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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo comparativo da expressão da proteína Fos nos núcleos da rafe entre ratos submetidos a exercício físico e sedentários / Comparative study of Fos protein expression in the raphe nuclei between sedentary and trained rats

Fábio César Prosdócimi 05 May 2004 (has links)
O presente estudo objetivou analisar o envolvimento diferenciado dos núcleos da rafe nas respostas homeostáticas de ratos machos jovens submetidos a exercício físico. Foram formados os grupos de animais treinados (T) e sedentários (S). Para os animais do grupo T foi adotado o protocolo de natação moderada, por meio do qual os animais foram treinados durante oito semanas consecutivas, apresentando, cada semana, cinco dias de treinamento e dois de descanso. Após o período de treinamento, os animais foram perfundidos transcardiacamente e o encéfalo removido, pós-fixado, crioprotegido e criosecionado em cortes coronais de 40m, para processamento com técnicas de imunoperoxidase pelo método ABC contra a proteína Fos, utilizando-se DAB como cromógeno. A análise da ativação neuronal foi efetuada pela expressão da proteína Fos. Os cortes foram analisados em microscopia de campo claro e uma série adjacente foi montada em lâminas gelatinizadas e coradas com tionina, método de Nissl, para controle citoarquitetônico. Durante o experimento, notou-se a adaptação dos animais ao exercício (grupo T), sendo necessária a adição, em sua cauda, de pesos relativos ao peso corpóreo do animal, proporcionando uma adequada seqüência de treinamento. A análise quantitativa evidenciou diferentes densidades de marcação nos diferentes núcleos entre os grupos experimentais. A análise estatística ANOVA e o teste Tuckey evidenciaram diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos, onde os animais do grupo T apresentaram maior ativação de neurônios em relação aos animais do grupo S. O núcleo RPa apresentou o maior número médio de células ativadas, fato evidenciado pela contagem dos neurônios Fos-imunorreativos (Fos-IR), respectivamente, nos grupos T e S: (57,74 e 44,40); seguido pelos núcleos DR (56,67 e 47,15), RMg (42,68 e 36,09), ROb (23,98 e 19,70), MnR (23,89 e 21,19) e PnR (20,18 e 14,07). No núcleo PMnR foi observada, contrariamente aos demais grupos, um maior número médio de células ativadas no grupo S em relação ao grupo T (5,35 e 4,08, respectivamente). Entretanto, estatisticamente, esse dado não é representativo. Assim, de forma inédita, verificou-se a participação diferenciada dos núcleos da rafe nos mecanismos homeostáticos relacionados ao exercício físico em animais treinados. / The aim of this work was to study the distinguished involvement of the raphe nuclei in homeostatic mechanisms of young male rats submitted to physical exercises. Trained (T) and sedentary (S) animals constituted the experimental groups. For animals of group T, the method applied were the moderate swimming protocol, when the animals were trained consecutively for eight weeks (five days training, two days for rest). After the training, the animals were transcardiacally perfused and their brain were removed, post-fixated, cryoprotected and cryosectioned in coronal sections of 40m, which were processed with ABC-DAB anti-Fos immunoperoxidase techniques. The analysis of the neuronal activation was observed by the expression of Fos protein. The sections were analyzed in light microscopy and an adjacent series was mounted in gelatinous slides and stained with tionin, Nissl method, for cytoarchitectonical control. Animals of group T adaptation to exercise was observed during the experiment when heaviness, equivalent to the animal’s body weight, was added in their tails, giving an adequate training sequence. The quantitative analysis highlighted different densities of mark in different nuclei between the experimental groups. The statistic analysis ANOVA and Tuckey test presented different densities between experimental groups, in which the T group of animals showed bigger activation of neurons in relation to the S group of animals. The RPa nucleus showed the higher median number of labeled cells, fact evidenced through the counting of Fos-immunoreactive neurons (Fos-IR), respectively, between T and S groups: (57,74 and 44,40); followed by DR (56,67 and 47,15), RMg (42,68 and 36,09), ROb (23,98 and 19,70), MnR (23,89 e 21,19) and PnR (20,18 and 14,07) nuclei. In the PMnR nucleus was observed, against the other groups, higher number of median numbers of labeled cells in the S group in relation to T group (5,35 and 4,08, respectively). Thus, the distinguished raphe nuclei’s participation in homeostatic mechanisms related with physical exercises in trained animals was evidenced for the first time.

Efeitos do envelhecimento sobre o sistema nitrérgico dos núcleos da base em humanos / Effects of aging over nitrergic system in human basal nuclei

Bruno Lopes dos Santos 22 April 2014 (has links)
O óxido nítrico (NO) é uma molécula gasosa descrita recentemente, com implicações sobre uma vasta quantidade de processos fisiológicos, incluindo transmissão de sinais no sistema nervoso central (SNC). A sinalização nervosa mediada pelo NO ocorre por meios extrassinápticos, na chamada neurotransmissão por volume. Há evidências de que o NO seja um importante fator de modulação no controle da motricidade. A presença de neurônios que produzem NO já foi descrita em várias espécies, e estruturas ligadas ao controle do movimento como os núcleos da base (NNBB) contêm células nitrérgicas em quantidades variadas. Não se conhece os efeitos do processo de envelhecimento sobre a estrutura e função destes neurônios produtores de NO. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi investigar se o envelhecimento provoca alterações nos neurônios nitrérgicos presentes nos NNBB do encéfalo humano. Além disso, busca agregar mais conhecimento a aspectos morfológicos e de distribuição das células que compõem o sistema nitrérgico nos NNBB em humanos. As amostras de estriado (caudado e putâmen), globos pálidos (GP), núcleo subtalâmico (NST), substância negra (SN) e núcleo pedunculopontino (NPP) de 20 indivíduos sem doenças neurológicas e psiquiátricas foram submetidas à avaliação histológica em secções, coradas por técnicas que localizam neurônios que expressam NO, como a histoquímica para NADPH-diaforase (NADPHd) e à imunohistoquímica para sintase do NO neuronal (nNOS), e parâmetros de densidade neuronal e morfometria foram comparados entre indivíduos adultos jovens e idosos. Análises de densidade neuronal e morfometria entre subdivisões topográficas e funcionais também foram realizadas. Foi visto que o envelhecimento não provoca modificações na densidade neuronal e morfometria nitrérgica nos NNBB em humanos. Adicionalmente, o trabalho mostrou que: (I) as regiões mais posteriores do estriado se destacaram por apresentarem uma elevada densidade neuronal, associada a neurônios menores, em comparação com as regiões mais anteriores; (II) as porções do estriado ligadas ao córtex límbico apresentam maiores densidades neuronais; (III) o NST é uma região em que cerca de 90% de seus neurônios expressam NO, e suas características morfológicas sugerem que estas células coexpressem glutamato; (IV) o NPP é extensamente povoado por neurônios nitrérgicos, principalmente no nível do colículo inferior; (V) a presença de células NO-positivas é preponderante nas lâminas medulares de ambos GP, porém notamos maior concentração de células nitrérgicas no GPi; (VI) não foi detectada presença de neurônios quem contém NO na SN. Nossos resultados mostram que há uma presença maciça de neurônios que expressam NO em núcleos-chaves envolvidos com processamento motor corticobasal, como o NST, o estriado e o NPP, sugerindo que a neurotransmissão nitrérgica seja peça fundamental da fisiologia dos NNBB, portanto, com considerável potencial terapêutico nas doenças que afetam estas estruturas. / The nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous molecule recently described, with a role on several physiologic processes, including signal transmission in central nervous system (CNS). The NO-mediated brain signaling occurs by extrasynaptic mode, called volume transmission. There are evidences supporting the NO as a major neurotransmitter involved on motor control modulation. The presence of NO neurons was described in many species, and movement-related structures, as the basal nuclei (BN), also contains variable densities of nitrergic cells. It is unknown the effect of aging over the structure and function of these NO neurons. The objective of the study is to investigate if the aging causes abnormalities on human BN nitrergic neurons. Furthermore, we aimed to explore distribution and morphologic features of these cells in BN. The samples of striatum (caudate and putamen), globus pallidum (GP), subthalamic nucleus (STN), substantia nigra (SN) and pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) of 20 human brains from subjects without neurologic or psychiatric disases were processed for histologic analysis, stained by 2 techniques which localizes NO neurons: histochemistry for NADPH-diaphorase (NADPHd) and immunohistochemistry for neuronal NO synthase (nNOS); the neuronal density and morphometric parameters were compared between young adults and aged subjects. The neuronal density and morphometric analysis between striatal and subthalamic topographic / functional subdivisions were also performed. Our data showed that aging does not change the neuronal density or morphometric parameters of nitrergic neurons in human BN. Additionally, other results were found: (I) the most posterior regions of striatum have a higher neuronal density and smaller neurons than the most anterior regions of this nucleus; (II) the limbic cortex-associated areas of striatum have higher neuronal density than others functional subdivisions; (III) the STN is a region in which about 90% of its neurons expresses NO, and its morphologic features suggest these neurons coexpress glutamate; (IV) the PPN has a massive nitrergic neuronal density, mostly in the inferior colliculus level; (V) in GP, there is a marked presence of NO neurons in laminae medullaris, and the internal GP has more NO-positive cells than the external GP; (VI) nitrergic neurons were not detected in SN. Our results showed a remarkable presence of neurons expressing NO in nuclei essential for motor corticobasal processing (striatum, STN, PPN), suggesting that the nitrergic neurotransmission has a fundamental role in BN physiology, therefore, with great therapeutic potential in diseases involving these structures.

Participação dos núcleos da rafe nas respostas cardiorespiratórias à hipóxia e hipercarbia em sapos / Role of the raphe nuclei in the ventilatory and cardiovascular response to hypoxia and hipercarbia in toads

Carolina Ribeiro Noronha de Souza 23 February 2010 (has links)
Os núcleos da rafe são agrupamentos celulares cujo principal tipo é o serotoninérgico. Em anuros adultos a estimulação elétrica e química da rafe bulbar não causa alteração na ventilação, enquanto que em mamíferos, dependendo da localização exata desta estimulação, a ventilação pode ser inibida ou estimulada. Ainda em mamíferos, os núcleos bulbares da rafe participam da resposta cardiorrespiratória à hipóxia (5% O2) e hipercarbia (5% CO2), enquanto que em anfíbios isto ainda não foi investigado. Portanto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar a participação dos núcleos da rafe nas respostas cardiorrespiratórias à hipóxia e hipercarbia em sapos (Rhinella schneideri). Para isso, primeiramente os núcleos da rafe foram localizados e identificados na espécie estudada. Imunorreatividade para proteínas Fosrelacionadas foi utilizada para verificar se estes núcleos são ativados ou inibidos durante o estímulo hipóxico e hipercárbico, e, adicionalmente, o papel dos núcleos magno e pontino da rafe nas respostas cardiorrespiratórias à hipóxia e hipercarbia foi investigado por meio da lesão nãoseletiva com ácido ibotênico. A ventilação pulmonar foi medida diretamente pelo método pneumotacográfico e a pressão arterial por canulação da artéria femoral. Os resultados demonstram que os núcleos bulbares da rafe são inibidos após o estímulo hipóxico e hipercárbico. A hipóxia causou aumento da ventilação pulmonar e da frequência cardíaca nos grupos veículo e lesado. A hipercarbia causou aumento da ventilação pulmonar em ambos os grupos. A lesão nãoseletiva dos núcleos magno e pontino da rafe não teve efeito na ventilação basal (durante normóxia normocárbica) e nas respostas cardiorrespiratórias à hipóxia e hipercarbia, sugerindo que estes núcleos não participam do controle da ventilação em condições basais ou durante a hipóxia e hipercarbia em sapos. / The raphe nuclei are brainstem cell groups and the main cell type is serotonergic. In adult anurans electrical or chemical stimulation of the medullary raphe has no effect on ventilation, whereas in mammals depending on the specific site of stimulation, an excitatory or inhibitory response is elicited. In mammals the medullary raphe participate in the ventilatory and cardiovascular response to hypoxia and hipercarbia while in amphibians there are no data available. Thus the present study was designed to investigate whether the raphe nuclei of toads (Rhinella schneideri) participate in the ventilatory and cardiovascular response to hypoxia (5% O2) and hipercarbia (5% CO2). First the raphe nuclei were located and identified. Fosrelated immunoreactivity was used to verify whether the raphe nuclei are activated or inhibited by hypoxia or hypercarbia. In addition, the role of raphe magnus and pontis in the respiratory and cardiovascular responses to hypoxia and hypercarbia were investigated by nonselective lesioning with ibotenic acid. Pulmonary ventilation was directly measured by pneumotachographic method and the arterial pressure by a femoral catheter. The results indicate that the medullary raphe nuclei are inhibited after hypoxic and hypercarbic stimulus (2,5h). Hypoxia caused hyperventilation and increase in the cardiac frequency in the vehicle and lesioned groups. Hypercarbia caused hyperventilation in both groups. Chemical lesions in the raphe magnus and pontis did not affect ventilatory or cardiovascular variables under resting conditions (normoxic normocárbica) or during the response to hypoxia or hipercarbia.

Pitting corrosion initiation in AISI 316 austenitic stainless steel

Quinones, H. January 1980 (has links)
The initiation of pitting corrosion on AISI 316 stainless steel has been examined from a phenomenological viewpoint with emphasis on the role of the metal in this complex, interaction. A modified potentiodynamic technique was used to prepare specimens corresponding with a series of different points on the anodic polarisation curve for the material in 0.05 M sulphuric acid alone and with additions of 0.1 M sodium chloride solutions-. The specimens were subsequently examined using standard metallographic, techniques. It was found that suitable pit nuclei, called 'pit sites', are manifest as a result of the initial interaction of the metal with the solution at the rest potential, (ER), i.e., at potentials far below the potential range in which catastrophic pitting processes normally occur. It was further found that these pit sites were manifest even in the absence of chloride ions for which there is no subsequent catastrophic pitting process, Estimation of pit site density (NA) for the different stages of the E-i curve and the use of a simple stereological model permit a statistical interpretation of the localisation of the phenomenon to particular areas of the metal surface. The statistical argument is extended to show that the breakdown potential for chloride media is associated with the development of a catastrophic condition which does not apply if chloride ions are absent and it is deduced that the breakdown potential is essentially indeterminate.

Glycinergic neurons and inhibitory transmission in the cerebellar nuclei / Neurones glycinergiques et transmission inhibitrice dans les noyaux cérébelleux

Husson, Zoé 26 September 2014 (has links)
Le cervelet, composé d'un cortex et de noyaux, est responsable du contrôle moteur fin des mouvements et de la posture. En combinant une approche génétique (basée sur l'utilisation de lignées de souris transgéniques) avec des traçages anatomiques, des marquages immunohistochimiques et des expériences d'électrophysiologie et d'optogénétique, nous établissons les caractères distinctifs des neurones inhibiteurs des noyaux cérébelleux et en détaillons la connectivité ainsi que les fonctions dans le circuit cérébelleux. Les neurones inhibiteurs glycinergiques des noyaux profonds constituent une population de neurones distincts des autres types cellulaires identifiables par leur phénotype inhibiteur mixte GABAergique/glycinergique. Ces neurones se distinguent également par leur plexus axonal qui comporte une arborisation locale dans les noyaux cérébelleux où ils contactent les neurones principaux et une projection vers le cortex cérébelleux où ils contactent les cellules de Golgi. Ces neurones inhibiteurs reçoivent également des afférences inhibitrices des cellules de Purkinje et pourraient être contactés par les fibres moussues ou les fibres grimpantes.Nous apportons ainsi la première étude d'une transmission mixte fonctionnelle par les neurones inhibiteurs des noyaux cérébelleux, projetant à la fois dans les noyaux et le cortex cérébelleux. L'ensemble de nos données établissent les neurones inhibiteurs mixtes des noyaux cérébelleux comme la troisième composante cellulaire des noyaux profonds. Leur importance dans l'organisation modulaire du cervelet, ainsi que leur impact sur l'intégration sensori-motrice, devront être confirmés par des études optogénétiques in vivo. / The cerebellum is composed of a three-layered cortex and of nuclei and is responsible for the learned fine control of posture and movements. I combined a genetic approach (based on the use of transgenic mouse lines) with anatomical tracings, immunohistochemical stainings, electrophysiological recordings and optogenetic stimulations to establish the distinctive characteristics of the inhibitory neurons of the cerebellar nuclei and to detail their connectivity and their role in the cerebellar circuitry.We showed that the glycinergic inhibitory neurons of the cerebellar nuclei constitute a distinct neuronal population and are characterized by their mixed inhibitory GABAergic/glycinergic phenotype. Those inhibitory neurons are also distinguished by their axonal plexus which includes a local arborization with the cerebellar nuclei where they contact principal output neurons and a projection to the granular layer of the cerebellar cortex where they end onto Golgi cells dendrites. Finally, the inhibitory neurons of the cerebellar nuclei receive inhibitory afferents from Purkinje cells and may be contacted by mossy fibers or climbing fibers.We provided the first evidence of functional mixed transmission in the cerebellar nuclei and the first demonstration of a mixed inhibitory nucleo-cortical projection. Overall, our data establish the inhibitory neurons as the third cellular component of the cerebellar nuclei. Their importance in the modular organization of the cerebellum and their impact on sensory-motor integration need to be confirmed by optogenetic experiments in vivo.

Can CMB Surveys Help the AGN Community?

Partridge, Bruce, Bonavera, Laura, López-Caniego, Marcos, Datta, Rahul, Gonzalez-Nuevo, Joaquin, Gralla, Megan, Herranz, Diego, Lähteenmäki, Anne, Mocanu, Laura, Prince, Heather, Vieira, Joaquin, Whitehorn, Nathan, Zhang, Lizhong 30 August 2017 (has links)
Contemporary projects to measure anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are now detecting hundreds to thousands of extragalactic radio sources, most of them blazars. As a member of a group of CMB scientists involved in the construction of catalogues of such sources and their analysis, I wish to point out the potential value of CMB surveys to studies of AGN jets and their polarization. Current CMB projects, for instance, reach mJy sensitivity, offer wide sky coverage, are blind and generally of uniform sensitivity across the sky (hence useful statistically), make essentially simultaneous multi-frequency observations at frequencies from 30 to 857 GHz, routinely offer repeated observations of sources with interesting cadences and now generally provide polarization measurements. The aim here is not to analyze in any depth the AGN science already derived from such projects, but rather to heighten awareness of their promise for the AGN community.

Mechanismy mateřské synchronizace fetálních cirkadiánních hodin / Mechanisms of maternal entrainment of the fetal circadian clock

Černá, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Our body is influenced by many cyclical changes in the environment, such as day and night or seasons. To predict these changes and react to them in time, the organism is equipped with inner clock, which rhythmically influences many physiological processes, such as sleep or metabolic rhythms. Disrupting our inner rhythms at molecular and behavioral levels contributes to many serious disorders. It is necessary that all mechanisms of the inner circadian clock are developed and set up properly. Circadian clocks are set up by the mother, who passes rhythmical information about day and night cycle on to her embryo. Though a great attention is devoted to revealing the nature of this synchronization between the mother and her pup, the mechanisms of this process have not been fully understood yet. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to actual understanding of this synchronization. Experiments, performed in this thesis, relate to studying the ability of maternal signals to synchronize embryos with the environment. Feeding and light regime of pregnant rats was manipulated and the effect of these changes on the neuronal activity within the suprachiasmatic nuclei of 19-day embryos was analyzed.

Molecular gas during the post-starburst phase: low gas fractions in green-valley Seyfert post-starburst galaxies

Yesuf, Hassen M., French, K. Decker, Faber, S. M., Koo, David C. 08 1900 (has links)
Post-starbursts (PSBs) are candidate for rapidly transitioning from starbursting to quiescent galaxies. We study the molecular gas evolution of PSBs at z similar to 0.03-0.2. We undertook new CO (2-1) observations of 22 Seyfert PSB candidates using the Arizona Radio Observatory Submillimeter Telescope. This sample complements previous samples of PSBs by including green-valley PSBs with Seyfert-like emission, allowing us to analyse for the first time the molecular gas properties of 116 PSBs with a variety of AGN properties. The distribution of molecular gas to stellar mass fractions in PSBs is significantly different from normal star-forming galaxies in the CO Legacy Database (COLD) GASS survey. The combined samples of PSBs with Seyfert-like emission line ratios have a gas fraction distribution that is even more significantly different and is broader (similar to 0.03-0.3). Most of them have lower gas fractions than normal star-forming galaxies. We find a highly significant correlation between the WISE 12 and 4.6 mu m flux ratios and molecular gas fractions in both PSBs and normal galaxies. We detect molecular gas in 27 per cent of our Seyfert PSBs. Taking into account the upper limits, the mean and the dispersion of the distribution of the gas fraction in our Seyfert PSB sample are much smaller (mu = 0.025, sigma = 0.018) than previous samples of Seyfert PSBs or PSBs in general (mu similar to 0.1-0.2, sigma similar to 0.1-0.2).

Nuclear Morphometry based Pattern Recognition in Pathology

Liu, Chi 01 August 2017 (has links)
Given the strong association between aberrant nuclear morphology and tumor progression, changes in nuclear structure have remained the gold standard for cancer diagnosis for over 150 years. Recently, the rapid development of imaging hardware and computation power creates the opportunity for automated computer-aided diagnosis (CAD). Developing a robust and reliable pattern recognition pipeline is a pressing need to mine and analyze tons of nuclei data being captured. Among the rich studies on pattern recognition problems in pathology, automated nuclei detection, segmentation and cancer detection are the recurring tasks due to the importance and challenges of nuclei analysis. In this thesis, we propose and investigate the state-of-art methods in the CAD modules for maximizing the overall amount of information from images for decision making. We focus on nuclei segmentation and patient cancer detection in the nuclei image analysis pipeline. As the first step in nuclei analysis, we develop an unsupervised nuclei detection and segmentation approach for pathology images. Different from many supervised segmentation methods whose performances rely on the quality and quantity of training samples, the proposed method is able to automatically search for the nucleus contour by solving the shortest path problem with little user effort. We consider the cancer detection task as a set classification problem and propose a highly discriminative predictive model in the sense that it not only optimizes the classifier decision boundary but also transfers discriminative information to set representation learning. The innovation of the model is the integration of set representation learning and classifier training into one objective function for boosting the cancer detection performance. Experimental results showed that the new model provides significant improvements compared with state-of-art methods in the diagnostic challenges. In addition, we showed that the predictive model enables visual interpretation of discriminative nuclear characteristics representing the whole nuclei set. We believe the proposed model is quite general and provide experimental validations in several extended pattern recognition problems.

The nature of the microjy source population

Ocran Emmanuel Francis January 2015 (has links)
Masters of Science / The study of the faint radio universe and of its properties has recently become a very active field of research not only because of the much improved capabilities of the SKA pathfinders but also because of the need to better plan for SKA surveys. These new facilities will map large areas of the sky to unprecedented depths and transform radio astronomy into the leading technique for investigating the complex processes which govern the formation and evolution of galaxies. This thesis combines multi-wavelength techniques, highly relevant to future deep radio surveys, to study the properties of faint radio sources. The nature of the faint radio sources is presented, over a large GMRT survey area of an area of 1.2 deg2 comprising 2800 sources. Utilising multi-wavelength data we have matched 85% of the radio population to Spitzer/IRAC and obtained a redshift estimate for 63%. The redshift associations are a combination of photometric and spectroscopic redshift estimates. This study investigates several multi-wavelength diagnostics used to identify AGN, using radio, infrared, optical and x-ray data . This analysis shows that various diagnostics (from the radio through the X-ray ones) select fairly different types of AGNs, with an evidence of a disagreement in the number of AGNs selected by each individual diagnostics. For the sources with redshift we use a classification scheme based on radio luminosity, x-ray emission, BOSS/SDSS spectroscopy, IRAC colors satisfying the Donley criterion, and MIPS 24ɥm radio-loud AGN criteria to separate them into AGNs and SFGs. On the basis of this classification, we find that at least 12.5% of the sources with redshifts are AGNs while the remaining 87.5% are adopted as SFGs. We explore the nature of the classified sources through the far-infrared radio correlation. We measure a median qIR value of 2:45± 0:01 for the SFGs and qIR value of 2:27 ± 0:05 for the AGNs. The decrease in the median value of qIR for the AGNs is a result of the additional AGN component to radio emission for the AGN-powered sources and find tentative evidence of an evolution of the qIR with redshift.

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