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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formação do enfermeiro para a integralidade a partir de pressupostos dialógicos freireanos

Boeira, Suzana 20 December 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo apresentar norteadores da prática pedagógica que contribuem na formação do enfermeiro para a integralidade na saúde sob a perspectiva dialógica de Freire. Esse tema surgiu a partir de vivências como docente de um curso de graduação em enfermagem que demonstraram uma dicotomia da formação e da atuação profissional em relação às boas práticas em saúde. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica realizada a partir das publicações do Portal de Periódicos CAPES (2009-2016), considerando teses, dissertações e artigos que contemplam a temática proposta, bem como análise das Diretrizes Curriculares nacionais para a formação do enfermeiro. A análise de conteúdo de Bardin foi o caminho escolhido para interpretação dos dados, articulados com os pressupostos teóricos do dialogismo em Freire e da integralidade de Pinheiro e Mattos. Do processo de análise emergiram três categorias: a docência humanizadora como possibilitadora de um cuidado humanizado; a interdisciplinaridade como base para a integralidade do cuidado através de relações dialógicas constituídas pelo diálogo e pela escuta ativa; e o reconhecimento da multidimensionalidade do sujeito para o estabelecimento de uma relação dialógica desde a sua singularidade e subjetividade. Da articulação entre essas categorias, relacionando os conceitos do quadro teórico constituído, foram identificados cinco pressupostos pedagógicos para a formação do enfermeiro, respondendo assim a pergunta de pesquisa. Eles estão relacionados à necessidade do professor compreender e reconhecer os saberes dos educandos, permanecendo vinculado ao compromisso com o rigor metódico, ao uso da pesquisa para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem e à adaptação e reconhecimento da condição de inacabamento e condicionamento dos sujeitos. Apontam para uma formação orientada para o reconhecimento do homem como ser multidimensional e complexo e na produção de conhecimentos que derivem de espaços coletivos de ação-reflexão-ação, a partir da competência profissional do educador, de sua autoridade, humildade e capacidade de escuta. Os resultados da pesquisa ainda indicam a necessidade de o docente se comprometer com sua prática, levando em conta as demandas do cotidiano profissional do enfermeiro, para pensar nas situações de ensino aprendizagem, além de considerar o contexto de vida dos alunos. / This research had as objective to present guides of the pedagogical practice that contribute in the formation of the nurse for integrality in the health under the dialogical perspective of Freire. This theme arose from experiences as a teacher of a nursing undergraduate course that demonstrated a dichotomy of training and professional performance in relation to good health practices. This was a bibliographical research based on the publications of the Portal of Periodicals CAPES (2009-2016), considering theses, dissertations and articles that contemplate the proposed theme, as well as an analysis of the National Curricular Guidelines for the training of nurses. Bardin's content analysis was the chosen path for data interpretation, articulated with the theoretical presuppositions of dialogism in Freire and the integrality of Pinheiro and Mattos. From the analysis process, three categories emerged: humanizing teaching as a facilitator of humanized care; Interdisciplinarity as the basis for the integrality of care through dialogic relations constituted by dialogue and active listening; And the recognition of the multidimensionality of the subject for the establishment of a dialogical relationship from its singularity and subjectivity. From the articulation between these categories, relating the concepts of the theoretical framework constituted, five pedagogical presuppositions were identified for the formation of the nurse, thus answering the research question. They are related to the teacher's need to understand and recognize the learners' knowledge, remaining linked to the commitment to methodical rigor, to the use of research for the teaching and learning process, and to the adaptation and recognition of the condition of unfinished and conditioned subjects. They point to a formation oriented towards the recognition of man as a multidimensional and complex being and the production of knowledge derived from collective spaces of action-reflection-action, based on the educator's professional competence, his authority, humility and listening ability. The results of the research still indicate the need for the teacher to commit to their practice, taking into account the demands of the daily professional of the nurse, to think about the situations of teaching learning, and to consider the context of the students life.

Avaliação da educação superior de enfermagem na perspectiva da Comissão Assessora de Avaliação para a Enfermagem - INEP / Evaluation of the Higher Education on the Nursing Studies perspective of the Adviser Committee of Evaluation for Nursing Studies - INEP.

Tatiana Gabriela Brassea Galleguillos 04 May 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o processo de avaliação da educação superior da Enfermagem brasileira na perspectiva da Comissão Assessora de Avaliação para a Enfermagem - INEP. A partir da análise realizada com base nas entrevistas com os membros da referida comissão para a área de Enfermagem foi possível discutir questões referentes às políticas de avaliação da educação superior, levando-se em consideração a expansão e a diversificação desse nível de ensino, a instituição de procedimentos de avaliação estruturados em princípios de flexibilidade e de competitividade, bem como as políticas de saúde, definidas a partir das diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) com ênfase na saúde pública. Evidencia-se que o Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (SINAES), além de apresentar componentes de regulação, possibilita realizar uma avaliação qualitativa, de forma a superar o modelo anterior, determinado pelo Exame Nacional de Cursos (ENC), caracterizado pela tendência a estabelecer ranking para o setor. A utilização de instrumento único para a avaliação de cursos, embora evidencie a falta de especificidade para a formação de Enfermagem, assegura a avaliação qualitativa. O avaliador é destacado como elemento central do processo de avaliação de cursos, pela possibilidade de diálogo com as instituições, traduzida em uma modalidade de avaliação formativa. Embora a comissão não estabeleça relação entre avaliação e emprego, a oferta e a ampliação de cursos e vagas determina a necessidade de novos postos de trabalho. A expansão da educação superior apresenta maior crescimento no setor privado, ficando a oferta de vagas no setor público praticamente estagnada, caracterizando a transferência da responsabilidade social do Estado para a livre iniciativa. Apontam-se as Diretrizes Curriculares e as diretrizes do SUS como eixos norteadores para a avaliação da educação superior em Enfermagem, definidoras de um novo paradigma de formação em saúde. Ainda que a intenção da avaliação não seja a de focalizar as especificidades da saúde pública, isso torna-se inevitável, pois o SUS constitui-se neste bojo. Deve-se considerar, também, que o sistema possui componentes de caráter regulatório, que são utilizados para conter a abertura mercantilista de cursos e para zelar pela qualidade da formação. Quanto ao caráter formativo da avaliação, o desafio está em que ela exerça real contribuição na elaboração e desenvolvimento de projetos político-pedagógicos para formar o futuro trabalhador do SUS. / This essay has the objective of analyze the process of evaluation of the higher education on the Brazilian nursing studies under the perspective of the Adviser Committee of Evaluation for Nursing Studies - INEP. From the analysis fulfilled based on the interviews with the members of the so called committee for the nursing field it was possible to open debates on issues concerning to the policies of the higher education evaluation, taking into consideration the expansion and the diversification at this level of education, the settlement of the procedures for evaluation, established on principles of flexibility and competitiveness, as the health policies, determined from the conductresses of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) with emphasis on the public health. It becomes clear that the Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (SINAES), besides presenting elements of regulation, makes possible accomplish a qualitative evaluation, in order to overcome the former model, determined by Exame Nacional de Cursos (ENC), characterized by the trend of setting a ranking for the sector. The use of a single instrument for evaluation of the courses, although makes clear the lack of speciousness for the nursing graduation, assures the qualitative evaluation. The rater is highlighted as a central element of the evaluation process of courses, due to the possibility of dialog within the institutions, translated into a modality of formative evaluation. Moreover the committee does not establish relationship between the evaluation and employment, the offer and enlargement of courses and openings; it determines the need of new working positions. The expansion of bachelors degrees show a greater growth in the private sector, being the offer of openings in the public sector fairly stagnated, characterizing the transfer of the social responsibility from the government to the private enterprise. It is brought forward the Curriculum conductresses and the - SUS - conductresses as the guiding axles for the evaluation of the higher education on nursing studies, definer of a new paradigm of graduation in health. Even that the primary intention of the evaluation is not to focalize the specificities of the public health, this becomes undeniable, due - SUS - is based on this values. It is also proper to consider, that the system has elements of regulation character, which are not used to detain the creation of mercantilist courses and care for the graduation quality. Due to the formative character of the evaluation, the challenge is settled in the fact that it leads to real contributions on the elaboration and development of politic-pedagogical projects to form the - SUS - workers-to-be.

Aula expositiva dialogada e aula simulada: comparação entre estratégias de ensino na graduação em Enfermagem / Lecture Through Dialogue and Simulated Classroom: Comparing Teaching Strategies in Undergraduate Nursing

Tania Oliveira Lopes 15 March 2012 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo geral analisar a eficácia da aprendizagem dos discentes, imediatamente, 15 e 30 dias após a aula expositiva dialogada e a aula simulada em laboratório de enfermagem. Tratou-se de um estudo longitudinal de abordagem quantitativa, tipo experimento antes e depois, que se constitui de um método experimental verdadeiro para a comparação da apreensão do conhecimento dos alunos na aula expositiva dialogada e na aula simulada no laboratório de enfermagem, tendo hipótese que a aula simulada é mais eficaz do que a aula expositiva dialogada para a apreensão do conhecimento em AVC na enfermagem. A população deste estudo foi composta por 42 alunos do 6º semestre da graduação em enfermagem da Faculdade de Enfermagem do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, que foram randomizados estatisticamente em dois grupos, controle e experimental. Foram consideradas como variáveis intervenientes ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem: idade, atuação profissional na área da saúde, média ponderada das notas do primeiro e segundo anos letivos e a nota da avaliação progressiva do conhecimento de 2009. Ambos os grupos foram submetidos a uma aula sobre o reconhecimento dos sinais e sintomas do Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) e suas condutas assistencias. O grupo controle foi submetido a uma aula dialogada expositiva e o grupo Experimental a uma aula simulada em laboratório de enfermagem. Nas duas intervenções foi utilizado como cenário pedagógico a Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que a estratégia de aula simulada no laboratório de enfermagem é mais eficaz para a apreensão do conhecimento de forma significativa pelos discentes de graduação em enfermagem, com diferença estatística significante de p<0,05 do momento pré para o momento imediatamente pós intervenção sobre os sinais e sintomas do AVC e as condutas assistenciais. Dessa forma a hipótese do presente estudo de que a aula simulada é mais eficaz do que a aula expositiva dialogada para a apreensão do conhecimento em AVC na enfermagem é verdadeira. Em relação ao seguimento longitudinal após 15 e 30 dias da intervenção, os grupos (controle e experimental) se comportaram de forma muito semelhante ao longo do tempo, ocorrendo um declínio da retenção do conhecimento em ambos os grupos, sem diferenças estatísticas significativas. Entretanto, o grupo experimental comportou-se com nota superior. Quanto a comparação da satisfação dos discentes na aula expositiva dialogada e na aula simulada, o grupo experimental que participou da aula simulada em laboratório de enfermagem evidenciou estar mais satisfeito e motivado para a apreensão do conhecimento sobre AVC. Este fato pôde ser comprovado por meio da comparação da satisfação dos discentes na aula expositiva dialogada e na aula simulada, bem como pelos relatos dos discentes que expressaram a importância da aula para propiciar uma visão real dos objetos de estudo contribuindo para uma aprendizagem significativa. Dessa forma este estudo possibilitou identificar e comparar a eficácia da apreensão do conhecimento na aula simulada em laboratório de enfermagem, bem como propiciou a compreensão da importância do planejamento educacional e da adoção de estratégias de ensino fundamentadas na Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa, identificando a necessidade da capacitação pedagógica dos docentes de enfermagem / This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of students\' learning, immediately, 15 and 30 days after the lecture and classroom dialogic simulated nursing lab. This was a longitudinal study of quantitative approach, like before and after the experiment, which consists of an experimental method for comparing the true understanding of students\' knowledge in dialogued lecture in class and in simulated nursing lab, and hypothesis a simulated classroom is more effective than lecture dialogued for the apprehension of knowledge in stroke nursing. The study population consisted of 42 students of 6th semester of undergraduate nursing, School of Nursing of the Hospital Albert Einstein, who statistically were randomized into two groups, experimental and control. Were considered as intervening variables to the process of teaching and learning: age, professional activity in health, the weighted average of grades in the first and second school years and note the progressive assessment of knowledge, 2009. Both groups were subjected to a lecture on the recognition of signs and symptoms of stroke (CVA) and assists their conduct. The control group underwent a dialogic classroom expository and experimental group to a classroom in simulated nursing lab. In the two interventions was used as a pedagogic setting the Theory of Meaningful Learning. The survey results show that the strategy of class in simulated nursing lab is more effective for the acquisition of knowledge significantly by undergraduate students in nursing, with statistical significance of p <0.05 from pre to the time immediately post intervention on the signs and symptoms of stroke care and conduct. Thus the hypothesis of this study that simulated the lesson is more effective than lecture dialogued for the apprehension of knowledge in stroke nursing is true. In relation to the longitudinal follow-up after 15 and 30 days of the intervention groups (control and experimental) behaved very similarly over time, experiencing a decline in knowledge retention in both groups, without statistically significant differences. However, the experimental group behaved with top note. The comparison of the satisfaction of students in the lecture through dialogue and simulated classroom, the experimental group who attended the class in simulated nursing lab showed to be more satisfied and motivated for the apprehension of knowledge of stroke. This fact was proven by comparing the satisfaction of students in the lecture through dialogue and simulated in the classroom as well as by the reports of students who expressed the importance of class to provide a true picture of the objects of study contributing to a meaningful learning. Thus this study allowed to identify and compare the effectiveness of the acquisition of knowledge in the classroom in simulated nursing lab, as well as providing an understanding of the importance of educational planning and the adoption of teaching strategies based on the Theory of Meaningful Learning, identifying the need for pedagogical training of nursing faculty

Empowerment of the nurse unit manager in creating a climate conductive to learning

Matsipane, Molekodi Jacob. 15 August 2012 (has links)
M.Cur. / The overall purpose of this study is to describe empowerment strategies for the nurse unit manager to create a climate conducive to clinical learning at the nursing college in the North-West Province. In view of the South African Nursing Council report (1990), it clearly indicates that the nurse unit managers do not apply their theoretical knowledge to clinical practice, and that the student learning in the clinical nursing units are not up to the expected standard, hence the quality of clinical nursing education is questionable. The current education system in South Africa focuses on the provision of quality assurance in order to be in line with international standards. In accordance with the South African Qualifications Authority, the Constitution, South African Nursing Council, Batho-Pele principles, National Plan for Higher Education and outcomes-based education, there is a need to create a climate that is conducive to learning in the nursing units in order to develop the students' abilities regarding analytical, critical, evaluative and creative thinking. The nurse unit manager is experiencing problems with regard to clinical nursing education and the nursing students are also complaining that the clinical learning areas are not conducive to their learning. Therefore, the products that are produced by such an environment lack knowledge, skills, values and attitudes inherent in the nursing profession. Hence this study strives to describe empowerment strategies for the nurse unit manager to create a climate conducive to learning, based on their expert knowledge and experiences. The research questions arising from this problem are: What are the expectations and perceptions of the nursing students about the role of the nurse unit manager in creating a climate conducive to learning at the nursing college in the North-West Province? How can the nurse unit manager be empowered to create a climate conducive to clinical learning? The objectives are: Phase One: Stage one: To explore and describe the expectations of the nursing students regarding the role of the nurse unit manager in creating a climate conducive to learning. Stage two: To explore and describe the expectations and perceptions of the nurse unit manager regarding their role in creating a climate conducive to learning. Phase Two: To describe a conceptual framework. Phase Three: To describe empowerment strategies for the nurse unit manager to create a climate conducive to learning. The research design in this study was qualitative, descriptive, explorative and contextual in nature. In stage one of phase one, descriptive naïve sketches were used as a method of data gathering (Giorgi in Ornery, 1983:52) whereby 22 nursing students from the nursing college were selected for the research study. The following open-ended questions were written on the chalkboard, namely: "What are your expectations about the role of the nurse unit manager in creating the clinical nursing units as a climate conducive to learning?" The data was analysed according to Tesch's descriptive method (in Creswell, 1994:155). An independent coder who was purposively selected was used in the categorisation of data. The researcher held meetings with the independent coder for consensus discussions reached independently. Trustworthiness was ensured as described by Lincoln and Guba's (1985:290-326) model of trustworthiness. In order to ensure the credibility of the study, five nursing students who participated in the study were selected to participate in individual interviews to validate the categories and subcategories. In stage two of phase one, focus group interviews were conducted as a method of data gathering whereby 13 nurse unit managers from the clinical learning areas where the nursing students are placed for their clinical learning experiences were selected by the quota sampling technique. The interview was conducted by a nurse educator with a Master's degree, who is also a psychiatric nurse with expertise and experience in interviewing skills. A tape recorder was utilised with the nurse unit manager's permission to collect data. A follow-up interview with five nurse unit managers was conducted to validate the data gathered during the focus group interview. The following open-ended questions was used to obtain data from the nurse unit manager: "What are your perceptions regarding your role in creating an environment conducive to clinical learning?" "How can you be empowered as part of your role, to create clinical nursing units as climates conducive for clinical teaching and learning for nursing students?" Data was analysed according to Tesch's descriptive method (in Creswell, 1994:155). An independent coder was purposively selected in the categorisation ( iv ) of data. Categories were defined and arranged in table form for both participants in order to arrive at final categories. Trustworthiness was ensured as described by Lincoln and Guba's (1985:290-326) model of trustworthiness. Findings were conceptualised and conclusive statements made through logical deductive, inductive reasoning and inferences. A conceptual framework was developed within Muller's (1998) management process and the legal and professional frameworks. The integrated empowering process was adapted from Muller's management process, Vogt & Murrel's (1990) & Hokanson-Hawks' (1999) empowerment methods. This process comprises planning, organising (providing and structuring), directing (education, leading, mentoring and supporting), and control (actualising). Empowerment strategies for the nurse unit manager were described to create a climate conducive to learning, based on the results of phase one and phase two. Evaluation of the study was done, limitations, recommendations and conclusions were described with regard to nursing education, practice and nursing research.

Die opleidingsfunksie van die geregistreerde verpleegkundige in 'n hospitaal

Bezuidenhout, Martha Catharina 11 September 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. (Nursing Education) / Nursing education is a process requlrlng the cooperation of all the parties involved. The student nurse receives lectures on the theoretical aspects, at the college while the substance of the theory must be based on and interpreted in the clinical field. With the passage of time the student nurse finds expression, gains the necessary experience and thus becomes a member of the nursing profession. Internalization of the norms and values of the professional group takes place within the framework of the student nurse's behavioral patterns and self image. The student nurse enters the profession with fixed expectations regarding her participation and training. In general terms she is still regarded as young and immature and yet she is expected to assume responsibilities which few in the general public are ever required to take. The prerequisites for the successful! professional socialization and the acquisition of proficiency in the functions and tasks of nursing, are based on continuous and optimal accompaniment of the student nurse by her registered counterpart, who operates as an independent professional practitioner. Clinical accompaniment implies that the registered nurse shall be at the side of the student nurse to guide her every step of the way in order to support her in the learning process, or to refine skills she previously acquired.: A descriptive exploratory survey was undertaken by means of a questionnaire submitted to student nurses and registered nurses of hospitals affiliated with one college in the Transvaal. The aim of the study was "to establish whether, and to what extent, the training function of the ward sister is realized in practice. Analysis of the data showed the ward sister to be aware of her training function and her responsibility towards the student nurse as learner. It appears that the ward sister believes herself to be adequately involved with the basic care of patients and making a significant contribution to the training of student· nurses. However, the observations and the experience of the student nurse differ from this point of view. She is of the opinion that more can be done in the ward to help her achieve her training needs. The fact that in many cases she is primarily considered as a worker, comes as a great disappointment.

Strategic plan for the reconstruction of nursing education within a primary health care approach

Bezuidenhout, Lynette 15 August 2012 (has links)
M.Cur. / The entire country is currently in a process of reconstruction that inevitably lead to reconstruction within the health care system. The ANC (African National Congress) formulated a National Health Plan based on primary health care that is a practical expression of providing an effective and equitable health care to all inhabitants of the country. Recognising the need for transformation, a process was initiated by the African National Congress (ANC) to develop an overall National Health Plan based on the Primary Health Care approach (ANC, 1994: 7) . In the light of these present needs, the vision is to develop a strategy to empower our professional nurses that can effectively implement primary health care whilst operating within the limitations of the existing resources (Human Resource Committee for Health, 1994:5). The context of the study is applicable to the Northern Region of the North West Province. There are various courses available to empower professional nurses to primary health care, but for the purpose of the study is the Diploma Course in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care described

Jigsaws and jugglers : disposition, discourse, and decision-making in the assessment of student nurse practice

Dawson, Kevin Patrick January 2006 (has links)
This research is concerned with the assessment of student nurses' practice, implementation of which has been considered problematic since the move of initial training into higher education. It examines clinical nurses' accounts of assessment, and rejects an approach based on identification of competencies as too rationalistic for a situated practice. Insights from, in particular, Foucault, Deleuze, and Derrida were used to analyse practitioners' alternative discourse of practice, and the processes of self-constitution and decision-making. Eighteen practitioners from different settings were interviewed in depth about how they determine acceptable performance. Three participants were interviewed twice to develop ideas arising from the first round of conversations. Practitioners' accounts challenged the conventional understanding of assessment, and the construction of practice implicit in current policy. The analysis suggests a more fluid, un-predetermined understanding, characterised by hesitation and uncertainty, though without losing a concern with safe practice. Several implications for policy and practice are presented. These require a shift of authority towards practitioners' situated judgements and away from predetermined outcomes, both in respect of programme planning and policy guidelines on the specification of standards. A new alliance is proposed to encourage a more authentic engagement with the process from both clinical and educational practitioners.

Emotional intelligence : attrition and attainment in nursing and midwifery education

Rankin, Robert F. January 2009 (has links)
Attrition in Higher Education continues to present academics, researchers and professionals with an ongoing dilemma. Achieving a fair balance between the academic rigour of meritocracy and the wider access agenda of social inclusion, demands that entrance criteria incorporates measures beyond the traditional prior academic attainment. Emotional Intelligence has been presented in the literature as a valid and reliable predictor of retention and performance in industry and researchers have suggested that similar benefits may be found in education. In this dissertation, the construct of Emotional Intelligence was explored, reviewing contemporary models and their respective measurement tools. A self report tool for measuring ‘trait’ Emotional Intelligence was selected from the review and used to examine the predictive relationship between emotional intelligence and the outcomes at the end of the first year of undergraduate nurse education namely: clinical practice performance; academic performance and course attrition by nursing and midwifery students. The sample group consisted of a cohort of student nurses and midwives (N = 178) who commenced their training in 2007. A significant predictive relationship was found between emotional intelligence and clinical practice performance (r = 0.75, N = 116, p < 0.05); emotional intelligence and academic performance (r = 0.16, N = 168, p < 0.05) and emotional intelligence and attrition (r = 0.31, N = 178, p < 0.05). Age was also found to predict attrition (r = 0.25, N = 178, p < 0.05) while prior academic attainment was found to predict academic performance (r = 0.20, N = 168, p < 0.05). The dissertation proposes the inclusion of measures of emotional intelligence as an aid to recruitment and selection processes in nurse and midwifery education. It also recommends that other practice based vocational programmes, within the higher education sector, consider exploring emotional intelligence in their recruitment and selection processes.

End of life nursing education consortium grant implementation project

Terkildsen, Sheryl Ramona 01 January 2002 (has links)
This project addressed the continuing education needs of nursing staff and other health care professionals for delivering competent and compassionate palliative or end of life care. The scope of the project included, writing a grant application, training and certification by the end of life Nursing Education Consortium and implementing an education program for staff at the Loma Linda Veterans Affairs medical center.

Ethical curriculum development and teaching

McBean, Mary Eunice 01 January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to develop a curriculum, which will examine the ethical methods or practices used by nurses in resolving ethical dilemmas in clinical practice utilizing the Moral Decision-Making Model for staff nurses at St.Bernardine Medical Center, Five Tower North.

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