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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Highly filled water based polymer/clay hybrid latexes

Zengeni, Eddson 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of co-sonication (ad-miniemulsion) polymerisation for the preparation of highly filled polymer/clay hybrid latexes is described. Laponite (Lap) content levels in the range of 10–50 wt% were effectively encapsulated in both polystyrene (PS) and polystyrene-co-butyl acrylate nanoparticles (PSBA). The latex and film morphological features of these highly filled hybrid materials were evaluated using both transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). PS/Lap latexes exhibited mixed particle morphologies from armoured particles at low clay content (10 wt%) to encapsulated particles at high clay content (50 wt%). However, PSBA/Lap hybrid latexes exhibited predominantly crumpled particle morphologies through the clay content studied. The resultant polymer/clay nanocomposites (PCNs) of PS/Lap and PSBA/Lap exhibited either partially or fully exfoliated structures. It was found that generally these PCNs exhibited superior properties than the neat polymers except for thermal stability properties. As much as 5000% storage modulus improvement was observed for both PS/Lap and PSBA/Lap relative to the neat polymers. The Tg of PSBA/Lap showed a 14 ºC shift towards higher temperature. Rheology tests showed that the resultant PCNs exhibited solid-like viscoelastic behaviour. The encapsulation of montmorilonite clay (MMT) using the ad-miniemulsion procedure was found to be ineffective. The MMT platelets remained adhered onto the polymer particles surfaces. Ineffective encapsulation of MMT platelets was attributed to their dimensions which were either large or equal to those of the polymer particles. Despite the ineffective encapsulation, the MMT platelets were completely exfoliated within the final PCNs as shown by both SAXS and TEM. Overall, the ad-miniemulsion was found to be an effective method for the preparation of highly filled water based polymer/clay hybrid latexes. However, the clay encapsulation in polymer particles and the extent of clay exfoliation were found to be dependent on clay dimensions relative to the polymer particles, monomer/clay compatibility and clay modifier reactivity. It was found that clay dimensions and use of clay modifier that improve monomer/clay compatibility enhances encapsulation. On the other hand, the modifier reactivity influenced the extent of clay exfoliation in the final PCN, irrespective of clay encapsulation in the polymer particles. These findings were based on comparative studies conducted on the use of Lap versus MMT and non-reactive modifier versus reactive modifier during ad-miniemulsion polymerisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van mede-sonikasie (ad-miniemulsie) polimerisasie vir die voorbereiding van die hoogsgevulde polimeer/klei hibriedlatekse word beskryf. Laponiet (Lap) vlakke in hoeveelhede van 10-50 gew% is effektief ge-inkapsuleer in beide polistireen (PS) en polistireen-ko-butielakrilaat nanopartikels (PSBA). Die morfologiese eienskappe van die latekse en films van hierdie hoogsgevulde hibried materiale is geëvalueer deur beide transmissie-elektronmikroskopie (TEM) en klein-hoek X-straal-verstrooiing (SAXS). PS/Lap latekse het gemengde partikel morfologieë getoon, bv. vanaf gepantserde partikels by lae kleihoeveelhede (10 gew%) tot ge-inkapsuleerde partikels by hoë kleihoeveelhede (50 gew%). Daarteenoor het PSBA/Lap hibriedlatekse „n oorwegend verkreukelde partikelmorfologie getoon vir die reeks kleihoeveelhede wat bestudeer is. Die gevolglike polimeer/klei nanokomposiete (PKNs) van PS/Lap en PSBA/Lap het, óf gedeeltelike, óof ten volle geëksfolieerde strukture getoon. Oor die algemeen is bevind dat hierdie PKNs beter eienskappe as die suiwer polimere getoon het, behalwe vir die termiese stabiliteit eienskappe. Verbeteringe van soveel as 5000% in die stoormodulus is waargeneem vir beide PS/Lap en PSBA/Lap met betrekking tot die suiwer polimere. Die Tg van PSBA/Lap het „n 14°C verskuiwing na „n hoër temperatuur getoon. Reologiese toetse het getoon dat die gevolglike PKNs vastestofagtige visko-elastiese gedrag getoon het. Die inkapsulering van montmorilonietklei (MMT), deur middel van die ad-miniemulsieproses, was ondoeltreffend. Die MMT plaatjies het agtergebly op die oppervlaktes van die polimeerpartikel. Oneffektiewe inkapsulering van MMT plaatjies is toegeskryf aan hul grootte, wat óf groter, óf gelyk was aan dié van die polimeerpartikels. Ten spyte van die oneffektiewe inkapsulering was al die MMT plaatjies in die finale PKNs geëksfolieer soos deur beide SAXS en TEM aangedui. Oor die algemeen is bevind dat ad-miniemulsie „n effektiewe metode is vir die voorbereiding van hoogsgevulde waterbasis polimeer/klei hibriedlatekse. Daar is egter bevind dat klei inkapsulering in polimeerpartikels asook die omvang van klei eksfoliëring, afhanklik is van die klei afmetings in verhouding tot die polimeerpartikels, monomeer/klei verenigbaarheid en die reaktiwiteit van die kleiwysiger. Daar is bevind dat die klei afmetings en die gebruik van „n kleiwysiger wat die monomeer/klei verenigbaarheid verbeter, inkapsulering bevorder. Aan die ander kant het die reaktiwiteit van die kleiwysiger die omvang van klei eksfoliëring in die finale PKNs beïnvloed, ongeag van klei inkapsulering in die polimeerpartikels. Hierdie bevindings is gebaseer op vergelykende studies van die gebruik van Lap teenoor MMT en nie-reaktiewe wysiger teenoor reaktiewe wysiger gedurende ad-miniemulsiepolimerisasie.

A methodology for evaluating multiple mechanical properties of prototype microfibrillated cellulose/poly(lactic acid) film composites

Ding, Jie 08 September 2011 (has links)
The context of this thesis is a research project focused on the investigation of a renewable biopolymer-poly(lactic acid) (PLA) as a potential replacement of petroleum-based polymers in advanced nanocomposites reinforced with Microfibrillated cellulose (MFC). MFC is extracted from wood, which is a renewable, sustainable, carbon neutral and recyclable material. This advanced MFC-PLA bio- based composite material is expected to allow for the substitution of petroleum-based plastics in various markets and applications. The specific objectives of the thesis are: 1) to describe the morphological characterization of MFC used for prototype MFC-PLA composites, and 2) to determine the mechanical properties of the prototype MFC-PLA nanocomposites formulation generated in form of thin transparent films. In order to meet this objective it was necessary to: 2.1) develop a methodology for optical strain measurement in transparent thin films; and 2.2) develop an effective methodology for obtaining multiple mechanical properties from small number of specimens of prototype materials subjected to tensile tests. Two types of MFC, one obtained by courtesy of University of Maine and the other purchased from Innventia AB company, were investigated under a field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The micrographs obtained from FESEM showed that both types of MFC were of complex hierarchical structures, which did not allow qualitative characterization of the morphological features in terms of particulate composites nor cellular solids. Since prototype formulations of MFC-PLA composites were generated in small amounts (typically one Petri dish) in a form of thin transparent films, there was a need for quick and efficient assessment of their key mechanical properties that would provide feedback and guide further prototyping work. An optical measurement method based on digital image correlation (DIC) principle was developed to measure the deformation and strains of the tensile film samples. In our study, the accuracy and precision of the measurement of deformation were ±1.5 µm and 0.4 µm respectively. The corresponding accuracy and precision in terms of strains were ±30 µstrain and 75 µstrain respectively. This method can be successfully used to determine the critical mechanical properties, such as elastic modulus, toughness and Poisson's ratio, of transparent thin films by a single tensile test, all of which require precise strain measurement. In addition, this optical measurement method makes it possible to significantly simplify the testing for measuring essential work of fracture (EWF), an important material property of thin transparent films. In traditional method, measurement of EWF requires large amount of notched specimens. However, our study showed that only a small amount of notched specimens were needed to measure the EWF of a material. This method could not be successfully used to determine EWF from un-notched tensile specimens. / Graduation date: 2012 / Folder labeled "UMaine MFC aerogel" contains SEM micrographs of MFC from University of Maine (referred as type A MFC in the thesis). Two pieces of leaf-like flakes at different locations were cut by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) in order to observe the internal structure of the flakes. Folder "FIB_01 ": a series of SEM micrographs of FIB-cut flake at different magnification levels. Folder "FIB_02 ": another series of SEM micrographs of FIB-cut flake at various magnification levels. Folder labeled "Swedish MFC aerogel" contains SEM micrographs of MFC from Innventia AB company, Sweden (referred as type B MFC in the thesis). There is a series of SEM micrographs of type B MFC aerogel at various magnification levels in this folder.

Novel nanocomposite synthesis for high-performance thermoelectrics

Eilertsen, James S. 06 January 2013 (has links)
Thermoelectric materials are playing a larger role in the global effort to develop diverse, efficient, and sustainable energy technologies: primarily through power-generating thermoelectric modules. The principal components of thermoelectric modules are solid-state thermoelectric materials – typically heavily doped semiconductors – that convert heat directly into electricity. However, this conversion efficiency is too low to supplant traditional energy technologies – severely limiting the distribution of clean and sustainable thermoelectric energy technologies. Efforts to enhance thermoelectric efficiency, which have been underway for decades, have been slow to realize appreciable gains in thermoelectric efficiency. However, a key advance in improving efficiency – the New Paradigm in thermoelectric material research – has been the development of thermoelectric nanocomposites. Thermoelectric nanocomposites show improved efficiency; however, they are often synthesized from highly toxic elements via energetically intense and costly synthesis procedures. Therefore, this research focuses on the discovery and development of a novel procedure for synthesizing thermoelectric nanocomposites – attrition enhanced nanocomposite synthesis – from open cage-like skutterudite-based materials. With further optimization, high-performance power-generating thermoelectric materials can be produced via this technique. Therefore, attrition-enhanced nanocomposite synthesis may play a small, though instrumental, role in achieving sustainable electrical power. / Graduation date: 2012 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from Jan. 6, 2012 - Jan. 6, 2013

Polyoxométallates et chimie verte : molécules et matériaux nanostructurés pour la conversion de l’énergie et l’environnement / Polyoxometalates and green chemistry : nanostructured composite molecules and materials based on polyoxometalates for energy conversion and environment

Ngo Biboum Bimbong, Rosa 27 June 2011 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la synthèse de matériaux composites nanostructurés à base de polyoxométallates pour la conversion de l’énergie et des applications à des problèmes environnementaux. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, de nombreux composés nouveaux de cette famille d’oxydes moléculaires ont été synthétisés puis ont été associés à différentes matrices éco-compatibles dans le respect des principaux critères de la Chimie Verte. Les principales techniques d’étude sont l’électrochimie, la photochimie et la spectroscopie UV-visible. Dans le domaine de l’énergie, les catalyseurs obtenus se sont révélés très efficaces dans des réactions très importantes mais difficiles à réaliser, comme la production de l’hydrogène, la réduction de l’oxygène et l’oxydation de l’eau. De même, parmi les applications aux problèmes de dépollution, ces nanomatériaux ont montré une forte activité électrocatalytique et photocatalytique pour la réduction des oxydes d’azote, des bromates et la photodégradation d’un colorant textile toxique, l’Acide Orange 7. Les performances de ces nouveaux catalyseurs sont comparables à celles des meilleurs systèmes connus. / This thesis focuses on the synthesis of nanostructured composite materials based on polyoxometalates for energy conversion and applications to environmental problems. To achieve these goals, many new compounds of this family of molecular oxides were synthesized and were associated with different nature friendly matrices, in agreement with the main criteria of Green Chemistry. In the field of energy, the new catalysts have proved very effective in important but difficult to achieve reactions, such as producing hydrogen, oxygen reduction or water oxidation. Similarly, among applications to pollution problems, these nanomaterials have shown a strong electrocatalytic and photocatalytic activity for the reduction of nitrogen oxides, bromate and for the photodegradation of a toxic textile dye, Acid Orange 7. The performances of these new catalysts are comparable to those of the best known systems.

Stimuli-responsive hybrid nanomaterials: spatial and temporal control of multifunctional properties

Gupta, Maneesh Kumar 13 November 2012 (has links)
Recently, technological advancement and the promise of next-generation devices have created an overwhelming push for the continued miniaturization of active systems to the micro- and nanometer scale. In this regime, traditional mechanical systems are largely inaccessible and as a result new active or stimuli-responsive materials are required. The work presented in this dissertation provides an understanding of the responsive nature of polymer and biopolymer interfaces especially in contact with metal nanoparticles. This understanding was utilized in conjunction with top-down template-based and self-assembly fabrication strategies to create hybrid protein based films and active polymer-metal hybrids that exhibit large and well-defined modulation of mechanical and optical properties. These materials processing developments represent advancement in the current state of the art specifically in three major areas: 1. template-based top-down control of protein chain conformation, 2. high-throughput synthesis and assembly of strongly coupled plasmonic nanoparticles with modulated optical properties (both near- and far-field), 3. field-assisted assembly of highly mobile and non-close packed magnetic nanorods with capabilities for rapid actuation.

Deposition and assembly of magnesium hydroxide nanostructures on zeolite 4A surfaces

Koh, Pei Yoong 15 November 2010 (has links)
A deposition - precipitation method was developed to produce magnesium hydroxide / zeolite 4A (Mg(OH)₂ - Z4A) nanocomposites at mild conditions and the effect of processing variables such as precursor concentration, type of base added, and synthesis time on the composition, size, and morphology of the nanocomposite were studied. It was determined that the precursor concentration, basicity, and synthesis time had a significant effect on the composition, size, and morphology of the deposited magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)₂) nanostructures. The properties of the Mg(OH)₂ - Z4A such as surface area, pore volume and composition were characterized. Mg(OH)₂ - Z4A samples and bare zeolite 4A were dispersed in Ultem® polymer to form a mixed matrix membrane. The thermal and mechanical properties of the resulting films were investigated. It was found that the addition of rigid bare zeolites into the polymer decreased the mechanical properties of the polymer composite. However, some of these adverse effects were mitigated in the polymer composite loaded with Mg(OH)₂ - Z4A samples. Isotherms for the adsorption of Mg(OH)₂ petals on zeolite 4A were measured in order to determine the optimum conditions for the formation of magnesium hydroxide / zeolite 4A nanocomposites at ambient conditions. The loading of the Mg(OH)₂ can be determined from the adsorption isotherms and it was also found that the adsorption of Mg(OH)₂ on zeolite A occurs via 3 mechanisms: ion exchange, surface adsorption of Mg²⁺ ions, and surface precipitation of Mg(OH)₂. Without the addition of ammonium hydroxide, the predominant processes are ion exchange and surface adsorption of Mg²⁺ ions. In the presence of ammonium hydroxide, Mg(OH)₂ crystals are precipitated on the surface of zeolite 4A at moderate Mg²⁺ ions concentration and the loading of Mg(OH)₂ was found to increase with increasing Mg²⁺ ions concentration. A detailed examination of the interactions between Mg(OH)₂ and functional groups on the zeolite surface was conducted. Solid-state 29Si, 27Al, and 1H NMR spectra were coupled with FTIR measurements, pH and adsorption studies, and thermogravimetric analyses to determine the interactions of Mg(OH)₂ with surface functional groups and to characterize structural changes in the resulting zeolite after Mg(OH)₂ deposition. It was discovered that acid - base interactions between the weakly basic Mg(OH)₂ and the acidic bridging hydroxyl protons on zeolite surface represent the dominant mechanism for the growth of Mg(OH)₂ nanostructures on the zeolite surface.

Processing and characterization of high performance polyimide nanocomposites

Schlea, Michelle Renee 30 March 2011 (has links)
The goal of this work was to achieve a homogeneous morphology of carbon nanotubes in a polyimide matrix, characterize the resulting nanocomposite properties, and understand structure-property relationships. Melt-mixing was used as an effective method for dispersing multiwall nanotubes and carbon nanofibers in a phenylethynyl terminated imide resin where aggregation occurred only in particle-saturated systems. Particle network formation within the nanocomposites was studied using rheology and impedance spectroscopy; results showed that the electrical percolation threshold occurred at a lower particle loading than the rheological percolation threshold, consistent with the oligomer size in comparison to the distance for electrical conductivity (~5 nm). Thermomechanical analysis showed that the addition of nanoparticles enhanced the polyimide storage modulus and thermal behavior indicated that the nanoparticles restricted polymer motion to higher temperatures. A study of the cure mechanism of the oligomer with and without nanoparticles showed that the nanoparticles reduced the activation energy required for cure initiation while increasing the obtainable extent of cure at various isothermal temperatures. The work presented in this dissertation shows that an easy, time effective processing method can be used to homogeneously disperse nanoparticles in an imide oligomer, and the resulting nanocomposites exhibit enhanced properties. A business plan is also presented that reflects the market potential of this technology.

Phenolic resin/polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) hybrid nanocomposites and advanced composites for use as anode materials in lithium ion batteries

Lee, Sang Ho, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Chemistry. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.

Synthesis, electrical properties, and optical characterization of hybrid zinc oxide/polymer thin films and nanostructures

Matsumura, Masashi. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2007. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed Feb. 3, 2010). Additional advisors: Derrick R. Dean, Sergey B. Mirov, Sergey Vyazovkin, Mary Ellen Zvanut. Includes bibliographical references (p. 122-145).

Properties of inorganically surface-modified zeolites and zeolite/ polyimide nanocomposite membranes

Lydon, Megan Elizabeth 20 September 2013 (has links)
Mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) consisting of a polymer bulk phase and an inorganic dispersed phase have the potential to provide a more selective membrane because they incorporate the selectivity of a zeolite dispersed phase while maintaining the ease of use of a polymer membrane. A critical problem in MMM applications is control over the polymer-zeolite interface adhesion during fabrication which can detrimentally impact membrane performance. In this work, MgOxHy (1≤x≤2, 0≤y≤2) nanostructures have been grown on pure-silica MFI and aluminosilicate LTA zeolites through four surface deposition techniques: Grignard decomposition reactions, solvothermal and modified solvothermal depositions, and ion-exchange induced surface crystallization. The structural properties of the surface nanostructures produced by each of the four methods were thoroughly characterized for their morphology, crystallinity, porosity, surface area, elemental composition, and these properties were used to predict the method’s suitability for use in composite membranes. The nanostructured zeolites were used in mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) at two MMMs weight loadings. The dispersion, mechanical properties, and CO₂/CH₄ gas separation properties were measured MMMs made with each method of functionalized LTA. All functionalization methods improve adhesion with the polymer observable by microscopy, the dispersion of particles, and the elastic modulus and hardness of the membrane. Gas permeation measurements prove the quality and effectiveness of the Ion Exchange membrane for CO₂/CH₄ separation by its significant increase in selectivity over the pure polymer. Lastly, the interface between the two materials was studied by probing the interfacial polymer mobility using NMR spin-spin relaxation measurements and mechanical mapping of membrane cross sections. It was shown that the nanostructures have both steric and chemical interactions with the polymer. Mapping of the elastic modulus indicated that functionalization methods that resulted in poorer zeolite coverage also disrupted the mechanical properties of the membrane at the interface of the materials. The investigations in this thesis provide detailed structure-property relationships of surface-modified molecular sieves and nanocomposite membranes fabricated using these materials, allowing a rational approach to the design of such materials and membranes.

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