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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The sedimentology of the Cambrian clastic sediments of Northwest Scotland

McKie, Thomas January 1988 (has links)
The Cambrian clastic sediments of northwest Scotland crop-out along the line of the Moine Thrust Zone between Skye in the south and Loch Eriboll in the north and form the basal 250m of a broadly transgressive Cambro-Ordovician sequence of clastic and carbonate sediments. These sediments were deposited on the passive western margin of the lapetus Ocean. The clastic stratigraphy consists of four members; the Lower Member, Pipe Rock, Fucoid Beds and Salterella Grit. The Lower Member consists of 100-125m of mature, cross-bedded quartzarenites which have been subdivided into three facies associations. The lowest association is a 10m thick series of cross-bedded channel sands interpreted as mesotidal barrier inlet deposits. This association is erosively overlain by 10m of thinly bedded, cross-bedded and parallel laminated sands interpreted as lower shoreface sediments. The remainder of the Lower Member comprises compound cross-bedded cosets 1-10m thick interpreted as tidal sandwave deposits. The sudden appearance of numerous Skolithos burrows at the Lower Member-Pipe Rock boundary is interpreted as an evolutionary event representing the colonisation of the Cambrian shelf by suspension feeding annelids. The Pipe Rock is an 85-100m thick sequence of mature, highly burrowed quartzarenites considered to have been deposited in a tidal shelf to outer shelf tempestite setting. The Fucoid Beds consists of 20m of a mixed clastic-carbonate sequence of thinly bedded wave rippled tempestites interbedded with fairweather echinoderm grainstones. The Salterella Grit is a 0-15m thick coarsening upwards sequence of muds and quartzarenites interpreted as having been deposited as tidal sandridges which went through active and moribund stages of development before being buried under carbonate platform sediments. The dominant controls on the facies developed in this sequence were thermal subsidence, eustatic sea level rise and tidal resonant effects. Two rapid shallowing events, in the middle of the Pipe Rock and at the top of the Fucoid Beds, may have been produced by variations in the spreading rate of the lapetus Ocean.

Deformation processes and strain in thrust systems

Bowler, S. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Vliv Nordic Walking na vybrané antropometrické ukazatele. / Effect of Nordic Walking on selected anthropometric indicators..

ŠIKLOVÁ, Helena January 2015 (has links)
The thesis aims at finding out, how efficient the Nordic Walking therapy is, when applied to chosen segments of human musculoskeletal system. Also it aims at exploration of the question concerning the utilization of Nordic Walking during musculoskeletal system treatment with a connection to a visceral body sphere. The theoretical part is dedicated to an analysis of the professional terms and concepts closely related to Nordic Walking. Opinions of various Czech and foreign Nordic Walking topic specialists are stated there. In addition, body mass indicators, and the way in which exercise influences the human organism, are also described in the theoretical part of the thesis. The practical part consists of research sample characteristics, definition of utilized methodology and measurement results evaluation. The results are processed in the form of graphs and tables and amended by discussion

Estudo da região de sublimiar de transistores SOI avançados. / Subthreshold region study of advanced SOI transistors.

Silva, Vanessa Cristina Pereira da 05 February 2018 (has links)
Em decorrência da necessidade de se obter circuitos integrados (CIs) cada vez mais velozes e consequentemente dando sequência à lei de Moore, a redução das dimensões dos dispositivos se torna necessária, aumentando assim a capacidade de integração de transistores dentro de um CI, porém, ao passo que ocorre a miniaturização, aparecem efeitos parasitários que afetam o comportamento dos transistores. Sendo assim, torna-se necessária a utilização de novos dispositivos e o uso de diferentes materiais, para dar continuidade à evolução tecnológica. Com o avanço da tecnologia, as indústrias seguiram em dois caminhos diferentes, a tecnologia planar (exemplo: UTBB) e a tridimensional (exemplo: FinFET). Neste trabalho são abordadas estas duas diferentes geometrias. Foram analisados dispositivos UTBOX e UTBB (planares) e os nanofios de porta ômega (?-Gate NW), que tem estrutura tridimensional. O uso de dispositivos com baixa-potência e baixa-tensão tornaram-se ainda mais importante nos dias de hoje, com aplicações em áreas médicas, como aparelhos auditivos e marca passos, em relógios inteligentes, microsensores e etc. Quanto menor for a potência consumida, menor será o calor gerado, resultando em uma redução de custos com sistemas de refrigeração. Os circuitos que operam na região de sublimiar são utilizados em aplicações onde o consumo de energia é mais importante do que a performance, porém, ao trabalhar nessa região os transistores apresentam um alto ganho para pouca variação de tensão. Nos transistores UTBOX e UTBB SOI nMOSFETs foram analisados os parâmetros partindo-se da tensão de limiar em direção à região do transistor no estado desligado, analisando a influência da espessura da região ativa do silício, do comprimento do canal e da implantação do plano de terra nos seguintes parâmetros: tensão de limiar, inclinação de sublimiar, abaixamento da barreira induzido pelo dreno (DIBL), a fuga no dreno induzida pela porta (GIDL) e razão das correntes no estado ligado e desligado (ION/IOFF). A redução do comprimento de canal afeta todos os parâmetros, devido ao efeito de canal curto, que além de reduzir a tensão de limiar, quando o dispositivo opera com baixo VDS (tensão entre dreno (VD) e fonte (VS)), reduz ainda mais quando aplicado alto VDS (em saturação), aumentando o DIBL. Esse efeito foi observado para os dispositivos nanofios com porta ômega, nos três valores de largura de canal analisados. Com o VDS alto também ocorre mais fuga de corrente pela segunda interface para comprimentos de canal curto, o que reduz a razão ION/IOFF. Quanto mais fina é a espessura do canal, melhor é o acoplamento entre as interfaces, resultando em uma melhor inclinação de sublimiar (SS) tornando os valores próximos ao limite teórico de 60mV/dec à temperatura ambiente. Nos resultados experimentais foi possível observar, para os dispositivos UTBOX e UTBB, uma redução de SS de aproximadamente 20 mV/dec, com a redução de tsi. A espessura da região ativa do silício também influencia na distribuição do campo elétrico, sendo diretamente proporcional, ou seja, quanto mais espessa a camada de silício, maior será o campo elétrico. A implantação do plano de terra (GP) tem como um de seus objetivos reduzir as cargas de depleção que são formadas abaixo do óxido enterrado e assim melhorar o controle das cargas no canal pela tensão aplicada no substrato. Essas cargas de depleção aumentam a espessura efetiva do óxido enterrado e também influenciam as cargas dentro do canal, resultando em um maior potencial na segunda interface (canal/óxido enterrado), facilitando a condução no canal, ou seja, reduzindo o valor de VT. Com a presença do GP, o potencial na segunda interface é mais próximo de zero, o que reduz a condução por essa região. Com isso será necessária uma maior tensão para inverter o canal. Porém, o controle das cargas pela tensão aplicada na porta é maior. Os valores extraídos de VT sem GP foram de aproximadamente 0,25V e com GP aproximadamente 0,45V. O estudo feito nos transistores de estrutura de nanofio e porta ômega NMOS e PMOS foi baseado em três parâmetros: tensão de limiar, inclinação de sublimiar e DIBL, com diferentes comprimentos e larguras de canal, sendo possível observar a presença do efeito de canal curto ao analisar os três parâmetros para L a partir de 100nm. Os transistores com Wfin=220nm apresentaram um menor VT em relação aos demais, para explorar esse fato, foram feitas simulações numéricas dos transistores do tipo N com Wfin=220nm e L=100nm. Com as simulações iniciais, os transistores com Wfin=220nm apresentaram um valor da tensão de limiar bem próximo dos demais Wfin. Para explorar o porquê de os dispositivos experimentais apresentarem um deslocamento no VT, foi analisada a condução pela segunda interface, onde, com as simulações com cargas fixas na segunda interface, a curva IDSXVGS simulada ficou próxima da experimental, explicando a redução de VT para Wfin=220nm. Com as simulações com cargas fixas na primeira e segunda interfaces, foi possível notar uma imunidade na inclinação de sublimiar ao adicionar essas cargas, que ocorre devido à pequena altura da região ativa de silício (hfin=10nm) que promove um forte acoplamento entre as interfaces. A largura de canal afetou significativamente os valores de DIBL para Ls menores que 100nm, pois, como o campo elétrico é proporcional à área, os transistores com L pequeno e W grande sofrem forte influência desse campo, resultando em um aumento de VT quando em saturação. / Due to the need to obtain integrated circuits (IC) faster and to follow Moore\'s law, it is necessary to reduce the dimensions of the devices increasing the capacity of integration of transistors inside an IC, however, with the miniaturization appears parasitic effects that affect the behavior of the transistors. Therefore, it is necessary to use new devices and the use of different materials to continue the technological evolution. With the advancement of technology, the industries have followed in two different ways, the planar technology (example: UTBB) and the three-dimensional technology (example: FinFET). In this work, these two different geometries are discussed. UTBOX and UTBB (planar) devices and the ?-Gate NW, which has a three-dimensional structure, were analyzed. The use of low-power low-voltage devices has become even more important nowadays, with applications in medical areas such as hearing aids and pacemakers, in smart watches, microsensors, and so on. The lower the power consumed, the lower the heat generated, resulting in a reduction of costs with cooling systems. The circuits that operate in the subthreshold region are used in applications where power consumption is more important than performance, but when working in this region the transistors have a high gain for little voltage variation. In the UTBOX and UTBB SOI nMOSFETs transistors the parameters starting from the threshold voltage towards the region of the transistor in the off state were studied, analyzing the influence of the silicon active region thickness, the channel length and the ground plane implantation in the following parameters: threshold voltage, subthreshold swing, drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL), gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) and current ratio on over off (ION/IOFF). The channel length reduction affects all parameters due to the short channel effect, which in addition to reducing the threshold voltage when the device operates with low VDS (VD) and source (VS)), reduces even further when applied high VDS (in saturation), increasing the DIBL. This effect was observed for the nanowire devices with omega gate, in the three channel width analyzed. With high VDS, there is also more current leakage through the back interface for short channel lengths, which reduces the ION/IOFF ratio. The thinner the channel thickness, the better the coupling between the interfaces, resulting in a better SS, making the values close to the theoretical limit of 60mV/dec at room temperature. In the experimental results, it was possible to observe for the UTBOX and UTBB devices a SS reduction of approximately 20mV/dec, with tsi reduction. The thickness of the active region of the silicon also influences the distribution of the electric field, being directly proportional, that is, the thicker the silicon layer, the greater the electric field. The implementation of the ground plane (GP) has as one of its objectives to reduce the depletion charges that are formed below the buried oxide and thus improve the control of the charges in the channel by the voltage applied at the substrate. These depletion charges increase the effective thickness of the buried oxide and also influence the charges at the channel, resulting in a higher potential at the second interface (buried channel/oxide), facilitating the conduction in the channel, i.e., reducing the value of VT. And with the presence of GP, the potential in the second interface is closer to zero, which reduces the conduction by this region, and then, this will require a higher voltage to invert the channel. However, the charge control by the voltage applied at the gate is higher. Values extracted of VT without GP were approximately 0.25V and with GP approximately 0.45V. The study on the omega-gate nanowire transistors of N and P type was based on three parameters: threshold voltage, subthreshold swing and DIBL, with different channel lengths and widths, being possible to observe the presence of the short channel effect for the three analyzed parameters and L=100 and 40nm. The transistors with Wfin=220nm had a higher VT in relation to the others, suggesting the presence of the narrow channel effect, to explore this fact, numerical simulations of N type transistors with Wfin=220nm and L=100nm were done. With the initial simulations, the transistors with Wfin=220nm did not show a narrow channel effect, where the threshold voltage value is very close to the others Wfin. Another alternative that was explored was the conduction by the back interface, where, with the simulations with fixed charges in the back interface, the simulated IDSXVGS curve was close to the experimental one, explaining the reduction of VT for Wfin=220nm. With the simulations with fixed charges in the front and back interfaces it was possible to notice an immunity in the subthreshold swing when adding these charges, which occurs due to the small height of the silicon active region (hfin=10nm) that promotes a strong coupling between the interfaces. The channel width significantly affected the DIBL values for Ls smaller than 100nm since, the electric field is proportional to the area, and the transistors with small L and large W have strong influence of this field, resulting in an increase of VT when in saturation.

The role of extension during the evolution of the NW Indian Himalaya

Hintersberger, Esther January 2013 (has links)
The evolution of most orogens typically records cogenetic shortening and extension. Pervasive normal faulting in an orogen, however, has been related to late syn- and post-collisional stages of mountain building with shortening focused along the peripheral sectors of the orogen. While extensional processes constitute an integral part of orogenic evolution, the spatiotemporal characteristics and the kinematic linkage of structures related to shortening and extension in the core regions of the orogen are often not well known. Related to the India-Eurasia collision, the Himalaya forms the southern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and constitutes the most prominent Cenozoic type example of a collisional orogen. While thrusting is presently observed along the foothills of the orogen, several generations of extensional structures have been detected in the internal, high-elevation regions, both oriented either parallel or perpendicular to the strike of the orogen. In the NW Indian Himalaya, earthquake focal mechanisms, seismites and ubiquitous normal faulting in Quaternary deposits, and regional GPS measurements reveal ongoing E-W extension. In contrast to other extensional structures observed in the Himalaya, this extension direction is neither parallel nor perpendicular to the NE-SW regional shortening direction. In this study, I took advantage of this obliquity between the trend of the orogen and structures related to E-W oriented extension in order to address the question of the driving forces of different extension directions. Thus, extension might be triggered triggered by processes within the Tibetan Plateau or originates from the curvature of the Himalayan orogen. In order to elaborate on this topic, I present new fault-kinematic data based on systematic measurements of approximately 2000 outcrop-scale brittle fault planes with displacements of up to several centimeters that cover a large area of the NW Indian Himalaya. This new data set together with field observations relevant for relative chronology allows me to distinguish six different deformation styles. One of the main results are that the overall strain pattern derived from this data reflects the regionally important contractional deformation pattern very well, but also reveals significant extensional deformation. In total, I was able to identify six deformation styles, most of which are temporally and spatially linked and represent protracted shortening, but also significant extensional directions. For example, this is the first data set where a succession of both, arc-normal and E-W extension have been documented in the Himalaya. My observations also furnish the basis for a detailed overview of the younger extensional deformation history in the NW Indian Himalaya. Field and remote-sensing based geomorphic analyses, and geochronologic 40Ar/39Ar data on synkinematic muscovites along normal faults help elucidate widespread E-W extension in the NW Indian Himalaya which must have started at approximately 14-16 Ma, if not earlier. In addition, I documented and mapped fault scarps in Quaternary sedimentary deposits using satellite imagery and field inspection. Furthermore, I made field observations of regional normal faults, compiled structures from geological maps and put them in a regional context. Finally, I documented seismites in lake sediments close to the currently most active normal fault in the study area in order to extend the (paleo) seismic record of this particular fault. Taken together, this data sets document that E-W extension is the dominant active deformation style in the internal parts of the orogen. In addition, the combined field, geomorphic and remote-sensing data sets prove that E-W extension occurs in a much more larger region toward the south and west than the seismicity data have suggested. In conclusion, the data presented here reveal the importance of extension in a region, which is still dominated by ongoing collision and shortening. The regional fault distribution and cross-cutting relationships suggest that extension parallel and perpendicular to the strike of the orogen are an integral part of the southward propagation of the active thrust front and the associated lateral growth of the Himalayan arc. In the light of a wide range of models proposed for extension in the Himalaya and the Tibetan plateau, I propose that E-W extension in the NW Indian Himalaya is transferred from the Tibetan Plateau due the inability of the Karakorum fault (KF) to adequately accommodate ongoing E-W extension on the Tibetan Plateau. Furthermore, in line with other observations from Tibet, the onset of E-W normal faulting in the NW Himalaya may also reflect the attainment of high topography in this region, which generated crustal stresses conducive to spatially extensive extension. / Die Hauptaufgabe von MHC-kodierten Proteinen ist die Erkennung von körperfremden Molekülen sowie das Einleiten einer adäquaten Immunantwort, womit sie eine Schlüsselrolle im Immunsystem der Wirbeltiere einnehmen. Man nimmt an, dass ihre außergewöhnliche Vielfalt eine Antwort auf die sich ständig anpassenden Parasiten und Krankheitserreger ist, durch adaptive Selektion erhalten wird und dass die individuelle Allelausstattung einen Großteil der Parasitenbelastung erklärt, wofür bereits zahlreiche MHC-Studien Hinweise gefunden haben. Trotzdem ist unser Verständnis über die wirkenden Mechanismen teilweise noch lückenhaft. Ein stark vernachlässigter Aspekt hierbei sind z.B. eventuelle Unterschiede in der Genexpression der MHC-Allele und eine geringere Expression wäre gleichbedeutend mit einer geringeren Aktivierung des Immunsystems. Ich habe hierzu zwei frei lebende Kleinsäugerarten (Delomys sublineatus, Apodemus flavicollis) unter natürlichen Selektionsbedingungen untersucht. Dabei habe ich neben der genotypischen Diversität von MHC-Genen auch deren Expression, sowie die Genexpression immunregulativer Zytokine mit in Betracht gezogen und in Relation zur individuellen Belastung mit gastrointestinalen Helminthen Das gleichzeitige Auftreten von Verkürzung und Dehnung (Extension) ist ein charakteristisches Kennzeichen bei der Bildung von Kollisionsgebirgen. Eine bis heute gängige These beinhaltet ein weit verbreitetes Auftreten von bschiebungen jedoch erst in späteren Stadien der Gebirgsbildung, bzw. nach deren Abschluÿ. Verkürzung ist hingegen während der gesamten Gebirgsbildung zu beobachten. Auch wenn Extensionsprozesse einen wesentlichen Bestandteil der Gebirgsbildung darstellen, ist deren räumlichen und zeitlichen Abfolge sowie ihre kinematische Kopplung zu Verkürzungstrukturen nur wenig gesichert. Der Himalaja, durch die Kollision von Indien und Eurasien entstanden, bildet den südlichen Rand des tibetischen Hochplateaus und stellt ein typisches aktives Kollisionsgebilde dar. Während heutzutage an der Gebirgsfront Überschiebungen beobachtet werden, können mehrere Generationen an Extensionsstrukturen in den hochgelegenen Regionen des Himalajas dokumentiert werden, die sowohl parallel als auch senkrecht zur Gebirgsfront verlaufen. Im NW Indiens zeugen Erdbebendaten sowie regionale GPS-Daten von andauernder E-W-Extension. Im Gegensatz zu anderen im Himalaja beschriebenen Extensionsstrukturen ist diese Extensionsrichtung jedoch weder parallel noch senkrecht zur NE-SW orientierten regionalen Verkürzungsrichtung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit nutze ich diesen schiefen Winkel zwischen der Ausrichtung des Gebirges einerseits und den mit E-W-Extension assoziierten Strukturen andererseits, um mögliche Ursachen für verschiedene Extensionsarten differenzieren zu können. So könnte Extension entweder durch Prozesse innerhalb des tibetischen Hochplateaus gesteuert werden, oder durch die Krümmung des Himalajas, der bogenförmig verläuft. Um dies zu untersuchen, verwende ich einen neuen störungskinematischen Datensatz aus systematischen Messungen von ca. 2000 spröden Störungsflächen im Aufschlussmaßstab über den gesamten Bereich des Himalajas in NW Indien. Zusammen mit Geländebeobachtungen, aus denen eine relative Altersabfolge abgeleitet werden konnte, ermöglicht mir dieser Datensatz zwischen sechs einzelnen Deformationsarten zu differenzieren. Die meisten dieser Deformationsarten sind zeitlich und räumlich verbunden und zeigen fortschreitende Verkürzung an, gleichzeitig werden auch signifikante Extensionsrichtungen dokumentiert. Unter anderem kann ich hier zum ersten Mal eine separierte Abfolge von Extension parallel zum Himalaja-Bogen bzw. E-W-Extension dokumentieren. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Studie ist es, einen detaillierten Überblick über die E-W-Extension im NW indischen Himalaja zu erhalten. Basierend auf Kartierung von jungen Bruchstufen sowie geomorphologische Auswertungen, 40Ar/39Ar-daten von synkinematisch gewachsenen Muskoviten auf Abschiebungen, sowie einer Kompilierung von eigene Geländebeobachtungen gröÿerer Abschiebungen mit schon publizierten Strukturen, konnte ich die räumliche Ausdehnung der E-W-Extension sowie deren zeitliche Einordnung als jüngstes Deformationsereignis belegen. Schlussendlich konnte ich anhand von Deformation in Seeablagerungen in der Nähe der momentan aktivsten Abschiebung im Untersuchungsgebiet den Nachweis an paläoseismologischen Ereignissen entlang dieser Störung ausweiten. Mit diesem Datensatz kann ich nachweisen, dass E-W-Extension in einem wesentlich ausgedehnteren Gebiet nach Süden und Westen hin auftritt, als bisher vorhandene Daten dies vermuten lassen, und dass E-W-Extension vor 14-16 Ma begann, wenn nicht sogar noch früher. Zusammenfassend bezeugen die hier präsentierten Daten die Relevanz von Extension in einer von Verkürzung geprägten Region. Die räumliche Verteilung von Störungen sowie Überschneidungskriterien lassen vermuten, dass Extension sowohl parallel wie auch senkrecht zum Himalaja-Bogen ein essentieller Teil des südwärts gerichteten Wanderns der aktiven Überschiebungsfront und des damit assoziierten lateralen Wachstums des Gebirges ist. Nach Abwägung der groÿen Bandbreite an Modellen für Extension im Himalaja und im tibetischen Hochplateau, bin ich der Meinung, dass E-W-Extension im NW indischen Himalaja ihren Ursprung im tibetischen Hochplateau hat. Grund dafür ist, dass die Bewegung entlang der Karakorum-Störung nicht ausreichend ist, um die fortdauernde E-W-Extension im tibetischen Hochplateau zu kompensieren. In Übereinstimmung mit anderen Beobachtungen in Tibet ist es auÿerdem möglich, dass das Einsetzen von E-W-Extension im NW Himalaja ebenfalls Erreichen der hohen Topographie in dieser Gegend widerspiegelt, durch die krustale Prozesse in Gang gesetzt werden, die wiederum zu räumlich ausgedehnten Extensionsprozessen führen können.. Anhand von Leber und Milzproben beider Arten habe ich die Methode der ‚real-time PCR‘ zur relativen Quantifizierung von mRNA im Labor etabliert. Bereits für die Labormaus etablierte PCR-Primersysteme wurden an beiden Arten getestet und so konnten stabile Referenzgene gefunden werden, die Grundvoraussetzung für zuverlässige Genexpressionsmessungen. Für D. sublineatus konnte gezeigt werden, dass Helminthenbefall eine typische Th2 Immunantwort induziert, und dass der Zytokin Il4 Gehalt mit Befallsintensität strongyler Nematoden zunimmt. Es wurde für D. sublineatus kein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen MHC Expression oder anderen Zytokinen mit Helminthenbefall gefunden. In A. flavicollis wurde ein negativer Zusammenhang zwischen haptischer MHC-Expression und dem parasitären Nematoden Heligmosomoides polygyrus festgestellt, was auf eine Immunvermeidungsstrategie des Nematoden hindeutet. Ich fand typische positive und negative Assoziationen zwischen MHC-Allelen und anderen Helminthenarten, sowie Zeichen eines positiven Selektionsdruckes auf den MHC-Sequenzen, was sich durch eine erhöhte Rate aminosäureverändernder Mutationen zeigte. Diese nicht-synonymen Veränderungen waren auf Positionen innerhalb des zweiten Exons des DRB-Genes beschränkt, wohingegen die untersuchten Bereiche des ersten und dritten Exons stark konserviert vorlagen. Diese variablen Positionen kodieren Schlüsselstellen im Bereich der Antigenbindungsstelle im MHC Molekül. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Arbeit, dass Genexpressionsstudien auch an Wildtieren durchgeführt und verlässliche Daten erzeugt werden können. Zusätzlich zur strukturellen Vielfalt sollten zukünftig auch mögliche Genexpressionsunterschiede bei MHC-Studien berücksichtigt werden, um ein kompletteres Bild der koevolutiven Wirt-Parasiten-Beziehungen zeichnen zu können. Dies ist vor allem dann von evolutiver Bedeutung, wenn die Parasiten in der Lage sind die MHC Expression aktiv zu beeinflussen. Die Studien konnten nicht die exakte Bedeutung von MHC-Genexpression in der antagonistischen Koevolution definieren, aber sie konnten zeigen dass diese Bedeutung stark von den jeweils beteiligten Partnern abzuhängen vermag.

Estudo da região de sublimiar de transistores SOI avançados. / Subthreshold region study of advanced SOI transistors.

Vanessa Cristina Pereira da Silva 05 February 2018 (has links)
Em decorrência da necessidade de se obter circuitos integrados (CIs) cada vez mais velozes e consequentemente dando sequência à lei de Moore, a redução das dimensões dos dispositivos se torna necessária, aumentando assim a capacidade de integração de transistores dentro de um CI, porém, ao passo que ocorre a miniaturização, aparecem efeitos parasitários que afetam o comportamento dos transistores. Sendo assim, torna-se necessária a utilização de novos dispositivos e o uso de diferentes materiais, para dar continuidade à evolução tecnológica. Com o avanço da tecnologia, as indústrias seguiram em dois caminhos diferentes, a tecnologia planar (exemplo: UTBB) e a tridimensional (exemplo: FinFET). Neste trabalho são abordadas estas duas diferentes geometrias. Foram analisados dispositivos UTBOX e UTBB (planares) e os nanofios de porta ômega (?-Gate NW), que tem estrutura tridimensional. O uso de dispositivos com baixa-potência e baixa-tensão tornaram-se ainda mais importante nos dias de hoje, com aplicações em áreas médicas, como aparelhos auditivos e marca passos, em relógios inteligentes, microsensores e etc. Quanto menor for a potência consumida, menor será o calor gerado, resultando em uma redução de custos com sistemas de refrigeração. Os circuitos que operam na região de sublimiar são utilizados em aplicações onde o consumo de energia é mais importante do que a performance, porém, ao trabalhar nessa região os transistores apresentam um alto ganho para pouca variação de tensão. Nos transistores UTBOX e UTBB SOI nMOSFETs foram analisados os parâmetros partindo-se da tensão de limiar em direção à região do transistor no estado desligado, analisando a influência da espessura da região ativa do silício, do comprimento do canal e da implantação do plano de terra nos seguintes parâmetros: tensão de limiar, inclinação de sublimiar, abaixamento da barreira induzido pelo dreno (DIBL), a fuga no dreno induzida pela porta (GIDL) e razão das correntes no estado ligado e desligado (ION/IOFF). A redução do comprimento de canal afeta todos os parâmetros, devido ao efeito de canal curto, que além de reduzir a tensão de limiar, quando o dispositivo opera com baixo VDS (tensão entre dreno (VD) e fonte (VS)), reduz ainda mais quando aplicado alto VDS (em saturação), aumentando o DIBL. Esse efeito foi observado para os dispositivos nanofios com porta ômega, nos três valores de largura de canal analisados. Com o VDS alto também ocorre mais fuga de corrente pela segunda interface para comprimentos de canal curto, o que reduz a razão ION/IOFF. Quanto mais fina é a espessura do canal, melhor é o acoplamento entre as interfaces, resultando em uma melhor inclinação de sublimiar (SS) tornando os valores próximos ao limite teórico de 60mV/dec à temperatura ambiente. Nos resultados experimentais foi possível observar, para os dispositivos UTBOX e UTBB, uma redução de SS de aproximadamente 20 mV/dec, com a redução de tsi. A espessura da região ativa do silício também influencia na distribuição do campo elétrico, sendo diretamente proporcional, ou seja, quanto mais espessa a camada de silício, maior será o campo elétrico. A implantação do plano de terra (GP) tem como um de seus objetivos reduzir as cargas de depleção que são formadas abaixo do óxido enterrado e assim melhorar o controle das cargas no canal pela tensão aplicada no substrato. Essas cargas de depleção aumentam a espessura efetiva do óxido enterrado e também influenciam as cargas dentro do canal, resultando em um maior potencial na segunda interface (canal/óxido enterrado), facilitando a condução no canal, ou seja, reduzindo o valor de VT. Com a presença do GP, o potencial na segunda interface é mais próximo de zero, o que reduz a condução por essa região. Com isso será necessária uma maior tensão para inverter o canal. Porém, o controle das cargas pela tensão aplicada na porta é maior. Os valores extraídos de VT sem GP foram de aproximadamente 0,25V e com GP aproximadamente 0,45V. O estudo feito nos transistores de estrutura de nanofio e porta ômega NMOS e PMOS foi baseado em três parâmetros: tensão de limiar, inclinação de sublimiar e DIBL, com diferentes comprimentos e larguras de canal, sendo possível observar a presença do efeito de canal curto ao analisar os três parâmetros para L a partir de 100nm. Os transistores com Wfin=220nm apresentaram um menor VT em relação aos demais, para explorar esse fato, foram feitas simulações numéricas dos transistores do tipo N com Wfin=220nm e L=100nm. Com as simulações iniciais, os transistores com Wfin=220nm apresentaram um valor da tensão de limiar bem próximo dos demais Wfin. Para explorar o porquê de os dispositivos experimentais apresentarem um deslocamento no VT, foi analisada a condução pela segunda interface, onde, com as simulações com cargas fixas na segunda interface, a curva IDSXVGS simulada ficou próxima da experimental, explicando a redução de VT para Wfin=220nm. Com as simulações com cargas fixas na primeira e segunda interfaces, foi possível notar uma imunidade na inclinação de sublimiar ao adicionar essas cargas, que ocorre devido à pequena altura da região ativa de silício (hfin=10nm) que promove um forte acoplamento entre as interfaces. A largura de canal afetou significativamente os valores de DIBL para Ls menores que 100nm, pois, como o campo elétrico é proporcional à área, os transistores com L pequeno e W grande sofrem forte influência desse campo, resultando em um aumento de VT quando em saturação. / Due to the need to obtain integrated circuits (IC) faster and to follow Moore\'s law, it is necessary to reduce the dimensions of the devices increasing the capacity of integration of transistors inside an IC, however, with the miniaturization appears parasitic effects that affect the behavior of the transistors. Therefore, it is necessary to use new devices and the use of different materials to continue the technological evolution. With the advancement of technology, the industries have followed in two different ways, the planar technology (example: UTBB) and the three-dimensional technology (example: FinFET). In this work, these two different geometries are discussed. UTBOX and UTBB (planar) devices and the ?-Gate NW, which has a three-dimensional structure, were analyzed. The use of low-power low-voltage devices has become even more important nowadays, with applications in medical areas such as hearing aids and pacemakers, in smart watches, microsensors, and so on. The lower the power consumed, the lower the heat generated, resulting in a reduction of costs with cooling systems. The circuits that operate in the subthreshold region are used in applications where power consumption is more important than performance, but when working in this region the transistors have a high gain for little voltage variation. In the UTBOX and UTBB SOI nMOSFETs transistors the parameters starting from the threshold voltage towards the region of the transistor in the off state were studied, analyzing the influence of the silicon active region thickness, the channel length and the ground plane implantation in the following parameters: threshold voltage, subthreshold swing, drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL), gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) and current ratio on over off (ION/IOFF). The channel length reduction affects all parameters due to the short channel effect, which in addition to reducing the threshold voltage when the device operates with low VDS (VD) and source (VS)), reduces even further when applied high VDS (in saturation), increasing the DIBL. This effect was observed for the nanowire devices with omega gate, in the three channel width analyzed. With high VDS, there is also more current leakage through the back interface for short channel lengths, which reduces the ION/IOFF ratio. The thinner the channel thickness, the better the coupling between the interfaces, resulting in a better SS, making the values close to the theoretical limit of 60mV/dec at room temperature. In the experimental results, it was possible to observe for the UTBOX and UTBB devices a SS reduction of approximately 20mV/dec, with tsi reduction. The thickness of the active region of the silicon also influences the distribution of the electric field, being directly proportional, that is, the thicker the silicon layer, the greater the electric field. The implementation of the ground plane (GP) has as one of its objectives to reduce the depletion charges that are formed below the buried oxide and thus improve the control of the charges in the channel by the voltage applied at the substrate. These depletion charges increase the effective thickness of the buried oxide and also influence the charges at the channel, resulting in a higher potential at the second interface (buried channel/oxide), facilitating the conduction in the channel, i.e., reducing the value of VT. And with the presence of GP, the potential in the second interface is closer to zero, which reduces the conduction by this region, and then, this will require a higher voltage to invert the channel. However, the charge control by the voltage applied at the gate is higher. Values extracted of VT without GP were approximately 0.25V and with GP approximately 0.45V. The study on the omega-gate nanowire transistors of N and P type was based on three parameters: threshold voltage, subthreshold swing and DIBL, with different channel lengths and widths, being possible to observe the presence of the short channel effect for the three analyzed parameters and L=100 and 40nm. The transistors with Wfin=220nm had a higher VT in relation to the others, suggesting the presence of the narrow channel effect, to explore this fact, numerical simulations of N type transistors with Wfin=220nm and L=100nm were done. With the initial simulations, the transistors with Wfin=220nm did not show a narrow channel effect, where the threshold voltage value is very close to the others Wfin. Another alternative that was explored was the conduction by the back interface, where, with the simulations with fixed charges in the back interface, the simulated IDSXVGS curve was close to the experimental one, explaining the reduction of VT for Wfin=220nm. With the simulations with fixed charges in the front and back interfaces it was possible to notice an immunity in the subthreshold swing when adding these charges, which occurs due to the small height of the silicon active region (hfin=10nm) that promotes a strong coupling between the interfaces. The channel width significantly affected the DIBL values for Ls smaller than 100nm since, the electric field is proportional to the area, and the transistors with small L and large W have strong influence of this field, resulting in an increase of VT when in saturation.

Zadie Smith's NW and the Edwardian Roots of the Contemporary Cosmopolitan Ethic

Marostica, Laura Domenica 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
British contemporary writer Zadie Smith is often representative of cosmopolitan writers of the twenty-first century: in both her fiction and nonfiction, she joins a multicultural background and broad, varied interests to an ethic based on the importance of interpersonal relationships and empathetic respect for the other. But while Smith is often considered the poster child for the contemporary British cosmopolitan, her ethics are in fact rooted in the one rather staid member of the canon: EM Forster, whose emphatic call to ‘only connect’ grounds all of Smith's fiction. Her latest novel, 2012's NW, further expands her relationship to Forster in highlighting both the promise and the limitations of empathy and cosmopolitan connection in the context of modern urban British life. This paper uses Kwame Anthony Appiah's definition of “rooted cosmopolitanism” to explore Forster's and Smith's shared ethics. I argue that their relationship grounds and influences Smith's literary rooted cosmopolitanism: that while she writes books for the age of globalization, her deliberate ties to the British canon suggest an investment in maintaining and reinvigorating the British novelistic tradition as a pathway to a collective British identity that is as expansive, modern, and empathetic as her novels.


Surbella, Kevin 27 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Ecological segregation inferred using chemical tracers and contamination assessment of five toothed whales in the Northwest Iberian Peninsula / Ségrégation écologique déterminée par des traceurs chimiques et estimation de la contamination de cinq cétacés odontocètes du nord-ouest de la pénisule ibérique

Mendez Fernandez, Paula 30 November 2012 (has links)
Le premier objectif de ce travail de thèse était de déterminer quel est le degré de ségrégation écologique entre cinq espèces sympatriques de cétacés odontocètes (i.e. le dauphin commun Delphinus delphis, le marsouin commun Phocoena phocoena, le grand dauphin tursiops truncatus, le dauphin bleu et blanc Stenella coeruleoalba et le globicéphale noir Globicephala melas) fréquentant l’aire marine restreinte et très productive du Nord-Ouest de la Péninsule Ibérique (NOPI). Pour cela, des paramètres chimiques ont été analysés dans les tissus biologiques, en tant que “ méthode alternative ” pouvant refléter de façon précise le régime alimentaire et l’habitat de ces animaux à différents échelles de temps d’intégration, et ainsi compléter les informations apportées par des méthodes plus traditionnelles tels que l’analyse des contenus stomacaux ou des fèces, ou encore les données d’observations en mer. Le second objectif de ce travail était d’évaluer l’état de contamination de ces espèces, pour acquérir une base de données de référence complète les concernant et estimer le risque toxicologique auquel elles peuvent faire face. Dans ce contexte, les éléments traces, les isotopes stables du carbone et de l’azote, et les polluants organiques persistants (POPs) sont les paramètres chimiques qui ont été sélectionnés pour répondre aux objectifs fixés.Dans un premier temps, les paramètres chimiques ont été utilisés comme traceurs écologiques des populations (ou de segments de population), procurant une image du régime alimentaire et de l’habitat des espèces à différentes échelles de temps. Nous avons calculé que le réseau trophique du NOPI avait cinq niveaux trophiques, au sein duquel les espèces étudiées occupaient les plus hautes positions, comprises entre 4,3 à 5,3, et sans qu’il y ait de différence significative de position trophiques entre les espèces. Alors que l’analyse d’un seul paramètre chimique ne permettait pas ségréger les cinq espèces, les informations apportées par l’analyse de plusieurs traceurs de long terme (i.e. rapport des isotopes stables du carbone et de l’azote dans les dents et concentrations de cadmium dans les reins) ont révélé une ségrégation de leur niche écologique dans deux des dimensions possibles (les dimensions trophique et spatiale). Cependant, les variations pouvant survenir d’une année sur l’autre ou saisonnières n’ont pas pu être étudiées, excepté pour le dauphin commun, et un chevauchement temporaire des niches ne peut donc pas être totalement exclu. De plus, nous avons montré que les profils de polychlorobiphényles (PCBs) pouvaient être un traceur pertinent de l’écologie trophique d’espèces taxinomiquement proches, en permettant une séparation fine des espèces telles que le marsouin commun et le dauphin bleu et blanc, d’après les différents profiles d’accumulation de ces deux espèces.Dans un second temps, l’état de contamination des espèces dans la zone d’étude a été évalué. Les concentrations ont été interprétées à la lumière des facteurs biologiques et écologiques pouvant influencer ces concentrations, et la bioaccumulation des éléments traces s’est révélée moins prévisible que celle des POPs. Le grand dauphin et le marsouin commun présentaient les concentrations de PCBs les plus élevées par rapport aux autres cétacés odontocètes du NOPI et par rapport à d’autres individus des eaux adjacentes de l’Atlantique Nord-Est.Les résultats principaux de ce travail de thèse ont mis en évidence la pertinence d’utiliser ces paramètres chimiques comme traceurs écologiques, et leur utilité dans la compréhension de la structure et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes à travers le rôle des prédateurs supérieurs. En combinant ces résultats à des informations concernant les activités anthropiques, ce travail peut contribuer au développement et à l’implémentation de mesures de gestion pour ces cinq espèces de cétacés odontocètes du NOPI. / The first objective of this PhD was to determine the degree of ecological segregation between five sympatric species of toothed whales (i.e. common dolphin Delphinus delphis, harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena, bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus, striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba and long finned pilot whale Globicephala melas) inhabiting a restricted and highly productive area, the North West Iberian Peninsula (NWIP). To this end, chemical parameters analyses were used as an “alternative method” of assessing diet and habitat of these animals over different periods of integration, complementing the information given by traditional methods of investigation such as stomach contents, faeces analyses and field observations. The second objective was to evaluate the contamination status of these species in order to estimate the toxicological risk these populations face and to complete the existing database. In this context, trace elements, carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes, as well as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were selected as chemical parameters for our investigations.Firstly, the chemical parameters were used as ecological tracers of populations (or parts of populations) by drawing an image of the diet and habitat of the species at different time scales. We estimated that the food web has five trophic levels, with toothed whales occupying the top positions, with no significant difference in trophic positions among them, ranging from 4.3 to 5.3. While the analysis of a single chemical parameter did not completely segregate between the five species, the information gained by combining the analyses of several long-term ecological tracers (i.e. nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes in teeth and renal cadmium concentrations) revealed ecological niche segregation in two dimensions of this niche (the trophic and the spatial dimensions). However, year-to-year or seasonal variations could not be investigated, except for in common dolphin, and thus temporary overlap cannot be excluded. Additionally, we showed that polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) profiles could be a relevant tracer of the foraging ecology of taxonomically close species, allowing a fine separation of the species as result of their different patterns. This was particularly clear for the harbour porpoise and striped dolphin.Secondly, the contamination status of the species in this area was evaluated, with concentrations interpreted in the light of biological and ecological factors. But the bioaccumulation of trace elements appeared to be less predictable than that of POPs. Bottlenose dolphins and harbour porpoises were found to have higher PCBs concentrations than the rest of the analysed NWIP toothed whales, as well as those of adjacent NE Atlantic waters.The main results of this PhD highlight the relevance of exploiting these chemical parameters as ecological tracers, as well as their usefulness in the comprehensive study of structure and function of ecosystems through the role of top predators. Combined with the information on anthropogenic activities, this work can also contribute to the development and implementation of management plans and mitigation measures for these five species of toothed whales in the NWIP.

Relations environnement et évolution spatio-temporelle des petits poissons pélagiques dans le système d'upwelling de la zone NW Africaine / Relationship between environment and spatio-temporal evolution of small pelagic fish in the canary upwelling system (NW Africa)

Ahmed Jeyid, Mohamed Ahmed 12 December 2016 (has links)
Le système d'upwelling nord-ouest africain au large du Maroc, de la Mauritanie, de la Gambie et du Sénégal est le système le plus productif au monde en termes de productivité primaire. Elle se traduit par une importante biomasse de poissons principalement dominée par les petits poissons pélagiques qui sont les principales ressources vivantes exploitées de la région. Dans un contexte de gestion partagée par plusieurs pays des ressources halieutiques de la région, comprendre les facteurs qui contrôlent la répartition spatiale de ces populations et l'évolution de leurs abondances est un enjeu crucial pour les pêcheries et le développement socio-économique de la région. Le but principal de cette thèse est d'une part de décrire les variations saisonnières et interannuelles de l'environnement marin de l'upwelling des Canaries le long de la Côte nord-ouest de l'Afrique, et d'autre part de relier ces variations avec les dynamiques spatio-temporelles de ces principales espèces d'importance commerciale. Nous avons utilisé différents jeux de données disponibles et développé différentes approches afin d'avoir une vision la plus complète possible du fonctionnement de cet écosystème. Ainsi, nous avons combiné des données satellitaires, des données de campagnes scientifiques acoustiques, des statistiques de pêche et des analyses de formes d'otolithes. Le long des côtes NW africaines (10°-35° N), nos données nous ont permis d'identifier trois régions avec une saisonnalité et une intensité de l'upwelling bien différencié. La région présente une forte variabilité latitudinale et temporelle des conditions environnementales. La partie sud de la zone (~ entre 10° et 24°N) se caractérise par des eaux plus chaudes et plus riche en Chlorophylle-a que la partie nord. La majeure partie de la variabilité des paramètres environnementaux étudiés est due à la saisonnalité (>60%). Au cours de la période d'étude (2002-2012), nous avons noté une tendance significative au réchauffement allant de 0.01°C. à 0.04°C.an-¹ et un renforcement général de l'upwelling, mais une tendance à la baisse de la concentration en Chl a dans l'ensemble de la zone étudiée. Il existe un gradient latitudinal sud-nord de la phénologie du bloom de phytoplancton (période, durée et l'ampleur du bloom). Cependant, il n'y a pas de tendances interannuelles significatives de la phénologie du bloom phytoplanctonique ni de corrélations ou tendances avec les paramètres physiques de l'environnement étudié (SST, indice d'upwelling, vent). L'écosystème du courant des Canaries se caractérise par le couple sardines/sardinelles. L'anchois, bien que présent dans cet écosystème, ne joue pas un rôle aussi important que dans les autres systèmes d'upwelling. Les relations entre les abondances d'anchois, de sardines et de sardinelles avec les paramètres environnementaux ont été étudiées à différentes échelles à l'aide de modèles additifs généralisés (GAM). Les résultats de notre étude indiquent que les variations spatio-temporelles de l'abondance de l'anchois et de la sardinelle sont davantage contrôlées par le gradient thermique que par la productivité biologique. La sardine semble être plus contrôlée par une fenêtre environnementale optimale d'intensité d'upwelling et de température "optimal upwelling and temperature windows". Nous avons pu pour la première fois mettre en évidence l'existence d'une alternance temporelle d'abondance entre l'anchois et la sardine comme cela est connu dans d'autres systèmes d'upwelling. Enfin, pour contribuer à la connaissance sur la structuration des populations de la sardinelle ronde qui préoccupent les scientifiques et les gestionnaires des pêches, nous avons mené une étude sur l'analyse de la forme des otolithes. L'existence possible de plusieurs stocks de sardinelle en lien avec des structures océanographiques ne confortent pas la politique de gestion actuelle qui considère un stock unique au large de la côte NW africaine. / The North West African upwelling system off Morocco, Mauritania, Gambia and Senegal is the most productive system in the world in terms of primary productivity. This productivity results in a large fish biomass dominated by small pelagic fish which are the main living resources exploited in the region. In a context of shared management of fisheries resources by several countries in the region, understanding the factors that control the spatial distribution of populations of small pelagic fish and the evolution of their abundances is a crucial issue for fisheries and the socio-economic development of the region. The main objective of this thesis is to describe the seasonal and interannual variations of the marine environment of the Canary upwelling along the Northwest coast of Africa and to link these variations with the spatio-temporal dynamics of the main small pelagic species of commercial importance of this zone. We have used different sets of data available and developed different approaches in order to have a complete view of the functioning of this ecosystem. Thus, we have combined satellite data, acoustic scientific survey data, fishing statistics and analysis of otolith shapes. Along th NW African coasts ( 10° - 35° N), our data allowed us to identify three regions with a well-differentiated seasonality and intensity of upwelling. The region has a high latitudinal and temporal variability of environmental conditions. The southern part of the zone (between 10° and 24° N) is characterized by warmer and richer Chlorophyll-a waters than the northern part. The majority of the variability of the environmental parameters studied is due to seasonality (> 60%). During the study period (2002-2012), we noted a significant warming trend ranging from 0.01° C to 0.04°C. yr-¹ and a general reinforcement of ipwelling, but a downward trend in Chl a concentration in the whole study area. There is a south-north latitudinal gradient of the phenology of the phytoplankton bloom (period, duration and magnitude of the bloom). However, there are no significant interannual trends in phytoplankton bloom phenology or correlations or trends with the physical parameters of the environment studied (SST, upwelling index, wind). The Canary current ecosystem is characterized by the sardine/ Sardinella pair, Anchovy, althought present in this ecosystem, plays no more important role than in other upwelling systems. The relationships between the abundances of anchovies, sardines and sardinella with environmental parameters have been studied at different scales using generalized additive models (GAM). The results of our study indicate that the spatial and temporal variations of the abundance of anchovy and sardinella are controlled more by the thermal gradient than by the biological productivity. The sardine seems to be more controlled by an "optimal upwelling and temperature windows". We were able for the first time to demonstrate the existence of a temporal alternation of abundance between anchovy and sardine as is known in other upwelling systems. Finally, in order to contribute to the knowledge of population structure of the round sardinella that concern scientists and fisheries managers, we conducted a study of the shape of otoliths. The possible existence of several stocks of sardinella in connection with oceanographic structures do not support the current management policy which considers a single stock off the African NW coast.

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