Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonqualified"" "subject:"amongqualified""
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Treinamento a distância para mão-de-obra na construção civil. / Long-distance training for civil construction human resources.Amadeu Sá de Campos Filho 23 November 2004 (has links)
A construção de habitações populares exige processos construtivos de baixo custo, tanto em relação aos materiais quanto à mão-de-obra. Por essa razão, muitas vezes são adotados os sistemas de mutirão ou de autoconstrução onde o futuro morador, normalmente inexperiente, é treinado em alguns serviços necessários ao processo construtivo. A necessidade de rápida qualificação de mão-de-obra, e em grande quantidade, é uma das dificuldades enfrentadas neste processo. O ensino a distância tem características que permitem instruir grande número de pessoas a baixo custo, além de permitir atingir populações distantes dos grandes centros. Este trabalho investigou a efetividade de tal metodologia para este fim, propondo um sistema de treinamento a distância voltado à mão-de-obra para construção civil. Em particular, foi abordada a etapa de montagem do kit hidráulico usado em alguns processos construtivos de moradias de interesse social. Três grandes desafios foram enfrentados neste trabalho: i. o público alvo, normalmente de baixa instrução, freqüentemente analfabeto; ii. o tipo de conteúdo a ser ministrado, de caráter cognitivo, porém ligado às atividades psicomotoras de montagem, isto é, refere-se à compreensão do trabalhador sobre os conteúdos e também sua execução física, área tradicionalmente difícil de ser ministrada a distância e iii. a necessidade de obter-se baixo custo no oferecimento do treinamento, o que tem um impacto muito forte no tipo de recursos que poderão ser utilizados junto aos aprendizes. A solução proposta envolveu o desenvolvimento de uma moderna ferramenta didática, baseada em um ambiente virtual interativo e que contém recursos multimídia. Para isto foram abordadas todas as fases do planejamento instrucional para a preparação e execução do treinamento a distância. Depois foi escolhido onde e como realizar um estudo de caso e qual a metodologia de avaliação adotada para comparar a eficiência do treinamento a distância em relação a um treinamento presencial. Por último foi detalhado de forma estatística o resultado desta avaliação. / Low-income housing construction demands low cost construction processes, regarding both material and labor. Therefore, very often, methods such as "community cooperative work" or "do it yourself", have been adopted. Participants in these construction methods are usually inexperienced and must be trained in order to acquire the basic skills necessary to perform construction activities. Training a large work force in a short period of time is one of the most fundamental difficulties faced in this process. The adoption of distance learning allows instructing a large number of people at low cost. Furthermore, it is possible to reach people living in the countryside or in small cities. This work investigates the effectiveness of such approach considering the adoption of a distance learning system for training the work force of civil construction. The chosen training domain is the assembly of the hydraulic installation used in some building systems. There are three great challenges facing this work: i. the target users, mostly with a low instruction level, frequently illiterate; ii. the type of content that is taught, of cognitive nature although connected to psicomotor activities such as pipe assembly, i.e., comprises both the content understanding and the execution (activities involved), traditionally a very difficult task for the distance learning approach and iii. the need for achieving low cost on employee training that has a very strong impact in the type of resources that could be used. The proposed solution comprised the development of a modern learning tool, based on a virtual interactive environment enhanced with multimedia features. Instructional planning was necessary to complete all phases of the distance learning activities. After the instructional design task, we decided where the training was to be performed as well as the methodology that was applied to evaluate results against a traditional presential training with the same contents. Finally we detail these resultsand present conclusions.
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Caracterização da assistência pré-natal prestada por profissionais de enfermagem na atenção qualificada ao ciclo grávido-puerperal no município de Ribeirão Preto - SP / Characterization of prenatal care by nursing personnel in the qualified attention to the pregnant-puerperal cycle in Ribeirão Preto - SPLilian Donizete Pimenta Nogueira 17 September 2010 (has links)
A mortalidade materna é um indicador de disparidade e iniquidade entre homens e mulheres, sua extensão revela o lugar das mulheres na sociedade e o acesso delas aos serviços sociais, de saúde e nutrição, assim como as oportunidades econômicas. As mortes maternas continuam sendo um problema a ser combatido. A atenção qualificada ao pré-natal é uma estratégia fundamental para tornar as gestações e partos mais seguros, contribuindo significativamente na redução das mortes maternas. O pré-natal não necessita de alta tecnologia, pode ser conduzido na atenção básica em saúde e depende de condutas simples, que conseguem contornar a maior parte das necessidades das gestantes, pode ser acompanhado pelo enfermeiro, respaldado pela Lei do Exercício Profissional. Considerando que o profissional de saúde que atende à gestação deve possuir competências essenciais para o exercício da prática obstétrica com qualidade, o objeto desse estudo são as competências desenvolvidas pelo pessoal de enfermagem no atendimento à mulher durante o pré-natal. Objetivos: Conhecer o atendimento à mulher durante o pré-natal no município de Ribeirão Preto - SP por meio das ações realizadas por profissionais de enfermagem, tendo por base as competências essenciais em Obstetrícia para a atenção qualificada ao parto e a redução da mortalidade materna e neonatal. Metodologia: estudo descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram colhidos nas unidades de saúde do município de Ribeirão Preto. Foram entrevistados 156 profissionais: 69 enfermeiros, 9 técnicos e 78 auxiliares de enfermagem. Para análise dos dados foi utilizada estatística descritiva. Resultados: Perfil da equipe de enfermagem: houve predominância de profissionais do sexo feminino, casadas, com média de idade de 45,1 anos, com filhos e mais de dez anos de formação. A renda dos auxiliares é de 37,9% da renda dos enfermeiros e a dos técnicos de 49,7%. A maioria dos profissionais aprendeu atuar na assistência pré-natal na rede de atenção básica à saúde e não participou de cursos de atualização ou eventos científicos na área de saúde da mulher nos últimos anos. A maior parte dos enfermeiros possui algum tipo de pós-graduação, destes seis possuem especialização em obstetrícia. Grande parte dos profissionais possui apenas um emprego, trabalha 40 horas semanais há mais de 10 anos nas instituições estudadas e há mais de cinco anos na assistência pré-natal, negaram dificuldades na atenção à gestante e referiram ter curso de gestantes em sua unidade de atuação. Encontram-se mais satisfeitos com a atuação profissional que com o reconhecimento. Competências Essenciais: os enfermeiros realizam o primeiro atendimento, tem participação discreta no pré-natal, que é centrado no médico. Não realizam exame físico geral ou obstétrico. Os auxiliares e técnicos em enfermagem realizam a pré e pós-consulta. Conclusões: O acúmulo de funções do enfermeiro constitui um entrave para a plena realização do cuidado prénatal. O município de Ribeirão Preto necessita que toda a equipe de enfermagem que atua no cuidado pré-natal na atenção básica lute por maior autonomia, solidificando sua assistência, fortalecendo o vínculo com a população e oferecendo atenção qualificada e humanizada, baseada nas habilidades e competências essenciais preconizadas pela Confederação Internacional das Parteiras e pelo Ministério da Saúde. / Maternal mortality is an indicator of disparity and inequity between men and women, the extension shows the place of women in society and their access to health and nutrition social services, as well as economic opportunities. Maternal deaths are still a problem to be tackled. Qualified attention to prenatal care is a key strategy to make pregnancy and childbirth safer, contributing significantly to reducing maternal deaths. Prenatal care does not require high technology, it can be conducted in primary health care and it depends on simple behaviors that can bypass most of the needs of pregnant women, it may be accompanied by nurses, supported by the Law of Professional Practice. Considering that the health professional that cares for pregnancy must have essential skills to the pursuit of quality obstetric practice, the object of this study is the skills developed by nurses in caring for women during prenatal care. Objectives: Getting to know the care for women during prenatal care in Ribeirão Preto - SP by the actions performed by nurses, based on core competencies in Obstetrics for skilled attention at delivery and the reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality. Methodology: a descriptive study with quantitative approach. Data were collected at health units in the city of Ribeirão Preto. 156 professionals were interviewed: 69 nurses, 9 technicians and 78 nursing assistants. Descriptive statistics was used to data analysis. Results: Profile of the nursing team: a predominance of female professionals, married, with an average age of 45.1 years, with children and more than ten years of graduation. The assistants\' income is 37.9% of the nurses\' and the technicians\' income is 49.7%. Most professionals learned to act in prenatal care in the network of basic health care and did not participate in refresher courses and scientific events in the area of women\'s health in recent years. Most nurses have some sort of post-graduation, six of them have specialization in Obstetrics. Most professionals have only one job, working 40 hours a week for over 10 years in the mentioned institutions and for more than five years in prenatal care, denied difficulties in caring for pregnant women and reported there are pregnancy courses in their unities of action. They are more satisfied with the performance than with professional recognition. Essential Skills: nurses perform the first meeting, participate discretely in the prenatal care, which is centered on the doctor. They do not perform general physical exam or obstetrics. Assistants and nursing technicians perform pre and post-consultation. Conclusions: The accumulation of functions of nurses is an obstacle to the full performance of prenatal care. The city of Ribeirão Preto requires that all nursing staff that works in prenatal care fight for greater autonomy, solidifying their assistance, strengthening the bond with the population and providing qualified and humanized care, based on the skills and core competencies recommended by the International Confederation of Midwives and the Ministry of Health.
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A formação do profissional além dos muros da escola / Professional education beyond school wallsMargarete de Moraes 11 April 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, as universidades corporativas têm emergido no complexo sistema de ensino do nosso país, como uma alternativa à falta de mão de obra qualificada no mercado de trabalho. Algumas iniciativas não utilizam a denominação \"universidade corporativa\", uma vez que não existe nenhuma forma de reconhecimento oficial. O uso do termo \"universidade\" é, além de uma metáfora dos objetivos que se pretende alcançar, uma estratégia de marketing que, por vezes, pode causar certa polêmica nos meios acadêmicos. Mas, na prática, o que se vê nas universidades corporativas é uma aproximação entre empresa e academia, uma vez que as parcerias com universidades e instituições de ensino de renome acrescentam qualidade e credibilidade ao trabalho proposto. O que parece ser mais importante neste cenário é a procura por alternativas que revertam um quadro de profissionais mal qualificados, o que diminui a produtividade e inibe a inovação, fatores que afetam diretamente o desenvolvimento de todo o país. Este trabalho traz um levantamento do cenário da educação brasileira e a emergência das universidades corporativas. Propõe-se, portanto, essa aproximação entre escola, empresa e academia para um único objetivo: cidadãos formados e informados, com capacidade crítica e criativa. / In recent years, corporate universities have emerged in the complex Brazilian educational system as an alternative to the lack of qualified manpower in the labor market. Some initiatives do not make use of the \"corporate university\" title, as there is no officially recognized nomenclature. The use of the term \"university\" is, besides a metaphor for the goals to be reached, a marketing strategy which, at times, may bring about some sort of debate in academic environments. But, in practice, what is seen in corporate universities is convergence between company and academy, as partnerships with universities and well-known educational institutions add quality and credibility to the proposed work. What seems most important in this scenario is the search for alternatives to reverse the current state of underqualified professionals, which decreases productivity and inhibits innovation, factors that directly impact the development of the whole country. This work raises data on the educational scenario in Brazil and the emergence of corporate universities. It is proposed, therefore, the intersection of schools, companies, and academy towards a single goal: educated and informed citizens who are critically and creatively skilled.
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Psykoterapeututbildningens betydelse för studenternas fortsatta professionella liv. / Importance of psychotherapists' education for students continued professional live.Strand, Marianne, Hammar, Tet January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning man kan se studier på en legitimationsgrundande psykoterapeututbildning som ett karriärdrag, och hur en sådan karriär i så fall kan definieras. I studien har 60 legitimerade psykoterapeuter med inriktning familjeterapi som studerat vid Linköpings universitet under åren 2002-2014 (n=87) svarat på en enkät med fasta svarsalternativ, samt några öppna frågor. Resultaten visar att titeln som legitimerad psykoterapeut medfört löneökning för 63 %. Av respondenterna titulerar sig 58 % som legitimerad psykoterapeut, 27 % har fått utökade befogenheter i samband med legitimationen, och 12 % har befordrats. I samband med legitimationen har 33 % fått utökat ansvar och 40 % anger familjeterapi som huvudsaklig sysselsättning. De stora arbetsgivarna även efter avslutad utbildning är kommun och landsting, där 73 % är anställda. En markant ökning har dock skett av antalet egna företagare, från 20 % till 40 %. Den karriär som görs av legitimerade psykoterapeuter är huvudsakligen en expertkarriär, dvs. en karriär där man är expert inom sitt yrkesområde, en horisontell karriär. En utbildning till legitimerad psykoterapeut leder till en ökad grad av eget företagande. / This study aims to examine to what extent following a course of study leading to a diploma in psychotherapy can be seen as a strategic career-related move, and how, in that case, such a career can be defined. The degree entitling the recipient to the Swedish title "legitimerad psykoterapeut" is difficult to translate literally; it is usually considered equivalent to, but is not specified as, an M.Sc. It is officially a degree within the health care field, with concurrent obligations, and is hereafter referred to as "qualified psychotherapist". 60 qualified family psychotherapists who studied at Linköping University between 2002 and 2014 (n=87), replied to a questionnaire containing fixed answer alternatives and a few open questions. The results show that acquiring the title of qualified psychotherapist led to a rise in income by 63%. Of all the respondents, 53% actually use the title, 27% acquired more authority, 12% were promoted, and 33% reported being granted a higher level of responsibility after acquiring the title. Family therapy was reported as the major occupation of 40% of the respondents. Local councils (kommuner) or district health authorities (landsting) employed 73% of the respondents, although there has been a significant increase, from 20% to 40%, in the proportion of family psychotherapists who are also partly or solely self-employed. The career of a qualified psychotherapist is thus largely the career of an expert within the field, a "horizontal" career. Completing the requirements for qualification as a psychotherapist leads to an increased level of self-employment.
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Práva a povinnosti akcionářů / Rights and obligations of shareholdersVápeníková, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
A joint stock company is a typical example of a capital company whose principal element is a shareholder on whom rests the existence of a joint stock company. The shareholders enter the company as investors who want to increase the value of their investments. The management of the company has the competence of a professional management, which seeks to increase the particular investment and to strengthen the company's position in the market. However, there may be situations when the management of the company pursues different interests than the interests of the shareholders. Due to this reason it is necessary to clearly define the relationship among the shareholders as well as between the shareholders and the company. Legal status of the shareholders is defined as a set of rights and duties. A shareholder has partial rights that enable him to participate in the running of the company, including the right to attend the general meeting and to vote at it. Furthermore, the shareholder has the right to participate in profit distribution and to participate in distribution of the liquidation balance. The Business Corporation Act also grants special rights to the minority shareholders, i.e. qualified shareholders, which serve to protect them. A qualified shareholder has primarily the right to request the...
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Práva a povinnosti akcionářů / Rights and obligations of shareholdersVápeníková, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
A joint stock company is a typical example of a capital company whose principal element is a shareholder on whom rests the existence of a joint stock company. The shareholders enter the company as investors who want to increase the value of their investments. The management of the company has the competence of a professional management, which seeks to increase the particular investment and to strengthen the company's position in the market. However, there may be situations when the management of the company pursues different interests than the interests of the shareholders. Due to this reason it is necessary to clearly define the relationship among the shareholders as well as between the shareholders and the company. Legal status of the shareholders is defined as a set of rights and duties. A shareholder has partial rights that enable him to participate in the running of the company, including the right to attend the general meeting and to vote at it. Furthermore, the shareholder has the right to participate in profit distribution and to participate in distribution of the liquidation balance. The Business Corporation Act also grants special rights to the minority shareholders, i.e. qualified shareholders, which serve to protect them. A qualified shareholder has primarily the right to request the...
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Příprava jednání v občanském soudním řízení / Preparation of a hearing in the civil trialKindlová, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
Subject of this thesis is "Preparation of a hearing in the civil procedure". The term preparation of a hearing describes a set of procedures, which the presiding judge makes for better clarification of the judicial file and easier orientation in the specific case. Proper use of these proceedings should help to resolve the case during just a single hearing or in a short term. It leads to reducing the unnecessary costs and keeping the economical principle. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate if the proceedings really help to quicker resolution of the case. Systematically this thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part. The thesis contains six chapters in overall, four of them belong to the theoretical part and two of them are focused practically. All of the chapters include subchapters, which are divided in sections. Theoretical part of the thesis focuses on valid Czech legislation relating to preparation of a hearing. In the practical part there is a comparison of Czech and foreign legislation and application of these legislations into practice. The aim of the first chapter is to outline the principle of the preparation of a hearing and its importance in civil procedure. The second chapter focuses on the principles of civil procedure which are related to the preparation of a hearing...
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Perceptions of large South African companies on the skills of tax graduatesDe Abreu, Tracy January 2013 (has links)
Today‘s changing business environment versus the change in curricula creates a potential
shortfall in the competencies gained by the students who complete their degree course
against the expectations of prospective future employers. The universities however
endeavour to teach a tax syllabus that will equip the students with sufficient information
and skills to be able to provide tax compliance on a corporate and personal level without
much learning subsequent to university level.
To some it would appear that the dominant guideline for universities as to what level of
knowledge is required of graduates, is what is considered by regulatory bodies to be
sufficient. It would follow then, that future employers may require a more technical and
detailed knowledge of tax for their type of business than what the graduate would have
been taught as a result of a curricula suited to professional bodies. In addition to a
potential disconnect in theoretical knowledge, the dynamic working environment requires
graduates to be adaptable and maintain a skill set that will aid them more than their
theoretical knowledge.
Using a questionnaire, data was obtained from the senior personnel employed in the tax
departments of the top 30 listed companies of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (―JSE‖)
in South Africa. The results showed that there is a variation between the current views and
preferences of employers in respect of the theoretical tax knowledge of certain topics listed
in the study, as well as in all the types of practical skills listed in the study. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Taxation / unrestricted
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Perceptions of small accounting firms in rural South Africa of the skills of tax graduatesMaritz, S.E (Susanna Elizabeth) January 2014 (has links)
With all the changes and renovation in South Africa’s tax legislation, taxation is emerging as a profession in its own right. While the role and demand for tax practitioners in the market are increasing, it is uncertain what the “current” views and preferences of employers of small accounting firms are. A questionnaire was used to determine employers’ “current” views and preferences in terms of qualifications obtained by newly qualified graduates, as well as the theoretical knowledge, practical skills and personal characteristics of these newly qualified graduates. The participants were from small accounting firms that provided tax services at the time of this study. The results indicated that there was no major difference between the qualifications of the “current” employees and those the employers preferred the employees to have. However, employers demanded more newly qualified graduates who possessed the necessary qualifications. There were, however, sufficient differences between the “current” views and preferences of employers in respect of theoretical knowledge of most topics listed in the dissertation, as well as in almost all the types of practical skills listed in the study. Even in respect of personal characteristics, employers preferred newly qualified graduates to strive for a higher level of personal characteristics. The conclusion drawn in this research was that different stakeholders had different preferences. In order to provide newly qualified graduates that would satisfy the needs of future employers, all stakeholders should be taken into consideration when determining the level of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and personal characteristics that these newly qualified graduates should develop. Results indicated that there was room for improvement in order to provide better newly qualified graduates to the market who were ‘all-rounders’ in taxation. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Taxation / unrestricted
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Verklighetens utmaning - Mötet med klient, hur redo är den nyutexaminerade socionomen?Mårtensson, Adam January 2020 (has links)
This scientific paper examines five newly qualified social workers (NQSW) in Sweden who are in an intermediate position after graduation between education and working life in social work. The study aimed to investigate how the graduates felt prepared after training to execute professional conversations and meetings in social work with clients. Qualitative interviews were conducted for this paper, where the results show that the NQSW felt partially prepared for this. Some challenges were seen in the result related to conversations and meetings, amongst these, were their role in the exercise of authority, that showed that they had met deeper dimensions of authority than what their education had prepared them for. Through theories related to different roles based on Erving Goffman (2011), analysis has been made to different roles that NQSW needs to take on, and its impact on them. Results show, among other things, that NQSW perceive it as a difficult balance between being personal and professional in meetings with clients. The result also highlights personal and professional development for self-awareness from the education as helpful, but there was a wish for more of this during the social work program.With theories of knowledge according to Gustavsson (2000; 2002), the results were also analyzed and presented about how NQSW obtained knowledge and how education made it possible to gather knowledge for conversations and meetings in the social work. It was found in the results, as in previous research, that theoretical knowledge from education that was linked to actual situations or practice, has been beneficial to NQSW in their professional practice. However, NQSW felt that the education could continue to be more related to practice and wished for more reality-based education. Based on this essay, one can also point out the importance of the transition between education and practical work. NQSW could be seen as they carried a certain vulnerability in the form of knowledge gaps, uncertainty of their role, and how practical social work is executed when the NQSW goes from education. They felt that introduction to the field was important given from the new workplaces. In this essay, they meant that they were given some opportunity and support in continuing developing their knowledge, related to meetings and conversations through further education and collegial support at their workplaces.
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