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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clonagem, expressão e caracterização do gene da oxidase alternativa mitocrondial de Aspergilus fumigatus / Cloning, functional expression, and biochemical characterization of an alternative oxidase mitochondrial gene from A. fumigatus

Taísa Magnani Dinamarco 26 September 2008 (has links)
O Aspergillus fumigatus é um fungo filamentoso e saprofítico, encontrado em todas as regiões do mundo, desempenhando um importante papel na reciclagem de carbono e nitrogênio do solo. A principal forma de infecção ocorre através da inalação dos conídios com predominância de infecções no trato respiratório, principalmente em pacientes imunocomprometidos. A mitocôndria de A. fumigatus foi caracterizada em nosso laboratório, que revelou a presença de uma respiração resistente a cianeto mediada pela oxidase alternativa. A clonagem e sequenciamento deste gene foram realizadas através de screening de uma biblioteca de DNA genômico. O alinhamento das sequências genômica e de cDNA mostrou a presença de dois introns, que após splicing codifica uma proteína contendo 352 aminoácidos, possuindo uma massa molecular estimada de 40,84 kDa e um pI teórico de 9,51. Além disso, foram identificados domínios altamente conservados (LET, NERMHL, LEEA e RADEH) que interagem com átomos de ferro e estão contidos em -hélices propostas como responsáveis pela organização estrutural da enzima. A fim de caracterizar bioquimicamente esta proteína, a sequência de cDNA do gene foi clonada em plasmídeo pYES2 e expressa em S. cerevisiae INVSc1 como um modelo eucarioto. Após expressão, a proteína encontrou-se de forma ativa, conferindo à levedura uma respiração resistente a cianeto. Esta característica herdada provocou uma discreta diminuição na taxa de crescimento em meio não-fermentativo e uma capacidade de sobrevivência na presença de KCN. Acredita-se que a atividade das AOXs esteja diretamente relacionada com a presença de diferentes espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO). Neste contexto, a avaliação do efeito de diferentes agentes pró-oxidantes provocou um aumento na atividade e na expressão da enzima. Paralelamente, a caracterização funcional do gene foi realizada através da técnica de interferência por RNA, utilizando o vetor de expressão pALB1. Em meio contendo maltose, as cepas pALB1/aoxAf apresentaram coloração branca devido ao silenciamento do gene alb1. Os níveis de mRNA do gene aoxAf foram determinados por Real time RT-PCR, mostrando o eficiente silenciamento do gene alvo com a construção utilizada. Devido à relação já descrita entre ERO e a atividade das AOXs, avaliou-se a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio nas cepas silenciadas utilizando-se a sonda CM-H2DCFDA, observando maior produção na cepa pALB1/aoxAf. Além disso, a viabilidade destas cepas foi determinada por citometria de fluxo após a exposição com agentes pró-oxidantes, a qual indicou maior letalidade na cepa pALB1/aoxAf, quando comparada com CEA e pALB1. Da mesma forma, após a incubação dos conídios das cepas silenciadas com macrófagos de camundongos foi verificada uma maior atividade microbicida dos macrófagos na cepa duplamente silenciada pALB1/aoxAf, quando comparada com as outras cepas. Com estes resultados podemos concluir que a oxidase alternativa apresenta uma importante atividade antioxidante, além de contribuir nos mecanismos de defesa durante o processo de infecção de A. fumigatus. / The saprophytic species Aspergillus fumigatus is a deuteromycete fungus found worldwide, which has an essential role in recycling carbon and nitrogen. Following inhalation of conidia by the immunocompetent host, the innate cellular immune system is responsible for killing the conidia, exposing them to reactive oxygen. However, A. fumigatus is capable of surviving and replicating within the phagolysosomal compartment of immunocompromised macrophages. It was previously demonstrated that A. fumigatus mitochondria possess an alternative oxidase (aoxAf) wich is a cyanide-resistant protein. A partial genomic DNA library was screened to cloning an aoxAf gene. The alignment between the cDNA and genomic DNA sequences revealed the existence of two introns which after splicing encodes a 352 amino acid sequence with a calculated molecular mass of 40 kDa and a theoretical pI of 9.51. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed four regions completely conserved among the AOXs sequences (LET, NERMHL, LEEA and RADE-H), where six conserved amino acids residues are proposed to be a metal ligand site. To characterize the AOX protein, a cDNA of aoxAf gene was cloned into pYES2 plasmid and transformed in S. cerevisiae INVSc1. After the incubation of the cells in a nonfermentable medium in the presence of KCN, S. cerevisiae expressing AOX was able to grow, while it was lethal for the control yeast. These results suggest that the recombinant AOXAf is properly targeted to the S. cerevisiae mitochondria where it has functional activity. Studies with different species demonstrated that AOX is induced by a variety of treatments usually labeled as stresses. To verify the function of AOX in A. fumigatus under oxidative stress conditions, conidia were treated with different donors of ROS. These treatments caused an increase in aoxAf activity and transcription levels. To identify genetically attributes of virulence and oxidative defense in A. fumigatus, we construct a RNA interference plasmid. Two inverted repeated sequences of conserved region of an interest gene were amplified and cloned in pALB1 plasmid. In maltose medium pALB1 and pALB1/aoxAf transformants demonstrated white colonies, attributable to the reduction of alb1 gene expression. The aoxAf mRNA levels were analyzed by Real time RT-PCR, showing an efficient alternative oxidase gene silencing in pALB1 plasmid construction. It was previously demonstrated that ROS can stimulate the AOXs activity, so, we used the dye CM-H2DCFDA to measure ROS production in RNAi transformants, showing that the decrease in aoxAf gene expression caused an increase in ROS production. After incubation with ROS donors the viability of these strains was determined by flow cytometry analysis. The pALB1/aoxAf strain showed higher lethality, when compared with CEA and pALB1, suggesting the involvement of AOX in antioxidant defense in A. fumigatus. Besides, ROS produced by alveolar macrophages play an essential role in the killing of A. fumigatus conidia. In the same way, phagocytosis assay revealed that pALB1/aoxAf strain was more lethal than CEA and pALB1. With these results, we concluded that alternative oxidase is an efficient antioxidant system and might contribute with defense mechanism of A. fumigatus.

Mecanismos fisiopatológicos do desequilíbrio redox em células neointimais vasculares / Pathophysiological mechanisms of redox inbalance in neointimal vascular cells

Kenya Thiesen 04 May 2007 (has links)
O crescimento de uma camada neoíntima é o marcador central do processo aterosclerótico, bem como do remodelamento vascular associado à reestenose após intervenções vasculares terapêuticas, tais como angioplastia ou colocação de stents. A célula neointimal é essencialmente uma célula com fenótipo muscular liso indiferenciado, cuja origem pode ser múltipla e com característica ação secretora de matriz extracelular. Dentre os fatores que coordenam a (des)diferenciação, proliferação e migração destas células, há evidências de que processos redox tenham papel preponderante, porém os mecanismos de tais processos não estão claros. A compreensão mais profunda de tais mecanismos redox tem sido dificultada pela falta de modelos de células neointimais cultivadas. Os objetivos específicos deste trabalho são: 1) Desenvolver um modelo de cultura de células neointimais de artéria ilíaca de coelho obtidas após lesão por catéter-balão. 2) Avaliar em tais células índices do estado redox e potenciais fontes enzimáticas de ERO, com ênfase no complexo NAD(P)H oxidase. 3)Avaliar marcadores de estresse do retículo endoplasmático e sua correlação com os índices do estado redox. 4) Estudar o efeito de estímulos proapoptóticos como deprivação de soro, estressores do RE e particularmente administração exógena de NO na viabilidade e estado redox de células neointimais. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que: é possível obter células neointimais em cultura de modo reproduzível e estável. Células provenientes da artéria lesada mantém um estado persistente de aumento do estresse oxidativo. O estresse oxidativo nessas células decorre de produção aumentada de radical superóxido e ativação do complexo da NADPH oxidase vascular. Diferentemente do observado em vasos lesados, os marcadores do estresse do reticulo endoplasmático não se apresentam alterados se comparados a células musculares lisas normais. Células neointimais têm resposta aumentada a agonistas da NADPH oxidase e estressores celulares. A exposição a óxido nitrico promove aumento da produção de superóxido, particularmente acentuado em células neointimais. As curvas de viabilidade celular indicam uma sensibilidade aumentada a estressores do RE, doadores de NO e particularmente a oxidantes exógenos. Em conjunto, estes resultados permitem concluir que o fenótipo neointimal é um fenótipo de estresse oxidativo acentuado e persistente, mesmo em condições de cultura celular, e que este estresse oxidativo decorre pelo menos em parte da ativação do complexo NADPH oxidase no contexto de uma adaptação à resposta celular integrada ao estresse. Estes dados indicam novas perspectivas no entendimento dos mecanismos envolvidos na fisiopatologia redox da neoíntima, podendo suscitar o desenho de intervenções terapêuticas racionais. / Formation of a neointimal layer is the hallmark of most vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis and restenosis after angioplasty. Neointimal cells display an undifferentiated noncontractile smooth muscle phenotype with marked extracellular matrix secretion. Their origin can be multiple. Among factors that govern the (de)differentiation, proliferation and migration of neointimal cells, there is evidence for a key role of redox processes, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. Advancing the knowledge about such redox mechanisms has been difficulted by the absence of a reproducible method of neointimal cell culture. The objectives of this work are: 1) To develop a model of neointimal cell culture, in which cells are harvested from rabbit iliac arteries 14 days after overdistention balloon injury. 2) To assess the redox status in such neointimal cells and the possible enzymatic source of reactive oxygen, with emphasis in the NAD(P)H oxidase complex. 3) To investigate the expression of endoplasmic reticulum stress markers and their corralation with redox status. 4) To investigate the effects of proapoptotic stimuli such as serum deprivation, endoplasmic reticulum stressors and particularly the exogenous administration of nitric oxide in viability and redox status of neointimal cells. Our results show that it is possible to harvest and cultivate neointimal cells after balloon injury. The neointimal cells in culture, even after several passages, exhibit increased indexes of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress in such cells is associated with increased activation of the vascular NAD(P)H oxidase complex. Contrarily to what was observed in healing arteries harvested from in vivo rabbits, markers of ER stress did not show any change when compared with primary smooth muscle cells kept in similar conditions. Oxidative stress response was increased after NADPH oxidase agonists; in particular, exposure to exogenous nitric oxide markedly increased superoxide radical production in neointimal cells. Cell viability curves showed increased sensitivity to ER stressors, NO donors and, particularly, exogenous oxidants. Therefore, the neointimal phenotype is a phenotype of intrinsic sustained oxidative stress even after several passages in culture. Such oxidative stress is due at least in part to activation of the NAD(P)H oxidase complex in the context of adaptation to an integrated stress response. This data provide new perspectives to understand redox mechanisms associated with neointimal pathophysiology and can lead to development of rational therapeutic interventions.

Filmes de polipirrol como matrizes para a imobilização da polifenol oxidase e aplicação como biossensores amperométricos na análise de compostos fenólicos / Polypyrrole film as matrix for the immobilization of polyphenol oxidase and application as amperometric biosensors in the analysis of phenolic

Elys Raquel Andrade Ferreira 14 December 2007 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, a polifenol oxidase (PFO) como extrato bruto de abacate (Persea americana) foi imobilizada em filmes de polipirrol (PPI) sintetizados eletroquimicamente utilizando o glutaraldeído (GA) como um agente de ligação entrecruzada. Os filmes PPI e PPI/PFO-GA foram caracterizados por eletroquímica, principalmente voltametria cíclica, sendo avaliadas a eletroatividade e a reversibilidade eletroquímica. A detecção de compostos fenólicos em soluções padrão foi feita por cronoamperometria, tendo um controle sobre a concentração dos compostos. O processo de transferência de massa foi monitorado com uma microbalança de cristal de quartzo eletroquímica. Os resultados indicaram uma boa reprodutibilidade das medidas na detecção dos compostos fenólicos. A estabilidade do biossensor em uma solução tampão manteve-se durante 27 dias, um resultado aceitável já que é encontrado na literatura um tempo de vida estável para sistemas semelhantes em tomo de 30 dias / In this dissertation, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) as crude extract of avocado (Persea americana) was immobilized on electrochemical1y synthesized polypyrrole (PPY) films using glutaraldehyde (GA) as a crosslinking agent. PPY and PPY/PPO-GA films were electrochemical1y characterized, mainly by cyclic voltametry, where electroactivity and electrochemical reversibility were evaluated. The detection of phenolic compounds in standard samples was made by chronoamperometry with a control over the compound concentration. The process of mass transfer was monitored with an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM). Our results indicated a good repeatability of the measurements for the detection of phenolic compounds. The stability of biosensor in a buffer solution has remained for 27 days, a result acceptable since it is found in the literature a time of life stable for similar systems around 30 days

Influência do contra-íon usado na eletrossíntese do polipirrol em sua resposta como biossensor eletroquímico após a imobilização da polifenol oxidase / Influence of counter-ion used in the electrosynthesis of polypyrrole in your response as electrochemical biosensors after polyphenol oxidase immobilization

Valquiria da Cruz Rodrigues Barioto 16 July 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foram fabricados biossensores amperométricos a partir do uso da polifenol oxidase (PFO), obtida do abacate como fonte enzimática, imobilizada em filmes de polipirrol (PPI) e que foram eletrossintetizados em meio de três diferentes eletrólitos de suporte (NaCl e NaClO4 e NaDDS). O método de imobilização enzimática foi o da adsorção, sendo a solução de enzima adicionada à solução com o pirrol e o eletrólito durante o processo de eletropolimerização. Os filmes de PPI/PFO foram caracterizados por técnicas eletroquímicas, principalmente por voltametria cíclica. A detecção de compostos fenólicos (catecol e pirogalol) foi realizada pela técnica de cronoamperometria após se variar a concentração do analito. A morfologia dos filmes foi estudada por microscopia de força atômica (AFM), sendo observado que a presença da enzima no filme polimérico assim como o uso de diferentes eletrólitos de suporte levou a diferenças na superfície dos filmes. Além disto, verificou-se que o biossensor construído a partir do uso do NaCl, apresentava uma resposta mais eficiente, ou seja, ele foi capaz de detectar catecol e pirogalol em um menor limite de detecção. / In this study amperometric biosensors were manufactured from the use of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) obtained from avocado as a source of enzyme immobilized in polypyrrole (PPY) films that were electrosynthesized with three different support electrolytes (NaCl, NaClO4 and NaDDS). The method of enzyme immobilization was the adsorption. The PPO was added in the solution containing pyrrole and electrolyte during electropolymerization. The PPY/PPO films were characterized by electrochemical techniques mainly by cyclic voltammetry. Detection of phenolic compounds (catechol and pyrogallol) was performed by the technique of chronoamperometry after varying the concentration of the analyte. The morphology of the films was studied by the atomic force microscopy (AFM) and observed that the presence of the enzyme in the polymer film and the use of different electrolytes support led to differences in the surface of films. However it was found that the biosensor constructed from the use of NaCl showed more efficient response and it was able to detect catechol and pyrogallol in a lower limit of detection.

Role of NADPH Oxidase 4 in the Redox Regulation of the Sodium (Na+)/ iodide (I-) Symporter in Papillary Thyroid Cancer / Rôle de la NADPH oxydase 4 dans la régulation redox du symporteur sodium (Na+)/ iodure (I-) dans le câncer papillaire de la thyroïde

Cazarin de Menezes, Juliana 20 March 2018 (has links)
Le symporteur Na+/I- (NIS) médie le captage de l'iode dans la glande thyroïde et cette propriété est exploitée depuis de nombreuses années en thérapeutique pour traiter les cancers différenciés de la thyroïde à l’iode radioactif 131 (Radiothérapie métabolique ou RAI). Cependant, 5 à 10% des patients deviennent réfractaires à la RAI, ce qui indique un mauvais pronostic. La réduction de l'expression NIS et son internalisation sont caractéristiques de ce processus. La mutation activatrice BRAFV600E est la plus fréquemment identifiée au sein des cancers différenciés de la thyroïde de type papillaires (CPT), qui est le type le plus répandu. Dans les thyrocytes de souris, BRAF muté induit la sécrétion de TGF qui active ensuite la voie Smad ce qui entraîne la répression du NIS. La NADPH oxydase 4 (NOX4), enzyme génératrice d’espèces réactives de l'oxygène (ROS), est un médiateur clé de la signalisation du TGFß dans de nombreux types cellulaires et sa surexpression a été détectée dans le cancer de la thyroïde. L'objectif de ce travail est d'évaluer si NOX4 est un médiateur de la répression NIS induite par BRAFV600E dans des lignées cellulaires thyroïdiennes. En utilisant une lignée cellulaire de thyroïde normal de rat (PC-BRAF), nous avons démontré que le TGF-β ou l'expression BRAFV600E promeut la diminution de l'ARNm NIS ainsi que celle du captage de l'iodure en revanche ils augmentent l’expression de l'ARNm NOX4. Le silençage de Nox4 par siRNA ou un traitement des cellules par SIS3, un inhibiteur de pSmad3, inhibe la répression du NIS médiée par BRAFV600E, indiquant l'implication de la voie Smad3 et de Nox4 dans cette répression. Dans la lignée tumorale BCPAP derivée d’un CPT humain et porteuse de la mutation BRAFV600E, nous avons également observé une augmentation de l'expression de l'ARNm NIS lorsque BRAFV600E ou NOX4 sont inhibés. Dans les cellules BCPAP, un traitement par H2O2 augmente l'expression de la protéine ADN méthyltransférase 1 (DNMT1) dans la fraction cellulaire enrichie en protéines liées à la chromatine. Un traitement par des antioxydants ou le silençage de NOX4 réduise ce recrutement. Le TGF augmente le niveaux de protéines DNMT1 dans la fraction cellulaire enrichie en chromatine, lequel qui est renversé par un traitement par un inhibiteur de NADPH oxydase : le Diphenyleneiodonium (DPI). La méthylation de l'ADN induite par le TGF et l'hypoacétylation de l'histone H3K9/K14, qui sont des marques de répression de la transcription, sont détectées au niveau du promoteur NIS. L’ensemble de ces données suggère que Nox4 est un acteur clé de la signalisation TGF-BRAFV600 et joue un rôle répressif sur l'expression du NIS, probablement par des mécanismes épigénétiques. Cette étude apporte des données fonctionnelles pour le développement de nouveaux outils thérapeutiques. / The co-transporter Na+/ I- (NIS) mediates iodide uptake in thyroid gland which is a key step in hormonal biosynthesis. Iodide accumulation by thyrocytes is the basis of radioiodine therapy (RAI) which is the standard post-surgery therapeutic approach to efficiently eliminate remaining cancer lesions and metastasis of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). However, 5-10% of DTC patients become RAI-refractory which is indicative of poor prognosis. Reduced NIS expression and NIS internalization are in this process. BRAFV600E mutation is the most common genetic event in papillary thyroid cancers (PTCs), the most prevalent type of DTC. In rat thyrocytes, BRAFV600E induces secretion of TGFβ that activates Smad pathway resulting in NIS downregulation and overexpression of TGFβ is associated with NIS repression in patients. NADPH oxidase NOX4, a professional reactive oxygen species (ROS) generating enzyme, is a key mediator of TGFβ signaling in many cell types and has been previously demonstrated to be overexpressed thyroid cancers. To better understand the molecular mechanisms involved in PTC loss of iodine avidity, the aim of this work is to evaluate whether NOX4 is a key player of BRAFV600E-mediated NIS repression in thyroid cell lines. Using a normal rat thyroid cell line (PC-BRAF) we demonstrated that TGF-β administration or expression of BRAFV600E resulted in reduced NIS mRNA, reduced iodine uptake and increased NOX4 mRNA expression. NOX4 silencing or treatment with SIS3 an inhibitor of Smad pathway partially inhibited NIS repression indicating the implication of both Smad pathway and NOX4. To confirm this results we used a human thyroid cancer cell lines that harbors BRAFV600E mutation (BCPAP and 8505c) and observed an increase in NIS expression followed by BRAFV600E or NOX4 downregulation. Exogenous H2O2 induced DNA methyl-transferase 1 (DNMT1) enrichment in tight-chromatin protein fraction which was decreased by antioxidants or NOX4 silencing in BCPAP cells. TGF increased DNMT1 protein levels in chromatin-enriched cell fraction which was reversed by NADPH oxidase inhibitor, Diphenyleneiodonium (DPI). TGF-mediated DNA methylation and histone H3K9/K14 hypoacetylation were detected in NIS promoter, which is a repressive transcriptional mark. The data obtained suggest that NOX4 is a mediator of BRAFV600-TGF signaling and has a repressive role over NIS expression probably through epigenetic mechanisms. These results should lead to a better understanding of NIS expression regulation in thyroid cancer, bringing functional data for the development of new therapeutic tools.

Hydrogen Peroxide Released From Pyropia yezoensis Induced by Oligo-Porphyrans: Mechanisms and Effect

Hou, Yun, Wang, Jing, Simerly, Thomas, Jin, Weihua, Zhang, Hong, Zhang, Quanbin 01 January 2015 (has links)
In this study, oligo-porphyrans, obtained by acid hydrolysis of porphyran, were investigated for their H2O2-inducing abilities in the defense responses of P. yezoensis. Oligo-porphyrans with average molecular weights (MWs) lower than 1.43 kDa had H2O2-inducing abilities. In contrast, oligo-porphyrans with average MWs of 6.12 kDa triggered no response. The active oligo-porphyrans were fractioned by anion-exchange chromatography. We found that two distinct mechanisms might be involved in the oligo-porphyran-induced H2O2 release in P. yezoensis. Mixtures of mono-sulfated oligo-galactans with degrees of polymerization (DPs) ranging from 1 to 3 might induce the response through the oxidation of cellular oligosaccharides, which enable P. yezoensis to resist rotting caused by dense incubation. Mixtures of oligo-porphyrans, consisting of 4 ~ 7 monosaccharide residues and 2 ~ 3 sulfate groups, might induce the generation of H2O2 by activation of NADPH oxidase, leading to an oxidative burst in P. yezoensis. The elicitor activity of oligo-porphyrans thus depends on their molecular size.

Modified Electrodes for Amperometric Determination of Glucose and Glutamate Using Mediated Electron Transport

Harper, Alice C. 07 July 2005 (has links)
The main goal of this research was to develop an easy to prepare and sensitive biosensor that would be able to detect glutamate in solution using ionic self-assembly methods. This was accomplished by preparing an ionically-self-assembled monolayer that included an electron transport mediator and an enzyme that would generate a current proportional to the concentration of analytes in solution. Biosensors were produced for the detection of glucose and glutamate. Ferrocene poly(allylamine) (FePAA) was assembled on negatively charged self-assembled monolayer and shown to be electrostatically bound by cyclic voltammetry. Model films were made of FePAA and poly(styrenesulfonate) to determine if multilayer films could be assembled using electrostatic assembly. These experiments demonstrated that 7 bilayers is the maximum number of bilayers oxidizable by the heterogeneous reaction at the electrode surface. ISAMs were then assembled on a 2 mm gold electrode and on a gold fiber microelectrode using FePAA and glucose oxidase. Using cyclic voltammetry, these ISAMs were shown to be able to oxidize glucose in solution. The LOD was determined to be lower for the microelectrode than for the 2 mm gold electrode, which was expected, while both compared well to the literature. The Km? were found to be smaller than other glucose biosensors while the Icat increased with increasing number of bilayers. This demonstrated that the GluOx is making good electrical contact with the layer below. These glucose oxidase ISAMs, however, do not exhibit structural stability in flow-injection experiments. As a solution to the ISAM modified electrodes degrading in the flowing system, a covalently modified surface was developed. Using cyclic voltammetry, these covalently modified surfaces were shown to be able to oxidize glucose in solution. The LOD of the covalently modified 2 mm gold electrode was calculated to be lower than the 2 mm ISAM modified gold electrode, due to the fast heterogeneous kinetics on the covalently modified electrode surface. The Km? and Icat for the covalently modified 2 mm gold electrode were found to be the similar to the 2 mm ISAM modified gold electrode indicating that the covalently modified electrodes will be a suitable replacement. The covalently modified surfaces exhibit excellent structural stability and detect much lower glucose amounts in flow-injection experiments. ISAMs were subsequently assembled on gold fiber microelectrodes using FePAA and glutamate oxidase. Glutamate was able to be detected in solution at biologically significantly quantities using cyclic voltammetry. The Km? was shown to be comparable to literature values and Icat was shown to increase with increasing number of bilayers. These results demonstrate that an ISAM constructed using FePAA/GlutOx is a feasible way to detect glutamate in a system. / Ph. D.

Contribution of aldehyde oxidase, xanthine oxidase and aldehyde dehydro-genase on the oxidation of aromatic aldehydes

Beedham, Christine, Kouretas, D., Panoutsopoulos, Georgios I. January 2004 (has links)
No / Aliphatic aldehydes have a high affinity toward aldehyde dehydrogenase activity but are relatively poor substrates of aldehyde oxidase and xanthine oxidase. In addition, the oxidation of xenobiotic-derived aromatic aldehydes by the latter enzymes has not been studied to any great extent. The present investigation compares the relative contribution of aldehyde dehydrogenase, aldehyde oxidase, and xanthine oxidase activities in the oxidation of substituted benzaldehydes in separate preparations. The incubation of vanillin, isovanillin, and protocatechuic aldehyde with either guinea pig liver aldehyde oxidase, bovine milk xanthine oxidase, or guinea pig liver aldehyde dehydrogenase demonstrated that the three aldehyde oxidizing enzymes had a complementary substrate specificity. Incubations were also performed with specific inhibitors of each enzyme (isovanillin for aldehyde oxidase, allopurinol for xanthine oxidase, and disulfiram for aldehyde dehydrogenase) to determine the relative contribution of each enzyme in the oxidation of these aldehydes. Under these conditions, vanillin was rapidly oxidized by aldehyde oxidase, isovanillin was predominantly metabolized by aldehyde dehydrogenase activity, and protocatechuic aldehyde was slowly oxidized, possibly by all three enzymes. Thus, aldehyde oxidase activity may be a significant factor in the oxidation of aromatic aldehydes generated from amines and alkyl benzenes during drug metabolism. In addition, this enzyme may also have a role in the catabolism of biogenic amines such as dopamine and noradrenaline where 3-methoxyphenylacetic acids are major metabolites.

Enzymatic oxidation of vanillin, isovanillin and protocatechuic aldehyde with freshly prepared Guinea pig liver slices

Panoutsopoulos, Georgios I., Beedham, Christine January 2005 (has links)
No / Background/Aims: The oxidation of xenobiotic-derived aromatic aldehydes with freshly prepared liver slices has not been previously reported. The present investigation compares the relative contribution of aldehyde oxidase, xanthine oxidase and aldehyde dehydrogenase activities in the oxidation of vanillin, isovanillin and protocatechuic aldehyde with freshly prepared liver slices. Methods: Vanillin, isovanillin or protocatechuic aldehyde was incubated with liver slices in the presence/absence of specific inhibitors of each enzyme, followed by HPLC. Results: Vanillin was rapidly converted to vanillic acid. Vanillic acid formation was completely inhibited by isovanillin (aldehyde oxidase inhibitor), whereas disulfiram (aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor) inhibited acid formation by 16% and allopurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor) had no effect. Isovanillin was rapidly converted to isovanillic acid. The formation of isovanillic acid was not altered by allopurinol, but considerably inhibited by disulfiram. Protocatechuic aldehyde was converted to protocatechuic acid at a lower rate than that of vanillin or isovanillin. Allopurinol only slightly inhibited protocatechuic aldehyde oxidation, isovanillin had little effect, whereas disulfiram inhibited protocatechuic acid formation by 50%. Conclusions: In freshly prepared liver slices, vanillin is rapidly oxidized by aldehyde oxidase with little contribution from xanthine oxidase or aldehyde dehydrogenase. Isovanillin is not a substrate for aldehyde oxidase and therefore it is metabolized to isovanillic acid predominantly by aldehyde dehydrogenase. All three enzymes contribute to the oxidation of protocatechuic aldehyde to its acid.

Investigation of a Possible Multi-enzyme Complex Involved in Nicotine Biosynthesis in Roots of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)

Heim, William 18 September 2003 (has links)
N-methylputrescine oxidase (MPO) is a member of the diamine oxidase (DAO) class of enzymes believed to be responsible for synthesis of the alkaloid nicotine in the roots of Nicotiana tabacum (Mizusaki et al., 1972). A purportedly pure MPO protein from tobacco root culture extracts was used to generate immune antiserum in rabbits (McLauchlan et al., 1993). In an attempt to clone a cDNA encoding MPO, we used this antiserum to screen a tobacco cDNA expression library. Unexpectedly, two previously unreported genes with strong homology to members of a gene family encoding S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) in N. sylvestris and a gene encoding SAHH in N. tabacum were cloned instead. SAHH is an enzyme of the S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) recycling pathway, which also includes SAM synthetase (SAMS) and methionine synthase (MS). These results led to the hypothesis of a multi-enzyme complex, or metabolon, of at least one member of the nicotine biosynthesis pathway, i.e., MPO, and at least one member of the SAM recycling pathway, i.e., SAHH, during nicotine biosynthesis. Metabolons are stable noncovalent complexes in cells that ensure sufficient passage of the product of one enzyme reaction to the next enzyme in the pathway via a "channel" without equilibrating with the bulk solution (Ovádi, 1991). My research employed co-immunoprecipitation studies to determine if other SAM recycling enzymes are associated in a complex with MPO and SAHH, as well as Northern and Western blot analyses to determine if the genes encoding SAM recycling pathway enzymes are coordinately regulated during nicotine biosynthesis. Our results indicate that nicotine biosynthesis-inducing conditions result in differential mRNA accumulation patterns of the three enzymes of the SAM recycling pathway, although to different extents. However, protein levels of SAM recycling pathway members do not appear to reflect the differential mRNA accumulation patterns. We have firmly established an association of SAHH and an enzyme with DAO activity, purportedly MPO. If the enzyme is proven to be MPO, then our data would constitute the first documentation of an alkaloid metabolon. Finally, using a degenerate primer PCR approach, we have cloned a 986-bp gene fragment with homology to copper amine oxidases, the class to which MPO belongs. / Master of Science

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