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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização dos efeitos de LPS em pinealócitos de rato em cultura / Characterization of Lypopolyssacharide (LPS) effect on rat pinealocytes

Armelin, Mara Andrade 10 February 2009 (has links)
A glândula pineal é um órgão transdutor da informação fótica ambiental para o meio interno do organismo, provendo melatonina para a circulação sistêmica, a qual sinaliza o período de escuro e sincroniza os ritmos endógenos de acordo com as variações ambientais (Reiter, 1993). Várias evidências apontam para uma comunicação bidirecional entre a pineal e o sistema imune. Foi identificado na glândula pineal de ratos o fator de transcrição NFkB, uma via de trasncrição preferencial para citocinas e glicocorticóides e que modula a síntese de melatonina. TNFα inibe transientemente enquanto corticosterona potencia a transcrição do gene da Aa-nat, enzima chave na síntese de melatonina (Ferreira et al., 2005; Fernandes et al., 2006). LPS é um constituinte da membrana de bactérias gram-negativas e potente indutor de inflamação sistêmica e local. A sinalização de LPS é mediada por receptores toll-like 4 (TLR4) que leva à indução da enzima sintase de óxido nítrico induzivel (iNOS) e subsequente formação de óxido nítrico (NO). O objetivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar a expressão de TLR4 e a resposta funcional da via de transdução de LPS. Foram usados ratos Wistar fêmeas (1-2 meses). O RNAm total foi extraído de pineais controle e usados em RT-PCR com primers específcos contra os transcritos tlr-4, Cd14 e o controle interno Gapdh. Para a imunohistoquímica, secções de pineal de animais perfundidos com solução fixadora seguida de fixação com PAF 4% foram usadas com o anticorpo contra TLR4, sendo o controle negativo obtido na ausência de anticorpo. Os pinealocitos foram obtidos por tripsinização seguida de dispersão mecânica. O acúmulo de NFkB em extratos nucleares de pineais de animais tratados in vivo com LPS (1 mg/kg, iv, 2h) foi analisado por EMSA. A produção de NO foi medida por microscopia confocal em células carregadas com o cromóforo fluorescente DAR-4M-AM (5μM, 30min). RT-PCR revelou a presence constitutiva do RNAm de tlr-4 e Cd14 em pineais de rato. O estudo imunohistoquímico indicou uma marcação positiva para TLR4 em localização citoplasmática e nuclear, sendo abolida qualquer marcação na ausência do anticorpo. Um aumento na translocação nuclear de NFB foi observada nos animais tratados com LPS. LPS também levou a uma resposta funcional com aumento na reatividade da iNOS e aumento na produção de NO de maneira dependente de tempo e da concentração de LPS (0,1 to 10 μg/mL). O máximo aumento da produção de NO foi observado com LPS 1 μg/mL por 2 h. Este efeito foi inibido com o pré-tratamento com L-NAME (0.1mM, 30min) e 1400W (1μM, 30 min). Estes resultados demonstram que a glândula pineal de rato está instrumentada a responder ao desafio com LPS através da indução da via NFkB mediada por TLR4. Além disso, funcionalmente esta estimulação induz um significante aumento da imunoreatividade à iNOS e produção de NO. Estes dados corroboram com a hipótese do eixo imune-pineal com supressão da produção de melatonina no início de uma resposta de defesa. / Accumulating evidences put the pineal gland and the immune system reciprocally linked by bidirectional communication. Rat pineal gland constitutively activated NFkB, which plays a role on melatonin synthesis, is a preferential transduction pathway for cytokines and glucocorticoids (Ferreira et al., 2005; Fernandes et al., 2006). TNFα transiently inhibits, while corticosterone potentiates, noradrenaline-induced Aa-nat gene transcription, a key enzyme in melatonin synthesis. Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are the major components of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, which makes them prime targets for recognition by the immune system. Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) conveys LPS signaling which induces expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and subsequent nitric oxide (NO) formation. An attempt has been made to demonstrate the expression of TLR4 in the rat pineal glands as well as the characterization of functional response and the transduction pathway following LPS challenge. Female Wistar rats (1-2 months) were used. Total RNA was extracted from control pineals and used in real time RT-PCR with specific primers against tlr-4 and Cd14 transcritps and the housekeeping gene Gapdh (internal control). For immunohistochemistry, the pineals cryosections (8μm) from perfused animals (Lanas fixative, 4% PAF, 15min) followed by fixation (4% PAF, 30min) were used with an antibody against rat TLR4, being the negative control performed in the absence of primary antibody. Pinealocytes were obtained by trypsinization followed by mechanical dispersion. The amount of NFB present in nuclear extracts of pinealocytes challenged with LPS (1μg/ml, 15min) was assayed by EMSA. NO production was measured by confocal microscopy in cells loaded with the fluorescent dye DAR-4M-AM (5μM, 30min). RT-PCR revealed specific constitutive tlr-4 and Cd14 mRNA levels in rat pineals. Immunohistochemistry (n=4) indicated TLR4-positive and -negative immunostaining in the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments of the cells. All TLR4-positive immunostaining were significantly decreased when experiments were performed in the absence of the primary antibody. An increase in the nuclear translocation of NFKB was observed in LPS challenged cells. LPS (0.1 to 10 μg/mL) also lead to a functional response, as it increased the immunoreactivity of iNOS and a time- and concentration-dependent manner the level of NO in cultured pinealocytes. The maximal NO content induced by LPS 1.0 μg/mL was observed 2h after stimulation. Baseline levels were restored after 4-6h of LPS. The LPS stimulatory effect was fully abolished by the pre-treatments with L-NAME (0.1mM, 30min) and 1400W (1μM). Therefore, our data show that pinealocytes are instrumented for answering to LPS challenge through TLR4-induced NFkB pathway. In addition we observed that this stimulation induces a significant increase in iNOS immunoreactivity and NO production. These data corroborates to the hypothesis that pineal melatonin production is suppressed at the beginning of a defense response.

Faraday modulation spectroscopy : Theoretical description and experimental realization for detection of nitric oxide

Westberg, Jonas January 2013 (has links)
Faraday modulation spectroscopy (FAMOS) is a laser-based spectroscopic dispersion technique for detection of paramagnetic molecules in gas phase. This thesis presents both a new theoretical description of FAMOS and experimental results from the ultra-violet (UV) as well as the mid-infrared (MIR) regions. The theoretical description, which is given in terms of the integrated linestrength and Fourier coefficients of modulated dispersion and absorption lineshape functions, facilitates the description and the use of the technique considerably. It serves as an extension to the existing FAMOS model that thereby incorporates also the effects of lineshape asymmetries primarily originating from polarization imperfections. It is shown how the Fourier coefficients of modulated Lorentzian lineshape functions, applicable to the case with fully collisionally broadened transitions, can be expressed in terms of analytical functions. For the cases where also Doppler broadening needs to be included, resulting in lineshapes of Voigt type, the lineshape functions can be swiftly evaluated (orders of magnitude faster than previous procedures) by a newly developed method for rapid calculation of modulated Voigt lineshapes (the WWA-method). All this makes real-time curve fitting to FAMOS spectra feasible. Two experimental configurations for sensitive detection of nitric oxide (NO) by the FAMOS technique are considered and their optimum conditions are determined. The two configurations target transitions originating from the overlapping Q22(21=2) and QR12(21=2) transitions in the ultra-violet (UV) region (227nm) and the Q3=2(3=2)-transition in the fundamental rotational-vibrational band in the mid-infrared (MIR) region (5.33 µm). It is shown that the implementations of FAMOS in the UV- and MIR-region can provide detection limits in the low ppb range, which opens up the possibility for applications where high detection sensitivities of NO is required.

S-nitrosylation in immunity and fertility : a general mechanism conserved in plants and animals

Kanchanawatee, Krieng January 2013 (has links)
Post-translational modification is an intracellular process that modifies the properties of proteins to extend the range of protein function without spending energy in de novo peptide synthesis. There are many post-translational modifications, for example, phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and S-nitrosylation. S-Nitrosylation is a post-translational modification which adds nitric oxide (NO) to sulfhydryl groups at cysteine residues to form S-nitrosothiol (SNO), and is required for plant immunity and fertility. Cellular NO changes between a pool of free NO and bound SNO. During pathogen infection, nitrosative stress in plants is mainly controlled by Snitrosothiolglutathione reductase (GSNOR) via the decomposition of GSNO. GSNOR is an alcohol dehydrogenase type 3 (ADH3) which has both GSNOR and formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FDH) activities. The roles of S-nitrosylation in mammals overlap with those in plants. This conservation led us to explore the relationship between S-nitrosylation, immune response, and fertility in Drosophila melanogaster as it might prove to be a good genetic model for further analysis of the role of S-nitrosylation in animals. I have identified fdh as the likely gsnor in D. melanogaster and have knocked this out using an overlapping deficiency technique in order to observe the effect on immunity and fertility. There are two main pathways in the Drosophila innate immune response, the Toll pathway for protecting against gram-positive bacteria and fungi, and the Imd pathway against gram-negative bacteria. I have investigated the effect of removing GSNOR on sensitivity to gramnegative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Erwinia carotovora) by septic and oral infection, and to fungi (Beauveria bassiana). Susceptibility to infection by the gram negative bacteria was similar to wild-type but susceptibility to B. bassiana was increased. This increase in susceptibility correlated with reduced anti-fungal antimicrobial peptide (AMP) production after B. bassiana infection. This suggests that GSNOR might be required for the normal activity of the Toll pathway or novel Toll-independent processes. We also observed that gsnor knockout impairs fertility and development of embryos.

Caracterização dos efeitos de LPS em pinealócitos de rato em cultura / Characterization of Lypopolyssacharide (LPS) effect on rat pinealocytes

Mara Andrade Armelin 10 February 2009 (has links)
A glândula pineal é um órgão transdutor da informação fótica ambiental para o meio interno do organismo, provendo melatonina para a circulação sistêmica, a qual sinaliza o período de escuro e sincroniza os ritmos endógenos de acordo com as variações ambientais (Reiter, 1993). Várias evidências apontam para uma comunicação bidirecional entre a pineal e o sistema imune. Foi identificado na glândula pineal de ratos o fator de transcrição NFkB, uma via de trasncrição preferencial para citocinas e glicocorticóides e que modula a síntese de melatonina. TNFα inibe transientemente enquanto corticosterona potencia a transcrição do gene da Aa-nat, enzima chave na síntese de melatonina (Ferreira et al., 2005; Fernandes et al., 2006). LPS é um constituinte da membrana de bactérias gram-negativas e potente indutor de inflamação sistêmica e local. A sinalização de LPS é mediada por receptores toll-like 4 (TLR4) que leva à indução da enzima sintase de óxido nítrico induzivel (iNOS) e subsequente formação de óxido nítrico (NO). O objetivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar a expressão de TLR4 e a resposta funcional da via de transdução de LPS. Foram usados ratos Wistar fêmeas (1-2 meses). O RNAm total foi extraído de pineais controle e usados em RT-PCR com primers específcos contra os transcritos tlr-4, Cd14 e o controle interno Gapdh. Para a imunohistoquímica, secções de pineal de animais perfundidos com solução fixadora seguida de fixação com PAF 4% foram usadas com o anticorpo contra TLR4, sendo o controle negativo obtido na ausência de anticorpo. Os pinealocitos foram obtidos por tripsinização seguida de dispersão mecânica. O acúmulo de NFkB em extratos nucleares de pineais de animais tratados in vivo com LPS (1 mg/kg, iv, 2h) foi analisado por EMSA. A produção de NO foi medida por microscopia confocal em células carregadas com o cromóforo fluorescente DAR-4M-AM (5μM, 30min). RT-PCR revelou a presence constitutiva do RNAm de tlr-4 e Cd14 em pineais de rato. O estudo imunohistoquímico indicou uma marcação positiva para TLR4 em localização citoplasmática e nuclear, sendo abolida qualquer marcação na ausência do anticorpo. Um aumento na translocação nuclear de NFB foi observada nos animais tratados com LPS. LPS também levou a uma resposta funcional com aumento na reatividade da iNOS e aumento na produção de NO de maneira dependente de tempo e da concentração de LPS (0,1 to 10 μg/mL). O máximo aumento da produção de NO foi observado com LPS 1 μg/mL por 2 h. Este efeito foi inibido com o pré-tratamento com L-NAME (0.1mM, 30min) e 1400W (1μM, 30 min). Estes resultados demonstram que a glândula pineal de rato está instrumentada a responder ao desafio com LPS através da indução da via NFkB mediada por TLR4. Além disso, funcionalmente esta estimulação induz um significante aumento da imunoreatividade à iNOS e produção de NO. Estes dados corroboram com a hipótese do eixo imune-pineal com supressão da produção de melatonina no início de uma resposta de defesa. / Accumulating evidences put the pineal gland and the immune system reciprocally linked by bidirectional communication. Rat pineal gland constitutively activated NFkB, which plays a role on melatonin synthesis, is a preferential transduction pathway for cytokines and glucocorticoids (Ferreira et al., 2005; Fernandes et al., 2006). TNFα transiently inhibits, while corticosterone potentiates, noradrenaline-induced Aa-nat gene transcription, a key enzyme in melatonin synthesis. Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are the major components of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, which makes them prime targets for recognition by the immune system. Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) conveys LPS signaling which induces expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and subsequent nitric oxide (NO) formation. An attempt has been made to demonstrate the expression of TLR4 in the rat pineal glands as well as the characterization of functional response and the transduction pathway following LPS challenge. Female Wistar rats (1-2 months) were used. Total RNA was extracted from control pineals and used in real time RT-PCR with specific primers against tlr-4 and Cd14 transcritps and the housekeeping gene Gapdh (internal control). For immunohistochemistry, the pineals cryosections (8μm) from perfused animals (Lanas fixative, 4% PAF, 15min) followed by fixation (4% PAF, 30min) were used with an antibody against rat TLR4, being the negative control performed in the absence of primary antibody. Pinealocytes were obtained by trypsinization followed by mechanical dispersion. The amount of NFB present in nuclear extracts of pinealocytes challenged with LPS (1μg/ml, 15min) was assayed by EMSA. NO production was measured by confocal microscopy in cells loaded with the fluorescent dye DAR-4M-AM (5μM, 30min). RT-PCR revealed specific constitutive tlr-4 and Cd14 mRNA levels in rat pineals. Immunohistochemistry (n=4) indicated TLR4-positive and -negative immunostaining in the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments of the cells. All TLR4-positive immunostaining were significantly decreased when experiments were performed in the absence of the primary antibody. An increase in the nuclear translocation of NFKB was observed in LPS challenged cells. LPS (0.1 to 10 μg/mL) also lead to a functional response, as it increased the immunoreactivity of iNOS and a time- and concentration-dependent manner the level of NO in cultured pinealocytes. The maximal NO content induced by LPS 1.0 μg/mL was observed 2h after stimulation. Baseline levels were restored after 4-6h of LPS. The LPS stimulatory effect was fully abolished by the pre-treatments with L-NAME (0.1mM, 30min) and 1400W (1μM). Therefore, our data show that pinealocytes are instrumented for answering to LPS challenge through TLR4-induced NFkB pathway. In addition we observed that this stimulation induces a significant increase in iNOS immunoreactivity and NO production. These data corroborates to the hypothesis that pineal melatonin production is suppressed at the beginning of a defense response.

Coopération entre les isoformes TAp73 et la signalisation TGF-β dans la régulation de l'expression de la NO Synthase inductible / TAp73 Isoforms and TGF-β Signaling Cooperate to Suppress Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression

Cabrié, Aimeric 18 December 2017 (has links)
Le monoxyde d’azote (NO) est une molécule gazeuse synthétisée par les NO Synthases à partir de L-arginine. NO est une puissante molécule de signalisation dans de nombreux processus physiologiques comme la vasodilatation et la neurotransmission. Il module l’activité de multiples protéines (ex : guanylate cyclase soluble et ribonucléotide réductase) grâce à la nitrosylation de groupements thiol ou de métaux de transition. En tant que radical libre, NO peut réagir avec de nombreuses espèces comme l’oxygène moléculaire, et ainsi former des dérivés réactifs. Grâce à ces propriétés, NO est un acteur majeur de l’immunité innée et de l’inflammation. Les phagocytes produisent de grandes quantités de NO en réponse à des stimuli proinflammatoires, via l’activité NO Synthase inductible (iNOS). En raison des effets délétères des dérivés de NO, l’activité iNOS doit être finement régulée. Le suppresseur de tumeur p53 est capable de réprimer l’expression du gène Nos2 après avoir été lui-même activé en réponse à une accumulation de NO. La protéine p73 est un homologue de p53 encodé par un gène qui génère à la fois des isoformes actives (TAp73) et des isoformes qui sont dépourvues du domaine de transactivation N-terminal et exercent un effet dominant négatif (ΔNp73). Cette étude se focalise sur le rôle des isoformes TAp73 dans la régulation de l’expression de la iNOS. Nous démontrons que les isoformes TAp73 régulent négativement l’expression de la iNOS aux niveaux transcriptionnel et post-traductionnel en potentialisant l’effet répresseur du TGF-β, ce qui résulte en une forte surexpression de la iNOS dans les cellules TAp73-/-. Ces résultats confortent le rôle de la famille p53 comme un réseau essentiel de protéines régulatrices des fonctions du TGF-β. / Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous molecule synthesized from L-arginine by Nitric Oxide Synthases. NO acts as a potent signaling molecule in various physiological processes like vasorelaxation and neurotransmission. It modulates the activity of many proteins (e.g. soluble guanylate cyclase and ribonucleotide reductase) through nitrosylation of thiol moieties or transition metal ions. As a free radical, NO can also react with a number of cellular species, notably molecular oxygen, to form reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species. Thanks to these properties, NO appears as a major component of innate immune response and inflammation. Phagocytes produce large amounts of NO in response to proinflammatory through inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS) activity. Because of the harmful effects of NO derivatives on cellular components, iNOS activity needs to be tightly regulated. The p53 tumor suppressor has been shown to repress Nos2 after being activated by NO itself. The p73 protein is an homologous encoded by the TP73 gene that generate transcriptionally active TAp73 isoforms and ΔNp73 isoforms that lack the transactivation domain and exert a dominant negative effect. This study focuses on the role of TAp73 isoforms in regulation of iNOS expression. We demonstrate that TAp73 isoforms potentiate the repressive effect of TGF-β on iNOS expression at transcriptional and post-traductional levels, resulting in a substantial iNOS overexpression in TAp73-/- cells. These results emphasize the emerging role of p53 family as a master regulator of TGF-β functions.

Role of iron regulatory proteins in the regulation of iron metabolism by nitric oxide / Rôle des iron Regulatory Proteins dans la régulation du métabolisme cellulaire du fer par le monoxyde d'azote / Rola irps (iron regulatory proteins)wregulacji metabolizmu żelaza przez tlenek azotu (no)

Stys, Agnieska 25 October 2011 (has links)
Les Iron Regulatory Proteins 1 (IRP1/2) sont des protéines cytosoliques qui contrôlent l’homéostasie du fer chez les mammifères. Elles régulent la concentration de fer intracellulaire au niveau post-transcriptionnel, en interagissant spécifiquement avec des motifs appelés iron responsive élément (IREs). Ces motifs sont localisés dans les régions non traduites des ARNm codant notamment pour la ferritine (Ft), la ferroportine (Fpn) et le récepteur de la transferrine (TfR1). L’IRP1 est une protéine bifonctionnelle, majoritairement exprimée sous une forme contenant un centre [4Fe-4S] qui présente une activité aconitase. Les deux activités de l’IRP1 (aconitase/trans-régulateur) s’excluent mutuellement par la présence ou non du centre Fe-S. L’IRP2 est exprimée constitutivement sous une forme liant les IREs. Le monoxyde d’azote (NO), une importante molécule de signalisation impliquée dans les défenses immunitaires, cible le centre Fe-S de l’IRP1 et permet la conversion de l’IRP1 de sa forme aconitase vers sa forme liant les séquences IREs. Il a également été rapporté que l’IRP2 détecterait NO, cependant la fonction intrinsèque de l’IRP1 et de l’IRP2 dans le contrôle du métabolisme du fer intracellulaire en réponse à NO reste à ce jour non élucidée. Dans cette étude, nous avons identifié le régulateur principal du métabolisme du fer intracellulaire en réponse à NO, en utilisant des modèles de souris déficients pour les gènes IRP1 et/ou IRP2 et testé la contribution de la tension en oxygène dans cette régulation. Ainsi, nous avons exposé des macrophages primaires issus de la moelle osseuse de souris Irp1-/-, Irp2-/- et de souris Irp1-/- Irp2-/- de la lignée macrophagique à une source de NO, sous différentes tensions en oxygène. Les activités IRPs, l’expression des gènes Ft, Fpn et TfR1 ainsi que l’activité d’une protéine à centre Fe-S (l’aconitase mitochondriale) ont été mesurées après fractionnement cellulaire. Nous avons montré qu’en normoxie, la conversion de l’aconitase cytosolique en apo-IRP1 par NO est entièrement responsable de la régulation post-transcriptionnelle des ferritines (L-Ft et H-Ft), de la Fpn et du TfR1. En augmentant le transport du fer intracellulaire et en diminuant le stockage et l’export, l’activation de l’IRP1 par NO servirait à maintenir des taux de fer intracellulaire suffisants pour alimenter la biogenèse des centres Fe-S après l’arrêt des flux de NO. En effet, nous observons une restauration efficace de l’activité de l’aconitase mitochondriale dans les macrophages de souris sauvage alors qu’elle est bloquée dans les macrophages de souris Irp1-/-. De plus, l’IRP1 activée par NO, permet également de diminuer les taux de L- et H-Ft, anormalement élevée dans les macrophages de souris Irp2-/-. Nous montrons que le NO endogène active l’IRP1 sous sa forme trans-régulatrice alors qu’il tend à diminuer l’activité de l’IRP2. Néanmoins, l’IRP1 reste le régulateur principal des ferritines en conditions de normoxie. En condition hypoxique, les deux IRPs semble coopérer pour inhiber la traduction des ferritines car dans les macrophages Irp1-/-exposés à NO, l’IRP2 stabilisée est suffisante pour inhiber la traduction de la L- et H-Ft et ceci malgré l’activation transcriptionnelle des gènes de la L- et H-Ft. Concernant la régulation du TfR1 par NO et en hypoxie, TfR1 est principalement régulé par une voie transcriptionnelle dominant largement la voie post-transcriptionnelle impliquant l’IRP1. Le facteur de transcription HIF-1 alpha pourrait être le régulateur critique dans cette régulation. En conclusion, nous montrons dans cette étude, comment le regulon IRP participe à la régulation du métabolisme du fer intracellulaire en réponse à NO et son étroite connexion avec la concentration en oxygène. Nos résultats soulignent l’importance d’explorer davantage le rôle de l’IRP1 dans des situations inflammatoires in vivo, où les tissus peuvent être exposé à un microenvironnement non hypoxique. / Iron Regulatory Protein 1 (IRP1) and 2 (IRP2) are two cytosolic regulators of mammalian cellular iron homeostasis. IRPs post-transcriptionally modulate expression of iron-related genes by binding to specific sequences, called Iron Regulatory Elements (IREs), located in the untranslated regions (UTR) of mRNAs. Either of the two IRPs inhibits translation when bound to the single 5’UTR IRE in the mRNA encoding proteins of iron export (ferroportin - Fpn) and storage (ferritin - Ft) or prevents mRNA degradationwhen bound to the multiple IREs within the 3’UTR of the mRNA encoding the transferrinreceptor 1 (TfR1) - iron uptake molecule. The IRE-binding activity of both IRPs respondsto cellular iron levels, albeit via distinct mechanisms. IRP1 is a bifunctional protein, whichmostly exists in its non IRE-binding, [4Fe-4S] aconitase form and can be regulated by apost-translational incorporation or removal of the Fe-S cluster. In contrast to IRP1, IRP2 isnot able to ligate an Fe-S cluster, and its IRE-binding activity is determined by the rate ofits proteasomal degradation. Although both IRP1 and IRP2 can regulate cellular ironhomeostasis, only mice lacking IRP2 were shown to display iron mismanagement in mosttissues. This could be explained by the fact that IRP1 exists mostly in its non IRE−binding,aconitase form under physiological oxygen conditions (3-6%). Interestingly, nitric oxide(NO), an important signalling molecule involved in immune defence, targets the Fe-Scluster of IRP1 in both normoxia and hypoxia, and converts IRP1 from aconitase to anIRE-binding form. It has also been reported that IRP2 could sense NO, but the intrinsicfunction of IRP1 and IRP2 in NO−mediated regulation of cellular iron metabolism hasremained a matter of controversy. In this study, we took advantage of mouse models ofIRP deficiency to define the respective role of IRP1 and IRP2 in the regulation of cellulariron metabolism by NO and assess the contribution of oxygen tension on the regulation.Therefore, we exposed bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) from Irp1-/-, Irp2-/- andmacrophage specific double knockout mosaic mice (Irp1/2-/-) to exogenous andendogenous NO under different oxygen conditions (21% O2 for normoxia and 3-5% forhypoxia experiments) and measured IRPs activities, iron-related genes expression andactivity of Fe-S cluster protein – mitochondrial aconitase. We showed that in normoxia, thegenerated apo-form of IRP1 by NO was entirely responsible for the post-transcriptionalregulation of TfR1, H-Ft, L-Ft and Fpn. Moreover, by increasing iron uptake and reducingiron sequestration and export, NO−dependent IRP1 activation served to maintainadequate levels of intracellular iron in order to fuel the Fe−S biosynthetic pathway, asdemonstrated by the efficient restoration of the mitochondrial Fe−S aconitase, which wasprevented under IRP1 deficiency. Furthermore, activated IRP1 was potent enough todown-regulate the abnormally increased L-Ft and H-Ft protein levels in Irp2-/-macrophages. Endogenous NO activated IRP1 IRE-binding activity and tended todecrease IRP2 IRE-binding activity. Nevertheless, IRP1 was the predominant regulator offerritin in those conditions. In hypoxia, in Irp1+/+ and Irp2+/+ macrophages exposed to NO,both stabilized IRP2 and NO-activated IRP1 seemed to cooperate to inhibit ferritinsynthesis. However, in Irp1-/- cells, IRP2 stabilized in hypoxia was sufficient to inhibit LandH-Ft synthesis despite the concomitant increase of corresponding mRNAs.Interestingly, TfR1 was shown to be predominantly regulated at the transcriptional level byNO in hypoxia, in which HIF-1 alpha may be the critical regulator. In conclusion, we revealin this study how the IRP regulon participates in the regulation of cellular iron metabolismin response to NO and its intimate interplay with the oxygen pathway. The findingsunderlie the importance to further explore the role of IRP1 in inflammation in vivo, in nonhypoxictissue microenvironments.

Anti-inflammatory activity of electron-deficient organometallics

Zhang, Jingwen, Pitto-Barry, Anaïs, Shang, Lijun, Barry, Nicolas P.E. 29 November 2017 (has links)
Yes / We report an evaluation of the cytotoxicity of a series of electron-deficient (16-electron) half-sandwich precious metal complexes of ruthenium, osmium and iridium ([Os/Ru(η6-pcymene)( 1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecarborane-1,2-dithiolato)] (1/2), [Ir(η5-pentamethylcyclopentadiene)(1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecarborane- 1,2-dithiolato)] (3), [Os/Ru(η6-p-cymene)(benzene-1, 2-dithiolato)] (4/5) and [Ir(η5-pentamethylcyclopentadiene) (benzene-1,2-dithiolato)] (6)) towards RAW 264.7 murine macrophages and MRC-5 fibroblast cells. Complexes 3 and 6 were found to be non-cytotoxic. The anti-inflammatory activity of 1–6 was evaluated in both cell lines after nitric oxide (NO) production and inflammation response induced by bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as the stimulus. All metal complexes were shown to exhibit dose-dependent inhibitory effects on LPS-induced NO production on both cell lines. Remarkably, the two iridium complexes 3 and 6 trigger a full anti-inflammatory response against LPS-induced NO production, which opens up new avenues for the development of non-cytotoxic anti-inflammatory drug candidates with distinct structures and solution chemistry from that of organic drugs, and as such with potential novel mechanisms of action. / We thank the Royal Society (University Research Fellowship No. UF150295 to NPEB), and the University of Bradford for financial support.

Regulation of the inducible L-arginine-nitric oxide pathway by oxidative stress and statins

Costa, Maria Alexandra Barata de Vasconcelos Nunes January 2010 (has links)
Oxidative stress (OS) plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis potentially through interaction with nitric oxide (NO) generated by the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) pathway. Although considerable literature supports a pro-atherogenic role for iNOS-induced NO, recent evidence suggest an anti-atherogenic property for this enzyme where iNOS-induced NO attenuates atherosclerotic lesions after immune injury, enhancing endothelial integrity, survival, protecting against OS-induced apoptosis and necrosis. We therefore hypothesize that iNOS may have a cardio-protective role in the atherosclerotic vessel and that under conditions of OS, expression and function of this enzyme may be impaired, thus contributing to the deleterious consequences of OS. Experiments have therefore been conducted to establish whether pro-oxidants regulate iNOS expression/function in rat cultured aortic smooth muscle cells (RASMCs). These cells were induced for 24 hours with LPS and IFN-γ to mimic inflammatory conditions. Oxidative stress inducers may modulate iNOS-induced NO production through alteration of the expression and/or function of the inducible L-arginine-NO pathway. We examined the effects of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), antimycin A and diethyl maleate (DEM) on this pathway in vascular smooth muscle cells. H2O2 had little effect on NO production or L-arginine transport while antimycin A and DEM independently caused a concentration dependent inhibition of both processes. Only DEM induced hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression, monitored by western blotting as a marker of OS. The effects of statins on NO synthesis and L-arginine transport in the presence and absence of OS were also investigated. The benefits of statins therapy in cardiovascular medicine are ascribed in part to their lipid-lowering effect by inhibiting 3-hydroxy-3-methoxyglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase, the rate limiting enzyme for cholesterol synthesis. However, statins may possess anti-inflammatory properties and are able to improve endothelial function, stabilize atherosclerotic plaque, and inhibit platelet aggregation, vascular smooth muscle cells proliferation and vessel wall inflammation. These effects may be exerted through novel actions of statins that include interaction with specific signalling pathways in cells which may be associated with the induction of iNOS and/or cationic amino acid transporters (CATs). Thus, we have extended our investigations to include an examination of the effects of statins on both iNOS and CAT function and expression under control conditions and following exposure of cells to OS. Atorvastatin caused a bell shaped response on NO production and iNOS expression and also enhanced L-arginine transport but in a non-concentration dependent manner. Simvastatin only affected NO synthesis without altering transporter activity. Pravastatin was without effect on either system. Further studies demonstrated that that atorvastatin was able to reverse the effects of antimycin A and DEM but only on NO production. These findings confirm that the inducible L-arginine-NO pathway can be downregulated by pro-oxidants. This mechanism may therefore contribute to the deleterious effects observed in disease states associated with OS. Moreover, statins (in particular atorvastatin) appear to be effective in reversing the inhibition of NO production caused by inducers of OS. This, together with the fact that atorvastatin and simvastatin can potentiate iNOS-induced NO production and indeed L-arginine transport (with atorvastatin), highlights a potential novel mechanism through which the cardio-protective actions of these compounds could be mediated.

Amilóide sérica A: efeitos biológicos sobre células mononucleares / Serum amyloid A: biological effects on mononuclear cells

Sandri, Silvana 04 August 2008 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, nosso grupo de pesquisa vem descrevendo vários efeitos da SAA em células do sistema imune no que diz respeito à expressão e liberação de citocinas pró-inflamatórias. Neste estudo centramos nossa atenção na verificação dos efeitos da SAA sobre células mononucleares. Para isto, usamos três modelos experimentais. Em murinos, descrevemos a habilidade da SAA induzir a produção de NO por macrófagos peritoneais e, com uso de animais knockout para TLR4, sugerimos que SAA seja um ligante endógeno do TLR4. Em células mononucleares de sangue periférico humano, a SAA induz a expressão e liberação de CCL20, uma quimiocina importante na transição da resposta imune inata para adaptativa, bem como a expressão dos fatores M-CSF e VEGF. Em células THP-1, mostramos a cinética de fosforilação de proteínas tirosina quinases promovida pela SAA e comparamos com LPS, um estímulo pró-inflamatório clássico. Ainda em células THP-1 mostramos que a SAA induz a fosforilação de duas proteínas importantes no processo inflamatório por induzirem a ativação de NFκB; a p38 e a ERK1/2. Com este estudo contribuímos com o conhecimento a respeito do papel regulatório da SAA em células mononucleares. A ação da SAA sobre estas células torna-se importante, pois estas são cruciais na resposta imune inata e também atuam como células acessórias na resposta imune adaptativa. Desta forma, evidencia-se que, no processo de fase aguda, a expressão e a síntese de SAA resultam na modulação de etapas que controlam este processo e sua progressão. / In the past few years, our research group has described various effects of serum amyloid A (SAA) on cells of the immune system regarding the expression and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In this study we have focused on the effects of SAA on mononuclear cells. In order to do this, we have used three experimental models. In the murine experimental model, we described SAA\'s ability to induce the production of NO through peritoneal macrophages and, by using knockout animals for TLR4, we suggested that SAA is an endogenous agonist of TLR4. In mononuclear cells of peripheral human blood, SAA induced the expression and release of CCL20, an important chemokine in the transition from the innate to the adaptive immune response, as well as the expression of M-CSF and VEGF-factors. In THP-1 cells, we showed the phosporylation kinetics of tyrosine protein kinases induced by SAA, and we compared it to LPS, a classic pro-inflammatory stimulus. We also demonstrated, in THP-1 cells, that SAA induced the phosphorylation of two proteins, namely p38 and ERK1/2, that are crucial in the inflammatory process because they induce the activation of transcription factors. With this study, we contributed to the knowledge of the regulatory role of SAA in mononuclear cells. Activity of SAA on these cells is highly important, for they are crucial in the innate immune response and act as accessory cells in the adaptive immune response. Hence it is evident that, in the acute phase process, the expression and synthesis of SAA result in the modulation of the phases that control this process and its progression.

The Cardiovascular Effects of alpha-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone in the Nucleus Tractus Solitarii of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

Weng, Wen-Tsan 09 August 2004 (has links)
alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) is an important regulator of food intake, metabolic rate, and inflammation. Recently, alpha-MSH was shown to influence sympathetic activity and blood pressure regulation. In the present study, we investigated the cardiovascular effects of alpha-MSH in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Because nitric oxide (NO) is well-known to involve in central cardiovascular regulation, we elucidated the role of NO in the cardiovascular responses induced by alpha-MSH. In urethane-anesthetized SHR, unilateral microinjection of alpha-MSH (0.3-300 pmol) into the NTS produced dose-responsive depressor and bradycardic effects. The cardiovascular effects of alpha-MSH were abrogated by the antagonist of melanocortin receptor (MC3/4-R), SHU9119. Pretreatment with precursor of nitric oxide, L-arginine, enhanced the duration of alpha-MSH-mediated hypotensive effects, whereas prior application of L-NAME, a universal inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), significantly attenuated the effects of alpha-MSH. Prior injection with inhibitor of inducible NOS, aminoguanidine, but not inhibitor of neuronal NOS, 7-nitroindazole, attenuated the hypotensive effect of alpha-MSH. In summary, these results indicated alpha-MSH induced depressor and bradycardic effects in the NTS of SHR. Besides, the hypotensive mechanism of alpha-MSH was mediated via MC4-R and involved with iNOS activation in the NTS of SHR.

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