Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ring"" "subject:"ing""
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寧波方言的名詞性結構 =The nominal structures in the Ningbo Wu dialect / Nominal structures in the Ningbo Wu dialect楊巧靈 January 2017 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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Laga kraft vinning för lovärenden enligt PBL (2010:900) / Legally binding for building permit application according to the planning and building act of Sweden (2010:900)Karlsson, Maria, Gustafsson, Kristoffer January 2016 (has links)
Varje kommun ska ha en byggnadsnämnd. Byggnadsnämnden består av förtroendevalda poli-tiker som bland annat ansvarar för lovärendeprocessen. Tjänstemännen som jobbar med lovä-rendeprocessen är anställda av byggnadsnämnden. Tjänstemännens huvuduppgift är att ta be-slut i lovärenden via delegation från byggnadsnämnden. I lovärenden där delegation saknas ska tjänstemännen bereda lovärendet och skriva ett förslag till beslut. Förslaget ska sedan redovisas inför byggnadsnämnden, som därefter tar det slutliga beslutet. I denna uppsats har enbart lovä-renden där byggnadsnämnden och tjänstemännen har haft olika bedömningar granskats. Det har även granskats vilken laghänvisning och bedömning som ligger till grund för deras förslag eller beslut. Kommunen ska ge berörda grannar och sakägare tillfälle att yttra sig när det är en avvikelse från en detaljplan, områdesbestämmelser eller utanför detaljplan. Vid ett positivt lovbeslut ska kommunerna kungöra lovärendet i Post och Inrikes Tidningar. Båda dessa uppgifter måste ge-nomföras på rätt sätt för att hanteringen ska vara rättssäker och kvalitetssäker samt för att lo-värendet ska vinna laga kraft. Detta arbete ska undersöka hur kommunerna hanterar rättssäkerheten och kvalitetssäkerheten i lovprocessen för att ett lovärende ska vinna laga kraft. För att få vidare rådgivning, kunskap och information angående lagtolkning gällande granne-hörande och kungörelse togs kontakt med Ulrika Nolåker, Byggutbildarna, Ulf Jensen, profes-sor på Högskolan Väst och Eidar Lindgren universitetsadjunkt på Kungliga Tekniska Högsko-lan. I undersökningen studerades fyra kommuner i Västra Götalands län. Undersökningen delades upp i tre delar som bestod av intervju dels av tjänstemän och sakkunniga samt granskning av lovärenden. I kommunerna var det 1386 lovärenden som kom in och togs beslut under 2015. Av dessa var det 23 lovärenden där byggnadsnämnden inte tog beslut i enlighet med tjänste-männens förslag. Kommunernas lovärendeprocess saknar regelbundet arbetssätt både när det gäller grannehöran och kungörelse av lovärenden. Kommunerna använder en så kallad "tyst accept" vid granne-höran, vilket innebär att grannarna förlorar sin demokratiska rättighet att påverka åtgärden. Genom att hänvisa lagparagraf i ett beslut kvalitetssäkras beslutsunderlag. Att hänvisa till en lagparagraf är något som varken byggnadsnämnden eller tjänstemännen gör regelbundet. Kungörelsen i Post- och Inrikes Tidning gjordes mellan 12-28 dagar efter beslutet togs samt att det förkom lovärenden som inte var kungjorda överhuvudtaget. Endast tre av de 23 grans-kade lovärendena anses ha vunnit laga kraft. / Each municipality in Sweden must have a local building committee. The committee consists of elected politicians responsible for managing the permit process related to construction, dem-olition and ground processing. The committee manages the permit process by delegating the entire task or parts of it to employed officials. If there is no delegation the officials will write a suggested decision to be reviewed and decided by the committee. This essay investigates construction-, demolition- and ground processing permit where the of-ficials and the local building committee differ in their decisions and the assessment which led to these decisions. The examination included studies of four municipalities in the county of Västra Götaland: two smaller, Färgelanda and Munkedal municipalities, and two larger, Trollhättan and Uddevalla. The investigation consisted of two parts. One examination of the permit protocols, and a series of interviews with officials. During 2015 there were 1386 cases of permits within the four municipalities. 23 of these were cases of the committee not deciding in accordance with the proposition of the officials. A number of errors were also found, such as there not being a stated reason for the decision, or lack of any clear legal reference. This raises the question of whether or not the rule of law is followed during these circumstances. After consulting with Ulrika Nolåker from Byggutbildarna, the issues were expanded further when it was discovered that more errors occur during the municipal management of the con-cerned parties and the announcements of the cases. In order to receive further guidance, knowledge and information on how to interpret the laws handling concerned parties and an-nouncements, contact was made with Ulf Jensen and Eidar Lindgren, professor in real estate science at Högskolan Väst, and lecturer of real estate sciences at Kungliga Tekniska Högsko-lan, respectively. The conclusions of the examination is that the building committee puts a lot of responsibility on the officials through delegations. The cases when there is no delegation and the case is decided by the committee are few. The reasons why the proposition and the final decision not always matches is due to different factors such as different knowledge or different assessments. Neither the committee nor the officials are consistent with the law referencing in the decisions. The municipality cannot guarantee that every concerned party have been given the chance to give their opinion, when some of them use what’s called "silent agreement". Only three of the cases has the municipality received and opinion from every concerned party. None of the cases has been announced in the correct time and two has not been announced at all.
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Cities of fantasy: the construction of the desiring subject in urban ChinaStetar, Douglas Andrew 27 April 2016 (has links)
Raymond Williams argues that a community’s cultural texts naturally draw upon its lived experience, and are thus a trustworthy expression of life within that community. This thesis explores the subject positions expressed in two contemporary texts—Wang Yuan’s Lipstick (又
红), and Ning Ying’s I Love Beijing (夏日暖洋洋)—to understand how urban Chinese
individuals experience and comprehend the transformations convulsing their cities. To facilitate this, my primary goal in this thesis is to build a theoretical framework that uses the psychoanalytic work of Jacques Lacan and Slavoj Žižek to create the concept of the fantasy construction of the desiring subject. Using this concept, and drawing on two aspects of the cultural theories of Walter Benjamin—his heavily citational methodology and his theory of the flâneur—I examine the role of fantasy in the construction of contemporary urban Chinese individuals as desiring subjects. / Graduate / 0305 0295 / stetard@me.com
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A study of the metacognitive language-learning strategy use and language-learning style preferences of English L2 learners at a vocational education institute in Hong KongWu, Manfred Man Fat January 2007 (has links)
This study identifies the relationship between preferred metacognitive language-learning strategies (MCLLSs) and language-learning styles (LLSYs) and their patterns of use amongst a selected group of learners at a vocational education institute in Hong Kong. Quantitative data were collected from 192 survey respondents and qualitative data from 8 interview participants. With regard to MCLLSs, the quantitative data reveal a medium to high use among learners, with Finding out about language learning, Self-monitoring and Paying attention identified as the most frequently used MCLLSs; with regard to style preferences, the quantitative data reveal a prevalence of multiple major preferences. The most favoured LLSYs are Auditory, Kinaesthetic and Group. The qualitative data show the reasons for using (and not using) particular MCLLSs as well as the reasons for preferring (and not preferring) particular LLSYs. The major factors which were found to determine the use of MCLLS were easiness of implementation, applicability, availability of opportunity, level of knowledge of strategies and motivation to use strategies. The major factors which were found to affect the choice of LLSYs were boredom, easiness in implementation and availability of practice opportunities. The study also identified the situations and language tasks in which MCLLSs were selectively used and in which particular LLSYs were favoured. The survey questionnaires and interviews reveal some differences in the use of MCLLSs and choice of LLSYs, and in the relationship between them. Despite the existence of these discrepancies, the findings from the two data sources were consistent in showing that there were no differences in the MCLLS use of learners with each of the six major style preferences. Several methodological issues, implications for teaching and directions for future research are discussed.
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Decomposição de Dantzig-Wolfe aplicada ao problema de planejamento de reativos em sistemas de potência multi-áreas /López Quizhpi, Julio César. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Roberto Sanches Mantovani / Banca: Rubén Augusto Romero Lázaro / Banca: João Bosco Augusto London Junior / Resumo: Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma metodologia para resolver o problema de planejamento ótimo de reativos em sistemas de potência interconectados multi-áreas, utilizando a técnica de decomposição de Dantzig-Wolfe. O problema original multi-área é separado em subproblemas (um para cada área) e um problema mestre (coordenador). A solução do problema decomposto é baseada na aplicação de programação linear sucessiva para a resolução dos subproblemas de planejamento de reativos de cada área, e o esquema de coordenação é baseado nos custos marginais de potência reativa nas barras de fronteiras. Desta forma, o problema de planejamento do sistema é resolvido usando a estratégia descentralizada por regiões ou por áreas, onde os operadores dos sistemas podem planejar a opera- ção e a expansão de seus sistemas, independentemente das outras áreas, obtendo uma solução ótima coordenada, porém descentralizada de cada área. O objetivo do modelo é proporcionar mecanismos para realizar o planejamento preservando a autonomia e confidencialidade para cada área, garantindo a economia global do sistema multi-área completo. Utilizando-se o modelo matemático e a imple- mentação computacional da metodologia proposta, apresentam-se resultados, análises e discussões de testes efetuados em 3 sistemas de 3 áreas, onde cada uma das áreas é composta por 3 sistemas iguais formados pelos sistemas IEEE30, IEEE118 e IEEE300 / Abstract: In this thesis presents a methodology for solving the optimal reactive power planning problem in inter- conected multi-area electric power systems, using the Dantzig-Wolfe technique. The original multi- area problem is separated into subproblems (one for each area) and a master problem (coordinator). The solution of the decomposed problem is based on the application of sucessive linear programming for solving the reactive planning subproblems in each area, and the coordination scheme is based on the reactive power marginal costs in the border bus. Thus the planning problem system is solved using a descentralized approach by regions or areas, where de transmission system operator in each area can planning the operation and expansion of its system regardless of the other areas, obtaining a optimal solution coordinated by descentralized in each area. The purpose of the mathematical model is to provide mechanism for develope the planning preserving the autonomy and confidentiality for each area, ensuring the economy of the overal multi-area full system. Using the mathematical model and computational implementation of the methodology proposed results are presented analisys and discussion of testes performed on three systems in three areas where each area is composed of three equal systems formed by IEEE30, IEEE118, and IEEE300 bus system / Mestre
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Experters syn på digital teknologi som stöd vid nedsatta exekutiva funktioner och stress – en grundad teoriÖstman, Lars January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie utreder vad experter inom stressrelaterad utbrändhetanserär viktigafunktioner och viktiga egenskaperi användargränssnittet hos en artificiellt intelligent coach,när användarens aktivitetssvårigheter är orsakade av stress. Studien utreder ocksåom de funktioner och egenskaper som framhålls av stressexperterna kan generaliseras och användas av personer med andra kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar som har liknande aktivitetssvårigheter.Deltagare i studien varfyrastressterapeuter påen stressklinik, nioboendehandledare i kommunalverksamhetsamtenarbetsterapeut från en vårdcentral. Deltagarna behandlar och ger stöd till personer diagnostiserade med bland annat utbrändhet, attention deficit hyperactivitydisorder (ADHD) och autism spectrum disorder (ASD).För att svara på frågorna gjordes en kvalitativ studiemed analysmetoden grounded theory (GT).Datainsamlingen har skett i fokusgrupps-intervjuerochsemistrukturerad intervju. Det insamlade materialet har under hela arbetets gång jämförts medvarandra (constant comparative technique-CCT). Slutsatsen är att experterna vill ha ett verktyg som är anpassningsbart till individen, medger ökad självkännedom och ska utgöra ett komplement till nuvarande behandlingeller stöd. Att en kalenderfunktion med särskilda egenskaper är en bra bas för gränssnittet har bekräftats vid en av intervjuerna.Ett naturligt steg för framtida forskning är att utvärdera teorierna för gränssnittet tillsammans med de tilltänktaanvändarna. Annan intressant vidare forskninginom artificiell intelligens (AI) är om man kan skapa algoritmer som effektivt kan förutspå och föreslå balanserade aktivitetsscheman för användaren. / This study examines what experts in exhaustive disorder find are important functions and important features in the user interface for anartificially intelligent coach when the users’activity difficulties are caused by stress and if the functions and featuressuggested bythe stress-experts can be generalized and used by persons with neurocognitive disorders with similar activity difficulties. Participants in the study werefour stress-therapists at astress clinic, nine social service workers ata municipaldepartment, one occupational therapist froma health centre.The participants provide support for people diagnosed with among other thingsExhaustive disorder, Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder (ADHD) andAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).To answer these questions a qualitative studywas conducted and analysed with theGrounded Theory (GT)method. Data has been collected through focus-group interviews and semi-structured interviews.The gathered material has been constantly compared with each other (Constant Comparative Technique -CCT) and the conclusion is that the experts want a tool thatis adaptable to the individual, facilitatesself-awareness and shouldcomplement the current treatment/support.Acalendar function with certain propertiescould provide agood base for the interfaceand thishas been confirmed inone of the interviews. A natural next step for future research is to evaluate the interface theories with the proposed users.Other interesting research in artificial intelligence (AI) would be to examine the possibilities of creating algorithms that could predict and suggest balanced activity patterns for the user.
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Využití CAM softwaru PowerMILL 2018 při obrábění páčky na motorku / Use of the CAM software PowerMILL 2018 for machining of a motorbike leverŠprta, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with designing of manufacturing process of motorcycle lever prototype using PowerMILL 2018. The research part of the thesis contains analysis of materials used in the production of motorcycle levers and the introduction into CAD/CAM systems. The practical part contains choice of material, fixtures, cutting tools and solution of NC program itself. Summary of used strategies follows and ecenomical evaluation is performed at the end of the thesis.
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Estimating the Risk of Self-Initiated Upward Lightning to Onshore Wind Turbines and TowersThörn, Frida, Sjöstedt, Wilhelm January 2020 (has links)
Field observations has shown that wind turbinesare especially exposed to lightning strikes. The probability forlightning strikes to offshore wind turbines has been analysed ina previous article. In this project the probability for upwardself-initiated lightning strikes to onshore wind turbines anda lightning protection tower was analysed. This was done bycollecting elevation data and recreating the site topographyin COMSOL Mutliphysics 5.5, and also by collecting weatherdata which were analysed in MATLAB. The probability for thecritical electrostatic field was then calculated and analysed. Theresult shows that the risk of lightning strike is correlated to thetopography and cloud height. / Fältobservationer har visat att vindkraftverk är särskilt utsatta för blixtar. En tidigare studie har analyserat sannolikheten för blixtar på vindkraftverk belägna ute till havs. I det här projektet analyserades sannolikheten för blixtar på vindkraftverk och en vädermast på land. Detta gjordes genom att samla väder och topografidata från de undersökta områdena, som sedan modellerades i COMSOL Multiphysics 5.5. Sannolikheten att ett kritiskt elektriskt fält uppstår beräknades med hjälp av MATLAB. Resultatet visar att risken för blixtar är korrelerat med topografin och molnhöjden. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2020, KTH, Stockholm
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Where local meets international : Taiwan and Hong Kong television series in Mainland China : a case study of Liaoning Televsion Station [1994-2004] / Taiwan and Hong Kong television series in Mainland China : a case study of Liaoning Televsion Station [1994-2004];"Taiwan and Hong Kong television series in Mainland China : a case study of Liaoning Televsion Station 1994-2004"Yang, Ling January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Communication
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基於處方分析的寧夏某二級醫院藥物合理使用現況研究 / Prescription analysis based cross-sectional study of rational drug utilization in a secondary hospital from Ningxia, China周龍穎珍 January 2017 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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