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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Symfony vs Express: A Server-Side Framework Comparison

Greiff, Magnus, Johansson, André January 2019 (has links)
Context Considering the rising popularity of Node.js and the fact that a very largepercentage of websites today are based on PHP, there is a need to understand thesimilarities and differences between these languages.  Comparing their most popularserver-side  frameworks  is  valuable  to  developers  in  seeing  the  advantages  of  usingone over the other - for both user and developer. Objectives In this study we investigate how Express.js and Symfony compareagainst each other in terms of installation, functionality and performance. Thiswill provide understanding of when to use JavaScript frameworks and when to usePHP frameworks for server-side projects. Method A literature study was done to answer what similarities and differences existbetween the frameworks. To explore how they compare in performance when mul-tiple users are actively sending requests to the server, an experiment was performed.Another experiment was carried out to measure performance in CPU-intensive ap-plications. Results The result shows that both frameworks are quick to install and it is a fastprocess to setup a basic application. Both frameworks are highly cuztomizable andconfigurable because they are supported by a big open source community and theonly difference is that Express is supportive of single-page applications which Sym-fony can not do on its own. Express was better than Symfony to handle multipleconcurrent users when it comes to CPU usage and time it takes for the requests. For100 and 1000 requests, Express CPU usage varied more than Symfony, but at 10000and 100000 it varied less. In all tests with concurrent users, Express was faster. Testsperformed in the second experiment showed that Symfony is only able to use 1 corewhen making the requests while Express is able to use multiple cores. Even thoughSymfony was limited by 1 core it was faster, most likely because it used more memory. Conclusions This study shows that there are more similarities than differencesbetween Express and Symfony. They both strive for high customization and highflexibility with a goal to make tedious tasks easier for the developer. Both rely onopen source modules and components to add additional functionality. Out of thebox, Express comes with less functionality as it strives to be minimalistic. However,to install Symfony is slightly quicker than Express and requires no code. Thereare currently more daily downloads of Express than Symfony, and therefore it’sconsidered more popular. It’s supportive of JavaScript-only for front- and back-endand is able to handle more concurrent users than Symfony, and is therefore betterfor high-traffic websites. But Symfony is able to handle CPU-intensive applicationsbetter than Express, and is able to load in large data sets faster, making it a goodchoice for applications with a lot of data and high CPU usage.

Webbramverk för sökning av heterogen data utifrån single-page sökfunktion / Web framework for searching heterogeneous data by single-page search function

Andersson, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
Detta arbete fokuserar på att utveckla två webbapplikationer i ramverken Django och Node.js tillsammans med Express för att besvara frågan av vilket ramverk som erhåller bäst söktider utifrån en Q&A plattform som använder en PostgreSQL databas vars innehåll är delar av Stack Overflow datasetet. Ramverken jämförs med hjälp av metoden experiment på grund av fördelarna som det erbjuder. Resultatet blev att Node.js gav bättre söktider för ett mindre webbapplikationer medan Django presterade bättre för större webbapplikationer. Genom att halvera storleken av sökresultatens kroppstext till 150 tecken fick Node.js söktider som i snitt var bättre än Django vid större projekt. Antalet sökresultat har en inverkan där vardera ramverk har sina egna intervaller där de ger bäst söktider. Kortsiktigt kan arbetet fortsätta genom att utföra ytterligare mätningar för respektive faktor, långsiktigt kan dessa ramverk jämföras med andra för att se om dessa två ligger bland de bättre eller sämre för denna tillämpningen.

Kooperativní práce na dokumentech v aplikaci TeXonWeb

Telenský, Václav January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with design and implementation of cooperative work on documents in the application TEXonWeb. The diploma theses includes the analysis of competitive solutions and key technologies for implementation. The cooperative work on documents is a functionality which allows users to cooperate simply on one document in real-time. Text of the thesis describes the process of implementation using the technology which is described in the initial analysis. The diploma theses also includes some ideas for next possible development.

Portálové řešení informačního systému na platformě Meteor / Portal information system on Meteor platform

Masopust, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes development of real-time reactive portal applications build on Meteor platform. The goal of this thesis is to describe different parts of the platform as a whole and to offer best practices to develop such applications. The theoretical part provides information covering Node.js server, MongoDB document database and their specific features. The beginning of the practical part focuses on the application design and its components implementation. The last chapter summarizes the outcome of this thesis and analyses advantages and disadvantages of Meteor platform over more traditional technology stack. The output and the main value is the Opticube application that is being used in retail. Another plus is the fact, that this thesis is the first to cover Meteor platform at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague.

Současné trendy kódování webového frontendu / Present trends in frontend web development

KOMRSKA, Roman January 2016 (has links)
This thesis contains present trends in frontend web development. On the basis of this, there is made web application which is responsive a it is usable on mobile devices. In the theoretical part, there are described news and present trends of frontend web development and in the practical part, there is described whole process, which contains design, development, testing and deployment. This thesis could be very useful for beginners in the subject.

Att automatisera funktionstester fokuserat på e-handelssystem : En fallstudie på Askås I&R med fokus på testprotokoll, programspråk och effektiviseringsgrad / To automate functional tests focused on e-commerce systems : A case study at Askås I&R focusing on test protocols, programming languages ​​and efficiency levels

Sjölin, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
För att minska mängden fel och öka pålitligheten i ett IT-system är testning något som bör utföras. IT-företaget Askås I&R använder sig i dagsläget av stora mängder manuella tester. För att effektivisera testprocessen ska automatiserade tester införas. Fokus i denna studie ligger på att undersöka om programspråk bör väljas för att passa testverktyg eller om testerna bör anpassas efter programspråket som används frekvent på företaget, samt hur mycket arbetstid företag kan tjäna på att automatisera sina testfall.    En översiktlig undersökning gjordes för att undersöka vilket verktyg som är bäst lämpat för Askås I&R baserat. För att utvärdera vilket programspråk som är relevant för företaget användes en enkätundersökning bland företagets testare samt en öppen intervju med en systemarkitekt på företaget.   Fem av företagets arton testprotokoll automatiserades. Tidsåtgången för de manuella och de automatiserade testprotokollen jämfördes och analyserades. Utfallet tyder på att det finns mycket tid att spara på automatisering. I uppsatsens slutsatser framhålls att automatisering av testfall bör prioriteras efter vissa kriterier vid utvecklingen av nya systemversioner.

Relational Database Web Application : Web administration interface for visualizing and predicting relationships to manage relational databases

Hansson, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
There is a need of storing and keeping track of things. As the amount of information increases, so does the demand for suitable applications that can manage the data. This thesis has had its focus on developing a web administration interface for relational databases, where the focus has been on managing and visualizing the data, where relationships between data within the database could be predicted through an algorithm. During the thesis, it was revealed that administrators can utilize naming conventions for databases, a property which can be used to predict its relationships. Furthermore, existing applications for managing databases has been compared with the thesis' implementation. Notable differences are that existing solutions are focused towards the structure of the data, rather than the data itself. To accomplish all this, an agile method was chosen for fast results within the deadline, together with standardized web development tools and JavaScript frameworks. The resulting implementation consists of a front- and backend. The frontend was developed using the Ember.JS framework for making web applications and the backend was implemented using Node.JS, together with a component for handling different database dialects called Sequelize. It has been concluded that the prototype this thesis has resulted in works as a proof of concept, complete with a prediction algorithm that can suggest relationships within databases that utilizes convenient and consistent naming conventions. In the future, further research and tests could be conducted to evaluate the security, reliability and usability of the application, to ensure its production quality.

Robust Issue Tracking Application (RITA) : Developing an issue tracker using modern web technologies

Åhman, Stefan January 2017 (has links)
Issue tracking is one of the vital parts in maintaining computer  systems.  It is utilized in anything from small independent companies to large enterprises. The tracking does not just provide developers and other personnel with crucial information regarding their systems current state, but additionally stores useful documentation if any error reoccurs in the future. However, if the tracking issue would be deficient in some way, the complete process of developing or maintaining a system could affected negatively in great extent. This thesis work has looked into a scenario where the tool has been to slow, overly complicated and obsolete. It has made a large negative impact on the work force that uses the tool and made tracking issue to a discouragement. The thesis work has thence investigated features of the existing tool, suggested a better solution to use based upon these findings, followed by the development of a web application. When the application was finished, its usability was tested by the intended staff and performance tests were conducted. The test results showed that the application had been implemented successfully in many aspects. Unfortunately, due to deficient technical choices, the project did struggle with implementing all features as expected. The thesis work did consequently learn the hard way the importance of a choosing development techniques very thoroughly.

Cloud-based Mobile System for Free-Living Gait Analysis : System component : Server architecture

Carlsson, Hampus, Marcus, Kärrman January 2017 (has links)
Progress in the fields of wearable sensor technologies together with specialized analysis algorithms has enabled systems for gait analysis outside labs. An example of a wearable sensor is the accelerometer embedded in a typical smartphone. The goal was to propose a system design capable of hosting existing gait analysis algorithms in a cloud environment, and tailor the design as to deliver fast results with the ambition of reaching near real-time.    The project identified a set of enabling technologies by examining existing systems for gait analysis; the technologies included cloud computing and WebSockets. The final system design is a hierarchical composition starting with a Linux VM running Node.js, which in turn connects to a database and hosts instances of the MatLab runtime. The results show the feasibility of mobile cloud based free-living gait analysis. The architectural design provides a solution to the critical problem of enabling existing algorithms to run in a cloud environment; and shows how  the graphical output of the native algorithm could be accurately reproduced in a web browser. The system can process a chunk of 1300 data points under 3 seconds for a client streaming at 128 Hz, while simultaneously streaming the real time signal.

Synchronizace vektorové grafiky mezi klienty a serverem / Synchronization of vector graphic between multiple clients and server

Votava, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
Goal of this master thesis is to analyze existing algorithms for ensuring consistency in real-time synchronization of vector graphics between server and multiple clients, testing them, describe main differences and selection of the best for this purpose. The theoretical part is devoted to realtime comunication over HTTP, to WebSockets, to concurrency algorithms and to basics of application architecture. The practical part describes the technology used in this thesis, as well as actual application design a its implementation. The result of this thesis is an overview of concurrency algorithms, the choise of technology for real-time communication between server and multiple clients and implementation of selected technologies and algorithms in Node.js application.

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