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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Poly(ADP)-Ribose Polymerase Activity in the Eukaryotic Mono-ADP-Ribosyl Transferase, ART2: a Dissertation

Morrison, Alan R. 03 September 2003 (has links)
The glycophosphatidylinositol(GPI)-linked membrane protein ART2 is an antigenic determinant for T lymphocytes that regulate the expression of diabetes in the BB/W rat model. Though little is understood of the physiologic role of ART2 on T lymphocytes, ART2 is a member of the mono-ADP-ribosyl transferase subgroup ofthe ADP-ribosyl transferase (ART) protein family. The ART protein family, which traditionally has been divided into mono-ADP-ribosyl transferases (mono-ARTs), poly(ADP)-ribose polymerases (PARPs), and ADP-ribosyl cyclases, influences various aspects of cellular physiology including: apoptosis, DNA damage repair, chromatin remodeling, telomere replication, cellular transport, immune regulation, neuronal function, and bacterial virulence. A structural alignment of ART2.2 with chicken PARP indicated the potential for ART2.2 to catalyze ADP-ribose polymers in an activity thought to be specific to the PARP subgroup and important for their regulation of nuclear processes. Kinetic studies determined that the auto-ADP-ribosyl transferase activity of ART2.2 is multitmeric and heterogeneous in nature. Hydroxylamine-cleaved ADP-ribose moieties from the ART2.2 multimers ran as polymers on a modified sequencing gel, and digestion of the polymers with snake-venom phosphodiesterase produced AMP and the poly(ADP)ribose-specific product, PR-AMP, which was resolved by analytical HPLC and structurally confirmed by ESI-MS. The ratio of AMP to PR-AMP was higher than that of PARP raising the possibility that the ART2.2 polymers had a different branching structure than those of PARP. This alternative branching was confirmed by the presence of ribose phosphate polymers in the snake venom phophodiesterase treated samples. The site of the auto-poly(ADP)-ribose modification was determined to be R185, a residue previously proposed to influence the level of auto-ADP ribosylation of ART2.2 by mutational analysis. These data provide the first demonstration of a hybrid between mono-ARTs and PARPs and are the earliest indication that PARP-like enzymes can exist outside the nucleus and on the cell surface.

The Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Signaling in Pancreatic Beta Cells: a Dissertation

Lipson, Kathryn L. 07 May 2008 (has links)
Protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is essential for proper cellular function. However, the sensitive environment in the ER can be perturbed by both pathological processes as well as by physiological processes such as a large biosynthetic load placed on the ER. ER stress is a specific type of intracellular stress caused by the accumulation of immature or abnormal misfolded or unfolded proteins in the ER. Simply defined, ER stress is a disequilibrium between ER load and folding capacity. Cells have an adaptive response that counteracts ER stress called the "Unfolded Protein Response” (UPR). The ability to adapt to physiological levels of ER stress is especially important for maintaining ER homeostasis in secretory cells. This also holds true for pancreatic β-cells, which must fold and process large amounts of the hormone insulin. Pancreatic β-cells minimize abnormal levels of glycemia through adaptive changes in the production and regulated secretion of insulin. This process is highly sensitive, so that small degrees of hypo- or hyperglycemia result in altered insulin release. The frequent fluctuation of blood glucose levels in humans requires that β-cells control proinsulin folding in the ER with exquisite sensitivity. Any imbalance between the load of insulin translation into the ER and the actual capacity of the ER to properly fold and process the insulin negatively affects the homeostasis of β-cells and causes ER stress. In this dissertation, we show that Inositol Requiring 1 (IRE1), an ER-resident kinase/endoribonuclease and a central regulator of ER stress signaling, is essential for maintaining ER homeostasis in pancreatic β-cells. Importantly, IRE1 has a crucial function in the body’s normal production of insulin in response to high glucose. Phosphorylation and subsequent activation of IRE1 by transient exposure to high glucose is coupled to insulin biosynthesis, while inactivation of IRE1 by siRNA or inhibition of IRE1 phosphorylation abolishes insulin biosynthesis. IRE1 signaling under these physiological ER stress conditions utilizes a unique subset of downstream components of IRE1 and has a beneficial effect on pancreatic β-cell homeostasis. In contrast, we show that chronic exposure of β-cells to high glucose causes pathological levels of ER stress and hyperactivation of IRE1, leading to the degradation of insulin mRNA. The term “glucose toxicity” refers to impaired insulin secretion by β-cells in response to chronic stimulation by glucose and is characterized by a sharp decline in insulin gene expression. However, the molecular mechanisms of glucose toxicity are not well understood. We show that hyperactivation of IRE1 caused by chronic high glucose treatment or IRE1 overexpression leads to insulin mRNA degradation in pancreatic β-cells. Inhibition of IRE1 signaling using a dominant negative form of the protein prevents insulin mRNA degradation in β-cells. Additionally, islets from mice heterozygous for IRE1 retain expression of more insulin mRNA after chronic high glucose treatment than do their wild-type littermates. This work suggests that the rapid degradation of insulin mRNA could provide immediate relief for the ER and free up the translocation machinery. Thus, this mechanism may represent an essential element in the adaptation of β-cells to chronic hyperglycemia. This adaptation is crucial for the maintenance of β-cell homeostasis and may explain in part why the β-cells of diabetic patients with chronic hyperglycemia stop producing insulin without simply undergoing apoptosis. This work implies that prolonged activation of IRE1 signaling is involved in the molecular mechanisms underlying glucose toxicity. This work therefore reveals two distinct activities elicited by IRE1 in pancreatic β-cells. IRE1 signaling activated by transient exposure to high glucose enhances proinsulin biosynthesis, while chronic exposure of β-cells to high glucose causes hyperactivation of IRE1, leading to the degradation of insulin mRNA. Physiological IRE1 activation by transient high glucose levels in pancreatic β cells has a beneficial effect on insulin biosynthesis. However, pathological IRE1 activation by chronic high glucose or experimental drugs negatively affects insulin gene expression. In the future, a system to induce a physiological level of IRE1 activation, and/or reduce the pathological level of IRE1 activation could be used to enhance insulin biosynthesis and secretion in people with diabetes, and may lead to the development of new and more effective clinical approaches to the treatment of this disorder.

Characterization of the Hypersensitive Response of Glycogen Phosphorylase to Catecholamine Stimulation in Primary Culture Diabetic Cardiomyocytes: A Thesis

Buczek-Thomas, Jo Ann 01 August 1992 (has links)
The primary goal of my thesis research was to characterize the basis for the hypersensitive response of glycogen phosphorylase to catecholamine stimulation in primary culture diabetic cardiomyocytes. Toward this goal, I have investigated several key regulatory sites in this signaling pathway which could promote the hypersensitive activation of phosphorylase. Specifically, I investigated (1) which adrenergic receptors are involved in mediating the hypersensitive response of glycogen phosphorylase to epinephrine stimulation; (2) whether the presence of fatty acid metabolites affects phosphorylase activation; (3) whether the hypersensitive response of phosphorylase results from altered signal transduction through the β-adrenergic receptor system or from a post-receptor defect; and (4) the potential role for phosphorylase kinase in mediating the hypersensitive response of phosphorylase to catecholamine stimulation. The basis for adrenergic receptor mediation of the catecholamine-induced activation of glycogen phosphorylase was investigated in adult rat cardiomyocytes isolated from normal and alloxan-diabetic animals. Cells derived from diabetic animals exhibited a hypersensitive response to epinephrine stimulation which was apparent 3 hours after cell isolation and was further enhanced upon maintenance of the myocytes in culture for 24 hours. Normal cells initially lacked the hypersensitive response to epinephrine stimulation although upon maintenance of these cells in culture for 24 hours, the hypersensitive response was acquired in vitro. To assess alpha- and beta- adrenergic mediation of the response, normal and diabetic cardiomyocytes were incubated with propranolol, a β-receptor antagonist, prior to direct α1receptor stimulation with phenylephrine. Both normal and diabetic myocytes failed to undergo activation of phosphorylase in 3 or 24 hour cell cultures. In addition, the effects of epinephrine on phosphorylase activation were completely inhibited by propranolol whereas prazosin, an α-receptor antagonist, was unsuccessful. This data suggests that the hypersensitive response of glycogen phosphorylase in normal and diabetic cardiomyocytes is solely mediated through β-adrenergic receptor activation. Since the accumulation of various fatty acid metabolites can affect certain enzymes and signal transduction pathways within the cell, the potential effect of various fatty acid metabolites on phosphorylase activation was investigated. To determine the potential effects of fatty acid metabolites on phosphorylase activation in cultured cardiomyocytes, normal and alloxan-diabetic cells were incubated with either carnitine or palmitoylcarnitine prior to stimulation with epinephrine. Pretreatment of cardiomyocytes with or without carnitine or palmitoylcarnitine for 3 or 24 hours before epinephrine stimulation failed to alter phosphorylase activation. The addition of exogenous carnitine in the absence and presence of insulin was also unsuccessful in attenuating the hypersensitive phosphorylase activation response in 3 and 24 hour, normal and alloxan-diabetic derived cardiomyocytes. To determine if carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT-1) activity was responsible for the hypersensitive response of phosphorylase in the diabetic myocytes, both normal and diabetic myocytes were maintained for 3 and 24 hours in the absence and presence of etomoxir, a CPT-1 inhibitor. Subsequent activation of phosphorylase by epinephrine in normal and diabetic myocytes was unaltered in the presence of etomoxir. Collectively, these data fail to support a critical role for fatty acid metabolite involvement in the hypersensitive activation of glycogen phosphorylase in acute, alloxan-diabetic cardiomyocytes. To assess potential G-protein involvement in the response, normal and diabetic-derived myocytes were incubated with either cholera or pertussis toxin prior to hormonal stimulation. Pretreatment of cardiomyocytes with cholera toxin resulted in a potentiated response to epinephrine stimulation whereas pertussis toxin did not affect the activation of this signaling pathway. To determine if the enhanced response of phosphorylase activation resulted from an alteration in adenylyl cyclase activation, the cells were challenged with forskolin. After 3 hours in primary culture, diabetic cardiomyocytes exhibited a hypersensitive response to forskolin stimulation relative to normal cells. However, after 24 hours in culture, both normal and diabetic myocytes responded identically to forskolin challenge. The present data suggest that a cholera toxin sensitive G-protein mediates the hypersensitive response of glycogen phosphorylase to catecholamine stimulation in diabetic cardiomyocytes. This response, which is present in alloxan-diabetic cells, and is induced in vitroin normal cardiomyocytes, is primarily due to a defect at a post-receptor site. To assess the role of phosphorylase kinase in the hypersensitive activation of glycogen phosphorylase in the diabetic heart, phosphorylase kinase activity was measured initially in perfused hearts (to optimize the assay parameters) and subsequently in primary culture cardiomyocytes. Results from these experiments demonstrate that the present method for measuring phosphorylase kinase activity is a reliable indicator of the enzyme's activity in the heart, although the assay conditions must be further optimized before this system can be applied to the measurement of phosphorylase kinase activity in primary cultured cardiomyocytes.

The Genetic Basis of Resistance to Transplantation Tolerance Induced by Costimulation Blockade in NOD Mice: a Dissertation

Pearson, Todd 17 March 2003 (has links)
The NOD mouse is a widely studied model of type 1 diabetes. The loss of self-tolerance leading to autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice involves at least 27 genetic loci. Curing type I diabetes in mice and humans by islet transplantation requires overcoming both allorejection and recurrent autoimmunity. This has been achieved with systemic immunosuppression, but tolerance induction would be preferable. In addition to their genetic defects in self-tolerance, NOD mice resist peripheral transplantation tolerance induced by costimulation blockade using donor-specific transfusion and anti-CDl54 antibody. Failure has been attributed to the underlying autoimmunity, assuming that autoimmunity and resistance to transplantation tolerance have a common basis. Hypothesizing that these two abnormalities might be related, we investigated whether they had a common genetic basis. Diabetes-resistant NOD and C57BL/6 stocks congenic for various reciprocally introduced Idd loci were assessed for their ability to be tolerized. Surprisingly, in NOD congenic mice that are almost completely protected from diabetes, costimulation blockade failed to prolong skin allograft survival. In reciprocal C57BL/6 congenic mice with NOD-derived Idd loci, skin allograft survival was readily prolonged by costimulation blockade. Unexpectedly, we observed that (NOD x C57BL/6)F1 mice, which have no diabetes, nonetheless resist induction of tolerance to skin allografts. Further analyses revealed that the F1 mice shared the dendritic cell maturation defects and abnormal CD4+ T cell responses of the NOD but had lost its defects in macrophage maturation and NK cell activity. Finally, using a genome wide scan approach, we have identified four suggestive markers in the mouse genome that control the survival of skin allografts following DST and anti-CD154 mAb therapy. We suggest that mechanisms controlling autoimmunity and transplantation tolerance in NOD mice are not completely overlapping and are potentially distinct, or that the genetic threshold for normalizing the transplantation tolerance defect is higher than that for preventing autoimmune diabetes. We conclude that resistance to allograft tolerance induction in the NOD mouse is not a direct consequence of overt autoimmunity and that autoimmunity and resistance to costimulation blockade-induced transplantation tolerance phenotypes in NOD mice are not under identical genetic control.

Characterization of the BACH1 Helicase in the DNA Damage Response Pathway: a Dissertation

Litman, Rachel 15 February 2007 (has links)
DNA damage response pathways are a complicated network of proteins that function to remove and/or reverse DNA damage. Following genetic insult, a signal cascade is generated, which alerts the cell to the presence of damaged DNA. Once recognized, the damage is either removed or the damaged region is excised, and the original genetic sequence is restored. However, when these pathways are defective the cell is unable to effectively mediate the DNA damage response and the damage persists unrepaired. Thus, the proteins that maintain the DNA damage response pathway are critical in preserving genomic stability. One essential DNA repair protein is the Breast Cancer Associated gene, BRCA1. BRCA1 is essential for mediating the DNA damage response, facilitating DNA damage repair, and activating key cell cycle checkpoints. Moreover, mutations in BRCA1 lead to a higher incidence of breast and ovarian cancer, highlighting the importance of BRCA1 as a tumor suppressor. In an effort to better understand how BRCA1 carried out these functions, researchers sought to identify additional BRCA1 interacting proteins. This led to the identification of several proteins including the BRCA1 Associated C-terminal Helicase, BACH1. Due to the direct interaction of BACH1 with a region of BRCA1 essential for DNA repair and tumor suppression, it was speculated that BACH1 may help support these BRCA1 function(s). In fact, initial genetic screenings confirmed that mutations in BACH1 correlated not only with hereditary breast cancer, but also with defects in DNA damage repair processes. The initial correlation between BACH1 and cancer predisposition was further confirmed when mutations in BACH1 were identified in the cancer syndrome Fanconi anemia (FA) (complementation group FA-J), thus giving BACH1 its new name FANCJ. These findings supported a previously established link between the FA and BRCA pathways and between FA and DNA repair. In particular, we demonstrated that similar to other FA/BRCA proteins, suppression of FANCJ lead to a substantial decrease in homologous recombination and enhanced both the cellular sensitivity to DNA interstrand cross-linking agents and chromosomal instability. What remained unknown was specifically how FANCJ functioned and whether these functions were dependent on its interaction with BRCA1 or other associated partners. In fact, we identified that FANCJ interacted directly with the MMR protein MLH1. Moreover, we found that the FANCJ/BRCA1 interaction was not required to correct the cellular defects in FA-J cells, but rather that the FANCJ/MLH1 interaction was required. Although both the FA/BRCA and MMR pathways undoubtedly mediate the DNA damage response, there was no evidence to suggest that these pathways were linked, until recently. Our findings not only indicate a physical link between these pathways by protein-protein interaction, but also demonstrated a functional link.

Behavioral Health Disorders and the Quality of Diabetes Care: A Dissertation

Leung, Yat (Gary) Hung 02 March 2010 (has links)
Both diabetes and behavioral health disorders (mental and substance use disorders) are significant health issues in the United States. While previous studies have shown worse health outcomes in people with diabetes and co-occurring behavioral health disorders (BHDs) than those with diabetes alone, it is unclear whether the quality of diabetes care was poorer in the presence of co-occurring BHDs. Although previous research has observed a trend of positive outcomes in people with comprehensive diabetes care, there is a lack of evidence about whether that mode of care delivery can improve outcomes in people with co-occurring BHDs. Therefore, further studies are necessary. Using a combined dataset from Medicare and Medicaid claims for Massachusetts residents, this study compared the quality of diabetes care (e.g., having at least 1 hemoglobin A1c test) and diabetes outcomes (e.g., eye complications) among Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries with diabetes and co-occurring BHDs to those with diabetes alone in Massachusetts in 2005. The results showed a mixed picture on the relationships between BHDs and diabetes outcomes. While substance use disorders had adverse impact on adherence to quality measures (e.g., 20% less likely to attain full adherence, p0.05). Findings from this dissertation research suggest that disparities exist in the quality of diabetes care and health outcomes between people with substance use disorders and those without. The mode of care delivery needs to be further examined so that interventions can be designed to improve the outcomes of people with diabetes.


Razan, Md Rahatullah 01 January 2021 (has links)
The studies in this dissertation were designed to investigate the impacts of estrogen (17-β estradiol/E2) and moderate-intensity exercise (MIE) on the mesenteric arterial (MA) function of the University of California Davis type-2 diabetes mellitus (UCD-T2DM) Rat model. Our recent report suggests that diabetes impairs MA vasorelaxation in both sexes of the UCD-T2DM model. Particularly, we reported that MA from prediabetic male rats showed a greater impairment compared to that in prediabetic females. However, when females become diabetic, they exhibit a greater vascular dysfunction than males. Therefore, the aim of the first study was to investigate whether female sex hormone, specifically E2, preserves the MA vasorelaxation in female UCD-T2DM rats at the early prediabetic state. For this study, age-matched healthy Sprague Dawley (SD) and prediabetic female UCD-T2DM rats were ovariectomized and subcutaneously implanted with either a placebo or E2 pellet for 45 days. Regular aerobic exercise is a well-known therapeutic intervention for endothelial dysfunction, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in diabetes. However, there are still debates about the duration, intensity, and underlying mechanisms of benefits of exercise against deleterious metabolic consequences in diabetic patients. In the second study outlined in this dissertation, we examined the impact of exercise training on vascular function and wall structure of the UCD-T2DM male rats. Age-matched male diabetic and SD control rats were randomly divided into sedentary and exercise-trained groups. The exercise-trained groups ran on a treadmill for eight weeks (1hr/day, 5days per week). For both studies (Studies I & II), metabolic parameters and MA responses to vasodilator and vasocontractile agents were determined. Furthermore, the expression of molecules associated with vascular signaling were also analyzed. The specific aims of our studies were to investigate whether E2 and moderate-intensity exercise (MIE) alter the 1) endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation (EDV) and vasoconstriction 2) relative contribution of endothelium-derived relaxing factors (EDRF) to vasorelaxation, and 3) expression of proteins associated with vascular signaling, in MA of UCD-T2DM rats. In the first study, we demonstrated that acetylcholine (ACh)-induced vasorelaxation was impaired in MA of ovariectomized (OVX) prediabetic UCD-T2DM rats. Our data also showed that E2 replacement improved MA relaxation in OVX prediabetic group to a similar level to that in control groups. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) by indomethacin (Indo) did not significantly affect the vascular responses in any groups, suggesting a minor role of COX metabolites in MA relaxation in the experimental groups. Inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS) by L-NAME reduced vasorelaxation to ACh in control groups, but it did not completely abolish the vasorelaxation. We also showed that in control (healthy) groups, both NO and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF)-type relaxation were dominant in the MA relaxation of placebo and E2 treated rats. However, in prediabetic groups, L-NAME completely abolished the vasorelaxation, regardless of E2 treatment, suggesting a relative shift from EDHF-type relaxation to only NO-mediated relaxation in these groups. Furthermore, the sensitivity of MA to NO was significantly impaired in OVX prediabetic group, but E2 treatment enhanced the MA sensitivity to NO. Overall, our data suggest that a greater vasorelaxation in the E2 treated OVX prediabetic group could be partly attributed to the elevated role of NO or improved sensitivity of MA to NO in this group. The second study demonstrated that ACh-induced vasorelaxation of MA was significantly impaired in sedentary diabetic (DS) male rats. MIE significantly enhanced MA vasorelaxation in the exercise-trained diabetic (DE) group compared to the DS. However, no significant differences were observed between the vasorelaxation of control sedentary (CS) and control exercise-trained groups (CE). Inhibition of COX enhanced maximal vasorelaxation response (Rmax) to ACh in DS arteries suggesting an elevated contractile COX contribution in MA of this group which could possibly be due to the observed increase in COX expression in the DS group. Unlike the DS group, inhibition of COX did not affect the vasorelaxation responses to ACh in the DE group. The addition of L-NAME resulted in a reduction in ACh-induced relaxation of MA from both DS and DE groups. However, the effect of L-NAME was more prominent in the DS group compared to the DE group, suggesting a major contribution of NO in DS arteries. On the other hand, a preserved role of NO with an enhanced EDHF-mediated relaxation was observed in the MA vasorelaxation of the DE group. Our data on the elevated small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel (SKCa) expression level in MA taken from the DE group compared to that in the DS group may suggest a role for SKCa in increased EDHF-type relaxation in the DE group. Furthermore, DS arteries exhibited a higher contractile response, myogenic tone, and wall thickness than those in MA of DE. Overall, our data suggest that MIE reduced myogenic tone (DE vs. DS) and improved EDV in mesenteric arteries of diabetic rats, possibly via a shift from contractile COX activity to both NO and EDHF-type relaxation. In conclusion, the data generated in study-I suggest that estrogen may protect prediabetic female MA from early vascular dysfunction, possibly by elevating the contribution of NO to vasorelaxation as a compensatory mechanism to the loss of EDHF-type relaxation in this group. Although the results of the current study are in agreement with our previous report demonstrating a possible protective effect of female sex hormones in the MA function at prediabetic state, additional studies are needed to establish the specific role of E2 in the progression of vascular dysfunction in the diabetic state. Lastly, an intriguing observation of study-II was that MIE improved vasorelaxation and prevented the loss of EDHF-type relaxation in diabetic arteries. This was in addition to the changes induced to the wall thickness and myogenic tone in arteries of UCD-T2DM males. Given that sex differences play an important role in cardiovascular physiology, additional studies are needed to establish the specific role of MIE on vascular dysfunction in UCD-T2DM female rats and its underlying mechanisms.

TXNIP is a Mediator of ER Stress-Induced β-Cell Inflammation and Apoptosis: A Dissertation

Oslowski, Christine M. 11 May 2012 (has links)
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia. The pathogenesis of these diseases involves β-cell dysfunction and death. The primary function of β-cells is to tightly regulate the secretion, production, and storage of insulin in response to blood glucose levels. In order to manage insulin biosynthesis, β-cells have an elaborate endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The ER is an essential organelle for the proper processing and folding of proteins such as proinsulin. Proteins fold properly when the ER protein load balances with the ER folding capacity that handles this load. Disruption of this ER homeostasis by genetic and environmental stimuli leads to an accumulation of misfolded and unfolded proteins, a condition known as ER stress. Upon ER stress, the unfolded protein response (UPR) is activated. The UPR is a signaling network that aims to alleviate ER stress and restore ER homeostasis promoting cell survival. Hence, the UPR allows β-cells to handle the physiological fluctuations of insulin demand. However upon severe unresolvable ER stress conditions such as during diabetes progression, the UPR switches to pathological outputs leading to β-cell dysfunction and apoptosis. Severe ER stress may also trigger inflammation and accumulating evidence suggests that inflammation also contributes to β-cell failure, but the mechanisms remain elusive. In this dissertation, we demonstrate that thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP) mediates ER stress induced β-cell inflammation and apoptosis. During a DNA microarray analysis to identify novel survival and death components of the UPR, we identified TXNIP as an interesting proapoptotic candidate as it has been linked to glucotoxicity in β-cells. During our detailed investigation, we discovered that TXNIP is selectively expressed in β-cells of the pancreas and is strongly induced by ER stress through the IRE1α and PERK-eIF2α arms of the UPR and specifically its transcription is regulated by activating transcription factor 5 (ATF5) and carbohydrate response element binding protein (ChREBP) transcription factors. As TXNIP has been shown to activate the Nod-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome leading to the production of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL- 1β), we hypothesized that perhaps TXNIP has a role in IL-1β production under ER stress. We show that ER stress can induce IL-1β production and that IL-1β is capable of binding to IL-1 type 1 receptor (IL-1R1) on the surface of β-cells stimulating its own expression. More importantly, we demonstrate that TXNIP does indeed play a role in ER stress mediated IL-1β production through the NLRP3 inflammasome. Furthermore, we also confirmed that TXNIP is a mediator of β-cell apoptosis under ER stress partially through IL-1β signaling. Collectively, we provide significant novel findings that TXNIP is a component of the UPR, mediates IL-1β production and autostimulation, and induces cell death under ER stress in β-cells. It is becoming clear that TXNIP has a role in the pathogenesis of diabetes and is a link between ER stress, oxidative stress and inflammation. Understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in TXNIP expression, activity, and function as we do here will shed light on potential therapeutic strategies to tackle diabetes.

Prediction, Prevention and Treatment of Virally Induced Type 1 Diabetes: A Dissertation

Kruger, Annie J. 29 April 2009 (has links)
Several viral infections have been associated with human type 1 diabetes (T1D), although it has proven difficult to unequivocally establish them as causative agents. In rodent models, however, viruses have definitely been established to cause T1D. The treatment of weanling BBDR rats with the combination of a TLR3 ligand, pIC, and an ssDNA parvovirus, KRV, precipitates T1D in nearly 100% of rats within a short, predictable timeframe. In this dissertation, we utilized the BBDR rat model to (1) identify early serum biomarkers that could predict T1D precipitated by viral induction and (2) test the efficacy of leptin, a therapeutic agent, which may have the ability to prevent diabetes onset, reverse new onset diabetes and prevent autoimmune recurrence of diabetes in rats transplanted with syngeneic islet grafts. Identification of biomarkers has long served as an invaluable tool for disease prediction. In BBDR rats, we identified an acute phase response protein, haptoglobin, as a potential biomarker for pIC + KRV induced T1D using the global proteomic profiling techniques, 2D gel analysis and iTRAQ. Upon validating this biomarker, we determined that haptoglobin was sensitive in predicting T1D in the pIC + KRV model, in which nearly 100% of the rats become diabetic, but not in models where diabetes expression was variable (KRV only or RCMV only models). However, analysis of the serum kinetics of haptoglobin and its functional capacity in the blood has given us insights into the potential role of early phase reactants in modulating virally mediated T1D. An alternative means of regulating T1D pathogenesis is through leptin. Leptin is a hormone with pleotropic roles in the body, particularly affecting energy metabolism and immune regulation. These characteristics make leptin an intriguing candidate for therapeutic testing in T1D models. Our studies have determined that high doses of leptin delivered via an adenovirus (AdLeptin) or alzet pump delivery system can prevent diabetes in > 90% of rats treated with pIC + KRV. We further showed that serum hyperleptinemia was associated with decreased body weight, decreased non-fasting serum insulin levels and lack of islet insulitis in pIC + KRV treated rats pretreated with AdLeptin compared with those pretreated with PBS. We discovered that hyperleptinemia induced a profound decrease in splenic weight and splenic cellularity, including reductions in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, DC/MACs and B cells. These findings indicate a potential mechanism whereby hyperleptinemia protects rats from virally induced T1D through the promotion of peripheral immunosuppression. Among pIC + KRV treated rats, we have also found that leptin therapy can reverse hyperglycemia in a subset of new onset diabetics for up to 20 days. In the absence of exogenous insulin, leptin treatment of new onset diabetics prevented the rapid weight loss associated with osmotic diuresis, as well as the ketosis observed in vehicle treated diabetic rats. Overall, these findings point to the therapeutic value of leptin in maintaining glycemic control and preventing ketosis in an insulin deficient state, in the absence of exogenous insulin therapy. Additionally, we have also determined that AdLeptin treatment can prolong the survival of syngeneic islets transplanted into diabetic BBDR rats for up to 50 days post transplant. Although hyperleptinemia generated by AdLeptin was unable to prevent insulitis into islet grafts, this insulitis did not appear to be destructive as islet grafts continued to stain positively for insulin when compared with control rats whose grafts succumbed to recurrent autoimmunity. In the various therapeutic settings in which we have tested leptin treatment, we have found this hormone to have significant beneficial effects. These findings merit further evaluation of leptin as a therapeutic agent in human T1D.

Treating GM1 Gangliosidosis With Ex Vivo Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy Without Using Total Body Irradiation: A Masters Thesis

Whalen, Michael 31 August 2011 (has links)
GM1 gangliosidosis is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease, caused by a deficiency in the enzyme β-galactosidase. The disease affects the CNS, liver, kidney, heart and skeletal system, leading to severe neurodegeneration and death. We propose to treat this disorder using ex vivo hematopoietic stem cell therapy. The effectiveness of this therapy requires the recruitment of transduced donor cells to the CNS. This is only found to occur after mice are conditioned with total body irradiation, due to the increase in CNS cytokine production and blood brain barrier permeability that occurs. As the use of total body irradiation in pediatric patients has been linked to future developmental problems, this myeloablation approach is often avoided in younger patients in favor of a conditioning regimen using the chemotherapy drugs, busulfan and cyclophosphamide. Whether donor cells can enter the CNS when a busulfan and cyclophosphamide conditioning regimen is used has not been determined. In this study we plan to quantify the cytokine and blood-brain barrier permeability increases necessary for donor cells to be recruited to the CNS after total body irradiation. We will then investigate whether busulfan and cyclophosphamide conditioning and/or the chronic neuroinflammation present in GM1 mice can produce similar conditions and facilitate the recruitment of donor hematopoietic stem cells to the CNS. Finally we will assess whether ex vivo hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy is still an effective therapy when busulfan and cyclophosphamide are used for myeloablative conditioning.

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