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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku / Evaluation of Company Performance

Vaňková, Radmila January 2013 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with evaluation efficiency of the company XY. It analyses the company’s development in years 2007 – 2011 by the modern method of economic value added. Based on the recognized results I suggested measures for an improvement present situation of the company for several following years.

Stanovení hodnoty společnosti TEKABEN s.r.o. s využítím výnosových metod / Estimation of the Value of the TEKABEN s.r.o. Using the Income Capitalization Approach Methods

Hrůzová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on estimation of the value of the TEKABEN s.r.o. using the income capitalization approach methods. The thesis includes strategic analysis, financial analysis, analysis of value drivers and the financial plan. The methods called Discounted Cash Flow and Economic Value Added are applied. In conclusion the value of the selected company is determined to 31. 12. 2013.

Stanovení hodnoty podniku / Value Estimating of Company

Valčíková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on determining the value of the company PROSEC Ltd. The results of partial analyzes and estimate the financial value will serve the needs of senior management. The company has been operating successfully for several years and its main activity is the sale of security and electrical equipment. The first part is devoted to the theoretical knowledge and on the basis of literature are described concepts, definitions, methods and practices of individual analyzes and determining the value and are used in the practical part. The practical part is a strategic and financial analysis. The value of the company is quantified using selected methods.

Komparace nákladových cen a ceny obvyklé vybraných rodinných domů v městě Hranice a jeho okolí / Comparison of cost price and normal price of selected houses in the city limits and its surroundings

Rolincová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Real estate evaluation is a very attractive and up to date area of interest. Real estates can be evaluated for several purposes. Whether we talk about the evaluation by the certified valuer for purposes set by the law such as the real estate sale, tax purposes, and property settlement or appraisal by the assessor based on market approach for the market needs. Within the Czech Republic, we define two main ways how to evaluate a real estate. Those are the evaluation according to the price regulation and market approach evaluation. Each of these ways defines a lot of evaluation methods/ approaches such as cost approach, comparison approach or revenue approach. The question is how much the result of the evaluation correspondents with reality and how much different the prices are set based on those methods. And that is what this diploma thesis deals with. This thesis will compare potential differences between the values estimated by selected methods.

Znalecká činnost při vyvlastňovacím řízení / Expert activities in expropriation proceedings

Hanák, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The theme of this work is expert activities in the expropriation proceedings. In the first part of this paper will focus generally on expropriation and on terms that are associated with this institute. I will also consider the purpose of expropriation and the laws under which it is possible to carry out the expropriation. A description of the actual course of the dispossession, respectively. expropriation under the Expropriation Act. In the next section I will deal with expert activities in the expropriation proceedings, ie the status of an expert in the expropriation proceedings, the structure of the expert report and its appurtenances and eventually own appreciation for the expropriation proceedings. In the last part of this work create a training expert opinion for the purpose of expropriation, which is evident from its structure.

Návratnost investic spojených s výstavbou bytového domu v Luhačovicích a v Brně. / The return on investment associated with construction of a residential building in cities of Luhačovice and Brno

Lisoňková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the investment of apartment house and decide whether to sell or rent its housing units. The investment will be assessed in two different locales, Luhačovice and Brno-Žabovřesky. The issue is solved by comparison of market value, determined by three basic approaches of market valuation, the market value based on income approach and investment costs. The market value of housing units is the result of a weighted avarage method cost, comparative and income approach. The market value based on income approach is determined from net operating income, capitalization rate and the trend growth / decrease. Investment costs are based on the detailed budget. The results are analyzed in selected methods of financial planning such as net present value, internal rate of return and payback period. Part of the calculation of the financial planning are cash flows that are adjusted by projected annual growth trend.

Maximalizace tržní hodnoty stavební společnosti / Maximalization of Market Value in Construction Company

Veselý, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is about maximization of the market value of a company as a primary financial target of nowadays financial management. Valuation of real company in first part using discounted cash flow method is then completed with a sensitivity analysis. Purpose of it is evaluation of a rate of consequences from forecasted values of individual value drivers to the final market value of the company. The output is represented with suggestions to procuration just to maximize the value of the company.

Způsoby ocenění pozemků ve Francii / Methods of Land Valuation in France

Klučáková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with methods of land valuation in France. The thesis contains the definition of basic terms and the legislation related to the land valuation. In the text the types of lands are defined and the division of areas according to the territorial plan is indicated. The thesis clarifies the requirements of the expert opinion and specifies who can qualify as an expert in France. It also includes an overview of the most commonly used valuation methods in France, an example of land valuation according to these methods, and a comparison with the Czech Republic. Additionally, the thesis deals with the situation on the land market in France.

A critical analysis of the VAT implications of over-allowances in the South African motor retail industry

Coventry, Michelle Anne 09 March 2012 (has links)
The VAT treatment of over-allowances in the motor retail industry has proved contentious for South African Revenue Services (“SARS”). VAT legislation dictates that notional VAT may be claimed on the lower of the open market value and the consideration paid. The industry, however, claims notional VAT on the actual consideration paid for a used vehicle on the basis that a higher output VAT will be declared on the consequent sale of the new vehicle. This is because the over-allowance is offset against the lower discount granted. SARS allows this practice on account of SARS’ own issuance of a binding general ruling, provided certain criteria are met. This ruling is contained in the VAT Guide to Motor Dealers. This study performs an analysis of the current practice by South African motor retailers pertaining to over-allowances. The aim of the study is to determine the impact on the industry of the issuance of the Guide, both practically and from the perspective of compliance, focussing on VAT legislation and Competition Commission legislation. The study discusses the requirements contained in the Guide in the light of the Competitions Act and the practical benefits, and concludes that the industry is satisfied with the issuance of the Guide, despite its silence on the interpretation of certain key criteria. The industry has chosen to assume that, as SARS has acted reasonably in the issuance of the Guide, it would not expect the industry to deviate from any other legislation, including the Competitions Act. If SARS is not satisfied with this interpretation, the Guide will have to be amended to include definitions of terms such as “permissible discount”. AFRIKAANS : Die hantering van die toelating van oormatige BTW in die motorvoertuig-kleinhandelsindustrie is, insover dit die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (“SAID”) betref, omstrede. BTW-wetgewing bepaal dat geagte BTW gehef mag word op die laagste van ope markwaarde en die werklike bedrag betaal. In die motorvoertuigindustrie word BTW egter altyd gehef op die werklike bedrag betaal vir ‘n gebruikte voertuig met die veronderstelling dat hoër uitset BTW verklaar gaan word met die verkoop van ‘n nuwe voertuig wat die inruiltransaksie tot gevolg gaan hê. Daar word geredeneer dat die oortoelating van BTW uitgekanselleer gaan word deur ‘n laer afslag op die nuwe verkope. As gevolg van bindende bepalings in die BTW Handleiding vir Motorhandelaars, wat uitgereik is deur die SAID en die nakoming van sekere voorwaardes deur die motorhandelaars, laat die SAID hierdie praktyk toe. In hierdie mini-verhandeling word die vereistes wat in die Handleiding vervat is teen die agtergrond van die Wet op Mededinging en die praktiese voordele daarvan bespreek. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die motorvoertuigindustrie tevrede is met die uitreiking van die Handleiding vir motorhandelaars ongeag die feit dat sekere sleutel aspekte nie in die Handleiding voldoende toegelig word nie. Die motorindustrie het die aanname gemaak dat SAID redelikerwys opgetree het deur die Handleiding uit te reik en sal daarom nie verwag dat die industrie van enige ander wetgewing sal afwyk nie, insluitende die Wet op Mededinging. As die SAID nie tevrede is met hierdie interpretasie nie sal dit beteken dat die Handleiding aangepas sal moet word om ander relevante terminologieë soos “toelaatbare afslag” beter te omskryf en te verduidelik. Copyright 2011, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Coventry, MA 2011, A critical analysis of the VAT implications of over-allowances in the South African motor retail industry, MCom dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-03092012-112915 / > F12/4/77/gm / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

Hållbarhetsrapporter och aktievärde : Värderas frivilliga och lagstadgade hållbarhetsrapporter lika?

Clausson, Rasmus, Sjögren, Linus January 2020 (has links)
En hållbar värld blir mer och mer viktigt för världens befolkning. Det märks inte minst genom ett EU-direktiv från 2014. Direktivet innebär att en del företag i medlemsländerna blir tvingade, genom egna lagar, att upprätta hållbarhetsredovisningar. I Sverige infördes lagen under 2016 och gäller för räkenskapsår som inleds 2017. Frågan som undersöks i denna studie är om det finns någon skillnad mellan frivilliga och lagstadgade hållbarhetsredovisningar gällande aktiepris och finansiella nyckeltal. Studien tar hänsyn till förändringarna i justerat aktiepris (RI), price-to-earnings och price-to-book för att uttala sig om företagen som enbart har lagstadgade hållbarhetsredovisningar påverkas mer eller mindre än företagen som haft hållbarhetsrapporter för samtliga undersökta år. Fokuset ligger i brytpunkten mellan perioden 2015–2016 och 2017–2018 och undersöker om de olika grupperna av företag har en förändring som är signifikant skilt från varandra, vilket skulle innebära att lagstadgade hållbarhetsredovisningar tas emot annorlunda är frivilliga rapporter. Vidare kommer studien också  att undersöka huruvida olika företagsfaktorer ökar sannolikheten för en frivillig hållbarhetsrapport. Det finns tidigare studier som undersöker hållbarhetsredovisningars effekter. Bland annat studerade Lo och Sheu (2007) amerikanska bolag om samband fanns mellan hållbart företagande och marknadsvärde. Deras resultat visar att hållbara amerikanska bolag hade en högre värdering än företag som inte var hållbara. Andra forskare som ifrågasätter hållbarhetsredovisningarnas effekter är Lys et al.(2015) som undersökte om det finns någon relation mellan företagens avkastning och dess kostnader för hållbarhetsarbete. Deras slutsats var att de inte kunde avgöra om det fanns ett positivt samband mellan de två. De teoretiska perspektiven som denna studie baseras på är intressentmodellen, principal-agentteorin, signalteorin, disclosure-teorin och effektiva marknadshypotesen. Resultatet visar ingen statistisk signifikans mellan grupperna. Studiens resultat antyder dock att företag med frivilliga hållbarhetsredovisningar har högre förändring i finansiell avkastning än företag med enbart lagstadgade rapporter. Resultatet tyder på att det inte finns någon anledning för företagen att invänta lagkrav och att det inte heller finns möjlighet att generera överavkastning på företag vid införandet av lagkrav på rapporterna. Resultatet visar även att företagsfaktorerna storlek och tillväxt är av betydelse för sannolikheten att företaget upprättat en frivillig hållbarhetsrapport. En viktig aspekt som inte får glömmas är att området fortfarande behöver mer forskning och att denna studie är enbart en del i att förklara effekterna av lagstadgad hållbarhetsredovisning.

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