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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Revize parní turbíny a návrh oprav / Revision of steam turbines and repair design

Grepl, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The theme of this master thesis is the revision and repair design of the condensing steam turbine SST 600 in Bielsko-Biala. The thesis deals with the revision of the steam turbine and the repair design of the damaged parts, the overall analysis of the separation of the steam of the split plane and the calculation of the parameters for tightening the new screws. The master thesis is given for a specific case. The introductory part of the master thesis deals with a basic description of the repaired steam turbine. Subsequently, a review of individual disassembled parts is given and the scope of the repairs is stated. In the next part of this thesis are summarized the causes of the steam leakage of the dividing plane at the points of the cross section and in the area of the control stage. The last part deals with the sealing problem of the split plane and the related main part of the master thesis is the calculation of the tightening parameters of bolts in the turbine housing. Another aim of the master thesis is to create drawings of the lightening of the split plane on turbine house.

Reducing Delays for Unplanned Maintenance of Service Parts in MRO Workshops : A case study at an aerospace and defence company

Jenvald, Mattias, Hovmöller, Mikael January 2020 (has links)
Service parts sometimes break down unexpectedly and require maintenance. The irregular nature of the need for this type of maintenance makes forecasting difficult and unreliable. Saab currently experiences problems with long delays when performing unplanned maintenance of service parts used in the two models of Gripen aircraft, Gripen C and Gripen D. These delays are source of monetary waste, as late delivery of maintained service parts results in Saab having to pay penalty fines to the customers. The purpose of this master thesis was to analyze data collected during a case study at Saab in Linköping, and suggest improvements for how to reduce these delays. This study focused on analyzing what caused the delays, and how the information provided by the customers can be used by the operative planners at the Maintenance, Repair \& Overhaul (MRO) workshops in order to be more efficient. The data was collected during the case study using semi-structured interviews of 16 people working with the current system, as well as by collecting historical data from an internal database at Saab. This data was analyzed in parallel with a literature study of relevant research related to service parts supply chains, MRO workshops, and unplanned maintenance operations. The analysis showed that there were four types of interruptions of maintenance; Internal stock-out of spare parts, internal stock-out of sub-units, external delays at the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), and internal equipment breakdowns. A root cause analysis found that the four root causes of delays were: Saab does not have any contracts that incentivizes their OEM's to deliver on time. The  data from the technical report is not used to provide the operative planners with information about incoming orders. The MRO workshops do not have a standardized system for prioritizing maintenance of service parts. The MRO workshops currently lacks a method for predicting certain types of machine breakdowns.

Samhällsbyggnadskonsekvenser av riksgränsens rättsliga reglering mellan Sverige och Norge / Consequences on urban management by the national border between Sweden and Norway

Eliaeson, Emilia, Nilsson, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Sveriges och Norges geografiska landområde skiljs av riksgränsen. Riksgränsen är den längsta i Europa och avgränsar svensk och norsk lagstiftnings tillämpningsområde. Syftet med studien är att utreda vilken påverkan riksgränsen mellan Sverige och Norge har på samhällsbyggnadsprocessen i gränsnära områden. Detta görs genom att studera översynen av riksgränsen, gränsöverskridande byggnader och fastigheter med utfart över riksgränsen. Studien har genomförts med tre tillvägagångssätt i form av en studie av litteratur, intervjuer med sakkunniga och granskning av förrättningsakter. För studien av litteratur har relevant lagtext, förarbeten och doktrin studerats. Intervjuer med sakkunniga och granskning av förrättningsakter har genomförts för att samla in information som inte kunde inhämtas genom studien av litteratur. Riksgränsens sträckning regleras i svensk rätt av förordning om riksgränsen mellan Sverige och Norge (SFS 1989:809) och i norsk rätt av lov om grensetillsyn og grensekontroll av personer (LOV nr 8, 20/04/2018), som båda hänvisar till överenskommelser mellan länderna från år 1661 och 1751. Översyner av riksgränsen genomförs gemensamt av länderna i enlighet med nämnda överenskommelser. Uppförande av byggnader på riksgränsen sker genom samarbete mellan Sverige och Norge. En problematik med att uppföra byggnader på riksgränsen är att det tolkas strida mot bestämmelser i nämnda överenskommelser vilket gör att ett beslut om undantag från bestämmelserna måste ske.Vem som ska ta ett sådant beslut är inte självklart. Av de studerade fastigheterna vars utfart passerar riksgränsen är det ingen som har någon formell rätt till utfart. Fastigheternauppfyller kraven på lämplighet i 3 kap. fastighetsbildningslagen (SFS 1970:988) såvida inter iksgränsen riskerar att stängas vilket var fallet under coronapandemin åren 2020-2022. Slutsatsen som kan dras är att den svenska lagstiftningen för riksgränsen behöver ses över eftersom det finns brister i vad som gäller för exempelvis uppförande av en byggnad på gränsen. Svensk och norsk lagstiftning är i många avseenden lik varandra vilket gör att samordning fungerar bra vid åtgärder inom samhällsbyggnadsprocessen i gränsnära områden. Däremot har stängningen av riksgränsen under pandemin medfört konsekvenser som gör att det finns anledning att ifrågasätta en alltför snäv samordning mellan länderna utan restriktioner. / The geographical land area of Sweden and Norway is separated by a national border. The national border is the longest in Europe and sets apart the Swedish and Norwegian area of aw. The aim of the study is to investigate the influence of the national border between Sweden and Norway on the process of urban management in border close areas. This is carried out by studying the border overhaul of the national border, cross-border buildings and property units whose property exit crosses the national border. The study has been made with three modes of procedure consisting of a study of literature,interviews with specialists and examination of cadastral dossiers. For the study of literature relevant text of law, legal preparatory work and doctrine has been studied. Interviews with specialists and examination of cadastral dossiers has been carried out to gather information which couldn’t be gathered by the study of literature.The extension of the national border is regulated in Swedish law in ordinance of the national border between Sweden and Norway (SFS 1989:809) and in Norwegian law in law of border supervision and border control of people (LOV nr 8, 20/04/2018), which both refers to agreements between the nations from 1661 and 1751. Overhauls of the national border are carried out jointly by the countries in accordance with the mentioned agreements. Construction of buildings on the national border takes place through cooperation between Sweden and Norway. A problem with construction of buildings onthe national border is that it is interpreted to be contrary to terms in the mentioned agreements, which means that an exception from the regulations must be made. Who should make such a decision isn’t obvious. Out of all the examined property units whose property exit crosses the national border, none of them have a legislated right to use the property exit. The property units fulfills the demands of adequacy regulated in the third chapter first article of the Swedish property formation act (SFS 1970:988) unless the national border isn’t threatened to close, which was the case during the covid pandemic 2020-2022. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the Swedish law for the national border needs to be reviewed because the law is lacking in what applies for example construction of a building on the border. Swedish and Norwegian laws are in many aspects alike which makes coordination between the countries function well for actions within the process of urban management in border close areas. However the closing of the national border due to the pandemic has caused consequences the law couldn’t foresee and a need for restrictions and regulations seem imminent

Životní cyklus stroje / Machine tool Life Cycle

Mikulka, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the determination of the life cycle state of the production machine. The thesis is divided into several chapters. First, the life cycle of the machine is defined, and the phrase used here is given. Subsequently, the work is devoted to maintenance, repairs and modernization of the production machine. Then there is a demonstration of Schaeffler Skalica's corporate structure and individual methods that determine the state of the machine's life cycle. In the next chapter, the machine is described and then the analysis is made for the current state of the machine. Then the analyses created are evaluated.

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