Spelling suggestions: "subject:"legally binding"" "subject:"regally binding""
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Súmulas e orientações jurisprudenciais do tribunal superior do trabalho: procedimentos para elaboração e controle de validade em face de sua tendência vinculante / Jurisprudential precedents and guidelines of the Superior Labor Court: procedures for the preparation and control of validity under his tendency binding.Prebianca, Letícia 20 May 2013 (has links)
As súmulas e orientações jurisprudenciais no âmbito do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho foi o tema escolhido para o presente trabalho e objetiva evidenciar o procedimento de criação e edição e validade destes institutos do ordenamento pátrio, diante do sistema jurídico adotado e das tendências atuais em torná-los como de cumprimento obrigatório. Para o enfrentamento das múltiplas questões que permeiam este assunto, e com o suporte metodológico da técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica, realizou-se estudo da natureza jurídica da atividade jurisdicional, dos sistemas adotados e das tendências constatadas. Também faz parte desse esforço uma análise dos argumentos favoráveis e contrários ao sistema pautado em súmulas tendencialmente vinculantes. Como forma de contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma teoria geral acerca da validade dos verbetes expedidos pelo Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, buscou-se, no sistema jurídico do common law, técnicas e pressupostos que possam ser aproveitados no civil law. O estudo desenvolvido possibilitou verificar a inevitabilidade de vinculação dos precedentes e, ao mesmo tempo, permitiu buscar dentro do próprio ordenamento jurídico vigente as bases para controle e validação desta vinculação, além de, com base no direito comparado, propor técnica de análise de validade de conteúdo dos precedentes com tendências vinculantes. / The summaries (abridgements precedents overviews) and jurisprudential (case law) guidelines within the Superior Labor Court was the theme for this study and aims to highlight the procedure of creation and editing of these institutes and validity of the vernacular ordering before the legal system adopted and current trends in make them questions that permeate this issue, and with the methodological support of technical literature search, a study was conducted on the legal nature of judicial activity, the systems adopted and observed tendencies. Also as part of this effort, there is an analysis of the arguments for and against the system in tendentiously binding summaries. In order to contribute (as a way of contribution) to the development of a theory about the validity of the entries sent by the Superior Labor Court we sought in the legal systems of the common-law, assumptions and techniques that can be used in civil-law. The study made it possible to verify the inevitability of binding of precedents and at the same time allowed seek within the own present legal ordering, bases for control and validation of this attachment, and based on comparative law, to propose a technique of analysis of contents validity of precedents with binding tendencies.
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Súmulas e orientações jurisprudenciais do tribunal superior do trabalho: procedimentos para elaboração e controle de validade em face de sua tendência vinculante / Jurisprudential precedents and guidelines of the Superior Labor Court: procedures for the preparation and control of validity under his tendency binding.Letícia Prebianca 20 May 2013 (has links)
As súmulas e orientações jurisprudenciais no âmbito do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho foi o tema escolhido para o presente trabalho e objetiva evidenciar o procedimento de criação e edição e validade destes institutos do ordenamento pátrio, diante do sistema jurídico adotado e das tendências atuais em torná-los como de cumprimento obrigatório. Para o enfrentamento das múltiplas questões que permeiam este assunto, e com o suporte metodológico da técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica, realizou-se estudo da natureza jurídica da atividade jurisdicional, dos sistemas adotados e das tendências constatadas. Também faz parte desse esforço uma análise dos argumentos favoráveis e contrários ao sistema pautado em súmulas tendencialmente vinculantes. Como forma de contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma teoria geral acerca da validade dos verbetes expedidos pelo Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, buscou-se, no sistema jurídico do common law, técnicas e pressupostos que possam ser aproveitados no civil law. O estudo desenvolvido possibilitou verificar a inevitabilidade de vinculação dos precedentes e, ao mesmo tempo, permitiu buscar dentro do próprio ordenamento jurídico vigente as bases para controle e validação desta vinculação, além de, com base no direito comparado, propor técnica de análise de validade de conteúdo dos precedentes com tendências vinculantes. / The summaries (abridgements precedents overviews) and jurisprudential (case law) guidelines within the Superior Labor Court was the theme for this study and aims to highlight the procedure of creation and editing of these institutes and validity of the vernacular ordering before the legal system adopted and current trends in make them questions that permeate this issue, and with the methodological support of technical literature search, a study was conducted on the legal nature of judicial activity, the systems adopted and observed tendencies. Also as part of this effort, there is an analysis of the arguments for and against the system in tendentiously binding summaries. In order to contribute (as a way of contribution) to the development of a theory about the validity of the entries sent by the Superior Labor Court we sought in the legal systems of the common-law, assumptions and techniques that can be used in civil-law. The study made it possible to verify the inevitability of binding of precedents and at the same time allowed seek within the own present legal ordering, bases for control and validation of this attachment, and based on comparative law, to propose a technique of analysis of contents validity of precedents with binding tendencies.
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Digitalized Construction Project : To Build after a Legally Binding BIM-model / Digitaliserat byggprojekt : att bygga efter en juridiskt bindande BIM-modellOrenäs Nissas, Sebastian, Rahimi, Nangi January 2020 (has links)
Digitalization has become something of a buzzword in today's society and rightly so as it brings multiple benefits and opportunities. The AEC/FM industry has constantly lagged behind other industries in terms of change and development and is often regarded as conservative. Strongly associated with digitalization in construction are the concepts of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), which partly include technology and models for integrated and model-based approaches to, for example, reduce fragmentation between project members who traditionally work independently of one another. In research, it is revealed that there are large gains with a successful implementation of BIM/VDC in projects and this is something that many companies in the industry are working with and seeking to develop. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how the project team members have worked and how the working methods are perceived by them in a well-known construction project in Sweden, where they have taken a step further in digitalizing construction by building after a legally binding digital model instead of the traditional paper drawings. The subject is explored with a qualitative method, in the form of a case study, where a scientific literature study, interview study, and observations together form the basis of the study and these parts act as a basis for the discussion. The literature study covers previous research as well as concepts relevant for answering formulated research questions and concepts that emerged during the interview study that are important to understand for a qualitative discussion and, consequently, qualitative conclusions. In the interview study, 13 respondents were interviewed in so-called semi-structured interviews and all of them were involved in the case project. The findings indicate that the BIM-model can contribute to better communication, higher resource efficiency, better quality and, at the same time for a lower total cost of the project. Identified perceptions in designing a BIM-model and then building after the model instead of 2D drawings are predominantly positive. While advantages and opportunities are demonstrated by this way of working, new challenges and risks arise. This entails legal risks, technical risks and management risks. There are new types of errors that arise with a more detailed design. / Digitalisering har blivit något av ett modeord inom dagens samhälle och det med all rätt då det medför sina fördelar och möjligheter. Bygg- och fastighetsbranschen har ständigt släpat efter övriga industrier vad gäller förändring och utveckling och ses därefter ofta som konservativ. Starkt associerat med digitalisering inom bygg är koncepten Building Information Modeling (BIM) och Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) som dels innefattar teknologi och modeller för integrerade och modellbaserade arbetssätt. De används exempelvis för att minska fragmentering mellan projektmedlemmar som vanligen enbart fokuserar på sina egna teknikområden. Inom forskningsvärlden sägs det finnas stora vinningar med en lyckad implementering av BIM/VDC i projekt och det är något som många företag inom branschen arbetar med och söker utveckla. Samtidigt anger forskningen också att det finns stora utmaningar och att man ännu inte kommit så långt med digitaliseringen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är bland annat att undersöka hur projektmedlemmar har arbetat och hur arbetssätten har upplevts i ett av få välkända byggprojekt i Sverige där man tagit ett steg längre i att digitalisera byggandet genom att bygga efter en digital modell som juridisk bygghandling istället för de traditionella pappersritningarna. Ämnet utforskas kvalitativt, i form av en fallstudie, där en vetenskaplig litteraturstudie, intervjustudie samt observationer tillsammans utgör grunden för arbetet och som alla agerar underlag för analysdelen. Litteraturstudien täcker tidigare studier på området för att beskriva kunskapsläget samt koncept som är relevanta för att besvara formulerade frågeställningar samt begrepp som dykt upp under intervjustudien som är viktiga att förstå för en kvalitativ diskussion och följaktligen likaså kvalitativa slutsatser. I intervjustudien har 13 respondenter intervjuats i så kallade semi-strukturerade intervjuer och som alla varit inblandade i det undersökta projektet. Resultatet tyder på att BIM-modellen kan bidra till en bättre kommunikation, högre resurseffektivitet, bättre kvalitet och samtidigt till en lägre totalkostnad av projektet. Identifierade upplevelser med att projektera en BIM-modell och att därefter bygga efter modellen istället för 2Dritningar är till övervägande del positiva. Samtidigt som fördelar och möjligheter påvisas med detta arbetssätt så uppkommer nya utmaningar och risker. Det medför juridiska risker, tekniska risker och hanteringsrisker. Det är exempelvis nya typer av fel som uppkommer med en mer detaljerad projektering.
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Laga kraft vinning för lovärenden enligt PBL (2010:900) / Legally binding for building permit application according to the planning and building act of Sweden (2010:900)Karlsson, Maria, Gustafsson, Kristoffer January 2016 (has links)
Varje kommun ska ha en byggnadsnämnd. Byggnadsnämnden består av förtroendevalda poli-tiker som bland annat ansvarar för lovärendeprocessen. Tjänstemännen som jobbar med lovä-rendeprocessen är anställda av byggnadsnämnden. Tjänstemännens huvuduppgift är att ta be-slut i lovärenden via delegation från byggnadsnämnden. I lovärenden där delegation saknas ska tjänstemännen bereda lovärendet och skriva ett förslag till beslut. Förslaget ska sedan redovisas inför byggnadsnämnden, som därefter tar det slutliga beslutet. I denna uppsats har enbart lovä-renden där byggnadsnämnden och tjänstemännen har haft olika bedömningar granskats. Det har även granskats vilken laghänvisning och bedömning som ligger till grund för deras förslag eller beslut. Kommunen ska ge berörda grannar och sakägare tillfälle att yttra sig när det är en avvikelse från en detaljplan, områdesbestämmelser eller utanför detaljplan. Vid ett positivt lovbeslut ska kommunerna kungöra lovärendet i Post och Inrikes Tidningar. Båda dessa uppgifter måste ge-nomföras på rätt sätt för att hanteringen ska vara rättssäker och kvalitetssäker samt för att lo-värendet ska vinna laga kraft. Detta arbete ska undersöka hur kommunerna hanterar rättssäkerheten och kvalitetssäkerheten i lovprocessen för att ett lovärende ska vinna laga kraft. För att få vidare rådgivning, kunskap och information angående lagtolkning gällande granne-hörande och kungörelse togs kontakt med Ulrika Nolåker, Byggutbildarna, Ulf Jensen, profes-sor på Högskolan Väst och Eidar Lindgren universitetsadjunkt på Kungliga Tekniska Högsko-lan. I undersökningen studerades fyra kommuner i Västra Götalands län. Undersökningen delades upp i tre delar som bestod av intervju dels av tjänstemän och sakkunniga samt granskning av lovärenden. I kommunerna var det 1386 lovärenden som kom in och togs beslut under 2015. Av dessa var det 23 lovärenden där byggnadsnämnden inte tog beslut i enlighet med tjänste-männens förslag. Kommunernas lovärendeprocess saknar regelbundet arbetssätt både när det gäller grannehöran och kungörelse av lovärenden. Kommunerna använder en så kallad "tyst accept" vid granne-höran, vilket innebär att grannarna förlorar sin demokratiska rättighet att påverka åtgärden. Genom att hänvisa lagparagraf i ett beslut kvalitetssäkras beslutsunderlag. Att hänvisa till en lagparagraf är något som varken byggnadsnämnden eller tjänstemännen gör regelbundet. Kungörelsen i Post- och Inrikes Tidning gjordes mellan 12-28 dagar efter beslutet togs samt att det förkom lovärenden som inte var kungjorda överhuvudtaget. Endast tre av de 23 grans-kade lovärendena anses ha vunnit laga kraft. / Each municipality in Sweden must have a local building committee. The committee consists of elected politicians responsible for managing the permit process related to construction, dem-olition and ground processing. The committee manages the permit process by delegating the entire task or parts of it to employed officials. If there is no delegation the officials will write a suggested decision to be reviewed and decided by the committee. This essay investigates construction-, demolition- and ground processing permit where the of-ficials and the local building committee differ in their decisions and the assessment which led to these decisions. The examination included studies of four municipalities in the county of Västra Götaland: two smaller, Färgelanda and Munkedal municipalities, and two larger, Trollhättan and Uddevalla. The investigation consisted of two parts. One examination of the permit protocols, and a series of interviews with officials. During 2015 there were 1386 cases of permits within the four municipalities. 23 of these were cases of the committee not deciding in accordance with the proposition of the officials. A number of errors were also found, such as there not being a stated reason for the decision, or lack of any clear legal reference. This raises the question of whether or not the rule of law is followed during these circumstances. After consulting with Ulrika Nolåker from Byggutbildarna, the issues were expanded further when it was discovered that more errors occur during the municipal management of the con-cerned parties and the announcements of the cases. In order to receive further guidance, knowledge and information on how to interpret the laws handling concerned parties and an-nouncements, contact was made with Ulf Jensen and Eidar Lindgren, professor in real estate science at Högskolan Väst, and lecturer of real estate sciences at Kungliga Tekniska Högsko-lan, respectively. The conclusions of the examination is that the building committee puts a lot of responsibility on the officials through delegations. The cases when there is no delegation and the case is decided by the committee are few. The reasons why the proposition and the final decision not always matches is due to different factors such as different knowledge or different assessments. Neither the committee nor the officials are consistent with the law referencing in the decisions. The municipality cannot guarantee that every concerned party have been given the chance to give their opinion, when some of them use what’s called "silent agreement". Only three of the cases has the municipality received and opinion from every concerned party. None of the cases has been announced in the correct time and two has not been announced at all.
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Peut-on contraindre un État à sauver l'environnement ? La problématique du respect des obligations en droit international environnementalHarrati, Lucas 03 1900 (has links)
Peut-on contraindre un État à sauver l'environnement? Si les récents jugements rendus en droit interne semblent vouloir répondre à cette question par l'affirmative, cela n'est pas évident en droit international. Érigée autour de ce plafond de verre hérité du traité de Westhphalie, la sphère juridique internationaliste se voit confrontée aux limites qu'elle s'est elle-même imposée : l'impossibilité de contraindre un État à agir contre sa volonté.
Dans le but de brider les actions de ces entités supranationalement toutes puissantes dans leur propre domaine de compétence, maintes conventions environnementales ont été conclues. Au sein d'un processus de fabrication normatif contrôlé par le sujet et l'auteur de la disposition à venir, les organisations internationales se rendent compte de leur impuissance devant la difficulté de convenir d'une surveillance intrusive et de sanctions rigides, en somme d'un mécanisme de contrôle des obligations efficace. La surpuissance de l'État n'est pas pour autant synonyme d'invincibilité sur la scène internationale, en ce que divers moyens ne cessent d'apparaître dans l'optique de mener à une gouvernance environnementale mondiale désirée depuis des décennies. / Can we compel a State to save the environment? Whereas recents judgements made in domestic law seems to want to answer to this question in an affirmative way, it is not as clear in international law. Erected around the Westhpalian-inherited glass ceilling, the international legal sphere is confronted to limits that were self-imposed : the impossibilty to constrain a State to act against its will.
In an attempt to restrain the acts of those supranational all-mighty entities in their competencies, many environnemental agreements were made. Inside a process of manufacturing new norms that is controled by the subject and the author of the future provision, the international organizations are aware of the fact that they are powerless. Especially regarding the difficulty to strike a intrusive surveillance or rigid sanctions, in sum anything that is included in an effective compliance mechanism. The State's supreme power is not tied with an invincibility on the international scene, as diverses means to lead to global environnemental governance are starting to emerge.
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