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Charakteristiky ventilátorových chladicích věží / Characteristics of fan cooling towersJoska, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the problematics of fan cooling towers. The very first part of the text is research, focusing mainly on the theory of cooling and the function of fan cooling towers in general. The following chapter deals with the water resource management of the Dukovany nuclear power plant and the specification of its objects of forced draft cooling towers. The second part describes a computational model created to determine the cooling performance of these towers under the given input conditions. In the following chapters, the results from the computational model are compared with the available data from warranty measurements and with the provided characteristics. The final pages deal with the study of the influence of changes in input parameters on the cooling performance and the research of the behavior of the cooling towers under extreme weather conditions.
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Analýza stavu potrubí odvodnění parní turbíny K 220-44 a návrh korektivních opatření / Analysis of the condition of the K 220-44 steam turbine drainage pipeline and proposal of corrective measuresHorký, Jiljí January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the drainage pipeline of the Škoda K 220-44 steam turbine. This turbine is operated in Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant. One part of this work is proposal of corrective measures. The aims of this work include the creation of a search for drainage, steam, erosion corrosion and mapping of defects in long-term operated drainage system. Work also includes the evaluation of measured values of the pipe wall thickness measured by ultrasonic analyzer. In addition, the work contains images created from 3D model, on which the location of defects and measurements are displayed.
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Optimalizace vsázek jaderného paliva na elektrárnách s reaktory VVER / Nuclear Fuel Loading Patterns Optimization at VVER Reactor Based Nuclear Power PlantsŠajdler, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with optimization of loading patterns of nuclear reactors VVER. In the thesis is described the process of both types of fuel cycle – the closed and the open one. The middle part of fuel cycle containing the optimization process represents the crucial part of the thesis. The thesis is focused on the fuel cycles of the nuclear power plant Dukovany. The problem of the optimization is solved by using different programs. In the final part of the thesis, the program Athena for the loading patterns optimation is explained by a practical calculation for different versions of Moby-Dick macrocode and the calculated values for the optimization of the third unit of the nuclear power plant Dukovany are compared.
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Návrh schématu zajištěného napájení jaderného bloku pro řešení projektových i nadprojektových havárií / Project of nuclear power unit secure emergency power supply for design basis accident as well as for extension conditionsŽák, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The present Master´s thesis aims at designing an evolutionary scheme of secured power supply at nuclear power plants with VVER 440 reactors during design basis accidents as well as design extension conditions. In the first part of this thesis, concepts relating to the defence in depth of nuclear reactors, operating modes of the blocks as well as types and possibilities of electrical power supply and electric circuits of the block are defined. Although the present thesis deals with PWR 440 in general, special emphasis is put on the Czech NPP in Dukovany, where there are four PWR 440 reactors in operation, and on the possibilities for enhancing the defence in depth in this area. The second part of the thesis deals with the difference in station blackout definitions before and after Fukushima; not only the differences in situation evaluation are dealt with, but a solution is also proposed to make the system of secured power supply system during design basis accidents as well as design extension conditions more robust. This option has been selected out of a number of possibilities based on the evaluation of reliability, availability and cost-effectiveness of the proposal.
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Využití nanotechnologií v jaderné energetice / Nanotechnology utilization in nuclear industry and researchSkalička, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis introduces reader to current knowledge of nanomaterials and their usage. It summarises production methods and usage of different materials in nuclear power plants, nuclear research and nuclear medicine. Theoretical part of this thesis is dedicated to possible usage of carbon nanotubes for neutron beam collimation and guides. In experimental part different materials were tested in measuring box connected to horizontal radial channel of VR-1 nuclear reactor and their influence on neutron flux was measured. Tested samples were non-oriented carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofibers, alumina nanowires, oriented carbon nanotubes with several angles of rotation and these samples were compared with results of graphite.
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Zajištění datové komunikace digitálních ochran a terminálů do monitorovacího systému jaderné elektrárny Dukovany / Design of The Data Communication Between Digital Protection Relays and Monitoring System of Dukovany Nuclear Power PlantŠula, Vladimír January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the provision of the data communication of the new protection relays via 6 kV switch gears to the electro monitoring system at the Dukovany Nuclear Power Station. These protection relays will replace the current analog protection. The replacement process will start in 2015 and will finish in 2018. Given the overall complexity of the project, this thesis deals only with the following 6 kV switch gears 9BB and 9BD. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part concerns the actual consumption and output of the Dukovany Nuclear Power Station. The following chapters describe the electro monitoring system and GRAF and LOGA software programs that are closely connected with it and that were used in the practical part. The last chapter of the theoretical part deals with the actual replacement of the protection relays of the 6 kV switch gears. Also, it describes a new optical network, which will be set up at the Dukovany Nuclear Power Station as a part of the process of replacement. The segment of the practical part concerns laboratory verification of the data communication of the new protection relays. Next, it describes actions that had to be taken in order to ensure and verify correct functionality of the data communication. This part is followed up by a closely related practical activity, which describes examination and verification of the protection functions of each of the 9BB and 9BD switch gears protection relays.
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Stanovení životnosti úložného kontejneru z uhlíkové oceli / Determining the life storage of a carbon steel caskKlimek, Stanislav January 2009 (has links)
Author´s name: Bc. Stanislav Klimek School: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Energy institute Title: Determining the life storage of a carbon steel cask Consultant: Prof. Ing. Oldřich Matal, CSc. Number of pages: 70 Year: 2009 The assignment of this diploma thesis is to estimate the lifetime of spent fuel container made from carbon steel grade. This container is designed for deep geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Basic mechanism of corrosion are described in detail in the first part. Further on, this work deals with the other specific phenomena and influences, which affect at corrosion of steel in conditions of a deep geological repository. Heat, radiation and surroundings are considered of particular importance. In the following part an estimate of the lifetime of model container is introduced, which is affected by temperature and radiation. Here recommendations for protection of container are introduced, arising from the model calculation. Finally, the relevancy of incidence of particular parameters is evaluated, which affect the corrosion.
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Návrh programu pro výpočet výkonu a průtoku aktivní zónou z parametrů sekundárního okruhu pro JE s reaktorem VVER 440 / Evaluation of power and coolant flow in reactor coreTvrdý, Miloslav January 2010 (has links)
This graduation thesis deals with evaluation of power and coolant flow in reactor core. The first part is a description of nuclear power plant VVER 440. It is focused on parts important for transfer and utilize energy in regular operating of generating block. In the second part, the equations for calculation of power and coolant flow in reactor core are deduced. The last part is about designing the program for calculation of published values. There are specified requirements for the program and on the basis of this the source code is written. The parts of code are described. In conclusion of this part, the user's manual is work out. The program is on CD in the annexe.
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Analýza možnosti užití III. a IV. generace jaderných reaktorů v ČR / Analysis of possibilities for use of III. and IV. generation of nuclear reactors for the Czech RepublicGajdzica, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis of possibilities for use of III. and IV. generation of nuclear reactors for the Czech Republic. Introduction deals with basic principles of nuclear energetics and fuel cycle which is closely associated with the issue and its development and application in practice will have a significant effect both for choice of future types of nuclear reactors of IV. generation and the matter of settlement with spent nuclear fuel. In other parts the thesis deals with the present state of nuclear energetics in the Czech Republic, compares concrete chosen types of nuclear power plants of III. generation and generally describes nuclear reactors and power plants of IV. generation. Final part of the work is focused on questions concerning the possibility of construction of new blocks of nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic and presents concrete recommendation from author´s point of view.
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Studium radiačního poškození nádoby reaktoru VVER-440 jaderné elektrárny Dukovany / Radiation damage of VVER-440 based Dukovany NPP reactor pressure vessel investigationŘíha, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with radiation damage of reactor pressure vessels, specifically of NPP Dukovany Unit No. 3. In general damage mechanisms of reactor steels are described and possibilities of monitoring of material degradation and its recovery used at NPP’s all over the world are mentioned as well. A practical part of the thesis is focused on interpretation of analyses carried out with the assistance of MOBY DICK code. The ground of these analyses is a neutron fluence value development on different locations of RPV for the whole life of operation up to 24th cycle. The analyses results are put into context with performed in-service inspections. The thesis follows up with neutron fluence computation for the future cycles containing new types of nuclear fuel up to 34th cycle. The outcome of practical part of the master‘s thesis is a comparison between new types of nuclear fuel with respect to radiation damage of RPV’s.
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