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Implications of Irrigation and Land Use Changes in a High Country Valley - The Hakataramea ValleyHowden, Benjamin Alexander January 2012 (has links)
There have been major changes to the farming practices across Canterbury in the past 50 years, with the biggest changes seen in the previous two decades. These changes in farming practices, namely dairy farming and irrigation, have lead to declining water quality in the region. The changes that have been experienced on the Canterbury plains are now being seen in the hill and high country settings, such as the Hakataramea Valley.
This study found that the waterways in the Hakataramea Valley are susceptible to nutrient enrichment following a rainfall event that caused soil runoff. Wind erosion also occurrs in the valley and was believed to be the major source of nutrient transport in the waterways, however, this was proven to be not as significant as soil runoff. The valley showed a range in water quality, with the river generally being of a higher quality than the tributaries. One tributary in particular stood out as being lower in quality than the others, this was Rocky Point stream. It was identified that the tributary catchments that had extensive farming systems and no irrigation present (Grampians Stream and Rocky Point Stream) were of a lower quality than the tributary that had irrigation (Padkins Stream). This was due to the fact that waterways in this catchment were fenced, and on farm stockwater systems were in place, stopping stock from accessing the waterway.
The OVERSEER modelling of the future scenarios presented showed that if the agriculture in the valley was to continue to develop and intensify, the water quality would decline. If the valley became completely irrigated this decline could potentially be large enough to result in a level that would become unsafe for recreational use and human and animal consumption.
The future of the Hakataramea Valley and its waterways depends on improved management processes that focus on specific areas of the catchment and the catchment as a whole.
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Dozorkyně a lékařky v koncentračních a vyhlazovacích táborech nacistického Německa / Female overseers and physicians in the concetration and examination camps of nazi germanyStraková, Katarína January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Female Overseers and Doctors in the Concentration and Extermination Camps of Nazi Germany" deals with life and deeds of these women before and during World War 2. In my thesis I would therefore like to address the possible causes of the Holocaust, I want to think about how we can from the relatively recent past World War 2 learn, or whether there are any options to prevent similar incidents. It will try to hold on to the role of women in the extermination camps, which were the main venue of the program extermination of Jews and other minorities. I will focus on the phenomenon of "bad women" in the death camps, thus nazi women or female doctors. I would like this type of women looked at from a sociological point of view. If possible, a description of their origin, family background, education, interpersonal relationships, behavior in the camp and the like. It is clear that there are more reasons why some individuals become a cruel figure. Of course, some tendencies to violence inside each and every one must be encoded. I believe, however, that the main role is played by education, whether at home or at school.
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A difusão do ideário escolanovista em grupos escolares sergipanos (1934-1961)Almeida, Anne Emilie Souza de 14 April 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present study has as its objective analyzing the process of diffusion of the ideário" of the New School in the daily of school groups from Sergipe, from1934 until the year of 1960. Based on the perspective of New Cultural History, it searched theoretical endorsement in the workmanships of Lourenço Filho, Marta Carvalho, Zaia Brandão and Clarice Nunes. The sources of research for this study had been the terms of visit and the bulletins of inspection, acts of the pedagogical meetings, periodicals, legislation, amongst other sources. The school groups chosen for the related study were the School
Group Dr. Manoel Luis , João Fernandes de Brito and the Gumercindo Bessa . The escolanovista ideário was spread out in the courses of formation of teachers, in the
work of school overseers and in pedagogical meetings in daily of school groups, a procedure established in the Regulation 262, of October of 1945, a ruling document of the Public Instruction from Sergipe. From this process of diffusion it had protruded the work of some intellectuals as Helvécio de Andrade, Rocha Lima, Nunes Mendonça and Acrísio Cruz. / O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o processo de difusão do ideário da Escola Nova no cotidiano dos grupos escolares sergipanos, o ano de 1934 até o ano de 1960. Pautando-se na perspectiva da Nova História Cultural, buscou respaldo teórico nas obras de Lourenço Filho, Marta Carvalho, Zaia Brandão, Clarice Nunes. As fontes de pesquisa para esse estudo foram os termos de visita e os boletins de inspeção, atas das reuniões pedagógicas, jornais, legislação, entrevistas. Os grupos escolares selecionados para o referido estudo foi o Grupo Escolar Dr. Manoel Luís , João
Fernandes de Brito e o Gumercindo Bessa .O ideário escolanovista foi difundido nos cursos de formação de professores, no trabalho dos inspetores escolares e nas reuniões pedagógicas realizadas no cotidiano dos grupos escolares, procedimento estabelecido no Regulamento nº. 262, de outubro de 1945, documento normatizador da Instrução Pública sergipana. Nesse processo de difusão teve destaque o papel de vários intelectuais como Helvécio de Andrade, Rocha Lima, Nunes Mendonça e Acrísio Cruz.
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La politique des souverains égyptiens de la XVIIIe dynastie au Levant : mise en place d’une domination / The Policy of the Egyptian Kings of the XVIIIth Dynasty in the Near East : The Setting of a DominationSeguin, Joffrey 14 December 2009 (has links)
Durant la période pharaonique, l’Etat égyptien pris le contrôle du Levant à deux reprises, dès la période prédynastique et au Nouvel Empire. Le premier temps d’occupation égyptienne est connu par des traces archéologiques qui plaident pour un intérêt économique. L’Egypte y installe des colonies et gère en direct ces zones où les colons présents vivent largement séparés des populations locales.Le Nouvel Empire voit apparaître de nouvelles solutions. Le Levant ne connaît plus de colonisation ; les objectifs égyptiens ont changé. L’exploitation économique de la région est désormais une conséquence de l’occupation. La présence égyptienne revêt alors une valeur stratégique. La constitution d’une zone tampon séparant l’Egypte de ses principaux compétiteurs septentrionaux devait limiter leurs propres velléités stratégiques ou économiques.C’est bien la sécurité de l’Egypte qui est en jeu et qui dicte son comportement dans cette région ; un comportement au seul profit de l’Egypte qui ne fait aucun effort visant à permettre l’intégration a posteriori de quelque manière que ce soit de cette région dans un vaste système égyptien comme c’est apparemment le cas avec la Basse Nubie et comme on pourrait l’attendre d’un empire en cours de constitution.Il apparaît que sa gestion ne vise qu’une efficacité à court terme, sensible aux évolutions extérieures. Néanmoins la fin du Nouvel Empire est une lente dégradation de sa situation au Levant, peut-être parce que les menaces à l’origine de sa présence diminuent. La dernière réaction notable de l’Egypte est de contrecarrer l’avancée des Peuples de la mer, non pour restaurer un empire perdu au Levant, mais parce qu’encore une fois ils menacent l’intégrité territoriale de l’Egypte même. / During the Pharaonic period, the Egyptian State took the control of the Levant twice, as soon as the predynastic period and in the New Kingdom. This first example of Egyptian occupation is known by archaeological traces which plead for an economic interest. Egypt settles colonies to control these zones directly where the Egyptian inhabitants live widely separated from the local populations.In the New Kingdom new solutions appear. The Levant knows no more colonisation; Egyptian goals have changed. The economic exploitation of the region is in fact a consequence of its occupation. The Egyptian presence acquires then a strategical value. The constitution of an exclusive zone of control separating Egypt from its main northern opponents was aimed at limiting their own strategical or economic ambitions.It is the security of Egypt that is in balance and dictates its behaviour in this region; a behaviour in the sole benefit of Egypt who makes no effort aiming at allowing an integration of any kind of this region in a large Egyptian system as it is obviously the case with Lower Nubia and as it would be expected from an empire whose constitution is still in progress.It appears that its management aims only at a short-term effectiveness, influenced by external evolutions. Nevertheless the end of the New Kingdom is a slow deterioration of its situation in the Levant, perhaps because threats at the beginning of its presence are decreasing. The last noteworthy reaction of Egypt is to thwart the advance of the People of the Sea, not to restore a lost eastern empire, but only because once again the territorial integrity of Egypt is threatened.
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