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Facelift EDU / Facelift PDURůžičková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The theme of the diploma thesis is the solution of the pre-plant zone of the Dukovany nuclear power station. Creating a vision of how this space could develop further in the next 50 years and how it could work in a transitional phase during the construction of a new nuclear power plant unit. The subject of the thesis is the elaboration of an architectural study, which is based on an urban study. Urban study was processed within the framework of the pre-diploma thesis and solved mainly the overall problems of this area, the new transport connection, and the functional division of the whole area. The area was divided into three functional units, namely the transport zone, the administrative zone and the sports and education zone. At present, there are a lot of small structurally and functionally unsuitable buildings in this area. The diploma thesis deals with the design of new buildings with a clear functional use in the administrative zone, in the area in front of the main gatehouse. A new representative square was created, and three buildings are designed around it. The dominant feature of the whole area was a high-rise office building near the gatehouse. In front of the office building, towards the main road, the service building I was designed, which contains business and healthcare services. On the other side of the square was located the service building II, where there are technical services, such as workshops, warehouses and metrology. The last building solved within the diploma thesis is the building of sports and locker rooms of suppliers, which is designed behind the square near the greenery. New building copies mass of the only preserved building in this area, namely the building of the information centre. The designed building has a fitness centre and locker rooms of external workers of the power plant.
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Využití odpadní vody v EDU pro vytápění / Use of Waste Water in Nuclear Power Dukovany for HeatingBohůn, Vojtěch January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with various ways of energetically advantageous utilization of waste heat produced by industrial technologies. The focus of the diploma thesis is both to provide an overview of different ways and places of origin of waste heat in industrial technologies and of its possible reutilization, to suggest a concrete air heating system using waste heat and to propose a long-distance hot water pipe which supplies hot water pipe system with energy. First, technologies producing waste heat and some ways of regressing of heat in such technologies are theoretically described. Second, the equipment for transferring of heat and for adjustment of thermal energy parameters is described. A special focus is put on water supplies of the Nuclear Power Plant Dukovany and some selected parts of its secondary circuit, which is waste heat collected from. The analysis is supplemented by a calculation of theoretical quantity of waste heat. The aim of the calculation is to determine whether waste heat can be a source of energy for heating. Then, a current system of heating of three selected buildings in the area of the Nuclear Power Plant Dukovany is briefly described. Based on the gained knowledge, a project of air heating with two heat pumps type water – water, a heat receiver preparing warm service water and three recuperative units for preheating of fresh heating air is designed. The selection of main parts of the air heating is amended by a calculation of purchase costs and electric energy consumption. After that, the focus is placed on choice of type of hot water pipe – its trace is stated and an indicative estimation and a thermal-conditions calculation in the hot water pipe are made. The preliminary calculation serves as a source of information for a final project of air heating and calculation of changes of temperatures longwise the hot water pipe. The project contains also a calculation of pressure losses and an analysis of economical questions concerning hot water pipes. In conclusion, the results of project of air heating and hot water pipes are summarized.
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Systémy přeměn energie pro jaderné elektrárny se sodíkem chlazeným reaktorem (SFR) / Energy conversion systems for nuclear power plants with soduim fast reactor (SFR)Netopilová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is proposing and solving energy convection systems for nuc-lear power plants with a sodium fast reactor of the 4th generation. The first part of the dissertation deals with collection and evaluation of information available about nuclear power plants with sodium fast reactor which use nuclear or non-nuclear reheating to increase thermal efficiency. On the basis of the acquired information, thermal schemes are developed and thermal effi-ciency is determined for the systems working in both Rankine thermal cycle and Brayton thermal cycle. In the further part of the dissertation thermal calculation of the reheater for nuclear and non-nuclear reheating is made for the systems working in Rankine thermal cycle. At the end of this dissertation, an apparatus suitable for these systems is suggested and the systems are evaluated in terms of technical implementation and nuclear safety.
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Modernizace Jaderné elektrárny Dukovany / Modernization the Dukovany Nuclear Power StationKissler, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Thesis focuses on a detailed technical description of all important parts of secondary circuit in Dukovany power plant and its connection to other systems of power plant. In thesis are analyzed significant adjustments which have been made during the entire operation of power plant including in particular the actions associated with project called Utilization of project reserves of units EDU. In the main part of the thesis were carried out calculations of the power plant's power for states before and after the modernization and there is also analyzed the impact of individual changes on the whole power plant. These changes are with the entire secondary circuit drawn in the T-s diagram.
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Zauberstab der Atomwissenschaft: Hans Geiger und die Magie der KerntechnikAbele, Johannes January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Stochastic Modeling of Electricity Prices and the Impact on Balancing Power Investments / Stokastisk modellering av elpriser och effekten på investeringar i balanskraftRuthberg, Richard, Wogenius, Sebastian January 2016 (has links)
Introducing more intermittent renewable energy sources in the energy system makes the role of balancing power more important. Furthermore, an increased infeed from intermittent renewable energy sources also has the effect of creating lower and more volatile electricity prices. Hence, investing in balancing power is prone to high risks with respect to expected profits, which is why a good representation of electricity prices is vital in order to motivate future investments. We propose a stochastic multi-factor model to be used for simulating the long-run dynamics of electricity prices as input to investment valuation of power generation assets. In particular, the proposed model is used to assess the impact of electricity price dynamics on investment decisions with respect to balancing power generation, where a combined heat and power plant is studied in detail. Since the main goal of the framework is to create a long-term representation of electricity prices so that the distributional characteristics of electricity prices are maintained, commonly cited as seasonality, mean reversion and spikes, the model is evaluated in terms of yearly duration which describes the distribution of electricity prices over time. The core aspects of the framework are derived from the mean-reverting Pilipovic model of commodity prices, but where we extend the assumptions in a multi-factor framework by adding a functional link to the supply- and demand for power as well as outdoor temperature. On average, using the proposed model as a way to represent future prices yields a maximum 9 percent overand underprediction of duration respectively, a result far better than those obtained by simpler models such as a seasonal profile or mean estimates which do not incorporate the full characteristics of electricity prices. Using the different aspects of the model, we show that variations of electricity prices have a large impact on the investment decision with respect to balancing power. The realized value of the flexibility to produce electricity in a combined heat and power plant is calculated, which yields a valuation close to historical realized values. Compared with simpler models, this is a significant improvement. Finally, we show that by including characteristics such as non-constant volatility and spiky behavior in investment decisions, the expected value of balancing power generators, such as combined heat and power plants, increases. / I takt med att fler intermittenta förnyelsebara energikällor tillför el i dagens energisystem, blir också balanskraftens roll i dessa system allt viktigare. Vidare så har en ökning av andelen intermittenta förnyelsebara energikällor även effekten att de bidrar till lägre men också mer volatila elpriser. Därmed är även investeringar i balanskraft kopplade till stora risker med avseende på förväntade vinster, vilket gör att en god representation av elpriser är central vid investeringsbeslut. Vi föreslår en stokastisk flerfaktormodell för att simulera den långsiktiga dynamiken i elpriser som bas för värdering av generatortillgångar. Mer specifikt används modellen till att utvärdera effekten av elprisers dynamik på investeringsbeslut med avseende på balanskraft, där ett kraftvärmeverk studeras i detalj. Eftersom huvudmålet med ramverket är att skapa en långsiktig representation av elpriser så att deras fördelningsmässiga karakteristika bevaras, vilket i litteraturen citeras som regression mot medelvärde, säsongsvariationer, hög volatilitet och spikar, så utvärderas modellen i termer av årlig prisvaraktighet som beskriver fördelningen av elpriser över tid. Kärnan i ramverket utgår från Pilipovic-modellen av råvarupriser, men där vi utvecklar antaganden i ett flerfaktorramverk genom att lägga till en länkfunktion till tillgång- och efterfrågan på el samt utomhustemperatur. Vid användande av modellen som ett sätt att representera framtida priser, fås en maximal över- och underprediktion av prisvaraktighet om 9 procent, ett resultat som är bättre än det som ges av enklare modellering såsom säsongsprofiler eller enkla medelvärdesestimat som inte tar hänsyn till elprisernas fulla karakteristika. Till sist visar vi med modellens olika komponenter att variationer i elpriser, och därmed antaganden som används i långsiktig modellering, har stor betydelse med avseende på investeringsbeslut i balanskraft. Det realiserade värdet av flexibiliteten att producera el för ett kraftvärmeverk beräknas, vilket ger en värdering nära faktiska realiserade värden baserade på historiska priser och som enklare modeller inte kan konkurrera med. Slutligen visar detta också att inkluderandet av icke-konstant volatilitet och spikkarakteristika i investeringsbeslut ger ett högre förväntat värde av tillgångar som kan producera balanskraft, såsom kraftvärmeverk.
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The Nuclear Dilemma : A Study on the Nuclear Energy Growth Nexus and Greenhouse Gas EmissionsKarlsson, Pontus, Uebel, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
The relationship between energy consumption and economic growth has been a popular topic in recent studies, with a considerable amount of literature conducted, although there still is no consensus regarding the relationship. Few studies have analysed the nuclear energy growth nexus with greenhouse gas emissions, and none have used the same method, data, and sample period. Therefore, there are still gaps in the literature regarding the Energy Growth Nexus, and this study provides a unique insight into the Swedish nuclear dilemma. The purpose of this paper is to study the causal relationship between economic growth and nuclear energy consumption, and the causality between greenhouse gas emissions and nuclear energy consumption, in Sweden. The results of which are used to discuss the future consequences a continued shutdown of Sweden’s nuclear power could have. Seven EU nations and two non-EU nations are included to be able to make comparisons to Sweden. This paper is based on a method of time series analysis by conducting Ordinary Least Squares-regressions in combination with Granger causality tests. Our results indicate that nuclear power granger cause growth in Belgium and the United Kingdom. Additionally, this study finds a bidirectional granger causality between greenhouse gas emissions and nuclear energy in the USA. The causal relationship between nuclear energy, economic growth, and greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden is still unclear. However, the Swedish energy market is facing multiple challenges including global warming, increased energy demand, and a transition towards a completely renewable energy mix. The role of nuclear power in the Swedish energy mix is still unclear. It is therefore the authors belief that a decision regarding the future of the Swedish energy supply is needed. / Förhållandet mellan energikonsumtion och ekonomisk tillväxt har varit ett populärt ämne i nutida forskning, detta då en avsevärd mängd litteratur har författats på ämnet, dock har forskningen ännu inte funnit konsensus gällande det påstådda förhållandet. Få studier har emellertid analyserat energi-tillväxt sambandet med växthusgaser, inga av dessa studier har använt samma metod, data och tidsperiod. Med grund i detta finns det ändock ett tomrum i forskningen och litteraturen gällande energi-tillväxt sambandet och denna studie tillhandahåller en särskild insikt i det svenska kärnkraftsdilemmat. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att studera det kausala förhållandet mellan ekonomisk tillväxt och kärnkraftskonsumtion, samt kausaliteten mellan utsläpp från växthusgaser och ekonomisk tillväxt, i Sverige. Resultaten av denna uppsats har använts för att diskutera och analysera framtida konsekvenser av en fortsatt kärnkraftsnedstängning i Sverige. Sju EU-nationer samt två länder utanför EU har inkluderats för att kunna genomföra jämförelser med Sverige. Denna uppsats är baserad på en metod av tidsserieanalys som regression kallad Minsta Kvadratregressioner i kombination med Granger kausalitets-tester. Uppsatsens resultat indikerar att kärnkraft Granger-kauserar tillväxt i Belgien och Storbritannien. Studien finner även en dubbelriktad Granger-kausalitet mellan växthusgasutsläpp och kärnkraft i USA. Det kausala sambandet mellan kärnkraft, ekonomisk tillväxt och växthusgasutsläpp i Sverige är fortsatt otydligt. Den svenska energimarknaden står emellertid inför flera utmaningar som främst inkluderar global uppvärmning, ökande efterfrågan på energi samt en pågående övergång till en helt förnybar energimix. Rollen kärnkraft kommer ha i den svenska energimixen är fortfarande oklar. Det är därför författarnas uppfattning att ett beslut angående hur det framtida energiutbudet ska se ut måste tas.
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Modeling the impact of variable renewable energy sources penetration on supply-demand balance : Analysis of France from 2021 to 2025DE LEON, RAFAEL January 2021 (has links)
France is planning a strong development of solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind power in the medium term disrupting the power system. This Master Thesis analyzes the impacts of variable renewable energy production on the supply-demand balance from 2021 to 2025 in France. The model used relies on a dynamic programming method. The analysis is based on the assessment of indicators such as price signals, margins, loss of load duration (LOLD), expected energy not served (EENS) and nuclear drop stop that characterize the supply-demand balance and the security of supply of the electricity system. Wind power and PV are two very different technologies. Their load factor is very sizeable as it characterize their seasonality, variability and predictability and has an impact on all medium-term indicators. Wind power and PV have low marginal costs and their production is seasonal and in anti-phase. With new installed capacity, their added production in the supply-demand balance will substitute first the imports from the interconnections until saturation and then nuclear and thermal power plant production. Prices decrease with the same seasonality as the production and need to be considered when establishing the nuclear planning for the years to come. In addition a re-optimization of hydro power is observed. In terms of security of supply, wind power is more efficient than PV when assessing the reduction of LOLD but both are far from the performance of combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT). Lastly, the lack of nuclear production opportunities increases considerably more with PV due to a very localised production during the day which coincides in summer with periods of low consumption. Wind power and PV are two distinct technologies and should not be put in the same category when assessing their impact on the power system. / Frankrike planerar en stark utveckling av solceller (PV) och vindkraft på medellång sikt för att störa kraftsystemet. Detta examensarbete analyserar effekterna av varierande produktion av förnybar energi på balans mellan utbud och efterfrågan från 2021 till 2025 i Frankrike. Modellen som används bygger på en dynamisk programmeringsmetod. Analysen baseras på bedömningen av indikatorer som prissignaler, marginaler, förlust av lasttid (LOLD), förväntad energi som inte serveras (EENS) och kärnkraftsfallstopp som kännetecknar efterfrågan och utbudssäkerheten för el systemet. Vindkraft och solceller är två mycket olika tekniker. Deras belastningsfaktor är mycket stor eftersom den kännetecknar deras säsongsvariation, variation och förutsägbarhet och påverkar alla medellångsiktiga indikatorer. Vindkraft och solceller har låga marginalkostnader och deras produktion är säsongsbetonad och i fas. Med ny installerad kapacitet kommer deras extra produktion i utbuds- och efterfrågan att ersätta importen från sammankopplingarna till mättnad och sedan produktion av kärnkraft och värmekraftverk. Priserna sjunker med samma säsong som produktionen och måste beaktas när kärnkraftsplaneringen fastställs för de kommande åren. Dessutom observeras en återoptimering av vattenkraften. När det gäller försörjningstrygghet är vindkraft effektivare än solceller vid bedömning av minskningen av LOLD men båda är långt ifrån prestanda för kombinerade cykelturbiner (CCGT). Slutligen ökar avsaknaden av kärnkraftsproduktionsmöjligheter betydligt mer med solceller på grund av en mycket lokal produktion under dagen som sammanfaller på sommaren med perioder med låg konsumtion. Vindkraft och solceller är två olika tekniker och bör inte placeras i samma kategori när man bedömer deras inverkan på kraftsystemet.
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Fotografie und atomare Katastrophe / die visuelle Repräsentation der Ereignisse von Hiroshima / Nagasaki und TschernobylBürkner, Daniel 05 May 2015 (has links)
Die Dissertation setzt sich mit den fotografischen Repräsentationen der Atombombenabwürfe auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki sowie der Havarie des Kernkraftwerks Tschernobyl auseinander. Dabei werden künstlerische, dokumentarische und touristische Bilder analysiert, die sich der jeweiligen Strahlenkatastrophe oftmals erst Jahre nach dem Ereignis annehmen und ikonografische oder medial-materielle Bezüge zu ihr aufweisen. Es zeigen sich zentrale Strategien, atomare Katastrophen, seien sie militärischer oder ziviler Natur, in fotografische Bilder überzuführen. Gerade das eigentliche Unvermögen, die visuell nicht sichtbaren Strahlenemissionen oder die Komplexität der Vorgänge auf atomarer Ebene zu visualisieren, hat sich als prägend erwiesen und bestimmt als Paradigma der Unsichtbarkeit die kulturelle Rezeption der Ereignisse. Es ist dieser Umgang mit den Abstraktionspotentialen der nuklearen Technologie, die im aktuellen Spannungsfeld ökologischer, sozialer und energietechnologischer Bildpolitik ihre Relevanz stets von neuem unter Beweis stellt. / The dissertation project seeks to analyse the photographic positions that deal with the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the accident of the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. This focus includes press photographs of the events as well as artistic, documentary and touristic images that take an approach towards the disasters often years after and hereby form iconographic or material references to the events. The study reveals central strategies for photographic images of atomic catastrophes, be they of military or civil nature. It is the inability to visualize non-visible nuclear rays or the complexity of processes on an atomic level that has turned out to be crucial. This incapacity of making images, a paradigm of invisibility, substantially coins the cultural role of the events. The question of how a society deals with these abstract potentials of nuclear technology has turned out to be always anew of high relevance in regard to ecological, social and technological policies of images.
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民主化下台灣的社會運動外部策略研究 / The Study of External Strategy of Social Movement in Taiwan's Democratization范碩銘, Fan,Shuo ming Unknown Date (has links)
在本研究的第二章與第四章內容分別描述了這兩個特殊的社會運動興起背景以及台灣民主化的進程;而在本研究的第三章與第五章內容則分別討論這兩個社會運動採取的外部策略與策略互動。研究發現,「反核四抗爭運動」是以一種「以國家為槓桿」的外部策略;而「紅衫軍反貪腐倒扁運動」則採取一種「以大眾媒體為槓桿」的外部策略,這兩個案例在台灣民主化的不同階段之下分別成功形塑了「指向國家核心的社會運動」,共同見證了台灣民主化發展的獨特經驗,因此具有相當程度之指標性意義。 / The original research conscious of this study is” Why state machine sometimes can’t terminate social movement successfully?” In order to face this research conscious, the research adopt” strategic-relational approach”, and assume “If social movement could use suitable strategy in particular structure, the social movement could be exist and develop”. For the reason, this study wants to treat a special type of social movement, and we called social movements with “point at state core”. this study further select two social movements with “point at state core” in Taiwan’s Democratization:”Anti-fourth nuclear power plant movement” and ”Anti-corruption depose-Chen Campaign”. In Chapter 2 and chapter 4, we describe the background of social movement and democratic development in Taiwan; In Chapter 3 and chapter 5, we discuss external strategy and the interaction of the two social movement cases.
This research discoveries that Anti-fourth nuclear power plant movement uses the external strategy of “as state as leverage”. On the other side, Anti-corruption depose-Chen Campaign uses the external strategy of “as mass media as leverage”. Finally, this study believes that the two social movements with “point at state core” play an important role in Taiwan’s Democratization.
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