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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise dos estoques em processo de um sistema de produção de cabinas de caminhões com o uso da simulação de eventos discretos / The cabins storage system analysis from a commercial vehicle production system by the use of discrete event simulation

João Gilberto Zalla Filho 25 January 2006 (has links)
Essa dissertação tem como objetivo utilizar a simulação de eventos discretos na análise dos estoques seletivos em processo de cabinas, em uma montadora de veículos comerciais de grande porte instalada no Brasil. A análise e a redução desses estoques seletivos são desejadas, pois o armazenamento de cabinas de caminhões, além de representar um alto custo para a produção, é de difícil controle e de alto risco. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho contribuirá para o conhecimento das dificuldades e benefícios da aplicação da simulação de sistemas discretos em sistemas produtivos de alta complexidade, como são os sistemas de manufatura da indústria automobilística. A análise desse sistema é de significativa dificuldade, devido ao tamanho dos produtos, ao mix de produção, à variabilidade do fluxo das etapas de produção e às diversas variáveis que influem no sistema simultaneamente. A técnica de simulação de eventos discretos foi escolhida por ser a mais indicada para analisar todo o sistema e auxiliar na tomada de decisão. Todo o estudo do sistema, modelagem, verificação, validação, simulação e resultados foram feitos de acordo com procedimentos já sedimentados para o uso da simulação de eventos discretos, de acordo com a bibliografia apresentada. Os resultados mostram a eficiência do método utilizado e propõem um cenário otimizado para o sistema estudado. O estudo foi realizado com a utilização do software de simulação de eventos discretos, Arena® 5.0. / This work has the main objective to use the discrete event simulation to analyze the in process cabins selective banks of a commercial vehicle assembler. The analysis and reduction of the selective banks are useful because the storage of cabins represents some production risks, is hard to control and implies in high costs. The developing of this work will contribute to the knowledge of the difficulties and benefits of the use of discrete event simulation applied to high complexity production systems like the automotive industry. The size of the products, the production mix, the throughput variability and the other simultaneous variables turn the storage analysis to a hard level. In this way, the discrete event simulation is the most indicated technique to help the analysis and the decision making. The whole study of the system, the modeling, the validation, the simulation runs and the results were done according to known procedures of using the discrete event simulation, which are mentioned in the references. The presented results show the efficiency of the utilized method and proposed optimized scenery of the studied system. The simulation software Arena 5.0 was used in this study.

\'Sonhos de sucesso\': notas etnográficas sobre programas de trainees / Dreams of sucess: ethnographic notes about trainees programs

Gustavo dos Santos Berbel 12 December 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende demonstrar, por meio de notas etnográficas, o caráter lúdico e dramatúrgico dos processos seletivos para trainees, suas contradições e clichês, bem como a necessidade implícita da montagem de performances por parte dos concorrentes para esses momentos decisivos e extremamente concorridos. A pesquisa se pautou na experiência que o pesquisador vivenciou ao longo de cinco meses de trabalho de campo, período em que trabalhou em uma consultoria de gestão de pessoas, ocupando uma posição liminar, sendo ao mesmo tempo um antropólogo e um headhunter. Além disso, foram realizadas análises documentais, entrevistas e visitas a feiras de carreira e profissões. Outra parte importante do estudo é a experiência subjetiva dos candidatos entrevistados, que são pensados enquanto atores que devem escolher o que entra e o que fica de fora de suas performances e que necessitam dispor de uma série de características desejadas pelo universo corporativo. Os sonhos de sucesso que povoam o imaginário dos participantes, alimentados pela publicidade das empresas, são contrastados com o profundo silêncio das experiências de fracasso que muitos vivenciam, seja por não se adequarem ao perfil esperado, seja pela insuficiência de suas formações acadêmica e profissional, ou até mesmo pelo show de horrores que compõe esses momentos arbitrários e subjetivos das seleções de emprego. / The present research intends to demonstrate through ethnographic notes the playful and dramaturgical character of the selective processes for trainees, their contradictions, clichés as well as the implicit necessity of performance´s building on the part of the competitors for these crucial and extremely disputed moments. The research was based on the researcher´s experiences during five months of fieldwork, period when he worked in a people management consulting company, taking a liminal position, being at the same time anthropologist and headhunter. In addition, documental analyses, interviews and visits to professions fairs were developed. Another important part of the study is the subjective experience of the interviewed candidates who are seen as actors who must choose what goes in and what is left out of their performances and who need to dispose of a series of desired characteristics from the corporative universe. The dreams of success, which invade the imagination of the participants, who are fueled of companies advertisements, are contrasted with the deep silence of the failed experiences, either because they do not fit the expected profile, or due to the insufficiency of their academic and professional background, or even the \"show of horrors\" that compose these arbitrary and subjective moments of the job selections.

Diretrizes para o planejamento de uma demolição sustentável em edifícios. / Guidelines for planning a sustainable demolition on buildings.

Andreia Sofia Moreira Martins 09 December 2016 (has links)
O processo de demolição tradicional tem experimentado várias mudanças, a emergência das preocupações ambientais leva hoje a procurar formas mais sustentáveis, como a aplicação de uma demolição que promova a desmontagem e a remoção seletiva dos materiais, através do planejamento antecipado e da aplicação contínua das regras de segurança, executando uma correta gestão do fluxo de resíduos por meio da sua reutilização. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo desenvolver um conjunto de diretrizes que permitem aprimorar o planejamento das atividades de demolição de pequenas edificações térreas, por meio de uma análise normativa nacional e internacional sobre o processo de demolição, promovendo práticas mais sustentáveis a serem adotadas por pequenas empresas demolidoras. Neste sentido a pesquisa empírica foi realizada pela aplicação de três estudos de caso, desenvolvendo um diagnóstico do funcionamento das atividades das empresas que praticam a demolição seletiva em pequenas edificações, com a elaboração de entrevistas, acompanhamento das demolições e da revenda dos materiais. Assim sendo, foi possível verificar a existência de mercados para os materiais e componentes reaproveitados das obras de demolição, os materiais mais procurados são os tijolos maciços, as telhas de cerâmica e a madeira, como por exemplo a Peroba Rosa, foi possível também observar a escassa de segurança e a falta do uso dos equipamentos de proteção. Esta pesquisa contribuiu com o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de ações que maximizem a coordenação da execução das tarefas em obra, de modo a melhorar a segurança e o aproveitamento de materiais, diminuindo o custo da demolição através da revenda dos materiais obtidos, e minimizando a produção de resíduos sólidos. / The traditional demolition process has experienced several changes, and the emergence of environmental concerns leads today, to seek for more sustainable ways, such as applying a demolition that promotes the dismantling and the selective removal of materials, through early planning and the continuous application of safety rules, making it much more diverse materials obtained and performing a proper management of the waste stream through reuse. This work main objective has to develop a set of guidelines that allow to improve the planning of the demolition activities of small buildings, through a national and international normative analysis of the demolition process, promoting more sustainable practices to be adopted by small demolition companies. In this way, the empirical research was carried out by the application of three case studies, developing a diagnosis of the activities that companies practice, by using the selective demolition in small buildings, with the elaboration of interviews, monitoring the demolitions and the resale of the materials. As result, it was possible to verify the existence of markets for reused materials and components of the demolition works. The most wanted materials are solid bricks, ceramic tiles, and wood, such as Peroba Rosa. This research contributed to the development of a set of actions that maximize the coordination of the execution of the tasks at work, in order to improve the safety and the use of materials, reducing the cost of demolition through the resale of the obtained materials, and minimizing the production of solid waste.

Simulation du procédé de fabrication directe de pièces thermoplastiques par fusion laser de poudre / Simulation of the selective laser sintering process on thermoplastic powder

Defauchy, Denis 19 April 2013 (has links)
Le procédé de fabrication directe de pièces thermoplastiques est un procédé innovant qui permet de créer sans outillage, à partir d'une modélisation géométrique numérique, des pièces de géométrie complexe en quelques heures. La fabrication dite additive est réalisée par étalement successif de couches de poudre thermoplastique de quelques dizaines de micromètres, dont une partie est fondue sous rayonnement laser et refroidie lentement afin de permettre la densification de la poudre par diffusion de l'air emprisonné. La résistance mécanique finale du matériau dépend fortement de cette densification. Un grand nombre de paramètres procédé et matériau influencent les mécanismes physiques mis en jeu qui sont contrôlés par la thermique du procédé. La clé de la maîtrise de ce procédé réside dans la parfaite maîtrise de la thermique du lit de poudre. Cette étude a pour objectif de modéliser le procédé de fabrication directe de pièces thermoplastiques haute température de type PEEK. Dans un premier temps, une simulation microscopique de la fusion laser d'un lit de poudre préchauffé et de la coalescence des grains est développée à l'aide de la méthode C-NEM implémentée sur le logiciel Matlab. Les cycles thermiques, la densification et le soudage des grains sont étudiés en fonction des paramètres matériau et procédé. Dans un second temps, l'étude de la thermique d'une couche de poudre à l'état liquide refroidie par apport d'une nouvelle couche de poudre par-dessus est menée à l'aide d'un logiciel éléments finis commercial. L'objectif est de définir les conditions d'étalement permettant au polymère fondu de rester à l'état liquide. / Direct manufacturing technology using Selective Laser Sintering of thermoplastic powder allows obtaining final parts in a short time, with a high degree of geometry flexibility and evolution. Parts are built layer by layer, a specific area of each layer is melted by the laser radiation and the whole part is cooled down slowly to induce a good densification, permitting the gas diffusion through the melted material. The mechanical properties of parts made by this process highly depend on the final polymer density. A lot of process and material parameters control the parts properties. The key of the process master lies in its perfect thermal control. The aim of this work is to model the selective laser sintering process for high temperature polymers like PEEK at two scales. Firstly, a microscopic simulation of the melting and the grain coalescence of preheated polymer powder bed is performed using the C-NEM method implemented on Matlab. This tool allows to study the material thermal cycles, the powder densification and the welding quality of grains for different material and process parameters. Then, the thermal study of the additional powder layer spreading on the melted layer is performed on a commercial finite element software. This study aims to determine the good spreading conditions allowing the melted material not to decrease below its crystallization temperature to enhance material densification.

Fusion sélective par laser de lits de poudre : Étude sur le recyclage de la poudre et détection de défauts au cours de la fabrication par imagerie thermique / Selective laser melting of powder beds : Study of the recycling of the unused powder and detection of manufacturing defects by thermal imaging

Vinson, Pierre 21 December 2015 (has links)
La fabrication directe et additive regroupe un ensemble de technologies de mise en forme des matériaux en rupture avec les procédés conventionnels. L'industrie aéronautique et aérospatiale s'intéresse fortement à ces nouveaux procédés, dont la fusion sélective par laser de lits de poudre métallique (SLM). Cette thèse présentera les enjeux de la fabrication additive ainsi que certains procédés. Une étude bibliographique a été menée sur deux alliages aéronautiques utilisés dans ces travaux : l'alliage de titane TA6V et le superalliage base nickel Nimonic 263. Les travaux présentés dans ce rapport comprennent l'étude de la poudre métallique brute d'atomisation (morphologie, granulométrie, composition chimique). D'autre part, l'étude de la recyclabilité de la poudre utilisée en SLM est présentée pour le TA6V, tant en ce qui concerne l'évolution de la poudre elle-même que celle des propriétés mécaniques des pièces qui en sont issues. Par ailleurs ce travail traite d'un modèle de consolidation du lit de poudre permettant également d'évaluer la productivité du procédé. Enfin, une étude paramétrique et thermique menée sur le Nimonic 263 en vue de l'établissement d'une solution de contrôle procédé est présentée. / Direct and additive manufacturing regroups several new technologies that are very different from conventional manufacturing processes such as casting. Aeronautic and space industries are really interested in those new processes such as the selective laser melting of metallic powder beds know as the SLM process. This PhD thesis report will show the issues of additive manufacturing and will describe some processes. A bibliography study has been done on two aeronautical alloys used in this work: titanium alloy TA6V and nickel-based superalloy Nimonic 263. This work also presents powder characterization (granulometry, morphology chemical composition) for the gas atomized powder. Besides, study has been done on the recyclability of the TA6V powder for the SLM process, for the powder itself and the mechanical properties of parts built from recycled powder. Moreover, this works deals with a powder bed consolidation model to estimate the productivity of the process. Then, a parametric and thermal study has been done on the Nimonic 263. The coaxial system for thermal visualization is described such as the image processing algorithm used. Finally, this reports deals with the study of thermal signature of typical SLM defects.

An in situ kinetic investigation of the selective dissolution mechanism of Cu alloys / Une étude cinétique in situ du mécanisme de dissolution sélective des alliages de Cu

Zhou, Peng 13 October 2017 (has links)
Les mécanismes de dissolution sélective des alliages de Cu dans l'eau du robinet et la solution de transpiration ont été étudiés. La spectroélectrochimie d'émission atomique a été utilisée. La première partie de la thèse portait sur le mécanisme de dissolution de Cu. La plupart des espèces de Cu (II) sont solubles et sont libérées dans l'eau, laissant derrière eux un film de Cu2O. Une analyse cinétique suggère que le mécanisme de dissolution implique la dissolution simultanée du Cu et la formation du film. La deuxième partie a étudié la dissolution de Cu-42Zn et Cu-21Zn-3Si-P. Un processus de dissolution en deux étapes a été proposé: une première étape d'une croissance rapide de la couche dézincitée et une deuxième étape où la croissance de la couche dézincitée était plus lente. La troisième partie s'est concentrée sur l'effet du contenu de Zn sur la dissolution des alliages de Cu-Zn. Le mécanisme de dissolution a été clarifié. Pour la phase ?: une étape initiale dans laquelle Cu et Zn sont oxydés de manière congruente, mais seulement Zn2+ a été libéré dans l'eau, Cu formant un film Cu2O et une deuxième étape où le Cu2+ a été libéré dans l'eau. Pour la phase ?', la deuxième étape est identique à la phase initiale. L'augmentation de la teneur en Zn entraîne une extension temporelle du stade initial et retardent la libération de Cu2+. La partie finale a porté sur l'effet de la libération de Sn on Cu provenant des alliages Cu-Sn. L'effet amélioré de la libération de Sn sur Cu a été identifié. Cependant, l'augmentation de la teneur en Sn n'a pas augmenté monotoniquement l'efficacité de libération de Cu des alliages de Cu-Sn, ce qui était dû à la passivité de Sn. / The selective dissolution mechanisms of Cu alloys in tap water and perspiration solution were investigated. Atomic emission spectroelectrochemistry (AESEC) was used to obtain the elemental dissolution kinetics. The first part of the thesis focused on the dissolution mechanism of Cu. Most Cu(II) species are soluble and are released into tap water, leaving behind a Cu2O film on the surface. A kinetic analysis suggests that the dissolution mechanism involves simultaneous Cu dissolution and film formation. The second part investigated the dissolution behavior of Cu-42Zn and Cu-21Zn-3Si-P. A two-stage dissolution process of dezincification was proposed: a first stage of a rapid growth of the dezincified layer and a second stage where the growth of dezincified layer was much slower. The third part concentrated on the effect of Zn content on the dissolution of Cu-Zn alloys, by investigating the dissolution behavior of alloys with various Zn content (0-45 wt%). The two-stage dissolution mechanism was further clarified. For α phase: an initial stage in which Cu and Zn are oxidized congruently, but only Zn2+ was released into water, Cu forming a Cu2O film, and a second stage where Cu was released into water in the form of Cu2+. For β' phase, the second stage is the same to the initial stage. The increase of Zn content in the alloy results in a time extension of the initial stage and retard Cu2+ release. The final part focused on the effect of Sn on Cu release from Cu-Sn alloys. The enhanced effect of Sn on Cu release was identified. However, the increase of Sn content didn’t monotonically increase the Cu release efficacy of Cu-Sn alloys, which was due to the passivity of Sn.

Mutation Testing : A comparison of mutation selection methods

Hagman, Hans January 2012 (has links)
Software is all around us in our lives in the industrialized world, and we as a society and individuals need it to function correctly. Software testing fills the role of performing behavior audits, to guide the correction of the software to its intended behavior. The consequences of faulty software can range to the late arrival of trains, to nuclear meltdowns. This places quality requirements on the software of various levels. Program based mutation testing provides a high level of faultfinding capability. It does this by injecting many synthetic faults into the code under test, as described by mutation operators. These faults are used to search for testcases that would identify such faults, and consequently find real faults that the synthetic faults mimic. However, mutation testing is costly on three accounts; each mutant of the original code is compiled, each mutant should ideally have an associated testcase to reveal that fault the mutant contains, finally the testcases are analyzed thoroughly by looking the output of the original and mutants to reveal the error in behavior. In order to reduce cost while maintaining a high level of faultfinding, selective mutation testing is investigated, it uses a subset of all the available mutation operators. The investigation found that using Absolute value-, and Relational operator-, mutation reduces cost of mutation testing by 80%, while uncovering 83% of the injected faults.

Towards Measurable and Tunable Security

Lundin, Reine January 2007 (has links)
Many security services today only provides one security configuration at run-time, and cannot then utilize the trade-off between performance and security. In order to make use of this trade-off, tunable security services providing several security configurations that can be selected at run-time are needed. To be able to make intelligent choices on which security configuration to use for different situations we need to know how good they are, i.e., we need to order the different security configurations with respect to each security attribute using measures for both security and performance. However, a key issue with computer security is that it is due to its complex nature hard to measure. As the title of this thesis indicates, it discusses both security measures and tunable security services. Thus, it can be seen to consist of two parts. In the first part, discussing security measures for tunable security services, an investigation on the security implications of selective encryption by using guesswork as a security measure is made. Built on this an investigation of the relationship between guesswork and entropy. The result shows that guesswork, after a minor redefinition, is equal to the sum of the entropy and the relative entropy. The second part contributes to the area of tunable security services, e.g., services that provides several security configurations at run-time. In particular, we present the mobile Crowds (mCrowds) system, an anonymity technology for the mobile Internet developed at Karlstad University, and a tunable encryption service, that is based on a selective encryption paradigm and designed as a middleware. Finally, an investigation of the tunable features provided by Mix-Nets and Crowds are done, using a conceptual model for tunable security services.

Hybrid Ray-Traced Reflections in Real-Time : in OpenGL 4.3

Frid Kastrati, Mattias January 2015 (has links)
Context. Reaching photo realistic results when rendering 3D graphics in real-time is a hard computational task. Ray-tracing gives results close to this but is too expensive to be run at real-time frame rates. On the other hand rasterized methods such as deferred rendering are able to keep the tight time constraints with the support of modern hardware. Objectives. The basic objective is to merge deferred rendering and ray-tracing into one rasterized pipeline for dynamic scenes. In the thesis the proposed method is explained and compared to the methods it merges. Image quality, execution time and VRAM usage impact are investigated. Methods. The proposed method uses deferred rendering to render the result of the primary rays. Some pixels are marked, based on material properties for further rendering with ray-tracing. Only reflections are presented in the thesis but it has been proven that other global illumination effects can be implemented in the ray-tracing framework used. Results and Conclusions. The hybrid method is proved through experiments to be between 2.49 to 4.19 times faster than pure ray-tracing in the proposed pipeline. For smaller scenes it can be run at frame rates close to real-time, but, for larger scenes such as the Crytek Sponza scene the real-time feeling is lost. However, interactivity is never lost. It is also proved that a simple adjustment to the original framework can save almost 2/3 of the memory spent on A-buffers. Image comparisons prove that the technique can compete with offline ray tracers in terms of image quality.


[pt] O presente estudo discutea viabilidade técnica da Implantação da gestão de resíduos sólidos no Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho – Maracanã, através da parceria com catadores de materiais recicláveis, conforme preceitua a Lei 12.305/2010. Através da análise de sua aplicabilidade, foi possível identificar os avanços e retrocessos do processo. Para tanto, tomamos como referência o aumento efetivo da geração de resíduos, que ocorre com o crescimento populacional, urbanização rápida, desenvolvimento tecnológico e melhoria das condições socioeconômicas das populações. A gestão sustentável dos resíduos sólidos se apresenta como um tema que requer reflexões e ações coordenadas em diversos níveis. A presença de megaeventos nas grandes cidades gera como consequência um aumento no consumo de alimentos e bebidas, se sobressaindo o descarte de papel, alumínio, vidro e plástico. Com estes eventos, é comum a presença de catadores nos espaços de turismo e lazer, como nos estádios de futebol. A pesquisa desenvolvida foi qualitativa usando artigos publicados, textos técnicos e documentos oficiais sobre o processo da implementação de ações socioambientais na gestão de resíduos sólidos, permitindo conhecer quais etapas deveriam ser seguidas segundo a legislação. Efetivamos um canal de escuta dos sujeitos envolvidos e utilizamos como instrumentos para a realização da pesquisa a entrevista semiestruturada, especialmente para os catadores e a aplicação de questionários para outra parte do segmento envolvido, objetivando realizar a análise dos dados. Dessa forma, foi possível verificar se efetivamente o processo de gestão integrada de resíduos está ocorrendo ou não, e quais são as possibilidades e limites de sua operacionalização. / [en] This work analyzes the importance of inclusion of waste pickers in the process of integrated management of solid waste in the Estádio Esportivo Jornalista Mario Filho – Maracanã. It describeshow the management of solid waste was applied in the stadium. And with that, analyze the possibilities and limitations of interaction between the involvedparts in this process. Semistructured interviews were conducted with the parts responsible for waste management in the stadium and with the collectors, analyzing the amount of waste generated and the amount that is sent to recycling and landfills, in order to verify the economic viability of the business. Solid waste is increasing because of population growth, rapid urbanization, technological development and improvement in the socioeconomic conditions of the populations. To reduce the generation of solid waste urgent responses that imply changes in existing patterns of production and consumption of modern society are required, as well as the introduction of an integrated management, sustainable, socially just and environmentally efficient. Selective solid waste collection and recycling are practices that contribute to sustainable urban development as well as to human and environmental health. Mega events involve huge means of production and organization, generating an increase in the consumption of food and beverages, highlighting the disposal of paper, aluminum, glass and plastic. In such events it is common the presence of aluminum cans collectors (LIMA and MOTA, 2013). The tourism and leisure spaces such as football stadiums, generate waste by focusing greater consumption and disposal of materials (ABAL, 2009). Given the importance of the major events happening in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the Estádio Jornalista Mario Filho presents large and irregular generation of waste, raising questions concerning the process of implementing environmental actions in the management of solid waste.

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