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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Melhoramento do resíduo de Wald em modelos lineares generalizados / Improvement of Wald residual in generalized linear models

Mariana Ragassi Urbano 18 December 2008 (has links)
A teoria dos modelos lineares generalizados é muito utilizada na estatística, para a modelagem de observações provenientes da distribuição Normal, mas, principalmente, na modelagem de observações cuja distribuição pertença à família exponencial de distribuições. Alguns exemplos são as distribuições binomial, gama, normal inversa, dentre outras. Ajustado um modelo, para vericar a adequação do ajuste, são aplicadas técnicas de diagnósticos e feita uma análise de resíduos. As propriedades dos resíduos para modelos lineares generalizados não são muito conhecidas e resultados assintóticos são o único recurso. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as propriedades assintóticas do resíduo de Wald, e realizar correções para que sua distribuição se aproxime de uma distribuição normal padrão. Uma aplicação das correções para o resíduo de Wald foi feita para cinco conjuntos de dados. Em dois conjuntos, a variável resposta apresentava-se na forma de contagem, e para a modelagem utilizou-se a distribuição de Poisson. Dois outros conjuntos são provenientes de delineamentos experimentais inteiramente casualizados, com variável resposta contínua e para a modelagem utilizou-se a distribuição normal, e para o último conjunto, o interesse era modelar a proporção, e utilizou-se a distribuição binomial. Um estudo de simulação foi conduzido, utilizando-se o método de Monte Carlo, e concluiu-se, que com as correções realizadas no resíduo de Wald, houve uma melhora signicativa em sua distribuição, sendo que a versão melhorada do resíduo tem distribuição que aproxima mais de uma distribuição normal padrão. / The theory of generalized linear models is very used in statistics, not only for modeling data normally distributed, but in the modeling of data whose distribution belongs to the exponential family of distributions. Some examples are binomial, gamma and inverse Gaussian distribution, among others. After tting a model in order to check the adequacy of tting, diagnostic techniques are used. The properties of residuals in generalized linear models are not well known, and asymptotic results are the only recourse. This work aims to study the asymptotic properties of Wald residual, and to obtain corrections to make the distribution of the modied residuals closer to standard normal. An application of the corrections for Wald residuals was done to ve datasets. In two datasets the response variables were counts, and to model, was used the Poisson distribution. Other two datasets are provided from a completely randomized design with a continuous response, and to model, was used the normal distribution, and, in the last dataset the interest was to model the proportion and the binomial distribution was used. A Monte Carlo simulation, was performed showing that the distribution of the corrected Wald residuals, is more close to the standard normal distribution.

Novo método para o estudo de desgaste por atrição (deslizamento alternado) em esmalte bovino, em função da carga normal e da lubrificação: redução do desgaste com gel lubrificante oral / New method to study the wear by attrition (reciprocating sliding) in enamel, depending on the normal load and lubrication: reduction in wear with gel oral lubricant

Priscilla Pessin Coppo 27 April 2015 (has links)
O esmalte dental é o tecido mineralizado mais duro do corpo humano; apesar disto, seu desgaste é um problema muito comum. Este pode estar associado aos processos de envelhecimento, ou ainda, ser encontrado em indivíduos jovens, como consequência de atividades parafuncionais, por exemplo, atrição dental. Este tipo de dano pode resultar em prejuízo da função mastigatória e em diminuição da qualidade de vida. Por isto, o desgaste do esmalte dental tem sido objeto de muitos estudos, embora poucos tenham utilizado conceitos tribológicos. Não foi encontrado nenhum estudo que explorasse o desgaste de esmalte e seus micromecanismos oriundos do deslizamento alternado de incisivo contra incisivo, configuração que mais se aproxima do tribossistema real de atrição. O presente estudo tem por objeto investigar o desgaste e seus mecanismos em pares deslizantes de esmalte incisal (configuração pino-plano), selecionados por seus similares valores de dureza e de tenacidade à fratura, submetidos a diferentes cargas normais e lubrificações do meio. Incisivos bovinos foram ensaiados em deslizamento alternado sob duas cargas normais (8 N e 16 N) e quatro modos de lubrificação: saliva natural; saliva artificial; gel lubrificante oral (Oralbalance!, Biotène); e grupo controle sem lubrificação (seco). Durante os ensaios, foram levantadas as curvas de atrito. O volume desgastado e a rugosidade da superfície foram mensurados via perfilometria 3D. Os micromecanismos de desgaste foram analisados ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura. O aumento da carga normal aplicada resultou em aumento do volume de desgaste para todas as condições. Comparando-se ao grupo sem lubrificação, as salivas (natural e artificial) não reduziram o desgaste, mas a lubrificação com o gel foi efetiva para reduzir tanto o volume de esmalte desgastado como o coeficiente de atrito. A relação entre o valor do parâmetro de rugosidade Sq e o coeficiente de atrito não foi linear, nem entre a rugosidade Sq e o coeficiente de desgaste, para todas as condições. Os micromecanismos de desgaste encontrados foram, em ordem crescente de severidade: desgaste da região interprismática (8 N - gel); propagação de trincas interprismáticas (8 N - seco); reações triboquímicas associadas à ação mecânica (8 N - saliva natural e artificial; 16 N - gel; 16 N - saliva natural e artificial); e desplacamento (16 N - seco). / Enamel is the hardest mineralized tissue in the human body; despite that, the enamel wear is a very common problem. The wear damage can be related to aging processes or also be found in young people as a result of parafunctional activities, for example, dental attrition. This type of damage can result in loss of masticatory function and decreased quality of life. Therefore, the wear of the enamel has been the subject of many studies, although few have used tribological concepts. The wear mechanisms of reciprocating sliding pairs from incisor against incisor have not been reported in the literature, this configuration is the one that is closest to the real tribosystem of attrition. The present study aims to investigate the wear behavior and the related mechanisms in reciprocating sliding pairs of incisal enamel (pin-on-flat configuration), selected for their similar hardness and fracture toughness values, with different applied normal loads and lubrication conditions. Bovine incisors were tested in reciprocating sliding with different applied normal loads (8 N and 16 N) and four lubrication conditions: natural saliva; artificial saliva; oral gel lubricant (Oralbalance!, Biotène); and control group (dry). During tests, the friction curves were recorded. The volume loss and the surface roughness Sq were investigated by 3D profilometry. Wear mechanisms were analyzed by scanning electron microscope. The increase of the normal load resulted in an increased volume loss for all conditions. Comparing to the group without lubrication, the saliva (natural and artificial) did not reduce the volume loss, but the lubricant gel was effective to reduce both the volume loss and the coefficient of friction. The relationship between the value of the roughness Sq and the friction coefficient was not linear, nor between the roughness Sq and the wear coefficient for all conditions. In increasing order of severity, the micromechanisms of wear were: wear at the interrod enamel (8 N - gel); crack propagation in the interrod enamel (8 N - dry); tribochemical reactions associated with mechanical wear (8 N - natural saliva and artificial saliva; 16 N - gel; 16 N - natural saliva and artificial saliva); and flake-like wear (16 N - dry).

Singularidades simples de curvas determinantais / Simple singularities of determinantal curves

Nancy Carolina Chachapoyas Siesquén 27 August 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos a classificação de singularidades de curvas espaciais simples que não são intersecções completas. O Teorema de Hilbert-Burch nos permite usar a matriz de representação para estudar a variedade definida pelo ideal gerado por seus menores maximais. Da mesma forma, as deformações da variedade determinantal podem ser representadas por perturbações da matriz e qualquer perturbação da matriz fornece uma deformação da variedade. Assim, o estudo das singularidades de curvas determinantais pode ser formulado em termos da matriz de representação da curva / In this work, we study the classification of simple space curve singularities which are not complete intersections. The Theorem of Hilbert-Burch enables us to deal with the presentation matrices instead of the ideals defined by their maximal minors. In the same way, deformations of the determinantal variety can be represented by perturbations of the matrix and any perturbation of the matrix gives rise to a deformation of the variety. Therefore, the study of determinantal curves can be formulated in terms of the presentation matrices

Ecocardiografia fetal no primeiro trimestre da gestação / First trimester fetal echocardiography

Sandra Regina Marques Carvalho 15 December 2006 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar o índice sucesso na realização de um ecocardiograma fetal completo entre a 11ª e a 14ª semanas, estabelecer a semana mais adequada para a realização de um exame completo, mensurar os diâmetros dos anéis das valvas cardíacas e comparar os diâmetros obtidos com o comprimento crânio-nádegas (CCN) correlacionando a evolução das dimensões cardíacas com o crescimento fetal nesta fase evolutiva. Avaliamos por ecocardiografia 46 fetos que apresentavam translucência nucal e avaliação Doppler do fluxo do ducto venoso normais. O estudo ecocardiográfico fetal foi realizado por via transvaginal, entre a 11ª e a 14ª semanas, com intervalos seriados de uma semana. Em cada exame, foram obtidos os três principais planos ecocardiográficos básicos e os diâmetros das valvas aórtica, pulmonar, mitral e tricúspide. As medidas dos diâmetros valvares foram comparadas ao diâmetro do CCN. Os resultados demonstraram uma taxa de sucesso na obtenção de um ecocardiograma completo de 37% na 11ª semana, de 85% na 12ª semana e de 100% entre a 13ª e a 14ª semanas. O corte mais freqüentemente obtido, nas duas primeiras semanas, foi o eixo longo e o mais difícil de ser visibilizado foi o eixo curto. As curvas de crescimento dos diâmetros das valvas mitral, tricúspide, aórtica e pulmonar demonstraram uma correlação linear com o crescimento fetal com valores de r² de 0,74, 0,75, 0,77 e 0,73. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os diâmetros das valvas atrioventriculares e entre os diâmetros das valvas ventriculoarteriais. A obtenção dos três planos ecocardiográficos básicos em 85% dos casos na 12ª semana e 100% dos casos, a partir da 13ª semana, demonstra que é possível a realização de um ecocardiograma fetal completo no primeiro trimeste da gestação, por via transvaginal. Houve correlação positiva entre os diâmetros valvares e o CCN demonstrando uma curva de crescimento neste período. A comparação entre diâmetros valvares mitral e tricúspide, do mesmo modo que, a comparação entre os diâmetros valvares aórtico e pulmonar não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas, sugerindo não haver dominância no tamanho destas estruturas, nesta fase do desenvolvimento em fetos normais. / The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of performing a complete echocardiography study during the first trimester of pregnancy by transvaginal approach and to establish the best week to accomplish a complete evaluation. A correlation between the measurements of the diameters of the cardiac valves and the gestational age along this period of the fetal life was made. Forty-six fetuses with normal nuchal translucency and Doppler evaluation of the venous duct were submitted to fetal echocardiography studies by transvaginal approach between the 11 and 14 weeks of gestation with a week interval. The following measurements were obtained: mitral, tricuspid, aortic and pulmonary valves diameters and the crown-rump length (CRL). The obtained results of the cardiac dimensions were compared with the CRL in the four weeks determinations. The rates of complete echocardiography evaluation were 37%, 85% and 100% at 11, 12 and 13 – 14 weeks, respectively. The longitudinal view was the easiest to obtain (100% at 12 weeks) and the short view was the most difficult one. There was no statistically significant difference between neither the diameters of the mitral and tricuspid nor the aortic and pulmonary valves. The diameters of the valves were correlated with the CRL and a linear growing curve was obtained with values of r2 of 0.74, 0.75, 0.77 and 0.73 respectively. The study demonstrated the feasibility of a complete fetal echocardiography evaluation by transvaginal approach during the first trimester of gestation. The rate of a complete evaluation increased along the period and reached 100% at 13 weeks. The longitudinal view was the easiest to obtain with a success rate of 100% at 12 week. There was a linear correlation between de cardiac valves diameters and the cranial caudal measurement revealing a relationship between the cardiac and fetal development during this phase of fetal life. The absence of statistically significant difference between the left and right valves dimensions possibly means that there is no predominance of right or left chambers during this period of evaluation.

Uma sequência didática para o ensino de tópicos de astronomia para o curso normal

Plauska, Geraldo Claret 21 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Larissa Vitoria Cardoso Cusielo (larissavitoria@id.uff.br) on 2017-05-15T20:45:18Z No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação - Geraldo Claret Plauska.pdf: 2835544 bytes, checksum: 3e59068eaa8d9f1f94051877c2211faa (MD5) Produto da Dissertação-Geraldo Claret Plauska - versão final.pdf: 1034599 bytes, checksum: 358c39e23fbb9ed4c627d0892e7e5e88 (MD5) / Rejected by Biblioteca do Aterrado BAVR (bavr@ndc.uff.br), reason: oi on 2017-05-22T16:20:55Z (GMT) / Submitted by Larissa Vitoria Cardoso Cusielo (larissavitoria@id.uff.br) on 2017-05-22T16:22:34Z No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação - Geraldo Claret Plauska.pdf: 2835544 bytes, checksum: 3e59068eaa8d9f1f94051877c2211faa (MD5) Produto da Dissertação-Geraldo Claret Plauska - versão final.pdf: 1034599 bytes, checksum: 358c39e23fbb9ed4c627d0892e7e5e88 (MD5) / Rejected by Biblioteca do Aterrado BAVR (bavr@ndc.uff.br), reason: oi on 2017-05-22T16:23:52Z (GMT) / Submitted by Larissa Vitoria Cardoso Cusielo (larissavitoria@id.uff.br) on 2017-05-22T17:11:29Z No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação - Geraldo Claret Plauska.pdf: 2835544 bytes, checksum: 3e59068eaa8d9f1f94051877c2211faa (MD5) Produto da Dissertação-Geraldo Claret Plauska - versão final.pdf: 1034599 bytes, checksum: 358c39e23fbb9ed4c627d0892e7e5e88 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca do Aterrado BAVR (bavr@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-08-21T16:05:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação - Geraldo Claret Plauska.pdf: 2835544 bytes, checksum: 3e59068eaa8d9f1f94051877c2211faa (MD5) Produto da Dissertação-Geraldo Claret Plauska - versão final.pdf: 1034599 bytes, checksum: 358c39e23fbb9ed4c627d0892e7e5e88 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-21T16:05:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação - Geraldo Claret Plauska.pdf: 2835544 bytes, checksum: 3e59068eaa8d9f1f94051877c2211faa (MD5) Produto da Dissertação-Geraldo Claret Plauska - versão final.pdf: 1034599 bytes, checksum: 358c39e23fbb9ed4c627d0892e7e5e88 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Ciências Exatas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Física. Volta Redonda,RJ / O ensino da Física no curso de formação de professores na modalidade normal, vem sendo analisado e considerado deficiente por renomados educadores e até pelos próprios docentes que atuam nesses cursos. Para muitos, ensina-se Física no Curso Normal sem a revestir de uma metodologia diferenciada que venha facilitar a futura transposição didática para os alunos das primeiras séries da Educação Básica. O presente trabalho é dirigido a auxiliar os estudantes normalistas, com uma proposta de ensino de alguns tópicos de astronomia utilizando Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC’s), e com foco na participação ativa dos alunos, pretendendo-se que a metodologia proposta possa ser utilizada num futuro exercício da docência. Priorizou-se tópicos segundo a necessidade de adequação do conteúdo da matéria disposta no currículo mínimo para os normalistas à grade curricular do primeiro ciclo do ensino fundamental da educação do município de Volta Redonda. Na proposta, a atividade dos alunos em cada aula consta essencialmente de observação e registro, em forma de descrição (resumo), dos conteúdos exibidos e/ou explicados em vídeos, em aplicativos de simulação e em imagens (figuras), encadeados em uma sequência didática estabelecida. Para orientar os alunos, são feitas questões pertinentes que servem de base para a descrição e que também objetivam a organização dos conceitos aprimorando e/ou criando subsunçores, conforme a Teoria de Aprendizagem de Ausubel. / The Physics teaching in the Teacher-Training College in the normal mode, has been analyzed and considered deficient by renowned educators and even by teachers themselves who work in these courses. For many, it is taught Physics at teachertraining Course without covered of a different methodology that will facilitate the future implementation teaching for students of the first grades of basic education. This work is intended to assist students for teaching, with an educational proposal of some astronomical topics using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and with the focus on active participation of students, intending that the proposed methodology can be used in a future exercise of teaching. It was prioritized topics second to the need to adapt the matter content prepared in the minimum curriculum for teacher-training to the curriculum of the first cycle of basic education of the Volta Redonda city education. In the proposal, the students; activity in each class consists essentially of observation and recording, in the form of description, the content displayed and/or explained in videos, in simulation applications and images (pictures), chained in an established didactic sequence. To guide students in the topic description, are asked relevant questions that serve as the basis for the description and which also aim the organization of concepts improving and/or creating subsumers, according to Ausubel’s Learning Theory.

Normal Spectrum of a Subnormal Operator

Kumar, Sumit January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Let H be a separable Hilbert space over the complex field. The class S := {N|M : N is normal on H and M is an invariant subspace for Ng of subnormal operators. This notion was introduced by Halmos. The minimal normal extension Ň of a subnormal operator S was introduced by σ (S) and then Bram proved that Halmos. Halmos proved that σ(Ň) (S) is obtained by filling certain number of holes in the spectrum (Ň) of the minimal normal extension Ň of a subnormal operator S. Let σ (S) := σ (Ň) be the spectrum of the minimal normal extension Ň of S; which is called the normal spectrum of a subnormal operator S: This notion is due to Abrahamse and Douglas. We give several well-known characterization of subnormality. Let C* (S1) and C* (S2) be the C*- algebras generated by S1 and S2 respectively, where S1 and S2 are bounded operators on H: Next we give a characterization for subnormality which is purely C - algebraic. We also establish an intrinsic characterization of the normal spectrum for a subnormal operator, which enables us to answer the fol-lowing two questions. Let II be a *- representation from C* (S1) onto C* (S2) such that II(S1) = S2. If S1 is subnormal, then does it follow that S2 is subnormal? What is the relation between σ (S1) and σ (S2)? The first question was asked by Bram and second was asked by Abrahamse and Douglas. Answers to these questions were given by Bunce and Deddens.

Normal Spectrum of a Subnormal Operator

Kumar, Sumit January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Let H be a separable Hilbert space over the complex field. The class S := {N|M : N is normal on H and M is an invariant subspace for Ng of subnormal operators. This notion was introduced by Halmos. The minimal normal extension Ň of a subnormal operator S was introduced by σ (S) and then Bram proved that Halmos. Halmos proved that σ(Ň) (S) is obtained by filling certain number of holes in the spectrum (Ň) of the minimal normal extension Ň of a subnormal operator S. Let σ (S) := σ (Ň) be the spectrum of the minimal normal extension Ň of S; which is called the normal spectrum of a subnormal operator S: This notion is due to Abrahamse and Douglas. We give several well-known characterization of subnormality. Let C* (S1) and C* (S2) be the C*- algebras generated by S1 and S2 respectively, where S1 and S2 are bounded operators on H: Next we give a characterization for subnormality which is purely C - algebraic. We also establish an intrinsic characterization of the normal spectrum for a subnormal operator, which enables us to answer the fol-lowing two questions. Let II be a *- representation from C* (S1) onto C* (S2) such that II(S1) = S2. If S1 is subnormal, then does it follow that S2 is subnormal? What is the relation between σ (S1) and σ (S2)? The first question was asked by Bram and second was asked by Abrahamse and Douglas. Answers to these questions were given by Bunce and Deddens.

Charakterisierung von Veränderungen in der normal erscheinenden weißen Substanz bei entzündlich-demyelinisierenden Erkrankungen / Characterizing changes in the normal-appearing white matter of inflammatory demyelinating diseases

Geiger, Agnes Joanna 23 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Attention soutenue et vieillissement normal : étude des mécanismes cognitifs et neuronaux associés au contrôle attentionnel / Sustained attention and normal aging : study of cognitive and neuronal mechanisms associated with attentional control

Staub, Bérengère 17 September 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de ces travaux de thèse était d’avancer dans la connaissance des effets du vieillissement normal sur les capacités d’attention soutenue et les mécanismes de contrôle attentionnel qui les sous-tendent. A cette fin, nous avons combiné l’utilisation de mesures comportementales, subjectives, et électrophysiologiques (potentiels évoqués). Les résultats comportementaux mettent en évidence des effets différenciés de l’âge sur les capacités d’attention soutenue en fonction de l’approche utilisée : détérioration dans les tâches de détection, et préservation dans les tâches d’inhibition. Les données électrophysiologiques mettent en évidence plusieurs spécificités des seniors dans l’engagement des mécanismes de contrôle attentionnel en situation d’attention soutenue : une activation globalement plus importante de ces mécanismes, une activation maintenue ou augmentée de ces mécanismes au fil de la tâche, et une topographie plus frontale des régions qui les sous-tendent. / The purpose of this project was to gain more knowledge about the effects of normal aging on sustained attention ability and attentional control mechanisms underlying this ability. To that end, we combined the use of behavioral, subjective and electrophysiological (event-related potentials) measures. Behavioral results evidenced differential effects of age on sustained attention ability according to the approach used: deterioration in detection tasks, and preservation in inhibition tasks. Electrophysiological data evidenced several special features of seniors regarding the recruitment of attentional control mechanisms in a situation of sustained attention: overall greater activation of these mechanisms, stable or increased activation of these mechanisms over the course of the task, and a more frontal topography of the regions underlying these mechanisms.

Modélisation, analyse et simulations numériques de quelques problèmes de contact / Model, analysis and numerical simulations of several contact problems

Danan, David 08 July 2016 (has links)
Les phénomènes de contact entre les corps, déformables ou non, sont omniprésents dans la vie courante. Leurs modélisations requièrent des outils mathématiques faisant appel à des systèmes d'équations aux dérivées partielles incluant des conditions aux limites non triviales pour décrire le contact. Si les aspects physiques de la mécanique du contact sont connus depuis longtemps, la théorie mathématique qui lui est dédiée reste relativement récente laissant ainsi place à de nombreux problèmes à investiguer. Ce travail porte sur la modélisation, l'analyse et la simulation numérique de tels problèmes. Il se situe à mi-chemin entre la mécanique du contact et les aspects mathématiques inhérents au type de problème qui en découle. L'objectif est ici d'étudier certaines catégories de problèmes faisant intervenir des conditions originales de contact (avec et sans frottement) à la fois d'un point de vue mathématique et numérique, afin d'apporter une contribution à la théorie mathématique, puis de mettre en avant quelques méthodes numériques adaptées à leur résolution dans un cadre spécifique. / Contact phenomena between bodies, whether they are deformable or not, abound in everyday life. Their modellings require mathematical tools using systems of partial differential equations and involving complex boundary conditions, in order to describe the contact. While the physical aspects of such phenomena have been known for a long time, the mathematical theory remains relatively recent which leaves room for numerous problems. This work focuses on the modelling, the analysis and the numerical simulations of such problems. It is located halfway between contact mechanics and the mathematical aspects inherent to the mechanical questions involved. Our aim is to study several groups of problems that include original contact conditions (with or without friction), both from a mathematical and numerical point of view, in order to contribute to the theory, and also to highlight several numerical methods used to solve specific contact problems.

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