Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nurse anagers"" "subject:"nurse dmanagers""
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Nurses' Experiences Transitioning from Staff Nurse to Management in a Community HospitalBuffenbarger, Jennifer Sylvia 01 January 2016 (has links)
This project study addressed the problem of frequent turnover of nurse managers at a Northeastern community hospital. The lack of retention of nurse managers has led to attenuated support for the nursing staff who continued to hold the front line in patient care. The purpose of this qualitative bounded case study was to explore nurse managers' experiences with turnover in order to identify strategies for enhancing retention. Work empowerment and servant leadership theories served as the frameworks for the study. Research questions focused on nurse managers' perceptions of empowerment and servant leadership characteristics that were important in decisions to assume and remain in a management/leadership role. Data collection included audio-recorded interviews with seven current or past full-time nurse managers, and observation of three of the participants at a leadership meeting. Interview transcripts were open coded and thematically analyzed. Observation data were categorized according to empowerment and servant leadership characteristics. Five themes were identified that related to research questions: struggling in management transition, seeking opportunity for transformation, being committed but powerless, embarking unprepared on an unplanned journey, and having the presence to lead others by serving. The findings of this study guided development of a 12-month program for new nurse managers that integrated characteristics of servant leadership to empower leaders and others. These contributions may promote positive social change by preparing new nurse managers for their role and developing their skills to become successful nurse managers.
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The perceptions of nurses regarding communication with nurse managers in a public hospital in westrand in Gauteng ProvinceMananiso, Nyaku Elizabeth 01 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to explore the perceptions of nurses regarding communication with nurse managers in the workplace. The design of the study was a generic qualitative. The methodology of choice was qualitative, explorative method. The sample was non-probability and the approach or technique used was purposive sampling method. It comprised of thirty nurses, ten of each category. The category was a component of professional nurses, enrolled nurses and enrolled nursing auxiliary nurses. The data collection method used in the study was in-depth interviews using a self-designed interview guide. Face to face interviews was conducted in a quiet room within the hospital ward as a natural setting. Data was collected using a voice recorder for the sake of protecting the missing of information which may be important. The data analysis was with the help of employing transcribing and coding of voice recorded data and observation noted during the collection of data. The data collection method used in the study was in-depth interviews using a self-designed interview guide. Face to face interviews was conducted in a quiet room within the hospital ward as a natural setting. Data was collected using a voice recorder for the sake of protecting the missing of information which may be important. The data analysis was with the help of employing transcribing and coding of voice recorded data and observation noted during the collection of data. The findings showed that there were dynamics in communication from all nurse categories and that also indicated that there was a need to conduct a research so that the root cause may be identified and suggestions to be put in place to curb the challenges.
In conclusion it showed that communication is the key problem of all and it is a worldwide problem. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)
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Les interventions prometteuses pour des infirmières gestionnaires au regard du déploiement optimal de l’étendue de pratique infirmière : un rapid reviewKim, Run 12 1900 (has links)
Le Québec a connu de multiples réformes au système de santé au cours des dernières années. Face à cette restructuration et réorganisation de soins, à la pénurie du personnel infirmier et aux demandes grandissantes des soins liées au vieillissement de la population et aux maladies chroniques, les infirmières gestionnaires sont interpellées à trouver des solutions novatrices et concrètes pour répondre de manière efficace et efficiente aux besoins de la population tout en offrant des soins et de services sécuritaires et de qualité optimale. À cet effet, plusieurs écrits sont d’avis que l’optimisation de l’étendue de pratique infirmière (ÉPI) et du champ d’exercice infirmier sont un levier essentiel pour répondre de façon efficace et efficiente aux besoins de la population en vue d’atteindre la performance du système de santé. Certes, les études réalisées au Québec ont démontré que l’ÉPI est déployée de manière insuffisante en raison des facteurs individuels et organisationnels qui l’influencent. Considérant que les infirmières gestionnaires exercent un rôle crucial pour soutenir le déploiement de l’ÉPI et qu’une sous-utilisation de l’éventail des activités professionnelles des infirmières constitue à la fois des enjeux professionnels, organisationnels et systémiques, il est opportun d’examiner et d’identifier les interventions favorables qui permettent à ces infirmières gestionnaires de contribuer à actualiser l’ÉPI optimalement. Suivant ces constats et dans une perspective de l’administration des soins infirmiers, ce projet d’étude avait pour but de d’identifier et de décrire les interventions émises aux infirmières gestionnaires afin de soutenir le déploiement optimal de l’ÉPI. Pour répondre à ce but, un rapid review selon les cinq principales étapes de Dobbins (2017) a été utilisé. Cette méthode a permis d’obtenir une synthèse des connaissances issues des écrits scientifiques et de la littérature grise systématiquement recueillie, évaluée et analysée afin de recommander des interventions prometteuses aux infirmières gestionnaires. Le modèle d’utilisation des ressources infirmières (MURI) de Dubois et al. (2012) a servi comme trame de fond tout au long de ce processus méthodologique. Au terme de cette étude, six recommandations et 38 pistes d’interventions prometteuses pour optimiser l’ÉPI ont été identifiées selon le type d’infirmières gestionnaires afin de répondre aux enjeux d’ordre professionnels, organisationnels et systémiques reliés à une sous-utilisation de l’ÉPI et du champ d’exercice infirmier constatés au sein du système de santé au Québec. Ces recommandations et ces pistes d’interventions à caractère systémique, organisationnel et individuel qui sont proposées aux infirmières gestionnaires permettraient d’optimiser l’ÉPI et en conséquence, d’améliorer la sécurité, la qualité des soins et les services à la population ainsi que de valoriser l’expertise infirmière. / Quebec has undergone multiple reforms to the health care system in recent years. Faced with this restructuring and reorganization of care, the shortage of nursing staff and the growing demands for care related to the aging of the population and chronic diseases, nurse managers are challenged to find innovative and concrete solutions to respond effectively and efficiently to the needs of the population while providing safe and optimal quality care and services. To this end, several writings are of the opinion that the optimization of the scope of nursing practice (SNP) and the field of nursing practice are an essential lever to respond effectively and efficiently to the needs of the population in order to achieve the performance of the health system. Some studies conducted in Quebec have shown that SNP is deployed insufficiently because of the individual and organizational factors that influence it. Considering that nurse managers play a crucial role in supporting the deployment of SNP and that an underutilization of the range of nurses' professional activities constitutes both professional, organizational and systemic issues, it is appropriate to examine and identify the favorable interventions that allow these nurse managers to contribute to the optimal updating of SNP. Based on these findings and from a nursing administration perspective, this study project aimed to identify and describe interventions addressed to nurse managers to support the optimal deployment of SNP. To meet this goal, a rapid review according to the five main steps of Dobbins (2017) was used. This method provided a synthesis of knowledge from scientific literature and grey literature systematically collected, evaluated and analyzed to recommend promising interventions to nurse managers. The Nursing Resource Utilization Model (MURI) by Dubois and al. (2012) had served throughout this methodological process. At the end of this study, six recommendations and 38 promising interventions to optimize SNP were identified according to the type of nurse managers in order to respond to professional, organizational and systemic issues related to an under-use of the SNP and the field of nursing practice observed within the health system in Quebec. These recommendations and these systemic, organizational and individual interventions that are addressed to nurse managers would make it possible to optimize SNP and consequently, to improve safety, quality of care and services to the population as well as to enhance nursing expertise.
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La signification expérientielle et les facteurs qui influencent la qualité de vie au travail des cadres gestionnaires infirmiers de premier niveau œuvrant en établissements de santéBrousseau, Sylvain 08 1900 (has links)
Au cours des trois dernières décennies, le travail quotidien des cadres gestionnaires infirmiers de premier niveau (CGIPN) a subi de profondes transformations quant aux rôles qu’ils occupent et aux responsabilités qui leur incombent dans les divers établissements de santé. Ces CGIPN vivent et subissent de la pression au regard de leur charge de travail, faisant en sorte qu’ils perçoivent avoir peu de temps pour réaliser adéquatement leur travail en gestion, et que plusieurs infirmières de la relève qui souhaitent faire carrière en gestion se questionnent sur la possibilité d’œuvrer dans ce domaine de la pratique. Peu d’études portent sur l’état de la qualité de vie au travail (QVT) chez ces professionnels. Divisé en trois volets, le projet de recherche mixte séquentielle exploratoire a pour objectif général d’explorer la QVT chez les CGIPN et les facteurs qui l’influencent dans les divers établissements de santé québécois. Les objectifs spécifiques visent à : 1) décrire et comprendre ce que signifie la QVT auprès des 14 CGIPN œuvrant en Centre hospitalier affilié (CHA) à l’Université, 2) décrire et comprendre ce que signifie l’absence d’une QVT auprès des CGIPN en CHA, 3) développer et valider un nouvel instrument de mesure des facteurs favorables et défavorables pouvant influer sur la QVT à partir des données qualitatives auprès de CGIPN (n= 11) œuvrant en Centre de santé et des services sociaux et de CGIPN (n= 11) en Centre hospitalier universitaire, 4) identifier et mesurer les facteurs qui influencent la QVT des CGIPN (n= 291) travaillant dans divers établissements publics de santé et 5) déterminer si les caractéristiques sociodémographiques influencent le choix des facteurs de la QVT. Inspiré de la philosophie du Human caring de Watson comme perspective disciplinaire, le premier volet qualitatif fait appel à une méthode phénoménologique descriptive husserlienne. Pour ce faire, deux séries d’entretiens semi-dirigés à l’aide d’un guide d’entrevue visent à répondre aux deux premiers objectifs. Le second volet cible l’élaboration et la validation d’un instrument de mesure permettant de répondre au troisième objectif de la recherche et le dernier volet, de type quantitatif corrélationnel, s’applique à répondre aux deux derniers objectifs. Dans la première phase, l’analyse visuelle des données qualitatives (verbatim) permet l’émergence des résultats qualitatifs, soit de cinq eidos-thèmes favorables exprimés par les participants et décrits par ordre d’importance : 1) l’actualisation du leadership et des habiletés politiques pour l’amélioration de la qualité des soins infirmiers, 2) les éléments contextuels propices à l’humanisation organisationnelle, 3) le soutien organisationnel favorisant l’épanouissement socioprofessionnel et personnel, 4) l’organisation apprenante favorisant le développement des compétences en gestion des soins infirmiers et 5) l’accompagnement personnalisé répondant aux besoins spécifiques des novices en gestion des soins infirmiers. L’essence de la QVT pour les CGIPN se définit par l’émancipation socioprofessionnelle du cadre gestionnaire infirmier de premier niveau dans sa pratique clinico-administrative au sein d’une organisation humaniste. De plus, trois eidos-thèmes défavorables se dégagent des analyses qualitatives. Les résultats, décrits par ordre d’importance, sont : 1) la déshumanisation organisationnelle, 2) les conditions défavorables à la pratique en gestion des soins infirmiers et 3) l’accompagnement insuffisant des gestionnaires infirmiers novices. L’essence de l’absence d’une QVT pour les CGIPN se présente comme la dysharmonie au travail du cadre gestionnaire infirmier de premier niveau à l’intérieur d’une structure organisationnelle déshumanisante mettant en péril sa pratique clinico-administrative. Par la suite, une mise en relation des deux essences du phénomène a permis de faire émerger la signification universelle de l’expérience de la QVT et l’absence de celle-ci pour des CGIPN œuvrant en CHA comme étant : une dialectique en administration des services infirmiers dans laquelle se vit des pratiques humanisantes permettant l’atteinte d’un idéal de QVT, en coexistence avec des pratiques déshumanisantes conduisant à l’absence de QVT. Afin de respecter les postulats des méthodes quantitatives, les huit eidos-thèmes qui émergent de la première phase qualitative se transforment en facteurs favorables (FF) et défavorables (FD) à la QVT pour la réalisation des deuxième et troisième phases de la recherche. Dans la seconde phase, le construit théorique qui provient des huit eidos-thèmes et 23 thèmes permet de développer un nouvel instrument de mesure qui s’avère unique à cette population à l’étude. L’analyse psychométrique de l’instrument de mesure (questionnaire auto-administré en mode électronique) permet l’obtention d’un score global du coefficient alpha de Cronbach (α) de 0,93, ce qui est jugé excellent. Dans la troisième et dernière phase, les analyses statistiques des données (logiciel SPSS, version 22 pour Windows 7, 2013) issues de l’enquête quantitative provinciale en ligne (Web) mettent en évidence des résultats probants. Les résultats du questionnaire en ligne avec une échelle ordinale à cinq niveaux révèlent un score global du coefficient alpha de Cronbach à 0,95. De plus, les résultats quantitatifs suggèrent que les facteurs favorables (FF) à la QVT ont des scores moyens de 3,99 (FF1), 3,97 (FF2), 3,96 (FF3), 3,72 (FF4) et 3,53 (FF5) et les trois facteurs défavorables (FD) à la QVT ont des scores moyens de 3,91(FD1), 3,78 (FD2) et 3,56 (FD3). Ces facteurs correspondent aux eidos-thèmes favorables et défavorables de la QVT du volet qualitatif phénoménologique. Les résultats quantitatifs révèlent quelques relations significatives des caractéristiques sociodémographiques (âge et années d’expérience) sur le choix des facteurs qui influencent le plus fortement la QVT. En conclusion, le fait de pouvoir mieux décrire et comprendre la signification de la QVT ainsi que son absence et de pouvoir identifier les facteurs qui sont les plus susceptibles de l’influencer permet de formuler des recommandations pour les quatre domaines de la pratique infirmière. Des pistes d’avenues sont formulées pour maintenir la relève infirmière à des postes de CGIPN au sein des organisations de santé en lui assurant des moyens pour optimiser humainement sa QVT. / For the past three decades, first-line nurse managers’ daily work has undergone profound changes with respect to the roles they play and their compulsory responsibilities in various health care facilities. First-line nurse managers (FLNMs) are under pressure in regard to their workload; they find that they have little time to suitably accomplish their management work. Few studies address the quality of work life (QWL) of these health care professionals. The sequential and exploratory mixed methods research project is divided into three phases, and explores the QWL of FLNMs, as well as factors that influence FLNMs in various health care facilities in Quebec. Specific goals will : 1) describe and understandthe meaning of QWL according to 14 FLNMs working in the university-affiliated hospital (CHA), 2) describe and understandthe meaning of a lack of QWL among FLNMs in the CHA, 3) develop and validate a new measuring instrument of favourable and unfavourable factors that impact QWL of FLNMs’ within their health and social services network and university health centre (n= 11), 4) identify and measure factors influencing FLNMs’ QWL (n= 291), and 5) determine socio-demographic characteristics that may influence the choice of factors that affect QWL. Inspired from Watson’s Human caring philosophy as a disciplinary perspective, the first qualitative section uses a Husserlian descriptive phenomenological method. Two series of semi-structured interviews, using an interview guide, met the first two goals. The second section targets the development and validation of a measuring instrument that will allow us to meet the research goal. The last section refers to the correlational quantitative method, and it meets the last two goals. In phase one, a visual analysis of the qualitative data (verbatim) yields qualitative results that include five favourable eidos-themes expressed by participants, and are described in order of importance, namely : 1) an update to leadership and policy-making skills to improve health care quality, 2) contextual factors that promote organizational humanization, 3) organizational support to foster personal and socio-professional satisfaction, 4) a learning organization committed to skills development in health care management, and 5) personalized training to meet the specific needs of health care management beginners. The essence of FLNMs’ QWL is defined as the first-line nurse manager’s socio-professional emancipation in his or her clinical-administrative practices within a humanist organization. Three unfavourable eidos-themes emerge from the qualitative analyses. Here are the described results in order of importance : 1) organizational dehumanization, 2) unfavourable conditions in nursing management, and 3) insufficient support for beginner health care managers. The lack of QWL for FLNMs is described as disharmony in the first-line nurse manager’s workplace within a dehumanized organizational structure that jeopardizes his or her clinical and administrative practices. Consequently, comparing these two fundamental aspects of the phenomenon revealed the universal meaning of QWL, and its absence among F-LNMs working in university-affiliated hospitals, as being a dialectic in nursing administration in which humanist practices that allow attainment of a QWL ideal coexist with dehumanizing practices that work against QWL. Inorder to respect the quantitative methods’ principles, the eight eidos-themes emerging from the first phase are changed into favourable factors (FF) or unfavourable factors (UF) for QWL, and are used to carry out the second and third research phases. In the second phase, the theoretical construct based on the eight eidos-themes and twenty-three themes identified by the new measuring tool is unique to the population under consideration. The instrument’s psychometric analysis—a self-administered online questionnaire—obtained an overall Cronbach alpha score (α) of 0.93. This is considered excellent. In the third and last phase, a statistical analyses (SPSS software, version 22 for Windows 7) (2013) of Quebec’s online quantitative survey highlight conclusive results. Results from the online questionnaire, with a five-level ordinal scale, show an overall Cronbach alpha score of 0.95. Quantitative results suggest that QWL favourable factors (FF) have average scores of 3.99 (FF1), 3.97 (FF2), 3.96 (FF3), 3.72 (FF4), and 3.53 (FF5). QWL unfavourable factors (UF) have average scores of 3.91 (UF1), 3.78 (UF2), and 3.56 (UF3). These factors are equivalent to QWL’s favourable and unfavourable eidos-themes found in the qualitative phenomenological section. The quantitative results show some significant connections between socio-demographic characteristics, such as age and years of experience, and the choice of factors that affect QWL In conclusion, a better describing and understanding the meaning of QWL or lack thereof, as well as identifying the most likely factors to influence QWL, enables us to provide recommendations in the fourth areas of nursing practice. Approaches are proposed to maintain the next generation of FLNM job positions in health care organizations, while ensuring resources to suitably maximize FLNMs’ QWL.
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Measures to improve retention of nurses in a KwaZulu-Natal hospital : nurse managers' viewsPillay, Zoe 02 1900 (has links)
The shortage of nurses in any health care setting increases workloads and complicates workflow. In South Africa the shortage is exacerbated by multiple factors, one of which is the emigration of nurses to countries that offer better benefits and working conditions.
The purpose of the study was to explore and determine the views of nurse managers regarding staff turnover and retention, and to recommend effective measures to improve the retention of nurses.
The inquiry was conducted in a KwaZulu-Natal hospital, a natural setting for the participants. The study utilized a qualitative, explorative, descriptive design. The population of this study comprised of 36 nurse managers. Purposive and convenience sampling techniques were applied to select a sample of 18 nurse managers. Data were collected through focus groups. Data were transcribed and analysed thematically, emerging patterns were noted. The researchers examined these categories closely and compared them for similarities and differences. identifying the most frequent or significant codes in order to develop the prominent categories. These were summarised in a narrative form.
Four themes emerged from the findings: the staff turnover challenge; current retention strategies; measures to improve retention and strengthening management. The shortage of nursing staff was critical at this selected hospital, and this situation could be considered to be a microcosm of what is happening in public health care sectors in South Africa. Various measures were put in place to curb the high turnover. However, these measures had a fair to low level of success. Therefore, improved retention strategies are required to reduce the staff turnover. It is evident from the findings that needs to be done to investigate, plan and implement effective measures that are likely to retain nursing staff and recruit more nurses into the profession. / Health Studies / M. A. (Nursing Science)
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