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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation électrique et modélisation des transistors à effet de champ de faible dimensionnalité

Lee, Jae woo 05 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
At the beginning of this thesis, basic and advanced device fabrication process which I haveexperienced during study such as top-down and bottom-up approach for the nanoscale devicefabrication technique have been described. Especially, lithography technology has beenfocused because it is base of the modern device fabrication. For the advanced device structure,etching technique has been investigated in detail.The characterization of FET has been introduced. For the practical consideration in theadvanced FET, several parameter extraction techniques have been introduced such as Yfunction,split C-V etc.FinFET is one of promising alternatives against conventional planar devices. Problem ofFinFET is surface roughness. During the fabrication, the etching process induces surfaceroughness on the sidewall surfaces. Surface roughness of channel decreases the effectivemobility by surface roughness scattering. With the low temperature measurement andmobility analysis, drain current through sidewall and top surface was separated. From theseparated currents, effective mobilities were extracted in each temperature conditions. Astemperature lowering, mobility behaviors from the transport on each surface have differenttemperature dependence. Especially, in n-type FinFET, the sidewall mobility has strongerdegradation in high gate electric field compare to top surface. Quantification of surfaceroughness was also compared between sidewall and top surface. Low temperaturemeasurement is nondestructive characterization method. Therefore this study can be a propersurface roughness measurement technique for the performance optimization of FinFET.As another quasi-1 D nanowire structure device, 3D stacked SiGe nanowire has beenintroduced. Important of strain engineering has been known for the effective mobility booster.The limitation of dopant diffusion by strain has been shown. Without strain, SiGe nanowireFET showed huge short channel effect. Subthreshold current was bigger than strained SiGechannel. Temperature dependent mobility behavior in short channel unstrained device wascompletely different from the other cases. Impurity scattering was dominant in short channelunstrained SiGe nanowire FET. Thus, it could be concluded that the strain engineering is notnecessary only for the mobility booster but also short channel effect immunity.Junctionless FET is very recently developed device compare to the others. Like as JFET,junctionless FET has volume conduction. Thus, it is less affected by interface states.Junctionless FET also has good short channel effect immunity because off-state ofjunctionless FET is dominated pinch-off of channel depletion. For this, junctionless FETshould have thin body thickness. Therefore, multi gate nanowire structure is proper to makejunctionless FET.Because of the surface area to volume ratio, quasi-1D nanowire structure is good for thesensor application. Nanowire structure has been investigated as a sensor. Using numericalsimulation, generation-recombination noise property was considered in nanowire sensor.Even though the surface area to volume ration is enhanced in the nanowire channel, devicehas sensing limitation by noise. The generation-recombination noise depended on the channelgeometry. As a design tool of nanowire sensor, noise simulation should be carried out toescape from the noise limitation in advance.The basic principles of device simulation have been discussed. Finite difference method andMonte Carlo simulation technique have been introduced for the comprehension of devicesimulation. Practical device simulation data have been shown for examples such as FinFET,strongly disordered 1D channel, OLED and E-paper.

Propriétés électriques et modélisation des dispositifs MOS avanvés : dispositif FD-SOI, transistors sans jonctions (JLT) et transistor à couche mince à semi-conducteur d'oxyde amorphe

Park, So Jeong 23 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Selon la feuille de route des industriels de la microélectronique (ITRS), la dimension critiqueminimum des MOSFET en 2026 ne devrait être que de 6 nm [1]. La miniaturisation du CMOS reposeessentiellement sur deux approches, à savoir la réduction des dimensions géométriques physiques etdes dimensions équivalentes. La réduction géométrique des dimensions conduit à la diminution desdimensions critiques selon la " loi " de Moore, qui définit les tendances de l'industrie dessemiconducteurs. Comme la taille des dispositifs est réduite de façon importante, davantage d'effortssont consentis pour maintenir les performances des composants en dépit des effets de canaux courts,des fluctuations induites par le nombre de dopants.... [2-4]. D'autre part, la réduction des dimensionséquivalentes devient de plus en plus importante de nos jours et de nouvelles solutions pour laminiaturisation reposant sur la conception et les procédés technologiques sont nécessaires. Pour cela,des solutions nouvelles sont nécessaires, en termes de matériaux, d'architectures de composants et detechnologies, afin d'atteindre les critères requis pour la faible consommation et les nouvellesfonctionnalités pour les composants futurs ("More than Moore" et "Beyond CMOS"). A titred'exemple, les transistors à film mince (TFT) sont des dispositifs prometteurs pour les circuitsélectroniques flexibles et transparents.

Electrical characterization and modeling of low dimensional nanostructure FET / Electrical characterization and modeling of low-dimensional nanostructure FET

Lee, Jae Woo 05 December 2011 (has links)
At the beginning of this thesis, basic and advanced device fabrication process which I haveexperienced during study such as top-down and bottom-up approach for the nanoscale devicefabrication technique have been described. Especially, lithography technology has beenfocused because it is base of the modern device fabrication. For the advanced device structure,etching technique has been investigated in detail.The characterization of FET has been introduced. For the practical consideration in theadvanced FET, several parameter extraction techniques have been introduced such as Yfunction,split C-V etc.FinFET is one of promising alternatives against conventional planar devices. Problem ofFinFET is surface roughness. During the fabrication, the etching process induces surfaceroughness on the sidewall surfaces. Surface roughness of channel decreases the effectivemobility by surface roughness scattering. With the low temperature measurement andmobility analysis, drain current through sidewall and top surface was separated. From theseparated currents, effective mobilities were extracted in each temperature conditions. Astemperature lowering, mobility behaviors from the transport on each surface have differenttemperature dependence. Especially, in n-type FinFET, the sidewall mobility has strongerdegradation in high gate electric field compare to top surface. Quantification of surfaceroughness was also compared between sidewall and top surface. Low temperaturemeasurement is nondestructive characterization method. Therefore this study can be a propersurface roughness measurement technique for the performance optimization of FinFET.As another quasi-1 D nanowire structure device, 3D stacked SiGe nanowire has beenintroduced. Important of strain engineering has been known for the effective mobility booster.The limitation of dopant diffusion by strain has been shown. Without strain, SiGe nanowireFET showed huge short channel effect. Subthreshold current was bigger than strained SiGechannel. Temperature dependent mobility behavior in short channel unstrained device wascompletely different from the other cases. Impurity scattering was dominant in short channelunstrained SiGe nanowire FET. Thus, it could be concluded that the strain engineering is notnecessary only for the mobility booster but also short channel effect immunity.Junctionless FET is very recently developed device compare to the others. Like as JFET,junctionless FET has volume conduction. Thus, it is less affected by interface states.Junctionless FET also has good short channel effect immunity because off-state ofjunctionless FET is dominated pinch-off of channel depletion. For this, junctionless FETshould have thin body thickness. Therefore, multi gate nanowire structure is proper to makejunctionless FET.Because of the surface area to volume ratio, quasi-1D nanowire structure is good for thesensor application. Nanowire structure has been investigated as a sensor. Using numericalsimulation, generation-recombination noise property was considered in nanowire sensor.Even though the surface area to volume ration is enhanced in the nanowire channel, devicehas sensing limitation by noise. The generation-recombination noise depended on the channelgeometry. As a design tool of nanowire sensor, noise simulation should be carried out toescape from the noise limitation in advance.The basic principles of device simulation have been discussed. Finite difference method andMonte Carlo simulation technique have been introduced for the comprehension of devicesimulation. Practical device simulation data have been shown for examples such as FinFET,strongly disordered 1D channel, OLED and E-paper. / At the beginning of this thesis, basic and advanced device fabrication process which I haveexperienced during study such as top-down and bottom-up approach for the nanoscale devicefabrication technique have been described. Especially, lithography technology has beenfocused because it is base of the modern device fabrication. For the advanced device structure,etching technique has been investigated in detail.The characterization of FET has been introduced. For the practical consideration in theadvanced FET, several parameter extraction techniques have been introduced such as Yfunction,split C-V etc.FinFET is one of promising alternatives against conventional planar devices. Problem ofFinFET is surface roughness. During the fabrication, the etching process induces surfaceroughness on the sidewall surfaces. Surface roughness of channel decreases the effectivemobility by surface roughness scattering. With the low temperature measurement andmobility analysis, drain current through sidewall and top surface was separated. From theseparated currents, effective mobilities were extracted in each temperature conditions. Astemperature lowering, mobility behaviors from the transport on each surface have differenttemperature dependence. Especially, in n-type FinFET, the sidewall mobility has strongerdegradation in high gate electric field compare to top surface. Quantification of surfaceroughness was also compared between sidewall and top surface. Low temperaturemeasurement is nondestructive characterization method. Therefore this study can be a propersurface roughness measurement technique for the performance optimization of FinFET.As another quasi-1 D nanowire structure device, 3D stacked SiGe nanowire has beenintroduced. Important of strain engineering has been known for the effective mobility booster.The limitation of dopant diffusion by strain has been shown. Without strain, SiGe nanowireFET showed huge short channel effect. Subthreshold current was bigger than strained SiGechannel. Temperature dependent mobility behavior in short channel unstrained device wascompletely different from the other cases. Impurity scattering was dominant in short channelunstrained SiGe nanowire FET. Thus, it could be concluded that the strain engineering is notnecessary only for the mobility booster but also short channel effect immunity.Junctionless FET is very recently developed device compare to the others. Like as JFET,junctionless FET has volume conduction. Thus, it is less affected by interface states.Junctionless FET also has good short channel effect immunity because off-state ofjunctionless FET is dominated pinch-off of channel depletion. For this, junctionless FETshould have thin body thickness. Therefore, multi gate nanowire structure is proper to makejunctionless FET.Because of the surface area to volume ratio, quasi-1D nanowire structure is good for thesensor application. Nanowire structure has been investigated as a sensor. Using numericalsimulation, generation-recombination noise property was considered in nanowire sensor.Even though the surface area to volume ration is enhanced in the nanowire channel, devicehas sensing limitation by noise. The generation-recombination noise depended on the channelgeometry. As a design tool of nanowire sensor, noise simulation should be carried out toescape from the noise limitation in advance.The basic principles of device simulation have been discussed. Finite difference method andMonte Carlo simulation technique have been introduced for the comprehension of devicesimulation. Practical device simulation data have been shown for examples such as FinFET,strongly disordered 1D channel, OLED and E-paper.

Propriétés électriques et modélisation des dispositifs MOS avanvés : dispositif FD-SOI, transistors sans jonctions (JLT) et transistor à couche mince à semi-conducteur d'oxyde amorphe. Electrical properties and modeling of advanced MOS devices : FD-SOI device, Junctionless Transistor, and Amorphous-Oxide-Semiconductor Thin Film Transistor / Electrical properties and modeling of Advanced MOS devices : FD-SOI Tri-gate device, Junctionless Transistor, and Amorphous-Oxide-Semiconductor Thin Film Transistor

Park, So Jeong 23 October 2013 (has links)
Selon la feuille de route des industriels de la microélectronique (ITRS), la dimension critiqueminimum des MOSFET en 2026 ne devrait être que de 6 nm [1]. La miniaturisation du CMOS reposeessentiellement sur deux approches, à savoir la réduction des dimensions géométriques physiques etdes dimensions équivalentes. La réduction géométrique des dimensions conduit à la diminution desdimensions critiques selon la « loi » de Moore, qui définit les tendances de l’industrie dessemiconducteurs. Comme la taille des dispositifs est réduite de façon importante, davantage d’effortssont consentis pour maintenir les performances des composants en dépit des effets de canaux courts,des fluctuations induites par le nombre de dopants…. [2-4]. D’autre part, la réduction des dimensionséquivalentes devient de plus en plus importante de nos jours et de nouvelles solutions pour laminiaturisation reposant sur la conception et les procédés technologiques sont nécessaires. Pour cela,des solutions nouvelles sont nécessaires, en termes de matériaux, d’architectures de composants et detechnologies, afin d’atteindre les critères requis pour la faible consommation et les nouvellesfonctionnalités pour les composants futurs (“More than Moore” et “Beyond CMOS”). A titred’exemple, les transistors à film mince (TFT) sont des dispositifs prometteurs pour les circuitsélectroniques flexibles et transparents. / Novel advanced metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) devices such as fully-depleted-silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) Tri-gate transistor, junctionless transistor, and amorphous-oxide-semiconductor thin film transistor were developed for continuing down-scaling trend and extending the functionality of CMOS technology, for example, the transparency and the flexibility. In this dissertation, the electrical characteristics and modeling of these advanced MOS devices are presented and they are analyzed. The sidewall mobility trends with temperature in multi-channel tri-gate MOSFET showed that the sidewall conduction is dominantly governed by surface roughness scattering. The degree of surface roughness scattering was evaluated with modified mobility degradation factor. With these extracted parameters, it was noted that the effect of surface roughness scattering can be higher in inversion-mode nanowire-like transistor than that of FinFET. The series resistance of multi-channel tri-gate MOSFET was also compared to planar device having same channel length and channel width of multi-channel device. The higher series resistance was observed in multi-channel tri-gate MOSFET. It was identified, through low temperature measurement and 2-D numerical simulation, that it could be attributed to the variation of doping concentration in the source/drain extension region in the device. The impact of channel width on back biasing effect in n-type tri-gate MOSFET on SOI material was also investigated. The suppressed back bias effects was shown in narrow device (Wtop_eff = 20 nm) due to higher control of front gate on overall channel, compared to the planar device (Wtop_eff = 170 nm). The variation of effective mobility in both devices was analyzed with different channel interface of the front channel and the back channel. In addition, 2-D numerical simulation of the the gate-to-channel capacitance and the effective mobility successfully reconstructed the experimental observation. The model for the effective mobility was inherited from two kinds of mobility degradations, i.e. different mobility attenuation along lateral and vertical directions of channel and additional mobility degradation in narrow device due to the effect of sidewall mobility. With comparison to inversion-mode (IM) transistors, the back bias effect on tri-gate junctionless transistors (JLTs) also has been investigated using experimental results and 2-D numerical simulations. Owing to the different conduction mechanisms, the planar JLT shows more sensitive variation on the performance by back biasing than that of planar IM transistors. However, the back biasing effect is significantly suppressed in nanowire-like JLTs, like in extremely narrow IM transistors, due to the small portion of bulk neutral channel and strong sidewall gate controls. Finally, the characterization method was comprehensively applied to a-InHfZnO (IHZO) thin film transistor (TFT). The series resistance and the variation of channel length were extracted from the transfer curve. And mobility values extracted with different methods such as split C-V method and modified Y-function were compared. The static characteristic evaluated as a function of temperature shows the degenerate behavior of a-IHZO TFT inversion layer. Using subthreshold slope and noise characteristics, the trap information in a-IHZO TFT was also obtained. Based on experimental results, a numerical model for a-IHZO TFT was proposed, including band-tail states conduction and interface traps. The simulated electrical characteristics were well-consistent to the experimental observations. For the practical applications of novel devices, the electrical characterization and proper modeling are essential. These attempts shown in the dissertation will provides physical understanding for conduction of these novel devices.

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