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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamics of residual non-aqueous phase liquids in porous media subject to freeze-thaw

Singh, Kamaljit, Engineering & Information Technology, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
This project concerns the effect of freeze-thaw cycles on the pore-scale structure of nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) contaminants in water-saturated porous media. This problem is of critical importance to the entrapment of such contaminants in cold temperate, polar and high altitude regions, and has not been examined in the literature to date. This research work is conducted in three stages: (i) two-dimensional nondestructive visualisation of residual light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), and dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL), in porous media subject to successive freeze-thaw cycles; (ii) three-dimensional experiments on LNAPL in porous media subject to freeze-thaw, with quantification of phase volumes by X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT); and (iii) the explanation of results by several pore scale mathematical and conceptual models. The two-dimensional cell experiments (using a monolayer of 0.5 mm diameter glass beads held between two glass sheets), and three-dimensional X-ray micro-CT experiments reveal a substantial mobilisation and rupture of ganglia during successive freeze-thaw cycles; this includes the detachment of smaller ganglia from larger ganglia and the mobilisation of NAPL in the direction of freezing front. The experiments also reveal significant shedding of numerous single/sub-singlet ganglia along narrow pore corridors, their entrapment in growing polycrystalline ice, and the coalescence of such small ganglia during thawing to form larger singlets. These changes were more predominant where the freezing commenced. The results of the experimental studies were interpreted by developing several mathematical and conceptual models, including freezing-induced pressure model, Darcy's law model, multipore ganglia model (rupture coefficient) and ice-snap off model.

Modélisation micromécanique des couplages hydromécaniques et des mécanismes d'érosion interne dans les ouvrages hydrauliques / Modeling micro-mechanical couplings and internal erosion mechanisms

Tong, Anh Tuan 15 January 2014 (has links)
Les matériaux granulaires multiphasiques occupent une place très importante dans notre environnement qui suscitent un grand intérêt de nombreuses communautés scientifiques, notamment celles de la mécanique des sols ou de la géotechnique. Le caractère divisé permet les milieux granulaires multiphasiques d'avoir un comportement mécanique global qui trouve leur origine, leur distribution et interactions entre les phases de composition. Un modèle de couplage hydromécanique est présenté dans ce travail de thèse pour l'application à la modélisation microscopique des couplages hydromécaniques dans les matériaux granulaires saturés. Le modèle numérique est basé sur un couplage de la méthode des éléments discrets (DEM) avec une formulation en volumes finis, à l'échelle des pores (PFV), du problmème de l'écoulement d'un fluide visqueux incompressible. Le solide est modélisé comme un arrangement de particules sphériques avec des interactions de type élasto-plastique aux contacts solide-solide. On considère un écoulement de Stokes incompressible, en supposant que les forces inertielles sont négligeables par rapport aux forces visqueuses. La géométrie des pores et leur connectivité sont définies sur la base d'une triangulation régulière des sphères, qui aboutit à un maillage tétrahédrique. La définition des conductivités hydrauliques à l'échelle des pores est un point clef du modèle, qui se rapproche sur ce point à des modèles de type pore-network. Une importance particulière réside dans les lois d'interactions fluide-solide permettant de déterminer des forces de fluide appliquées sur chacune des particules, tout en assurant un coût de calcul acceptable pour la modélisation en trois dimensions avec plusieurs millieurs des particules. Des mesures de perméabilités sur des assemblages bidisperses de billes de verre sont présentées et comparées aux prédictions du modèle et aux formules empiriques/semi-empiriques dans la littérature, ce qui valide la définition de la conductivité locale et met en évidence le rôle de la distribution granulométrique et la porosité. Une approche numérique pour analyser l'interaction mécanique fluide-solide et les mécanismes d'érosion interne est finalement présentée. / Multiphase granular materials occupy a very important place in our environment that are of great interest to many scientific communities, including those of soil mechanics or geotechnical engineering. The divided nature allows multiphase granular media to have a global mechanical behaviour which originates from all component phases, their distribution and interactions. Acoupled hydromechanical model is presented in this work for the application to microscopic modeling of coupled hydromechanical in saturated granular materials. The numerical model uses a combination of the discrete element method (DEM) with a pore-scale finite volume (PFV) formulation of flow problem of an incompressible viscous fluid. The solid is modeled as an assembly of spherical particles, where contact interactions are governed by elasto-plasticrelations. Stokes flow is considered, assuming that inertial forces are small in comparison with viscous forces. Pore geometry and pore connections are defined locally through regular triangulation of spheres, from which a tetrahedral mesh arises. The definition of pore-scale hydraulic conductivities is a key aspect of this model. In this sense, the model is similar to a pore-network model. The emphasis of this model is, on one hand the microscopic description of the interaction between phases, with the determination of the forces applied on solid particles by the fluid, on the other hand, the model involves affordable computational costs, that allow the simulation of thousands of particles in three dimensional models. Permeability measurements on bidispersed glass beads are reported and compared with model predictions and empirical formulas/semi-empirical in the literature, validating the definition of local conductivities and bringing out the role of particle size distribution and porosity. A numerical approach to analyze the fluid-solid mechanical interaction and mechanisms of internal erosion is finally presented.

Modélisation des processus biogéochimiques dans les sédiments variablement saturés soumis au forçage de la marée / Modelling of biogeochemical processes into variably saturated sédiments submitted to the tidal forcing

Chassagne, Romain 08 October 2010 (has links)
Afin de mieux appréhender la multiplicité et la complexité des processus biogéochimiques enzône cotière, un modèle 2D dé- crivant l’évolution d’espèces biogéniques dans les sédiments per-méables des zones intertidales a été développé. Ce modèle couple l’hydrodynamique générée parla marée aux processus de transport-réaction d’espèces biogéochimiques. L’infiltration de la maréedans ce milieu poreux variablement saturé est modélisée par l’équation de Richards. Des méthodesnumériques nécessaires à la ré- solution des équations décrivant le couplage ont été mises en place,comme la méthode de stabilisation SUPG (Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin) et une méthodede capture de choc. Le site très dynamique de la plage du Truc-Vert (côte Atlantique) a été choisicomme terrain de référence en raison principalement d’études biogéochimiques disponibles. Lesparamètres d’entrée du modèle font appel d’une part à ces données de terrain (missions ANR PRO-TIDAL et MOBISEA) et d’autre part à des paramètres issus de la bibliographie. La validation dumodèle a été effectuée à partir de la comparaison avec deux cas test issus de la littérature, le pre-mier concernant l’hydrodynamique sous le forçage de la marée et le second concernant l’équationde transport-réaction. Une première version du modèle a été déclinée pour décrire l’évolution de laconcentration en silice en milieu poreux sous le forçage de la marée. Les flux de silice vers l’océanet le temps de résidence de la silice dans les sédiments perméables des plages ont été estimés. Aubout de quelques jours, on peut observer la formation d’une lentille de faible concentration en si-lice dans la partie supérieure de la zone intertidale, caractéristique du forçage de la marée. Nousavons également étudié les variations de la géométrie de cette lentille et du temps de résidencesous l’influence de différents paramètres, tel que la pente de la plage, la conductivité hydraulique,l’amplitude de la marée et le coefficient de dispersion. Une deuxième version du modèle décrit la dégradation de la matière organique, l’évolution des concentrations en oxygène, en nitrates,en phosphates. Ainsi nous disposons de la répartition spatio-temporelle des concentra- tions deces différentes espèces chimiques dans le sédiment. Aujourd’hui les problèmes environnementauxs’avèrent fondamentaux pour notre société et la compréhension des interactions sédiments-océanen est une étape essentielle. Ce modèle nous permet de mieux percevoir le rôle joué par la ma-rée et de quantifier les processus qu’elle induit dans les sédiments variablement saturés des plagessableuses. Ce modèle participe de façon significative à la compréhension des processus biogéochi-miques se déroulant dans ces environnements particulièrement complexes et permet la structurationdes campagnes de mesure. / For a better understanding of the complexity of the biogeochemical processes in coastal re-gion, a 2D model has been developed. This model couples hydrodynamic forcing generated bythe tide and the transport-reaction processes of biogeochemical species. Di- scharge of the tideinto the variably-saturated porous media is modelled by Richards equation. Some numerical me-thods are required for solving this kind of complex problem, as Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin(SUPG) method and shock capturing method. The highly dynamical site of the Truc-Vert beach hasbeen chosen as reference field, mainly because of avalaible biogeochemical and hydrodynamicalstudies. The input parameters of the model come from these field data (ANR PROTIDAL and MO-BISEA projects) and from the bibliography. The validation of the model was made in regards oftwo case studies from published hydrodynamic simu- lations under tidal forcing and from avaliabletransport-reaction solutions. A first version of the model has been declined to describe silicic acidevolution into porous media under tidal forcing. The flux of the silicic acid to the ocean and theresidence time of silicic acid into permeable sandy sediments were estimated. After some days, weobserve the formation of a lens of low silicic acid concen- tration in the upper part of the intertidalzone. This lens is the main imprint of the tidal forcing. We studied also variations of the lens geo-metry and the residence time under influence of model parameters, such as the beach slope, the tideamplitude and the dispersion coefficient. A second version of the model describes the organic mat-ter degradation , and simulates the concentrations of oxygen, nitrates and phosphates. The modelreproduces the spatial (2D) and temporal distribution of the concentration of these different che-mical species into the sediment. Nowadays environmental problems are fondamental for our societyand the understanding of the sediment-ocean interactions is a crucial step. The new model allowsus a better understanding of the tidal impact on biogeochemical processes in permeable sediments and offers a quantitative approach on biogeochemical processes that occur into variably-saturatedsandy sediments. The model also offers a useful tool to optimize sampling strategy for field studies.

Splitting solution scheme for material point method

Kularathna, Shyamini January 2018 (has links)
Material point method (MPM) is a numerical tool which was originally used for modelling large deformations of solid mechanics problems. Due to the particle based spatial discretiza- tion, MPM is naturally capable of handling large mass movements together with topological changes. Further, the Lagrangian particles in MPM allow an easy implementation of history dependent materials. So far, however, research on MPM has been mostly restricted to explicit dynamic formu- lations with linear approximation functions. This is because of the simplicity and the low computational cost of such explicit algorithms. Particularly in MPM analysis of geomechan- ics problems, a considerable attention is given to the standard explicit formulation to model dynamic large deformations of geomaterials. Nonetheless, several limitations exist. In the limit of incompressibility, a significantly small time step is required to ensure the stability of the explicit formulation. Time step size restriction is also present in low permeability cases in porous media analysis. Spurious pressure oscillations are another numerical instability present in nearly incompressible flow behaviours. This research considers an implicit treatment of the pressure in MPM algorithm to simu- late material incompressibility. The coupled velocity (v)-pressure (p) governing equations are solved by applying Chorin’s projection method which exhibits an inherent pressure stability. Hence, linear finite elements can be used in the MPM solver. The main purpose of this new MPM formulation is to mitigate artificial pressure oscillations and time step restrictions present in the explicit MPM approach. First, a single phase MPM solver is applied to free surface incompressible fluid flow problems. Numerical results show a better approximation of the pressure field compared to the results obtained from the explicit MPM. The proposed formulation is then extended to model fully saturated porous materials with incompress- ible constituents. A solid velocity(v S )-fluid velocity (v F )-pore pressure (p) formulation is presented within the framework of mixture theory. Comparing the numerical results for the one-dimensional consolidation problem shows that the proposed incompressible MPM algorithm provides a stable and accurate pore pressure field even without implementing damping in the solver. Finally, the coupled MPM is used to solve a two-dimensional wave propagation problem and a plain strain consolidation problem. One of the important features of the proposed hydro mechanical coupled MPM formulation is that the time step size is not dependent on the incompressibility and the permeability of the porous medium.

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