Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tut"" "subject:"uut""
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Development of immunological methods and Real-Time PCR for detection of Macadamia nut (Macadamia spp.)Eliasson, Hanna January 2005 (has links)
A new European labeling directive (2003/89/EC) states that certain foods and products derived thereof must always be declared. Among the tree nuts specified is Macadamia nut (Macadamia spp.). During the last few years, cases of IgE-allergic reactions, even severe anaphylaxes, have been reported. Reliable methods for the detection of this nut are needed. Protein from Macadamia nuts was isolated. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in SDS revealed two main protein bands of about 20 and 50kDa. These protein bands were cut and extracted from the gel and rabbits were immunized with each protein. Immunoblotting showed dominant reactivity with the respective antigens. The antisera were further tested for specificity in immunodiffusion and in rocket immunoelectrophoresis. In addition, a specific DNA-method was developed, based on Real-Time PCR using Macadamia vicilin as target sequence. Two different primer pairs were tested. Specificity was tested against potentially related nuts. Optimisation of primer and probe concentrations was performed. The limit of detection was 2-4 pg DNA, corresponding to a macadamia nut concentration of 50 to 100 μg per g. In a background of soybean DNA, down to 0,01 % macadamia DNA could be detected.
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Betel nut & tobacco chewing habits in Durban, Kwazulu NatalBissessur, Sabeshni January 2009 (has links)
Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent) / Betel nut/quid chewing is a habit that is commonly practiced in the Indian subcontinent. This
age-old social habit is still practiced by Indians in Durban, Kwazulu Natal (South Africa). The betel nut/quid is prepared in a variety of ways. The quid may be prepared with or without tobacco. This habit is said to be associated with the development of premalignant lesions,namely, Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSF) which increases the susceptibility for malignancy of the oral mucosa and the foregut. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of betel nut/quid chewing (with or without tobacco), the associated habits (smoking and alcohol consumption) and awareness of the harmful effects of the chewing habit among Indians in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.A cross-sectional study design was chosen utilising a self-administered questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to collect data. Consenting participants were requested to complete a self-administered, structured questionnaire. The study population included any person in the Durban area who chewed betel nut/quid/tobacco. Only persons willingly and who consented to be part of the study, were included. The sample size was based on convenience. People were approached at the pan shops, leisure markets, traditional functions and at the dental practice the researcher operated at. A total of 101 respondents were interviewed.A significantly higher proportion of females chewed betel nut/quid from the total of the respondents. The results showed that the habit is increasingly practiced in the younger age group (20-39 years). There was evidence to show that the chewing habit is used more by the employed than the unemployed (p=0.055). Of the sample population, 78% were born in South Africa and the rest were immigrants from Pakistan, India and Dubai. All respondents from the migrant community were males. The most important reasons for chewing betel nut were for enjoyment and at special functions. More than two third indicated family members (aunts,uncles and cousins) influence as a reason for chewing, in comparison to influences by parents or grandparents. The study also indicated that parents were far more likely to influence betel nut chewing if grandparents did so (p-value= 0.000). In addition, the study revealed that family members (aunts, uncles and cousins) were far more likely to influence betel nut chewing if parents did so (p=0.000).The most popular ingredients chewed were betel nut, betel leaf, lime and pan masala and the most popular combinations were betel nut/lime/betel leaf quid preparation, betel nut alone,betel nut/betel leaf/lime/tobacco/pan masala and betel nut/betel leaf/lime/pan masala. Two thirds of the respondents do not know that betel nut chewing is harmful to their health, thus indicating a lack of awareness on the risks associated with the chewing habit, and the majority have not attempted to give up the habit. Most of the respondents retained their chewing habits after being informed about the risks. A little more than half the study population reported neither smoking nor drinking.The present study found that betel nut/quid chewing habits continue to be enjoyed by many people and most are unaware of the hazardous effects of the habit. More younger people are using the habit as compared to previous studies. This is probably because it is an affordable and easily accessible habit. It is recommended that aggressive awareness programmes on the harmful effects of betel nut/quid chewing be developed, similar to that for smoking cessation.Government health warnings need to be instituted, for example, by having written warnings on packagings. Taxes need to be imposed on the betel nut and condiments thereby reducing access to most people. Age restrictions need to be imposed on purchasing of the betel nut/quid thus making access difficult for the children.
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An analysis of demand and price relationships between peanuts and cashew nuts in the United States, with emphasis on the salted nut tradeNuckols, Gray Norwood January 1961 (has links)
This study concerns the competitive position of peanuts and cashews in the salted nut trade of the United States. The effect of the price support and production control program for peanuts is evaluated in regard to the demand and price relationships between salted peanuts and cashews. This research analyses demand and price relationships for salted peanuts and cashews, compiles the available information on the world cashew nut industry, which has not heretofore been readily available to the public, and summarizes relevant information about the United States nut trade in terms of supplies, consumption, and price of peanuts and tree nuts with emphasis on the salted nut trade.
The results of this research, in its present stage, do not suggest conclusively that salted peanut consumption is likely to be affected in a manner detrimental to the peanut industry, in the foreseeable future, by moderate price increases, or by competition from cashew nuts, as a result of the peanut price support and production control program. However, a substantial expansion of world cashew production has occurred in the recent past. Prospects for further expansion appear bright in view of the encouragement currently provided by India's plans for total economic growth. African production has also demonstrated capability of substantial expansion. Accordingly, a further increase in cashew imports by the United Stats might reasonably be expected. / Master of Science
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Efeito do consumo de castanhas-do-brasil (Bertholettia excelsa H.B.K.) sobre os biomarcadores inflamatórios e o estado nutricional relativo ao selênio de mulheres obesas / Effect of Brazil nut (Bertholettia excelsa H.B.K.) consumption on inflammatory biomarkers and nutritional status of selenium in obese women.Silva, Graziela Biude 21 August 2018 (has links)
A inflamação e o estresse oxidativo são processos que ocorrem simultaneamente na obesidade e contribuem para o aumento da síntese de mediadores inflamatórios e de espécies reativas de oxigênio e nitrogênio. O mineral selênio (Se), cuja principal fonte alimentar é a castanha-do-brasil, possui propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias. Considerando a importância do processo inflamatório na obesidade e o potencial papel do Se como anti-inflamatório por meio da atuação de selenoproteínas, o estudo da influência deste micronutriente neste contexto é de grande relevância. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do consumo da castanha-do-brasil sobre os biomarcadores inflamatórios e o estado nutricional relativo ao Se de mulheres obesas. No total, foram recrutadas 72 participantes alocadas randomicamente no grupo que consumiu a castanha-dobrasil (BN) ou no grupo controle (CO) e, acompanhadas por um período de 2 meses. O grupo BN consumiu 1 unidade de castanha-do-brasil (~409,5 µg/Se) por dia e o grupo CO não recebeu nenhum tipo de intervenção. Antes e após o período da intervenção, foram realizadas as avaliações antropométrica e do consumo alimentar, e dos parâmetros bioquímicos relacionados ao Se, estresse oxidativo, perfil lipídico e biomarcadores inflamatórios. Completaram o estudo 29 participantes do grupo BN e 26 do grupo CO com idade média de 40,3 (9,0) e 39,4 (9,5) anos (p=0,714), respectivamente. No baseline do estudo, observou-se que a população estudada não apresentava deficiência de Se. No grupo BN, verificou-se um aumento de todos biomarcadores de Se avaliados. Após 8 semanas de intervenção, um aumento significativo foi observado na expressão gênica de diversos parâmetros pró-inflamatórios no grupo BN (IL-6, TNF-α, TLR2 e TLR4). Apesar de não ter havido mudanças nas concentrações plasmáticas referentes a estes parâmetros, o aumento significativo da expressão gênica pode ser um indicativo de estímulo pró-inflamatório induzido pelo consumo da castanha-dobrasil com altas concentrações de Se. / Inflammation and oxidative stress are processes that occur simultaneously in obesity and contribute to an increase in the synthesis of inflammatory mediators and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. The mineral selenium (Se), whose main food source is the Brazil nut, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Considering the importance of the inflammatory process in obesity and the potential role of Se as an anti-inflammatory by means of selenoproteins, the study of the influence of this micronutrient in this context is of great relevance. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Brazil nut intake on inflammatory biomarkers and nutritional status of Se in obese women. In total, 72 participants randomly assigned to Brazil nut group (BN) or control group (CO) were recruited and followed up for 2 months. The BN group consumed 1 unit of Brazil nut (~ 409.5 µg/Se) per day and the CO group did not received any intervention. On baseline and after two months of follow-up, the evaluation of anthropometry and food consumption, and of the biochemical parameters related to Se, oxidative stress, lipid profile and inflammatory biomarkers were performed. Twenty-nine participants of BN group and twenty-six of the CO group completed the trial, with a mean age of 40.3 (9.0) and 39.4 (9.5) years (p= 0.714), respectively. At the baseline of the study, it was observed that this population did not present Se deficiency. In BN group, there was an increase in all Se biomarkers evaluated. After 8 weeks of intervention, a significant increase was observed in gene expression of several pro-inflammatory parameters in BN group (IL-6, TNF-α, TLR2 and TLR4). Although there have been no changes in plasma concentrations related to these parameters, a significant increase in gene expression may be an indicative of a pro-inflammatory stimulus induced by the intake of Brazil nuts with high Se concentrations.
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Efeito das etapas de processamento sobre a qualidade de castanhas-do-brasil (Bertholletia excelsa, H.B.K.): avaliação da fração lipídica e contaminação por aflatoxinas / Effect of processing steps on the quality of Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa, H.B.K.): evaluation of the lipid fraction and aflatoxin contaminationSilva, Adriana Figueiredo da 31 October 2014 (has links)
Espécie típica da floresta amazônica, a castanha-do-brasil (Bertholletia excelsa, H.B.K.) é uma commodity selvagem, que se destaca na economia regional por ser um produto de alto valor econômico nos mercados nacional e internacional. Apresenta também reconhecido valor nutricional, decorrente de sua composição em lipídeos, proteínas e vitaminas, além de constituir uma excelente fonte de selênio. Entretanto, as condições climáticas em que esta cultura se insere, o baixo nível tecnológico característico de sua cadeia produtiva e as condições inadequadas de manejo e manuseio favorecem a contaminação por aflatoxinas, como também, a deterioração por oxidação por ser um alimento constituído de 60 a 70% de lipídeos. Estas deficiências no processo de extrativismo geram problemas para indústria processadora, que deve fornecer ao consumidor um produto de qualidade nutricional e sanitária. Este estudo objetivou caracterizar a castanha-do-brasil em diferentes etapas do processamento, como também avaliar a sua qualidade ao longo do beneficiamento. Foram analisadas amostras coletadas em 3 etapas, ao longo do processamento industrial, representando o ínicio do processamento (castanha in natura), fase intermediária (castanha dry) e fase final (amêndoas desidratadas). Em cada etapa foram realizadas 8 repetições de amostragens. A composição nutricional foi mantida ao longo do processamento, com predominância do ácido graxo linolênico (ômega-6) nas amostras. O índice de acidez da fração lipídica apresentou resultados satisfatórios, que se encaixam dentro dos limites da legislação vigente para óleos brutos extraídos a frio, com 2,20±0,84, 2,48±0,97 e 0,18±0,07 mg KOH/g de óleo para a castanha in natura, dry e amêndoa desidratada respectivamente. O índice de peróxido da fração lipídica nas amostras in natura apresentaram média de 0,018±0,010 mmol/kg, dry 0,032±0,011mmol/kg e na amêndoa desidratada 0,044±0,011 mmol/kg. Mesmo com o aumento do teor de hidroperóxidos em função do processamento, todas as amostras estão dentro dos padrões estabelecidos na legislação brasileira. Os resultados para absorbância em luz ultravioleta a 232 nm corroboram os resultados da formação de peróxidos, com diferença significativa entre as amostras. Os valores apresentados pelas castanhas in natura, dry e amêndoa desidratada foram de 2,14±0,28, 1,60±0,47 e 3,08±0,37 E1% 1cm, respectivamente. Apesar das diferenças entre indicadores do estado oxidativo das amostras, não houve diferença significativa na estabilidade oxidativa da fração lipídica, quantificada pelo período de indução em Rancimat, cuja média foi de 4,29 horas. A composição em ácidos graxos das amostras também foi similar, sem diferenças significativas entre grupo de ácidos graxos saturados, monoinsaturados e polinsaturados. Em todas as amostras os resultados para coliformes em termos de E. coli foram menores que 1 NMP/g, e ausência de Salmonella em 25 g de castanha. Entretanto, elevados índices de contaminação por aflatoxinas foram encontrados. Apenas 5 das 24 amostras estavam dentro dos limites estabelecidos nas legislações brasileiras e da União Europeia. Contudo, a presença de contaminação por aflatoxinas nas amostras de amêndoas desidratadas, foi reduzida significativamente, após as etapas de seleção e classificação das castanhas. Por meio destes resultados concluímos que as etapas do processamento interferem positivamente na qualidade da castanha-do-brasil. / Typical specie of the Amazon rainforest, the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa, H.B.K.) is a wild commodity that stands out in the regional economy as a product of high economic value both in Brazilian and international markets. It presents also a recognized nutritional value, due to its composition in lipids, proteins and vitamins, in addition to being an excellent source of selenium. However, the climatic conditions of production regions, the low technological level of its supply chain and the unsuitable conditions of harvesting and handling favor the aflatoxins contamination with consequent risk to consumer health and economic losses, as well as, the deterioration by oxidation because it is a food consisting of 60 to 70% lipids. The deficiencies in processes create problems for the processing industry, that should provide the consumer one product with nutritional and health quality. This study aimed to characterize the Brazil nut at different stages of processing, but also assess their quality along the processing. Samples were analyzed in 3 stages, colected at each step of industrial processing, representing the beginning of processing (in nature), intermediate stage (dry nut) and final product (dehydrated kernel). The nutritional composition was maintained throughout the process, with predominant linolenic acid (omega-6) in cold pressed oil samples. Lipidic fraction samples presented low acid values, showing satisfactory results that fit within the limits of current legislation for crude oils: 2.20±0.84, 2.48±0.97 and 0.18±0.07 mg KOH/g in in nature, dry and dehydrated kernel samples, respectively. The peroxide value of the lipid fraction in fresh samples was 0.018±0.010 mmol/kg, in dry sample 0.032±0.011 mmol/kg, and in the dehydrated kernel, 0.044±0.011 mmol/kg. Even with the significant increase in oxidative index, the samples are within the standards established by Brazilian law. The results for absorbance in ultraviolet light (232 nm) corroborate the results of hydroperoxides formation, with significant difference among samples. Absorptivity at 232 nm in in nature nuts, dry and dehydrated kernel were 2.14±0.28, 1.60±0.47 and 3.08±0.37 E1% 1cm, respectively. There was no significant difference in oxidative stability measures by induction period in Rancimat. Samples presented a mean of 4,29 hours and the same fatty acid composition (total saturated, monounsaturated and polunsaturated fatty acids). In all samples the results for coliforms in terms of E. coli were <1 NMP/g, and there were absence of Salmonella in 25 g of nuts. However high levels of contamination by aflatoxins were found. Only 5 of the 24 samples were within the limits established in the Brazilian legislation and the European Union. But, the presence of aflatoxins in dehydrated kernel, was significantly reduced, following the steps of selection and classification of nuts. Through of these results we can conclude that the processing steps positively affect the quality of the Brazil nut.
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Transformation of Family-owned Business into Corporate Family ¡ÐThe Case of San Shing Hardware Works Co., Ltd.Lee, Tzu-Liang 02 August 2002 (has links)
In Taiwan, the private sector has played an important role in the development of the contemporary economy. Most of these companies are family-owned and are facing the challenge to transform themselves into professionally run corporate families because of the competition brought forth by the globalization of the world economy. The San-Shing Company has been a leader in the fastener industry and served as a good model of successful transformation from a family-owned company into a corporate family. Our study shows this success can be attributed to the following reasons. First, a family-owned company¡¦ financial crisis serves as a catalyst for transformation. Next, the role of the management team is critical. The team must succeed in securing the financial support while at the time severe the influence of the family owners. It team must also manage to maintain a high level of employee royalty. Finally, a strong support from the banks is necessary to provide not only financial support but also advices to the transformation.
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An algorithm for a landscape level model of mast productionSullivan, Neal H., January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2001. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 287-292). Also available on the Internet.
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An algorithm for a landscape level model of mast production /Sullivan, Neal H., January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2001. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 287-292). Also available on the Internet.
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LIPIDS OF THE CASHEW (ANACARDIUM OCCIDENTALE, LINN.)Maia, Geraldo Arraes, 1939- January 1974 (has links)
No description available.
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Grafting and Budding Fruit and Nut TreesTate, Harvey F. 07 1900 (has links)
This item was digitized as part of the Million Books Project led by Carnegie Mellon University and supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Cornell University coordinated the participation of land-grant and agricultural libraries in providing historical agricultural information for the digitization project; the University of Arizona Libraries, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the Office of Arid Lands Studies collaborated in the selection and provision of material for the digitization project.
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