Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonrigid"" "subject:"andrigid""
541 |
The Pseudo-Rigid-Body Model for Dynamic Predictions of Macro and Micro Compliant MechanismsLyon, Scott Marvin 15 April 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This work discusses the dynamic predictions of compliant mechanisms using the Pseudo-Rigid-Body model (PRBM). In order to improve the number of mechanisms that can be modeled, this research develops and identifies several key concepts in the behavior of beam segments where both ends are fixed to a rigid body (fixed-fixed flexible segments). A model is presented, and several examples are discussed. The dynamic behavior of several compliant segments is predicted using the PRBM and the results are compared to finite element analysis and experimental results. Details are presented as to the transient behavior of a typical uniform rectangular cross section beam. The results of this study are extended and applied to compliant planar mechanisms. It is shown by comparison with finite element analysis and experimental results that the PRBM is a good model of the physical system's dynamic behavior. The method is also demonstrated for use with compliant microelectromechanical (MEMS) systems.
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3D layered articulated object from a single 2D drawingNoé, Estelle January 2017 (has links)
Modeling articulated objects made of rigid layered parts used to populate 3D scenes in video games or movie production is a complex and time-consuming task for digital artists. This work proposes a sketch-based approach to efficiently model 3D layered articulated objects, such as animals with rigid shells and armors, in annotating a single 2D photo manually, and eventually fabricate it from automatically computed 2D patterns. In considering symmetrical objects seen under a 3/4 view, and an- notating salient features such as extremities of the rigid articulated parts as a mix of circular and Bézier curve, this approach is able to retrieve depth information, hidden parts, and rotation-articulated structure. The resulting shape consists of a set of quadrangulated polygons that may be flattened in 2D. Details such as ears, tails, and legs were further models using dedicated annotations. The accuracy of the reconstruction has been validated on synthetic cylindrical examples, and its ro- bustness in reconstructing a 3D model of armor, armadillo, and shrimp. The latter was finally fabricated using paper. / Att modellera artikulerade objekt gjorda av styva delar lagda i lager som används till att fylla 3D-scener i datorspel och filmskapande är en komplex och tidsödande uppgift för digitala konstnärer. Den här undersökningen föreslår ett skiss-baserat tillvägagångssätt att effektivt modellera artikulerade 3D-objekt lagda i lager, såsom djur med styva skal och rustning, i att annotera ett 2D-foto manuellt, och eventuellt skapa det från automatiskt beräknade 2D-mönster. Hänsyn är tagen till symmetriska objekt sedda under en 3/4 vy, och annotera framträdande egenskapersåsom extremiteter av de styva artikulerade delarna som en blandning avcirkulära och Bézier-kurvor, kan det här tillvägagångssättet hämta information om djup, gömda delar och rotations-artikulerade strukturer. Den slutliga formen består av ett set av fyrsidiga polygoner som kan bli tillplattade i 2D. Detaljer såsom öron, svansar och ben där framtida modeller använder dedikerade annotationer. Noggrannheten av rekonstruktionen har blivit validerad på syntetiska cylindriska exempeloch dess robusthet i att rekonstruera en 3D-modell av en rustning, ett bältdjur och en räka. Den senare skapades slutligen med hjälp av papper.
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Biomechanics of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip - An engineering study of closed reduction utilizing the Pavlik harness for a range of subtle to severe dislocations in infants.Huayamave, Victor 01 January 2015 (has links)
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) is an abnormal condition where hip joint dislocation, misalignment, or instability is present in infants. Rates of incidence of DDH in newborn infants have been reported to vary between 1 and 20 per 1000 births, making it the most common congenital malformation of the musculoskeletal system. DDH early detection and treatment is critical to avoid the use of surgical treatment in infants and to prevent future complications such as osteoarthritis in adult life. To this day several non-surgical treatments involving the use of harnesses and braces have been proposed to treat DDH in infants, with the Pavlik harness being the current non-surgical standard used to treat DDH at early stages. Although the Pavlik harness has been proven to be successful treating subtle dislocations, severe dislocations do not always reduce. Until now the use of the harness remains an empirical method, and its effectiveness often depends on physician expertise or trial-error procedures; thus a clear guideline has not been established to determine the best optimal harness configuration to treat both subtle and severe dislocations. The goal of this dissertation is to understand the connection between reductions for subtle and severe dislocations and passive muscle forces and moments generated while the harness is used during treatment. While the understanding of DDH biomechanics will provide a valuable clinically applicable approach to optimize and increase harness success rate, it is not without its difficulties. This research has created and developed a three-dimensional based on patient-specific geometry of an infant lower limb. The kinematics and dynamics of the lower limb were defined by modeling the hip, femur, tibia, fibula, ankle, foot, and toe bones. The lines of action of five (5) adductor muscles, namely, the Adductor Brevis, Adductor Longus, Adductor Magnus, Pectineus, and Gracilis were identified as mediators of reduction and its mechanical behavior was characterized using a passive response. Four grades (1-4) of dislocation as specified by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) were considered, and the computer model was computationally manipulated to represent physiological dislocations. To account for proper harness modeling, the femur was restrained to move in an envelope consistent with its constraints. The model of the infant lower limb has been used to analyze subtle and severe dislocations. Results are consistent with previous studies based on a simplified anatomically-consistent synthetic model and clinical reports of very low success of the Pavlik harness for severe dislocations. Furthermore the findings on this work suggest that for severe dislocations, the use of the harness could be optimized to achieve hyperflexion of the lower limb leading to successful reduction for cases where the harness fails. This approach provides three main advantages and innovations: 1) the used of patient-specific geometry to elucidate the biomechanics of DDH; 2) the ability to computationally dislocate the model to represent dislocation severity; and 3) the quantification of external forces needed to accomplish reduction for severe dislocations. This study aims to offer a practical solution to effective treatment that draws from engineering expertise and modeling capabilities and also draws upon medical input. The findings of this work will lay the foundation for future optimization of non-surgical methods critical for the treatment of DDH.
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System Identification of a Bridge-Type Building StructureRamos, Pablo D, Jr. 01 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The Bridge House is a steel building structure located in Poly Canyon, a rural area inside the campus of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. The Bridge House is a one story steel structure supported on 4 concrete piers with a lateral force resisting system (LFRS) composed of ordinary moment frames in the N-S direction and braced frames in the E-W direction and vertically supported by a pair of trusses. The dynamic response of the Bridge House was investigated by means of system identification through ambient and forced vibration testing. Interesting findings such as diaphragm flexibility, foundation flexibility and frequency shifts due to thermal effects were all found throughout the mode shape mapping process. Nine apparent mode shapes were experimentally identified, N-S and E-W translational, rotational and 6 vertical modes. A computational model was also created and refined through correlation with the modal parameters obtained through FVTs. When compared to the experimental results, the computational model estimated the experimentally determined building period within 8% and 10% for both N-S and E-W translational modes and within 10% for 4 of the vertical modes.
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Experimental study on semi-rigid composite joints with steel beams and precast hollowcore slabs.Fu, F., Lam, Dennis January 2006 (has links)
The concept of semi-rigid composite connection has been widely researched in the past; however, most of the researches are limited to
composite joints with metal deck ¿ooring and solid concrete slabs. Composite construction incorporating precast concrete hollowcore slabs
(HCU) is a recently developed composite ¿oor system for buildings. The research on the structural behaviour of the semi-rigid composite joints
with HCU is new and without any previous experimental database. In this paper, eight full-scale tests of beam-to-column semi-rigid composite
joints with steel beams and precast hollowcore slabs are reported. The variables are stud spacing, degree of the shear connections, area of the
longitudinal reinforcement and slab thickness. The test set-up and instrumentation is described in detail. The experimental behaviour is analysed
and based on the test data the structural behaviour of these semi-rigid composite joints is discussed. Based on the experimental data, a simpli¿ed
method to predict rotation and moment capacity for this type of composite connection is proposed.
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Study on Dielectric Properties of High Temperature Biaxially Oriented Poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalate) FilmChen, Michael January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Ligações semi-rígidas em estruturas de aço tem apresentado
uso crescente na construção metálica, pois é uma opção que
permite um melhor aproveitamento da capacidade da
estrutura. Neste trabalho apresentam-se as características
e a classificação das ligações semi-rígidas bem como a
evolução da modelagem numérica e analítica do comportamento
destas ligações.
Apresenta-se uma metodologia com base no método dos
elementos finitos para avaliar numericamente a relação
momento-rotação de conexões viga-coluna em estruturas de
aço. Parte essencial desta metodologia é a modelagem da
ligação e de seus diversos componentes.
Um modelo completo em termos da geometria, capaz de
representar a interação entre os diversos componentes da
conexão é proposto. Esta modelagem inclui a discretização
de todos os componentes da conexão: placa e ou cantoneiras,
porcas, coluna e viga, sendo a extensão da viga e da coluna
a ser considerada no modelo escolhida por calibração do
mesmo. O contato entre os componentes da ligação é
considerado por meio de algoritmo específico de contato com
base na formulação de um problema linear complementar.
Considera-se contato sem atrito entre corpos deformáveis.
A fim de representar com mais fidelidade as características
tridimensionais do problema, adota-se uma modelagem também
tridimensional com base em elementos finitos híbridos
hexaédricos de oito nós, permitindo o emprego de uma
discretização relativamente grosseira. Fenômenos como a
presença de grandes deformações, plastificação dos
componentes e a pré-tensão dos parafusos são incluídos no
Os modelos apresentados são empregados para o estudo do
comportamento de ligações tipo placa de extremidade
estendida e tipo cantoneira de alma simples. Para validação
dos modelos são comparados os resultados numéricos com
dados experimentais. Analisa-se também a participação da
flexibilidade dos diversos componentes da conexão, tais
como: parafuso, placa de extremidade, mesa da coluna, na
resposta da conexão. / [en] Semi-rigid connections are now-a-days widely employed by
steel structures. Such
connections take better advantage of the overall structure
capabilities. In this work the
properties and classification of semi-rigid connections is
discussed. Additionally numerical
and analytical models for prediction of connection behavior
are presented.
A finite element based methodology for the numerical
evaluation of moment-rotation
relations and load carrying capacity of semi-rigid
connections is proposed. An important
feature of this model is a complete a three dimensional
geometrical description of the many
components of the connection, such as plates, column, beam,
bolts and nuts and the
interaction between them. The extension of beam and column
to be modeled is determined by
numerical calibration. Frictionless contact between the
connection components is considered
by a specific contact algorithm which ensures non-
penetration and permits separation of the
individual parts. In this work a solution strategy for the
contact problem based on the
establishment of a linear complementary problem is adopted.
The three dimensional modeling is carried out by a mesh of
hybrid hexahedral eight
node elements, which allow the use of relatively coarse
meshes. Effects such as the presence
of large deformations, yielding of components and pre-
stressing of bolts are present in the
The proposed model is applied to the analysis of the
behavior of extended end-plate
connections and web cleat connections. The numerical
results are compared to experimental
data for model validation. One of the objectives of this
analysis is the evaluation of the
participation of each component on the overall flexibility
of the connection. / [es] El uso de ligaduras semirígidas en extructuras de acero ha experimentado un crescimiento importante en la
construcción metálica. Esta opción permite un mejor aprovechamiento de la capacidad de la extructura. En este
trabajo se presentan las características de las ligaduras semirígidas, su clasificación; y la evolución de los
modelos numéricos y analíticos del comportamiento de estas ligaduras. Se discute una metodología con base en
el método de los elementos finitos para evaluar numéricamente la relación momento-rotación de conexiones
viga-columna en extructuras de acero. La parte esencial de esta metodología es el modelo de la ligadura y sus
diversos componentes. Se propone un modelo completo en términos de geometría, capaz de representar la
interacción entre los diversos componentes de la conexión. Este modelo incluye la discretización de todos los
componentes de la conexión, siendo que la extensión de la viga y de la coluna a ser considerada en el modelo,
deberá ser elegida por calibración del mismo. Para considerar el contacto entre los componentes de la ligadura se
utiliza el algoritmo específico de contacto con base en la formulación de un problema lineal complementar. A fin de
representar con más fidelidad las características tridimensionales del problema, se adoptó un modelo
tridimensional con base en elementos finitos híbridos hexaédricos de ocho nodos, permitiendo el empleo de una
discretización relativamente grosera. Se incluyen en el modelo fenómenos como la presencia de grandes
deformaciones, plastificación de los componentes y la pretensión de los tornillos. Los modelos presentados se
emplean en el estudio del comportamiento de ligaduras tipo placa de extremidad extendida y tipo esquinero de
alma simple. Para evaluar los modelos se comparan los resultados numéricos con datos experimentales. También
se incluye un análisis de la participación en la respuesta de la conexión, de la flexibilidad de los diversos
componentes de la conexión, tales como: tornillo, placa de extremidad, mesa de la columna.
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Formulations and Exact Solution Methods For a Class of New Continous Covering ProblemsCakir, Ozan January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis is devoted to introducing new problem formulations and exact solution methods for a class of continuous covering location models. The manuscript includes three self-contained studies which are organized as in the following. </p>
<p> In the first study, we introduce the planar expropriation problem with non-rigid rectangular facilities which has many applications in regional planning and undesirable facility location domains. This model is proposed for determining the locations and formations of two-dimensional rectangular facilities. Based on the geometric properties of such facilities, we developed a new formulation which does not require employing distance measures. The resulting model is a mixed integer nonlinear program. For solving this new model, we derived a continuous branch-and-bound framework utilizing linear approximations for the tradeoff curve associated with the facility formation alternatives. Further, we developed new problem generation and bounding strategies suitable for this particular branch-and-bound procedure. We designed a computational study where we compared this algorithm with two well-known mixed integer nonlinear programming solvers. Computational experience showed that the branch-and-bound procedure we developed performs better than BARON and SBB both in terms of processing time and size of the branching tree.</p>
<p> The second study is referred to as the planar maximal covering problem with single convex polygonal shapes and it has ample applications in transmitter location, inspection of geometric shapes and directional antenna location. In this study, we investigated maximal point containment by any convex polygonal shape in the Euclidean plane. Using a fundamental separation property of convex sets, we derived a mixed integer linear formulation for this problem. We were able to identify two types of special cuts based on the geometric properties of the shapes under study, which were later employed for developing a branch-and-cut procedure for solving this particular location model. We also evaluated the resultant bound quality after employing the afore-mentioned cuts. </p>
<p> In the third study, we discuss the dynamic planar expropriation problem with single convex polygonal shapes. We showed how the basic problem formulations discussed in the first two studies extend to their diametric opposites, and further to models in higher dimensions. Subsequently, we allowed a dynamic setting where the shape under study is expected to function over a finite planning horizon and the system parameters such as the fixed point locations and expropriation costs are subject to change. The shape was permitted to relocate at the beginning of each time period according to particular relocation costs. We showed that this dynamic problem structure can be decomposed into a set of static problems under a particular vector of relocations. We discussed the solution of this model by two enumeration procedures. Subsequently, we derived an incomplete dynamic programming procedure which is suitable for this distinct problem structure. In this method, there is no need to evaluate all the branches of the branching tree and one proceeds with keeping the minimum stage cost. The evaluation of a branch is postponed until relocation takes place in the lower-level problems. With this postponing structure, the procedure turned out to be superior to the two enumeration procedures in terms of tree size. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Dynamic soil-structure interaction of reinforced concrete buried structures under the effect of dynamic loads using soil reinforcement new technologies. Soil-structure interaction of buried rigid and flexible pipes under geogrid-reinforced soil subjected to cyclic loadsElshesheny, Ahmed January 2019 (has links)
Recent developments in constructions have heightened the need for protecting existing buried infrastructure. New roads and buildings may be constructed over already existing buried infrastructures e.g. buried utility pipes, leading to excessive loads threatening their stability and longevity. Additionally applied loads over water mains led to catastrophic damage, which result in severe damage to the infrastructure surrounding these mains. Therefore, providing protection to these existing buried infrastructure against increased loads due to new constructions is important and necessary.
In this research, a solution was proposed and assessed, where the protection concept would be achieved through the inclusion process of geogrid-reinforcing layers in the soil cover above the buried infrastructure. The controlling parameters for the inclusion of geogrid-reinforcing layers was assessed experimentally and numerically. Twenty-three laboratory tests were conducted on buried flexible and rigid pipes under unreinforced and geogrid-reinforced sand beds. All the investigated systems were subjected to incrementally increasing cyclic loading, where the contribution of varying the burial depth of the pipe and the number of the geogrid-reinforcing layers on the overall behaviour of the systems was investigated. To further investigate the contribution of the controlling parameters in the pipe-soil systems performance, thirty-five numerical models were performed using Abaqus software. The contribution of increasing the amplitude of the applied cyclic loading, the number of the geogrid-reinforcing layers, the burial depth of the pipe and the unit-weight of the backfill soil was investigated numerically.
The inclusion of the geogrid-reinforcing layers in the investigated pipe-soil systems had a significant influence on decreasing the transferred pressure to the crown of the pipe, generated strains along its crown, invert and spring-line, and its deformation, where reinforcing-layers sustained tensile strains. Concerning rigid pipes, the inclusion of the reinforcing-layers controlled the rebound that occurred in their invert deformation. With respect to the numerical investigation, increasing the number of the reinforcing-layers, the burial depth of the pipe and the unit-weight of the backfill soil had positive effect in decreasing the generated deformations, stresses and strains in the system, until reaching an optimum value for each parameter. Increasing the amplitude of the applied loading profile resulted in remarkable increase in the deformations, stresses and strains generated in the system. Moreover, the location of the maximum tensile strain generated in the soil was varied, as well as the reinforcing-layer, which suffered the maximum tensile strain. / Government of Egypt
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Development of a Design Framework for Compliant Mechanisms using Pseudo-Rigid-Body ModelsKalpathy Venkiteswaran, Venkatasubramanian 23 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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