Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nematodas"" "subject:"nematodais""
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Auksinio bulvinio nematodo (Globodera rostochiensis) identifikavimas, patotipas, paplitimas bei blyškiojo bulvinio nematodo (Globodera pallida) būklė Lietuvos agroekosistemose / The identification, pathotype, distribution of golden potato cyst nematode (globodera rostochiensis) and status of pale potato cyst nematode (globodera pallida) in lithuanian agroecosystemsČepulytė, Rasa 08 September 2009 (has links)
Auksinis (Globodera rostochiensis) ir blyškusis (Globodera pallida) bulviniai cistiniai nematodai yra bulvinių (Solenaceae) šeimos kenkėjai, įrašyti į pasaulio, Europos ir Lietuvos karantininių organizmų sąrašą. Šio magistro darbo tikslas buvo identifikuoti G. rostochiensis, jo patotipus bei paplitimą, ištirti G. pallida būklę dirvos mėginiuose, paimtuose skirtingo ploto laukuose su skirtingais priešsėliais iš visų Lietuvos apskričių. Atlikus morfologinę ir pirmąkart Lietuvoje pritaikius DNR polimerazinės grandininės reakcijos (PGR) metodą bulviniams cistiniams nematodams G. rostochiensis ir G. pallida, Lietuvoje aptiktas tik G.rostochiensis, o G. pallida nerastas. Mažuose laukų plotuose - iki 5ha G. rostochiensis yra paplitęs labiau, nei dideliuose plotuose - nuo 5ha iki 30ha. Gausesniam paplitimui Lietuvos agroekosistemose įtakos turi lengvesnis dirvožemio tipas – smėliai ir priesmėliai, bei priešsėliai, kur didesnė tikimybė, kad augs augalai šeimininkai. Laboratorinis bandymas su diferenciniais augalais parodė, kad Lietuvoje paplitęs G. rostochiensis Ro1 patotipas. / Golden (Globodera rostochiensis) and pale (Globodera pallida) potato cyst nematodes are quarantine organisms. Potatoes are by far the most important host crop. Other Solanum spp. and their hybrids can also act as hosts. The aim of this study was to identify G. rostochiensis, G. rostochiensis pathotypes and distribution and also G. pallida status in soil samples from different field of different size and various forecrops in Lithuanian counties. Only G. rostochiensis was present in Lithuania after morphological identification and DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which has been done in Lithuania for the first time. In small field areas up to 5 ha G. rostochiensis is more distributed than in bigger areas up to 30 ha. The presence of host plants in various forecrops, soil type – sands and sandy loams, also have influence on numerous distribution of G. rostochiensis. The experiment of G. rostochiensis pathotypes showed that only Ro1 pathotype is present in Lithuania.
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Baltojo gūžinio kopūsto veislių atsparumo runkeliniam nematodui (Heterodera schachtii Schmidt., 1871) tyrimas / White cabbage variety resistance susceptibility of Heterodera schachtii Schmidt., 1871Bružaitė, Birutė 21 June 2013 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiami baltojo gūžinio kopūsto veislių atsparumo runkeliniam nematodui (Heterodera schachtii Schmidt, 1871) tyrimų in vitro ir in vivo sąlygomis rezultatai.
Darbo objektas – in vivo ir in vitro sąlygomis išauginti baltųjų gūžinių kopūstų daigai, užkrėsti runkelinio nematodo (Heterodera schachtii Schmidt, 1871) cistomis.
Darbo metodai: įvairių veislių gūžinio kopūsto veislių atsparumas in vitro sąlygomis atliktas įterpiant runkelinio nematodo cistas prie augalo šaknų (Feyaerts, Coosemans, 1992; Jalali, 1998; Soliman et al., 2005). Prieš įterpimą cistos buvo sterilizuotos 0,05 % HgCl2 tirpalu, laikant jas tirpale 3 min, po to tris kartus nuplaunant steriliu distiliuotu vandeniu (Müller, 1978; Feyaerts, Coosemans, 1992; Jalali, 1998).
In vivo sąlygomis kopūstų daigai taip pat užkrėsti įterpiant prie augalo šaknų runkelinio nematodo cistas. Iš augalo šaknų nematodai buvo išskirti modifikuotu piltuvėliniu Bermano metodu kambario temperatūroje esant 2 parų ekspozicijai naudojantis binokuliaru MБC – 1 (Zuckerman ir kt., 1985; Šlepetienė, 1981). Augalų atsparumo vertinimas atliekamas nustatant naujos kartos patelių/cistų, rastų ant šaknų sistemos, skaičių (Harrewijn, 1987; Lelivelt, 1995; Voss et al., 1999; Cook, Noel, 2002).
Darbo rezultatai. Baltojo gūžinio kopūsto veislės 'Jetma F1', 'Amager Kurzsturnking', 'Zora', 'Brunswick', 'Kamienna Glowa' ir 'Golden Acre' yra tinkamos H. schachtii plitimui, kaip augalai šeimininkai. Tiek in... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The master work presents the results of white cabbage variety resistance for sugar beet nematode (Heterodera schachtii Schmidt., 1871) in vivo and in vitro conditions.
Object of the work – In vivo and in vitro conditions grown white head cabbage seedlings infected by sugar beet nematode (Heterodera schachtii Schmidt., 1871) cysts.
Method of the work – different varieties of cabbages species resistance in vitro is performed by inserting sugar beet cyst nematode to the plant roots (Feyaerts, Coosemans, 1992; Jalali, 1998, Soliman et al., 2005). Prior to insertion of cysts were sterilized 0.05% HgCl2 solution, keeping them in a solution of 3 min, followed by rinsing three times with sterile distilled water (Muller, 1978; Feyaerts, Coosemans, 1992; Jalali, 1998).
In vivo cabbage seedlings are also infected with the insertion of the plant's root cyst nematode. The plant's root nematodes were identified by Berman modified funnel method at room temperature for 2 days of exposure using binoculars MБC - 1 (Zuckerman et al., 1985; Slepetiene, 1981). Plant resistance assessment in identifying the next generation of females / cysts found on the root system (Harrewijn, 1987; Lelivelt, 1995, Voss et al., 1999; Cook, Noel, 2002).
The results of work. White Cabbages cultivar 'Jetma F1', 'Amager Kurzsturnking', 'Zora', 'Brunswick', 'Kamienna Glowa' and 'Golden Acre' is suitable for (Heterodera schachtii Schmidt, 1871) spread as host plants. Both in vitro and in vivo conditions found that... [to full text]
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Karantininių bulvinių nematodų paplitimas Vilniaus regione / The Spread of Potato Cyst Nematodes in Vilnius RegionŠuminaitė, Justina 09 June 2010 (has links)
2007-2009 metais buvo tiriamas auksinio bulvinio nematodo ir blyškiojo bulvinio nematodo paplitimas Vilniaus regione. Tyrimai buvo atliekami Vilniaus regiono bulvių augintojų, dekoratyvinių, sodo ir miško augalų augintojų ir šiltnamių kontroliuojamuose ūkiuose. Iš vieno hektaro buvo imami 4 dirvožemio pavyzdžiai, o iš bulvių sėklininkystės ūkių ir ūkių, kuriuose auginama dauginimui skirta sodinamoji medžiaga, buvo imami 8 pavyzdžiai. Valstybinės augalų apsaugos tarnybos Fitosanitarinių tyrimų laboratorijoje pavyzdžiai buvo ištirti naudojant centrifugavimo Schuiling‘o centrifugos metodą. Apibendrinus 2007-2009 metų tyrimų duomenis nustatyta, kad buvo ištirtas dirvožemis 428-iuose kontroliuojamuose ūkiuose, kurių bendras tirtų laukų plotas buvo 877,51 ha. Iš viso buvo paimta 4343 pavyzdžiai. Iš kurių 652 buvo užkrėsti auksiniu bulviniu nematodu. Globodera pallida nebuvo identifikuota. Daugiausiai užkrėstų pavyzdžių nustatyta Švenčionių ir Trakų rajonuose (37,5 ir 33,6 % nuo tirtų tame rajone pavyzdžių). Mažiausiai užkrėstas Ukmergės ir Širvintų rajonų (12,03 ir 11,69 % nuo tirtų tame rajone pavyzdžių) dirvožemis. / The research of the spread of Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Behrens and Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens was conducted in the Vilnius region in 2007 - 2009. It was done by potato cultivators of the Vilnius region, by cultivators of decorative, garden and forest plants as well as by controlled greenhouse farms. During the research 4 samples were taken from each 1 hectare and 8 samples from potato seed farms as well as farms where planting material was cultivated for the reproduction purposes. Each sample was tested in the Phytosanitary Research Laboratory of the State Plant Protection Service by using the Schuiling centrifuge method. When summarising the research data of 2007 - 2009 it was found out that the soil test was conducted in 428 controlled farms with the total tested field area of 877.51 ha. 4343 samples were taken in total, 652 of which were contaminated with the Golden Nematode. Pale cyst Nematode was not identifyed. The highest number of contaminated samples was found in Švenčionių and Trakų districts (37.5 % and 33.6 % of the tested samples respectively). Meanwhile the least contaminated soil was in Ukmergės and Širvintų districts (12.03% and 11.69% of the tested samples respectively).
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Vasarinių rapsų veislių atsparumo/jautrumo Heterodera schachtii įvertinimas / Summer rape variety resistance/susceptibility of Heterodera schachtii evaluationKupliauskas, Stasys 09 June 2010 (has links)
Runkelinis nematodas (Heterodera schachtii) yra polifagas, t.y. turi labai daug augalų šeimininkų. Remiantis literatūros šaltiniais, augalais šeimininkais šiam patogenui gali būti apie 218 augalų rūšių priklausančių 98 gentims. H.schachtii yra vienas labiausiai augalui kenkiančių parazitinių nematodų Europos šalyse (Williamson, Hussey, 1996; Greco, Esmenjaud, 2004; Peterka et al., 2004) ir būtent šis nematodas buvo pirmas patogeninis nematodas, atpažintas cukriniuose runkeliuose (Cooke, 1993). Jis paplitęs visame pasaulyje ir daug cistinių nematodų rūšių patenka į “Schachtii” grupę, kurioje yra apie 20 rūšių (Evans, Rowe, 1998). Visos tirtos vasarinio rapso veislės ‚Ural‘, ‚Terra‘, ‚SW Savan‘, ‚Sponsor‘, ‚SW Landmark‘, ‚Heros‘, ‚Griffin‘, ‚Campino‘, ‚Ability‘ atsparumo H.schachtii patogenui neparodė, tačiau dvi iš jų ‚Liaison‘ ir ‚Maskot‘ buvo patikimai mažiau jautrios patogenui nei kitos.
Heterodera schachtii cistų turinys esmingai priklausė nuo vasarinio rapso veislės. Vasarinio rapso veislės ‚SW Savan‘, ‚Griffin‘ ir ‚Ural‘ yra patikimai jautresnės H.schachtii nei likusios tirtos vasarinio rapso veislės vertinant pagal suformuotų cistų turinį.
Mažiausias Heterodera schachtii reprodukcijos greitis buvo nustatytas vasarinio rapso veislėse ‚Maskot‘ (0,8), ‚Liaison‘ (0,8) ir ‚Terra‘ (0,9). Šiose veislėse reprodukcijos greičio koeficientas buvo mažesnis už vienetą, tai rodo, kad H.schachtii populiacija neprogresavo. Tačiau nustatyti reprodukcijos greičio koeficiento skirtumai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Beet nematode Heterodera schachtii is polyphagous i.e. it has a lot of host plants. According to literature sources, host plants for this pathogen may be about 218 plants species witch belong to 98 genera. Heterodera schachtii is one of the most harmful parasitical nematodes for plants in European countries (Williamson, Hussey, 1996; Greco, Esmenjaud, 2004; Peterka and others, 2004) and exactly this nematode was the first pathogenic nematode identified in sugar beets (Cooke, 1993). It is distributed worldwide and a lot of cystic nematodes species are included in “Schachtii” group which has about 20 species (Evans, Rowe, 1998). All of investigated summer rape varieties ‘Ural’, ‘Terra’ , ,SW Savan‘, ‘Sponsor‘, ‘SW Landmark‘, ‘Heros‘, ‘Griffin‘, ‘Campino‘, ‘Ability‘ did not show resistance to Heterodera Schachtii pathogen, but two varieties ‘Liaison‘ and ‘Maskot‘ were significantly less susceptible to pathogen than others.
The content of Heterodera schachtii cysts was essentially dependent on the variety of summer rape. Summer rape varieties ‘SW Savan’, ‘Griffin’ and ‘Ural’ is significantly more susceptible for Heterodera schachtii in terms of the establishment of cyst contents than the rest investigated summer rape varieties.
The lowest Heterodera schachtii reproduction rate has been identified in ’Maskot’ (0.8), ‘Liaison’ (0.8) and ‘Terra’ (0.9) summer rape varieties. In these varieties reproduction rate ratio was less than one and this indicates that Heterodera schachtii... [to full text]
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Diplolaimella dievengatensis (Nematoda: Monhysteridae) as model organism in ecotoxicity assay / Diplolaimella dievengatensis (Nematoda: Monhysteridae) como organismo modelo em ensaios de ecotoxicidadeOliveira, Nilvea Ramalho de 25 September 2017 (has links)
Free-living marine nematodes are the most ubiquitous, abundant and diverse meiofaunal component of benthic communities. These are excellent model organisms, due to its short life span, wide availability and feasibility to cultivate with minimum laboratory facilities. In this study, a population of Diplolaimella dievengatensis Jacobs 1991 (Nematoda, Monhysteridae) from the relatively Pristine estuary of the Guaratuba River in São Paulo, Brazil was isolated and cultivated. The goals were; i- to apply an integrative taxonomic approach in order to compare this population from Brazil with another from the species type-locality in the Belgian Coast, with regard to morphological, life-cycle and the 18S gene of the rDNA molecular data; and ii- to compare, at the light of life history theory, the responses of life history parameters such as; fecundity, growth and survivorship of D. dievengatensis (here as a slower species) and Litoditis marina (Bastian, 1865) (Nematoda, Rhabditidae) (as a faster species) under sublethal exposition to the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) surfactant. The population from Brazil was similar to that from Belgium coast in all parameters. Although morphometric analyses considered the Brazilian D. dievengatensis isometrically larger than the Belgian population regarding some characters, the presence of all diagnostic characters confirmed the similarity of both species. The life-cycle, hatching time, final body length, and biomass parameters were similar in both populations, in which females were larger than males. The population growth, measured as intrinsic rate of natural increase was slightly higher for the D. dievengatensis from Brazil (rm=0.41), than the European population (rm =0.348). Molecular comparison on Genbank showed 99.4% of similarity between both populations, indicating therefore, that D. dievengatensis from Brazil is similar to those from Belgium. In the chapter ii, both species responded differently to SDS exposition. Growth and reproduction rate of D. dievengatensis surprisingly were enhanced at low and intermediate concentrations of SDS (0.001 and 0.003%), while for L. marina these parameters were reduced in all SDS concentrations tested (0.001, 0.003 and 0.006%). The SDS did not affect the survivorship of adults of the slower specie. On the other hand, survivorship of adults of the fast species was significantly affected by SDS and this effect was dependent on adult gender, with reduced rates of males exposed to 0.006% SDS. Although both species are located nearby along the fast-slow continuum, they responded distinctly to of the toxic SDS effect. Effects over L. marina met the trend of faster species in allocating fewer investments in defenses against physiological injuries and on their own somatic maintenance. We propose that the apparent lower resistance of this faster species under stress at the individual level is balanced by their higher reproductive rates, conferring higher resilience to this species at the population level. Finally, it was demonstrated that the marine nematode D. dievengatensis is an important native model organism which can be used in a wide range of studies and experimental tests. Identifying and understanding differential effects of stress in the context of life-history theory is an important aspect which enhanced our understanding about the threats posed by anthropogenic activities on natural communities / Nematodas marinhos de vida livre são o mais onipresentes, abundantes e diversos componentes da meiofauna em comunidades bênticas. São excelentes organismos modelo devido a seu curto ciclo de vida, ampla disponibilidade e viabilidade de cultivo com mínima estrutura laboratorial. Neste estudo, uma população de Diplolaimella dievengatensis Jacobs 1991 (Nematoda, Monhysteridae) do estuário relativamente prístino do rio Guaratuba, São Paulo, Brasil foi isolada e cultivada. Os objetivos foram: ii- aplicar uma abordagem taxonômica integrativa a fim de comparar esta população do Brasil com outra da localidade tipo dessa espécie, da costa da Bélgica, com relação à dados morfológicos, do ciclo de vida e molecular do gene 18S do rDNA; e ii-comparar, à luz da teoria da historia de vida, repostas de parâmetros do ciclo de vida tais como: fecundidade, crescimento e sobrevivência de D. dievengatensis (aqui como espécies mais lenta) e Litoditis marina (Bastian, 1865) (Nematoda, Rhabditidae) (como espécie rápida) sob exposição subletal ao surfactante dodecil sulfato de sódio (DSS) . A população do Brasil foi similar a da costa da Bélgica em todos os parâmetros. Embora analises morfométricas consideraram D. dievengatensis do Brasil isometricamente maior que a população belga em relação em algumas características, a presença de todos os caracteres diagnósticos confirmaram a similaridade de ambas as espécies. Os parâmetros de ciclo de vida, tempo de eclosão, comprimento corporal final e biomassa foram similares em ambas as populações, nas quais fêmeas foram maiores que machos. Crescimento populacional, mensurado como taxa intrínseca de crescimento natural foi ligeiramente mais alta para D. dievengatensisdo Brasil (rm=0.41), que para a população europeia (rm=0.348). Comparações moleculares no Genbank mostraram 99.4% de similaridade entre ambas populações, indicando portanto que a população do Brasil é similar a D. dievengatensis belga. No capítulo ii, ambas as espécies responderam distintamente a exposição ao SDS. Supreendentemente as taxas de crescimento e de reprodução de D. dievengatensis foram incrementadas sob concentrações mais baixas e intermediárias (0.001 e 0.003%), enquanto para L. marina esses parâmetros foram reduzidos em todas as concentrações de DSS testadas (0.001, 0.003 e 0.006%). O DSS não afetou a sobrevivência de adultos da espécie mais lenta. Por outro lado, a sobrevivência de adultos da espécie mais rápida foi significativamente afetada pelo SDS e esse efeito foi dependente do sexo, com taxas reduzidas em machos expostos a 0.006 % de DSS. Embora ambas as espécies estejam proximamente dispostas ao longo do gradiente \"rápido-lento\", elas responderam diferentemente ao efeito tóxico do DSS. Efeitos sobre L marina se enquadram no padrão de espécies mais rápidas ao alocar menores investimentos para as defesas contra danos fisiológicos e para sua própria manutenção somática. Nós propomos que a aparente menor resistência desta espécie rápida sob estresse ao nível individual é balanceada por suas altas taxas reprodutivas, conferindo mais alta resiliência a essa espécie ao nível populacional. Por fim, foi demonstrado que D. dievengatensis é um importante organismo modelo nativo que pode ser usado em uma ampla diversidade estudos e testes experimentais. Identificar e compreender diferentes efeitos do estresse dentro do contexto da teoria da história de vida é um aspecto importante, o qual tem aumentado nosso conhecimento sobre as ameaças de atividades antropogênicas sobre comunidades naturais
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Pušinių stiebinių nematodų (Bursaphelenchus sp.) paplitimas Lietuvoje / Distribution of pine wood nematodes Bursaphelenchus sp. in LithuaniaKučinskas, Vaclovas 14 June 2005 (has links)
Objective – research the pine wood nematodes Bursaphelenchus sp. situation in Lithuania.
1. Research of native pine wood nematode species composition in Lithuania;
2. Research of preconditions for harmful pine wood nematode species to enter Lithuania;
3. Research of conditions for non-native pine wood nematode species to establish, breed and spread;
4. Research of consequences if harmful species becomes established in Lithuania, anticipate pest management options.
Object of the study – coniferous (pine) forests in Lithuania and companies, processing imported wood.
Methods. Samples were taken in coniferous clearcuts and wood processing companies from the stained wood or wood with evidence of Monochamus activities. Nematodes were extracted sing Baermann method. Preconditions for nematodes to enter Lithuania, establish and spread were analysed using statistical and literature sources. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) analysis was applied to the situation of Bursaphelenchus in Lithuania.
Results. 27 forest enterprises and 62 wood processing companies were studied. For the first time in Lithuania non-pathogenic species Bursaphelenchus mucronatus was found. Assessement of conditions for wood nematodes in the country (import assortment and volume, countries, host plants and potential vectors), real probability for harmful species, particularly Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, to enter, establish and spread was defined. Existing quarantine system might... [to full text]
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Diplolaimella dievengatensis (Nematoda: Monhysteridae) as model organism in ecotoxicity assay / Diplolaimella dievengatensis (Nematoda: Monhysteridae) como organismo modelo em ensaios de ecotoxicidadeNilvea Ramalho de Oliveira 25 September 2017 (has links)
Free-living marine nematodes are the most ubiquitous, abundant and diverse meiofaunal component of benthic communities. These are excellent model organisms, due to its short life span, wide availability and feasibility to cultivate with minimum laboratory facilities. In this study, a population of Diplolaimella dievengatensis Jacobs 1991 (Nematoda, Monhysteridae) from the relatively Pristine estuary of the Guaratuba River in São Paulo, Brazil was isolated and cultivated. The goals were; i- to apply an integrative taxonomic approach in order to compare this population from Brazil with another from the species type-locality in the Belgian Coast, with regard to morphological, life-cycle and the 18S gene of the rDNA molecular data; and ii- to compare, at the light of life history theory, the responses of life history parameters such as; fecundity, growth and survivorship of D. dievengatensis (here as a slower species) and Litoditis marina (Bastian, 1865) (Nematoda, Rhabditidae) (as a faster species) under sublethal exposition to the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) surfactant. The population from Brazil was similar to that from Belgium coast in all parameters. Although morphometric analyses considered the Brazilian D. dievengatensis isometrically larger than the Belgian population regarding some characters, the presence of all diagnostic characters confirmed the similarity of both species. The life-cycle, hatching time, final body length, and biomass parameters were similar in both populations, in which females were larger than males. The population growth, measured as intrinsic rate of natural increase was slightly higher for the D. dievengatensis from Brazil (rm=0.41), than the European population (rm =0.348). Molecular comparison on Genbank showed 99.4% of similarity between both populations, indicating therefore, that D. dievengatensis from Brazil is similar to those from Belgium. In the chapter ii, both species responded differently to SDS exposition. Growth and reproduction rate of D. dievengatensis surprisingly were enhanced at low and intermediate concentrations of SDS (0.001 and 0.003%), while for L. marina these parameters were reduced in all SDS concentrations tested (0.001, 0.003 and 0.006%). The SDS did not affect the survivorship of adults of the slower specie. On the other hand, survivorship of adults of the fast species was significantly affected by SDS and this effect was dependent on adult gender, with reduced rates of males exposed to 0.006% SDS. Although both species are located nearby along the fast-slow continuum, they responded distinctly to of the toxic SDS effect. Effects over L. marina met the trend of faster species in allocating fewer investments in defenses against physiological injuries and on their own somatic maintenance. We propose that the apparent lower resistance of this faster species under stress at the individual level is balanced by their higher reproductive rates, conferring higher resilience to this species at the population level. Finally, it was demonstrated that the marine nematode D. dievengatensis is an important native model organism which can be used in a wide range of studies and experimental tests. Identifying and understanding differential effects of stress in the context of life-history theory is an important aspect which enhanced our understanding about the threats posed by anthropogenic activities on natural communities / Nematodas marinhos de vida livre são o mais onipresentes, abundantes e diversos componentes da meiofauna em comunidades bênticas. São excelentes organismos modelo devido a seu curto ciclo de vida, ampla disponibilidade e viabilidade de cultivo com mínima estrutura laboratorial. Neste estudo, uma população de Diplolaimella dievengatensis Jacobs 1991 (Nematoda, Monhysteridae) do estuário relativamente prístino do rio Guaratuba, São Paulo, Brasil foi isolada e cultivada. Os objetivos foram: ii- aplicar uma abordagem taxonômica integrativa a fim de comparar esta população do Brasil com outra da localidade tipo dessa espécie, da costa da Bélgica, com relação à dados morfológicos, do ciclo de vida e molecular do gene 18S do rDNA; e ii-comparar, à luz da teoria da historia de vida, repostas de parâmetros do ciclo de vida tais como: fecundidade, crescimento e sobrevivência de D. dievengatensis (aqui como espécies mais lenta) e Litoditis marina (Bastian, 1865) (Nematoda, Rhabditidae) (como espécie rápida) sob exposição subletal ao surfactante dodecil sulfato de sódio (DSS) . A população do Brasil foi similar a da costa da Bélgica em todos os parâmetros. Embora analises morfométricas consideraram D. dievengatensis do Brasil isometricamente maior que a população belga em relação em algumas características, a presença de todos os caracteres diagnósticos confirmaram a similaridade de ambas as espécies. Os parâmetros de ciclo de vida, tempo de eclosão, comprimento corporal final e biomassa foram similares em ambas as populações, nas quais fêmeas foram maiores que machos. Crescimento populacional, mensurado como taxa intrínseca de crescimento natural foi ligeiramente mais alta para D. dievengatensisdo Brasil (rm=0.41), que para a população europeia (rm=0.348). Comparações moleculares no Genbank mostraram 99.4% de similaridade entre ambas populações, indicando portanto que a população do Brasil é similar a D. dievengatensis belga. No capítulo ii, ambas as espécies responderam distintamente a exposição ao SDS. Supreendentemente as taxas de crescimento e de reprodução de D. dievengatensis foram incrementadas sob concentrações mais baixas e intermediárias (0.001 e 0.003%), enquanto para L. marina esses parâmetros foram reduzidos em todas as concentrações de DSS testadas (0.001, 0.003 e 0.006%). O DSS não afetou a sobrevivência de adultos da espécie mais lenta. Por outro lado, a sobrevivência de adultos da espécie mais rápida foi significativamente afetada pelo SDS e esse efeito foi dependente do sexo, com taxas reduzidas em machos expostos a 0.006 % de DSS. Embora ambas as espécies estejam proximamente dispostas ao longo do gradiente \"rápido-lento\", elas responderam diferentemente ao efeito tóxico do DSS. Efeitos sobre L marina se enquadram no padrão de espécies mais rápidas ao alocar menores investimentos para as defesas contra danos fisiológicos e para sua própria manutenção somática. Nós propomos que a aparente menor resistência desta espécie rápida sob estresse ao nível individual é balanceada por suas altas taxas reprodutivas, conferindo mais alta resiliência a essa espécie ao nível populacional. Por fim, foi demonstrado que D. dievengatensis é um importante organismo modelo nativo que pode ser usado em uma ampla diversidade estudos e testes experimentais. Identificar e compreender diferentes efeitos do estresse dentro do contexto da teoria da história de vida é um aspecto importante, o qual tem aumentado nosso conhecimento sobre as ameaças de atividades antropogênicas sobre comunidades naturais
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