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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resource allocation in uplink coordinated multicell MIMO-OFDM systems with 3D channel models

Lu, X. (Xiaojia) 08 December 2013 (has links)
Abstract Uplink resource allocation strategies in modern cellular networks are studied in this thesis. With the presence of multiple antenna transmission, multiple base station (BS) coordination and multicarrier techniques, the resource allocation problem is reformulated and jointly optimized over a large set of variables. The focus is on the sum power minimization with per user rate constraints. A centralized multicarrier coordinated cellular network with multiple antennas implemented at the BS side is considered, where BSs can be adaptively clustered to detect signals from one mobile station (MS). The power, subcarrier, beamforming vector and BS cluster (BSC) are the design variables to be jointly optimized to satisfy the rate constraint per user. The first considered scenario is a simple single carrier multicell system. The power control problem with per user rate constraint can be optimally solved by the proposed algorithm, where power vector, BSC and beamforming vectors are separately updated until the sum power converges. The scenario is extended to more complicated multicarrier systems. The resource allocation problem is non-deterministic polynomial-time hard (NP-hard). Suboptimal algorithms are proposed to tackle the problem. To get more insights to the performance gap between the proposed algorithms and the capacity achieving bound, the scenario is specified to a single cell system with nonlinear receiver so that the calculation of the lower bound is possible. Efficient geometric aided fast converging power minimization algorithms are proposed to calculate the power bound of the multiple access channel (MAC) with per user rate constraint. By comparing the capacity achieving lower bound with the proposed algorithm, the BSW that starts from full rate allocation looks promising to have a good tradeoff between the convergence speed and the sum power consumption. Besides the resource allocation algorithms in the cellular network, the physical modeling and corresponding design of the network itself are also considered. The radio propagation in the elevation domain is modeled and considered. The diversity gain from the elevation domain is achieved by extra degree of freedom of beamforming in elevation domain. The antenna array can be either a uniform linear array or a uniform planar array with elements placed horizontally. The proposed power control algorithms are simulated in the 3D network scenarios. The effects of antenna array design in different propagation scenarios are compared. / Tiivistelmä Työssä tutkitaan ylälinkin resurssien kohdentamisstrategioita matkapuhelinverkoissa. Olettaen koordinointi useiden monikantoaaltotekniikoita käyttävien moniantennitukiasemien (BS) välillä, resurssien kohdentamisongelma muotoillaan uudelleen ja optimoidaan yli suuren joukon optimointimuuttujia. Erityisesti keskitytään yhteenlasketun tehon minimointiongelmaan käyttäjäkohtaisien siirtonopeusrajoitteiden kanssa. Työssä oletetaan keskitetty koordinointi useiden monikantoaaltotekniikoita käyttävien moniantennitukiasemien välillä, joten tukiasemat voidaan adaptiivisesti ryhmitellä yhden matkaviestimen signaalin havannointia varten. Lähetysteho, kantoaaltoallokaatio, keilanmuodostus ja tukiasemaklusterointi ovat ongelman muuttujia, jotka optimoidaan yhdessä siten, että käyttäjäkohtaiset siirtonopeusrajoitteet täyttyvät. Ensimmäinen käsitelty tapaus on yksinkertainen yhden operaattorin monisolujärjestelmä. Tehonsäätöongelma käyttäjäkohtaisten siirtonopeusrajoitusten kanssa voidaan optimaalisesti ratkaista ehdotetulla algoritmilla, jossa lähetysteho, keilanmuodostusvektorit ja tukiasemaklusterointi päivitetään erikseen, kunnes yhteenlaskettu teho suppenee. Tarkastelu laajennetaan monimutkaisempaan monikantoaaltojärjestelmään. Kun käyttäjäkohtainen siirtonopeustavoite kiinnitetään, ongelma voidaan vastaavasti hajottaa osittaisiksi alikantoaaltokohtaisiksi osaongelmiksi, jossa kukin osaongelma voidaan optimaalisesti ratkaista. Jos alikantoaaltokohtaista siirtonopeustavoitetta ei ole kiinnitetty, tehonsäätöongelmasta tulee ei-polynomisesti monimutkainen. Optimaalisia algoritmeja ehdotetaan ongelman ratkaisemiseksi. Jotta voitaisiin saada tietoa todellisesta suorituskykyerosta ehdotettujen algoritmien ja kapasiteettioptimaalisen rajan välillä, vertailu tehdään yhden solun simulointimallissa epälineaarisen vastaanottimen kanssa siten, että kapasiteettioptimaalisen alarajan laskeminen on mahdollista. Tätä varten kehitetään tehokas geometria-avusteinen ja nopeasti konvergoituva algoritmi tehon minimointia varten käyttäjäkohtaisten siirtonopeusrajoitusten kanssa. Vertaamalla kapasiteettioptimaalista alarajaa ehdotettujen algoritmien suorituskykyyn huomataan, että ehdotettu BSW algoritmi on hyvä kompromissi konvergoitumisnopeuden ja tehonkulutuksen välillä. Matkapuhelinverkkojen resurssienkohdentamisalgoritmien lisäksi työssä huomioidaan myös verkon fyysinen mallintaminen ja vastaava suunnittelu. Työssä mallinnetaan radiokanavan ominaisuudet myös korkeustasossa, joka mahdollistaa diversiteetin hyödyntämisen korkeustason keilanmuodostuksessa. Antenniryhmä voi olla joko yhtenäinen lineaarinen ryhmä tai yhtenäinen tasoryhmä, jossa antennielementit on sijoitettu tasoon. Ehdotettuja tehonsäätöalgoritmeja simuloidaan kolmiulotteisessa verkkoskenaarioissa, jossa verrataan antenniryhmäsuunnittelun vaikutuksia eri radiokanavaskenaarioissa.

Etude d'un Oscillateur Local agile pour une transmission multi-bandes etréduction des interférences associées / A study of a fast switching Local Oscillator for multi-band transmission and cancellation of the associated interferences

Milevsky, Borislav 18 December 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier la faisabilité et les performances d'un synthétiseur de fréquences agile pour les transmissions multi-bandes multi-utilisateurs destinées aux systèmes de transmission fournissant un très grand débit tout en répondant aux exigences de faible consommation et d'intégration facile. Dans ce contexte, les solutions classiques de synthétiseur de fréquences ne sont pas applicables et il est nécessaire de développer de nouvelles structures qui génèrent les fréquences centrales en permanence. La commutation d'une fréquence à l'autre peut se faire alors très rapidement par simple modification de la configuration des multiplexeurs. Dans la première partie de ce travail nous nous consacrons à l'analyse d'une telle architecture à fort potentiel. Une partie de sa structure est réalisée en technologie conventionnelle BiCMOS afin de valider sa faisabilité ainsi que le fonctionnement des solutions schématiques développées. Grâce à la caractérisation des composants, une analyse de la structure complète est réalisée. Cependant, la complexité de la structure du synthétiseur proposé fait de sorte qu'il existe pour les fréquences générées un grand nombre de fréquences parasites qui induisent des interférences entre utilisateurs. La réduction de leurs effets sur la transmission est l'objet de la deuxième partie de notre travail. Deux solutions numériques de réduction des interférences sont proposées. Elles permettent de rendre le design de la partie analogique moins contraignant en allégeant le cahier des charges et nous ont ainsi permis de simplifier l'architecture du synthétiseur. / The aim of this thesis is to study the feasibility and the performances of a fast switching frequency synthesizer designed for high debit multi-band multi-user transmission and used in transmission systems requiring a low consumption and an easy IC integration. In this context, the use of the classical synthesizer structures does not apply and there is a need to develop new architectures capable of generating all the frequencies permanently. Thus, the switching between frequencies can be easily done by changing multiplexors' state.In the first part of this study, we focus on the analysis of such high potential OL architecture. The main part of the proposed structure is implemented in a conventional BiCMOS technology in order to validate its feasibility and the operation of the developed blocks. Thanks to the measurements of the OL components, a complete analysis of the synthesizer is made. However, the complexity of the architecture of the proposed synthesizer induces the generation of large number of parasitic frequencies, creating interferences between the active users. The reduction of their effect on the transmission is the subject of the second part of the manuscript. Two digital methods are proposed to reduce the interferences. Lowering the requirements on the analog part, they allow a simplified design. This property was used to reduce the complexity of the frequency synthesizer.

New tone reservation PAPR reduction techniques for multicarrier systems / Nouvelles techniques de réduction du PAPR pour les applications à porteuses multiples

Mounzer, Ralph 15 December 2015 (has links)
La technique Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) a été adoptée par plusieurs systèmes de télécommunications et de diffusion pour sa robustesse, sa capacité à transmettre de hauts débits dans des canaux radiomobiles et pour son efficacité spectrale. Cependant, les signaux OFDM sont caractérisés par des fluctuations importantes, mesurées par le rapport de la puissance crête sur la puissance moyenne (Peak to Average Power Ratio – PAPR) du signal, qui génèrent des distorsions à la sortie de l’amplificateur non-linéaire de puissance (High Power Amplifier - HPA) et ne permettent pas de l’utiliser dans sa zone optimale afin de diminuer sa consommation énergétique. La deuxième génération de la norme Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T2) a notamment adopté la technique Tone Reservation (TR) de réduction du PAPR. Son principe consiste à créer un noyau, à partir d’un ensemble de sous-porteuses réservées, qui est ensuite ajouté d’une manière itérative au signal OFDM de façon à réduire les pics du signal et donc son PAPR. Dans la première partie de la thèse, différents algorithmes permettant d’améliorer les performances de cette solution TR DVT-T2 sont proposés. Un premier groupe de solutions, reposant sur la même définition du noyau, comprend : la technique Partial Oversampling and Fractional Shifted Kernels (POFSK) reposant sur un sur-échantillonnage partiel du signal, la technique Dynamic Threshold (DT) qui effectue un calcul dynamique du seuil de troncature et la technique Enhanced Peak Selection (EPS) qui améliore la sélection des pics à réduire. Le deuxième groupe de solutions comprend tout d’abord la technique Individual Carrier Multiple Peaks (ICMP) qui repose sur une nouvelle définition du noyau et utilise un calcul de phase différent permettant la réduction de plusieurs pics en même temps. La technique GICMP est une version optimisée de la technique ICMP qui, en parallélisant les opérations, permet de réduire le délai de traitement et le nombre total d’itérations. Les résultats de simulations et les mesures effectuées sur une plateforme de transmission réelle montrent que, par rapport à la version TR de DVB-T2, l’algorithme GICMP offrait notamment un gain de l’ordre de 2.5 dB en termes de Modulation Error Rate – MER ou permettait une réduction de 10 % de l’énergie consommée par l’amplificateur de puissance à performances identiques. [...] / Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has been adopted by many telecommunication and broadcasting systems for its robustness, high transmission rates, mobility and bandwidth efficiency. However, OFDM signals are characterized by high power fluctuations, measured by the Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR), which cause distortions at the output of the non-linear High Power Amplifier (HPA) and prevent the radio frequency designer to feed the signal at the optimal point of the HPA specifications in order to reduce the energy consumption. The second generation of Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T2) adopted two PAPR reduction techniques, one of them is Tone Reservation (TR). TR creates a Kernel from a reserved set of subcarriers. The kernel is then iteratively added to the OFDM signal in such a way to reduce its peaks thus reducing its PAPR. In the first part of the thesis, different algorithms offering better performances compared to the DVB-T2 TR solution are proposed. A first group of solutions introduces changes and enhancements to the TR algorithm adopted in DVB-T2 TR but keeps the same kernel definition. This group includes: the Partial Oversampling and Fractional Shifted Kernels (POFSK) technique which is based on a partial oversampling of the signal, the Dynamic Threshold (DT) technique which allows better algorithm convergence by dynamically computing the PAPR reduction threshold for every OFDM symbol, and the Enhanced Peak Selection (EPS) technique which provides additional PAPR reduction by choosing the appropriate signal peaks to reduce and the peaks to skip. The second group of solutions includes the Individual Carrier Multiple Peaks (ICMP) technique which is based on a special kernel definition that changes from one algorithm iteration to another and uses a different phase calculation approach that allows the reduction of multiple peaks at a time. GICMP is an optimized version of ICMP that allows the parallelization of iterations in such a way to reduce the processing delay and the number of algorithm iterations. The simulation results and real hardware platform measurements of the proposed algorithms showed that, compared to the DVB-T2 TR version, the GICMP algorithm allows a Modulation Error Rate – MER gain of up to 2.5 dB or a 10 % reduction in HPA consumed energy with the same performances.

Optimal Pilot Tones For Interleaved Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Systems

Vinod, T S 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Studies on the Performance and Impact of Channel Estimation in MIMO and OFDM Systems

Larsen, Michael David 08 December 2009 (has links)
The need for reliable, high-throughput, mobile wireless communication technologies has never been greater as increases in the demand for on-the-go access to information, entertainment, and other electronic services continues. Two such technologies, which are at the forefront of current research efforts, are orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, their union being known simply as MIMO-OFDM. The successful performance of these technologies depends upon the availability of accurate information concerning the wireless communication channel. In this dissertation, several issues related to quality of this channel state information (CSI) are studied. Specifically, the first part of this dissertation considers the design of optimal pilot signals for OFDM systems. The optimization is addressed via lower bounds on the estimation error variance, which bounds are given by formulations of the Cram'{e}r-Rao bound (CRB). The second part of this dissertation uses the CRB once again, this time as a tool for evaluating the potential performance of MIMO-OFDM channel estimation and prediction. Bounds are found for several parametric time-varying wideband MIMO-OFDM channel models, and numerical evaluations of these bounds are used to illuminate several interesting features regarding the estimation and prediction of MIMO-OFDM channels. The final part of this dissertation considers the problem of MIMO multiplexing using SVD-based methods when only imperfect CSI is available. For this purpose, general per-MIMO-subchannel signal and interference-plus-noise power expressions are derived to quantify the effects of CSI imperfections, and these expressions are then used to find robust MIMO-SVD power and bit allocations which maintain good overall performance in spite of imperfect CSI.

An efficient Hardware implementation of the Peak Cancellation Crest Factor Reduction Algorithm

Bernini, Matteo January 2016 (has links)
An important component of the cost of a radio base station comes from to the Power Amplifier driving the array of antennas. The cost can be split in Capital and Operational expenditure, due to the high design and realization costs and low energy efficiency of the Power Amplifier respectively. Both these cost components are related to the Crest Factor of the input signal. In order to reduce both costs, it would be possible to lower the average power level of the transmitting signal, whereas in order to obtain a more efficient transmission, a more energized signal would allow the receiver to better distinguish the message from the noise and interferences. These opposed needs motivate the research and development of solutions aiming at reducing the excursion of the signal without the need of sacrificing its average power level. One of the algorithms addressing this problem is the Peak Cancellation Crest Factor Reduction. This work documents the design of a hardware implementation of such method, targeting a possible future ASIC for Ericsson AB. SystemVerilog is the Hardware Description Language used for both the design and the verification of the project, together with a MATLAB model used for both exploring some design choices and to validate the design against the output of the simulation. The two main goals of the design have been the efficient hardware exploitation, aiming to a smaller area footprint on the integrated circuit, and the adoption of some innovative design solutions in the controlling part of the design, for example the managing of the cancelling pulse coefficients and the use of a time-division multiplexing strategy to further save area on the chip. For the contexts where both the solutions could compete, the proposed one shows better results in terms of area and delay compared to the current methods in use at Ericsson and also provides innovative suggestions and ideas for further improvements. / En komponent som det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till när det kommer till en radiobasstations kostnad är förstärkaren som används för att driva antennerna. Kostnaden för förstärkaren kan delas upp i en initial kostnad relaterad till utveckling och tillverkning av kretsen, samt en löpande kostnad som är relaterad till kretsens energieffektivitet. Båda kostnaderna är kopplade till en egenskap hos förstärkarens insignal, vilken är kvoten mellan signalens maximala effekt och dess medeleffekt, såkallad toppfaktor. För att reducera dessa kostnader så är det möjligt att minska signalens medeleffekt, men en hög medeleffekt förbättrar radioöverföringen eftersom det är lättare för mottagaren att skilja en signal med hög energi från brus och interferens. Dessa två motsatta krav motiverar forskning och utveckling av lösningar för att minska signalens maximala värde utan att minska dess medeleffekt. En algoritm som kan användas för att minska signalens toppfaktor är Peak Cancellation. Den här rapporten presenterar design och hårdvaruimplementering av Peak Cancellation med avsikt att kunna användas av Ericsson AB i framtida integrerade kretsar. Det hårdvarubeskrivande språket SystemVerilog användes för både design och testning i projektet. MATLAB användes för att utforska designalternativ samt för att modellera algoritmen och jämföra utdata med hårdvaruimplementationen i simuleringar. De två huvudmålen med designen var att utnyttja hårdvaran effektivt för att nå en så liten kretsyta som möjligt och att använda en rad innovativa lösningar för kontrolldelen av designen. Exempel på innovativa designlösningar som användes är hur koefficienter för pulserna, som används för reducera toppar i signalen, hanteras och användning av tidsmultiplex för att ytterligare minska kretsytan. I användningsscenarion där båda lösningarna kan konkurrera, visar den föreslagna lösningen bättre resultat när det kommer till kretsyta och latens än nuvarande lösningar som används av Ericsson. Ges också förslag på ytterligare framtida förbättringar av implementationen.

Study of efficient link adaptation schemes in wireless orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems

Choi, Eun Ho 19 October 2009 (has links)
Wireless communication systems require high spectral efficiency and throughput in order to be cost-effective. Link adaptation schemes are known to be a good solution to achieve this goal. However, the necessity of additional information or increased complexity prevents these schemes from being implemented. In this context, research on resource allocation based on different constraints, such as complexity or feedback, is important. The major contribution of this dissertation is the development of three novel techniques to enhance performance in practical implementations of the adaptive OFDM systems. This dissertation first introduces a new multiuser OFDM system to enhance performance in the low SNR regime. In this scheme, multiuser diversity can be efficiently amplified from random power allocation and opportunistic scheduling. Higher spectral efficiency can be achieved without an increase of complexity or feedback amount compared to conventional multiuser OFDM systems using equal power allocation. This dissertation also presents a modified multi-mode power loading scheme. A modified multi-mode power loading scheme can circumvent the limit of current multi-mode power loading schemes by significantly reducing search amount from 2N - 1 to N, where N is the number of subcarriers. Finally, this dissertation has introduced adaptive OFDM systems using channel gain order information in limited feedback environments. Adaptive OFDM systems using the order mapping technique achieve comparable performance to conventional adaptive OFDM systems in terms of bit error rate and average spectral efficiency, while the amount of feedback is significantly reduced. Furthermore, by simply exploiting order mapping and interpolation, the analyzing technique circumvents the practical shortcomings of previous limited feedback techniques for OFDM systems. / text

Contributions to the Improvement of Multiuser PLC Home Networks / Contributions à l’amélioration des réseaux CPL domestiques multi-usagers

Achaichia, Pierre 12 October 2012 (has links)
Ces dernières années, la technologie des courants porteurs en ligne (CPL) a fait son apparition dans les réseaux domestiques afin de répondre au besoin grandissant de bande passante. Comme pour les solutions sans-fil, cette technologie présente l’avantage de ne pas nécessiter le déploiement de nouveaux câbles à l’intérieur de la maison, en utilisant directement le réseau électrique comme milieu de transmission. Offrant une zone de couverture plus importante que les réseaux Wi-Fi, les débits offerts par les équipements actuels ne sont néanmoins pas suffisants pour supporter simultanément des applications gourmandes en bande passante. Cette thèse vise donc à explorer différentes solutions pour les futurs réseaux domestiques basés sur cette technologie. L’étude a d’abord été menée au niveau de la couche Physique des systèmes, où deux solutions de transmission ont été comparées. D’un côté, la modulation windowed OFDM, déployée dans la grande majorité des réseaux actuels, est étudiée afin de mettre en avant ses limites dans le contexte particulier des réseaux sur courant porteur. Dans cette partie, nous montrons concrètement le gain en capacité que pourrait apporter une modulation alternative, l’OFDM/OQAM, présentant des degrés de liberté supplémentaires vis-à-vis de l’OFDM classique, et dont l’exploitation s’avère particulièrement intéressante pour cette étude. Dans un second temps, la problématique de la couche MAC a été abordée dans le contexte d’une utilisation multi-usager du réseau. L’objectif de cette seconde partie a été de proposer des solutions nouvelles pour l’allocation et le partage de la ressource entre les différents utilisateurs du réseau. Premièrement, nous étudions la possibilité de définir un nouveau mode d’accès, basé sur l’OFDMA, permettant de tirer efficacement parti de la diversité entre différents canaux de transmission, afin d’augmenter significativement les débits pour les transmissions point-à- multipoint. Enfin, le dernier chapitre aborde le problème de la transmission multicast inhérent aux réseaux PLC actuels, en proposant une méthode d’agrégation des utilisateurs résultant en une augmentation significative des débits. / During the past few years, Power Line Communications (PLC) have become a popular connectivity solution to answer the growing need of home networks for bandwidth. As wireless technologies, this solution spares the user from cabling its Local Area Network (LAN), by directly using the home power grid as a transmission medium. While PLC generally offer a larger coverage than Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), the capacity offered by current systems is not sufficient to simultaneously support bandwidth intensive streams. In this thesis, we aim at exploring various solutions for future PLC networks. Firstly, we aim at improving the spectral efficiency of the current systems’ Physical (PHY) layer, where two modulation schemes are compared. On the one hand, we study the modulation deployed in current PLC networks, called windowed Orthogonal requency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), and we highlight the main limitation of this solution in the particular context of PLC. On the other hand, we show that and alternative solution, called OFDM/Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (OQAM), offers some degrees of freedom which could highly benefit to PLC networks. Secondly, the study is oriented toward the Media Access Control (MAC) layer of PLC systems, considering a multiuser utilization of the network. In this second part, we aim at proposing allocation solutions that will allow a more efficient utilization of the limited and shared transmission resource. We firstly study the opportunity of defining an Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) transmission scheme for point-to-multipoint transmissions, in order to increase data rates by taking advantage of the diversity between users’ channels. Finally, the last Chapter is dedicated to the study of broadcast and multicast communications in PLC networks, where we show that a smart aggregation of the set of users to reach could greatly improve efficiency of multicast transmissions.

Multidiffusion et diffusion dans les systèmes OFDM sans fil / Multicast and Broadcast in wireless OFDM systems

Saavedra Navarrete, José Antonio 19 October 2012 (has links)
Le système OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) utilise plusieurs sous-porteuses pour transmettre de l’information. Comparé à un schéma mono-porteuse, la modulation multi-porteuses OFDM permet d’obtenir facilement des réglages optimaux (au sens de la capacité de Shannon) pour une transmission à haut débit sur un canal sélectif en fréquence. En ce sens, on peut alors garantir une transmission fiable et une meilleure gestion de l'énergie utilisée. Lors de la transmission avec une modulation OFDM, les sous-porteuses utilisent des canaux différents qui n’ont pas forcement la même atténuation. Allouer le même niveau de puissance à chaque sous-porteuse ne garantit pas une capacité optimale dans une liaison point à point. Une allocation dynamique de la puissance (c’est-à-dire attribuer différents niveaux de puissance aux sous-porteuses en fonction du canal) donne de meilleures performances. Par contre, dans une situation de diffusion (broadcast), l’émetteur ne connaît pas les canaux vers tous les utilisateurs, et la meilleure stratégie consiste à émettre avec la même puissance sur toutes les sous-porteuses. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’explorer les situations intermédiaires, et de proposer les outils d’allocation de puissance appropriés. Cette situation intermédiaire est appelée « multicast », ou « multidiffusion » : l’émetteur envoie les signaux vers un nombre fini (pas trop grand) d’utilisateurs, dont il connaît les paramètres de canaux, et il peut adapter son émission à cette connaissance des canaux. On est donc dans une situation intermédiaire entre le « point à point » et la « diffusion ». L’objectif final de ce travail est d’évaluer le gain apporté par la connaissance des canaux en situation de multicast par rapport à la même communication effectuée comme si on était en diffusion. Bien évidemment, quand le nombre de destinataires est très grand, les gains seront négligeables, car le signal rencontre un nombre très élevé de canaux, et une allocation de puissance uniforme sera quasi optimale. Quand le nombre est très faible, on sera proche du point à point et les gains devraient être sensibles. Nous proposons des outils pour quantifier ces améliorations dans les cas de systèmes ayant une antenne à l'émission et une antenne à la réception, dit SISO (Single Input Single Output) et de systèmes avec plusieurs antennes, dits MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output). Les étapes nécessaires pour réaliser ce travail sont : 1) En supposant une connaissance préalable de l’état des canaux (entre station de base et terminaux), mettre en œuvre les outils de la théorie de l'information pour effectuer l’allocation de puissance et évaluer les capacités des systèmes étudiés. 2) Pour le système multi-utilisateur SISO-OFDM, nous proposons un algorithme d'allocation de puissance sur chaque sous porteuse dans une situation de multicast. 3) Pour le système multi-utilisateur MIMO-OFDM, nous proposons un algorithme qui exploite les caractéristiques du précodage "zero forcing". L'objectif est alors de partager la puissance disponible entre toutes les sous-porteuses et toutes les antennes. 4) Enfin, dans une dernière étape nous nous intéressons à une conception efficace de la situation de diffusion, afin de déterminer à l’aide d’outils de géométrie stochastique quelle zone peut être couverte afin qu’un pourcentage donné d’utilisateurs reçoivent une quantité d’information déterminée à l’avance. Ceci permet de déterminer la zone de couverture sans mettre en œuvre des simulations intensives. La combinaison de ces outils permet un choix efficace des situations qui relèvent de la « diffusion », du « multicast » et du « point à point ». / The OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) system uses multiple sub-carriers for data transmission. Compared to the single-carrier scheme, the OFDM technique allows optimal settings for high data rate transmission over a frequency selective channel (from the Shannon’s capacity point of view). We can, by this way, ensure reliable communication and efficient energy use. When we use OFDM, the sub-carriers use different channels with different attenuations as well. The equal power allocation on each sub-carrier does not ensure an optimal capacity in a peer to peer link. Dynamic power allocation (i.e., assign different amount of power to subcarriers according to the channel) gives better results, assuming that the channel state information is available at the transmitter. Nevertheless, the transmitter does not know the channels to all users when broadcast transmission are used, and the best strategy is to transmit with the same power on all subcarriers. This thesis aims to explore the intermediate situations, and propose appropriate power allocation tools. This intermediate situation is called "multicast": the transmitter, which knows the channel parameters, sends signals to a finite number of users, and it can adapt the transmission using this knowledge. It is an intermediate position between the "peer to peer" and the "broadcast. The goal of this work is to evaluate the gain brought by the knowledge of the channel state information in multicast situation beside the broadcast situation. Obviously, when the number of receivers is very large, the gain will not be appreciable because the signal found on its path a very large number of channels, and a uniform power allocation is near optimal. When the number of users is very low, we will be close to the peer to peer transmission and gains should be more appreciable. We propose some tools to quantify these improvements in the case where the systems have one antenna at the transmitter and the receiver, this case named SISO (Single Input Single Output). We also propose those tools on systems with multiple antennas, called MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output). The steps required to do this work are: 1) Assuming that the channel state information of the users are known at the base station, we implement tools, using information theory, to perform power allocation and evaluate the capacities of the systems under study. 2) For multi-user SISO-OFDM scheme, we propose a power allocation algorithm on each subcarrier on multicast situation. 3) For multi-user MIMO-OFDM, we propose an algorithm that exploits the characteristics of the "zero forcing" precoding. The objective is to share the available power among all subcarriers and all antennas. 4) Finally, in a last step we focus on an efficient design of the broadcast situation. We use tools from stochastic geometry to determine which area can be covered, with the aim that a percentage of users can receive a predetermined amount of information. This determines the coverage area without implementing long period simulations. The combination of these tools allows an effective choice between the situations that fall under the "broadcast", "multicast" and "peer to peer" transmissions.

Proposta e avaliação de uma arquitetura ROADM para sistemas de transmissão O-OFDM / Proposal and evaluation of a ROADM architecture for O-OFDM transmission systems

Ferreira, Rafael Jales Lima 26 June 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como cenário as redes ópticas de próxima geração, por onde trafegarão supercanais flexíveis, sincronizados e modulados a taxas variáveis que podem chegar à ordem de Terabit por segundo. Mais especificamente, focaliza o supercanal óptico gerado a partir de um único laser (laser semente) composto por portadoras ortogonais entre si, travadas em frequência e moduladas de maneira síncrona. Tal arranjo constitui um sistema de transmissão conhecido como OFDM óptico (optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, O-OFDM). Este esquema não requer banda de guarda entre canais, o que proporciona uma melhor eficiência espectral, se mantidas as condições de ortogonalidade mútua, quando comparado à técnica Nyquist WDM (Nyquist wavelength division multiplexing, N-WDM), usualmente reconhecida como base para os sistemas de próxima geração. Muitos são os desafios a serem vencidos antes que a técnica O-OFDM possa ser efetivamente implantada comercialmente e esta tese busca, através de um estudo de seus princípios de funcionamento e módulos constituintes, elencar os principais obstáculos e as possíveis maneira de superá-los. Sem pretender ser exaustivo em termos de tecnologias disponíveis para alcançar este fim, o objetivo é propor novas configurações de subsistemas e arquitetura de nó para o transmissor, o nó intermediário e o receptor coerente, capazes de executar, de forma relativamente simples no domínio óptico, as principais funcionalidades de uma transmissão ponto a ponto com nós deriva/insere intermediários. Através de simulações sistêmicas e demonstrações experimentais, como prova de conceito, dois cenários são abordados: análise do desempenho numa transmissão ponto a ponto, e operação em rede, com derivação e inserção de canal em nós intermediários. Ao final, através de uma análise qualitativa, é feita uma estimativa de componentes e subsistemas necessários para tornar a transmissão de sinais O-OFDM implementável por tecnologias de fotônica integrada que atenda, com eficiência espectral e economia de energia, a sempre crescente demanda de capacidade em sistemas de transmissão óptica. / This work focuses on the scenario of next generation optical networking, where flexible optical superchannels will propagate modulated at variable rates that can reach terabits per second. More specifically, it focuses on the optical superchannel generated from a single laser (seed laser) composed of orthogonal carriers, which are frequency-locked and synchronously modulated. Such arrangement constitutes a transmission system known as optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM). This scheme does not require guard band between channels, which provides a better spectral efficiency, if the conditions of mutual orthogonality are maintained, when compared to the Nyquist wavelength dividing multiplexing (N-WDM) technique, usually recognized as the basis for the next generation systems. There are many challenges to overcome before O-OFDM technique can be effectively deployed commercially and this thesis seeks, through a study of its operating principles and constituent modules, to identify the main obstacles and the possible ways of overcoming them. Without intending to be exhaustive in terms of available technologies to achieve this aim, the objective is to propose new configurations of subsystems and node architecture for the transmitter, the intermediate node and the coherent receiver, able to perform in the optical domain, in a relatively simple way, the main features a point-to-point transmission with nodes drifting/inserting intermediates. Through systemic simulations and some experimental demonstrations, as proof of concept, two scenarios are addressed: performance analysis in a point-to-point transmission, and network operation, with channel derivation and insertion at intermediate nodes. At the end, through a qualitative analysis, an estimate of components and subsystems is made to make the transmission of O-OFDM signals implementable by integrated photonics technologies that meet, with spectral efficiency and energy savings, the ever increasing capacity demand in optical transmission systems.

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