 918 individuals belonging to 73 species were found. From this list, 48 species 48 does not correspond to those that were planted in 2007. Most species were classified as zoocoric (71.2%) and light demanding species (54.8%). Both component showed segretation in the ordination produced by the NMDS. In the phytosociological analysis, Baccharis semiserrata DC. and Casearia sylvestris Sw. presented the highest IV (importance value) and (NRI) (natural regeneration index), respectively. The adult distribution of individuals in diametric classes showed an
inverted j pattern and the distribution of adults and juveniles in height classes indicated a greater number of individuals in smaller classes. We conclude that after six years, the process of restoration was characterized by the trend of richness increment and tree species turnover where initial species are being replaced by late successional ones, indicating the relevance of natural regeneration mechanism. The results suggest that the study area is found in an initial stage of ecological succession process, without impeditive factors for the establishment of juvenile individuals, that suggest an elevated resilience for vegetation re-establishment / Atualmente inúmeras estratégias têm sido aplicadas no processo de restauração florestal, sendo que o monitoramento e a avaliação das áreas restauradas são etapas fundamentais para verificar se as práticas adotadas realmente possibilitaram a recuperação do ecossistema. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a restauração florestal por meio da verificação do estabelecimento da vegetação arbórea em uma APP degradada em Pouso Redondo, SC, seis anos após o plantio de mudas e proteção da área. No primeiro capítulo foram determinadas as mudanças de riqueza de espécie, e no segundo capítulo objetivou-se comparar a estrutura do componente arbóreo adulto e jovem dessa floresta. Para isso, foi realizado um censo para inventariar as árvores adultas (DAP ≥ 5 cm), sendo a área dividida em 82 parcelas de 100 m2 cada, onde as árvores foram identificadas e mensuradas (DAP e altura). Para o inventário das árvores jovens (indivíduos arbóreos com mais de 1m de altura e DAP < 5 cm), as parcelas foram divididas em sub-parcelas de 25 m2, nas quais todos os indivíduos foram identificados e mensurados (altura). A partir da relação das espécies plantadas inicialmente, foi quantificado a variação da riqueza que ocorreu por meio do estabelecimento natural de novas espécies. Foram determinadas as síndromes de dispersão de propágulos e as guildas de regeneração das espécies encontradas. A composição florístico-estrutural dos componentes adulto e jovem foi analisada por meio de uma NMDS (Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling), pelas estimativas fitossociológicas dos componentes e pelas distribuições dos diâmetros e alturas. Foram encontrados 918 indivíduos pertencentes a 73 espécies, sendo que 48 não correspondem àquelas que foram plantadas em 2007. A maioria das espécies encontradas foi classificada como zoocórica (71,2%) e clímax
exigente de luz (54,8%). Os dois componentes apresentaram segregação na ordenação produzida pela NMDS,. Na análise fitossociológica, foram encontradas Baccharis semiserrata DC. e Casearia sylvestris Sw. como as espécies com maiores VI (valor de importância) e IRN (índice de regeneração natural), respectivamente. A distribuição diamétrica do componente adulto demonstrou padrão J invertido e a distribuição em altura dos componentes adulto e jovem obteve maior número de indivíduos nas classes menores. Conclui-se que após seis anos, o processo de restauração foi caracterizado pela tendência do aumento da riqueza e da substituição de espécies iniciais por tardias, indicando a relevância do mecanismo de regeneração natural. Os resultados sugerem que a área de estudo encontra-se em processo de sucessão ecológica em estágio inicial, sem fatores impeditivos para o estabelecimento de indivíduos jovens, o que sugere elevada resiliência para o restabelecimento da vegetação
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Sclerocactus wetlandicus: Habitat Characterization, Seed Germination and Mycorrhizal AnalysisHarding, Kourtney T. 01 May 2017 (has links)
The Uinta Basin hookless cactus (Sclerocactus wetlandicus) is a threatened species native to Eastern Utah. The cactus is found in a landscape highly disturbed by non-renewable energy production. To understand the environmental conditions that support natural growth of this cactus, we asked whether plant communities differed in the undisturbed areas where the cactus is and is not found. We then compared undisturbed communities to those found on disturbed areas such as reclaimed well pads. Plant community characterization was accomplished with the line-point intercept method, and data were analyzed using Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling. There was no significant difference in occupied and unoccupied undisturbed plant communities; S. wetlandicus associates with the common vegetation found in the study area. In contract, plant communities on the well pads were significantly different from those present in undisturbed locations. The disturbed areas were dominated by non-native weedy species and bare soil, thus differing from undisturbed habitats that contained higher relative vegetation cover and a mix of species from all functional groups both native and non-native.
To help restore this threatened cactus in disturbed habitats as well as prevent future extinction, we developed and tested a protocol for cactus seed germination in the greenhouse and successfully produced seedlings with a ~75% germination rate. Additionally, an important factor contributing to the successful growth of this threatened cactus is the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). By extracting the DNA from root samples of wild cacti we were able to identify the presence of AMF from the families Glomeraceae and Claroideoglomeraceae representing three genera: Rhizophagus, Glomus, and Claroideoglomus. Sequences closest to Rhizophagus irregularis were identified from multiple root samples. Cactus seedlings may be inoculated with the fungi to promote their growth and ultimately their survival in the wild. Our study indicates that because S. wetlandicus is part of the common plant community of the study area and the well pads are vastly different from the common plant community, disturbed areas should be reclaimed in a way that better resembles undisturbed habitats to increase the likelihood that the newly planted cacti can thrive.
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Thesis_HC_04242023.pdfHaichuan Cao (15347563) 26 April 2023 (has links)
<p> Present WIMP Dark Matter search strategies are mainly focused on possible direct detection through elastic or inelastic scatterings on atomic nuclei, or with electrons. This approach<br>
becomes insensitive to M(DM) < 10 GeV. Indirect DM detection refers to the search for DM-DM or DM-M annihilation, decay debris from DM particles, or other particle production,<br>
resulting in detectable species. </p>
New physics processes, initiated by cosmic ray or dark matter interactions may be observable in underground indirect search experiments by excess high multiplicity neutron<br>
production in nuclear targets. Even for M(DM) < 10 GeV, DM-M interaction is capable of<br>
producing large signals, >200 neutrons if the energy is deposited in a Pb target.</p>
<p> The NMDS-II detector, located at an underground laboratory within the Pyhasälmi<br>
complex metal mine in central Finland, collated data for 6504 ± 1 hours at 583 m.w.e.<br>
and for 1440 ± 1 hours at 1166 m.w.e.. The detector system consists of a 30 cm cube<br>
Pb-target surrounded by 60 He-3 proportional tubes and a two layer Geiger Counter muon<br>
detection system. The lead target is used to interact with potential dark matter particles, and<br>
neutron numbers are measured with He-3 tubes. The neutron event multiplicity production is<br>
compared to Geant4 simulations, starting with the well measured absolute muon momentum<br>
and angular distribution flux rate at sea level, then propagating the muon flux through rock<br>
while preserving the momentum-angular correlation to a depth 4m above the the detector at<br>
the two depth locations. The muon flux modeling is compared to the uncorrelated Miyake<br>
model at each depth as verification of the muon propagation simulation. Finally, the Geant4<br>
fully simulates the passage of the muon and its induced showers through a model universe<br>
10000 m^2 x 12 m depth, and the simulated response of the detector to the calculated muon<br>
flux, is compared with the data. <br>
<p> The Geant4 prediction and the observed data neutron event multiplicity distributions<br>
have matching power law shapes, k × n^(-p), and do not have exponential shapes. For the<br>
data collected at 583 m.w.e., p=2.36±0.10 with χ2/DoF = 0.76 and for the simulation<br>
p=2.34±0.01 with χ2/DoF = 1.05. At 1166 m.w.e., p=2.29±0.007 for the simulation with χ2/DoF = 1.16. And for the data the collection with only 6 detected events above multiplicity 5, yields p=2.50 ± 0.35 predicted by the Maximum Likelihood Estimatation method. </p>
<p> The DM acceptance as a function of mass is found using a proton-Pb spallation model.<br>
The dark matter mass is assumed to be equal to the proton kinetic energy and to interact<br>
uniformly over the volume of the lead target. The number of excess events is found to be<br>
-6.1 ± 5.1, that is no excess events are observed. The upper limit with 90% confidence<br>
level is then found assuming 2.3 events. The Poisson estimation then yielding search limits<br>
1.1×10^(-44) cm^(-2) for 10 GeV deposited energy, 1.9×10^(-45) cm^(-2) at 1 GeV and 3.0×10^(-45) cm^(-2) for 500 MeV deposited energy and no acceptance at 100 MeV.<br>
<p> An indirect dark matter search was conducted based on DM-M interactions depositing<br>
energy in a Pb-target allowing DM masses to be probed in a region 100 MeV < M(DM) <<br>
10 GeV not accessible to direct dark matter searches. Limits are placed on DM-M energy<br>
deposition independent of the DM-M interaction. <br>
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Geological and Geochemical Controls on Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterium Transmission: Examples from HawaiiRobinson, Schuyler Thomas 01 June 2019 (has links)
The opportunistic environmental microbes, non-tuberculous Mycobacterium (NTM), pose an increasing risk of disease and death in both immunodeficient and immunocompetent individuals in the USA and across the world. NTM lung disease is particularly prevalent in Hawaii, although the modes of NTM acquisition and transport in Hawaii are not fully understood. This study evaluated 149 soil and 50 water samples across the Hawaiian Islands to determine geochemical factors controlling NTM. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and principal component analyses (PCA) of modern soils show variables such as Total Organic Carbon (TOC), pH, P, mafic silicate minerals, and Pb seem to control NTM presence and transition metals and oxides such as TiO2, Zr, and Nb seem to control the absence perhaps due to toxicity. Logistic regression modeling coupled with Kolmogorov-Smirnov testing supported that TOC and P could be used to explain the probability of NTM presence in modern soils. Kolmogorov-Smirnov, non-metric multidimensional scaling, and principal components analysis results suggest poor predictability of NTM presence in soils when evaluating mineralogy alone. The same statistical methods indicated that transition metals appeared to control NTM presence in stream water and major cations and anions seemed to control NTM absence. However, additional bacterial stream data is needed to strengthen this finding. Additionally, an Oahu source water assessment and protection groundwater model was refined by including stream discharge data, including losses to the aquifer. NTM inhabits many environmental niches, although little is understood regarding the transport of NTM from the environment to indoor plumbing. However, transport from surface water to water-supply aquifers is likely important. This study analyzes groundwater flow from stream losses as a mechanism of NTM transport to water supplies. An updated MODFLOW groundwater model was developed for the north-east Oahu, Waimea River drainage. Results show hundreds of meters of lateral and tens of meters of vertical transport of NTM in 1-3 months. Additionally, geochemical modeling with Geochemist’s Workbench showed Fe oxy/hydroxides oversaturated in 100% of streams. Fe oxy/hydroxide affixed to NTM would potentially satisfy NTM’s preference for attachment and allow for colloidal transport through the aquifer.
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Continuous riparian vegetation change following a large, infrequent flood along the Sabie River, Kruger National Park / Philip AyresAyres, Philip January 2012 (has links)
The flood of 2000 caused extensive changes within the riparian landscape of the Sabie River, Kruger National Park (KNP). Changes within the riparian landscape and the removal of vegetation resulted in considerable changes in riparian vegetation characteristics. Open patches created by the flood served as a template for the establishment of new species and the regeneration of existing species, which consequently resulted in a patch mosaic. This memorable event encouraged an investigation into the response of the Sabie River ecosystem to the memorable Large Infrequent Disturbance (LID).
Riparian ecosystems are driven by varying combinations of environmental factors, such as water availability, disturbance, herbivory, fire and river morphology. This complexity depicts unique vegetation structure and assemblages of associated plant species. The lack of sufficient knowledge on the role of riparian vegetation in the health assessment of surrounding ecosystems along semi-arid rivers prompted the establishment of the Kruger Rivers Post Flood Research Program (KRPFRP).
Research conducted through this monitoring program four years after the 2000 flood, revealed no significant changes in the species composition, although the location and density of many common riparian species have been changed. There was a decrease in species density across the macro channel floor (MCF) and an increase in species density across the macro channel bank (MCB). Furthermore, it was reported that the flood altered the distribution of height classes across the macro channel. In general the riparian vegetation was shorter and bushier four years post-flood. These studies furthermore illustrated that the tree to shrub ratio did not change drastically from pre-flood conditions, although a decrease in the number of shrub individuals was reported.
The research presented in this dissertation was designed to further explore changes in woody species composition and structure along the Sabie River, KNP at a post flood temporal interval, i.e. between the last survey in 2004 (by the KRPFRP) and 2010. For data compatibility, the sampling and analytical approach of this study conforms to the approach followed by the KRPFRP. Data were sampled within four preselected belt-transects that form part of the larger KRPFRP. All established woody individuals were counted and measured within each contiguous 10 m x 30 m plot within each of the four belt-transects.
Log transformed species composition data were analysed through the application of the Bray Curtis dissimilarity index in combination with Ward’s method of clustering. Statistical significant differences between clusters were tested through the application of the Fisher’s exact relationship test. The MIXED Procedure or PROC MIXED model was used to investigate change within the vegetation structural data.
Results obtained through the various analytical methods broadly support the findings of the KRPFRP. No significant change in woody species composition could be detected between 2004 and 2010. However, a change in the density (increase and decrease) of certain species across the MCB and MCF was revealed. Species richness and density increased significantly on the MCF oppose to small changes on the MCB.
A significant increase in the total number of shrubs on the MCF contributed to an overall increase in woody density for the entire study area between 2004 and 2010. Shrubs therefore remained the most dominant growth form in both sampling years. Trees decreased across the MCB although the total number of established trees remained unchanged between 2004 and 2010.
Riparian vegetation structure is directly linked to species assemblages, hence the continued dominance of shrub species along the Sabie River in the KNP The Sabie River riparian landscape is therefore still characterised by short and multi-stemmed woody individuals ten years after the LID. / Thesis (MSc (Environmental Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Continuous riparian vegetation change following a large, infrequent flood along the Sabie River, Kruger National Park / Philip AyresAyres, Philip January 2012 (has links)
The flood of 2000 caused extensive changes within the riparian landscape of the Sabie River, Kruger National Park (KNP). Changes within the riparian landscape and the removal of vegetation resulted in considerable changes in riparian vegetation characteristics. Open patches created by the flood served as a template for the establishment of new species and the regeneration of existing species, which consequently resulted in a patch mosaic. This memorable event encouraged an investigation into the response of the Sabie River ecosystem to the memorable Large Infrequent Disturbance (LID).
Riparian ecosystems are driven by varying combinations of environmental factors, such as water availability, disturbance, herbivory, fire and river morphology. This complexity depicts unique vegetation structure and assemblages of associated plant species. The lack of sufficient knowledge on the role of riparian vegetation in the health assessment of surrounding ecosystems along semi-arid rivers prompted the establishment of the Kruger Rivers Post Flood Research Program (KRPFRP).
Research conducted through this monitoring program four years after the 2000 flood, revealed no significant changes in the species composition, although the location and density of many common riparian species have been changed. There was a decrease in species density across the macro channel floor (MCF) and an increase in species density across the macro channel bank (MCB). Furthermore, it was reported that the flood altered the distribution of height classes across the macro channel. In general the riparian vegetation was shorter and bushier four years post-flood. These studies furthermore illustrated that the tree to shrub ratio did not change drastically from pre-flood conditions, although a decrease in the number of shrub individuals was reported.
The research presented in this dissertation was designed to further explore changes in woody species composition and structure along the Sabie River, KNP at a post flood temporal interval, i.e. between the last survey in 2004 (by the KRPFRP) and 2010. For data compatibility, the sampling and analytical approach of this study conforms to the approach followed by the KRPFRP. Data were sampled within four preselected belt-transects that form part of the larger KRPFRP. All established woody individuals were counted and measured within each contiguous 10 m x 30 m plot within each of the four belt-transects.
Log transformed species composition data were analysed through the application of the Bray Curtis dissimilarity index in combination with Ward’s method of clustering. Statistical significant differences between clusters were tested through the application of the Fisher’s exact relationship test. The MIXED Procedure or PROC MIXED model was used to investigate change within the vegetation structural data.
Results obtained through the various analytical methods broadly support the findings of the KRPFRP. No significant change in woody species composition could be detected between 2004 and 2010. However, a change in the density (increase and decrease) of certain species across the MCB and MCF was revealed. Species richness and density increased significantly on the MCF oppose to small changes on the MCB.
A significant increase in the total number of shrubs on the MCF contributed to an overall increase in woody density for the entire study area between 2004 and 2010. Shrubs therefore remained the most dominant growth form in both sampling years. Trees decreased across the MCB although the total number of established trees remained unchanged between 2004 and 2010.
Riparian vegetation structure is directly linked to species assemblages, hence the continued dominance of shrub species along the Sabie River in the KNP The Sabie River riparian landscape is therefore still characterised by short and multi-stemmed woody individuals ten years after the LID. / Thesis (MSc (Environmental Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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