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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ochrana obyvatelstva v zóně havarijního plánování v okolí jaderné elektrárny Temelín / Population protection in the emergency planning zone around the Nuclear Power Plant Temelín

MARTINŮ, Pavlína January 2007 (has links)
This issue represents contribution to discussion of the population protection within the emergency planning zone of Temelín Nuclear Power Plant (NNP). My intention was to evaluate the actual system of public protection measures in the case of potential appearance of the radiation accident. As a part of this evaluation the analysis of correlation between emergency classification system of emergency events severity, valid for Temelín NPP, and system of immediate protective measures for population was done. The introductory parts of my work describes the basic information about Temelín Nuclear Power Plan. The main attention was given to nuclear safety, radiation protection, principles of emergency preparedness and types of NPP operating modes. Further system of public protection measures for the case of radiation accident appearance is described. Emergency classification system of potential extraordinary events at Temelín NPP and principles of announcements and public warning is also explained in this part. Part of this information represents description of potential implementation of immediate protective actions. One of the outputs is in the form of simple educational software program useful especially for children education. They can received information how to behave in the case of radiation accident declaration. Software is enclosed in the form of compact disk and gain knowledge can be verified by a short test.

Možné ohrožení a připravenost obyvatelstva k sebeochraně a poskytování vzájemné pomoci / Possible threat and preparedness of population for self-protection and providing mutual help

GALEKOVÁ, Žaneta January 2007 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on determination of perception of the nuclear power station Temelín as a potential source of a threat perceived by the population living in the area of emergency planning, and determination of perception of possible sources of threat to selected subjects, such as swimming pool, winter stadium, breweries, freezing plant, etc. located in the area of the town České Budějovice. The aim of the diploma thesis is also to find out and compare the level of the current state of awareness and preparedness of the population living in the area of emergency planning of the nuclear power station Temelín informed in particular by guides and calendars published by the authorization holder, and of the population living in the area of the town České Budějovice for the eventuality of emergence of an extraordinary event. The hypothesis of the diploma thesis assumed that awareness and preparedness of the population living in the area of emergency planning of the nuclear power station Temelín should be on higher level in comparison with the population living in the area of the town České Budějovice. It is evident from the results of the questionnaire enquiry that awareness of the population living in both these areas is approximately on the same level, and thus the hypothesis of the diploma thesis was not confirmed. The proposal for improving awareness and preparedness of the population will help to explain the issue given to the population, and results and conclusions will be provided to the Department of Crisis Management of the South Bohemian Regional Authority.

Décisions risquées et organisations à risques : autonomie au travail et reconnaissance sociale dans la conduite d’une industrie de process / Risky decisions in high-risk organizations : decision-making processes and autonomy at work in a process industry

Stoessel, Charles 17 September 2010 (has links)
La thèse s’intéresse au travail de conduite d’une industrie de process à risques,les centrales nucléaires, et aux marges de manoeuvre dont disposent les équipes dans l’application des procédures techniques. Celles-ci doivent en effet être adaptées aux situations rencontrées dans la réalité, qui sont toujours nouvelles et finalement uniques. En effet, la technologie concernée est si complexe que les situations ambiguës sont fréquentes. Les exploitants sont souvent confrontés à des décisions techniques qui cristallisent en elles la pluralité d’exigences auxquelles sont soumises les industries à risques : sûreté nucléaire, disponibilité et productivité, sécurité des travailleurs, respect de l’environnement, etc.Exploiter une centrale nucléaire implique donc d’arbitrer entre des exigences qui devraient en théorie être conciliables mais qui ne le sont pas en pratique, ou difficilement. En effet, chaque terme de la décision concrète comporte des avantages vis-à-vis de l’un des critères et des inconvénients vis-à-vis des autres critères en présence. Ainsi, décider revient toujours à renoncer, et la décision technique dans les organisations à risques implique une prise de risque professionnelle et personnelle pour les acteurs de terrain. La thèse s’interroge alors sur les facteurs qui participent de l’engagement des opérationnels dans l’action. Les théories utilitaristes et culturalistes ne parvenant pas à épuiser toute la complexité des cas rencontrés (implication d’agents pourtant peu carriéristes, disparités individuelles fortes au sein de groupes socio-professionnels supposés homogènes. . .), la recherche s’intéresse aux théories de la reconnaissance sociale et du don/contre-don comme explication première de la motivation et de la coopération au travail. / This doctoral dissertation describes the running of a high-risk process industry,nuclear power plants, and the operators’ autonomy to apply technical procedures.The chosen procedures must fit the "real-life" situations, which are always new, andultimately unique. Nuclear power technology is so complex that ambiguous situations often arise. The operators have to make technical decisions that encompassall the demanding issues of high-risk industries : nuclear safety, plant availabilityand generation output, workers’ safety, environmental protection, etc.Operating a nuclear power plant thus involves trade-offs between theoretically compatible concerns that in practice are incompatible or difficult to reconcile.Each option in the actual decision will have advantages for certain criteria anddisadvantages for others. Deciding thus always means forgoing something, andtechnical decision-making in high-risk organizations forces the field workers totake professional and personal risks. The dissertation thus examines the factors explaining why operators are still interested in getting involved in the action.Self-interest and cultural theories cannot explain all the cases encountered in thefield (workers with high commitment but paradoxically little interest in career advancement, strong differences between individuals in a supposedly homogenoussocio-professional groups, etc.). The research focuses on social recognition andgift/countergift theories as the primary explanation for motivation and cooperation at work.

Mesure et discrimination de rayonnements bêta et gamma dans une ambiance gamma élevée et fluctuante : conception, développement et caractérisation d'un contaminamètre haute sensibilité / Measurement and discrimination of beta and gamma radiations in a high and fluctuating gamma environment : design, development and characterization of a high sensitivity contamination meter

Karst, Maxime 13 December 2016 (has links)
Dans le cadre des activités de maintenance des centrales nucléaires, les personnes intervenant sur des chantiers en zone contrôlée doivent effectuer des mesures de contamination surfacique sur leurs outils, gants, sur tenue de travail et sur les parties de leur corps susceptible d’être contaminées (cou et tête par exemple). Or, les mesures de contamination surfacique bêta ne peuvent pas toujours être réalisées au plus près des chantiers. Le bruit de fond gamma présent à ces endroits étant élevé et fluctuant, ce dernier perturbe les appareils utilisés habituellement pour la mesure de contamination surfacique. L’objectif principal de ce travail était de concevoir un appareil de mesure adapté à la détection de contamination surfacique bêta de quelques Bq/cm2 (typiquement < 4 Bq/cm2), dans une ambiance gamma de quelques dizaines de µSv/h (typiquement < 100 µSv/h) et fluctuante (typiquement de l’ordre de 30% en 1 seconde). / In the framework of the nuclear power plants maintenance, the onsite workers incontrolled areas must performed some surface contamination controls of their tools, gloves, workingsuits and over their body parts which may be contaminated (neck and head for instance). However,surface beta contamination measurements can’t always been done as close as possible of the working location. The onsite ambient gamma background, being high and fluctuating, may disturb the radiation protection devices commonly used for surface contamination measurements.The main goal of this work was to conceive a radiation protection device adapted to the betasurface contamination of about a few Bq/cm2 (< 4Bq/cm2 typicaly) in a fluctuating (typicaly 30%variation per second) ambient gamma background of a few μSv/h (typicaly <100 μSv/h).

Změna přístupu k zajištění požární ochrany na Jaderné elektrárně Temelín po havárii na jaderné elektrárně Fukušima / Changing the access to ensuring fire protection at The Temelin Nuclear Power Station after the accident at The Fukusima Nuclear Power Station.

KŘÍŽEK, Luboš January 2016 (has links)
The theme of the dissertation is a change in an approach to securing fire protection in the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant after the accident in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. The theoretical part is an introduction to fire protection. It especially points out the statutory obligations applicable for both the public and the private sector, which are transferred to the companys fire rescue corps too. At the same time, fire protection is interconnected with legislation and specified in greater detail in EU countries. The theoretical part describes the process of building a uniform information system, safety-related issues and prevention of dangerous situations. The theoretical part summarizes the history of the nuclear energy industry, from the discovery of the disintegration of the uranium nucleus in 1938 and the first controlled reaction of uranium liberation by splitting a nucleus in 1942, when, at the same time, the first reactor was built. Unfortunately, this discovery did not only familiarize mankind with positive aspects associated with a controlled reaction, but it also showed the dark side of nuclear energy in the form of atomic bombs used mainly in the course of the World War II. After the World War II, civil defence organizations were gradually founded in the world. The main goal of all these organizations was to prevent nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel from being spread. At the present time there are three strong international organizations dealing with nuclear fission. Despite all the efforts to build a system of radiation protection, environmental protection and impacts on living organisms were not elaborated fully. First, passive attitudes aimed at protective equipment were the central theme, and these passive attitudes have been reflecting in an active approach to environmental protection in the past few years, the goal being to eliminate phenomena giving rise to threats to the environment and life as such. The actual history of nuclear power plants is very complex and complicated. The principle of all these power plants, no matter what type of reactor their operation is based on, is always nuclear fission the trouble is that in this case any wrong handling or storage has immense consequences for the whole world's population. The development of the nuclear energy industry in the Czech Republic was slow, which was caused by the occupation of the Jáchymov uranium mines by the Soviet Army after the World War II. Based on an agreement with Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Army exported the uranium extracted to the Soviet Union and left just 10% of it in the territory of Czechoslovakia. At that time, nuclear power plants began to be built in Czechoslovakia, such as the Jaslovské Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant, Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant and the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant as the last one, whose construction was started in times of Czechoslovakia, but which was completed and put into operation in times of the existence of the Czech Republic. The research is focused on emergency events which were the cause of the accident in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Based on an FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis), the issues related to the activities of the company's fire rescue corps were specified. Another analysis is focused on the evaluation of outside and inside factors and evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the company's fire rescue corps. Utilizing an FMEA, possible risks and failures are detected. The goal of this analysis is to eliminate risks and increase safety. The result is objective evaluation and increase in safety within the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. A considerable negative aspect of this analysis is that it is very time consuming and varies in time due to the changeability of the factors monitored. The result of all the work is the evaluation of the existing state of the company's fire rescue corps through a SWOT analysiS.

ČESKO-RAKOUSKÉ VZTAHY V LETECH 1999 - 2004: KAUZA JADERNÉ ELEKTRÁRNY TEMELÍN / Czech-Austrian relationship and the issue of Temelín nuclear power plant

VÁLEK, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the perspective of the Austrian newspapers like Die Presse and Kurier on the Czech-Austrian relationship between years 1999 and 2004, or more precisely the issue of Temelín NPP. The main topics for the Austrian press became the approval of completion by the Czech government and of course the launch of Temelín NPP. Significant moments were the blockades and demonstrations of Austrian citizens at the Czech-Austrian border crossings, Austria's attempt to veto the accession negotiations between Czech Republic and EU or internal political struggle in the Austrian government.

Zajištění havarijního napájení jaderné elektrárny / Providing emergency supply of nuclear power plants

ROZMILER, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
Work "Providing emergency power nuclear power plant" describes how solving their own consumption nuclear power plant, as emergency power supply is designed and how it should be a solution of known states of emergency, having an immediate impact on the power consumption of their own nuclear power plants. The aim of this thesis is to propose options to strengthen its own emergency power consumption of nuclear power plants, one might say-more resistant to harsh extremes, which could lead to loss of employment, reserve and emergency power, that is the condition called Station Black Out (SBO) - total loss of power. The work also includes calculations of short-circuit ratios emergency resources considered as strengthening, as well as the calculation of acceleration heaviest drive and a summary of the overall impacts of the proposed hardening.

Činnost speciální záchranné skupiny Delta tým / Special operations of rescue group Delta team

HOMOLKA, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The safety of nuclear power plants is still an important topic. Protection of nuclear power plants in Czech Republic is on top level, but there is still place for improving. After the Fukushima disaster Czech Republic responded among other things with creating of new security groups on its own nuclear power plants Temelín and Dukovany. It is rescue group Delta team, specialized in heights security of buildings and Search and Rescue in case of some emergency events. Objective of this Master thesis was preparation and evaluation of practice, where specialized activities of Delta team can be tested. In this case it was ability to give first aid and safe transport of a person from height to the ground using climbing techniques. Communication was added to these tested activities because it is important in every event. The practice was planned and after obtaining of needed permission it was realized on April 1st, 2018 on the nuclear power plant Temelín. The practice was evaluated afterwards, what made objective of this Master theses complete. There is research question in this work and it is if rescue group Delta team is prepared for emergency events related to rescue works in heights. It can be answered positively. Especially the part of practice with climbing operations was precise only with little complaints. This Master thesis serves as familiarization material with the rescue group Delta team, which operates on Czech nuclear power plants. It can give basic information for example for job applicants or for persons interested in nuclear power plant security. Prepared practice can be used repeatedly with other participants or for practice of Delta team on nuclear power plant Dukovany.

Aplicação da manutenção centrada em confiabilidade (RCM) na otimização do programa de manutenção de centrais termonucleares / Application of reliability-centred mainteinance in optimization of the nuclear power plants preventive maintenance program

Quintella, Luciano Confort [UNESP] 04 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by LUCIANO CONFORT QUINTELLA null (l_quintella@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-16T18:29:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 UNESP-FEG - Dissertação de Mestrado - APLICAÇÃO DA MANUTENÇÃO CENTRADA EM CONFIABILIDADE NA OTIMIZAÇÃO DO PROGRAMA DE MANUTENÇÃO DE CENTRAIS TERMONUCLEARES - Luciano C Quintella_Rev167 - REVISÃO FINAL.pdf: 5630978 bytes, checksum: 6d3c05b844c7ac7c30dd808f1c82303b (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo a orientação abaixo: O arquivo submetido não contém o certificado de aprovação assinado. A versão submetida por você é considerada a versão final da dissertação/tese, portanto não poderá ocorrer qualquer alteração em seu conteúdo após a aprovação. Corrija esta informação e realize uma nova submissão contendo o arquivo correto. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2016-08-17T14:39:55Z (GMT) / Submitted by LUCIANO CONFORT QUINTELLA null (l_quintella@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-07T00:13:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 UNESP-FEG - Dissertação de Mestrado - APLICAÇÃO DA MANUTENÇÃO CENTRADA EM CONFIABILIDADE NA OTIMIZAÇÃO DO PROGRAMA DE MANUTENÇÃO DE CENTRAIS TERMONUCLEARES - Luciano C Quintella_Rev168 - REVISÃO FINAL.pdf: 4453734 bytes, checksum: b3c4369bb61bf3c735292c7280dfc961 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-09-12T16:47:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 quintella_lc_me_bauru.pdf: 4453734 bytes, checksum: b3c4369bb61bf3c735292c7280dfc961 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-12T16:47:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 quintella_lc_me_bauru.pdf: 4453734 bytes, checksum: b3c4369bb61bf3c735292c7280dfc961 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-04 / A função manutenção vem sendo considerada como fator estratégico para as empresas, pois através do alinhamento de suas políticas corporativas e integração de seus programas de gestão de ativos, de riscos e de ciclo de vida de suas unidades de negócios, as empresas vêm buscando a constante redução de custos e a melhoria de seus resultados operacionais. E, assim, obtendo maior competitividade. A Manutenção Centrada em Confiabilidade (RCM) é um método já bem disseminado por todo o mundo e que, ao longo dos anos, vem promovendo estes diferenciais estratégicos através de preceitos que possibilitam a elaboração de Programas de Manutenção Preventiva de custo-eficaz, através de um método para a definição de políticas de manutenção mais adequadas, com o foco na manutenção da função dos ativos em seu contexto operacional. Ao longo dos anos, o método RCM vem sendo aplicado em inúmeros estudos de casos em diferentes empresas de diversos seguimentos, onde podem ser observadas novas adaptações ou simplificações do método RCM clássico. Estas adaptações buscam uma maior adequação as particularidades destas empresas e/ou um retorno mais rápido de resultados. O setor nuclear de geração de energia foi um dos pioneiros na adoção e disseminação do RCM, e vem desenvolvendo processos simplificados de aplicação do RCM, como o “Streamlinned RCM” e o “método PMO” (Otimização do Programa de Manutenção, do inglês: Preventive Maintenance Optimization). Estes estudos mostram que o método PMO apresenta uma maior flexibilidade, o que permite a adoção de diferentes estratégias de aplicação que, por sua vez, têm trazido resultados expressivos para as empresas, através da otimização dos Programas de Manutenção já existentes. Com base na literatura, neste trabalho são abordadas questões referentes ao RCM e sua contextualização na área nuclear, estudos sobre os métodos simplificados do RCM e o desenvolvimento do método PMO. Por fim, é realizada uma aplicação prática do método PMO sobre os sistemas relacionados e subsistemas do Sistema de Remoção de Calor Residual (JN), mais especificamente, sobre as Bombas de injeção de segurança do Sistema de Injeção de Alta Pressão (JND) da Usina Nuclear Angra 2. Através dos resultados obtidos com esta aplicação, pretende-se otimizar o Programa de Manutenção da Planta (PMP) referente a estes equipamentos e, assim, validar o método PMO como ferramenta para a melhoria contínua do Programa de Gestão de Ativos e Ciclo de Vida da Usina Nuclear Angra 2. / Corporations tend to consider maintenance work a strategic element. It is through maintenance—especially the alignment between corporate policies and integration of their programs to manage assets, risks, and life cycles of business units—that corporations try to continuously improve their results, reduce their operational costs, and, therefore, increase their competitiveness. Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a popular method across the world; it has been promoting competitiveness through concepts that allow the design of cost-effective Preventive Maintenance Programs These programs are effective because they entail appropriate maintenance policies that are focused on the preservation of the assets functions in their operational context and on the formation of technical knowledge basis supported by hard data. Throughout the years, RCM has been applied in numerous case studies and in different companies engaged in a variety of market segments. Such diversity in the application of RCM allowed us to observe new adaptations and variations of the classic method. Such adaptations aim to better respond to specific operational contexts in and within production units, as well as achieve faster results. The nuclear power sector has pioneered regarding the adoption and dissemination of RCM; it has been developing simplified versions of RCM, such as the “Streamlined RCM” and the PMO (Preventive Maintenance Optimization). These studies demonstrate that the PMO presents enhanced flexibility, which allows the adoption of different strategies; such enhanced flexibility brings expressive results to corporations as pre-existing maintenance programs are optimized. Based on the currently available literature, this dissertation addresses numerous questions regarding RCM and its application to nuclear power segments. It also addresses studies about simplified versions of RCM and the development of the PMO method. The discussion is supplemented with a practical application of the PMO method regarding auxiliary systems and sub-systems of Removal of Residual Heat System (JN), especially those regarding the security injection pumps of the High Pressure Injection System (JND) at Angra II Nuclear Plant. Through the results obtained from this application, it is possible to optimize the Maintenance Program of these equipments, and therefore, validate the PMO method as a tool of continuous improvement of the Assets and Life Cycle Program of Angra II.

Analýza možností provedení evakuace obyvatelstva v předúnikové fázi radiační havárie v podmínkách ETE / Analysis of the possibility to perform evacuation of inhabitants at the pre-leakage phase of radiation accident in nuclear power plant conditions

MAKRLÍK, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
Nuclear facility accidents involving leaks of radioactive substances into the environment might have serious radiobiological impacts on inhabitants in some cases and would require immediate or subsequent protective measures from iodine prophylaxis and hiding to evacuation or permanent resettlement. The first part of the thesis describes the conditions of nuclear facility operation, technology of the Temelin nuclear power plant, including description of technology and function of emergency systems and the basic principles of security, and environment protection. It also describes the principles and aims of nuclear safety, radiation protection and accident preparedness. A more detailed description of accident preparedness at the Temelin power plant including links to the External Emergency Plan and announcement of safety measures for inhabitants follows. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the decision making process on announcement of evacuation in the pre-leak phase of radiation accident from the point of view of the Temelin nuclear plant operator?s possibilities. The part Methodology includes a description of RTARC software for evaluation of radiological impacts of radioactive substance leakage into the environment of the Temelin nuclear plant in case of radiation accident. The set of source members (event scenarios) used for the calculation is also described there. The chapter Results presents and assesses the RTARC calculations. We may say upon analyses of the results that application of the decision making support programme is beneficial and is practically able to help with efficient protection of citizens in the final effect. For a part of the considered source members evacuation on pre-leak phase cannot be recommended with regard to the quick progress and leakage of radioactive substances into the environment.

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