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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nanofotoninių Ag darinių struktūrinės ir optinės savybės / Structural and optical properties of Ag nanopraticles

Bastys, Vytautas 15 June 2005 (has links)
I used light to transform a colloidal solution of spherical silver nanoparticles into larger triangular nanoparticles. The particle size and shape can be controlled by choosing the wavelength(s) of light used to drive the photochemical growth. These findings suggest a new way of thinking about growth of nanoparticles in solution and show the exciting possibility that light can be used as a major control parameter in metallic nanoparticle growth reactions. I have used different colour transparent filters (red, green, dark green, blue) in photoreactor and with different wavelength (three different red and one green) LED’s in my experiments. I monitor the evolution of the reaction at regular intervals by means of a commercial UV/vis spectrophotometer; the final products and some important intermediates are further characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM, 100 kV) and scaning electron microscopy (SEM). Particle size distribution was calculated using 100 or 200 particles from TEM pictures and using Image Tool software.

Silver nanoprisms in plasmonic organic solar cells / Nanoprismes d'argent dans les cellules solaires organiques plasmoniques

Cao, Zhixiong 15 December 2014 (has links)
On constate une forte demande mondiale d' énergie propre et renouvelable en raison de la consommation rapide des combustibles fossiles non renouvelables et l'effet de serre qui en résulte. Une solution prometteuse pour produire une énergie propre et renouvelable est d'utiliser des cellules solaires pour convertir l' énergie solaire directement en électricité. Comparativement à leurs homologues inorganiques, les cellules solaires organiques (OSCs) sont maintenant intensivement étudiées en raison des avantages tels que le poids léger, la flexibilité, la compatibilité avec les procédés de fabrication à faibles coûts. Malgré ces avantages, l'efficacité de conversion (PCE) des OSCs doit encore être améliorée pour la commercialisation à grande échelle. Les cellules solaires organiques sont réalisées en pile de couches minces comprenant des électrodes, la couche de transport d' électrons, la couche de polymère actif et la couche de transport de trous. Dans cette étude, nous sommes concernés par la couche de PEDOT:PSS qui est couramment utilisée comme une couche tampon entre l'électrode anodique et la couche de polymère actif de cellules solaires organiques. Cette étude vise à intégrer différentes concentrations de nanoprismes (NPSMs) d'argent de taille sub-longueur d'onde dans du PEDOT: PSS afin de profiter de leurs propriétés optiques uniques nées de résonances de plasmons de surface localisées (LSPR) pour améliorer la collecte lumineuse et l'efficacité de génération de charge en optimisant l' absorption et la diffusion de la lumière. Nous avons constaté que les facteurs clés qui contrôlent les performances des cellules solaires plasmoniques comprennent non seulement les propriétés optiques, mais également les propriétés structurelles et électriques des couches hybrides de PEDOT:PSS comprenant des NPSMs d' Ag. D'une part, l'ajout de NPSMs d' Ag conduit ¨¤ (1) une augmentation de l'absorption optique; (2) de la diffusion de la lumière ¨¤ de grands angles ce qui pourrait conduire ¨¤ un meilleur piégeage de la lumière dans les OSCs. D'autre part, (1) la rugosité de surface est augment¨¦e en raison de la formation d'agglomérats de NPSMs d' Ag, ce qui conduit ¨¤ une meilleure efficacité de collecte de charge; (2) la résistance globale des films hybrides est également augment¨¦e en raison de l'excès de PSS introduit par les NPSMs d' Ag incomplètement purifiées, inférieur courant de court-circuit (Jsc) qui en résulte; (3) les Ag NPSMs et leurs agglomérats ¨¤ l'interface PEDOT:PSS/couche photo-active pourraient agir comme des centres de recombinaison, conduisant ¨¤ une réduction de la résistance de shunt, du Jsc et de la tension en circuit ouvert (Voc). Afin de résoudre partiellement l'inconvénient (2) et (3), en intégrant des NPSMs d¡¯Ag davantage purifiés et une petite quantité de glycérol dans le PEDOT:PSS, la résistance des couches hybrides de PEDOT:PSS-Ag-NPSMs peut ¨être réduite à une valeur comparable ou inférieure ¨¤ celles couches vierges. Les futurs progrès en chimie de surface colloïdale et l'optimisation sur le processus d'incorporation des nanoparticules seront nécessaires pour produire des cellules solaires organiques plasmoniques de meilleures performances. / Nowadays there has been a strong global demand for renewable and clean energy due to the rapid consumption of non-renewable fossil fuels and the resulting greenhouse effect. One promising solution to harvest clean and renewable energy is to utilize solar cells to convert the energy of sunlight directly into electricity. Compared to their inorganic counterparts, organic solar cells (OSCs) are now of intensive research interest due to advantages such as light weight, flexibility, the compatibility to low-cost manufacturing processes. Despite these advantages, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of OSCs still has to be improved for large-scale commercialization. OSCs are made of thin film stacks comprising electrodes, electron transporting layer, active polymer layer and hole transporting layer. In this study, we are concerned with PEDOT:PSS layer which is commonly used as a buffer layer between the anodic electrode and the organic photoactive layer of the OSC thin film stack. We incorporated different concentrations of silver nanoprisms (NPSMs) of sub-wavelength dimension into PEDOT:PSS. The purpose is to take advantage of the unique optical properties of Ag MPSMs arisen from localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) to enhance the light harvest and the charge generation efficiency by optimizing absorption and scattering of light in OSCs. We found that the key factors controlling the device performance of plasmonic solar cells include not only the optical properties but also the structural and electrical properties of the resulting hybrid PEDOT:PSS-Ag-NPSM-films. On one hand, the addition of Ag NPSMs led to (1) an increased optical absorption; (2) light scattering at high angles which could possibly lead to more efficient light harvest in OSCs. On the other hand, the following results have been found in the hybrid films: (1) the surface roughness was found to be increased due to the formation of Ag agglomerates, leading to increased charge collection efficiency; (2) the global sheet resistance of the hybrid films also increases due to the excess poly(sodium styrenesulphonate) introduced by incompletely purified Ag NPSMs, resulting in lower short circuit current (Jsc); (3) the Ag nanoprisms and their agglomerates at the PEDOT:PSS/photoactive layer interface could act as recombination centers, leading to reductions in shunt resistance, Jsc and open circuit voltage (Voc). In order to partially counteract the disadvantage (2) and (3), by incorporating further purified Ag NPSMs and/or a small amount of glycerol into PEDOT:PSS, the sheet resistance of hybrid PEDOT:PSS-Ag-NPSM-films was reduced to a resistance value comparable to or lower than that of pristine film.

Silver nanostructures: chemical synthesis of colloids and composites nanoparticles, plamon resonance properties and silver nanoparticles monolayer films prepared by spin-coating

Torres Heredia, Victor Elias 08 November 2011 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar en solución acuosa y a tem-peratura ambiente, rutas de síntesis química coloidal de nanopartículas de plata y nano-partículas compuestas estables. Se obtienen nanopartículas de plata reproducibles, con un control morfológico de tamaño y forma durante el proceso de síntesis. Llevamos a cabo el estudio de las propiedades ópticas (espectros de absorción de las resonancias de plasmones superficiales (SPR)) que caracterizan a una determinada forma y tamaño. El análisis incluye estructuras nanométricas de plata de diferentes tamaños, en ambientes diversos y formas diferentes, como esferas, prolates, y prismas de diferente sección transversal, etc Se ha demostrado que la síntesis química produce coloides de nanopartículas de plata esféricas y anisotrópicas estables. La morfología y estabilidad de las nanopartícu-las coloidales son estudiadas mediante técnicas de espectroscopia y microscopía elec-trónica. El rol y concentración necesaria de cada uno de los reactivos para producir co-loides estables mediante síntesis química son determinadas. Se ha demostrado que, con-trariamente a las opiniones actualmente expresadas en la literatura, es posible controlar el tamaño de las nanopartículas de plata y obtener coloides de nanopartículas de plata esféricas y anisotrópicas estables por largo tiempo, utilizando una ruta de síntesis quí-mica sencilla y una baja concentración de reactivos estabilizadores (PVP). Recubrimientos de nanopartículas esféricas de plata estabilizadas con polivinilpirroli-dona (PVP) sobre substratos de vidrio óptico son preparados mediante el proceso de spin-coating y un posterior tratamiento térmico. Diferentes morfologías tipo core-shell de Ag@SiO2 son preparados mediante un método químico simple y rápido, sin necesidad de adicionar reactivos de acoplamiento o modificadores superficiales de la sílice. Proponemos mecanismos de reacción para la preparación de diferentes nano-estructuras tipo core-shell de plata-sílice. Las nanopartí-culas compuestas de sílice-plata muestran unas propiedades de absorción de resonancia plasmónica muy evidentes. El trabajo de éste capítulo ha sido realizado en colaboración con Juan C. Flores, quien desarrolló la ruta de síntesis como parte de sus estudios de doctorado. Por último, una modificación del método sol-gel es empleada para la prepara-ción de nanopartículas de TiO2, y partículas compuestas de Ag@TiO2, SiO2@TiO2-Ag y SiO2@Ag@TiO2. Diferentes morfologías tipo core-shell son preparadas mediante un método químico simple y rápido sobre un substrato óxido, sin necesidad de adicionar agentes de acoplamiento o modificaciones superficiales. Las evidentes propiedades de absorción plasmónica de las nanopartículas de plata mostradas por las partículas com-puestas han demostrado la presencia de plata metálica sobre la titania, sin la posterior oxidación de la capa de plata por el contacto directo con la titania (TiO2). Esta evidencia es confirmada por la técnica de microscopía electrónica de alta resolución. Las propie-dades de absorción plasmónica de las partículas compuestas hacen a estos materiales muy prometedores para aplicaciones foto-catalíticas. / The present work aims to develop chemical synthesis routes of stable colloidal silver nanoparticles and composites nanoparticles in aqueous solution at room tempera-ture. We obtain reproducible morphological control of silver nanoparticles size and shape during synthesis solely by solution chemistry and carry out the study of the opti-cal properties (surface plasmon resonances (RPS) absorption spectra) which character-ize a specific shape and size. The analysis includes silver nanosized bodies of different size, in diverse environments and of various shapes, as spheres, prolates, and prisms of different transversal section, etc. Synthetic wet chemistry routes yielding stable colloids of spherical and aniso-tropic silver nanoparticles are demonstrated, and the morphology and stability of the colloidal nanoparticles studied extensively through spectroscopy and electron micros-copy techniques. The role of each reagent and the concentrations required to obtain sta-ble colloid via these wet chemical routes is determined. It was shown that, contrary to commonly expressed opinions in the literature, it is possible to control the particle size of silver nanoparticles and obtain long-term sable colloids of both spherical and aniso-tropic silver nanoparticles using simple chemical routes and low concentration of stabi-lizing agent (PVP). Films of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) stabilized spherical silver nanoparticles are also prepared, by using spin coating on standard optical glass plates and subsequent thermal processing. Different core-shell type morphologies of Ag@SiO2 are also produced using a simple and rapid chemical method, without using added coupling agents or surface modifications of silica. We propose reaction mechanisms for the formation of the dif-ferent silica-silver core-shell nanostructures. The silica-silver composite nanoparticle display clear plasmonic resonance absorption properties. This chapter work has been done in collaboration with PhD student Juan C. Flores who developed the synthesis route as part of his doctoral studies. Finally, a sol-gel chemistry approach was used to fabricate nanoparticles in the systems TiO2, Ag@TiO2, Ag@TiO2-SiO2 and TiO2@Ag@SiO2. Different core-shell morphologies are produced using a simple and rapid chemical method. without using added coupling agents or surface modifications of the oxide substrate. Clear silver na-noparticle plasmonic absorption properties shown by the composite nanoparticles demonstrate the formation of metallic Ag, without the oxidation of Ag nanoshell in di-rect contact with TiO2, evidence confirmed also by high resolution electron microscopy. The plasmonic absorption properties of the composites nanoparticles make them a promising material for photocatalytic applications.

Truly Non Invasive Glucose Optical Sensor Based On Metal Nanoparticles Generation

Garcia, Marisol 01 January 2006 (has links)
Diabetes is a disease that causes many complications in human normal function. This disease represents the sixth-leading cause of death in USA. Prevention of diabetes-related complications can be accomplished through tight control of glucose levels in blood. In the last decades many different glucose sensors have been developed, however, none of them are really non invasive. Herein, we present the study of the application of gold and silver nanoparticles with different shapes and aspect ratios to detect glucose traces in human fluids such as tears and sweat. This is to our knowledge the first truly non invasive glucose optical sensor, with extraordinary limit of detection and selectivity. The best proven nanoparticles for this application were gold nanospheres. Gold nanospheres were synthesized using chloroauric acid tri-hydrated (HAuCl4.3H2O) in solution, in the presence of glucose and ammonia hydroxide. The higher the glucose concentration, the higher the number of nanoparticles generated, thus the higher the extinction efficiency of the solution. The linear dependence of the extinction efficiency of the gold nanoparticles solution with glucose concentration makes of this new sensor suitable for direct applications in biomedical sensing. Our approach is based on the well known Tollens test.

Bioenabled Synthesis of Anisotropic Gold and Silver Nanoparticles

Geng, Xi 16 June 2017 (has links)
Anisotropic plasmonic noble metallic nanoparticles (APMNs) have received enormous attention due to their distinct geometric features and fascinating physicochemical properties. Owing in large part to their tailored localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) and the intensive electromagnetic field at the sharp corners and edges, APMNs are exceptionally well suited for biomedical applications such as biosensing, bioimaging, diagnostics and therapeutics. Although a rich variety of surfactant-assisted colloidal routes have been developed to prepare well-defined APMNs, biomedical applications necessitate tedious and rigorous purification processes for the complete removal of toxic surfactants. In this dissertation, we aim to develop generic bioenabled green synthetic methodologies towards APMNs. By applying a series of thermodynamic, kinetic and seed quality control, a series of APMNs with varied morphologies such as branched nanostars and triangular nanoprisms have been successfully prepared. We first presented the preparation of gold nanostars (Au NSTs) through a two-step approach utilizing a common Good's buffer, HEPES, as a weak reducing agent. Single crystalline Au NSTs with tunable branches up to 30 nm in length were produced and the halide ions rather than the ionic strength played a significant roles on the length of the branches of Au NSTs. Then consensus sequence tetratricopetide repeat (CTPR) proteins with increasing number of repeats were used as model proteins to probe the effects of concentration as well as the protein shape on the morphology and resulting physicochemical properties of plasmonic gold nanoparticles. Since the underlying growth mechanism for the biomimetic synthesis of APMNs remains elusive and controversial, the other objective is to elucidate the molecular interactions between inorganic species and biopolymers during the course of NP evolution. Fluorescent quenching and 2D NMR experiments have confirmed the moderate binding affinity of CTPR to the Au(0) and Au(III). We observed that the initial complexation step between gold ions and CTPR3 is ionic strength dependent. Furthermore, we also found that NPs preferentially interact with the negatively charged face of CTPR3 as observed in 2D NMR. Knowledge of binding behavior between biospecies and metal ions/NPs will facilitate rational deign of proteins for biomimetic synthesis of metallic NPs. A modified seed-mediated synthetic strategy was also developed for the growth of silver nanoprisms with low shape polydispersity, narrow size distribution and tailored plasmonic absorbance. During the seed nucleation step, CTPR proteins are utilized as potent stabilizers to facilitate the formation of planar-twinned Ag seeds. Ag nanoprisms were produced in high yield in a growth solution containing ascorbic acid and CTPR-stabilized Ag seeds. From the time-course UV-Vis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies, we postulate that the growth mechanism is the combination of facet selective lateral growth and thermodynamically driven Ostwald ripening. By incorporation of seeded growth and biomimetic synthesis, gold nanotriangles (Au NTs) with tunable edge length were synthesized via a green chemical route in the presence of the designed CTPR protein, halide anions (Br⁻) and CTPR-stabilized Ag seeds. The well-defined morphologies, tailored plasmonic absorbance from visible-light to the near infrared (NIR) region, colloidal stability and biocompatibility are attributed to the synergistic action of CTPR, halide ions, and CTPR-stabilized Ag seeds. We also ascertained that a vast array of biosustainable materials including negatively charged lignin and cellulose derivatives can serve as both a potent stabilizers and an efficient nanocrystal modifiers to regulate the growth of well-defined Ag nanoprisms using a one-pot or seeded growth strategy. The influential effects of reactants and additives including the concentration of sodium lignosulfonate, H2O2 and NaBH4 were studied in great detail. It implies that appropriate physicochemical properties rather than the specific binding sequence of biomaterials are critical for the shaped-controlled growth of Ag NTs and new synthetic paradigms could be proposed based on these findings. Last but not the least, we have demonstrated the resulting APMNs, particularly, Au NSTs and Ag NTs exhibit remarkable colloidal stability, enhanced SERS performance, making them promising materials for biosensing and photothermal therapy. Since the Ag nanoprisms are susceptible to morphological deformation in the presence of strong oxidant, they also hold great potential for the colorimetric sensing of oxidative metal cation species such as Fe3+, Cr3+, etc. / Ph. D. / When a beam of light impinges on the surface of noble metallic nanoparticle (NP), particularly gold (Au) and silver (Ag), the conduction electrons are excited which induces a collective oscillatory motion, resulting in an intense localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) absorbance as well as the amplified localized electromagnetic filed. Owing in large part to the tailored LSPR and the intensive electromagnetic field at the sharp corners and edges, anisotropic plasmonic noble metallic nanoparticles (APMNs) can be utilized to span an array of applications such as biosensing, bioimaging, diagnostics and therapeutics. Although great advancement has been made to prepare well-defined APMNs through versatile surfactant-assisted colloidal methodologies, biomedical applications necessitate tedious and rigorous purification processes for the complete removal of toxic surfactants. To address this ubiquitous challenge, biomimetic and bioinspired green synthesis have been extensively explored to fabricate APMNs under mild and ambient conditions. In this dissertation, we aim to develop generic bioenabled synthetic strategies towards APMNs, particularly, Au nanostars and Au/Ag nanoprisms. Herein, protein mediated shape-selective synthesis of APMNs were presented, in which consensus sequence tetratricopetide repeat (CTPR) proteins and biological Good’s buffers were employed as nanocrystal growth modifiers and mild reducing agents, respectively. The dramatic implications of repeat proteins on the morphological and optical properties of the Au NPs were explicitly discussed. The other objective of this dissertation is to elucidate the molecular interactions between inorganic species and biopolymers to further unravel the underlying growth mechanism during the course of APMNs evolution. By incorporation of seeded growth and biomimetic synthesis, Ag/Au nanotriangles (Au NTs) with tunable edge length were synthesized in the presence of the designed CTPR protein, halide anions (Br⁻) and CTPR-stabilized Ag seeds. The well-defined morphologies, tailored plasmonic absorbance from visible-light to the near infrared (NIR) region, colloidal stability and biocompatibility are attributed to the synergistic action of each components in the synthetic system. Last but not the least, we have demonstrated the resulting NPs exhibit remarkable colloidal stability, mitigated cytotoxicity and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) performance, making them good candidates for biosensing and photothermal therapy. This work might shed light on the roles biomolecules play in green synthesis of APMNs, along with rationalizing the design of biomimetic systems to bridge the gap between the bioenabled technique and traditional colloidal synthesis.

Nanoplasmonic efficacy of gold triangular nanoprisms in measurement science: applications ranging from biomedical to forensic sciences

Liyanage, Thakshila 12 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Noble metal nanostructures display collective oscillation of the surface conduction electrons upon light irradiation as a form of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) properties. Size, shape, and refractive index of the surrounding environment are the key features that control the LSPR properties. Surface passivating ligands on to the nanostructure can modify the charge density of nanostructures. Further, allow resonant wavelengths to match that of the incident light. This unique phenomenon called the “plasmoelectric effect.” According to the Drude model, red and blue shifts of LSPR peak of nanostructures are observed in the event of reducing and increasing charge density, respectively. However, herein, we report unusual LSPR properties of gold triangular nanoprisms (Au TNPs) upon functionalization with para-substituted thiophenols (X-Ph-SH, X = -NH2, -OCH3, -CH3, -H, -Cl, -CF3, and -NO2). Accordingly, we hypothesized that an appropriate energy level alignment between the Au Fermi energy and the HOMO or LUMO of ligands allows the delocalization of surface plasmon excitation at the hybrid inorganic-organic interface. Thus, provides a thermodynamically driven plasmoelectric effect. We further validated our hypothesis by calculating the HOMO and LUMO levels and work function changes of Au TNPs upon functionalization with para-substituted thiol. This reported unique finding then utilized to design ultrasensitive plasmonic substrate for biosensing of cancer microRNA in bladder cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In the discovery of early bladder cancer diagnosis platform, for the first time, we have been utilized to analyze the tumor suppressor microRNA for a more accurate diagnosis of BC. Additionally, we have been advancing our sensing platform to mitigate the false positive and negative responses of the sensing platform using surface-enhanced fluorescence technique. This noninvasive, highly sensitive, highly specific, also does not have false positives techniques that provide the strong key to detect cancer at a very early stage, hence increase the cancer survival rate. Moreover, the electromagnetic field enhancement of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) and other related surface-enhanced spectroscopic processes resulted from the LSPR property. This dissertation describes the design and development of entirely new SERS nanosensors using a flexible SERS substrate based on the unique LSPR property of Au TNPs. The developed sensor shows an excellent SERS activity (enhancement factor = ~6.0 x 106) and limit of detection (as low as 56 parts-per-quadrillions) with high selectivity by chemometric analyses among three commonly used explosives (TNT, RDX, and PETN). Further, we achieved the programmable self-assembly of Au TNPs using molecular tailoring to form a 3D supper lattice array based on the substrate effect. Here we achieved the highest reported sensitivity for potent drug analysis, including opioids and synthetic cannabinoids from human plasma obtained from the emergency room. This exquisite sensitivity is mainly due to the two reasons, including molecular resonance of the adsorbate molecules and the plasmonic coupling among the nanoparticles. Altogether we are highly optimistic that our research will not only increase the patient survival rate through early detection of cancer but also help to battle the “war against drugs” that together are expected to enhance the quality of human life.

Ionic Self-Assembled Multilayers in a Long Period Grating Sensor for Bacteria and as a Source of Second-Harmonic Generation Plasmonically Enhanced by Silver Nanoprisms

Mccutcheon, Kelly R. 12 July 2019 (has links)
Ionic self-assembled multilayers (ISAMs) can be formed by alternately dipping a substrate in anionic and cationic polyelectrolytes. Each immersion deposits a monolayer via electrostatic attraction, allowing for nanometer-scale control over film thickness. Additionally, ISAM films can be applied to arbitrary substrate geometries and can easily incorporate a variety of polymers and nanoscale organic or inorganic inclusions. The ISAM technique was used to tune and functionalize a rapid, sensitive fiber optic biosensor for textit{Brucella}, a family of bacteria that are detrimental to livestock and can also infect humans. The sensor was based on a turn-around point long period fiber grating (TAP-LPG). Unlike conventional LPGs, in which the attenuation peaks shift wavelength in response to environmental changes, TAP-LPGs have a highly sensitive single wavelength peak with variable attenuation. ISAMs were applied to a TAP-LPG to tune it to maximum sensitivity and to facilitate cross-linking of receptor molecules. Biotin and streptavidin were used to attach biotinylated hybridization probes specific to distinct species of textit{Brucella}. The sensor was then exposed to lysed cell cultures and tissue samples in order to evaluate its performance. The best results were obtained when using samples from textit{Brucella} infected mice, which produced a transmission change of 6.0 ± 1.4% for positive controls and 0.5 ± 2.0% for negative controls. While the sensor was able to distinguish between positive and negative samples, the relatively short dynamic range of the available fiber limited its performance. Attempts to fabricate new TAP-LPGs using a CO2 laser were unsuccessful due to poor laser stability. A second application of the ISAM technique was as a source of second-harmonic generation (SHG). SHG is a nonlinear optical process in which light is instantaneously converted to half its wavelength in the presence of intense electric fields. Localized surface plasmons (LSPs) in metal nanoparticles produce strong electric field enhancements, especially at sharp tips and edges, that can be used to increase SHG. Colloidally grown silver nanoprisms were deposited onto nonlinear ISAM films and conversion of 1064 nm Nd:YAG radiation to its 532 nm second-harmonic was observed. Little enhancement was observed when using nanoprisms with LSP resonance near 1064 nm due to their large size and low concentration. When using shorter wavelength nanoprisms, enhancements of up to 35 times were observed when they were applied by immersion, and up to 1380 times when concentrated nanoprisms were applied via dropcasting at high enough densities to broaden their extinction peak towards the excitation wavelength. A maximum enhancement of 2368 times was obtained when concentrated silver nanoprisms with LSP resonance around 900 nm were spincast with an additional layer of PCBS. / Doctor of Philosophy / Polyelectrolytes are long molecules composed of chains of charged monomers. When a substrate with a net surface charge is dipped into an oppositely charged polyelectrolyte solution, a single layer of molecules will be electrostatically deposited onto the substrate. Because the surface charge now appears to match the charge of the solution, no further deposition occurs. However, the process can be repeated by rinsing the substrate and immersing in a solution with the opposite charge. This technique forms ionic self-assembled multilayers (ISAMs), which can be assembled with nanometer-level control over thickness. The flexibility of polymer chemistry allows ISAMs to be formed from polyelectrolytes with a wide variety of properties. Additionally, the technique can easily incorporate other nanoscale materials, such as nanoparticles, clay platelets, and biological molecules, and has been investigated for applications ranging from dye-sensitized organic solar cells to drug delivery and medical implant coatings. This dissertation presents two applications of ISAM films. In one, ISAM films were used to tune and functionalize an optical biosensor for Brucella. Brucellosis primarily infects livestock, in which it causes significant reproductive problems leading to economic losses, but can also cause flu-like symptoms and more serious complications in humans. A rapid, sensitive test for Brucella is required to monitor herds and adjacent wild carriers, such as elk and bison. Optical biosensors, which operate by detecting changes due to the interaction between light and the stimulus, could satisfy this need. Long period fiber gratings (LPGs) are periodic modulations induced in the core of an optical fiber that cause transmitted light to be scattered at a resonant wavelength, resulting in attenuation. Conventional LPGs respond to changes in strain, temperature, or external refractive index by shifting their resonant wavelength. When special conditions are met, an LPG may exhibit a turn-around point (TAP), where dual peaks coalesce into a single peak with a constant wavelength but variable attenuation depth. TAP-LPGs are more sensitive than ordinary LPGs, and could be developed into inexpensive sensors with single-wavelength light sources and detectors. In this work, ISAMs were deposited onto an LPG to tune it near its TAP. Segments of single-stranded DNA, called hybridization probes, that were specific to individual species of Brucella were attached to the ISAM film before the sensor was exposed to lysed bacterial cultures. It was found that the sensor could distinguish between Brucella and other types of bacteria, but was less successful at distinguishing between Brucella species. The project was limited by the available TAP-LPGs, which had less dynamic range than those used in prior work by this group. Attempts were made to establish a new supply of TAP-LPGs by fabrication with a CO2 laser, but these efforts were unsuccessful due to poor laser stability. The second project discussed in this dissertation investigated ISAM films as a source of second-harmonic generation (SHG), a nonlinear optical process in which light is converted to half its fundamental wavelength in the presence of intense electric fields. Nonlinear ISAMs were constructed by choosing a polyelectrolyte with a hyperpolarizable side group in which SHG can occur. The SHG efficiency was increased by factors of several hundred to several thousand by the addition of silver nanoprisms. Metal nanoparticles can produce strong electric field enhancements, especially at their tips and edges, when incident light causes resonant collective oscillations in their electrons called localized surface plasmons (LSPs). It was found that while silver nanoprisms whose LSP resonant wavelength matched the fundamental wavelength were too dilute to produce noticeable enhancement, better results could be obtained by depositing shorter wavelength nanoprisms at sufficient density to broaden their extinction peak via interparticle interactions. The best enhancement observed was for a sample where concentrated silver nanoprisms with LSP resonance around 900 nm were dropcast onto an ISAM film and coated with an additional polymer layer, resulting in 2368 times more SHG than the plain ISAM film.

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