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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transposition de fréquence et compensation du déséquilibre IQ pour des systèmes multiporteuses sur canal sélectif en fréquence

Traverso, Sylvain 16 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des solutions pour améliorer les performances des transmissions des terminaux mobiles à haut débits, faibles coûts et faible consommation. En effet, l'augmentation des débits implique que les canaux de transmission soient de plus en plus difficiles, rendant la tâche des récepteurs plus ardue. Nous nous intéressons aux systèmes MultiBandes OFDM car ils soumettent la porteuse à un algorithme de saut de fréquence, et permettent ainsi de disposer d'une grande diversité fréquentielle. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons dans une première partie des égaliseurs de canaux optimaux au sens des moindres carrés tirant profit de la diversité fréquentielle afin d'améliorer d'une manière significative les performances des systèmes<br>OFDM pour des canaux très difficiles. Dans la seconde partie de ce travail, nous proposons un synthétiseur de fréquence agile sur 14 bandes dont les composants ont été optimisés afin de rendre sa réalisation la moins complexe possible et qui répondent aux exigences des systèmes MultiBandes en termes de temps de commutation, de bruit de phase et de pureté spectrale. Ce nouveau type de synthétiseur de fréquences rend inévitable le déséquilibre entre les voies I et Q de l'émetteur et/ou du récepteur. La troisième partie de ce travail consiste à proposer des algorithmes originaux permettant conjointement d'égaliser le canal et de compenser numériquement le déséquilibre IQ. Ces traitements valables pour tout système OFDM permettent de relâcher les contraintes de la partie analogique.

Kalman Equalization For Modified PRP-OFDM System With Assistant Training Sequences Under Time-Varying Channels

Lee, Chung-hui 07 August 2008 (has links)
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) techniques have been used in many wireless communication systems to improve the system capacity and achieve high data-rate. It possesses good spectral efficiency and robustness against interferences. The OFDM system has been adopted in many communication standards, such as the 802.11a/g standards for the high-speed WLAN, HIPERLAN2, and IEEE 802.16 standard, and meanwhile, it is also employed in the European DAB and DVB systems. To avoid the inter-block interference (IBI), usually, in the transmitter of OFDM systems the redundancy with sufficient length is introduced, it allows us to overcome the IBI problem, due to highly dispersive channel. Many redundancy insertion methods have been proposed in the literatures, there are cyclic prefix (CP), zero padding (ZP) and the pseudorandom postfix (PRP). Under such system we have still to know the correct channel state information for equalizing the noisy block signal. Especially, in time-varying channel, the incorrect channel state information may introduce serious inter-symbol interference (ISI), if the channel estimation could not perform correctly. In this thesis, the PRP-OFDM system is considered. According to the PRP-OFDM scheme, the redundancy with pseudorandom postfix (PRP) approach is employed to make semi-blind channel estimation with order-one statistics of the received signal. But these statistic characteristics may not be available under time-varying channel. Hence, in this thesis, we propose a modified PRP-OFDM system with assistant training sequences, which is equipped with minimum mean-square-error equalizer and utilize Kalman filter algorithm to implement time-varying channel estimation. To do so, we first model time-varying channel estimation problem with a dynamic system, and adopt the Kalman filter algorithm to estimate the true channel coefficients. Unfortunately, since most parameters in dynamic system are random and could not to be known in advance. We need to apply effective estimation schemes to estimate the statistics of true parameters for implementing the Kalman filter algorithm. When the channel state information is known, MMSE equalizer follows to suppress the inter-symbol interference (ISI). Moreover, after making decision the binary data can be used to re-modulate PRP-OFDM symbol and to be re-used in Kalman filter to obtain more accurate CSI to improve the effectiveness of the equalizer. Via computer simulations, we verify that desired performance in terms of bit error rate (BER), can be achieved compared with the CP-OFDM systems.

Study and evaluation of a frequential multiplexing based on OFDM/OQAM

Gharba, Mohamed 13 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is dedicated to the study of the OFDM/OQAM modulation as an alternative to the OFDM modulation. We treat more especially the multi-user environment. In this respect, synchronization aspects are crucial. The different options plus the choice of the waveform are examined in this point of view. Another objective is to precisely show how the OFDM/OQAM can be adapted to a cellular transmission type, taking as reference the 3GPP/LTE system. The main contributions we have made are : 1) Analysis of the desynchronization phenomena : we analyze the effect of desynchronization, according to the time and frequency axes, on the performance of OFDM/OQAM at the receiver side. 2) Synchronization method : we analyze a method of temporal synchronization defined in a single user OFDM/OQAM transmission and we adapt it to a multi-user scenario type. 3) Proposing for a multiple access scheme : we propose a multiple access scheme based on theOFDM/OQAM modulation, alternative to the known techniques OFDMA and SC-FDMA, for the UL transmission in a 3GPP/LTE context.

Interference modeling and performance analysis of asynchronous OFDM and FBMC wireless communication systems / Modélisation d’interférence et analyse des performances des systèmes OFDM/FBMC pour les communications sans fil asynchrones

Medjahdi, Yahia 11 July 2012 (has links)
Actuellement, les techniques multiporteuses sont largement utilisées dans les systèmes de transmission grâce à leur robustesse aux effets de trajets multiples et à leur implémentation efficace utilisant des FFTs. L'OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) est un type de modulation multiporteuse qui consiste à subdiviser un flux de données à très haut débit en plusieurs flux élémentaires à bas-débit qui sont transmis sur différentes sous-porteuses orthogonales. Récemment, une technique multiporteuse à base de bancs de filtres (FBMC) a été proposée comme une alternative permettant d'offrir quelques avantages par rapport à l'OFDM. Un des principaux avantages est l'amélioration de l'efficacité spectrale grâce à l'absence du préfixe cyclique (CP) et aux formes d'onde bien localisées en temps et en fréquence.Contrairement à ce qui est souvent supposé dans la littérature, l'asynchronisme existe intrinsèquement dans un bon nombre de systèmes de communication à cause de multiples facteurs tels que les délais de propagation et la distribution géographique des utilisateurs. Cet asynchronisme peut engendrer une perte d'orthogonalité entre les sous-porteuses qui peut se traduire par l'apparition d'interférences asynchrones causant à leurs tours une dégradation des performances du système. La modélisation de cette interférence présente un enjeu important dans la conception des systèmes de communication.Dans cette thèse, nous analysons l'impact de la désynchronisation temporelle sur les performances de l'OFDM et de la FBMC. Tout d'abord, nous présentons un modèle global permettant la caractérisation et l'analyse de l'interférence dans les systèmes multiporteuses asynchrones. Une nouvelle famille de tables d'interférence est proposée tenant compte du décalage temporel ainsi que de la distance spectrale entre les sous-porteuses interférente et victime. Les termes de ces tables sont calculés pour CP-OFDM et FBMC avec les deux formes d'onde IOTA et PHYDYAS. L'impact de l'interférence asynchrone sur le taux d'erreur (BER) et sur l'efficacité spectrale de l'OFDM/FBMC est examiné. En se basant sur les fonctions génératrices des moments de la puissance d'interférence, nous avons établi des expressions analytiques simples du BER et de l'efficacité spectrale moyens. Ces dernières expressions réduisent d'une façon considérable la complexité de l'évaluation des performances. Cette étude théorique a été consolidée et validée par des résultats de simulation pour différents scénarios où nous avons démontré que contrairement à l'OFDM, les modulations FBMC sont moins sensible à la désynchronisation temporelle grâce à la bonne localisation des formes d'ondes utilisées. / Multicarrier systems are widely used today due to their robustness to multipath effects and efficient implementation using FFT. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system is a class of multicarrier modulation which consists of splitting up a wide-band signal at a high symbol rate into several lower rate signals, each one occupying a narrower band. System performance improves because subcarriers experience flat fading channels and are orthogonal to one another. Recently, a number of papers have focused on a new alternative called Filter bank based multicarrier system (FBMC) which can offer a number of advantages over CP-OFDM system such as the improved spectral efficiency by not using a redundant CP and by having much better control of the out-of-band emission due to the time-frequency localized shaping pulses.Furthermore, asynchronism inherently exists in several communication systems due to many factors e.g. the propagation delays and the spatial distribution of users. As one of the most challenging issue in design of communication systems, the asynchronism can harmfully affect the system performance by causing the so-called asynchronous interference.In this dissertation, we investigate the impact of asynchronism on the performance of OFDM FBMC systems. First, we present a unified framework for multicarrier interference characterization and analysis in asynchronous environments. We propose a new family of interference tables that model the correlation between a given interfering subcarrier and the victim one, not only as a function of the spectral distance separating both subcarriers but also with respect to the timing misalignment between the subcarriers holders. These tables are derived for CP-OFDM, PHYDYAS-FBMC and IOTA-FBMC systems. Furthermore, the impact of the asynchronous interference on the average error rate and the average spectral efficiency of OFDM and FBMC systems is addressed. Based on computing the moment generating functions of the asynchronous interference power, simple new expressions for the exact evaluation of the average error rate and the average spectral efficiency are derived considering the frequency correlation fading between adjacent interfering subcarriers. These expressions significantly reduce the computation complexity of the performance evaluation.For each technique two scenarios are examined: fully-loaded network and partially loaded ones. The accuracy of the obtained expressions has been validated through different simulation results. In contrast to OFDM, FBMC waveforms are demonstrated to be less sensitive to timing asynchronism, due to the better frequency localization of the used prototype filters.

Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms for GNSS/OFDM Receiver / Algorithmes avancés de traitement du signal pour réception des signaux GNSS et OFDM

Serant, Damien 13 October 2012 (has links)
De par le développement de nombreux services et d’applications de localisation (positionnement des téléphones mobiles, aide à la personne…), le positionnement urbain et à l’intérieur des bâtiments représente aujourd’hui un marché important. Cependant, ces environnements sont très contraignants pour les systèmes de positionnement par satellites, à cause du blocage du signal par les bâtiments, des multitrajets, des interférences, etc. Même si des adaptations du système de positionnement par satellites existent pour réduire ces problèmes (récepteur haute-sensibilité, Assisted-GPS, évolutions système), elles ne permettent pas d’atteindre une disponibilité, une continuité et une précision suffisantes en ville et à l’intérieur des bâtiments. Quelques alternatives au positionnement par satellites permettent de compléter ce dernier dans ces environnements difficiles. Ce sont, par exemple, d’autres capteurs de position (accéléromètres, magnétomètres, gyroscopes, odomètres, laser, vidéo), ou des systèmes radio dédiés (pseudolites, RFID, UWB) ou encore des signaux d’opportunités (SO). Les SO sont des signaux de communication (par exemple : des signaux téléphonie mobile, radio, TV, Wifi) qui sont utilisés opportunément pour faire du positionnement. Bien que ces signaux ne soient pas prévus pour de telles applications, ils ont l’avantage d’être nombreux et variés dans les villes et à l’intérieur des bâtiments. De plus, ils permettent, de par leur nature, une bonne intégration des services de positionnement et de communication. Parmi tous les SO envisageable, cette thèse se concentre sur ceux basés sur la modulation « Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing » (OFDM), qui apparait comme un choix évident, du fait de son incroyable popularité parmi les standards de communication actuels et futurs (Wi-Fi, WiMAX, LTE, DVB-T/H/SH, DAB, T-DMB, ISDB-T, MediaFLO utilisent tous la modulation OFDM). Parmi tous les standard existants basés sur la modulation OFDM, le standard européen « Digital Video Broascasting – Terrestrial » de télévision numérique terrestre, a été choisi comme cas d’étude dans cette thèse car sa structure est relativement simple, permettant la réutilisation du travail pour d’autres standards basés sur la modulation OFDM et qu’il est déjà opérationnel et déployé en Europe, rendant possible des tests sur signaux réels. Une méthode de mesure de pseudodistance basée sur des mesures de temps de propagation et utilisant les signaux DVB-T a été développée. Cette méthode utilise des boucles à verrouillage de retard (DLL) et prend en compte la spécificité des canaux de propagation terrestres (nombreux multitrajets, signal direct parfois absent, évanouissement du signal reçu…). Les performances de cette méthode ont été déterminées théoriquement et validées par simulation, dans un cas idéal (canal de propagation gaussien). Cette étude théorique montre notamment un écart-type de l’erreur d’estimation de la pseudodistance de l’ordre du mètre pour des SNR supérieurs à -20 dB, soit 30 à 40 dB en dessous du SNR requis pour décoder le signal TV. Les performances dans un canal réaliste ont été déterminées empiriquement grâce à des tests sur signaux réels. Un banc de test à été développé . Il permet la réception de signaux TV avec deux antennes indépendantes et est muni d’un récepteur GPS pour avoir une référence de position et fournir une référence de temps au reste du banc de test. Des mesures sur signaux réels on été réalisées dans plusieurs environnements (rural, urbain et à l’intérieur de bâtiments) en utilisant un émetteur TV synchronisé sur le temps GPS ou deux émetteurs en réseau mono-fréquence (SFN). Les résultats des mesures sur signaux réels ont montré des écart-types de l’erreur d’estimation de pseudodistance de l’ordre de la dizaine de mètres, avec de meilleures performances en environnement rural (car moins de multitrajets) et une amélioration de la performance lors de l’utilisation de la diversité d’antenne. / The recent years have shows a growing interest in urban and indoor positioning with the development of applications such as car navigation, pedestrian navigation, local search and advertising and others location-based-services (LBS). However, in urban and indoor environment the classical mean of positioning, the Global Positioning Satellite System (GNSS) has limited availability, accuracy, continuity and integrity due to signal blockage by building, intense multipath conditions and interferences from the other signals, abundant in metropolitan areas. Even some improvements of GNSS can reduce these issues (high-sensitivity receiver, assisted-GNSS, multi-constellation GNSS…), they do not permit to reach sufficient performance in deep urban and indoor environments. However, some alternatives to GNSS allow complementing it in difficult environments. They are, for example, additional sensors (accelerometers, gyrometers, magnetometers, odometers, laser, and video), radiofrequency systems dedicated to positioning (pseudolites, RFID, UWB) or signals of opportunity (SoO). SoO are telecommunication signals (as mobile phone, TV, radio, Wi-Fi) that are used opportunely to provide a positioning service. Even if these signals are not designed for such application, they have the advantages to be many and varied in urban and indoor environments. In addition they allow, by definition, a good integration of communication and positioning services. Among all the SoO available, this thesis focuses on the one based on the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation. This choice is motivated by the important popularity of this modulation, that has been chosen in several actual and future telecommunication and broadcasting standards (Wi-Fi, WiMAX, LTE, DVB-T/H/SH, DAB, T-DMB, ISDB-T, MediaFLO…). Among this standard using the OFDM modulation, the European standard for digital television called “Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial” (DVB-T) has been selected to be studied in this thesis. The choice is motivated by the relatively simple definition of this standard, allowing reuse of the work for other OFDM standards, and also because it is already operational in Europe, allowing tests on real signals. A method to obtain ranging measurements based on timing synchronization using DVB-T signals has been developed. This method uses delay lock loops (DLL) and takes into account the specificity of the terrestrial propagation channel (many multipathes, direct signal sometimes absent, quick variation of received power…). The performance of the method has been determinate theoretically and validated by simulation, in an ideal case (i.e.; with a Gaussian propagation channel). This theoretical study has proven than the ranging error standard deviation has an order of magnitude of 1 meter, for signal to noise ratio of about -20 dB, a SNR 40 dB under the demodulation threshold of the TV signal. The performance in a realistic propagation channel has been determined on real signal. For that purpose a test bench has been developed. It allows to receive and record TV signals on two synchronized antennas and it includes and GPS receiver to record a reference position and provide a GPS time reference to the test bench. Tests on real signals have been realized in several environments (sub-urban, urban and indoor) using 1 emitter synchronized on GPS time and 2 emitters in a signal frequency network (SFN). The results of these tests on real signals showed a precision of the ranging estimation of about 10 meters with a better performance in rural environment and an improvement of the ranging estimate using antenna diversity. Finally, the thesis proves the feasibility of positioning with signal using the OFDM modulation, with a technique that can be easily tailored to other OFDM signal than DVB-T.

Etude de solutions OFDM en technologie "Photonique Silicium" pour les futures générations de réseaux optiques passifs / Silicon Photonics based Optical OFDM Solutions for Future Passive Optical Networks

Beninca de Farias, Giovanni 05 December 2013 (has links)
Dans le contexte des Réseaux Optiques Passifs (PON), les opérateurs recherchent des solutions innovantes pour augmenter le débit agrégé, nombre d'utilisateurs et portée de la transmission. En plus, des solutions émetteurs-récepteurs à bas coût sont nécessaires. La technique de transmission Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) peut améliorer les performances de la communication en termes de débit agrégé et portée comparé à la modulation classique On-Off Keying (OOK) mono-porteuse. Au même temps, la technologie Photonique sur Silicium permet de réduire le coût par unité des émetteurs-récepteurs, en raison de sa capacité de production en masse et intégration électro-optique. L'OFDM optique a déjà démontré son potentiel avec des composants optiques sur étagère. Par contre, son utilisation avec des émetteurs compatibles avec la technologie Photonique sur Silicium est plus difficile. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier les performances d'un lien basé sur des composants Photoniques sur Silicium utilisant la technique de modulation OFDM. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une plateforme de simulation dédiée est développée. Le modulateur-démodulateur OFDM est mise en place, ainsi que des modèles d'émetteurs Photoniques sur Silicium développés pendant la thèse. Ces modèles sont validés expérimentalement avec la caractérisation des composants disponibles au laboratoire. En parallèle, un banc expérimental est construit. Les émetteurs Photoniques sur Silicium sont comparés avec des composants à l'état-de-l' art sur étagère dans un lien OFDM optique. Dans les systèmes en modulation d'intensité et détection directe (IM/DD), une technique d'allocation quasi-optimale de bits et puissance avec de l'OFDM optique est proposée pour maximiser l'efficacité spectrale. Deux types d'émetteurs Photoniques sur Silicium sont considérés : des lasers hybrides III/V-sur-Silicium en modulation directe (expérimentation) et des modulateurs externes comme le Mach-Zehnder (MZM) (simulation) et en anneau-résonant (expérimentation et simulation). Les résultats expérimentaux montrent qu'un débit agrégé de 10Gbps peut être attendu jusqu'à 50km de fibre monomode, compatible avec les exigences de futures générations de PONs. La portée de la transmission (>10Gbps) avec le modulateur en anneau est limitée à 20km, en raison des pertes de couplage élevé en entrée/sortie de la puce. Les simulations montrent que la portée peut atteindre 100km si les pertes sont réduites. Une technique de modulation appelée Single-Side Band (SSB)-OFDM est connu pour améliorer le produit bande-passante-portée de la transmission, en comparaison avec des systèmes IM/DD (Dual-Side Band (DSB)). Par contre, l'émetteur SSB exige plusieurs composants électriques et optiques discrets, augmentant sa complexité. La technologie Photonique sur Silicium permet de un haut niveau d'intégration électro-optique. Pour cette raison, une implémentation spécifique d'un modulateur optique IQ sur Silicium permettant une génération efficace d'un signal SSB-OFDM est étudiée. Les résultats de simulation d'un cas d'étude montrent que l'émetteur Silicium permet d'atteindre une pénalité dans le budget optique relativement faible (de l'ordre de 3dB) comparé à un modulateur LiNbO3. Les solutions présentées dans cette thèse répondent aux besoins de future générations de PON en termes de débit avec des bandes-passantes relativement faibles (<6.25GHz). Ceci est un atout pour l'application considérée. Les tensions de modulations pour les liens IM/DD sont proches des celles fournies par l'électronique CMOS (about 2Vpp). Le développement récent de processeurs numériques et de convertisseurs numériques-analogiques à haut débit en CMOS font de l'OFDM une solution très attractive pour les futures générations de PONs, puisque des transmetteurs tout-Silicium peuvent désormais être envisagés. / In the context of Passive Optical Networks (PON), operators are looking for innovative solutions to increase aggregated data-rate, split-ratio and reach. Another requirement is that transceivers should be as low-cost as possible. The optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique can improve performance of the transmission in terms of data-rate and reach as compared to classical single-carrier On-Off Keying (OOK) modulation. At the same time, the silicon photonics technology can lower the cost per unit of the transceiver, due to its mass production and E/O integration capabilities. Optical OFDM has already shown its potential using commercially available optical components. However, its use with silicon photonics Directly-Modulated Lasers (DML) and modulators is more challenging. The objective of this work is to study the performance of OFDM -based solutions for future PON, using silicon photonics transmitters. For that purpose, a dedicated simulation platform is developed. The OFDM modem is implemented, as well as models of silicon photonic devices built during this thesis. These models are validated by characterizing physical components available for test. In parallel, an experimental test-bed is developed. The silicon photonics transmitters are benchmarked with commercial-available transmitters for OFDM-based optical systems. For Intensity-Modulated/Directly-Detected (IM/DD) links, the use of optical OFDM with adaptive bit and power loading is proposed to maximize spectral efficiency. Two types of silicon photonics transmitters are considered: directly modulated III/V-on-silicon lasers (experiment) and external optical modulators such as Mach-Zehnder Modulator (MZM) (simulation) and ring-resonator (simulation and experiment). Experimental results show that the hybrid DML can provide more than 10Gbps aggregated data-rate over at least 50km, which is a requirement for future uplink PON (from the subscriber to the central office). For the silicon ring modulator, because of the high coupling loss in and out of the photonic chip, reach was limited to 20km for a data-rate higher than 10Gbps. These are the first experimental demonstrations of OFDM modulation with hybrid III/V-on-silicon lasers and silicon ring-resonator modulator. Besides, simulation results show that reach can be indeed improved up to 100km if the optical signal is amplified or the coupling loss reduced. A modulation technique called Single-Side Band (SSB)-OFDM is known to improve the [bandwidth x reach] product of the link, as compared to IM/DD (Dual-Side Band (DSB)) systems. However, it requires expensive transmitters with several discrete optical components. As silicon photonics technology allows a very high level of integration between different optical components and between electrical and optical devices, a silicon optical IQ modulator enabling ac{SSB}-ac{OFDM} technique is investigated. Simulation results of a study-case reveal that a relatively low optical budget penalty (up to 3dB) of the silicon photonics transmitters as compared to the LiNbO3 modulator is achieved. The solutions presented in this thesis are demonstrated to be compliant with future PON in terms of data-rate, with relatively low bandwidth (<6.25GHz) electronics. This is a great asset for the considered application. The driving voltages required for typical IM/DD systems showed to be closer to what CMOS driving circuitry can provide (about 2Vpp). Recent developments on high-speed digital signal processors and D/A-A/D converters, using CMOS technologies, make optical-OFDM an attractive solution for future PONs as full-Silicon-transmitters could be used.

Estudos de sistemas OFDM para comunicações ópticas / Studies OFDM systems for optical communications

Willian Câmara Corrêa 03 October 2012 (has links)
A utilização, em sistemas de comunicações ópticas, de formatos de modulação digitais é vista, atualmente, como uma forma promissora de aumentar a eficiência espectral, frente aos diversos efeitos de degradação do sinal em fibra óptica, sem alterar a infraestrutura já implantada. É neste contexto que surge a técnica OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) que estabelece sobreposição espectral das subportadoras e, desta forma, permite a transmissão dos dados em forma multiplexada com grande eficiência espectral. No presente trabalho, foi proposta a simulação da técnica OFDM com modulação QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation) no software Optisystem, versões 9.0 e 10.0. O objetivo principal da pesquisa é estudar algumas configurações de sistemas OFDM óptico, com detecção direta e coerente, visando avaliar seu desempenho sistêmico frente a efeitos de propagação. Usando as figuras de mérito BER e diagrama de constelação para estabelecer a meta de ótimo desempenho, analisamos a técnica OFDM com detecção coerente em configurações aplicáveis, principalmente, para redes ópticas de acesso com alcance estendido. Para validação dos resultados, são apresentados também estudos que relacionam as degradações do sinal em fibra óptica e a técnica OFDM. Estes resultados foram comparados com os existentes na literatura, apresentando boa concordância. / The development of digital modulation formats in optical communications systems is considered to be a promising way to increase the spectral efficiency and to combat the effects of signal degradation in optical fiber without changing the infrastructure already deployed. In this context, the technique called OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) establishes a particular spectral overlap of the subcarriers, which allows data transmission to be multiplexed with high spectral efficiency. The main objective of the research is to study some configurations of optical OFDM systems with direct detection and coherent in order to evaluate their performance against propagation effects. Using the figures of merit BER and constellation diagram to establish the goal of optimal performance, we analyze the OFDM technique with coherent detection in configurations more applicable for optical access networks with extended reach. To validate the results we also present some studies that relate the degradation of the signal in an optical fiber and the OFDM technique. These results were compared with those described in literature, showing good agreement.

Sistemas de comunicação utilizando transmissão OFDM baseado em wavelets com subportadoras com modulação caótica.

Bernardo, Luiz Carlos 14 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:37:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Carlos Bernardo.pdf: 7288586 bytes, checksum: b7562f834db8a5ce808707075e7ce04b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-14 / A chaotic signal based communication system represents a new wideband transmission model. Nonetheless, chaotic based systems have not yet shown a distinguished performance in terms of bit error rate when transmitted in narrow band channels or in the presence of impairments in comparison to the traditional communications systems. The focus of this work relies on an experiment that overcomes this issue, through the conjugation of the characteristics of traditional communications based in orthogonal carriers and those originated from chaotic signals. More clearly, the chaotic modulation is employed in sub-carriers of traditional OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). This novel modulation scheme is implemented through the generation of chaotic sequences in a one dimensional map controlled by a parameter p which defines the central region of the map as a guard interval, the slope of the delimiting lines and the chaotic behavior of the generated sequence. This parameter also determines directly the amplitude of each symbol, making it more irregular and less predictable, avoiding the detection by eavesdroppers and increasing the security level of the link to be transmitted. Besides the change in the traditional OFDM modulator from 4QAM to chaotic one, the Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT /FFT) will be replaced by Wavelets Transform IDWT/DWT), in order to overcome some conventional OFDM s disadvantages Additionally a quadrature chaotic OFDM system was conceived, where the chaotic modulation was performed in a constellation I and Q that was submitted to the same channel conditions as the previous one. Both systems were simulated in a MATLAB® environment using the built in functions at the Communications System Toolbox and its behavior analyzed using the BER-Bit error rate versus SNR-Signal noise ratio. The obtained results were reported and scrutinized. / Sistemas de comunicações baseados em sinais caóticos representam um novo campo de estudo de transmissão em banda larga. Entretanto, sistemas baseados em sinais caóticos não apresentaram ainda um desempenho distinto em termos de taxa de erro, quando transmitidos em canais sem fios ou na presença de interferências em comparação aos sistemas tradicionais. O foco deste trabalho está na proposta de um novo esquema obtido através da conjugação das características da comunicação tradicional baseada em subportadoras ortogonais e aquelas originadas por sinais caóticos. Mais precisamente, a modulação caótica é empregada nas subportadoras de um sistema OFDM (Multiplexação por Divisão de Frequência Ortogonal) tradicional. Este novo modelo de modulação é implementado através de geração de sequências caóticas em um mapa unidimensional controlado por um parâmetro p que define uma região central do mapa como um intervalo de guarda e, por conseguinte, o comportamento caótico da sequência gerada. Este parâmetro também determina diretamente a amplitude de cada símbolo, fazendo-o mais irregular e menos previsível, evitando a detecção por pessoal não autorizado, possibilitando o aumento do nível de segurança da transmissão. Além da mudança no modulador do OFDM convencional de 4QAM para caótico, ter-se-á a substituição da Transformada Rápida de Fourier (IFFT/FFT), largamente utilizada em sistemas OFDM pela Transformada Wavelet (IDWT/DWT), de maneira a aprimorar os pontos fracos do sistema OFDM convencional. Como contribuição adicional, tem se a concepção do sinal com modulação simbólica em quadratura, ou seja, uma parte do sinal foi gerada no eixo I e a outra parte no eixo Q, criando uma modulação caótica em quadratura que é submetida aos mesmos canais da modulação caótica anterior. Os sistemas propostos foram simulados em ambiente MATLAB® utilizando-se de funções pré-existentes no modulo de ferramentas de comunicações (Communications System Toolbox) e o seu comportamento analisado em termos de gráficos que representam a relação da taxa de erro do bit (BER) versus relação sinal ruído (SNR). Os resultados obtidos foram reportados e debatidos.

Uma contribuição a estimação de canais PLC variantes no tempo utilizando sinais pilotos

Picorone, Antônio Ângelo Missiaggia 31 August 2009 (has links)
Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2017-03-02T12:13:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 antonioangelomissiaggiapicrone.pdf: 1988788 bytes, checksum: 6b0bc2b5525993261c14440b4ad8a007 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-03-06T19:35:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 antonioangelomissiaggiapicrone.pdf: 1988788 bytes, checksum: 6b0bc2b5525993261c14440b4ad8a007 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-06T19:35:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 antonioangelomissiaggiapicrone.pdf: 1988788 bytes, checksum: 6b0bc2b5525993261c14440b4ad8a007 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-31 / Nesta dissertação é discutido e analisado o desempenho de técnicas de estimação de canais baseada em sinais piloto para modulação OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing), aplicada a transmissão de dados através de canais PLC (Power Line Communications). Os canais PLC são modelados como linear e invariante no tempo (LIT), linear e variante no tempo (LVT) e linear e ciclicamente variante no tempo (LCVT) e um modelo de ruído aditivo impulsivo gaussiano (AIGN) é considerado. São mostrados os resultados de análises de desempenhos obtidos com os estimadores de canal adaptativo e n˜ao adaptativo associados com equalizadores de canal e técnicas estratégicas de alocação de sinais piloto. Os resultados obtidos, com base no desempenho das simulações, apontam direções interessantes para melhorar as técnicas de estimação de canais baseadas em sinais piloto quando o canal PLC é LIT, LVT ou LCVT e corrompidos por ruído AIGN. / In this dissertation is discussed and analyzed the performance of pilot-assisted channel estimation techniques for OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) modulation that is applied to data transmission through PLC (power line communications) channels. The PLC channels are modeled as linear and time-invariant (LIT), linear and time variant (LTV), and linear and cyclic time-variant (LCTV) ones when the additive impulsive gaussian noise (AIGN) is considered. Performance analysis obtained with adaptive and nonadaptive channel estimation techniques together with channel equalization and pilot signal allocation ones are provided. The results based upon performance simulation offer interesting directions to improve pilot-assisted channel estimation techniques when the PLC channel are LIT, LTV or LCTV corrupted by AIGN.

Déploiement de réseaux optiques d'accès NGPON dans des métropoles de pays en développement : proposition de nouvelles techniques d'implémentation de l'OFDM / Deployment of NGPON optical access networks in metropolitan cities of developing countries : proposition of new OFDM implementation techniques

Sanya, Max Frejus Owolabi 22 October 2015 (has links)
L’évolution rapide des services et applications multimédias (Internet haut débit, 3G, LTE) a entrainé un besoin chez les clients qui contraint les opérateurs à augmenter le débit de tous les segments du réseau, y compris le réseau d’accès. Les solutions utilisant la fibre optique tendent à remplacer progressivement les liaisons câblées (cuivre ou coaxial) afin de garantir des capacités de transfert plus importantes. La fibre optique est un medium très attractif car son atténuation linéique est très faible et sa bande passante importante. Cependant la dispersion chromatique de la fibre associée au chirp des sources optiques limite la montée en débit dans les futurs réseaux d’accès optiques (débits au-delà de 10 Gb/s) NG-PON (Next Generation Passive Optical Network). Dans ce contexte, des formats de modulation à efficacité spectrale meilleure que le NRZ pourraient être retenus. L’OFDM est une solution pour accroître l’efficacité spectrale, tout en garantissant une meilleure performance et une grande robustesse face aux canaux sélectifs en fréquence comme la fibre optique. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons proposé de nouvelles techniques d’implémentation de l’OFDM pour le NG-PON et évalué leurs performances dans un canal IM/DD. Nous avons montré par des simulations système dans un canal optique réaliste, que les techniques New DCO, New INC-ACO et DC-ACO sont capables d’augmenter les limitations de distances de transmission imposées par la modulation NRZ-OOK (Non-Return to Zero On-Off Keying) avec l’utilisation de composants bas coût. Ainsi, nous avons montré qu’avec les méthodes «MET (Minimization E-Tight)» et Levin-Campello, les techniques New DCO et DC-ACO permettent de réaliser des débits de 10 Gb/s sur une distance de 70 km en New DCO et 55 km en DC-ACO avec un taux de partage de 1×64. Cela permet d’affirmer que l’approche New AMOFDM serait un bon candidat pour le déploiement de réseaux d’accès optiques dans les métropoles de pays en développement. / The rapid development of multimedia services and applications such as broadband Internet, 3G, LTE, has led customers to force operators to increase throughput of all network segments, including the access network. Solutions using optical fiber tend to gradually replace cable based-copper or coaxial communications to ensure larger transfer capacity. The optical fiber is a very attractive medium because its linear attenuation is very low and its bandwidth very high. However, the chromatic dispersion of the fiber associated with the chirp of the optical sources limit the rise in flowrate in future optical access networks (beyond rates of 10 Gb/s) NG-PON (Next Generation Passive Optical Network). In this context, modulation formats with higher spectral efficiency than NRZ-OOK could be selected. OFDM is a solution to increase the spectral efficiency, while ensuring a better performance and high robustness against frequency selective channel such as fiber optics. In this thesis, we proposed a new OFDM techniques implementation for NG-PON and evaluated their performance in an IM/DD channel. We showed by simulations system of a realistic optical channel, that New DCO, New INC-ACO and DC-ACO OFDM techniques are able to increase the limited transmission distances imposed by the NRZ-OOK modulation with the use of low-cost components. Thus, we showed that using the “Minimization and E-Tight (MET)”or the Levin-Campello algorithm, the New DCO and DC-ACO techniques permit to achieve data rates of 10 Gb/s with a split ratio of 1 × 64 over a distance of 70 km with New DCO and 55 km for DC-ACO. Then we conclude that the New AMOFDM approach is a good choice for the deployment of optical access networks in metropolitan cities of developing countries.

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