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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise reaxométrica para compostos de coordenação contendo íons paramagnéticos em solução / Relaxometric analysis for coordination compounds contaning paramagnetic ions in solution

Flávio Vinícius Crizóstomo Kock 06 April 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho analisou-se por ressonância magnética nuclear em baixa (RMN-BR) e em alta resolução (RMN-AR), compostos de coordenação contendo íons paramagnéticos em solução. Demonstrou-se que estas são importantes ferramentas para o estudo destas espécies em meio aquoso, visando aplicações tanto em química analítica quanto em química inorgânica e bioinorgânica. Os estudos iniciais foram realizados com o ligante EDTA (Y4-), clássico agente quelante, e seus complexos com os íons Cu2+, Fe3+ e Mn2+. Os resultados demonstraram que a RMN-BR (20 MHz para o 1H) torna-se uma eficiente alternativa à espectrofotometria, principalmente para o estudo de complexos que não absorvem radiação no visível, como por exemplo, o quelato [Mn-Y]2-. A relaxometria por RMN-BR também foi usada para estudar soluções de quitosana (Chi) e seus complexos com os mesmos íons paramagnéticos previamente abordados para o EDTA. Os resultados demonstraram a eficiência da relaxometria tanto para os estudos de agregação polimérica em função do pH quanto para os estudos de complexação.<a name=\"_Hlk488851348\"> Foram também abordados complexos de sorbitol com íons Cu2+ tanto por relaxometria quanto por RMN-AR (600 MHz para o 1H). Neste caso, os resultados apresentaram uma alta complementariedade, permitindo inferir tanto acerca da troca de ligantes em solução e do pH ótimo para a complexação, quanto do surgimento de espécies macromoleculares com baixos coeficientes de autodifusão (D &asymp; 1,58 x10-10 mm2.s-1) em meio alcalino (pH &asymp; 12). Além do mais, foram avaliados novos complexos de Gd3+ com relevância biológica (agentes de contrastes), derivados do ligante AAZTA (6-amino-6-metilperhidro-1,4-diazepina). Os resultados demonstraram que as relaxividades paramagnéticas (r1p) foram de 7,44 mM-1.s-1 e 9,41 mM-1.s-1 para os derivados funcionalizados lateralmente com os ácidos propanoico e pentanoico, respectivamente, em comparação ao ligante precursor, 7,10 mM-1.s-1. Os estudos relaxométricos in vitro mostraram que estes novos derivados são menos susceptíveis à transmetalação com íons endógenos (Zn2+ e Ca2+), quando comparado ao AAZTA, possibilitando projetar o seu uso como agentes de contraste em tomografia por ressonância magnética (MRI). Aplicações relaxométricas in vivo foram realizadas utilizando o derivado contendo o ácido pentanoico conjugado ao peptídeo FibPep, apto a se ligar à proteína fibrina (presente em células tumorais). Os resultados demonstraram uma alta habilidade deste complexo para o assinalamento precoce e inequívoco do câncer de próstata (linhagem tumoral PC-3) em camundongos. / Low-resolution (LR) and high-resolution (HR) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used in this work for study coordination compounds containing paramagnetic ions in solution. It was demonstrated that these spectroscopies are important tools for the study of these species in aqueous medium, aiming applications in both, analytical chemistry and inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry. The initial studies were conducted using the EDTA (Y4-) ligand, classical complexant, and its chelate with the paramagnetic ions, among them Cu2+, Fe3+ and Mn2+. The results demonstrated that LR-NMR (20 MHz to 1H) becomes an efficient alternative to spectrophotometry, mainly for the study of complexes that do not absorb visible radiation, such as [Mn-Y]2- chelate. The LR-NMR relaxometry was also used to study chitosan (Chi) solutions and their complexes with the same paramagnetic ions previously discussed for EDTA. The results demonstrated the efficiency of the relaxometry for studies involving complexation and polymer aggregation as a function of the pH. Complexes of sorbitol with cupric ions were also addressed by relaxometry and HR-NMR (600 MHz to 1H). In this case, the results showed a high complementarity, allowing to infer about the ligand exchange and the optimum pH for the complexation reaction occurs. Besides, this study showed the appearance of species with low auto diffusion coefficients (D &asymp; 1.58 x10-10 mm2.s-1) in alkaline mediums (pH &asymp; 12), as consequence of the macromolecular character of this complex in this environment. In addition, new biologically relevant Gd3+ complexes (contrast agents) derived from AAZTA (6-amino-6-methylperhydro-1,4-diazepine) ligand were evaluated. The results demonstrated that the paramagnetic relaxivities (r1p) were 7.44 mM-1.s-1 and 9.41 mM-1.s-1 for derivatives laterally functionalized with propanoic and pentanoic acids, respectively, in comparison to precursor ligand, 7.10 mM-1.s-1. In vitro relaxometric studies demonstrated that these new derivatives are less susceptible to transmetallation reactions towards to endogenous ions (Zn2+ and Ca2+), in comparison to AAZTA (precursor ligand), becoming possible to design their use as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tomography applications. In vivo studies were conducted using the pentanoic acid derivative conjugated to FibPep peptide, able to bind to fibrin protein (present in tumor cells). The results for this study demonstrated a high ability of this complex for the early and unequivocal signaling for prostate cancer (PC-3 tumoral cell line) in mice.

Desenvolvimento de console multiplataforma para aquisição, organização e visualização de dados do espectrômetro digital de RM do CIERMag: ToRM Console / Development of a multiplatform console for acquisition, organization and visualization of CIERMag digital spectrometer data: ToRM Console

Silva, Danilo Mendes Dias Delfino da 19 February 2014 (has links)
As técnicas de ressonância magnética nuclear (RM), por não serem invasivas ou destrutivas, apresentam um papel importante em diversas áreas do conhecimento como, por exemplo, medicina, química, física, setor rural, setor petrolífero, etc. Entretanto os custos de aquisição, manutenção e atualização dos equipamentos comerciais são muito altos e países em desenvolvimento, como é o caso do Brasil, sofrem com os impactos em função deste fator, principalmente nos setores ligados à pesquisa, em especial, nas áreas de concepção de novos métodos de RM. Além disso, o cenário nacional de desenvolvimento tecnológico desta área é escasso e os equipamentos comerciais fornecidos pelas empresas nem sempre oferecem a flexibilidade desejada. Baseado no uso de tecnologias inovadoras, como é o caso dos hardwares reconfiguráveis e uso de linguagem, compilador, bibliotecas e editores próprios para desenvolvimento de métodos de sequência de pulsos de RM, o Centro de Imagens e Espectroscopia in vivo por Ressonância Magnética (CIERMag) propõe uma solução alternativa através do desenvolvimento de um espectrômetro completamente digital de RM, flexível o suficiente para operar como um tomógrafo. O objetivo deste trabalho é idealizar e desenvolver a camada de software responsável pela aquisição, organização, visualização e armazenamento dos dados provenientes do espectrômetro através do subsistema ToRM Console, levando em consideração a flexibilidade proposta. Além disso, um arcabouço de ferramentas para automatização de pós-processamento, o ToRM Processing API, foi desenvolvido. Ambos os sistemas foram implementados em linguagem Python, com auxílio das principais bibliotecas de propósito científico (Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, etc). A realização de um experimento para estudo do comportamento do tempo de relaxação transversal de soluções de sulfato de cobre em função da variação da concentração é mostrada através do uso do método Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG). Outras aplicações do espectrômetro são mostradas através da obtenção de dados gerados por meio de sintetizadores de sinais acoplados ao espectrômetro. Os resultados mostram que o espectrômetro atualmente pode operar como um relaxômetro de RM de fácil operação. Os sistemas desenvolvidos neste trabalho mostram-se suficientemente flexíveis e preparados para operação em experimentos de Imagens e Espectroscopia de Alta Resolução, que são futuras etapas de desenvolvimento no CIERMag, tendo em vista as ferramentas desenvolvidas e testadas através do uso de dados sintetizados. / The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) techniques, which are neither invasive nor destructive, play an important role on several areas of knowledge, such as Medicine, Chemistry, Physics, Agriculture, Oil industry, among others. However, the costs associated with acquisition, maintenance and upgrade are very high, which have impacted on developing countries, as Brazil. Furthermore, the national scenario of technological development in this area is scarce and the commercial equipment provided by the companies does not always offer the desired flexibility. Based on the use of innovative technologies, which is the case of reconfigurable hardware and the use of proprietary language, compiler, libraries and editors for the development of NMR sequence pulses methods, the Magnetic Resonance Imaging and in vivo Spectroscopy Center (CIERMag) have proposed an alternative solution through the development of a completely digital NMR spectrometer, flexible enough to operate as an MRI Scanner. This dissertation reports the design and development of a software layer responsible for the acquisition, organization, visualization and storage of the data provided by the spectrometer through the ToRM Console subsystem, taking into account the proposed flexibility. A framework for post-processing automation, the ToRM Processing API, is also described. Both systems were developed in Python programming language, with the help of the main scientific purpose libraries (Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, etc.). Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) method was used for the evaluation of the transverse relaxation time dependency on variable concentrations of copper sulfate solution. Other spectrometer applications are shown through the acquisition of synthesized data from simulation devices coupled to the spectrometer. The results show that the spectrometer can currently operate as an easy-to-use NMR Relaxometer. The systems described in the present work proved to be sufficiently flexible and prepared for the operation as MRI Scanners or Analytical Spectrometers, which are the future stages of development at CIERMag, considering the tools developed and tested through the use of synthesized data.

Ambientes de coordenação de heteropolioxometalatos de Keggin em xerogeis fotocrômicos analisados por espectroscopia de RMN e RPE em sólidos / Keggin heteropolyoxometalates coordination environments in photochromic xerogels studied by solid state NMR and EPR spectroscopy

Oliveira Junior, Marcos de 24 February 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, é analisada a estrutura de materiais híbridos contendo poliânions de ácido 12-tungstofosfórico (H3PW12O40, HPW) inseridos em uma matriz de silicatos orgânico-inorgânica (ormosil). Estes materiais apresentam propriedade reversível de fotocromismo na faixa do UV (200-400nm), sendo cogitados como possíveis candidatos para aplicação como dosímetros pessoais UV. A metodologia sol-gel possibilita a obtenção destes compostos por vias relativamente simples e de baixo custo para a combinação dos componentes orgânicos e inorgânicos formadores da matriz ormosil. As propriedades do efeito fotocrômico, como intensidade e tempo de vida, ser alteradas variando-se a concentração e a natureza dos grupos presentes na matriz ormosil. Outras propriedades também podem ser ajustadas, como porosidade, adesão dos filmes, resistência mecânica, homogeneidade e transparência. No entanto uma correlação clara entre o processo de fotocromismo e a estrutura local ao redor do poliânion ainda não foi estabelecida. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é a caracterização estrutural e dinâmica destes compostos, a fim de se avançar no entendimento do processo fotocrômico e na otimização de métodos de preparação para o controle das propriedades fotocrômicas. Resultados preliminares mostram que o ambiente de coordenação do HPW nos ormosils é complexo, envolvendo diversas espécies de prótons, e os níveis de hidratação parecem desempenhar importante papel estrutural. Portanto, o objetivo específico deste trabalho é obter uma descrição da estrutura/dinâmica das espécies no ambiente de coordenação do poliânion, como espécies de hidratação e/ou grupos da matriz ormosil, e da interação entre estas espécies e o HPW. Para tal, foram utilizadas técnicas de ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) para analisar amostras de composição simplificada, como uma amostra modelo HPW n6H2O e xerogeis contendo tetraetilortosilicato (TEOS) e no máximo dois organosilanos na composição, dentro do conjunto: 3-aminopropiltrietóxisilano (APTS), butironitrilatrietoxisilano (BUT) e 3 glicidoxipropilltrimetóxisilano (GLYMO). Embora a estrutura do HPW n6H2O seja extensamente discutida na literatura, ainda existem questões estruturais a serem discutidas, para as quais as técnicas de RMN podem fornecer importante contribuição. Diferentes tratamentos térmicos sobre o HPW nH2O foram testados para a obtenção do HPW n6H2O, e os resultados de RMN mostram que o controle de atmosfera durante o processo de secagem é determinante para a estrutura final das espécies de hidratação. No caso dos xerogeis, diferentes atmosferas foram testadas durante o preparo, estudando-se o efeito desta variável sobre a estrutura das espécies no ambiente de coordenação do HPW. Adicionalmente, tratamentos térmicos para a secagem das amostras também foram realizados. Após a irradiação das amostras com luz UV é formado um centro paramagnético WV no poliânion, que foi estudado por ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE). A técnica de 31P permitiu avaliar a estrutura no ambiente mais local da molécula de HPW. Utilizando técnicas de 1H RMN, polarização cruzada (CP) {1H}-31P, correlação heteronuclear (HETCOR) {1H}-31P, {1H}-29Si e {1H}-13C, e medidas de tempos de relaxação spin-rede de 1H no sistema rotante (T1&rho;), foi constatado que o ambiente de coordenação do HPW nos xerogeis é basicamente constituído de espécies de hidratação, como H2O, H3O+, H5O2+ e H+(H2O)n, e espécies OH, que provavelmente pertencem a grupos na matriz de ormosil. Os experimentos de RPE permitiram identificar a existência de uma processo termicamente ativado, em que o elétron excitado realiza saltos entre os diferentes sítios WO6. Dois tipos de centros paramagnéticos WO6, ambos com simetria ortorrômbica, foram resolvidos em 20K. Um deles pôde ser atribuído a sítios WO6 interagindo fortemente com H2O, com a elongação da ligação W=O em WO6. Este sítio é dominante para amostras mais hidratadas. Além deste, outro sítio é observado em amostras mais secas, atribuído a centros WO6 interagindo mais fracamente com os H no ambiente do HPW. Estes resultados mostram que as espécies de hidratação desempenham um importante papel no processo de fotocromismo. / The local structure of hybrid organic-inorganic (ormosils) materials based on 12-phosphotungstic acid (H3PW12O40, HPW) was analyzed. These materials have reversible photochromic response in the range of ultraviolet (200 - 400 nm), and may found application in personal UV dosimeters. These ormosils can be prepared in a simple way using the sol-gel method, allowing the possibility of film depositions. It is known that properties such as the intensity of the photochromic response and the life-time in this state can be controlled changing the organic functional groups in the silane precursors. Other general properties can be also adjusted with these organic functionalities, such as film adhesion, mechanical response, homogeneity and transparency. However, the relation between the photochromic response, the chemical species (including water molecules) around the polyanion, and the local structure is still an open problem. The objective of this work was to analyze the effect of the preparation conditions of the ormosils (composition, atmosphere and thermal treatments) on the chemical environment around the polyanion and their possible influence in the photochromic response. The analysis of the interaction between the polyanion and the chemical species in the ormosil network and hydration species was carried out using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) in the solid-state for 1H, 31P, 13C, and 29Si. A set of simple photochromic ormosils were considered in this study, prepared with tetraethilorthosilicate (TEOS) and a maximum of two organosilane precursors from the set aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTS), butyronitriletriethoxysilane (BUT) and 3-Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GLYMO). Also, the HPW hexahydrate (HPW 6H2O) was analyzed as a model system to test the response of the NMR technique to the structural and dynamical process known in this crystal. The effects of thermal treatments and atmosphere in the preparation of the hexahydrate were analyzed. New information concerning the H dynamics and the thermal transformations observed in this system was gathered in this study. For the photochromic ormosils, preparations under three different atmospheres (uncontrolled ambient, N2 flow, and Ar glove-box) were carried out, as well thermal treatments to remove loosely bound water. Electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments were carried out in UV-irradiated ormosils, were paramagnetic centers in WV, related with the photochromic process, were observed. The chemical environment around the polyanion was probed using the techniques of 1H-NMR, {1H}-31P cross-polarization, heteronuclear correlations {1H}-31P, {1H}-29Sie {1H}-13C, and the measurement of the proton spin-lattice relaxation in the rotating frame (T1&rho;). The results revealed the presence of close hydration species such as H2O, H3O+</sup), H5O2+ and H+(H2O)n, and OH groups from the ormosil network. No evidence of interaction between the polyanion and the organic functionalities was found. In the irradiated samples, the EPR experiments revealed a thermally activated hopping process for the excited unpaired electron between WO6 octahedra. Two kinds of paramagnetic sites at the WO6 octahedra, both with orthorrombic symmetry, were resolved at 20K. One of them corresponds to WO6 strongly interacting with water species, with an elongated W=O bond length. This site is dominant for higher hydrated samples. The other site corresponds to WO6 with a weak interaction with protons in the polyanion environment and is observed in higher amounts in less hydrated samples. These results show that the hydrate species in the polyanion coordination environment plays an important role in the photochromic process.

The effect of LMNA mutations on the lamin IG-fold structure and muscle gene expression

Shrestha, Om Kumar 01 July 2012 (has links)
Mutations in the human LMNA gene encoding A-type lamins cause a collection of diseases termed laminopathies, including several types of muscular dystrophy. Lamins are intermediate filaments, which line the inner membrane of nuclear envelope. Lamins maintain the nuclear shape and regulate gene expression through interactions with chromatin. Heterozygous mutations LMNA, which result in single amino acid substitutions within the C-terminal Ig-fold domain, were identified in patients with muscular dystrophy. These substitutions were modeled in Drosophila and found to cause muscle defects. We have taken a multi-disciplinary approach to understanding the molecular basis of these muscle defects. Using Nuclear Magentic Resonance (NMR) and Circular Dischroism (CD) we determined that the amino acid substitutions cause perturbations of the tertiary, but not secondary, structure of the Ig-fold. Microarray analysis of RNA isolated from muscle revealed that mutant lamins cause cause mis-regulation of genes involved oxidative stress and neuromuscular junction function. Collectively, these data demonstrate that perturbations within the lamin Ig-fold cause changes in gene expression, providing insights on pathways involved in pathogenesis and identifying new potential therapeutic targets.

Spectroscopic studies of silica nanoparticles: magnetic resonance and nanomaterial-biological interactions

Lehman, Sean E. 01 August 2016 (has links)
Primarily concerned with manipulation and study of matter at the nanoscale, the concept of nanoscience encompasses ideas such as nanomaterial synthesis, characterization, and applications to modern scientific and societal problems. These problems encompass a broad range of issues such as energy storage and conversion, medical diagnostics and treatment, environmental remediation and detection, carbon economy and as well as many others. Silica nanoparticles of porous morphology have broad application to many of these issues. In particular, the utility of silica nanoparticles is facilitated by their large intrinsic surface area, tunable surface chemistry, and synthetic variability in both their size and morphology. This facilitates applications to these problems. However, extensive characterization and deeper understanding is needed before full implementation in key applications can be realized. The work described in this thesis aims to explore fundamental and applied characterization of silica nanoparticles that might be used in biomedical and environmental applications. Fundamental studies of functionalized nanomaterials using NMR spectroscopy reveal complex, dynamic phenomena related to-and ultimately deriving from-the intrinsic and/or modified surface chemistry. Applied studies of nanomaterial-biological interfaces demonstrate free radical chemistry as dominating the toxic response of the materials when exposed to biological systems of interest. Characterization of protein adsorbed on the interface reinforces the ubiquitous nature of protein adsorption on nanomaterial surface in biological and environmental media. Overall, this work illuminates and highlights complex changes that take place in aqueous solution for silica nanoparticles of varied morphology and surface chemistry.

Synthese von modifizierten Eisenoxid-Nanopartikeln für die MR-Tomographie / Synthesis of modified iron oxide nanoparticles for MRI

Blömer, Steffen January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden magnetische Kolloide auf der Basis von Eisenoxid-Nanopartikeln hergestellt, die eine erhöhte Verweildauer im Blutstrom aufweisen sollten. Die Hüllmoleküle bestehen aus zwei Teilen: Direkt an den Phosphor gebunden eine hydrophobe Alkylkette aus vier bis zehn CH2-Einheiten, und daran anschließend eine Methoxy-terminierte Polyethylenglykol (PEG)-Kette. Die PEG-Kette sollte sowohl die Hydrophilie der fertigen Partikel als auch den nötigen Schutz gegen Phagozytose gewährleisten. Diese speziellen Phosphonsäuren wurden dann dazu verwendet, Magnetit-Nanopartikel stabil einzuhüllen. / The present dissertation deals with the preparation of magnetic colloids on the basis of iron oxide nanoparticles exhibiting an extended lifetime in the bloodstream. The coating molecules were made up of two parts: A hydrophobic alkyl chain of four to ten CH2 groups, and a methoxy-terminated polyethyleneglycol (PEG) chain. The PEG chain was included to make the particles hydrophilic and to protect them from phagocytosis. These specially designed phosphonic acids were then used to coat magnetite nanoparticles.

Synthese neuer AAZTA-basierter Liganden und ihrer Gd(III)-Komplexe als Kontrastmittel für die MR-Bildgebung / Synthesis of new AAZTA-based ligands and their corresponding gadolinium complexes as contrast agents for MRI

Jerg, Carmen January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese neuer heptadentater Liganden und deren Gd(III)- und Y(III)-Komplexen. Diese auf dem AAZTA-Grundgerüst basierenden Liganden sollten in 6-Position des Perhydro-1,4-diazepinrings über eine zusätzliche funktionelle Gruppe verfügen, wodurch eine kovalente Anbindung der entsprechenden Gd(III)-Komplexe an Makromoleküle, Polymere oder Peptide möglich wäre. Abschließend wurden die Protonen-Relaxivitäten der darge¬stellten Gd(III)-Komplexe bestimmt, und die Komplexe bezüglich ihrer Eignung als Kontrastmittel bei der MRI untersucht. / The present dissertation deals with the synthesis of new heptadentate ligands and their corresponding gadolinium and yttrium complexes. These ligands, based on the AAZTA framework, should bear an additional functional group in 6-position of the perhydro-1,4-diazepine ring to bind the respective Gd(III) complexes covalently to macromolecules, polymers or peptides. Finally the proton relaxivities of the synthesized Gd(III) complexes were determined in order to examine the complexes regarding their application as MRI contrast agents.

Untersuchungen zu Cyclodextrinkomplexen von typischen nichtsteroidalen Antiphlogistika / Investigations of cyclodextrin complexes of typical nonsteroidal antiphlogistics

Schauer, Stefanie January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen natürlichen Cyclodextrinen und den Substanzen Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Naproxen, Flurbiprofen, Felbinac und Fenbufen aus der Gruppe der nichtsteroidalen Antiphlogistika charakterisiert. Ausgehend davon sollte beurteilt werden, ob anhand der Grundstruktur oder der funktionellen Gruppen eines Gastes vorhergesagt werden kann, in welchem Ausmaß solche Wechselwirkungen auftreten und welche Struktur die sich bildenden Komplexe aufweisen. Alle Substanzen weisen die stärksten Wechselwirkungen in wässriger Lösung mit β-Cyclodextrin auf. Lediglich Flurbiprofen bildet auch mit γ-Cyclodextrin in größerem Umfang Komplexe. Für die Mehrzahl der Gastmoleküle werden Isothermen vom Bs-Typ, für Fenbufen und Naproxen hingegen A-Typ-Isothermen erhalten. Durch die gute Löslichkeit der Komplexe kann eine deutliche Löslichkeitssteigerung für diese beiden Gastmoleküle in Wasser erreicht werden. Der Vorgang der Komplexbildung ist für alle Gastsubstanzen ein spontan ablaufender Prozess. Die Assoziationskonstanten K1:1 bei 25°C bewegen sich zwischen 1000 M-1 und 5000 M-1, für Flurbiprofen beträgt sie etwa 14000 M-1 und für Ibuprofen sogar über 40000 M-1. Eine Betrachtung des Oktanol-Wasser-Verteilungskoeffizienten legt nahe, dass die Lipophilie der Gastmoleküle eine entscheidende Größe für das Ausmaß der Komplexbildung darstellen könnte. Eine Untersuchung bei variierenden pH-Werten zeigte, dass steigende pH-Werte und ein damit erhöhter Dissoziationsgrad der Gastmoleküle durchgehend zu abnehmenden Assoziationskonstanten führten. Löslichkeitsstudien bei verschiedenen Temperaturen zeigten entgegen des erwarteten Absinkens der Assoziationskonstanten mit steigender Temperatur keine eindeutige Tendenz. Für Naproxen und Ketoprofen konnten lineare Van’t Hoff Plots erstellt werden. Kalorimetrische Versuche lieferten für Ibuprofen ergänzende Werte für die Assoziationskonstante und die Gibbs’sche Freie Enthalpie, die mit den Ergebnissen der Löslichkeitsstudien vergleichbar waren. Danach ist die Komplexbildung für diese Stoffe enthalpie- und entropiegetrieben. Job’s Plots deuten auf eine Stöchiometrie von 1:1 für Ibuprofen, Flurbiprofen und Felbinac hin. Obwohl es in der Literatur Hinweise darauf gibt, dass für die anderen Moleküle dieselbe Stöchiometrie vorliegt, sind nach den Ergebnissen auch Komplexe höherer Ordnung möglich. Mit Hilfe von Docking-Studien konnten plausible Komplexstrukturen erhalten werden. Sie deuten auf das Auftreten eines Induced-Fit’s des Cyclodextrins und die Ausbildung von intermolekularen Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen hin. Verschiedene Techniken wurden angewendet, um feste Komplexzubereitungen herzustellen, um weitere Informationen über die gebildeten Komplexe im festen Zustand zu erhalten. Mittels thermoanalytischer Verfahren wurde versucht, den im Cyclodextrin eingeschlossenen Gastmolekülanteil zu bestimmen. In lyophilisierten Lösungen lag der noch als ungebunden detektierbare Wirkstoffanteil meistens am niedrigsten. FT-IR-Spektren der Komplexzubereitungen und ihrer physikalischen Mischungen zeigten, dass auch im festen Zustand meist Einschlusskomplexe gebildet werden, bei denen der aromatische Teil des Gastes und die Carbonylgruppe in der Cyclodextrinkavität lokalisiert sind. Lediglich Felbinac weist ein davon abweichendes Verhalten auf. Diese Erkenntnisse werden meist durch die Ergebnisse der zweidimensionalen 1H-NMR-Studien bestätigt, die Einblick in die Komplexstruktur im wässrigen Medium gewährten. Hier nehmen die Modellsubstanzen verschiedene Orientierungen in der Cyclodextrinkavität ein. Möglicherweise liefern diese einen Erklärungsansatz für das besondere Verhalten der Gastmoleküle Naproxen und Fenbufen in den Löslichkeitsstudien. Die Carboxylgruppe nimmt eine Position ein, in der eine Störung der intramolekularen Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen des Cyclodextrins möglich wird, was für die erhöhte Löslichkeit des Wirtes verantwortlich sein könnte. Insgesamt hat sich gezeigt, dass die Grundstruktur und die funktionellen Gruppen des Gastmoleküls erheblichen Einfluss auf die Struktur und die Eigenschaften ihrer Cyclodextrinkomplexe und auf die Stärke der Wechselwirkung zwischen Wirt und Gast haben. Die Lipophilie der Gastmoleküle scheint zudem eine tragende Rolle zu spielen. Da die Ausprägung der Komplexbildung somit eine Summe aus vielen Einzelfaktoren ist, können Vorhersagen für ein vorliegendes System nur unter erheblichen Einschränkungen getroffen werden und es gilt, immer den Einzelfall zu betrachten. / In this thesis various analytical methods were applied to characterise the interactions between natural cyclodextrins and the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ibuprofen, ketoprofen, naproxen, flurbiprofen, felbinac, and fenbufen. The results were analyzed in order to find out, if predictions for the extent of the association and structure of the formed complexes can be deduced from the basic structure or the functional groups of the guest. Solubility determination showed that all model substances – particularly the biphenyl derivatives – are of extreme low solubility in water. First of all, complex formation of the three natural cyclodextrins and the model substances in aqueous solution was investigated. All guests preferably form complexes with β-cyclodextrin. Only flurbiprofen gains a notable solubility enhancement by addition of γ-cyclodextrin. For the majority of the model substances a BS-isotherm is obtained while fenbufen and naproxen exhibit A-type isotherms. From this, a distinct solubility enhancement can be achieved for the latter guests in solution. For the whole group complex formation is a spontaneous process. Their association constants at 25°C range from 1000 to 5000 M-1, for flurbiprofen up to 14000 M-1 and for ibuprofen even over 40000 M-1. A correlation of drug partition coefficient and association constants seems to imply that guest polarity could be an important factor for the extent of the inclusion process. Complex formation was investigated at several pH values. Increasing pH values and thus a higher degree of acid dissociation consequently led to decreasing complexation constants. Phase-solubility analysis at different temperatures showed unexpectedly no uniform tendency in the association constants. For naproxen and ketoprofen linear Van’t Hoff plots could be obtained. In addition, calorimetric studies provided thermodynamic data comparable to phase-solubility analysis for ibuprofen. From there complex formation with these guests is driven both by enthalpy and entropy. Job’s plots by NMR spectroscopy indicate a 1:1 complex stoichiometry for ibuprofen, flurbiprofen and felbinac. Although the same composition can be found for the other molecules in literature the formation of higher order complexes seems to be possible. Docking studies were applied to develop a molecular modeling procedure for the prediction of complex formation. Plausible molecular arrangements were derived indicating an induced fit of the cyclodextrin and possibly intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Several techniques were applied to obtain solid complex preparations in order to gather additional information about the formed complexes in the solid state. Thermal analysis was used for the determination of the inclusion yield. The lowest fraction of free guest was observed in freeze dried solutions. For fenbufen and naproxen the determination was not successful probably caused by changes in cristallinity. FT-IR spectra of the solid complex preparations and physical mixtures indicated the inclusion of the guest’s aromatic part and carbonyl group into the cavity except for felbinac. In most cases these findings are supported by twodimensional NMR-spectra. Here the guest molecules occupy variable orientations inside the cyclodextrin cavity. From the results one can deduce possible explanations for the unusual form of the phase solubility isotherms of naproxen and fenbufen. The carboxylic acid group is positioned possibly allowing a disturbance of the cyclodextrins intramolecular hydrogen binding system and thus causing an increased solubility of the host. To summarize, the basic structure and functional groups of the guest molecule are of particular importance for the structure and the properties of the complexes formed with cyclodextrins and for the extent of the host guest interactions. Possibly the lipophilicity of the guest molecules can be applied for a vague estimation of attraction. As complex formation is driven by a diversity of different factors predictions for a system are only possible under certain limitations. Complex formation should always be regarded as a single case. A general decision for or against the application of cyclodextrins is not feasible.

Functional and Microstructural MRI of the Human Brain Revealing a Cerebral Network Processing the Age of Faces / Funktionelles und mikrostrukturelles MRT des menschlichen Gehirns detektiert ein zerebrales Netzwerk zur Verarbeitung des Alters von Gesichtern

Homola, György Ádám January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Although age is one of the most salient and fundamental aspects of human faces, its processing in the brain has not yet been studied by any neuroimaging experiment. Automatic assessment of temporal changes across faces is a prerequisite to identifying persons over their life-span, and age per se is of biological and social relevance. Using a combination of evocative face morphs controlled for global optical flow and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we segregate two areas that process changes of facial age in both hemispheres. These areas extend beyond the previously established face-sensitive network and are centered on the posterior inferior temporal sulcus (pITS) and the posterior angular gyrus (pANG), an evolutionarily new formation of the human brain. Using probabilistic tractography and by calculating spatial cross-correlations as well as creating minimum intersection maps between activation and connectivity patterns we demonstrate a hitherto unrecognized link between structure and function in the human brain on the basis of cognitive age processing. According to our results, implicit age processing involves the inferior temporal sulci and is, at the same time, closely tied to quantity decoding by the presumed neural systems devoted to magnitudes in the human parietal lobes. The ventral portion of Wernicke’s largely forgotten perpendicular association fasciculus is shown not only to interconnect these two areas but to relate to their activations, i.e. to transmit age-relevant information. In particular, post-hoc age-rating competence is shown to be associated with high response levels in the left angular gyrus. Cortical activation patterns related to changes of facial age differ from those previously elicited by other fixed as well as changeable face aspects such as gender (used for comparison), ethnicity and identity as well as eye gaze or facial expressions. We argue that this may be due to the fact that individual changes of facial age occur ontogenetically, unlike the instant changes of gaze direction or expressive content in faces that can be “mirrored” and require constant cognitive monitoring to follow. Discussing the ample evidence for distinct representations of quantitative age as opposed to categorical gender varied over continuous androgyny levels, we suggest that particular face-sensitive regions interact with additional object-unselective quantification modules to obtain individual estimates of facial age. / Obwohl das Alter eines der markantesten und grundlegendsten Aspekte menschlicher Gesichter darstellt, hat man die Verarbeitung im Gehirn noch nicht durch ein funktionell bildgebendes Verfahren untersucht und mit strukturellen Leitungsbahnen in Verbindung gebracht. Die automatische Bewertung der altersbedingten Veränderungen in Gesichtern ist eine Voraussetzung für die Identifizierung von Personen über ihre gesamte Lebenszeit, und das Lebensalter an sich ist von biologischer und sozialer Relevanz. In dieser Dissertation wird die funktionelle Kernspintomographie (fMRI) mit eindrucksvollen Gesichtsmorphs kombiniert, welche auf sichtbare Bewegung im gesamten Bild kontrolliert wurden. Hierdurch werden zwei Bereiche auf beiden Hemisphären isoliert, welche die Veränderungen des Alters von Gesichtern gemeinsam und automatisch verarbeiten. Diese Areale reichen über das zuvor etablierte gesichtssensible Netzwerk hinaus und zentrieren sich auf den hinteren inferio-temporalen Sulcus (pITS) und den hinteren angulären Gyrus (pANG), eine evolutionäre Neubildung des menschlichen Gehirns. Mit Hilfe der probabilistischen Traktographie diffusiongewichteter MRT-Daten und der Berechnung räumlicher Kreuzkorrelationen sowie der Erstellung von Minimum Intersection Maps zwischen Aktivierungs- und Konnektivitätsmustern wird ein bisher unerkannter Zusammenhang zwischen Struktur und Funktion des menschlichen Gehirns anhand der kognitiven Altersverarbeitung aufgezeigt. Unseren Ergebnissen zufolge wird der inferiore temporale Sulcus in die implizite Altersverarbeitung einbezogen und gleichzeitig eng mit der Mengendekodierung verknüpft, welche in den vermutlich Größenabschätzungen gewidmeten neuronalen Systemen im Scheitellappen des menschlichen Gehirns erfolgt. Es wird dargelegt, dass der ventrale Teil von Wernickes weitgehend vergessenem senkrecht verlaufendem Assoziationsbündels nicht nur diese beiden Bereiche miteinander verbindet, sondern auch mit ihren Aktivierungen in Beziehung steht, was die These stützt, dass altersrelevante Informationen tatsächlich über ihn übertragen werden. Bei der nachträglichen Alterseinschätzung der Gesichter zeigt sich, dass gutes Abschneiden der Versuchspersonen mit stärkeren Aktivierungen im linken angulären Gyrus einhergeht. Die kortikalen Aktivierungsmuster auf Änderungen des Gesichtsalters unterscheiden sich von jenen, die mit anderen wechselnden Gesichtsmerkmalen in Zusammenhang gebracht wurden, welche das Geschlecht (das zum Vergleich und zur Kontrolle herangezogen wurde), die Ethnizität und die personelle Identität sowie Blickrichtungen und Mimik betreffen. Es wird argumentiert, dass dies möglicherweise auf die Tatsache zurückzuführen ist, dass individuelle Änderungen des Gesichtsalters ontogenetisch auftreten, anders als beispielsweise die flüchtigen Wechsel von Blickrichtungen oder im Ausdruck in Gesichtern, welche vom Betrachter "gespiegelt" werden können und ständige Beobachtung erfordern, um kognitiv nachvollzogen werden zu können. Damit wird erstmals die eigene Art der Wahrnehmung und Verarbeitung des quantitativen Alters im direkten Gegensatz zu kategorischem Geschlecht belegt, welches über kontinuierliche Androgyniegrade variiert: Bestimmte gesichtssensible Regionen interagieren offenbar mit zusätzlichen nicht objekt-selektiven Quantifizierungsmodulen, um das Alter eines Gesichts individuell abzuschätzen.

Bestimmung der Altersabhängigkeit der Endothel-vermittelten Herzperfusion mittels MR Cold-Pressor-Test und Adenosin-Stress-Test / Age-related comparison of myocardial perfusion imaging using MR cold pressor test and adenosine stress test

Knödler, Pascal Alain January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die myokardiale Perfusion gesunder Probanden in Ruhe und unter Adenosin–induziertem, sowie Kälte-induziertem Stress quantitativ mittels First-Pass-Perfusions MR-Bildgebung beim gleichen Probanden untersucht und die Perfusionswerte alters- und geschlechtsabhängig verglichen. Hierbei wurden zwanzig Probanden in altersabhängige Gruppen eingeteilt, wobei der cut-off vierzig Jahre war. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass der Einsatz des CPT zur Beurteilung der endothelvermittelten Vasodilatation im MRT möglich ist. Im Vergleich zum Einsatz von Adenosin zeigt die Stress-Untersuchung mittels CPT weniger bis keine unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen und die Kontraindikationen sind geringer. Somit ist der Einsatz des CPT zur Beurteilung der myokardialen Stressperfusion als eine nebenwirkungsarme Untersuchungsmodalität anzusehen, die es ermöglicht, die frühesten Veränderungen des Endothels bei beginnender koronarer Arteriosklerose zu detektieren. Als Ergebnis ist festzuhalten, dass in dieser Arbeit alle Probanden eine statistisch signifikante Perfusionserhöhung beim CPT aufweisen. Es zeigt sich kein statistisch signifikanter Alters- oder Geschlechtsunterschied beim CPT. Auf die Verabreichung von Adenosin reagiert die junge Probandengruppe mit einer statistisch signifikant höheren Myokardperfusion. Dies könnte in erster Linie durch den höheren Anteil an Frauen in der jungen Gruppe zu erklären sein. / The response of myocardial blood flow (MBF) to adenosine stress and to sympathetic stimulation (Cold-Pressor-Test = CPT) with cold can be examined with the MRT. This work compares and evaluates a possible age and gender dependency of absolute myocardial perfusion values of stress MRT and MRT-CPT in the same healthy subjects divided into twogroups. First-Pass perfusion-studies were performed in 20 healthy, non-smoking volunteers, 10 with a mean age of 25±2.5yrs. and 10 with a mean age of 50.5±6.5yrs. using a 1.5 T MR-scanner with a multislice SSFP perfusion sequence in prebolus-technique. The MR-CPT was performed using a two minutes ice-water bath of the left hand. Second imaging was performed 15 minutes later to examine the perfusion at rest. In a further examination rest and adenosine stress perfusion was performed. The mean myocardial perfusion (cc/g/min) in the younger group rose from 0.77±0.13 at rest to 1.33±0.45 for CPT and from 0.76±0.16 at rest to 1.92±0.58 for adenosine stress. In the older group the myocardial perfusion rose from 0.81±0.16 at rest to 1.44±0.38 for CPT and from 0.71±0.16 at rest to 1.44±0.62 for adenosine stress. Perfusion values show a significant increase in both tests. A significant age or gender dependence was not found for the CPT.

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