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政策體系與政策變遷之研究:停建核四政策個案分析 / Policy Systems and Policy Change: The Case Study of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant Policy Discontinuity莊文忠, Wen-Jong Juang Unknown Date (has links)
最後,政策是政府選擇目標與工具來解決社會問題的重要活動,它不是在真空中運作,而是不斷與社會進行互動的連續性過程,這也是政策走進歷史之前會出現變遷的原因,本研究雖然提出具有規範意涵的分析政策變遷的理論架構,但是基於「真實個案是檢驗理論效度的最佳途徑」的法則,本研究以民進黨首次執政時期所推動的停建核四政策個案為例,利用文本中所建立的分析架構來詮釋此一政策變遷的過程,並在結論中整合理論與個案的研究發現,就政策體系的各個面向提出幾個有關政策變遷的假設性命題,以供後續研究之參考與檢證,進而促成政策變遷知識的深化。 / Public policy is a research approach to analyze governmental activities by discussing public issues. However, in most articles, the policy process is seen as a logical succession of steps: agenda setting, policy formulation, policy legitimation, policy implementation, policy evaluation, and policy termination. Although this progression of stages provides a clear and useful framework, it often obscures the complexities of public issues. In other words, most policies are not a process of linear development, from agenda setting to policy termination. Policy change is a common phenomenon. In this way, if we want to understand the dynamics of policy, it is helpful to take a nonlinear perspective.
Policy change is used by a wide range of authors in public policy and other disciplines, but there is no consensus on what the definition of policy change is. In fact, this question has not been systematically explored until now. Policy change is not simply a label, but is an important part of the policy process. It is worth drawing more attention to this phenomenon. The aim of this study is to construct an analytical framework of policy change. Within this framework, we distinguish between different types of policy change: policy succession and policy termination, firstly. And we can find some cues from policy change, including organization, statutes, budget, personnel, and media. Secondly, we use the concept of policy system to connect with policy change. This concept contains several elements: external environment, policy attributes, institutional factor, and policy networks. These elements interact with each other to produce policy change. We use this framework to analyze policy discontinuity for the fourth nuclear power plant in 2000.
Finally, policy is essentially about government. The major activity of government is seen as choosing goals and instruments to solve social problems. Policy does not exist in a vacuum; it is made in a concrete environment. We should see policy as a continuing process of social action and interaction. This is why policy may be changed before it is terminated. Finally, we provide some hypotheses and suggestions for further research at the end of this study.
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Opatření Krajského ředitelství policie Jihočeského kraje při vzniku radiační mimořádné události na Jaderné elektrárně Temelín / Measures of Regional Police Directorate of the South Bohemian Region by an occurrence of a radiological emergency in the Temelín Nuclear Power StationHRNEČEK, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to clarify fundamental principles of activities of police officers of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region in the case of radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. These principles are concentrated in compact documentation with practical tasks for respective organizational segments of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region. This documentation will be consequently used as a methodical guide for concerned police officers. Fundamental terms are defined in the theoretical part of the diploma thesis, concerning and usable in the course of measures in the case of solving radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. The analysis of legal standards and technical bibliography is also performed in this part. The External Emergency Plan of the Temelín Nuclear power station is presented in detail, and a comparison of the previous and current atomic law is drawn. Last chapter of this part is devoted to the actual documentation of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region to manage the radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. Necessary number of legal regulations, agreements and internal acts of management concerning the current topic was used for elaboration of this thesis. Information and findings of employees from the Department of Emergency Management of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region are also included. The practical part of the diploma thesis is devoted to the concentration of all materials and previous findings of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region in the case of measures for radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station into individual chapters. Each of these chapters presents particular activities of police officers of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region during performation of tasks in connection with managing the radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. When listing particular tasks and processes, some of activities of other subjects participating together with members of the Police of the Czech Republic in measures concerning the radiological emergency are also mentioned in this part. The result of this thesis is a focused overview and operative material for police officers of the Police of the Czech Republic, usable for making them acquainted with questions of managing the radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. It also serves as a background for regular practices and training courses on this subject.
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Application of the Stimulus-Driven Theory of Probabilistic Dynamics to the hydrogen issue in level-2 PSA. Application de la Stimulus Driven Theory of Probabilistic Dynamics (SDTPD) au risque hydrogène dans les EPS de niveau 2.Peeters, Agnès 05 October 2007 (has links)
Les Etudes Probabilistes de Sûreté (EPS) de niveau 2 en centrale nucléaire visent à identifier les séquences d’événements pouvant correspondre à la propagation d’un accident d’un endommagement du cœur jusqu’à une perte potentielle de l’intégrité de l’enceinte, et à estimer la fréquence d’apparition des différents scénarios possibles.
Ces accidents sévères dépendent non seulement de défaillances matérielles ou d’erreurs humaines, mais également de l’occurrence de phénomènes physiques, tels que des explosions vapeur ou hydrogène. La prise en compte de tels phénomènes dans le cadre booléen des arbres d’événements s’avère difficile, et les méthodologies dynamiques de réalisation des EPS sont censées fournir une manière plus cohérente d’intégrer l’évolution du processus physique dans les changements de configuration discrète de la centrale au long d’un transitoire accidentel.
Cette thèse décrit l’application d’une des plus récentes approches dynamiques des EPS – la Théorie de la Dynamique Probabiliste basée sur les Stimuli (SDTPD) – à différents modèles de déflagration d'hydrogène ainsi que les développements qui ont permis cette applications et les diverses améliorations et techniques qui ont été mises en oeuvre.
Level-2 Probabilistic Safety Analyses (PSA) of nuclear power plants aims to identify the possible sequences of events corresponding to an accident propagation from a core damage to a potential loss of integrity of the containment, and to assess the frequency of occurrence of the different scenarios.
These so-called severe accidents depend not only on hardware failures and human errors, but also on the occurrence of physical phenomena such as e.g. steam or hydrogen explosions. Handling these phenomena in the classical Boolean framework of event trees is not convenient, and dynamic methodologies to perform PSA studies are expected to provide a more consistent way of integrating the physical process evolution with the discrete changes of plant configuration along an accidental transient.
This PhD Thesis presents the application of one of the most recently proposed dynamic PSA methodologies, i.e. the Stimulus-Driven Theory of Probabilistic Dynamics (SDTPD), to several models of hydrogen explosion in the containment of a plant, as well as the developed methods and improvements.
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Proposed Strategies for Incident Information Flow, Organizational Learning, and Incident-driven Quality Improvement in Health CareHanbidge, Michelle 27 November 2013 (has links)
Every year, tens of thousands of patients in North America die from preventable errors. Incident learning can decrease this number, but is not currently reaching its full potential in health care. The goal of this research was to propose strategies to effectively report and learn from incidents to drive quality improvement. A detailed literature review, focus groups, in-depth interviews, and thematic analysis were used to identify potential process improvement strategies from aviation and nuclear power and assess these strategies for feasibility and desirability in health care. This work was guided by World Health Organization recommendations and Rasmussen’s risk management framework. An extensive list of strategies to address existing shortcomings was ultimately proposed for consideration in health care. These strategies can serve as guidelines to proactively improve incident learning processes. This should help create more effective systems and in turn, improve patient safety.
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Proposed Strategies for Incident Information Flow, Organizational Learning, and Incident-driven Quality Improvement in Health CareHanbidge, Michelle 27 November 2013 (has links)
Every year, tens of thousands of patients in North America die from preventable errors. Incident learning can decrease this number, but is not currently reaching its full potential in health care. The goal of this research was to propose strategies to effectively report and learn from incidents to drive quality improvement. A detailed literature review, focus groups, in-depth interviews, and thematic analysis were used to identify potential process improvement strategies from aviation and nuclear power and assess these strategies for feasibility and desirability in health care. This work was guided by World Health Organization recommendations and Rasmussen’s risk management framework. An extensive list of strategies to address existing shortcomings was ultimately proposed for consideration in health care. These strategies can serve as guidelines to proactively improve incident learning processes. This should help create more effective systems and in turn, improve patient safety.
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Federal City revisited : atomic energy and community identity in Richland, WashingtonNoonan, Christine F. January 2000 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between atomic energy production and community identity in Richland, Washington. Over the past fifty years, the identity of southeastern Washington has been intimately tied to production and industry at the Hanford Site. Today, however, environmental restoration and waste management programs have replaced plutonium production. The decline of the nuclear industry has influenced reinterpretations of local history and community identity through public display, commodity goods, and the re-scripting of historical texts. / Department of Anthropology
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Zauberstab der AtomwissenschaftAbele, Johannes 17 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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La Generación de energía eléctrica en la época franquista, 1940-1975Cerro, Jordi del 06 September 2012 (has links)
La tesis estudia la evolución del parque de generación de energía eléctrica durante el franquismo (1940-1975). En este período comenzó la formación de un sistema unificado de explotación, y durante su desarrollo se pasó de 1.731Mw a 25.467Mw.
El sistema que se denominó “autorregulación”, permitió la coexistencia de las empresas eléctricas privadas, agrupadas alrededor de UNESA y el INI en su vertiente eléctrica. Sin embargo, las decisiones y la política eléctrica, y más tarde energética, estuvo directamente influida por el gobierno.
Se analiza la importancia de las fuentes (hidráulica, carbón, fuel oil, gas natura, nuclear) de energía primaria en la generación de energía eléctrica. Asimismo, se estudia, aunque no de manera exhaustiva el impacto del medio ambiente y sus consecuencias y efectos a largo plazo. Todo ello se desarrolla en el contexto histórico pertinente bajo una vertiente técnico-económica. / The thesis studies the evolution of the power generation system of electricity, during the Franco’s Regime (1940-1975). In this period, it began the construction of a unified system of exploitation, where the power installed was moved from 1.731Mw to 25.467Mw.
The system was called "self regulation", allowing the coexistence of private electric companies, grouped around UNESA and the INI in its electrical aspect. However, the decisions and the power policy, and later on the energy, was directly influenced by the government.
It discusses the importance of the primary energy sources (hydro, coal, fuel oil, natural gas, nuclear) in electric power generation. However, it is not intended to illustrate a comprenhensive explanation of the environmental impact and its consequences and effects long term. To sum up, all this takes place in the relevant historical context in a technical and economical perspective.
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Sledování dlouhodobých změn a hodnocení vývojových trendů krajinného prostředí údolí Vltavy ovlivněném výstavbou JETE / Monitoring of secular changes and evalution of trends in country around valley of the Vltava river influenced by the JETEPALIVCOVÁ, Hana January 2008 (has links)
This work evaluates evolution changes of socio-economical structure and Territorial System of Ecological Stability (ÚSES) in Territory Zone. Territory Zone is meant nearer surround of river dam Hněvkovice, that is used for needs of technological water in JETE (nuclear power station Temelín). There can be found villages Buzkov, Dobřejovice, Hroznějovice, Jaroslavice, Jeznice, Kostelec, Litoradlice, Poněšice, Pořežany, Purkarec and Třitim. This work also solves evolution of number of population, age structure and employment from 1982 to 2001 as well as other specific development factors of this territory. The part of this work is the KES (Coefficient of the Ecological Stability) of the territory before and after the Hněvkovice dam was built. The basic characteristics of whole territory and list of historical interests is also important.
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Intégrité des tours aéroréfrigérantes en béton armé sous sollicitations extrêmes : Vent et séisme / Integrity of reinforced concrete cooling towers under extreme loads : Wind and EarthquakeLouhi, Amine 30 November 2015 (has links)
Il est prévu d’augmenter la durée de vie des centrales nucléaires actuellement opérationnelles. Le vieillissement des structures en béton armé telles que les tours aéroréfrigérantes doit être évalué, son incidence sur la capacité portante calculée. Dans le cas de fortes dégradations, le renforcement doit être envisagé, afin d’assurer la pérennité de ces tours face aux sollicitations extrêmes telles que les tempêtes de vent et les séismes. Ce travail vise à quantifier les effets néfastes que peut générer la réduction de section des aciers induite par la corrosion, en particulier sur la capacité portante des tours dans des conditions de sollicitations extrêmes monotones ou cycliques de types vent et séisme. Ces sollicitations sont certainement les plus sévères, entrainant la structure dans le domaine non linéaire, elles sont susceptibles d’induire des endommagements de type fissuration qui dans le cas de sollicitation cycliques peuvent s’avérer néfastes. Des modélisations numériques sont proposées pour déterminer la réponse quasi-statique ou dynamique de la structure, en tenant compte des apparitions de fissures dans le béton et de leur évolution via des lois de comportement appropriées du matériau béton, ainsi que la plastification des aciers. Dans le cas d’une sollicitation sismique, dans le but de comparer les approches de modélisation du séisme et d’évaluer la robustesse des résultats, les réponses dynamiques sont évaluées par trois méthodes différentes de calcul : l’approche dynamique temporelle non linéaire, la méthode spectrale et la méthode modale temporelle. Des études paramétriques portant sur l’amortissement, les combinaisons de charges et les configurations structurales, sont aussi menées. Dans le cas d’une sollicitation de type vent, la technique de renforcement à l’aide de matériaux composite, tel que le tissu de fibres de carbone (TFC) est modélisée. Le comportement de la structure endommagée présentant un taux de corrosion avancée, est évalué dans le régime pré- et post-fissuration, comparativement à la structure intègre. La perte de capacité portante est quantifiée, un renforcement permettant de restaurer l'intégrité et donc d’augmenter la durée de vie de la structure est proposé. / The authorities have planned to increase the lifetime of currently operating nuclear power plants. The ageing of reinforced concrete structures such as cooling towers should be evaluated and its impact on the bearing capacity calculated. In the case of significant damage, the strengthening must be considered to ensure the sustainability of these towers facing the risk of storms and earthquakes becoming more and more frequent. This work aims to quantify the adverse effects that can generate concrete cracks and rebar section loss induced by corrosion, especially on the bearing capacity of nuclear power plant cooling towers under monotonic or cyclic extreme load conditions (wind and earthquake). These loads are certainly the most severe, since they take the structure into the nonlinear domain and can induce or amplify cracking damage. Numerical simulations are proposed to determine the quasi-static or dynamic response of the structure, taking into account appearance of concrete cracks and their evolution via an appropriate material concrete law and rebar's yielding. In the case of a seismic load, the responses are evaluated by three different methods; the nonlinear response history analysis (NLRHA), the response spectrum analysis and the modal response history analysis (MRHA) in order to compare the earthquake modeling approaches and to evaluate the robustness of the results. Parametric studies on damping, load combinations and structural configurations, are also performed. In the case of a wind load, the strengthening technique using composite materials, such as carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) is modeled. The behavior of the damaged structure with an advanced corrosion rate is estimated in the pre- and post-cracking regime, compared to the undamaged structure. The drop of bearing capacity is quantified, a reinforcement designed is proposed to restore the integrity and thus increase the lifetime of the structure.
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