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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New social movements in Canadian health domain : AIDS Saskatoon as a case study

Alashegam, Auob 21 September 2009
AIDS Saskatoon, considered as a health social movement, is the focus of this research. It uses notions of life-world, system and life-world colonization as well as the typology of politics introduced by Cohen and Arato to answer the questions:<p> Why did AIDS Saskatoon emerge?<p> Is AIDS Saskatoon a defensive or an offensive social movement?<p> The defensive movements action is directed inward to the lifeworld and civil society, while the offensive modes of movement activism directed outward to state and economic institutions. With regards to the first question, I argue AIDS Saskatoon was formed as a reaction to patterns of the colonization of the life-world of people living with HIV/AIDS. Relative to the second question AIDS Saskatoon is seen to be a creative response to the colonization process that takes an organizational form conducive to both defensive and offensive dimensions.<p> Data for this study were derived from ten qualitative interviews were conducted - five with individuals diagnosed HIV/AIDS positive, three with the AIDS Saskatoon administrative staff, and two with the founders of AIDS Saskatoon.

New social movements in Canadian health domain : AIDS Saskatoon as a case study

Alashegam, Auob 21 September 2009 (has links)
AIDS Saskatoon, considered as a health social movement, is the focus of this research. It uses notions of life-world, system and life-world colonization as well as the typology of politics introduced by Cohen and Arato to answer the questions:<p> Why did AIDS Saskatoon emerge?<p> Is AIDS Saskatoon a defensive or an offensive social movement?<p> The defensive movements action is directed inward to the lifeworld and civil society, while the offensive modes of movement activism directed outward to state and economic institutions. With regards to the first question, I argue AIDS Saskatoon was formed as a reaction to patterns of the colonization of the life-world of people living with HIV/AIDS. Relative to the second question AIDS Saskatoon is seen to be a creative response to the colonization process that takes an organizational form conducive to both defensive and offensive dimensions.<p> Data for this study were derived from ten qualitative interviews were conducted - five with individuals diagnosed HIV/AIDS positive, three with the AIDS Saskatoon administrative staff, and two with the founders of AIDS Saskatoon.

Dumpster Diving: En lokal (nöd)lösning på ett globalt problem? : En antropolgisk undersökning om mat, sopor och motstånd.

Norr, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
Denns C-uppsats i kulturantropologi utforskar fenomenet dumpster diving, vad det innebär och varför människor rotar efter mat i soptunnor. Mitt syfte är att undersöka de tankegångar människor har som är engagerade i dumpster diving och vad vi kan lära av dem. Jag har även i denna studie belyst de etiska, ekologiska och ekonomiska konsekvenserna kring det faktum att vi slänger så mycket ätbar mat och visat att dumpster diving är till viss del en lokal lösning på ett globalt problem.

Educational governance in Turkey : the role of Islamic social movements in the New Public Management age

Ceylan, Ceray January 2014 (has links)
Framed within theoretical discussions on both New Public Management (NPM) theory and New Social Movement (NSM) theory, this thesis explores increasing religiosity in education delivery in secular Turkey. Particularly, it investigates the ways in which two Islamic religious groups, the Gulen Movement (GM) and the Iskenderpasa Cemaati (IC), engage with education as a result of neoliberalization in both the public sphere and public administration. Islam, and especially the Islamic Social Movements (ISMs), play an important role in politics and in the socio-economic spheres; therefore, it is necessary to consider their growing role in the delivery of public services such as education not only in Muslim countries, but also in secular societies. Since education is defined as a public service which has a significant role in the creation of social capital (Putnam, 1993), these movements increased their interest in education systems in order to make their own voice heard during the process of education delivery, or in other words, the creation of social capital. This research combines three different research methods: 1) documentary analysis of official papers from the public administration reforms, government archives, the GM and IC's own reports and web pages, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and World Bank reports on the Turkish education system; 2) in-depth interviews conducted with parents, teachers and alumni of GM an IC schools; 3) focus group analysis conducted with graduates from the IC and the GM schools. The data collected from the documents and field research suggest that in Turkey, NPM, which was applied to privatized public services and the deregulated public sphere, has created opportunity spaces for Muslims and ISMs to move upward in the social stratification ladder. The result is the emergence of an ISM controlled education service. The GM and the IC are the best examples of this process. The researcher used the GM and the IC as examples of a collective case study. Although both the GM and the IC have emerged in a similar socio-political and economic environment, in which there is an increasing trend of Islamisation in the social structure and neoliberalization in the economy and politics, these movements responded differently to the same changes. The GM has managed to integrate into the new conditions and produced a similar discourse to NPM. Therefore, rather than establishing an Islamic order, the GM focused on political, social and economic wealth by opening education institutions. However, by demonstrating a traditional form of Islam, the IC shows the other face of religious groups in Turkey. For this reason, the researcher refers to the GM as a 'movement' and the IC as a 'cemaat'. Additionally, by being visible in the public sphere and producing a neoliberal discourse, which is parallel with NPM doctrines, the GM managed to develop educational governance that increases secular and pious families' voices in the education system. This research provides an analysis of a new approach in public administration related to education, one that distances itself from the traditional, prescriptive structures, and instead engages in flexible and participative relationships. Finally, the findings of this research will provide a greater understanding of states where there are tensions between modernisation and democratisation, and demands for 'traditional values'.

Eco-spirituality: Collective identity and spirituality in the wilderness action group

Apoifis, Nicholas, Social Sciences & International Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
At a peripheral glance the collective action of a social movement group creates a perception of rational and homogenous internal group identity. This fa??ade has led some social movement theorists to take for granted the internal cohesiveness of the groups they are studying. Yet this emphasis on the rationality and structure of collective action over-simplifies the complex and dynamic interactions that occur in the construction of individual and collective identities. Accordingly, the constructivist New Social Movement theoretical paradigm actively eschews these misleading assumptions, instead granting primacy to the study of the reflexive, complex and dynamic interactions that occur in the construction of individual and collective identities. By employing the tools provided by New Social Movement theory my study unravels one such under-researched identity, namely the diverse and multifaceted ??eco-spiritual?? identity. The rich narratives of actors who consider themselves spiritual and are environmental activists are analysed through a case study of the Wilderness Acton Group, a collective within The Wilderness Society, Sydney. Analysis of the fieldwork data informs a theoretical and empirical understanding of social movements with regard to the negotiation and construction of political goals; trajectory and rejuvenation; individual movement motivation and participation; ongoing construction of group identity and solidarity; emotional commitment; action event selection; and group rituals, activism and practices

Eco-spirituality: Collective identity and spirituality in the wilderness action group

Apoifis, Nicholas, Social Sciences & International Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
At a peripheral glance the collective action of a social movement group creates a perception of rational and homogenous internal group identity. This fa??ade has led some social movement theorists to take for granted the internal cohesiveness of the groups they are studying. Yet this emphasis on the rationality and structure of collective action over-simplifies the complex and dynamic interactions that occur in the construction of individual and collective identities. Accordingly, the constructivist New Social Movement theoretical paradigm actively eschews these misleading assumptions, instead granting primacy to the study of the reflexive, complex and dynamic interactions that occur in the construction of individual and collective identities. By employing the tools provided by New Social Movement theory my study unravels one such under-researched identity, namely the diverse and multifaceted ??eco-spiritual?? identity. The rich narratives of actors who consider themselves spiritual and are environmental activists are analysed through a case study of the Wilderness Acton Group, a collective within The Wilderness Society, Sydney. Analysis of the fieldwork data informs a theoretical and empirical understanding of social movements with regard to the negotiation and construction of political goals; trajectory and rejuvenation; individual movement motivation and participation; ongoing construction of group identity and solidarity; emotional commitment; action event selection; and group rituals, activism and practices

An Analysis of Tolerance Variation Among Adherents to Feminist, Environmentalist and Gay Rights Principles

Fiquet, Angela T. Jr. 30 July 1998 (has links)
To the extent that the United States is a post-industrial society, whereby the means and ends of social production are social, and the production and reproduction of knowledge are shaped by reflexivity and continuous reconceptualizations of reality, what it means to be "tolerant" has been subjected to multiple ideologies. Supposedly freed from collectively imposed identities, social scientists have argued that in a postmodern society, individuals actively construct their own identities. In this study, it is questioned how multiple, trans-class and trans-disciplinary identities affect beliefs and behavior. Subject to exploration are expressions of tolerance, embodied as the expression of attitudes toward the following groups of traditionally nonconforming individuals: atheists, communists, racists and homosexuals. Using 1993 General Social Survey data, independent attitudinal variables were constructed from indexed items measuring opinions about ideas embraced by three "new" social movements: the women's, environmental and gay rights' movements. Socio-structural and attitudinal variables were regressed on tolerance, the dependent variable, which was divided into general and group-specific indexes. Education and urbanism were shown to be significant predictors of tolerance, while gender and political ideology were not significant predictors of tolerance. Positive correlations resulted between general tolerance and pro-feminist, pro-environmentalist and pro-gay rights attitudes. In conclusion, the prediction that individuals scoring high on measurements of feminism, environmentalism and pro-homosexuality, which all expound ideological convictions that refute traditional norms and value systems, would also demonstrate high levels of tolerance was greatly substantiated. Lending support for Bobo and Licari's (1989) argument, it is agreed that demographic, or social structural, variables alone are insufficient determinants of tolerance. Furthermore, although new social movements are chiefly organized around identity, rather than class, issues, even historically "tolerant" individuals, such as feminists, were shown to be less tolerant of certain groups, such as, in this study, racists / Master of Science

Den politiska webben : en webbometrisk studie av nya sociala rörelsers användande av webben som informationssystem

Andersson, Michael January 2004 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka nutida sociala rörelsers aktiviteter på World Wide Web och ta reda på om det finns något sammanhängande informationssystem för dessa rörelser där, hur det ser ut och hur viktigt det är som informationskälla. Inom ramen för denna undersökning företogs först en teoretisk genomgång av begreppet sociala rörelser för att definiera undersökningsobjektet. Därefter introducerades den webbometriska metod som sedan användes för att analysera ett antal svenska nutida sociala rörelsers webbplatser. I samband med presentationen av den webbometriska metoden diskuterades också diverse problem rörande material och materialinsamling samt tidigare forskning på området. De webbometriska analyserna visade att det finns kopplingar mellan webbsidor som gör att de kan ses som sammanhängande informationssystem. Dock gick det inte utifrån analyserna att se hur detta system används. En intervju med en inom rörelserna aktiv informant bekräftade och fördjupade resultaten från de webbometriska analyserna. Studien avslutas med diskussioner kring möjligheter till fortsatt forskning på det webbometriska området och användningen av metoden.

"(N)o Mundo (d)a (Revira)volta - formas alternativas de distribuição numa era de globalização: o Comércio Justo"

Coelho, Sandra Cristina Lima 31 March 2008 (has links)
Desenvolvimento e Inserção Social / Master Degree on Development and Social Inclusion / Esta tese procura reflectir sobre uma perspectiva de compreensão da emergência do movimento do Comércio Justo (CJ) num contexto de modernidade tardia, no âmbito das teorias dominantes dos novos movimentos sociais e do actual processo de globalização. A pesquisa traduz-se num estudo de caso de uma associação que apresenta como objectivos a divulgação dos princípios do CJ e a comercialização de produtos oriundos desta forma de comércio alternativa, a Associação Reviravolta. O foco analítico incide sobre os domínios de acção e formas de actuação desta organização, a sua estrutura e funcionamento, bem como da acção que nela desenvolvem os seus protagonistas, dirigentes e voluntários. Isto é, pretende-se determinar, através de uma análise organizacional, de que modo se estruturam os seus elementos, como se encaixam no seu organigrama, qual a relevância dos estatutos que a enformam no seu quotidiano, e qual o tipo de interacção existente entre os diferentes agentes que a compõem, ou seja, almeja-se assinalar os seus elementos culturais e simbólicos, e caracterizá-la enquanto corpo socializado. / This thesis aims to analyze the emergence of the Fair Trade movement within a context of late modernization and in relation with the current dominating theories on new social movements and globalisation. This research is based on a case study of an association, the Associação Reviravolta which has two main goals: to disseminate the FT principles and marketing the products which originate from this alternate form of commerce. The analytical focus falls upon the domains of the activity developed and of the procedures adopted by this organization, its structure and modes of functioning, as well as actions undertaken by its workers, managers and volunteers. It is intended, through an organizational analysis, to determine in what manner its elements are structured, the place each takes in the association s organisation chart, the importance of its statutes in its daily function, and the type of interaction between its different components, thus raising its symbolic and cultural elements and to characterize it as a social frame.

Den politiska webben : en webbometrisk studie av nya sociala rörelsers användande av webben som informationssystem

Andersson, Michael January 2004 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka nutida sociala rörelsers aktiviteter på World Wide Web och ta reda på om det finns något sammanhängande informationssystem för dessa rörelser där, hur det ser ut och hur viktigt det är som informationskälla. Inom ramen för denna undersökning företogs först en teoretisk genomgång av begreppet sociala rörelser för att definiera undersökningsobjektet. Därefter introducerades den webbometriska metod som sedan användes för att analysera ett antal svenska nutida sociala rörelsers webbplatser. I samband med presentationen av den webbometriska metoden diskuterades också diverse problem rörande material och materialinsamling samt tidigare forskning på området. De webbometriska analyserna visade att det finns kopplingar mellan webbsidor som gör att de kan ses som sammanhängande informationssystem. Dock gick det inte utifrån analyserna att se hur detta system används. En intervju med en inom rörelserna aktiv informant bekräftade och fördjupade resultaten från de webbometriska analyserna. Studien avslutas med diskussioner kring möjligheter till fortsatt forskning på det webbometriska området och användningen av metoden.</p>

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