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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití regresních metod pro predikci dopravy / Regession Methods in Traffic Prediction

Vaňák, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis deals with possibilities of predicting traffic situation on the macroscopic level using data, that were recorded using traffic sensors. This sensors could be loop detectors, radar detectors or cameras. The main problem discussed in this thesis is the travel time of cars. A method for travel time prediction was designed and implemented as a part of this thesis. Data from real traffic were used to test the designed method. The first objective of this thesis is to become familiar with the prediction methods that will be used. The main objective is to use the acquired knowledge to design and to implement an aplication that will predict required traffic variables.

Koevoluční algoritmus v FPGA / Coevolutionary Algorithm in FPGA

Hrbáček, Radek January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of a hardware acceleration unit for digital image filter design using coevolutionary algorithms. The first part introduces reconfigurable logic device technology that the acceleration unit is based on. The theoretical part also briefly characterizes evolutionary and coevolutionary algorithms, their principles and applications. Traditional image filter designs are compared with the biologically inspired design methods. The hardware unit presented in this thesis exploits dual MicroBlaze system extended by custom peripherals to accelerate cartesian genetic programming. The coevolutionary image filter design is accelerated up to 58 times. The hardware platform functionality in the task of impulse noise filter design and edge detector design has been empirically analyzed.

Polymorfní obrazové filtry / Polymorphic Image Filters

Salajka, Vojtěch January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the polymorphic image filter design. The study includes polymorphic circuits, their theoretical base and practical applications. It further focuses on the cartesian genetic programming that can be used for an evolutionary design of some types of image filters. The thesis continues with the specification of the evolutionary algorithm to be used for the design of the polymorphic image filters. The implementation of the algorithm is described in two versions -- a standard one running only on a CPU and an accelerated one that partially uses the GPU. Several polymorphic image filters are designed by means of the algorithm.

Koevoluce v evolučním návrhu obvodů / Coevolution in Evolutionary Circuit Design

Veřmiřovský, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with evolutionary design of the digital circuits performed by a cartesian genetic programing and optimization by a coevolution. Algorithm coevolves fitness predictors that are optimized for a population of candidate digital circuits. The thesis presents theoretical basis, especially genetic programming, coevolution in genetic programming, design of the digital circuits, and deals with possibilities of the utilization of the coevolution in the combinational circuit design. On the basis of this proposal, the application designing and optimizing logical circuits is implemented. Application functionality is verified in the five test tasks. The comparison between Cartesian genetic programming with and without coevolution is considered. Then logical circuits evolved using cartesian genetic programming with and without coevolution is compared with conventional design methods. Evolution using coevolution has reduced the number of evaluation of circuits during evolution in comparison with standard cartesian genetic programming without coevolution and in some cases is found solution with better parameters (i.e. less logical gates or less delay).

Genetické vylepšení software pro kartézské genetické programování / Genetic Improvement of Cartesian Genetic Programming Software

Husa, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Genetic programming is a nature-inspired method of programming that allows an automated creation and adaptation of programs. For nearly two decades, this method has been able to provide human-comparable results across many fields. This work gives an introduction to the problems of evolutionary algorithms, genetic programming and the way they can be used to improve already existing software. This work then proposes a program able to use these methods to improve an implementation of cartesian genetic programming (CGP). This program is then tested on a CGP implementation created specifically for this project, and its functionality is then verified on other already existing implementations of CGP.

Structural Shape Optimization Based On The Use Of Cartesian Grids

Marco Alacid, Onofre 06 July 2018 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / As ever more challenging designs are required in present-day industries, the traditional trial-and-error procedure frequently used for designing mechanical parts slows down the design process and yields suboptimal designs, so that new approaches are needed to obtain a competitive advantage. With the ascent of the Finite Element Method (FEM) in the engineering community in the 1970s, structural shape optimization arose as a promising area of application. However, due to the iterative nature of shape optimization processes, the handling of large quantities of numerical models along with the approximated character of numerical methods may even dissuade the use of these techniques (or fail to exploit their full potential) because the development time of new products is becoming ever shorter. This Thesis is concerned with the formulation of a 3D methodology based on the Cartesian-grid Finite Element Method (cgFEM) as a tool for efficient and robust numerical analysis. This methodology belongs to the category of embedded (or fictitious) domain discretization techniques in which the key concept is to extend the structural analysis problem to an easy-to-mesh approximation domain that encloses the physical domain boundary. The use of Cartesian grids provides a natural platform for structural shape optimization because the numerical domain is separated from a physical model, which can easily be changed during the optimization procedure without altering the background discretization. Another advantage is the fact that mesh generation becomes a trivial task since the discretization of the numerical domain and its manipulation, in combination with an efficient hierarchical data structure, can be exploited to save computational effort. However, these advantages are challenged by several numerical issues. Basically, the computational effort has moved from the use of expensive meshing algorithms towards the use of, for example, elaborate numerical integration schemes designed to capture the mismatch between the geometrical domain boundary and the embedding finite element mesh. To do this we used a stabilized formulation to impose boundary conditions and developed novel techniques to be able to capture the exact boundary representation of the models. To complete the implementation of a structural shape optimization method an adjunct formulation is used for the differentiation of the design sensitivities required for gradient-based algorithms. The derivatives are not only the variables required for the process, but also compose a powerful tool for projecting information between different designs, or even projecting the information to create h-adapted meshes without going through a full h-adaptive refinement process. The proposed improvements are reflected in the numerical examples included in this Thesis. These analyses clearly show the improved behavior of the cgFEM technology as regards numerical accuracy and computational efficiency, and consequently the suitability of the cgFEM approach for shape optimization or contact problems. / La competitividad en la industria actual impone la necesidad de generar nuevos y mejores diseños. El tradicional procedimiento de prueba y error, usado a menudo para el diseño de componentes mecánicos, ralentiza el proceso de diseño y produce diseños subóptimos, por lo que se necesitan nuevos enfoques para obtener una ventaja competitiva. Con el desarrollo del Método de los Elementos Finitos (MEF) en el campo de la ingeniería en la década de 1970, la optimización de forma estructural surgió como un área de aplicación prometedora. El entorno industrial cada vez más exigente implica ciclos cada vez más cortos de desarrollo de nuevos productos. Por tanto, la naturaleza iterativa de los procesos de optimización de forma, que supone el análisis de gran cantidad de geometrías (para las se han de usar modelos numéricos de gran tamaño a fin de limitar el efecto de los errores intrínsecamente asociados a las técnicas numéricas), puede incluso disuadir del uso de estas técnicas. Esta Tesis se centra en la formulación de una metodología 3D basada en el Cartesian-grid Finite Element Method (cgFEM) como herramienta para un análisis numérico eficiente y robusto. Esta metodología pertenece a la categoría de técnicas de discretización Immersed Boundary donde el concepto clave es extender el problema de análisis estructural a un dominio de aproximación, que contiene la frontera del dominio físico, cuya discretización (mallado) resulte sencilla. El uso de mallados cartesianos proporciona una plataforma natural para la optimización de forma estructural porque el dominio numérico está separado del modelo físico, que podrá cambiar libremente durante el procedimiento de optimización sin alterar la discretización subyacente. Otro argumento positivo reside en el hecho de que la generación de malla se convierte en una tarea trivial. La discretización del dominio numérico y su manipulación, en coalición con la eficiencia de una estructura jerárquica de datos, pueden ser explotados para ahorrar coste computacional. Sin embargo, estas ventajas pueden ser cuestionadas por varios problemas numéricos. Básicamente, el esfuerzo computacional se ha desplazado. Del uso de costosos algoritmos de mallado nos movemos hacia el uso de, por ejemplo, esquemas de integración numérica elaborados para poder capturar la discrepancia entre la frontera del dominio geométrico y la malla de elementos finitos que lo embebe. Para ello, utilizamos, por un lado, una formulación de estabilización para imponer condiciones de contorno y, por otro lado, hemos desarrollado nuevas técnicas para poder captar la representación exacta de los modelos geométricos. Para completar la implementación de un método de optimización de forma estructural se usa una formulación adjunta para derivar las sensibilidades de diseño requeridas por los algoritmos basados en gradiente. Las derivadas no son sólo variables requeridas para el proceso, sino una poderosa herramienta para poder proyectar información entre diferentes diseños o, incluso, proyectar la información para crear mallas h-adaptadas sin pasar por un proceso completo de refinamiento h-adaptativo. Las mejoras propuestas se reflejan en los ejemplos numéricos presentados en esta Tesis. Estos análisis muestran claramente el comportamiento superior de la tecnología cgFEM en cuanto a precisión numérica y eficiencia computacional. En consecuencia, el enfoque cgFEM se postula como una herramienta adecuada para la optimización de forma. / Actualment, amb la competència existent en la industria, s'imposa la necessitat de generar nous i millors dissenys . El tradicional procediment de prova i error, que amb freqüència es fa servir pel disseny de components mecànics, endarrereix el procés de disseny i produeix dissenys subòptims, pel que es necessiten nous enfocaments per obtindre avantatge competitiu. Amb el desenvolupament del Mètode dels Elements Finits (MEF) en el camp de l'enginyeria en la dècada de 1970, l'optimització de forma estructural va sorgir com un àrea d'aplicació prometedora. No obstant això, a causa de la natura iterativa dels processos d'optimització de forma, la manipulació dels models numèrics en grans quantitats, junt amb l'error de discretització dels mètodes numèrics, pot fins i tot dissuadir de l'ús d'aquestes tècniques (o d'explotar tot el seu potencial), perquè al mateix temps els cicles de desenvolupament de nous productes s'estan acurtant. Esta Tesi se centra en la formulació d'una metodologia 3D basada en el Cartesian-grid Finite Element Method (cgFEM) com a ferramenta per una anàlisi numèrica eficient i sòlida. Esta metodologia pertany a la categoria de tècniques de discretització Immersed Boundary on el concepte clau és expandir el problema d'anàlisi estructural a un domini d'aproximació fàcil de mallar que conté la frontera del domini físic. L'utilització de mallats cartesians proporciona una plataforma natural per l'optimització de forma estructural perquè el domini numèric està separat del model físic, que podria canviar lliurement durant el procediment d'optimització sense alterar la discretització subjacent. A més, un altre argument positiu el trobem en què la generació de malla es converteix en una tasca trivial, ja que la discretització del domini numèric i la seua manipulació, en coalició amb l'eficiència d'una estructura jeràrquica de dades, poden ser explotats per estalviar cost computacional. Tot i això, estos avantatges poden ser qüestionats per diversos problemes numèrics. Bàsicament, l'esforç computacional s'ha desplaçat. De l'ús de costosos algoritmes de mallat ens movem cap a l'ús de, per exemple, esquemes d'integració numèrica elaborats per poder capturar la discrepància entre la frontera del domini geomètric i la malla d'elements finits que ho embeu. Per això, fem ús, d'una banda, d'una formulació d'estabilització per imposar condicions de contorn i, d'un altra, desevolupem noves tècniques per poder captar la representació exacta dels models geomètrics Per completar la implementació d'un mètode d'optimització de forma estructural es fa ús d'una formulació adjunta per derivar les sensibilitats de disseny requerides pels algoritmes basats en gradient. Les derivades no són únicament variables requerides pel procés, sinó una poderosa ferramenta per poder projectar informació entre diferents dissenys o, fins i tot, projectar la informació per crear malles h-adaptades sense passar per un procés complet de refinament h-adaptatiu. Les millores proposades s'evidencien en els exemples numèrics presentats en esta Tesi. Estes anàlisis mostren clarament el comportament superior de la tecnologia cgFEM en tant a precisió numèrica i eficiència computacional. Així, l'enfocament cgFEM es postula com una ferramenta adient per l'optimització de forma. / Marco Alacid, O. (2017). Structural Shape Optimization Based On The Use Of Cartesian Grids [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86195 / Compendio

Hiding in plain sight : subjectivity, mimetic representation & the digital realm

Vosloo, Niel Brink 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (VA))--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study offers a critical exploration of the ways in which Jean Baudrillard’s theory of the simulacrum is ‘true’ or viable as a theory of representation in contemporary visual culture, with particular reference to digital imaging technologies. Using a selection of images and texts dating from the Renaissance to present day, I trace issues of subjectivity and self-reflexivity in modern image culture, questioning the extent to which digital imaging technology and information substantially departs from the early modern devotion to naturalistic representation (verisimilitude) as a reflection of knowledge and truth in the modern world. I offer a critique of the simulacrum theory that concerns two principle issues: firstly that simulacrum is a strictly self-reflexive operation and not an effect of digital imaging technology as Baudrillard claims; and secondly, that simulacrum necessitates an underlying dualist worldview in order to exist. With reference to the use of metaphor in magical realist texts and visual art, I draw the argument together with a discussion of my own art practice, particularly a body of work that takes Etienne van Heerden’s novel Toorberg (1986) as a starting point. The examples I refer to serve as visual evidence in support of my speculative philosophical argument against hyperreality; that is, how the simulacral nature of metaphor (as operating within a poststructuralist model of the sign) functions a critical aspect of a self-reflexive individual consciousness; and argues for subjectivity itself as inherently bound up in the operation of simulacrum. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is ’n kritiese ondersoek na die wyse waarop Jean Baudrillard se teorie van die simulacrum ‘waar’ of grondig is as ’n teorie van representasie in visuele kultuur, met spesifieke verwysing na digitale beeldtegnologie. ‘n Verskeidenheid beelde en tekste (van die Renaissance tot die moderne era) word betrek ten einde kwessies rondom subjektiwiteit en selfrefleksiwiteit in moderne beeldkultuur te ondersoek. Die mate waarin digitale beeldtegnologie en inligting merkbaar afwyk van ‘n vroeë moderne toegewydheid aan naturalistiese representasie (verisimilitude) as ‘n refleksie van kennis en waarheid in die moderne wêreld, word vervolgens krities ondersoek. Baudrillard se simulacrum-teorie word krities beoordeel: in die eerste plek is die simulacrum ‘n streng selfrefleksiewe proses en nie ‘n effek van digitale beeldtegnologie, soos Baudrillard beweer nie; en tweedens veronderstel, of noodsaak die simulacrum ‘n onderliggende dualistiese wêreldbeeld ten einde geldig verklaar te kan word. Met verwysing na die gebruik van metafoor in magies realistiese tekste en visuele kuns, word die argument saamgevat deur ’n bespreking van my persoonlike kunsprojek, vernaam ’n versameling werk wat Etienne van Heerden se roman Toorberg (1986) as verwysingspunt gebruik. Die voorbeelde waarna ek verwys ondersteun my spekulatiewe filosofiese argument teen hiperrealiteit (hyperreality); hoe die simulakrale (simulacral) aard van metafoor (soos werksaam binne ’n poststrukturalistiese model van die ‘teken’) as ’n kritiese aspek van selfrefleksiewe individuele bewussyn funksioneer. Ek argumenteer vervolgens dat subjektiwiteit sigself inherent deel is van die werking van simulacrum.

L'abêtissement chez Pascal

Darveau-St-Pierre, Vincent 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif de préciser le sens du verbe « abêtir » dans les Pensées de Blaise Pascal. Le sort ayant voulu que l’Apologie de la religion chrétienne demeure à jamais inachevée, le philosophe a emporté un secret épineux dans sa tombe : Qu’a-t-il bien pu vouloir signifier en écrivant que le remède à l’incroyance – répéter les gestes et les paroles liés au culte chrétien – abêtit ? Nous montrons à titre préliminaire que s’abêtir signifie devenir-bête, et que ce changement d’état entretient des liens étroits, tant par le contexte de son énonciation que par son champ lexical, avec le « discours de la Machine » et la notion d’« automate ». Notre analyse permet d’inférer que d’un point de vue strictement formel, s’abêtir renvoie à la préparation des habitudes humaines en vue de la foi. Nous montrons dans les chapitres suivants que le vocabulaire de la Machine/automate/bête est susceptible d’éclaircir trois dimensions de cette préparation. En distinguant les perspectives psycho-physiologique, morale et gnoséologique sur le problème de la conversion religieuse, nous montrons que l’abêtissement peut renvoyer simultanément 1) à l’acquisition d’habitudes corporelles et intellectuelles qui conduisent à la foi ; 2) au renforcement de la vertu d’humilité contre l’orgueil hérité du péché originel et qui fait obstacle à la croyance ; 3) et à l’acquisition passive d’une panoplie de connaissances factuelles tirées des Écritures et de l’histoire, nécessaires à une bonne entente des preuves de la vérité du christianisme. Chacune de ces perspectives fait l’objet d’un chapitre. / This Master’s thesis aims to clarify the meaning of “s’abêtir” in Blaise Pascal’s Pensées. As the Apologie de la religion chrétienne was left unfinished, the French philosopher took his secret to the grave: What did he mean by the idea that the cure for unbelief – repeating actions and words related to Christian worship – results in “s’abêtir” ? I argue that “s’abêtir” means becoming-beast, and that the context in which the notion is uttered as well as the lexical field it covers relate to the “discours de la Machine” and the notion of “automate”. My analysis allows me to say that, formally, “s'abêtir” refers to the preparation of human habits to faith. In the following chapters, I show that the vocabulary of Machine/automate/bête is likely to clarify three dimensions for such a preparation. Depending on the position we adopt with respect to the problem of belief, that is, from a psycho-physiological, moral or epistemological perspective, “s’abêtir” can simultaneously mean 1) acquiring corporeal and intellectual habits that lead to faith ; 2) strengthening the virtue of humility against pride, inherited from original sin ; 3) passively acquiring a range of factual knowledge from Scripture and history necessary to understand the evidence of the truth of Christianity. Each one of these perspectives is the topic of one of the successive chapters of this thesis.

Prostředí Rodokmen v matematice na 1. st. ZŠ / Environment of Family-tree in primary school mathematics

Bartošová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The Rodokmen (Family tree) environment is one of the many envirnments listed in Fraus publishing house textbooks based on the RVP pro ZV (The Framework Educatinal Programme for Basic Education). The environment offers a tool for building of the mathematical schema of terms and their inter-realations as well as the development of the logical thought. In the theorethicl part of this Diploma thesis the relationship of the Rodokmen environment to the RVP pro ZV is being explained, basic mathematical and geneaologic terminology is stated. In this part of the thesis I also explain the relations in the set cocncept, clasify the family relationships and adress the methodology of the age example solving. In the practical part of the thesis I - by the way of experiment - determine how and in what context students understand the stated mathematical terms, the way they apply the understanding in order to solv the relation and age exams or problems, where the numeric operations take place.

Sebevědomí a sebepoznání. Studie k roli subjektu a vědomí myšlení v Descartově filosofii / Self-Consciousness and Self-Knowledge. A Study on the Role of the Subject and the Awareness of Thought in Descartes' Philosophy

Kollert, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The thesis aims at examining Descartes's so called cogito from a wider perspective, especially as regards to the role in the development of Meditationes de prima philosophia (1641) and in the context of other relevant texts. Being an attempt to give a broad account of Descartes's "first cognition" the study deals not only with the cogito itself, e.g. with its logical structure, but also with other key Cartesian doctrines, so that we can understand the cogito as an integral part of Descartes's philosophy. The thesis inquires for this reason into the question of meditator's identity, the methodological skepticism, the question whether logical principles are called into question in the First meditation, the problem of the Cartesian circle, the distinction between implicit and explicit knowledge, the doctrine of innate ideas and finally, the question how to explain, according to Descartes, the awareness of our thoughts. Sometimes the considerations become rather systematic and go beyond a mere exegesis of Descartes's philosophy, especially when they concern the problem with the presence of ego in cogito and the explanation of our self-consciousness. There are three competing approaches to the second issue mentioned that are introduced and assessed in the last chapter. I have chosen this way of...

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