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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Torrel, Robert 12 November 2013 (has links)
One of the major advances that has been happening in the use of communication technologies, is the gradual replacement of IPv4 by the IPv6. This change provides several enhancements, although the transmission performance is relatively low, by considering the new addressing standard, which becomes 128 bits in IPv6, compared to 32 bits in IPv4, increasing the size of the resultant header and the communication overhead. This work has as main objective the development of a method for the minimization of the IPv6 header, seeking to increase the performance of data transmission in a local area network. Practical tests have shown that the proposed solution enables an improvement in network performance, increasing data throughput, in addition to decreasing latency and bandwidth utilization in the transmission of packets between two devices. / Um dos principais avanços que vem ocorrendo na utilizazação de tecnologias de comunicação, é a substituição gradativa do protocolo IPv4 pelo IPv6. Essa mudança apresenta diversas melhorias, embora o desempenho na transmissão seja relativamente menor ao considerar o novo padrão de endereçamento, que passa de 32 bits no IPv4, para 128 bits no IPv6, aumentando o tamanho do cabeçalho resultante e o overhead de comunicação. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de um método para a minimização do cabeçalho IPv6, buscando o aumento de desempenho na transmissão de dados em uma rede local. Testes práticos demonstraram que a solução proposta permite uma melhora de desempenho na rede, com o aumento da vazão de dados, além da diminuição da latência e da utilização de banda na transmissão de pacotes entre dois dispositivos.

Techniques vertes d’optimisation et d’adaptation du lien radio sans-fil / Green radio link adaptation and optimization techniques

Bouzigues, Marc-Antoine 22 October 2014 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs années, les technologies de l’information et de la communication connaissent un développement spectaculaire. Le trafic d’information augmente exponentiellement alors que l’évolution de l’efficacité énergétique des réseaux, définie généralement comme le rapport entre l’énergie utile en sortie du système et l’énergie totale fournie au système, n’augmente que de manière linéaire. Pour soutenir la demande de trafic, il est alors nécessaire de multiplier les équipements réseaux ce qui augment la facture énergétique des opérateurs et les émissions de gaz carbonique. Devant l’urgence de la situation, de nombreux projets et consortiums ont été créés avec l’objectif de renforcer l’efficacité énergétique des réseaux. Par exemple, le consortium GreenTouch™ fondé en 2010 a pour objectif d’améliorer l’efficacité énergétique des réseaux d’un facteur 1000 d’ici 2015 et de réduire leur consommation énergétique de 90% d’ici 2020 (par rapport à 2010). Le projet METIS a pour objectif de définir les télécommunications de 2020 (5G) cherche des solutions efficaces minimisant les coûts, les ressources et la consommation énergétique. Le projet MiWEBA qui intègre les ondes millimétrique aux communications mobiles dans le but d’augmenter la capacité du réseau d’un facteur 1000 avec un coût raisonnable.Dans cette thèse, nous abordons deux solutions répondant aux challenges de la 5G et permettant de réduire les niveaux des puissances rayonnées par les systèmes de télécommunications : l’amélioration de la couche physique via les techniques de focalisation spatiale et l’adaptation de lien multi-technologies. L’objectif principal de la thèse est de réaliser des transmissions de données très haut débit à forte efficacité énergétique à l’aide d’une connectivité multi-technologies sans coutures y compris dans des réseaux comprenant une multitude de périphériques à faible complexité.L’organisation de la thèse est la suivante : tout d’abord, l’implémentation de techniques de focalisation spatiale, le Retournement Temporel (RT) et l’EGT (Equal Gain Transmission), dans un système utilisant les dernières évolutions du standard IEEE 802.11, notamment l’intégration d’une composante 60 GHz, est étudiée. Les performances de ces techniques sont analysées de manière à identifier les conditions optimales de leur utilisation et il est montré qu’avec un minimum de deux antennes de transmission, elles permettent d’améliorer les performances énergétiques des systèmes tout en ayant une faible complexité d’implémentation. Des modifications du standard permettant d’augmenter l’efficacité énergétique sont également proposées. Une analyse cross-layer est ensuite réalisée afin de définir protocoles d’estimation de canal tenant compte des spécificités du RT. De plus, les améliorations énergétiques liées à l’utilisation du RT sont confirmées en tenant compte des dégradations des performances de la couche de liaison. Enfin, une métrique d’occupation temporelle est définie et associée à des techniques d’adaptation de lien mono et multi-technologies existantes dans le but d’améliorer la sélection d‘interfaces de transmission pour augmenter l’efficacité énergétique sans affecter les performances des systèmes utilisant un accès aléatoire au canal de communication. L’utilisation de cette métrique permet, dans certaines configurations, d’augmenter d’un facteur sept l’efficacité énergétique d’un système utilisant le Wi-Fi et, dans le cas multi-technologies, de répartir le trafic sur les différentes interfaces de transmission afin d’éviter la saturation des canaux de communication. / Over the past few years, information and communications technologies have experienced a spectacular development. Traffic demand grows exponentially while energy efficiency of networks –usually defined as the ratio between delivered power and supplied power- only increases linearly. In order to supply the data traffic, it is necessary to duplicate networks equipments increasing energy costs for operators and carbon dioxide emissions. To face this dramatic situation, several projects and consortiums have been created and aim to increase networks energy efficiency. For instance, the GreenTouch™ consortium funded in 2010 aims to improve networks energy efficiency by a factor 1000 by 2015 and to reduce energy consumption of TICs by 90% by 2020 (compared with 2010 levels). METIS project aims to define 2020s communications (5G) search for efficient solutions with low costs, low resources use and low power consumption of systems. MiWEBA project brings millimeter-waves into the mobile radio word to extend the network capacity by 1000 at reasonable cost.In this thesis we study two solutions to answer 5G challenges and reduce radiated power levels of telecommunications systems: physical layer improvements through spatial focalization techniques and multi-technologies link adaptation. This thesis main goal is to achieve very high data transmission rates with high energy efficiency and seamless connectivity using multiple-interfaces technologies even in networks composed of a high number of low-complexity devices.The thesis is organized as follows: first, Time Reversal (TR) and Equal Gain Transmission (EGT) implementation is studied and applied to a system using the latest amendments of IEEE 802.11 standard, including 60 GHz transmissions. Performance of these techniques is analyzed in order to identify optimal conditions of use and it is shown that they only require a minimum of two transmit antennas to increase the energetic performance of systems while having a low implementation complexity. Standard modifications allowing an increase of energy efficiency are proposed. Then, a cross-layer analysis is performed to define channel estimation protocols taking TR specificities into account. Moreover, TR energetic benefits are validated considering its drawbacks at the link layer level. Finally, a time-availability metric is defined and associated to existing mono or multi-technologies adaptation techniques and aim to increase energy efficiency without degrading the performance of systems using random access to the communication channel. This metrics allows –in some configurations- to increase by a factor seven the energy efficiency of a system using Wi-Fi and, in a multi-technologies scenario, to allocate the data traffic to the several interfaces in order to avoid communication channels saturation.

Möglichkeiten der Leistungsanalyse und Gewinnverteilung in auftragsspezifisch konfigurierten Produktionsnetzwerken

Jähn, Hendrik January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Quality of Service Routing and Mechanisms for Improving Video Streaming over Mobile Wireless Ad hoc Networks

Castellanos Hernández, Wilder Eduardo 15 July 2015 (has links)
[EN] This thesis dissertation tackles the problem concerning provision of video streaming services over mobile wireless ad hoc networks. Such networks are characterized by their versatility and flexibility, features that make them particularly suited to be used in many scenarios. However, some limitations inherited of the wireless channel and the mobility of the nodes make difficult to guarantee certain degree of quality of service, which is a required condition to the multimedia applications. Furthermore, with the massive demand of video content, it has become very necessary for mobile ad hoc networks to have an efficient routing and quality of services mechanisms to support this traffic. This is because video streaming services require network to provide sufficient bandwidth and an upper bound in delay, jitter and loss rate. Consequently, traditional best-effort protocols are not adequate. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of a comprehensive routing protocol that has a feedback scheme in order to provide information to the application about the network conditions. This protocol has a cross-layer architecture and it incorporates three important enhancements. Firstly, a new route recovery strategy, which provides a mechanism to detect the link failures in a route and re-establish the connections taking into account the conditions of quality of service that have been established during the previous route discovery phase. Secondly, an algorithm for the estimation of the available bandwidth along the route, information that is sent to application layer in order to apply an adaptation procedure that adjusts the bit rate of the video source. This rate-adaptive strategy is performed exploiting the layered scheme of the scalable video coding. In particular, the adaptive method removes, from the scalable video stream, those layers that could not be efficiently supported by network since their bitrates exceed the available bandwidth. The third main feature of the proposed routing protocol is a gateway discovery algorithm to improve the interconnectivity between mobile ad hoc networks and infrastructure-based networks. This algorithm incorporates available bandwidth as a metric during the gateway selection and a dynamic adaptation of some operational parameters such as the size of the proactive area and the frequency of the advertisement messages. Additionally, in order to solve the lack of a software tool to simulate rate-adaptive transmission of scalable video, a new simulation framework had be implemented. This simulation tool is an open source software freely available and, thus, it represents other contribution of this thesis. The results reveal performance improvements in terms of packet delay, dropped packets and the number of link failures while a more efficient use of the available bandwidth is obtained. In terms of video transmission, the results prove that the combined use of the proposed protocol and the scalable video coding provides an efficient platform for supporting rate-adaptive video streaming over mobile ad hoc networks. / [ES] Esta tesis aborda los problemas relacionados con los servicios de video en modo streaming sobre las redes móviles ad hoc. Este tipo de redes se caracterizan por su versatilidad y flexibilidad, lo cual las hace especialmente adecuadas para ser utilizadas en diversos escenarios. Sin embargo, algunas limitaciones inherentes a los enlaces inalámbricos y a la movilidad de los nodos, hace difícil garantizar cierto nivel de calidad de servicio, lo cual es una condición necesaria para el transporte de flujos multimedia. Además, con la masiva demanda de videos desde los dispositivos móviles, hace aún más necesario asegurar un encaminamiento eficiente y un cierto nivel de calidad de servicio en las redes móviles ad hoc. Por lo tanto, los tradicionales protocolos que funcionan bajo el modelo del "mejor esfuerzo" no son adecuados. Esto se debe principalmente a que las aplicaciones multimedia necesitan que la red asegure suficiente ancho de banda y unos valores máximos de retardo, jitter, y tasa de pérdidas. La principal contribución de esta tesis es el desarrollo de un protocolo de encaminamiento que contiene un esquema de realimentación que le permite informar a la aplicación sobre las condiciones de la red. Este protocolo tiene una arquitectura cross-layer e incorpora tres importantes mejoras. Primero, una nueva estrategia de mantenimiento y recuperación de rutas que provee mecanismos para detectar los fallos de conectividad y el posterior re-establecimiento de las conexiones, teniendo en cuenta las condiciones de calidad de servicio que fueron establecidas durante la etapa inicial del descubrimiento de las rutas. Segundo, un algoritmo para la estimación del ancho de banda disponible a lo largo de la ruta, información que es enviada a la capa de aplicación para aplicar un proceso de adaptación que ajusta la tasa de envío de datos de la fuente. Esta estrategia adaptativa de la tasa aprovecha el esquema por capas de la codificación escalable de video. En particular, el método adaptativo elimina del flujo de video escalable, aquellas capas que no pueden ser transmitidas por la red ya que su tasa de bits supera el ancho de banda disponible. La tercera mejora incluida en el protocolo propuesto es un algoritmo de descubrimiento de gateways para mejorar la interconectividad entre las redes móviles ad hoc y las redes basadas en infraestructura. Dicho algoritmo utiliza el ancho de banda disponible para seleccionar el mejor gateway, así mismo, realiza una adaptación dinámica de algunos parámetros operacionales como el alcance y la frecuencia de los mensajes anuncio. Adicionalmente, ha sido desarrollada una herramienta software para simular la transmisión adaptativa de video escalable sobre redes móviles ad hoc. Esta herramienta de simulación es un software de código abierto y constituye otra contribución más de esta tesis. Los resultados muestran mejoras en el funcionamiento de las redes relacionadas con el retardo, la tasa de pérdidas de paquetes y el número de fallos en la conectividad. Simultáneamente, se obtiene un uso más eficiente del ancho de banda. En relación a la calidad del video transmitido, los resultados demuestran que la utilización del protocolo propuesto junto con la codificación de video escalable, provee un eficiente sistema para la transmisión adaptativa de video escalable sobre redes móviles ad hoc. / [CAT] Aquesta tesi aborda els problemes relacionats amb els serveis de vídeo en mode streaming sobre les xarxes mòbils ad hoc. Aquest tipus de xarxes es caracteritzen per la seva versatilitat i flexibilitat, la qual cosa les fa especialment adequades per a ser utilitzades en diversos escenaris. No obstant això, algunes limitacions inherents als enllaços sense fils i a la mobilitat dels nodes, fa difícil garantir cert nivell de qualitat de servei, cosa que és una condició necessària per al transport de fluxos multimèdia. A més, amb la massiva demanda de vídeos des dels dispositius mòbils, fa encara més necessari assegurar un encaminament eficient i un cert nivell de qualitat de servei en les xarxes mòbils ad hoc. Per tant, els tradicionals protocols que funcionen sota el model del "millor esforç" no són adequats. Això es deu principalment al fet que les aplicacions multimèdia necessiten que la xarxa asseguri suficient ample de banda i uns valors màxims de retard, jitter, i taxa de pèrdues. La principal contribució d'aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament d'un protocol d'encaminament que conté un esquema de realimentació que li permet informar l'aplicació sobre les condicions de la xarxa. Aquest protocol té una arquitectura cross-layer i incorpora tres importants millores. Primer, una nova estratègia de manteniment i recuperació de rutes que proveeix mecanismes per detectar les fallades de connectivitat i el posterior re-establiment de les connexions, tenint en compte les condicions de qualitat de servei que van ser establertes durant l'etapa inicial del descobriment de les rutes. Segon, un algoritme per a l'estimació de l'ample de banda disponible al llarg de la ruta, informació que és enviada a la capa d'aplicació per aplicar un procés d'adaptació que ajusta la taxa d'enviament de dades de la font. Aquesta estratègia adaptativa de la taxa aprofita l'esquema per capes de la codificació escalable de vídeo. En particular, el mètode adaptatiu elimina del flux de vídeo escalable aquelles capes que no poden ser transmeses per la xarxa ja que la seva taxa de bits supera l'ample de banda disponible. La tercera millora inclosa en el protocol proposat és un algoritme de descobriment de gateways per millorar la interconnectivitat entre les xarxes mòbils ad hoc i les xarxes basades en infraestructura. Aquest algoritme utilitza l'ample de banda disponible per seleccionar el millor gateway, així mateix, realitza una adaptació dinàmica d'alguns paràmetres operacionals com l'abast i la freqüència dels missatges anunci. Addicionalment, ha estat desenvolupada una eina programari per a simular la transmissió adaptativa de vídeo escalable sobre xarxes mòbils ad hoc. Aquesta eina de simulació és un programari de codi obert i constitueix una altra contribució més d'aquesta tesi. Els resultats mostren millores en el funcionament de les xarxes relacionades amb el retard, la taxa de pèrdues de paquets i el nombre de fallades en la connectivitat. Simultàniament, se n'obté un ús més eficient de l'ample de banda. En relació a la qualitat del vídeo transmès, els resultats demostren que la utilització del protocol proposat juntament amb la codificació de vídeo escalable, proveeix un eficient sistema per a la transmissió adaptativa de vídeo escalable sobre xarxes mòbils ad hoc. / Castellanos Hernández, WE. (2015). Quality of Service Routing and Mechanisms for Improving Video Streaming over Mobile Wireless Ad hoc Networks [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53238 / TESIS

Optimizing the on-chip communication architecture of low power Systems-on-Chip in Deep Sub-Micron technology

Leroy, Anthony 22 December 2006 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite des systèmes intégrés sur puce (System-on-Chip) à faible consommation d'énergie tels que ceux qui seront utilisés dans les équipements portables de future génération (ordinateurs de poche (PDA), téléphones mobiles). S'agissant d'équipements alimentés par des batteries, la consommation énergétique est un problème critique. <p><p>Ces plateformes contiendront probablement une douzaine de coeurs de processeur et une quantité importante de mémoire embarquée. Une architecture de communication optimisée sera donc nécessaire afin de les interconnecter de manière efficace. De nombreuses architectures de communication ont été proposées dans la littérature: bus partagés, bus pontés, bus segmentés et plus récemment, les réseaux intégrés (NoC).<p><p>Toutefois, à l'exception des bus, la consommation d'énergie des réseaux d'interconnexion intégrés a été largement ignorée pendant longtemps. Ce n'est que très récemment que les premières études sont apparues dans ce domaine.<p><p>Cette thèse présente:<p><p>- Une analyse complète de l'espace de conception des architectures de communication intégrées. Sur base de cet espace de conception et d'un état de l'art détaillé, des techniques jusqu'alors inexplorées ont pu être identifiées et investiguées. <p>- La conception d'environnements de simulation de bas et haut niveaux permettant de réaliser des comparaisons entre différentes architectures de communication en termes de consommation énergétique et de surface.<p>- La conception et la validation d'une architecture de communication intégrée innovante basée sur le multiplexage spatial<p><p>Ce dernier point a pour ambition de démontrer qu'un réseau basé sur le multiplexage spatial (SDM) constitue une alternative intéressante aux réseaux classiques principalement basés sur le multiplexage temporel dans le contexte très spécifique des architectures de communication intégrées.<p><p>Nous démontrerons la validité de la solution proposée à l'aide de campagnes de simulation de haut niveau pour divers types de trafic ainsi que des simulations de plus bas niveau. L'étude concerne successivement la conception de routers SDM, des interfaces réseau et finalement d'un réseau complet. Les avantages et inconvénients d'une telle technique seront discutés en détails. / Doctorat en sciences appliquées / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Improved performance high speed network intrusion detection systems (NIDS). A high speed NIDS architectures to address limitations of Packet Loss and Low Detection Rate by adoption of Dynamic Cluster Architecture and Traffic Anomaly Filtration (IADF).

Akhlaq, Monis January 2011 (has links)
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are considered as a vital component in network security architecture. The system allows the administrator to detect unauthorized use of, or attack upon a computer, network or telecommunication infrastructure. There is no second thought on the necessity of these systems however; their performance remains a critical question. This research has focussed on designing a high performance Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) model. The work begins with the evaluation of Snort, an open source NIDS considered as a de-facto IDS standard. The motive behind the evaluation strategy is to analyze the performance of Snort and ascertain the causes of limited performance. Design and implementation of high performance techniques are considered as the final objective of this research. Snort has been evaluated on highly sophisticated test bench by employing evasive and avoidance strategies to simulate real-life normal and attack-like traffic. The test-methodology is based on the concept of stressing the system and degrading its performance in terms of its packet handling capacity. This has been achieved by normal traffic generation; fussing; traffic saturation; parallel dissimilar attacks; manipulation of background traffic, e.g. fragmentation, packet sequence disturbance and illegal packet insertion. The evaluation phase has lead us to two high performance designs, first distributed hardware architecture using cluster-based adoption and second cascaded phenomena of anomaly-based filtration and signature-based detection. The first high performance mechanism is based on Dynamic Cluster adoption using refined policy routing and Comparator Logic. The design is a two tier mechanism where front end of the cluster is the load-balancer which distributes traffic on pre-defined policy routing ensuring maximum utilization of cluster resources. The traffic load sharing mechanism reduces the packet drop by exchanging state information between load-balancer and cluster nodes and implementing switchovers between nodes in case the traffic exceeds pre-defined threshold limit. Finally, the recovery evaluation concept using Comparator Logic also enhance the overall efficiency by recovering lost data in switchovers, the retrieved data is than analyzed by the recovery NIDS to identify any leftover threats. Intelligent Anomaly Detection Filtration (IADF) using cascaded architecture of anomaly-based filtration and signature-based detection process is the second high performance design. The IADF design is used to preserve resources of NIDS by eliminating large portion of the traffic on well defined logics. In addition, the filtration concept augment the detection process by eliminating the part of malicious traffic which otherwise can go undetected by most of signature-based mechanisms. We have evaluated the mechanism to detect Denial of Service (DoS) and Probe attempts based by analyzing its performance on Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) dataset. The concept has also been supported by time-based normalized sampling mechanisms to incorporate normal traffic variations to reduce false alarms. Finally, we have observed that the IADF has augmented the overall detection process by reducing false alarms, increasing detection rate and incurring lesser data loss. / National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Pakistan

Multi-Criteria Direction Antenna Multi-Path Location Aware Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Gajurel, Sanjaya January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Coverage Manifold Estimation in Cellular Networks via Conditional GANs

Veni Goyal (18457590) 29 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This research introduces an approach utilizing a novel conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) tailored specifically for the prediction of cellular network coverage. In comparison to state-of-the-art method convolutional neural networks (CNNs), our cGAN model offers a significant improvement by translating base station locations within any Region-of-Interest (RoI) into precise coverage probability values within a designated region-of-evaluation (RoE). </p><p dir="ltr">By leveraging base station location data from diverse geographical and infrastructural landscapes spanning regions like India, the USA, Germany, and Brazil, our model demonstrates superior predictive performance compared to existing CNN-based approaches. Notably, the prediction error, as quantified by the L1 norm, is reduced by two orders of magnitude in comparison to state-of-the-art CNN models.</p><p dir="ltr">Furthermore, the coverage manifolds generated by our cGAN model closely resemble those produced by conventional simulation methods, indicating a substantial advancement in both prediction accuracy and visual fidelity. This achievement underscores the potential of cGANs in enhancing the precision and reliability of cellular network performance prediction, offering promising implications for optimizing network planning and deployment strategies.</p>

A study and the evaluation of real time performance of Samancor’s Profibus network

Mahlangu, Patrick Amos 02 1900 (has links)
The field buses, and particularly the ‘PROFIBUS’, are currently widely used in automation systems, with the intention to automate industrial applications. It is of the utmost importance that one should understand how these systems operate, because failure to understand may result in improper applications, which can ultimately lead to intense network problems and, consequently, lead to potential catastrophic failures in industrial equipment, as well as compromising the health and safety of the people. This research was the performance evaluation of SAMANCOR PROFIBUS network that controls the chrome manufacturing plant. The problem with the network was that it was failing intermittently. These network failures resulted in loss of production, loss of throughput, compromised quality, downtime due to reworks, high costs in energy used to rework, and equipment damage or failure. One of the OBJECTIVES of the research was to carry out a performance evaluation of the PROFIBUS network in terms of the possible electromagnetic interference (EMI) within the plant’s PLC network. This topic emanated from the network service providers that kept insisting that the network was unstable, due to possible electromagnetic interference caused by possible high voltage cables running next to the plant network cables. This assumption was without fact, and hence the research was conducted. The QUANTITATIVE research method was used to conduct the research, where simulation of the plant network, using external parameters, were used to carry out the research. Furthermore, experiments were conducted and the physical measurements were performed on the network, where parameters derived from these measurements were used to compare the two networks. In essence, the network was tested under known configurations. The manner in which the network was simulated was that of stepping up the electrical current from the external device, and recording the response of the network. A stand-alone network rig was built and used to carry out the tests, and the results were compared with those obtained from the plant network. / Electrical and Mining Engineering / M. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

End-to-end available bandwidth estimation and its applications

Jain, Manish 09 April 2007 (has links)
As the Internet continues to evolve, without providing any performance guarantees or explicit feedback to applications, the only way to infer the state of the network and to dynamically react to congestion is through end-to-end measurements. The emph{available bandwidth} (avail-bw) is an important metric that characterizes the dynamic state of a network path. Its measurement has been the focus of significant research during the last 15 years. However, its estimation remained elusive for several reasons. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of the first estimation methodology for the avail-bw in a network path using end-to-end measurements. In more detail, our first contribution is an end-to-end methodology, called SLoPS, to determine whether the avail-bw is larger than a given rate based on the sequence of one-way delays experienced by a periodic packet stream. The second contribution is the design of two algorithms, based on SLoPS, to estimate the mean and the variation range, respectively, of the avail-bw process. These algorithms have been implemented in two measurement tools, referred to as PathLoad and PathVar. We have validated the accuracy of the tools using analysis, simulation, and extensive experimentation. Pathload has been downloaded by more than 6000 users since 2003. We have also used PathVar to study the variability of the avail-bw process as a function of various important factors, including traffic load and degree of multiplexing. Finally, we present an application of avail-bw estimation in video streaming. Specifically, we show that avail-bw measurements can be used in the dynamic selection of the best possible overlay path. The proposed scheme results in better perceived video quality than path selection algorithms that rely on jitter or loss-rate measurements.

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