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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Substituent Effects on Diazeniumdiolate Anions: an AB Initio and DFT Study

García, Samuel A. (Samuel Anthony) 12 1900 (has links)
Nitroglycerin and isoamyl nitrate have been used as nitrovasodilators since the nineteeth century. However, not until recently has it been known that these compounds were useful since they promoted the release of NO in the body. More recently, a new class of drugs, NO donors, has been developed. These include S-nitrosothiols (RSNO), sydnonimines, and nucleophilic NO adducts.

Complexos de rutênio com o ligante nitrosilo no desenvolvimento de materiais potencialmente liberadores de óxido nítrico / Ruthenium nitrosyl complexes for development of potential nitric oxide releasing materials.

Doro, Fábio Gorzoni 22 February 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho são relatados os resultados do emprego de nitrosilo complexos de rutênio para a preparação de materiais otencialmente liberadores de óxido nítrico. A partir deste objetivo inicial, três diferentes estratégias foram investigadas, a saber: i) preparação de um nitrosilo complexo de rutênio com o ligante 1,4,8,11-tetraazaciclotetradecano (cyclam) mono-N-substituído com um grupamento carboxipropil; ii) imobilização de uma tetraamina de rutênio com o ligante nitrosilo na superfície da sílica-gel modificada com grupamentos isonicotinamida e iii) deposição de filmes finos hibrídos orgânico-inorgânicos contendo o complexo trans-[Ru(NO)Cl(cyclam)](PF6)2, sobre a superfície do aço 316L (aço cirúrgico), utilizando o processo sol-gel. A primeira estratégia envolveu a síntese do ligante ácido 3-(1,4,8,11- tetraazaciclotetradeca-1-il)propanóico, (1-carboxipropil)cyclam, com modificações do método previamente descrito na literatura. O ligante foi purificado através de uma nova metodologia, a qual levou a um expressivo aumento no rendimento. Este ligante, bem como seu cloridrato análogo, foram caracterizados utilizando-se técnicas como ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) de 1H e de 13C, espectrometria de massa (ESIMS), espectroscopia no infravermelho (IV) e análise elementar. Para o cloridrato também foi realizada a determinação do pKa da carboxila do substituinte. A partir da reação do ligante 1-(carboxipropil)cyclam com RuNOCl3 foi sintetizado o complexo fac-[Ru(NO)Cl2(k3N4,N8,N11(1-carboxipropil)cyclam)]ClH2O. Para efeitos de comparação também foi sintetizado o análogo trans-[Ru(NO)Cl(cyclam)](PF6)2 através da reação com RuNOCl3 e da rota descrita na literatura. O complexo fac- [Ru(NO)Cl2(k3N4,N8,N11(1-carboxipropil)cyclam)]ClH2O teve sua estrutura cristalina e molecular determinada por difração de Raios-X e foi caracterizado através de técnicas como espectrometria de massa por electrospray (ESI-MS) e espectrometria de massa por electrospray com fragmentação por impacto (ESI-MS/MS), RMN de 1H e de 13C, análise elementar, espectroscopia no IV e no ultravioleta e visível (UV-Vis). O referido complexo teve seu comportamento eletroquímico investigado. Foram estimados os valores de pKa e a labilidade dos ligantes cloreto foi investigada. Por fim foram realizados estudos preliminares de citotoxicidade deste complexo em células tumorais da linhagem B16-F10. No tocante à segunda estratégia, inicialmente foi preparada uma sílica-gel contendo grupos isonicotinamida em sua superfície, a 3-isonicotinamidapropil sílica (ISNPS). Este suporte foi preparado a partir da reação entre a 3-aminopropil sílica e o ácido isonicotínico na presença de ,3-diclohexilcarbodiimida (DCCI) em refluxo de dimetilformamida a qual levou a formação de uma ligação amida entre o grupamento amina da sílica e o ácido carboxílico da base nitrogenada. A sílica modificada foi caracterizada por análise elementar e espectroscopia no IV e teve sua área superficial específica determinada. A ISNPS foi utilizada para imobilizar a unidade [Ru(NH3)4(SO3)] através da reação com trans-[Ru(NH4)(SO2)Cl]Cl levando à obtenção do complexo imobilizado [ºSi(CH2)3(isn)Ru(NH3)4(SO3)]. A partir deste complexo foram preparados os análogos [ºSi(CH2)3(isn)Ru(NH3)4(L)]3+/2+ (L = SO2, SO4 2-, OH2 e NO), os quais foram caracterizados através de espectroscopia no IV e no UV-Vis bem com por voltametria cíclica. A síntese do nitrosilo complexo imobilizado foi realizada pela reação do aquo complexo imobilizado [ºSi(CH2)3(isn)Ru(NH3)4(H2O)]2+ pela reação com nitrito tanto em meio ácido como em tampão fosfato (pH = 7,4). Os resultados semelhantes obtidos por ambos os métodos indicam que o aquo complexo é capaz de converter o ion nitrito em NO coordenado. O nitrosilo complexo imobilizado [ºSi(CH2)3(isn)Ru(NH3)4(NO)]3+ foi investigado com relação à liberação de óxido nítrico (NO), mostrando-se capaz de liberar NO tanto por irradiação com luz quanto por redução química, gerando, respectivamente, os aquo complexos de rutênio (III) e (II). O nitrosilo complexo de rutênio imobilizado pode ser regenerado a partir destes materiais através da reação com solução de nitrito em pH 7,4. Até 3 ciclos de redução e regeneração do nitrosilo complexo imobilizado foram realizados. Observou-se que a tetraamina de rutênio é estável em relação à lixiviação e é capaz de manter a capacidade de liberar NO durante os ciclos de redução e regeneração. Por fim, a terceira estratégia envolveu inicialmente o desenvolvimento de um tratamento para a superfície do aço cirúrgico 316L. A eficiência de cada tratamento foi avaliada através de microscopia ótica e de medidas de ângulo de contato estático e dinâmico. O tratamento com melhor resultado levou à obtenção de uma superfície hidrofílica e homogênea tanto física como quimicamente, conforme observado através dos resultados de medidas de ângulo de contato estático e dinâmico e por microscopia de força atômica (AFM). Cinco diferentes filmes de silanos híbridos orgânicoinorgânicos foram depositados sobre a superfície do aço, utilizando-se o processo solgel e a técnica de spin coating. Como siloxanos foram utilizados o tetraetoxisilano (TEOS), o 3-glicidoxipropiltrimetoxisilano (Glymo) e o poli(dimetil)siloxano (PDMS) em misturas binárias. Os filmes obtidos foram caracterizados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), microscopia de força atômica (AFM), espectroscopia de reflectância especular no IV, ressonância magnética nuclear no estado sólido com rotação no ângulo mágico (RMN MAS) de 29Si e de 13C. As espessuras foram determinadas através de reflectância especular e as energias superficiais dos filmes foram determinadas através da técnica de ângulo de contato. Propriedades como adesão mecânica e estabilidade em solução dos filmes também foram avaliadas. A adesão mecânica foi investigada através de testes do tipo peel segundo normas ASTM, sendo que, dos cinco filmes avaliados, apenas um apresentou uma adesão pobre, sendo a adesão dos demais adequada. A estabilidade dos filmes em solução foi avaliada por testes de imersão estática nas temperaturas de 25 ± 1 oC e 37 ± 1 oC em tampão fosfato salino (PBS). Para a avaliação da estabilidade, a quantidade de silício liberada foi analizada por espectrometria de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS). A partir dos resultados obtidos na caracterização dos filmes e dos testes de adesão e estabilidade química foram escolhidas duas condições para a imoblização do complexo trans-[Ru(NO)Cl(cyclam)](PF6)2 a qual foi realizada pela incorporação do complexo no sol e posterior deposição do gel contendo o complexo sobre a superfície do aço cirúrgico por spin-coating. Os filmes assim preparados foram caracterizados por MEV, AFM, espectrocopia de reflectancia especular no IV. A espessura dos filmes foi determinada através de reflectancia especular e a energia superficial dos filmes foi obtida através de medidas de ângulo de contato. / In this work we report the results on three different strategies aiming the preparation of materials that might be used as potential nitric oxide releasing materials. In order to achieve this goal, the following approaches were conducted: i) the synthesis and characterization of a new ruthenium nitrosyl complex with cyclam ligand mono- N-substituted with a carboxypropyl pendant group; ii) the immobilization of a ruthenium tetraamine nitrosyl complex on the modified silica gel surface and iii) deposition on the surface of surgical stainless steel of hybrid organic-inorganic thin films containing the trans-[RuCl(NO)(cyclam)](PF6)2 (cyclam = 1,4,8,11- tetraazacyclotetradecane) complex prepared by the sol-gel process. Regarding the first approach, the 3-(1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecan-1- yl)propionic acid ligand, 1-(carboxypropyl)cyclam, was synthesized according to a reported method with slight modifications and purified by a new method which resulted in a significant yield improvement. The 1-(carboxypropyl) ligand, as well as its tetrahydrochloride analog, was characterized by means of 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), vibrational (IR) spectroscopy and elemental analysis. For the 1-(carboxypropyl)cyclam tetrahydrochloride, pKa of carboxypropyl group was determined. The complex fac- [Ru(NO)Cl2(k3N4,N8,N11(1-carboxypropyl)cyclam)]ClH2O was prepared in an one pot reaction by mixing equimolar amounts of RuNOCl3 and (1-carboxypropyl)cyclam. For comparative purposes, the analogous complex trans-[Ru(NO)Cl(cyclam)](PF6)2 was synthesized using RuNOCl3 as starting material, and, also, by a published procedure. The complex fac-[Ru(NO)Cl2(k3N4,N8,N11(1- carboxipropil)cyclam)]ClH2O was characterized by X-ray crystallography, electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS), elemental analysis, 1H and 13C NMR, ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis) and IR spectroscopies. The electrochemical behavior and chloride inertness of the fac complex were investigated and pKa values were estimated. A preliminary investigation of the citotoxicity of this complex on B16-F10 tumor cells was performed.

Advances in Pharmacological Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis

Oliynyk, Igor January 2010 (has links)
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inborn, hereditary disease, due to mutations in the gene for a cAMP-activated chloride (Cl-) channel, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). As a result of impaired ion and water transport,the airway mucus is abnormally viscous, which leads to bacterial colonization.Recurrent infections and inflammation result in obstructive pulmonary disease.Similar changes in the pancreas lead to pancreatic insufficiency.Several compounds have been tested to improve transepithelial ion transport in CF patients, either via activation of the mutant CFTR, or via stimulation of alternative chloride channels. The main purpose of this thesis was to find substances that might correct the defective ion transport in epithelial cells in CFand could be useful for the pharmacological treatment of CF patients. Long-term treatment with the macrolide antibiotic azithromycin (AZM)improved clinical parameters and lung function in CF patients and increased Cl- transport in CF bronchial epithelial cells (CFBE) (Paper I); although mRNA expression of the CFTR gene remained unchanged.In contrast, pre-exposure to the mucolytic antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) increased CFTR protein expression and was associated with increased Cl- efflux from CFBE cells (Paper II). Clinical trials of this substance might be warranted. Duramycin has been the subject of clinical trials that finished in June2009. Up till now, no results from this study are available. The effect of this substance on Cl- efflux from three CF and three non-CF cell lines (Paper III) was disappointing. An effect was found only in CFBE cells, the effect was minimal, occurred in a narrow concentration range, and was not associated with an increase in the intracellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]i. The fact that NO-donors stimulated Cl- efflux from CFBE cells (but did notchange [Ca2+]i) after several hours of preincubation suggests that these substances may be a potentially interesting group of compounds for the treatment of CF (Paper IV). A model for the effect of NO-donors on Cl- efflux is presented. / Cystisk fibros (CF) är en medfödd, ärftlig, sjukdom, som förorsakas av en mutation i en gen som innehåller koden för en kloridkanal som aktiveras av cykliskt AMP (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, CFTR). Som en följd av otillräcklig transport av joner och vatten är slemmet i luftvägarna onormalt segt, vilket leder till att det koloniseras av bakterier. Upprepade infektioneroch inflammation av luftvägarna leder slutligen till obstruktiv lungsjukdom.Liknande förändringar i bukspottkörteln leder till att också detta organ inte fungerar. Flera kemiska ämnen har testats för sin förmåga att förbättra jontransporten över epitelet hos CF-patienter. Detta skulle kunna göras antingen genom aktivering av det muterade CFTR-proteinet, eller genom stimulering av alternativa kloridkanaler. Huvudsyftet med den forskning som beskrivs i denna avhandling var att hitta kemiska substanser som skulle kunna korrigera den defekta jontransporten i epitelceller hos CF-patienter, och därför vara nyttiga för behandlingen av patienterna. Behandling under längre tid med azithromycin (AZM), ett makrolidantibiotikum,förbättrade CF-patienternas kliniska status och lungfunktion,samt ökade kloridutflödet från CF bronkialepitelceller (CFBE-celler) (Arbete I).Däremot ändrades inte uttrycket av mRNA för CFTR-genen. I kontrast till detta ökade uttrycket av CFTR-proteinet om CFBE-cellerna utsattes för den slemlösande anti-oxidanten N-acetylcystein (NAC), vilket ledde till ökat kloridutflöde från denna cellinje (Arbete II). Det vore rimligt att utföra kliniska prövningar av detta ämne. Duramycin har testats i kliniska prov som slutade i juni 2009, men några resultatfrån dessa prov har inte offentliggjorts än. Effekten av detta ämne på kloridutflödet från tre CF-cellinjer och tre icke-CF cellinjer (Arbete III) var en besvikelse. Duramycin hade endast effekt på CFBE-celler, effekten var mycket liten, förekom endast i ett litet koncentrationsområde av duramycin, och var inte kopplad till en ökning av den intracellulära kalciumkoncentrationen [Ca2+]i. Att ämnen som avger kväveoxid (NO) stimulerade kloridutflödet från CFceller (men inte påverkade [Ca2+]i) efter några timmar, visar att denna grupp av ämnen kan vara potentiellt intressant för behandlingen av CF (arbete IV). En modell för effekten av NO på kloridtransporten i CF-celler presenteras.

New Variety of Pyridine and Pyrazine-Based Arginine Mimics : Synthesis, Structural Study and Preliminary Biological Evaluation / Nouveaux mimes d'arginine à motif pyridinique ou pyrazinique : synthèse, étude structurale et évaluation biologique préliminaire

Ovdiichuk, Olga 28 November 2016 (has links)
Ce travail décrit la synthèse, l’étude structurale et une première évaluation des propriétés biologiques d’une nouvelle famille de mimes de l’arginine issus de motifs pyridine et pyrazine. Pour cela, nous avons mis au point la synthèse de nouveaux peptidomimétiques dans lequels la fonction amidine est remplacée par une amidoxime mime potentiel du résidu arginine. La fonctionnalisation chimique de ces motifs a permis à partir de la pyridine (ou pyrazine) 2,3-disubstituée l’obtention de nouveaux coudes non-peptidiques possédant des motifs amidoximes estérifiés par des acides aminés ou modifiés par des hydrazides d'acides aminés, des N-acylamidrazones et des résidus de 1,2,4-oxadiazole et de 1,2,4-triazole. L’analyse structurale réalisée par RMN, IR, modélisation moléculaire et par XRD a confirmé les propriétés des hétérocycles pyridine et pyrazine, en particulier dans la stabilisation des conformations et le noyau pyrazine qui semble jouer un rôle essentiel sur la stabilisation de la conformation. L’étude d'un nouveau pseudotripeptide à base de pyrazine-ProlylPhenylalanine a révélé la formation d'une liaison hydrogène entre le proton du groupe OH et l'oxygène du carbonyle de la phénylalanine C-terminale. La liaison hydrogène, ferme un pseudocycle à 7 atomes (C7). De plus, une augmentation considérable du rotamère trans (jusqu'à 98%) dans un solvant faiblement polaire (CHCl3) a été observée. Enfin, les premières amidoximes testées ont permis de révéler la libération de NO en concentration suffisante pour produire un effet pharmacologique / This work describes the synthesis, structural study and preliminary biological evaluation of new variety of pyridine and pyrazine-based arginine mimics. Initially, we have developed a convenient synthesis of new peptidomimetics with amidoxime function as a replacement of amidine one. The latter can imitate arginine residue in biological structures. Chemical functionalization of these scaffolds led to novel 2,3-disubstituted pyridine(pyrazine) turn structures bearing amidoximes esterified with amino acid or modified with amino acid hydrazides, N-acylamidrazones, 1,2,4-oxadiazole and 1,2,4-triazole residues. Additionally, all structures were analyzed by NMR, IR, molecular modelling and XRD. Conformational studies confirmed that pyridine and pyrazine heterocycles can be used to increase rigidity and the pyrazine core has stronger effect on conformation stabilization. Examination of a new ProPhe pyrazine-based pseudotripeptide revealed the hydrogen bond formation between the proton of the OH and the carbonyl oxygen of the C-terminal phenylalanine. This hydrogen bond adopts a seven-membered ?-turn conformation. Therefore, a dramatic increase of the trans rotamer up to 98% was observed in weakly polar solvent, which is CHCl3. Finally, preliminary results of the NO release assay on amidoximes demonstrated sufficient values for pharmacological effect

Complexos de rutênio com o ligante nitrosilo no desenvolvimento de materiais potencialmente liberadores de óxido nítrico / Ruthenium nitrosyl complexes for development of potential nitric oxide releasing materials.

Fábio Gorzoni Doro 22 February 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho são relatados os resultados do emprego de nitrosilo complexos de rutênio para a preparação de materiais otencialmente liberadores de óxido nítrico. A partir deste objetivo inicial, três diferentes estratégias foram investigadas, a saber: i) preparação de um nitrosilo complexo de rutênio com o ligante 1,4,8,11-tetraazaciclotetradecano (cyclam) mono-N-substituído com um grupamento carboxipropil; ii) imobilização de uma tetraamina de rutênio com o ligante nitrosilo na superfície da sílica-gel modificada com grupamentos isonicotinamida e iii) deposição de filmes finos hibrídos orgânico-inorgânicos contendo o complexo trans-[Ru(NO)Cl(cyclam)](PF6)2, sobre a superfície do aço 316L (aço cirúrgico), utilizando o processo sol-gel. A primeira estratégia envolveu a síntese do ligante ácido 3-(1,4,8,11- tetraazaciclotetradeca-1-il)propanóico, (1-carboxipropil)cyclam, com modificações do método previamente descrito na literatura. O ligante foi purificado através de uma nova metodologia, a qual levou a um expressivo aumento no rendimento. Este ligante, bem como seu cloridrato análogo, foram caracterizados utilizando-se técnicas como ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) de 1H e de 13C, espectrometria de massa (ESIMS), espectroscopia no infravermelho (IV) e análise elementar. Para o cloridrato também foi realizada a determinação do pKa da carboxila do substituinte. A partir da reação do ligante 1-(carboxipropil)cyclam com RuNOCl3 foi sintetizado o complexo fac-[Ru(NO)Cl2(k3N4,N8,N11(1-carboxipropil)cyclam)]ClH2O. Para efeitos de comparação também foi sintetizado o análogo trans-[Ru(NO)Cl(cyclam)](PF6)2 através da reação com RuNOCl3 e da rota descrita na literatura. O complexo fac- [Ru(NO)Cl2(k3N4,N8,N11(1-carboxipropil)cyclam)]ClH2O teve sua estrutura cristalina e molecular determinada por difração de Raios-X e foi caracterizado através de técnicas como espectrometria de massa por electrospray (ESI-MS) e espectrometria de massa por electrospray com fragmentação por impacto (ESI-MS/MS), RMN de 1H e de 13C, análise elementar, espectroscopia no IV e no ultravioleta e visível (UV-Vis). O referido complexo teve seu comportamento eletroquímico investigado. Foram estimados os valores de pKa e a labilidade dos ligantes cloreto foi investigada. Por fim foram realizados estudos preliminares de citotoxicidade deste complexo em células tumorais da linhagem B16-F10. No tocante à segunda estratégia, inicialmente foi preparada uma sílica-gel contendo grupos isonicotinamida em sua superfície, a 3-isonicotinamidapropil sílica (ISNPS). Este suporte foi preparado a partir da reação entre a 3-aminopropil sílica e o ácido isonicotínico na presença de ,3-diclohexilcarbodiimida (DCCI) em refluxo de dimetilformamida a qual levou a formação de uma ligação amida entre o grupamento amina da sílica e o ácido carboxílico da base nitrogenada. A sílica modificada foi caracterizada por análise elementar e espectroscopia no IV e teve sua área superficial específica determinada. A ISNPS foi utilizada para imobilizar a unidade [Ru(NH3)4(SO3)] através da reação com trans-[Ru(NH4)(SO2)Cl]Cl levando à obtenção do complexo imobilizado [ºSi(CH2)3(isn)Ru(NH3)4(SO3)]. A partir deste complexo foram preparados os análogos [ºSi(CH2)3(isn)Ru(NH3)4(L)]3+/2+ (L = SO2, SO4 2-, OH2 e NO), os quais foram caracterizados através de espectroscopia no IV e no UV-Vis bem com por voltametria cíclica. A síntese do nitrosilo complexo imobilizado foi realizada pela reação do aquo complexo imobilizado [ºSi(CH2)3(isn)Ru(NH3)4(H2O)]2+ pela reação com nitrito tanto em meio ácido como em tampão fosfato (pH = 7,4). Os resultados semelhantes obtidos por ambos os métodos indicam que o aquo complexo é capaz de converter o ion nitrito em NO coordenado. O nitrosilo complexo imobilizado [ºSi(CH2)3(isn)Ru(NH3)4(NO)]3+ foi investigado com relação à liberação de óxido nítrico (NO), mostrando-se capaz de liberar NO tanto por irradiação com luz quanto por redução química, gerando, respectivamente, os aquo complexos de rutênio (III) e (II). O nitrosilo complexo de rutênio imobilizado pode ser regenerado a partir destes materiais através da reação com solução de nitrito em pH 7,4. Até 3 ciclos de redução e regeneração do nitrosilo complexo imobilizado foram realizados. Observou-se que a tetraamina de rutênio é estável em relação à lixiviação e é capaz de manter a capacidade de liberar NO durante os ciclos de redução e regeneração. Por fim, a terceira estratégia envolveu inicialmente o desenvolvimento de um tratamento para a superfície do aço cirúrgico 316L. A eficiência de cada tratamento foi avaliada através de microscopia ótica e de medidas de ângulo de contato estático e dinâmico. O tratamento com melhor resultado levou à obtenção de uma superfície hidrofílica e homogênea tanto física como quimicamente, conforme observado através dos resultados de medidas de ângulo de contato estático e dinâmico e por microscopia de força atômica (AFM). Cinco diferentes filmes de silanos híbridos orgânicoinorgânicos foram depositados sobre a superfície do aço, utilizando-se o processo solgel e a técnica de spin coating. Como siloxanos foram utilizados o tetraetoxisilano (TEOS), o 3-glicidoxipropiltrimetoxisilano (Glymo) e o poli(dimetil)siloxano (PDMS) em misturas binárias. Os filmes obtidos foram caracterizados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), microscopia de força atômica (AFM), espectroscopia de reflectância especular no IV, ressonância magnética nuclear no estado sólido com rotação no ângulo mágico (RMN MAS) de 29Si e de 13C. As espessuras foram determinadas através de reflectância especular e as energias superficiais dos filmes foram determinadas através da técnica de ângulo de contato. Propriedades como adesão mecânica e estabilidade em solução dos filmes também foram avaliadas. A adesão mecânica foi investigada através de testes do tipo peel segundo normas ASTM, sendo que, dos cinco filmes avaliados, apenas um apresentou uma adesão pobre, sendo a adesão dos demais adequada. A estabilidade dos filmes em solução foi avaliada por testes de imersão estática nas temperaturas de 25 ± 1 oC e 37 ± 1 oC em tampão fosfato salino (PBS). Para a avaliação da estabilidade, a quantidade de silício liberada foi analizada por espectrometria de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS). A partir dos resultados obtidos na caracterização dos filmes e dos testes de adesão e estabilidade química foram escolhidas duas condições para a imoblização do complexo trans-[Ru(NO)Cl(cyclam)](PF6)2 a qual foi realizada pela incorporação do complexo no sol e posterior deposição do gel contendo o complexo sobre a superfície do aço cirúrgico por spin-coating. Os filmes assim preparados foram caracterizados por MEV, AFM, espectrocopia de reflectancia especular no IV. A espessura dos filmes foi determinada através de reflectancia especular e a energia superficial dos filmes foi obtida através de medidas de ângulo de contato. / In this work we report the results on three different strategies aiming the preparation of materials that might be used as potential nitric oxide releasing materials. In order to achieve this goal, the following approaches were conducted: i) the synthesis and characterization of a new ruthenium nitrosyl complex with cyclam ligand mono- N-substituted with a carboxypropyl pendant group; ii) the immobilization of a ruthenium tetraamine nitrosyl complex on the modified silica gel surface and iii) deposition on the surface of surgical stainless steel of hybrid organic-inorganic thin films containing the trans-[RuCl(NO)(cyclam)](PF6)2 (cyclam = 1,4,8,11- tetraazacyclotetradecane) complex prepared by the sol-gel process. Regarding the first approach, the 3-(1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecan-1- yl)propionic acid ligand, 1-(carboxypropyl)cyclam, was synthesized according to a reported method with slight modifications and purified by a new method which resulted in a significant yield improvement. The 1-(carboxypropyl) ligand, as well as its tetrahydrochloride analog, was characterized by means of 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), vibrational (IR) spectroscopy and elemental analysis. For the 1-(carboxypropyl)cyclam tetrahydrochloride, pKa of carboxypropyl group was determined. The complex fac- [Ru(NO)Cl2(k3N4,N8,N11(1-carboxypropyl)cyclam)]ClH2O was prepared in an one pot reaction by mixing equimolar amounts of RuNOCl3 and (1-carboxypropyl)cyclam. For comparative purposes, the analogous complex trans-[Ru(NO)Cl(cyclam)](PF6)2 was synthesized using RuNOCl3 as starting material, and, also, by a published procedure. The complex fac-[Ru(NO)Cl2(k3N4,N8,N11(1- carboxipropil)cyclam)]ClH2O was characterized by X-ray crystallography, electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS), elemental analysis, 1H and 13C NMR, ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis) and IR spectroscopies. The electrochemical behavior and chloride inertness of the fac complex were investigated and pKa values were estimated. A preliminary investigation of the citotoxicity of this complex on B16-F10 tumor cells was performed.

Étude de la biodisponibilité orale du S-nitrosoglutathion au moyen de modèles de la barrière intestinale par chromatographie en phase liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse après marquage par l’isotope 15 de l’azote / Oral bioavailability studies of S-nitrosoglutathione using intestinal barrier models by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry after labeling with the nitrogen isotope 15

Yu, Haiyan 29 August 2018 (has links)
Le développement de nouveaux donneurs d’oxyde nitrique (NO) dans le traitement chronique des maladies cardiovasculaires nécessite l’étude de leur biodisponibilité après administration par voie orale. Les S-nitrosothiols (RSNOs) apparaissent d’intéressants candidats médicaments pour ce faire, et l’étude de leur perméabilité intestinale est une première étape indispensable. Il est nécessaire de disposer d’une méthodologie analytique suffisamment sensible et sélective, en particulier permettant de différencier entre la production endogène de NO, l’apport alimentaire en ions nitrites et nitrate et le médicament lui-même. Nos travaux de thèse ont consisté à utiliser le S-nitrosoglutathion (GSNO) comme modèle après son marquage par l’isotope stable 15 de l’azote (15N). La dérivation du 15NO libéré par deux méthodes conventionnelles (méthode de Griess conduisant à la formation d’un adduit azoïque ; réaction avec le 2,3-diaminonaphtalène (DAN) formant l’adduit 2,3-naphtotriazole (NAT)) et l’étude de la fragmentation en spectrométrie de masse tandem (MS/MS) des deux adduits correspondants ont mené à sélectionner la dérivation par le DAN comme étant la plus sensible. Une transition originale résultant de la fragmentation du NAT en mode Higher-energy Collisional Dissociation (HCD) au lieu du mode conventionnel Collisionally Induced Dissociation (CID) a été mise en évidence ; elle permet d’atteindre une limite de quantification de 5 nM (soit 20 fois plus basse que celle offerte par la fluorescence). La méthode LC-MS/MS a été validée et appliquée à l’étude de la perméabilité intestinale du GS15NO par deux modèles : l’un in vitro (monocouche de cellules épithéliales type Caco-2), l’autre ex vivo (intestin de rat isolé (ileum) dans une chambre de Ussing). Les valeurs de perméabilité apparente calculées à partir des concentrations des métabolites du GS15NO (ions nitrites, nitrates et RSNOs) le classent comme un médicament de perméabilité intermédiaire. En outre, des études sur les mécanismes de dénitrosation du GSNO ont été menées sur intestin isolé, démontrant en particulier le rôle d’enzymes telles que la γ-glutamyltransférase et la protein disulfide isomerase / The development of innovative nitric oxide (NO) donors for the chronic treatment of cardiovascular diseases implies their bioavailability studies after oral administration. S-nitrosothiols (RSNOs) look interesting drug candidates for this purpose and evaluating their intestinal permeability appears the first step to be realized. Thus, an analytical method offering high sensitivity is needed; moreover this method should be selective by differentiating between the endogenous production of NO, the intake of nitrite and nitrate ions via the diet, and the drug itself. Our work consisted in using S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) labeled with the stable nitrogen isotope 15 (15N) as a model. Released 15NO species were derivatized by two conventional methods: Griess method leading to the formation of an azo adduct; reaction with 2,3-diaminonaphthalene (DAN) producing 2,3-naphtotriazole (NAT); fragmentation studies of the two adducts by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) allow the selection of DAN method because it provides the highest sensitivity. An original transition resulting from the NAT fragmentation in Higher-energy Collisional Dissociation (HCD) mode instead of the conventional Collisionally Induced Dissociation (CID) mode was pointed out and permitted to reach a limit of quantification of 5 nM (20 fold less than when using fluorescence). The LC-MS/MS method was validated and applied to the GS15NO intestinal permeability studies with two models: in vitro (a monolayer of Caco-2 epithelial cells), and ex vivo (isolated intestine of rat (ileum) in an Ussing chamber). The apparent permeability values calculated with concentrations of GS15NO metabolites (nitrite, nitrate ions and RSNOs) classify it as a middle permeable drug. Studies on GSNO denitrosating processes using isolated rat intestine demonstrate that the enzymes γ-glutamyltransferase and protein disulfide isomerase play a pivotal role

Rôle du monoxyde d'azote dans la calcification vasculaire et la rigidité artérielle dans un modèle d'hypertension systolique isolée

Gilbert, Liz-Ann 12 1900 (has links)
L’hypertension systolique isolée (HSI) est le résultat de changements au niveau de la paroi vasculaire qui ont pour conséquence d’augmenter la rigidité artérielle. Ces modifications surviennent surtout au niveau des grosses artères comme l’aorte et sont associées au vieillissement. La fragmentation des fibres élastiques, leur calcification (élastocalcinose) et la fibrose font partie des changements majeurs observés avec l’âge. En plus de ces changements, le vieillissement vasculaire provoque des modifications au niveau des cellules qui composent la paroi. Les cellules endothéliales sécrètent moins de monoxyde d’azote (NO) provoquant une dysfonction endothéliale et les cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLVs) synthétisent maintenant des protéines matricielles et osseuses. Situé entre le sang et les CMLVs, l’endothélium contrôle le tonus vasculaire par la sécrétion de plusieurs substances vasoactives qui interagissent entre elles afin de maintenir l’homéostasie du système vasculaire. Parmi celles-ci, on note l’endothéline (ET), un puissant vasoconstricteur et le NO, un gaz vasorelaxants. Ce dernier est aussi reconnu pour bloquer la production d’ET par un mécanisme dépendant du guanosine monophosphate cyclique (GMPc). Comme il y a une interaction entre le NO et l’ET, et que cette dernière est impliquée dans la calcification artérielle, le NO pourrait être impliqué dans la modulation de l’élastocalcinose et de la rigidité artérielle par l’inhibition de l’ET et la modification de la composition de la paroi. Cet effet, qui se produirait au delà des effets vasorelaxants du NO, offre un potentiel thérapeutique intéressant pour l’HSI. Afin d’évaluer l’implication du NO dans la calcification vasculaire et la rigidité artérielle, un modèle animal d’HSI a été utilisé (modèle warfarine vitamine K, WVK). Ce modèle d’élastocalcinose est basé sur l’inhibition de la maturation d’une protéine anti-calcifiante, la matrix Gla protein (MGP), par la warfarine. Afin de déterminer l’implication physiologique du NO dans l’initiation et la progression de l’élastocalcinose, sa production a été inhibée par un analogue de la L-arginine, le L-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME). Lors des processus d’initiation de la calcification, le L-NAME a prévenu l’élastocalcinose sans toutefois modifier la vitesse de l’onde de pouls (PWV). Suite au traitement L-NAME, l’expression de la NO synthase inductible (iNOS) a été diminuée alors qu’elle a été augmentée lors du traitement WVK. Elle pourrait donc être impliquée dans les processus de calcification vasculaire. De plus, la NO synthase endothéliale (eNOS) semble également impliquée puisqu’elle a été augmentée dans le modèle WVK. Cette hausse pourrait être bénéfique pour limiter l’élastocalcinose alors que l’expression de la iNOS serait délétère. Lors de la progression de la calcification, le L-NAME a augmenté l’élastocalcinose et le PWV. Dans ce contexte, l’ET serait impliquée dans l’amplification de la calcification vasculaire entrainant une hausse de la rigidité artérielle. Comme le NO endogène limite la progression de la calcification et conséquemment la rigidité artérielle, il semble être protecteur. L’efficacité d’une modulation de la voie du NO dans le modèle WVK a été étudiée par l’administration d’un donneur de NO, le sinitrodil, ou d’un inhibiteur de la phosphosdiestérase 5 (PDE5), le tadalafil. La modulation de la voie du NO semble être bénéfique sur la rigidité artérielle, mais seulement de façon aiguë. En effet, le sinitrodil a modifié de transitoirement la rigidité au niveau de l’aorte possiblement par la modulation du tonus vasculaire sans toutefois avoir des effets sur la composition de la paroi. Comme le modèle WVK n’affecte pas la fonction endothéliale, les concentrations endogènes de NO semblent être optimales puisque le sinitrodil provoque une augmentation de l’élastocalcinose possiblement par le développement d’une tolérance. Tout comme le sinitrodil, le tadalafil a modulé de manière aiguë la rigidité artérielle sans modifier la composition de la paroi. Globalement, ces travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence les effets bénéfiques du NO endogène pour limiter le développement de l’HSI, suggérant qu’une dysfonction endothéliale, tel qu’observé lors du vieillissement, a un impact négatif sur la maladie. / Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) is the result of complex changes in the vascular wall and consequently the increase of arterial stiffness. These modifications occur mainly in conductance arteries, like the aorta, and are associated with aging. The fragmentation of elastic fibers, calcification (elastocalcinosis), and fibrosis are major changes with age. In addition to these changes in the extracellular matrix, vascular aging also induces vascular cell wall modifications. These include decreased production of nitric oxide (NO) by endothelial cells, which induces endothelial dysfunction, and the production of matrix and bone proteins by vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Located between the blood and VSMCs, the endothelium controls vascular tone by secreting various vasoactive factors. These factors interact with each other to maintain the hemodynamic of the vascular system. Among these factors, the vasoconstrictor endothelin (ET) and the vasodilator NO. The latter has been shown to block ET production via a cyclic guanosine monophosphates-(cGMP) dependent mechanism, whereas ET has been implicated in arterial calcification. Therefore, NO might be involved in the modulation of elastocalcinosis and arterial stiffness by inhibiting ET and modifying the vascular wall composition. This effect of NO could offer interesting therapeutic potential for ISH. To evaluate the implication of NO in the vascular calcification and arterial stiffness, an animal model of ISH was used. This model of elastocalcinosis is based on the inhibition of the maturation of the anti-calcific protein, matrix Gla protein (MGP), by warfarin (WVK model). To gain insight into the physiological role of endogenous NO in the initiation and progression of elastocalcinosis, its production was inhibited by the administration of L-NAME. Interestingly, elastocalcinosis was prevented by L-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME) administration without any modifications of the pulse wave velocity (PWV) during the initiation of the calcification processes. After the L-NAME treatment, the expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) was decreased, whereas upon treatment with warfarin alone the expression of iNOS was increased, which could be implicated in vascular calcification and arterial stiffness. In addition, endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) seems to be implicated in this process as its expression was also increased upon WVK treatment. This increase could be beneficial to limit elastocalcinosis, whereas the increase in iNOS expression could be harmful. L-NAME administration during the progression of calcification increased elastocalcinosis and PWV. In an endothelial dysfunction context, ET has been shown to be involved in the amplification process of vascular calcification causing an increase in arterial stiffness. As NO limits the progression of calcification and consequently arterial stiffness, endogenous NO seems to be protective in the aorta. The efficacy of exogenous modulation of the NO pathway in the WVK model was studied upon administration of the NO donor, sinitrodil, or the phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor (PDE5), tadalafil. The exogenous modulation of the NO pathway seemed to be beneficial for arterial stiffness, but only in an acute manner. Indeed, sinitrodil modified the acute stiffness in the aorta potentially by vascular tone modulation, without having any effect on vascular wall composition. Since endothelial function was not affected upon WVK model, endogenous NO concentrations seem to be optimal. Thus, exogenous NO potentially caused an increase of elastocalcinosis by inducing tolerance to NO. As well as sinitrodil, tadalafil modulated the arterial stiffness in an acute manner without modifying the composition of the vascular wall. Broadly, these studies provide evidence that endogenous NO can limit ISH development, suggesting that endothelial dysfunction, as observed in aging, has a negative impact on this pathology.

Efeitos celulares do óxido nítrico em aorta de ratos hipertensos renais / Cellular effects of the nitric oxide in rat aorta from renal hypertensive rats

Rodrigues, Gerson Jhonatan 22 February 2008 (has links)
O relaxamento vascular induzido pelo óxido nítrico (NO) está prejudicado em aorta de ratos hipertensos renais (2R-1C). A nossa hipótese é de que o menor efeito do NO na aorta de ratos 2R-1C pode estar relacionada com a maior degradação do NO e/ou modificação das cavéolas no músculo liso vascular (MLV), considerando que o NO pode ser degradado rapidamente e que as cavéolas parecem ser importantes para a redução da concentração citosólica de Ca2+ ([Ca2+]c). O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar as alterações nos mecanismos vasodilatadores do NO em aorta de ratos hipertensos renais 2R-1C. Inicialmente, estudamos a influência do estresse oxidativo sobre o efeito do NO liberado dos doadores [Ru(NH.NHq)(terpy)NO+]3+ (TERPY) e nitroprussiato de sódio (NPS) em aorta de ratos normotensos (2R) e 2R-1C. Verificamos que o relaxamento foi menor na aorta dos ratos 2R-1C do que de 2R para o TERPY e NPS e que nas células do MLV da aorta de 2R-1C o efeito do TERPY em reduzir a [Ca2+]c também foi menor. Porém, o tratamento das aortas de ratos 2R-1C com antioxidante normalizou o relaxamento para ambos doadores e o efeito do TERPY sobre a [Ca2+]c. A concentração basal de superóxido (O2-) nas aortas dos ratos 2R-1C é maior do que em 2R e foi reduzida pelos antioxidantes. A concentração de NO basal e liberada do TERPY é menor em aortas de ratos 2R-1C. Estudamos a influência das cavéolas sobre o efeito do TERPY e NPS, em aorta de ratos 2R e 2R-1C. Somente em aortas de ratos 2R, a desorganização das cavéolas com ciclodextrina inibiu o relaxamento dos doadores de NO utilizados e a redução da [Ca2+]c para o TERPY. O número de cavéolas é menor tanto nas células do MLV como nas células endoteliais da aorta de ratos 2R-1C. Estudamos ainda o efeito do TERPY sobre a pressão arterial de ratos 2R e 2R-1C acordados. O TERPY possui efeito hipotensor somente nos ratos 2R-1C e este efeito foi mais prolongado do que o efeito hipotensor com NPS. O NPS teve efeito hipotensor tanto em ratos 2R como 2R-1C, porém este efeito foi maior em 2R-1C. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que a elevada concentração de O2- e o menor número de cavéolas encontrados na aorta dos ratos 2R-1C, devem contribuir de forma importante para o menor relaxamento da aorta de ratos 2R-1C. / The vascular relaxation induced by nitric oxide (NO) donors is impaired in aortas from renal hypertensive rats (2K-1C). Our hypothesis was that the lower NO effect in aortas from 2K-1C rats could be related with the higher degradation of NO and/or caveolae changes in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), considering that NO can be rapidly degraded and caveolae seems to play important role in the reduction of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]c. The present study aimed to investigate the alterations on aorta relaxation induced by NO in 2K-1C rat aorta. At first, we studied the influence of oxidative stress on the effect of NO released from the NO donors [Ru(NH.NHq)(terpy)NO+]3+ (TERPY) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) in aortas from normotensive (2K) and 2K-1C rats. The relaxation induced by both NO donors was impaired in aortas from 2K-1C rats and the reduction on [Ca2+]c induced by TERPY was also impaired in 2K-1C VSMCs. However, in aortas treated with antioxidants the relaxation to both NO donors and the reduction on [Ca2+]c to TERPY were normalized. The basal concentration of superoxide (O2-) was greater in 2K-1C than in 2K, which was reduced by the antioxidants. The basal cytosolic NO concentration ([NO]c) and the NO released from TERPY were lower in aortas from 2K-1C rats. We studied the influence of caveolae on the effects of NO released from the NO donors, in aortas from 2K and 2K-1C rats. We verified that caveolae disassemble with ciclodextrin impaired the relaxation to NO donors and the reduction on [Ca2+]c to TERPY only in aortas from 2K rats. The number of caveolae is reduced in aortic VSMCs and in the endothelial cells from 2K-1C rats. We studied the effect of TERPY on arterial pressure from 2K and 2K-1C rats. TERPY reduced the arterial pressure only in 2K-1C rats, which effect was longer than that produced by SNP. The hypotensive effect of SNP was greater in 2K-1C than in 2K rats. Taken together, our results indicate that the higher concentration of O2- and the reduced number of caveolae on aortas from 2K-1C rats could contribute to impaired aorta relaxation of 2K-1C rats.

Le modèle cellulaire THP-1 : adaptation à l'étude de modulateurs de l'activité inflammatoire précoce implicant l'inflammasome

Maugé, Loranne 04 December 2013 (has links)
L’inflammation joue un rôle clé dans de nombreuses pathologies, telles que les maladies inflammatoires chroniques, les désordres métaboliques et le cancer. L’un de ses médiateurs le plus puissant est l’interleukine-1β (IL-1β), qui est une cytokine pro-inflammatoire participant à tous les stades de l’inflammation et de l’immunité. Son activation est régulée par un complexe multi-protéique nommé inflammasome, dont la caspase-1 active en découlant est responsable du clivage et de la maturation de l’IL-1β. Huit types d’inflammasomes activant et clivant la pro-caspase-1 ont été identifiés et contiennent tous la protéine ASC (apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD). Les inflammasomes partagent un signal intracellulaire commun et le mécanisme menant à leur assemblage et leur activation n’est pas totalement élucidé. L’utilisation de la lignée cellulaire humaine monocytaire, THP-1, différenciée en macrophages grâce à un ester de phorbol, le TPA, a permis la mise en place d’un modèle d’étude de modulateurs de l’inflammasome en conditions stériles. Ce modèle a permis l’étude des mécanismes impliqués suite à des signaux issus de l’inflammation chronique, tels que l’ATP et les espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS). Ce travail montre qu’il existe une synergie entre ATP et ROS, qui agissent grâce à une boucle d’activation impliquant probablement plusieurs inflammasomes, dont NLRP3. Des donneurs de NO connus (trinitrine et isosorbide dinitrate) ou nouveau (dérivé de purine) ont montré une activité anti-inflammatoire. D’autres composés ont été identifiés comme de potentiels inhibiteurs d’inflammasome (extraits de dattes et dérivé de purine portant un acide lipoïque) / Inflammation has a pivotal role in several disorders, such as chronic inflammatory diseases, metabolic disorders and cancer. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is one of the most powerful mediators in this mechanism. IL-1β is a pro-inflammatory cytokine which is implicated in every step of inflammation and immunity. IL-1β is regulated by a multi-protein complex named inflammasome, in which active caspase-1 is responsible for IL-1β processing and maturation. Eight inflammasomes processing and activating pro-caspase-1 has been identified and all contain the adaptor protein ASC (apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD). Inflammasomes share a common intracellular signal and the mechanism for their structural assembly and activation is not totally clear. The human monocytic cell line, THP-1, has been used and cells have been differentiated in macrophages by the phorbol ester, TPA. Based on this, a cellular pattern has been established for studying inflammasome modulators under sterile conditions. This pattern allowed the study of implicated mechanisms in chronic inflammatory signals, such as ATP and reactive oxygen species (ROS). This study shows that ATP and ROS synergize for activating inflammasomes and NLRP3 and act in an autocrine loop. Stimulation with others natural or synthetic compounds has been realized for characterization of their inflammatory activity. Therapeutic NO donors (trinitrin and isosorbide dinitrate) and a new NO donor (purine nitrate ester) have been characterized for their anti-inflammatory activity. Others compounds from a new category of inflammasome inhibitors have been identified (date fruit extracts and lipoic acid purine derivative)

Rôle du monoxyde d'azote dans la calcification vasculaire et la rigidité artérielle dans un modèle d'hypertension systolique isolée

Gilbert, Liz-Ann 12 1900 (has links)
L’hypertension systolique isolée (HSI) est le résultat de changements au niveau de la paroi vasculaire qui ont pour conséquence d’augmenter la rigidité artérielle. Ces modifications surviennent surtout au niveau des grosses artères comme l’aorte et sont associées au vieillissement. La fragmentation des fibres élastiques, leur calcification (élastocalcinose) et la fibrose font partie des changements majeurs observés avec l’âge. En plus de ces changements, le vieillissement vasculaire provoque des modifications au niveau des cellules qui composent la paroi. Les cellules endothéliales sécrètent moins de monoxyde d’azote (NO) provoquant une dysfonction endothéliale et les cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLVs) synthétisent maintenant des protéines matricielles et osseuses. Situé entre le sang et les CMLVs, l’endothélium contrôle le tonus vasculaire par la sécrétion de plusieurs substances vasoactives qui interagissent entre elles afin de maintenir l’homéostasie du système vasculaire. Parmi celles-ci, on note l’endothéline (ET), un puissant vasoconstricteur et le NO, un gaz vasorelaxants. Ce dernier est aussi reconnu pour bloquer la production d’ET par un mécanisme dépendant du guanosine monophosphate cyclique (GMPc). Comme il y a une interaction entre le NO et l’ET, et que cette dernière est impliquée dans la calcification artérielle, le NO pourrait être impliqué dans la modulation de l’élastocalcinose et de la rigidité artérielle par l’inhibition de l’ET et la modification de la composition de la paroi. Cet effet, qui se produirait au delà des effets vasorelaxants du NO, offre un potentiel thérapeutique intéressant pour l’HSI. Afin d’évaluer l’implication du NO dans la calcification vasculaire et la rigidité artérielle, un modèle animal d’HSI a été utilisé (modèle warfarine vitamine K, WVK). Ce modèle d’élastocalcinose est basé sur l’inhibition de la maturation d’une protéine anti-calcifiante, la matrix Gla protein (MGP), par la warfarine. Afin de déterminer l’implication physiologique du NO dans l’initiation et la progression de l’élastocalcinose, sa production a été inhibée par un analogue de la L-arginine, le L-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME). Lors des processus d’initiation de la calcification, le L-NAME a prévenu l’élastocalcinose sans toutefois modifier la vitesse de l’onde de pouls (PWV). Suite au traitement L-NAME, l’expression de la NO synthase inductible (iNOS) a été diminuée alors qu’elle a été augmentée lors du traitement WVK. Elle pourrait donc être impliquée dans les processus de calcification vasculaire. De plus, la NO synthase endothéliale (eNOS) semble également impliquée puisqu’elle a été augmentée dans le modèle WVK. Cette hausse pourrait être bénéfique pour limiter l’élastocalcinose alors que l’expression de la iNOS serait délétère. Lors de la progression de la calcification, le L-NAME a augmenté l’élastocalcinose et le PWV. Dans ce contexte, l’ET serait impliquée dans l’amplification de la calcification vasculaire entrainant une hausse de la rigidité artérielle. Comme le NO endogène limite la progression de la calcification et conséquemment la rigidité artérielle, il semble être protecteur. L’efficacité d’une modulation de la voie du NO dans le modèle WVK a été étudiée par l’administration d’un donneur de NO, le sinitrodil, ou d’un inhibiteur de la phosphosdiestérase 5 (PDE5), le tadalafil. La modulation de la voie du NO semble être bénéfique sur la rigidité artérielle, mais seulement de façon aiguë. En effet, le sinitrodil a modifié de transitoirement la rigidité au niveau de l’aorte possiblement par la modulation du tonus vasculaire sans toutefois avoir des effets sur la composition de la paroi. Comme le modèle WVK n’affecte pas la fonction endothéliale, les concentrations endogènes de NO semblent être optimales puisque le sinitrodil provoque une augmentation de l’élastocalcinose possiblement par le développement d’une tolérance. Tout comme le sinitrodil, le tadalafil a modulé de manière aiguë la rigidité artérielle sans modifier la composition de la paroi. Globalement, ces travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence les effets bénéfiques du NO endogène pour limiter le développement de l’HSI, suggérant qu’une dysfonction endothéliale, tel qu’observé lors du vieillissement, a un impact négatif sur la maladie. / Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) is the result of complex changes in the vascular wall and consequently the increase of arterial stiffness. These modifications occur mainly in conductance arteries, like the aorta, and are associated with aging. The fragmentation of elastic fibers, calcification (elastocalcinosis), and fibrosis are major changes with age. In addition to these changes in the extracellular matrix, vascular aging also induces vascular cell wall modifications. These include decreased production of nitric oxide (NO) by endothelial cells, which induces endothelial dysfunction, and the production of matrix and bone proteins by vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Located between the blood and VSMCs, the endothelium controls vascular tone by secreting various vasoactive factors. These factors interact with each other to maintain the hemodynamic of the vascular system. Among these factors, the vasoconstrictor endothelin (ET) and the vasodilator NO. The latter has been shown to block ET production via a cyclic guanosine monophosphates-(cGMP) dependent mechanism, whereas ET has been implicated in arterial calcification. Therefore, NO might be involved in the modulation of elastocalcinosis and arterial stiffness by inhibiting ET and modifying the vascular wall composition. This effect of NO could offer interesting therapeutic potential for ISH. To evaluate the implication of NO in the vascular calcification and arterial stiffness, an animal model of ISH was used. This model of elastocalcinosis is based on the inhibition of the maturation of the anti-calcific protein, matrix Gla protein (MGP), by warfarin (WVK model). To gain insight into the physiological role of endogenous NO in the initiation and progression of elastocalcinosis, its production was inhibited by the administration of L-NAME. Interestingly, elastocalcinosis was prevented by L-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME) administration without any modifications of the pulse wave velocity (PWV) during the initiation of the calcification processes. After the L-NAME treatment, the expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) was decreased, whereas upon treatment with warfarin alone the expression of iNOS was increased, which could be implicated in vascular calcification and arterial stiffness. In addition, endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) seems to be implicated in this process as its expression was also increased upon WVK treatment. This increase could be beneficial to limit elastocalcinosis, whereas the increase in iNOS expression could be harmful. L-NAME administration during the progression of calcification increased elastocalcinosis and PWV. In an endothelial dysfunction context, ET has been shown to be involved in the amplification process of vascular calcification causing an increase in arterial stiffness. As NO limits the progression of calcification and consequently arterial stiffness, endogenous NO seems to be protective in the aorta. The efficacy of exogenous modulation of the NO pathway in the WVK model was studied upon administration of the NO donor, sinitrodil, or the phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor (PDE5), tadalafil. The exogenous modulation of the NO pathway seemed to be beneficial for arterial stiffness, but only in an acute manner. Indeed, sinitrodil modified the acute stiffness in the aorta potentially by vascular tone modulation, without having any effect on vascular wall composition. Since endothelial function was not affected upon WVK model, endogenous NO concentrations seem to be optimal. Thus, exogenous NO potentially caused an increase of elastocalcinosis by inducing tolerance to NO. As well as sinitrodil, tadalafil modulated the arterial stiffness in an acute manner without modifying the composition of the vascular wall. Broadly, these studies provide evidence that endogenous NO can limit ISH development, suggesting that endothelial dysfunction, as observed in aging, has a negative impact on this pathology.

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