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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestión de riesgos para mejorar el desempeño en seguridad en la Empresa de Telecomunicaciones Inversiones PG

Alejandria Puse, Hebert Armando January 2023 (has links)
La presente investigación busco optimizar la gestión de riesgos laborales para mejorar los indicadores de desempeño en seguridad en la Empresa de Telecomunicaciones Inversiones PG; con ello se busca mantener una minimización de los riesgos que se susciten al desarrollar diversas labores tanto en campo como en oficina. La metodología de investigación estuvo basada en un estudio de tipo aplicada, nivel descriptivo y diseño preexperimental, empleando como instrumento el análisis documental y la observación. Así mismo, se tuvo en cuenta la aplicación de técnicas como la verificación de indicadores de Seguridad de la empresa de telecomunicaciones Inversiones PG, mapeo de procesos e IPERC, permitiendo detectar las carencias presentes en la empresa en relación a la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo. Al realizar el análisis inicial se tuvo en cuenta que la empresa de telecomunicaciones presentaba un nivel de implementación del 37% con un estatus “Desaprobado”, además de contar con una alta presencia de riesgos mecánicos (36%) y consigo observar un total de 75 incidentes de riesgo y 16 accidentes incapacitantes, por lo cual se propuso el diseño del plan de gestión de riesgos logrando un aumento en el nivel de implementación (77%) presentando un estatus “Aprobado”, además de contemplar las diversas actividades de prevención y minimización de los riesgos presentes. / This research sought to optimize the management of occupational risks to improve safety performance indicators in the Telecommunications Company Inversiones PG; thus, it seeks to maintain a minimization of the risks that arise when developing various tasks both in the field and in the office. The research methodology was based on an applied study, descriptive level and pre-experimental design, using documentary analysis and observation as instruments. Likewise, the application of techniques such as the verification of Safety indicators of the telecommunications company Inversiones PG, process mapping and IPERC was taken into account, allowing to detect the deficiencies present in the company in relation to Safety and Health at Work. The initial analysis took into account that the telecommunications company had an implementation level of 37% with a "Disapproved" status, in addition to having a high presence of mechanical risks (36%) and a total of 75 risk incidents and 16 disabling accidents, for which the design of the risk management plan was proposed, achieving an increase in the implementation level (77%) with an "Approved" status, in addition to contemplating the various activities for the prevention and minimization of the risks present.

Factores de riesgos psicosociales en colaboradores de una empresa distribuidora ferretera, 2023

Tapia Santamaria, Evelyn Janeth January 2024 (has links)
Las empresas ferreteras son establecimientos especializados en la comercialización de materiales y herramientas de construcción para todo tipo de clientes, especialmente para el sector residencial. Estas empresas cuentan con una fuerza laboral significativa, que se encuentra expuesta a diversos factores de riesgo psicosocial debido a la naturaleza exigente de su trabajo. Por tal razón, se ha planteado como objetivo general determinar los factores de riesgos psicosociales en colaboradores de una empresa distribuidora ferretera en el año 2023. La metodología empleada fue un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo, con un diseño no experimental y transversal. Asimismo, la muestra fue censal, incluyendo a 112 colaboradores con más de 3 meses de antigüedad. Además, la técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y el instrumento fue un cuestionario con escala Likert bajo el modelo propuesto por Roussos (2023). Los resultados principales revelaron que los factores de riesgo psicosocial más influyentes fueron la cultura organizativa, la salud y bienestar, y la satisfacción y compromiso laboral. Como conclusión, la investigación identificó que los colaboradores enfrentan problemas como la falta de apoyo de la dirección, excesiva carga de trabajo y limitadas oportunidades de desarrollo profesional, lo que afecta su desempeño y bienestar. / Hardware stores are establishments specialized in the commercialization of construction materials and tools for all types of customers, especially for the residential sector. These companies have a significant workforce that is exposed to various psychosocial risk factors due to the demanding nature of their work. For this reason, the general objective was to determine the psychosocial risk factors in employees of a hardware distribution company in 2023. The methodology used was a quantitative approach, descriptive in nature, with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design. Likewise, the sample was census-based, including 112 employees with more than 3 months of experience. Furthermore, the technique used was a survey, and the instrument was a questionnaire with a Likert scale based on the model proposed by Roussos (2023). The main results revealed that the most influential psychosocial risk factors were organizational culture, health and well-being, and job satisfaction and commitment. In conclusion, the research identified that employees face problems such as lack of support from management, excessive workload, and limited opportunities for professional development, which affects their performance and well-being.

Sustainable resins for large rotating machines / Hållbara hartser för stora roterande maskiner

Bharj, Gurpreet Kaur January 2024 (has links)
Det elektriska isolationssystemet för stora roterande maskiner består av ett kompositmaterial av glimmertejp och ett värmehärdande harts. Hartset hjälper till att mekaniskt stabilisera lindningsstrukturen i statorn samt ersätter luftinneslutningar i isolationssystemet för att undertrycka bildandet av elektriska urladdningar. Vakuumtryckimpregneringsprocessen (VPI) är den föredragna tekniken för att impregnera glimmerisolationen med det värmehärdande hartset. Hartset som används i VPI-processen är sammansatt av flera nyckelkomponenter, inklusive den härdbara polymeren, härdare som deltar i tvärbindning, reaktiva utspädningsmedel för förbättrade processegenskaper och ytterligare tillsatser som katalysatorer och stabilisatorer. Olika hartskemier har använts under åren för VPI-processen. Det finns dock betydande farhågor när det gäller påverkan på miljö- och arbetshälsa för några av dessa komponenter. Den ökade medvetenheten om de skadliga effekterna av olika kemikalier har drivit på arbetet med att utveckla hartser med reducerade flyktiga organiska föreningar som kan vara skadliga för såväl miljön som de som hanterar hartset i stora mängder. Dessutom har stränga EU-regler klassificerat vissa härdare och reaktiva utspädningsmedel som ’substances of very high concern’, vilket har lett till ett stort behov av att hitta alternativ för dessa föreningar. Detta examensarbete består av en litteraturstudie som har genomförts med hänsyn till de önskade egenskaperna för VPI-hartser för att utvärdera potentiella kandidater som alternativ till härdare och reaktiva utspädningsmedel. Fyra olika impregneringshartser har tagits i beaktande som alternativ. Olika härdningskinetikparametrar har uppmätts med olika karakteriseringstekniker såsom infraröd spektroskopi av Fouriertransform i realtid, reologi och differentiell scanningkalorimetri. Eftersom de termiska, elektriska och mekaniska egenskaperna är nödvändiga för att säkerställa långvarig livslängd för industriellt nyttjade roterande maskiner, har olika egenskaper studerats genom att utföra dynamisk mekanisk analys, drag- och böjningstestning samt dielektrisk spektroskopi, genom att härda hartserna under lämpliga tids- och temperaturförhållanden. Alla de fyra hartserna visade varierande härdningskinetikparametrar och egenskaper som har korrelerats till hartskemin samt att hartsernas egenskaper har utvärderats i jämförelse med varandra. / The electrical insulation system for large rotating machines consists of a composite material of mica tape and a thermosetting resin. The resin helps in mechanically stabilizing the winding structure in the stator as well as replaces air inclusions in the insulation system to suppress the formation of discharges. Vacuum pressure impregnation (VPI) is the preferred technique to impregnate this mica tape with the thermosetting resin. The resin used in VPI process is composed of several key components, including the thermoset polymer, a hardener that participates in crosslinking, reactive diluents for improved processability and and additional additives like catalysts and stabilizers. Different chemistries have been used over the years for the VPI process. However, there are significant concerns regarding the environmental and occupational health and safety of some of these components.  The increasing awareness of the harmful effects of various chemicals has driven efforts to develop resins with reduced volatile organic compounds which can be detrimental to both the environment as well as those who are handling the resin in large quantities. Furthermore, stringent EU regulations have classified some hardeners and reactive diluents as substances of very high concern which has resulted in pressing need to find alternatives for these compounds.  This thesis, thus, consists of a literature study which has been performed taking the desired properties for VPI resins into consideration to evaluate potential candidates as alternatives for hardeners, and reactive diluents. Four different chemistries of impregnation have been taken into consideration as alternatives. Different curing kinetics parameters have been measured by different characterization techniques such as real time Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, rheology, and differential scanning calorimetry. As the thermal, electric, and mechanical factors are necessary to ensure long term lifespan of industrial machines, different properties have been studied by performing dynamic mechanical analysis, tensile and flexural testing as well as dielectric spectroscopy by curing the resins under appropriate time and temperature conditions. All the four resins showed varied curing kinetics parameters and properties which have been correlated to the chemistry involved in the resin as well as evaluated in comparison to each other.

Diseño de un sistema de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para reducir los riesgos laborales en una empresa maderera

Mezones Rivera, Milena Analy January 2024 (has links)
En el presente estudio se propone el diseño de un sistema de SST para reducir los riesgos laborales en la empresa Casa Blanca SRL. Para ello, se diagnosticó la situación actual de toda la empresa, en el que se identificó un total de 200 días por ausentismo del personal durante el periodo 2019-2021 a causa de accidentes laborales, generando costos directos de S/ 23 275, así como el cumplimiento de solo el 11% en relación a los requisitos de la Ley 29783 y por medio de la matriz Ishikawa se determinó las causales de mano de obra, medio, método y maquinaria. Luego, a través de la Matriz IPER se identificaron un total de 14 riesgos en las actividades de la empresa, de los cuales el 79 % son del tipo moderado y el 21 % son altos. Posteriormente, para el diseño del sistema de SST se terminaron los controles operacionales para las causales antes mencionadas, midiendo el impacto por medio de una matriz IPERC, obteniendo la reducción de riesgos a 86% tolerables y 14% a moderados. Para el diseño de sistema propuesto se tomó en cuenta los documentos y registros obligatorios que establece la ley 29783, proyectándose al cumplimiento de los requisitos en un 86%. Finalmente, con la evaluación económica, se demostró la viabilidad de la propuesta de diseño, obteniendo un VAN de S/ 37 265, TIR de 88% y un B/C de 1,61. / In the present study, the design of an OSH system is proposed to reduce occupational risks in the company Casa Blanca SRL. For this, the current situation of the entire company was diagnosed, in which a total of 200 days due to staff absenteeism during the 2019-2021 period due to work accidents were identified, generating direct costs of S/ 23,275, as well as compliance of only 11% in relation to the requirements of Law 29783 and through the Ishikawa matrix, the causes of labor, means, method and machinery were determined. Then, through the IPER Matrix, a total of 14 risks were identified in the company's activities, of which 79% are of the moderate type and 21% are high. Subsequently, for the design of the SST system, the operational controls for the aforementioned causes were completed, measuring the impact through an IPERC matrix, obtaining a risk reduction of 86% tolerable and 14% moderate. For the proposed system design, the mandatory documents and records established by Law 29783 were taken into account, projecting 86% of the requirements to be met. Finally, with the economic evaluation, the feasibility of the design proposal was demonstrated, obtaining a NPV of S/ 36,436, an IRR of 96% and a B/C of 1.66.

Analyse d’implantation d’un système de gestion intégrée en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail

Savary, Saôde 09 1900 (has links)
Les systèmes de gestion intégrée en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail (SGI) sont un nouveau paradigme de gestion dans les organisations modernes. Ces systèmes sont construits à partir des normes ISO 14001 et d’OHSAS 18001, basées sur la prévention des risques et le principe de précaution. La littérature sur les SGI témoigne d’un marasme conceptuel prédominant depuis plus de 10 ans; elle insiste sur l’urgence d’un consensus taxinomique et conceptuel afin de définir les systèmes de gestion intégrée et de différencier le mécanisme d’intégration de celui de l’implantation. Cette lacune conceptuelle enlise les connaissances dans un fossé épistémologique, retardant ainsi le débat dans ce nouveau champ d’études. Les rares connaissances dont nous disposons dans ce domaine proviennent de quelques études théoriques et de six études empiriques, toutes préoccupées par la compatibilité des multiples systèmes et des avantages économiques de leur intégration. Les évidences engendrées par ces études sont insuffisantes pour appréhender la dynamique du nouveau paradigme dont les effets demeurent peu connus. Cette situation révèle l’urgence d’agir dans un contexte où l’utilisation des SGI se multiplie, et où leur tendance à minimiser l’importance des risques devient de plus en plus préoccupante. Aucune étude ne s’est encore penchée sur l’implantation d’un SGI en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail construit uniquement à partir des normes ISO 14001 et d’OHSAS 18001. Cette connaissance est importante pour expliquer les effets de tels systèmes. C’est dans cette perspective que nous avons réalisé cette première étude empirique d’un SGI selon les normes ISO 14001 et d’OHSAS 18001. Nos questions de recherche portent sur le mode, le degré d’implantation, les effets du SGI, ainsi que sur les facteurs contextuels qui interviennent pour expliquer les variations dans le degré d’implantation et les effets du SGI. Il s’agit d’une recherche à prélèvement qualitatif qui repose sur un devis d’étude de cas, avec des niveaux d’analyse imbriqués, et comportant une double visée descriptive et explicative. Notre échantillon, de type raisonné, regroupait trente-cinq intervenants provenant de différentes instances hiérarchiques ; il incluait également des représentants syndicaux. Notre échantillon était composé de 7 usines, accréditées aux normes ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, et dispersées dans différentes villes du Québec. Ces usines différaient tant par leur technologie, leur âge, leur taille, et leurs types de production. Nos données ont été recueillies en 2004; elles sont basées sur des entrevues semi dirigées, sur des observations directes lors de la visite des lieux; elles s’appuient aussi sur des consultations de documents internes et sur des outils électroniques implantés. La transcription des entrevues effectuée, le contenu des discours a été catégorisé selon les cinq dimensions du SGI: engagement, planification, mise en opération, contrôle et revue de la direction. Une condensation horizontale avait précédé l’analyse de chaque cas et l’analyse transversale des cas selon une approche à la fois inductive et déductive. Les résultats de notre recherche ont révélé deux modes d’implantation : le mode d’enrichissement et le mode de fusion. Ces modes dépendaient de la nature des structures fonctionnelles en place. La visée d’amélioration continue à la base du SGI n’avait pas réussi à concilier les approches traditionnelles bottom up et top down qui ont dominé cette implantation; son mécanisme était guidé par 4 types de stratégies : l’économie des ressources, le contrôle des forces d’influences, la stratégie des fruits faciles à cueillir et la stratégie à petits pas. Pour analyser le degré d’implantation, nous avons tenu compte de l’effort de structuration du SGI et de la force d’utilisation des processus implantés à chacune des cinq dimensions du SGI. Les résultats de notre recherche révèlent une variabilité certaine du degré d’implantation entre les usines d’une part, et entre les processus associés aux cinq dimensions du SGI d’autre part. L’analyse des discours a permis de produire cinq hypothèses qui soutiennent l’effort de structuration et la force d’utilisation du SGI: (i) l’hypothèse de la force de cohésion, (ii) l’hypothèse de la spécificité du processus, (iii) l’hypothèse de la portée du processus, (iv) l’hypothèse de la capacité organisationnelle, (v) l’hypothèse de l’acceptation du changement. L’implantation du SGI était soumise à l’influence de multiples facteurs; ils étaient de nature politique, structurelle et organisationnelle. Ces facteurs avaient agi sur le processus d’implantation en amorçant une cascade d’interactions au cours desquelles leurs forces d’influences se renforçaient, se neutralisaient ou s’additionnaient pour affecter le degré d’implantation. Les facteurs facilitant touchaient surtout l’effort de structuration ; ils incluaient : l’expérience des systèmes de gestion, l’implication de la direction, celle du syndicat ou du CSS, la structure organisationnelle, le niveau d’éducation, l’âge et la taille de l’usine. Quant aux facteurs contraignants, ils agissaient sur la force d’utilisation ; ils incluaient : la lourdeur procédurale, le manque de temps, le manque de formation, le manque de ressources, la culture organisationnelle, la structure organisationnelle, le fossé intergénérationnel, l’absence du syndicat et l’âge de l’usine. Trois effets proximaux escomptés par l’entreprise ont été observés. (i) La rigueur de la gestion était associée à l’application des exigences du SGI; elle touchait la gouvernance en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail, les mécanismes de gestion et les procédés de production. (ii) La standardisation était reliée au mode d’implantation du SGI; elle concernait les pratiques, les outils, les méthodes de travail et l’organisation des ressources. (iii) La rupture des silos est un effet relié au mode d’implantation du SGI; elle touchait les structures départementales, les frontières professionnelles, les relations et climat de travail. Ces effets proximaux avaient provoqué plusieurs effets émergents, plus distaux: une augmentation du pouvoir de contrôle syndical, un renforcement de la légitimité des recommandations soumises par les spécialistes professionnels, la création de réseaux inter organisationnels et le transfert du savoir. L’implantation du SGI avait transformé la gouvernance et les pratiques en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail dans les sept usines. Toutefois, elle ne semblait pas garantir l’immunité du processus de gestion des risques à l’environnement ni à la santé et sécurité du travail. Sa capacité à diluer les risques devait retenir l’attention des politiques de santé publiques et des programmes de prévention des risques à l’environnement et à la santé et sécurité du travail. L’amélioration de la gestion des risques demeurait un effet attendu non observé et soumis à des facteurs contextuels qui pourraient l’empêcher de se concrétiser. À cet égard, le transfert du savoir, renforcé par l’émergence des réseaux inter organisationnels, semblait offrir une avenue beaucoup plus prometteuse et accessible. C’est l’une des contributions de cette recherche. Elle a aussi (i) proposé une typologie des modes d’implantation et des effets du SGI (ii) préconisé une méthode détaillée d’une meilleure appréciation du degré d’implantation (iii) précisé le rôle des facteurs contextuels dans l’explication des variations du degré d’implantation et dans la production des effets, (iv) proposé des hypothèses sur la structuration et l’utilisation du SGI (v) offert une perspective plurielle et approfondie de la dynamique de l’implantation du SGI grâce à la variété de l’échantillon des répondants et des usines. Il s’agit de la première étude de terrain dans le domaine. À notre connaissance, aucune autre étude n’a eu de tels résultats. Mots Clés : ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, gestion intégrée, environnement, santé et sécurité du travail, risques environnementaux, risques en santé et sécurité du travail, analyse d’implantation, degré d’implantation, SGI, transfert du savoir. / Integrated environmental, health and safety management systems (IMS) are a new management paradigm of modern organizations. These systems are built mainly from the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 norms, which are based on risk prevention and the precautionary principles. For the past ten years, the literature on IMS has been governed by a conceptual stagnation, which is now begging for a taxonomic consensus in order to define IMS, clarify both integration and implementation processes, and to move beyond structures to address processes. As a result, the knowledge about IMS has been embroiled in an epistemological ditch, thus delaying debates in this emerging field of study. Scarce publications about IMS come from a few theoretical papers and six empirical investigations, all preoccupied by systems compatibility and the economic advantages of management systems integration. Evidence generated by these studies is not sufficient to apprehend the dynamics of the new paradigm, whose effects remain little known about until now. This situation is becoming alarming in a context where the use of integrated environmental health and safety management systems is increasing and where these IMS are raising concerns about their capacity to minimize risk in one domain or another. So far, no study has investigated the implementation of integrated environmental health and safety management systems built from ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 norms. Such knowledge is cardinal to help explain the effects of such IMS. It is in this perspective that we have undertaken this first empirical study of an IMS built from ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Our research questions address the mode of implementation, the degree of implementation and the effects of the IMS, as well as the contextual factors whose influence on the implementation help explain the variations in the degree of implementation and the effects of the IMS. This qualitative inquiry uses a single case study with multiple levels of analysis. Our purposeful sample of thirty five participants was drawn from different levels of hierarchy, including union executives and representatives. Our purposeful sample of plants consisted of seven ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified plants located in different cities in Quebec, Canada. These plants differed by their technology, their age, their size and their types of production. Our data were collected in 2004 from semi-directed interviews, direct observation during site visits, and consultation of documentation and assessment of functionalities of implemented management tools. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and their content was categorized based on the five dimensions of the IMS: commitment policy, planning, deployment, control and management review. Horizontal condensation preceded within case and transversal analysis, using both inductive and deductive approaches. Our results indicate two implementation modes: the enrichment mode and the fusion mode, both related to the functional structures in place. Despite its aim of continuous improvement, the IMS was unable to reconcile the two traditional approaches of top down and bottom up, which have dominated this implementation which was supported by four strategies: economy of resources, control of influence, low hanging fruits and the small steps strategy. In order to analyze the degree of the IMS implementation, we have taken into consideration two aspects of the process: The effort of structuring the IMS and the scope of utilization of the implemented processes. Our results showed evidence of variation in the degree of IMS implementation; this variation was observed among the plants as well as among the processes implemented at each one of the five IMS steps. The analysis of discourses has allowed the production of five hypotheses that support IMS structuring and utilization (i) Cohesion forces hypothesis (ii) Process specificity hypothesis (iii) Scope of process hypothesis (iv) Organizational readiness hypothesis (v) Acceptance of change hypothesis. IMS implementation was influenced by political, structural and organizational factors. These factors have played their influence by catalyzing non -linear interactions, during which their influence could be neutralized, added or reinforced, hence generating variations in the degree of implementation. Facilitating factors have affected the effort of IMS structuring and included: experience working with management system, upper management commitment, implication of union or of health and safety committee representatives, organizational structure, level of education, plant age and plant size. Inhibiting factors have affected mainly the utilization of implemented processes. These factors included: procedural heaviness, lack of time, lack of training, lack of resource, organizational culture, organizational structure, intergeneration gap and lack of union implication. Three proximal effects anticipated by the organization under study were observed. (i) Increase in the rigor of management is an effect which was associated with the application of IMS requirements. It implied EHS governance, integrated management mechanisms and production processes (ii) Standardization is an effect which was associated rather with the implementation mode. It implied EHS practices, tools, work methods and organization of resources. (iii) Rupture of departmental silo is an effect associated with the mode of implementation. It involved organizational structures, professional boundaries and the working relations and climate. These proximal effects have induced several emerging effects, which were more distal. These were: increased control power of the union; increased legitimacy of recommendations by EHS professionals; creation of inter-organizational network and knowledge transfer. The implementation of an integrated management system in environment, occupational health and safety has transformed EHS governance and practice in all seven plants. However, this was not sufficient to grant immunity to EHS risk management processes. The potential of IMS to dilute risks should be of concern to public health policies, as well as to risk prevention programs on environment and on occupational health and safety. Improvement of EHS risk management was an expected effect but was not observed at the moment of our study. Several contextual factors may have intervened to alter its occurrence. To this regard, knowledge transfer, reinforced by the emergence of intra-organizational networks, seem to offer a very promising and affordable alternative. This is one of the contributions of our study research, which, in addition has (i) proposed a nomenclature to classify the modes of implementation and effects of IMS (ii) proposed a detailed method to appreciate the degree of implementation (iii) stated the roles played by contextual factors in explaining variations in the degree of IMS implementation and in the production of effects (iv) proposed a hypothesis on IMS structuring and utilization (v) through the diversity of our sample, offered a plural and sound perspective on the dynamics of IMS implementation. This is the first field study of this new paradigm. To our knowledge, no other study has produced such results. Keywords : ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, integrated management system, IMS, environment, Occupational Health and Safety, environmental risks, occupational health and safety risks, implementation analysis, implementation level, knowledge transfer.

Management kvality, BOZP a požární ochrany ve stavebním podniku / Quality Management, Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Protection in Construction Company

Herzig, Radek January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is "Quality management, occupational safety, health and fire protection in construction company". Its task is to introduce the basic rules and requirements of quality management, occupational safety, health and fire protection in construction industry. The second part of the thesis deals with quality management, occupational safety, health and fire protection in construction companies, which are presented and analyzed in detail. These findings are then applied to create methodology of implementing the occupational safety, health and fire protection management system for construction companies.

Analyse d’implantation d’un système de gestion intégrée en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail

Savary, Saôde 09 1900 (has links)
Les systèmes de gestion intégrée en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail (SGI) sont un nouveau paradigme de gestion dans les organisations modernes. Ces systèmes sont construits à partir des normes ISO 14001 et d’OHSAS 18001, basées sur la prévention des risques et le principe de précaution. La littérature sur les SGI témoigne d’un marasme conceptuel prédominant depuis plus de 10 ans; elle insiste sur l’urgence d’un consensus taxinomique et conceptuel afin de définir les systèmes de gestion intégrée et de différencier le mécanisme d’intégration de celui de l’implantation. Cette lacune conceptuelle enlise les connaissances dans un fossé épistémologique, retardant ainsi le débat dans ce nouveau champ d’études. Les rares connaissances dont nous disposons dans ce domaine proviennent de quelques études théoriques et de six études empiriques, toutes préoccupées par la compatibilité des multiples systèmes et des avantages économiques de leur intégration. Les évidences engendrées par ces études sont insuffisantes pour appréhender la dynamique du nouveau paradigme dont les effets demeurent peu connus. Cette situation révèle l’urgence d’agir dans un contexte où l’utilisation des SGI se multiplie, et où leur tendance à minimiser l’importance des risques devient de plus en plus préoccupante. Aucune étude ne s’est encore penchée sur l’implantation d’un SGI en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail construit uniquement à partir des normes ISO 14001 et d’OHSAS 18001. Cette connaissance est importante pour expliquer les effets de tels systèmes. C’est dans cette perspective que nous avons réalisé cette première étude empirique d’un SGI selon les normes ISO 14001 et d’OHSAS 18001. Nos questions de recherche portent sur le mode, le degré d’implantation, les effets du SGI, ainsi que sur les facteurs contextuels qui interviennent pour expliquer les variations dans le degré d’implantation et les effets du SGI. Il s’agit d’une recherche à prélèvement qualitatif qui repose sur un devis d’étude de cas, avec des niveaux d’analyse imbriqués, et comportant une double visée descriptive et explicative. Notre échantillon, de type raisonné, regroupait trente-cinq intervenants provenant de différentes instances hiérarchiques ; il incluait également des représentants syndicaux. Notre échantillon était composé de 7 usines, accréditées aux normes ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, et dispersées dans différentes villes du Québec. Ces usines différaient tant par leur technologie, leur âge, leur taille, et leurs types de production. Nos données ont été recueillies en 2004; elles sont basées sur des entrevues semi dirigées, sur des observations directes lors de la visite des lieux; elles s’appuient aussi sur des consultations de documents internes et sur des outils électroniques implantés. La transcription des entrevues effectuée, le contenu des discours a été catégorisé selon les cinq dimensions du SGI: engagement, planification, mise en opération, contrôle et revue de la direction. Une condensation horizontale avait précédé l’analyse de chaque cas et l’analyse transversale des cas selon une approche à la fois inductive et déductive. Les résultats de notre recherche ont révélé deux modes d’implantation : le mode d’enrichissement et le mode de fusion. Ces modes dépendaient de la nature des structures fonctionnelles en place. La visée d’amélioration continue à la base du SGI n’avait pas réussi à concilier les approches traditionnelles bottom up et top down qui ont dominé cette implantation; son mécanisme était guidé par 4 types de stratégies : l’économie des ressources, le contrôle des forces d’influences, la stratégie des fruits faciles à cueillir et la stratégie à petits pas. Pour analyser le degré d’implantation, nous avons tenu compte de l’effort de structuration du SGI et de la force d’utilisation des processus implantés à chacune des cinq dimensions du SGI. Les résultats de notre recherche révèlent une variabilité certaine du degré d’implantation entre les usines d’une part, et entre les processus associés aux cinq dimensions du SGI d’autre part. L’analyse des discours a permis de produire cinq hypothèses qui soutiennent l’effort de structuration et la force d’utilisation du SGI: (i) l’hypothèse de la force de cohésion, (ii) l’hypothèse de la spécificité du processus, (iii) l’hypothèse de la portée du processus, (iv) l’hypothèse de la capacité organisationnelle, (v) l’hypothèse de l’acceptation du changement. L’implantation du SGI était soumise à l’influence de multiples facteurs; ils étaient de nature politique, structurelle et organisationnelle. Ces facteurs avaient agi sur le processus d’implantation en amorçant une cascade d’interactions au cours desquelles leurs forces d’influences se renforçaient, se neutralisaient ou s’additionnaient pour affecter le degré d’implantation. Les facteurs facilitant touchaient surtout l’effort de structuration ; ils incluaient : l’expérience des systèmes de gestion, l’implication de la direction, celle du syndicat ou du CSS, la structure organisationnelle, le niveau d’éducation, l’âge et la taille de l’usine. Quant aux facteurs contraignants, ils agissaient sur la force d’utilisation ; ils incluaient : la lourdeur procédurale, le manque de temps, le manque de formation, le manque de ressources, la culture organisationnelle, la structure organisationnelle, le fossé intergénérationnel, l’absence du syndicat et l’âge de l’usine. Trois effets proximaux escomptés par l’entreprise ont été observés. (i) La rigueur de la gestion était associée à l’application des exigences du SGI; elle touchait la gouvernance en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail, les mécanismes de gestion et les procédés de production. (ii) La standardisation était reliée au mode d’implantation du SGI; elle concernait les pratiques, les outils, les méthodes de travail et l’organisation des ressources. (iii) La rupture des silos est un effet relié au mode d’implantation du SGI; elle touchait les structures départementales, les frontières professionnelles, les relations et climat de travail. Ces effets proximaux avaient provoqué plusieurs effets émergents, plus distaux: une augmentation du pouvoir de contrôle syndical, un renforcement de la légitimité des recommandations soumises par les spécialistes professionnels, la création de réseaux inter organisationnels et le transfert du savoir. L’implantation du SGI avait transformé la gouvernance et les pratiques en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail dans les sept usines. Toutefois, elle ne semblait pas garantir l’immunité du processus de gestion des risques à l’environnement ni à la santé et sécurité du travail. Sa capacité à diluer les risques devait retenir l’attention des politiques de santé publiques et des programmes de prévention des risques à l’environnement et à la santé et sécurité du travail. L’amélioration de la gestion des risques demeurait un effet attendu non observé et soumis à des facteurs contextuels qui pourraient l’empêcher de se concrétiser. À cet égard, le transfert du savoir, renforcé par l’émergence des réseaux inter organisationnels, semblait offrir une avenue beaucoup plus prometteuse et accessible. C’est l’une des contributions de cette recherche. Elle a aussi (i) proposé une typologie des modes d’implantation et des effets du SGI (ii) préconisé une méthode détaillée d’une meilleure appréciation du degré d’implantation (iii) précisé le rôle des facteurs contextuels dans l’explication des variations du degré d’implantation et dans la production des effets, (iv) proposé des hypothèses sur la structuration et l’utilisation du SGI (v) offert une perspective plurielle et approfondie de la dynamique de l’implantation du SGI grâce à la variété de l’échantillon des répondants et des usines. Il s’agit de la première étude de terrain dans le domaine. À notre connaissance, aucune autre étude n’a eu de tels résultats. Mots Clés : ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, gestion intégrée, environnement, santé et sécurité du travail, risques environnementaux, risques en santé et sécurité du travail, analyse d’implantation, degré d’implantation, SGI, transfert du savoir. / Integrated environmental, health and safety management systems (IMS) are a new management paradigm of modern organizations. These systems are built mainly from the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 norms, which are based on risk prevention and the precautionary principles. For the past ten years, the literature on IMS has been governed by a conceptual stagnation, which is now begging for a taxonomic consensus in order to define IMS, clarify both integration and implementation processes, and to move beyond structures to address processes. As a result, the knowledge about IMS has been embroiled in an epistemological ditch, thus delaying debates in this emerging field of study. Scarce publications about IMS come from a few theoretical papers and six empirical investigations, all preoccupied by systems compatibility and the economic advantages of management systems integration. Evidence generated by these studies is not sufficient to apprehend the dynamics of the new paradigm, whose effects remain little known about until now. This situation is becoming alarming in a context where the use of integrated environmental health and safety management systems is increasing and where these IMS are raising concerns about their capacity to minimize risk in one domain or another. So far, no study has investigated the implementation of integrated environmental health and safety management systems built from ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 norms. Such knowledge is cardinal to help explain the effects of such IMS. It is in this perspective that we have undertaken this first empirical study of an IMS built from ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Our research questions address the mode of implementation, the degree of implementation and the effects of the IMS, as well as the contextual factors whose influence on the implementation help explain the variations in the degree of implementation and the effects of the IMS. This qualitative inquiry uses a single case study with multiple levels of analysis. Our purposeful sample of thirty five participants was drawn from different levels of hierarchy, including union executives and representatives. Our purposeful sample of plants consisted of seven ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified plants located in different cities in Quebec, Canada. These plants differed by their technology, their age, their size and their types of production. Our data were collected in 2004 from semi-directed interviews, direct observation during site visits, and consultation of documentation and assessment of functionalities of implemented management tools. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and their content was categorized based on the five dimensions of the IMS: commitment policy, planning, deployment, control and management review. Horizontal condensation preceded within case and transversal analysis, using both inductive and deductive approaches. Our results indicate two implementation modes: the enrichment mode and the fusion mode, both related to the functional structures in place. Despite its aim of continuous improvement, the IMS was unable to reconcile the two traditional approaches of top down and bottom up, which have dominated this implementation which was supported by four strategies: economy of resources, control of influence, low hanging fruits and the small steps strategy. In order to analyze the degree of the IMS implementation, we have taken into consideration two aspects of the process: The effort of structuring the IMS and the scope of utilization of the implemented processes. Our results showed evidence of variation in the degree of IMS implementation; this variation was observed among the plants as well as among the processes implemented at each one of the five IMS steps. The analysis of discourses has allowed the production of five hypotheses that support IMS structuring and utilization (i) Cohesion forces hypothesis (ii) Process specificity hypothesis (iii) Scope of process hypothesis (iv) Organizational readiness hypothesis (v) Acceptance of change hypothesis. IMS implementation was influenced by political, structural and organizational factors. These factors have played their influence by catalyzing non -linear interactions, during which their influence could be neutralized, added or reinforced, hence generating variations in the degree of implementation. Facilitating factors have affected the effort of IMS structuring and included: experience working with management system, upper management commitment, implication of union or of health and safety committee representatives, organizational structure, level of education, plant age and plant size. Inhibiting factors have affected mainly the utilization of implemented processes. These factors included: procedural heaviness, lack of time, lack of training, lack of resource, organizational culture, organizational structure, intergeneration gap and lack of union implication. Three proximal effects anticipated by the organization under study were observed. (i) Increase in the rigor of management is an effect which was associated with the application of IMS requirements. It implied EHS governance, integrated management mechanisms and production processes (ii) Standardization is an effect which was associated rather with the implementation mode. It implied EHS practices, tools, work methods and organization of resources. (iii) Rupture of departmental silo is an effect associated with the mode of implementation. It involved organizational structures, professional boundaries and the working relations and climate. These proximal effects have induced several emerging effects, which were more distal. These were: increased control power of the union; increased legitimacy of recommendations by EHS professionals; creation of inter-organizational network and knowledge transfer. The implementation of an integrated management system in environment, occupational health and safety has transformed EHS governance and practice in all seven plants. However, this was not sufficient to grant immunity to EHS risk management processes. The potential of IMS to dilute risks should be of concern to public health policies, as well as to risk prevention programs on environment and on occupational health and safety. Improvement of EHS risk management was an expected effect but was not observed at the moment of our study. Several contextual factors may have intervened to alter its occurrence. To this regard, knowledge transfer, reinforced by the emergence of intra-organizational networks, seem to offer a very promising and affordable alternative. This is one of the contributions of our study research, which, in addition has (i) proposed a nomenclature to classify the modes of implementation and effects of IMS (ii) proposed a detailed method to appreciate the degree of implementation (iii) stated the roles played by contextual factors in explaining variations in the degree of IMS implementation and in the production of effects (iv) proposed a hypothesis on IMS structuring and utilization (v) through the diversity of our sample, offered a plural and sound perspective on the dynamics of IMS implementation. This is the first field study of this new paradigm. To our knowledge, no other study has produced such results. Keywords : ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, integrated management system, IMS, environment, Occupational Health and Safety, environmental risks, occupational health and safety risks, implementation analysis, implementation level, knowledge transfer.

Development strategy to prevent mine accidents in surface coal mines in Indonesia

Permana, Herry 11 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Most of mining operations in Indonesia use open pit mine methods, with truck and shovel system and a large amount of manpower. The mining industry plays an important role contributed to the national economy and development in Indonesia, otherwise the mine accidents become as sensitive issue or problem. The main cause of mine accidents is still dominant of the low safety awarenesses and accountabilities, and also improperly cost spent on the occupational health and safety (OSH) programs. This thesis describes the concept behind the return on prevention and workers‟ perception descriptive analyses of the occupational health and safety in relation to improve safety performances. The proactive action plan related to accidents prevention is as an essential step of the risk management processes. Participation and intervention for all employees are important and urgent, especially for the frontline workers, which are crucial in achieving good safety performances with financial support properly. The main objective of this study evaluates of the workers‟ perception and cost spent on the occupational health and safety program at the companies in relation to accident prevention efforts. In general, the several objectives are described to evaluate of the mine accident rates, the validity and reliability tests of the questionnaires, workers relationships and suggestions, interviews, observations, and the OSH cost effectiveness. The methods of this study are assessed by the descriptive statistical analysis approaches of the return on prevention with the microeconomic model of the net present value, internal rate of return, and cost benefit analysis to justify the benefits return and the break even point and interventions directly according to the workers‟ perception through questionnaire, interview, and observation. The methodology is assessed by the gathering data obtained from the companies through the surveys of the questionnaire, interview, observation, and the money expenses in the occupational health and safety for the workers. The valuation methods are used by the degree of significance of 95%, margin of error 5%, with total number of respondents are 1,600 persons as sampling which representation of the four surface coal mine companies in Indonesia. The seven elements are a basic assessment approached of the training and education, personal protective equipment, preventive medical check up, employment injury insurance, improvement existing technology, signalization, and organization. The result shows the advantages using these analyses which described the importance of the money invested on OSH and effectiveness of interventions by worker‟s perception in order to prevent accidents at workplace. The effectiveness of interventions to the environment working conditions and workers mindsets directly. The OSH cost invested for workers, in general, will triggers the work performances to be better, and then the occupational health and safety in a strong position to achieve the goals of the company. Improvement safety awareness and accountability of workers shall reduce or prevent accidents at work, and the company should be invested money in the OSH program with the minimum amount is US $ 207.17 per employee or US $ 0.12 per ton of coal produced. The investment of the people and money properly shall give significant impacts in preventing accidents to achieve zero accident vision in order to protect people, property, process and profit of the company for short or long term benefits, and will also give a good images for sustainable in mining business.

Employees' adherence to the Occupational Health and Safety Act in the steel manufacturing sector

Mojapelo, Jerry 09 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Labour Relations Management, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Industrial accidents have proved to be more prevalent and costly than anticipated especially in developing countries including South Africa. Occupational accidents have direct and indirect cost implications for an organisation as well as society. Governments in many countries have tried to implement legislation to try and curb the scourge of industrial accidents. The primary purpose of this research was to investigate the level of employee adherence to the Occupational, Health and Safety Act (OHSA) 85 of 1993 in the steel manufacturing sector. This research provided an overview of various factors that influences employee’s level of understanding and adherence to the OHSA. This included factors such as information and training in health and safety; employee safety perception, employee safety awareness, employee safety adherence, employee behaviour with regard to health and safety, the role of the union in health and safety issues, accident reporting mechanism, and employee’s perceptions of the influence of rewards on health and safety. A structured questionnaire consisting of closed-ended questions was developed and disseminated in order to gather relevant data. Given the scale of the research, a quantitative research method was implemented. The population for the study strictly consisted of employees working in the steel manufacturing sector. A purposive sampling technique was selected. Statistical Package for Social Sciences 22.0 (SPSS) was used to analyse the data. The sample size of (n) =165 employees was involved in the study. The response rate for the total was (98.5%). Descriptive, frequency, correlation, regression and means analysis was employed in this study. The results of the study indicated that majority of the employees were aware and adhered with the requirements of the OHSA with the organisation. It was suggested that strong stake holder partnerships between unions, employers and employees be formulated. The state should reinforce the Department of Labour inspectorate by giving it more powers to be able to execute its task meritoriously and efficiently. It further suggested that the state must rapidly focus on recruiting and training more health and safety labour inspectors to ensure appropriate enforcement of health and safety regulations. Lastly it is advisable to create and engrave a health and safety culture within the organisation that focuses on highly on employee involvement and mutual trust. The proposed recommendation for the study, limitations and the conclusion of the study were outlined in Chapter 5.

Exposition au bruit dans une installation gazière

Segueni, Amel 12 1900 (has links)
L'étude vise à évaluer l'exposition professionnelle au bruit des travailleurs d'une plateforme gazière en Algérie et à mettre en évidence des déterminants influençant cette exposition. Des groupes d'exposition homogène (GEH) ont été constitués sur la base de ressemblances quant à l'exposition au bruit, aux titres d'emploi et aux lieux de travail. Deux stratégies d'échantillonnage ont été suivies, la première selon la norme internationale ISO 9612 : 2009 et la seconde selon la stratégie aléatoire de l'AIHA. Pour les deux approches, les niveaux de bruit (Lex, 8h, niveaux d'exposition au bruit pondéré (A) ajustés à une journée de travail de 8 heures) des opérateurs et des superviseurs étaient généralement > 85 dB(A) alors que pour les techniciens-tableau, les niveaux de bruit (Lex, 8h) étaient en tout temps < 85 dB(A). Pour les trois GEH du titre d'emploi des maintenanciers, il y a eu régulièrement des dépassements de la valeur de référence. Plusieurs travailleurs oeuvrant sur les plateformes gazières sont exposés à des niveaux importants de bruit et sont à risque de développer des problèmes auditifs. / The study aims to evaluate workers'noise exposure from an onshore gas platform in Algeria, and to emphasize the determinants influencing the exposure. Exposure groups were formed based on their work category and job location. Two sampling strategies were followed. The first was according to the international standard ISO 9612: 2009, and the second, according to the AIHA random strategy. For both strategies, the noise level (Lex, 8h, levels of exposure to noise ratio (A) for a working day of 8-hour) for operators and supervisors was usually > 85 dB(A) whereas the noise level for the technicians exposed in the distributed control system (DCS) was < 85 dB(A) at all times. The three HEG belonging to the maintenance technician group regularly exceeded the reference value of 85 dB(A). We concluded that employees working on the gas platform are exposed to significant noise level, and are at risk of developing hearing problems

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