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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vývoj nových přístupů v odstraňování okují při kontinuální výrobě oceli s využitím vysokotlakého vodního paprsku / Development of New Approaches in Descaling in the Continuous Production of Steel using High-Pressure Water Jet

Votavová, Helena January 2019 (has links)
The thesis summarizes general and up-to-date knowledge of descaling during the continuous production of the hot-rolled steel and proposes further streamlining of this process in industrial production. The first chapter of the thesis deals with the origin, structure and physical properties of the scales. The second chapter describes the principles of descaling by using a high pressure flat water jet. The third chapter introduces the principles of the experimental methods and describes the used laboratory equipment. The fourth chapter summarizes the description of the particular experiments and their evaluation, and thus represents the focus of the dissertation. It is divided into six sections which independently solve predefined objectives of the dissertation. The first section focuses on the height and structure development of the scales on 54SiCr6 and HDT580X steels. It has been proven that the height of the formed scales increases with the time and temperature of the oxidation. The layered nature of the scales was verified at the same time. The second section examines the effect of the nozzle stabilizer on the focussing and distribution of the impact pressure of the nozzle. Experiments have shown that increase of 11 % of an average maximum nozzle pressure can be achieved, depending on the type of nozzle and the length of the stabilizer. The third section deals with the analysis of shadowgraphy images of water jet structures of the nozzles. A script was developed for analysis of these shadowgraphy photos by an adaptive thresholding. The findings are correlated using a regression analysis with an average heat transfer coefficient. It has been reported that most of the standard nozzle configurations produced disintegrated stream of little droplets at the height of the rolled surface. The fourth section focuses on the area of water jet overlap, especially the area of the so-called washout, where the impact pressure of one nozzle is reduced by the nozzle stream of the other. The influence of the pressure change and the mutual displacement of the nozzles is investigated. The analysis showed that the change of pressure did not have any effect on the percentage of reduction of the impact pressure in the area of the washout. It has been shown that if the area of the washout is wide the descaling efficiency in this area may be reduced. The fifth section builds on the previous section and focuses directly on the areas of waterjet overlaps. The influence of the change of rotation and pitch of the nozzles is studied. Experiments have shown that small changes in nozzle pitch do not have a significant impact on impact pressure and heat transfer coefficient. The effect of nozzle rotation, on the other hand, was a significant factor for the efficiency and homogeneity of the descaling of the surface. The last section deals with the effect of the rolling speed on the heat transfer coefficient in the descaling process. The regression model has shown that with a higher rolling speed there is a reduction in the average heat transfer coefficient. Conclusion summarizes the results of the dissertation and proposes which findings can be used in the industry to make the descaling process more effective.

Optimization of liquid flow rate distribution in etching modules through numerical simulationsand experiments

Natale, Lorenzo January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to simulate the liquid flow rate distribution in the etching modules and find the optimal setup in order to achieve a distribution as homogenous as possible. The commercial software Matlab 2015a has been employed for all the numerical simulations. The optimization has been carried out varying several parameters, i.e. spray cross sections of the nozzles, the oscillation parameters, the rotating angle of the nozzles within etching module 1 and the nozzle arrangement inside the modules. Furthermore, the optimization has been carried out separately along the two directions of the modules. The results achieved computationally have been validated via experimental procedures. During this study a specific experimental setup has been developed in order to be able to compare experimental and computational results. The validation process has shown that the computational method matches the experimental results to a good extent. The experimental liquid distribution in etching module 2 widely matches the simulations to a quantitative extent, while the one in etching module 1 provides the same qualitative but different quantitative results.

Spray Cooling For Land, Sea, Air And Space Based Applications, A Fluid Managment System For Multiple Nozzle Spray Cooling And A Guide To High Heat Flux Heater Design

Glassman, Brian 01 January 2005 (has links)
This thesis is divided into four distinct chapters all linked by the topic of spray cooling. Chapter one gives a detailed categorization of future and current spray cooling applications, and reviews the major advantages and disadvantages that spray cooling has over other high heat flux cooling techniques. Chapter two outlines the developmental goals of spray cooling, which are to increase the output of a current system and to enable new technologies to be technically feasible. Furthermore, this chapter outlines in detail the impact that land, air, sea, and space environments have on the cooling system and what technologies could be enabled in each environment with the aid of spray cooling. In particular, the heat exchanger, condenser and radiator are analyzed in their corresponding environments. Chapter three presents an experimental investigation of a fluid management system for a large area multiple nozzle spray cooler. A fluid management or suction system was used to control the liquid film layer thickness needed for effective heat transfer. An array of sixteen pressure atomized spray nozzles along with an imbedded fluid suction system was constructed. Two surfaces were spray tested one being a clear grooved Plexiglas plate used for visualization and the other being a bottom heated grooved 4.5 x 4.5 cm2 copper plate used to determine the heat flux. The suction system utilized an array of thin copper tubes to extract excess liquid from the cooled surface. Pure water was ejected from two spray nozzle configurations at flow rates of 0.7 L/min to 1 L/min per nozzle. It was found that the fluid management system provided fluid removal efficiencies of 98% with a 4-nozzle array, and 90% with the full 16-nozzle array for the downward spraying orientation. The corresponding heat fluxes for the 16 nozzle configuration were found with and without the aid of the fluid management system. It was found that the fluid management system increased heat fluxes on the average of 30 W/cm2 at similar values of superheat. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of this array at removing heat at full levels of suction is approximately 50% & 40% of a single nozzle at respective 10[degrees]C & 15[degrees]C values of superheat. The heat transfer data more closely resembled convective pooling boiling. Thus, it was concluded that the poor heat transfer was due to flooding occurring which made the heat transfer mechanism mainly forced convective boiling and not spray cooling. Finally, Chapter four gives a detailed guide for the design and construction of a high heat flux heater for experimental uses where accurate measurements of surface temperatures and heat fluxes are extremely important. The heater designs presented allow for different testing applications; however, an emphasis is placed on heaters designed for use with spray cooling.

Analytical and Numerical Validation of Nozzle Spray Measurement Data Obtained from a Newly Developed Production System

Seidu, Iddrisu 30 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Experimental and Numerical Studies of Mist Cooling with Thin Evaporating Subcooled Liquid Films

Novak, Vladimir 11 April 2006 (has links)
An experimental and numerical investigation has been conducted to examine steady, internal, nozzle-generated, gas/liquid mist cooling in vertical channels with ultra-thin, evaporating subcooled liquid films. Interest in this research has been motivated by the need for a highly efficient cooling mechanism in high-power lasers for inertial fusion reactor applications. The aim is to quantify the effects of various operating and design parameters, viz. liquid atomization nozzle design (i.e. spray geometry, droplet size distribution, etc.), heat flux, liquid mass fraction, film thickness, carrier gas velocity, temperature, and humidity, injected liquid temperature, gas/liquid combinations, channel geometry, length, and wettability, and flow direction, on mist cooling effectiveness. A fully-instrumented experimental test facility has been designed and constructed. The facility includes three cylindrical and two rectangular electrically-heated test sections with different unheated entry lengths. Water is used as the mist liquid with air, or helium, as the carrier gas. Three types of mist generating nozzles with significantly different spray characteristics are used. Numerous experiments have been conducted; local heat transfer coefficients along the channels are obtained for a wide range of operating conditions. The data indicate that mist cooling can increase the heat transfer coefficient by more than an order of magnitude compared to forced convection using only the carrier gas. The data obtained in this investigation will allow designers of mist-cooled high heat flux engineering systems to predict their performance over a wide range of design and operating parameters. Comparison has been made between the data and predictions of a modified version of the KIVA-3V code, a mechanistic, three-dimensional computer program for internal, transient, dispersed two-phase flow applications. Good agreement has been obtained for downward mist flow at moderate heat fluxes; at high heat fluxes, the code underpredicts the local heat transfer coefficients and does not predict the onset of film rupture. For upward mist flow, the code underpredicts the local heat transfer coefficients and, contrary to experimental observations, predicts early dryout at the test section exit.

Návrh výměníku tepla dle ČSN EN 13 445 / Design of heat exchanger after ČSN EN 13 445

Lošák, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis is fucused on strength calculation of the heat exchanger according to ČSN EN 13 445. Introductory part introduce problems with the design of heat exchangers. In other parts there are a strength calculation of the heat exchanger according to ČSN EN 13 445, the results of the analysis with their appreciation. Annexes included output logs from the program Sant 'Ambrogio, and drawings documentation.

Návrh výměníku tepla / Design of heat exchanger

Klučka, Ivan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the thermal-hydraulic and construction design of heat exchanger with floating head. The introductory part is dedicated to the design of heat exchangers. Next part is focused on the thermal-hydraulic design created in HTRI software (module Xist. The next section is the strength calculation of selected components of the heat exchanger according to EN 13445 in software Sant'Ambrogio. The following part describes each of the analysis in software Ansys Workbench. The final part contains complete manufacturing documentation of heat exchanger.


Boháček, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Práce komplexně popisuje vodní a vodovzdušné chlazení pomocí metod CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) konkrétně s využitím software ANSYS FLUENT. Skládá se ze dvou hlavních částí, z nichž první se zabývá numerickým popisem jediné vodní kapky a druhá popisem směsí kapek představující paprsek válcové a ploché trysky. Je založena převážně na vícefázových modelech proudění a vlastních uživatelsky definovaných funkcí (User Defined Functions, UDF) představujících stěžejní část práce. Uvedené výpočtové modely jsou ve většině případů verifikovány pomocí experimentálních dat nebo jiných numerických modelů. V první části práce jsou teoreticky postupně rozebrány všechny tři použité vícefázové modely proudění. První z nich, Volume Of Fluid model (VOF), byl použit pro modelování jediné kapky (mikromodel). Zatímco zbývající dva, Euler-Euler model a Euler-Lagrange model, byly aplikovány v modelu celého paprsku trysky (makromodel). Mikromodel popisuje dynamiku volného pádu vodní kapky. Pro malé průměry kapek (~100µm) standardní model povrchového napětí (Continuum Surface Force, CSF) způsoboval tzv. parazitní proudy. Z toho důvodu je v práci rozebrána problematika výpočtu normál, křivostí volných povrchů a povrchového napětí jako zdroje objemových sil v pohybových rovnicích. Makromodel se zabývá studiem dynamiky celého paprsku tj. oblastí od ústí trysky po dopad na horký povrch, bere v úvahu kompletní geometrii, tzn. např. podpůrné válečky, bramu, spodní část krystalizátoru apod. V práci je rozebrána 2D simulace dopadu paprsku válcové trysky pomocí VOF modelu Euler-Lagrange modelu na horký povrch. Pro případ s VOF modelem byl navržen model blánového varu. Euler-Euler model a Euler-Lagrange model byly využity pro simulaci paprsku ploché trysky horizontálně ostřikující horkou bramu přímo pod krystalizátorem nad první řadou válečků. Pro Euler-Euler model byl navržen model sekundárního rozpadu paprsku založený na teorii nejstabilnější vlnové délky (Blob jet model). Jelikož diskrétní Lagrangeovy částice tvořily v určitých místech spíše kontinuální fázi, byl navržen a otestován model pro konverzi těchto částic do VOF.


Theodore Gabor (19332160) 06 August 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Powder Sprays such as Direct Energy Deposition and Cold Spray are rapidly growing and promising manufacturing methods in the Additive Manufacturing field, as they allow easy and localized delivery of powder to be fused to a substrate and consecutive layers. The relatively small size of nozzles allows for these methods to be mounted on CNC machines and Robotic Arms for the creation of complex shapes. However, these manufacturing methods are inherently stochastic, and therefore differences in powder size, shape, trajectory, and velocity can drastically affect whether they will deposit on a substrate. This variation results in an inherent reduction of deposition efficiency, leading to waste and the need for powder collection or recycling systems. The design of the nozzles can drastically affect the variation of powder trajectory and velocity on a holistic level, and thus understanding the gas-powder flow of these nozzles in respect to the features of said nozzles is crucial. This paper proposes and examines how changes in the nozzle geometry affect gas-powder flow and powder focusing for Direct Energy Deposition and Cold Spray. In addition, a new Pulsed Cold Spray nozzle design is proposed that will control the amount of gas and powder used by the nozzle via solenoid actuation. By making these changes to the nozzle, it is possible to improve deposition efficiency and reduce powder/gas waste in these processes, while also allowing for improved coating density. Furthermore, the research done in this thesis will also focus on novel applications to powder spray manufacturing methods, focusing on polymer metallization and part identification.</p>

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