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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trestný čin legalizace výnosů z trestné činnosti podle § 216 trestního zákoníku / The Crime of Money Laundering under Section 216 of the Czech Criminal Code

Wilsdorf, Jan Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
The Crime of Money Laundering under Section 216 of the Czech Criminal Code Abstract The diploma thesis aims to examine the crime of legalization of proceeds of criminal activities in its narrower sense, i.e. the crime under S. 216 (2) of the Czech Criminal Code. This crime is referred to as "the crime of money laundering" throughout the thesis, as opposed to the crime of possession of stolen goods under S. 2016 (1) of the Czech Criminal Code. The opening chapter reviews the terminology used by Czech law. Then the thesis briefly addresses the phenomenon of money laundering in a broader context; this chapter also provides with statistics of criminal prosecutions for the named crime in the Czech Republic. In a separate chapter, the thesis names some of the most essential international documents adopted in the area of combating money laundering so far. The thesis then describes and evaluates the evolution of the crime of money laundering under Czech criminal law, namely regarding the respective amendments of the law. The following chapter then analyses the most significant elements of the crime of money laundering, and as such, it represents the centrepiece of the thesis. From this analysis, several important and disputed questions arise and are examined further. The thesis emphasizes e.g. the issue of...
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Kvinnors erfarenhet av stöd från sjukvårdspersonal efter sexuella övergrepp : En litteraturöversikt

Svensson, Rebecka, Danielsson, Klara January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sexuella övergrepp är ett folkhälsoproblem som 35 procent av världens kvinnor någon gång har utsatts för. Ett sexuellt övergrepp kan medföra psykiska och fysiska hälsorisker för kvinnan. Sjuksköterskor och annan hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal ansvarar för att ge kvinnan stöd och omvårdnad för att underlätta återhämtningsprocessen. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka den vetenskapliga litteraturen gällande kvinnors erfarenhet av stöd från sjukvårdspersonal efter sexuella övergrepp. Metod: För att genomföra studien användes en deskriptiv litteraturöversikt med en kvalitativ ansats enligt Fribergs metod (2017). Litteratursökningen utfördes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsycInfo. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar återfanns som besvarade examensarbetets syfte. Katie Erikssons omvårdnadsteori användes för att diskutera arbetets resultat. Resultat: De tio studieartiklarna besvarade studiesyftet genom två kategorier, vilka redovisade kvinnors positiva respektive negativa erfarenheter av sjukvårdspersonalens stöd. Kvinnorna som varit informanter i studieartiklarna beskrev ett professionellt och kompetent bemötande som främjande i återhämtningsprocessen. De uppskattade att bli bemötta med respekt och få information via tydlig kommunikation. Det beskrevs som negativt att bli bemött av oerfaren sjukvårdspersonal som var skuldbeläggande, stigmatiserande oförstående. Slutsats: Litteraturöversikten visade att kvinnor utryckt såväl positiva som negativa erfarenheter gällande sjukvårdens stöd efter sexuella övergrepp. Detta pekar på potential för utbyte av erfarenheter inom hälso- och sjukvård, så sjukvårdspersonal kan lära av goda exempel. Mer forskning inom området vore av värde. / Background: Sexual offence is a public health problem and 35 percent of the women around the world have been offended sometime in their lives. A sexual offence can cause psychological and physical health risks. Nurses and other health professionals have a responsibility to give the woman support and care to benefit the womans’ recovery. Aim: The purpose was to investigate the scientific literature of womens’ experience of support from healthcare professionals after sexual offence. Method: To carry out the study a descriptive literature review with a qualitative approach was used according to Fribergs’ (2017) method. The litterature search was performed by using the databases PubMed, CINAHL and PsychInfo. Ten scientific articles to answer the purpose were found. Katie Erikssons’ nursing theory was used to discuss the result. Result: The ten study articles resulted in two categories, dissatisfaction with support and satisfaction with support. The women who were informants in the study articles described a professional and competent treatment as something that promoted their recovery. They appreciated to get treated with respect and get adequate information. It was described as negative to get treated by unexperienced healthcare professionals who were blaming, stigmatizing and unsympathetic.  Conclusion: The literature review found that women expressed both positive and negative experiences regarding support from healthcare professionals after sexual offence. This points to potential for exchanging experiences within healthcare, in that healthcare professionals can learn from (others’) good examples. More research on this subject would be valuable.
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Pojetí trestného činu v českém trestním zákoníku / The concept of a criminal offence in the Czech criminal Code

Pačesová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
I Abstract This diploma thesis focuses on the matter of the concept of a criminal offence in the Czech Criminal Code, as one of the major issues within criminal liability. The year 2009 brought the new Czech Criminal Code and with it also a few changes. One of the most discussed ones was the transition from material or material- formal concept of a criminal offence to a formal concept of a criminal offence. Thanks to the simultaneous introduction of the principle of subsidiarity of criminal repression, as a substantive correction of criminal lawlessness, this formalized concept has become a more of a materialized formal concept. So suddenly, there are two corrections of criminal lawlessness, the substantive one, as mentioned, and also a procedural correction based on the facultative option of the prosecutor to terminate the prosecution for reasons of ineffectiveness. The opinions on the matter of the necessity of both of the corrections in Czech criminal law differs among criminal law experts. That is also why I presented them in contrast and evaluate them at the end of the thesis. This thesis strives to describe and summarize the problem of the concept of crime to be as comprehensive as possible, so it is divided into four main parts, which are logically connected to each other and each of them is divided...
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PELUCCHI, SARA 05 March 2010 (has links)
Il presente lavoro considera il perdono di sé come una strategia di coping che permette al soggetto di diminuire i sentimenti negativi (ad es. colpa) legati all’offesa commessa ed aumentare quelli positivi verso il sé (es. compassione di sé), laddove prerequisito del processo è l’assunzione di responsabilità per quanto commesso. In specifico si ritiene e si è mostrato come il perdono di sé sia un costrutto frutto dell’interdipendenza dei comportamenti tra vittima e offensore. Attraverso un set di studi sperimentali il presente studio ha, infatti, mostrato come i comportamenti conciliatori dell’offensore e il perdono concesso dalla vittima predicano un maggiore perdono di sé dell’offensore. Successivamente il costrutto è stato indagato all’interno di una closerelationship, dove i partner si sono confrontati su offese realmente commesse. I modelli di equazione strutturale hanno confermato come il perdono di sé dell’offensore è legato sia al perdono concesso dalla vittima che alle condotte riparatrici attuate dall’offensore.Grazie all’analisi dell’interdipendenza dei dati, modello APIM, si è inoltre evidenziato come il perdono di sé del partner offensore promuove sia la propria soddisfazione di coppia che quella del partner, vittima dell’offesa subita. / Recently psychosocial literature starts to study self-forgiveness: the psychological process by which an offender is able to forgive himself for an injury caused to himself or others. This paper considers self-forgiveness as a coping strategy that allows the person to decrease negative emotions (eg guilt) related to the offense committed and increase positive ones toward the self (eg self-compassion), where the offender starting point is taking responsibility for the wrongdoing. Self forgiveness is also considered as the result of offender and victim behaviours. Experimental studies revealed that offender conciliatory behaviours and victim forgiveness increase offender self forgiveness. Self forgiveness is also studied in a closerelationship about a real partner offence. Structural equation models have confirmed that self forgiveness is improved by offender conciliatory behaviours and victim forgiveness. Repairing ducts were found associated with feeling guilty which is linked to the offender perception of seriousness. Through analysis of the interdependence of data, APIM model, it was also revealed that the partner's self-forgiveness offender promotes both offender couple satisfaction and victim couple satisfaction.
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Kündigungen aufgrund von Bagatelldelikten : eine unternehmensethische Untersuchung / Dismissals on grounds of petty offence : an investigation from an ethical business perspective

Anlauf, Lena January 2010 (has links)
Bei der Entlassung von Mitarbeitern sind Interessenkonflikte vorprogrammiert. Gut begründete Positionen stehen sich bei diesen folgenreichen Personalentscheidungen oft unversöhnlich gegenüber. In den letzten Jahren waren vermehrt Kündigungen aufgrund von Bagatelldelikten in den Medien präsent. So wurde einer Kassiererin fristlos gekündigt, weil sie zwei Pfandbons unterschlagen haben sollte. Angesichts der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise, in der Banken Milliarden fehlinvestierten die Bankmanager jedoch kaum zur Rechenschaft gezogen wurden, verstärkte sich der Eindruck unbotmäßiger Härte und Ungerechtigkeit. Aber ist dieser Eindruck gerechtfertigt? Unterschiedliche Urteile der Instanzgerichte zu Bagatellkündigungen zeigen, dass im Arbeitsrecht nicht abschließend geklärt ist, wie in solchen Bagatellkündigungsfällen verfahren werden soll. Zudem stellt die Rechtskonformität einer Kündigung ohnehin kein abschließendes Kriterium dafür dar, ob sie auch aus ethischer Sicht gut ist. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist daher die Frage zu beantworten, wie Bagatellkündigungen moralisch zu bewerten sind. Ethisch relevante Aspekte werden zur Unterstützung von Personalentscheidungen in der Praxis identifiziert. Zunächst werden als Überblick die Ergebnisse einer Medienrecherche zu den Bagatellkündigungen dargestellt. Im ersten Untersuchungsschritt wird gefragt, warum eine Kündigung als Auflösung einer privaten Vertragsbeziehung rechtfertigungsbedürftig ist. An Praxisbeispielen wird dargestellt, welche Regelungen zum Kündigungsschutz bestehen und wie diese durch die Spezifika der Arbeitsbeziehung anhand ethischer Aspekte begründet werden. Bezugnehmend auf die Stakeholder-Sicht auf Wirtschaftsunternehmen und Überlegungen der Agenturtheorie wird gezeigt, dass die Beziehung im Arbeitskontext Spezifika aufweist, die übergebührliche Rechte und Pflichten begründen und auch in der psychologischen impliziten Vertragsbeziehung ihren Ausdruck finden. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich – insbesondere bei langjährigen Vertragsverhältnissen – ein prima-facie-Recht der Arbeitnehmer nicht gekündigt zu werden begründen lässt. Dieses Recht liegt im Status der Arbeitnehmer als rationalen moralfähigen Personen mit Anspruch auf Achtung ihrer Würde begründet. Aus der Personenhaftigkeit der Mitarbeiter entspringt der legitime Anspruch, rationale Gründe für Entscheidungen, welche sie betreffen, genannt zu bekommen. Es wird argumentiert, ein Arbeitgeber dürfe die Arbeitsbeziehung nur aufkündigen, wenn es hierfür objektiv gute Gründe gibt – ein grundsätzlicher Kündigungsschutz ist also nicht nur rechtlich sondern auch moralisch geboten. Daher schließt sich die Frage an, ob das Bagatelldelikt als Vertragspflichtverletzung ein guter objektiver Grund ist, welcher eine Kündigung rechtfertigt. Von Seiten der Kündigungsbefürworter wird argumentiert, das Vertrauensverhältnis sei durch die Tat zerstört. Daher wird geprüft, ob der Vertrauensverlust aufgrund des Bagatelldiebstahls ein guter Grund für die Kündigung ist. Ob das Bagatelldelikt als objektiver Grund für den Vertrauensverlust gewertet werden kann, hängt nun davon ab, ob der Mitarbeiter das Vertrauen tatsächlich missbraucht hat. Daraus folgt, dass sich die moralische Bewertung des Delikts an Prinzipien orientiert, die auch im Strafrecht gelten (Schuldprinzip, Unschuldsvermutung, Rechtsprinzips, Ultima-Ratio-Prinzip). Das Ergebnis der Untersuchung ist: Bagatelldelikte können aufgrund ihrer Spezifika anhand dieser gültigen Prinzipien schwerlich als objektiver Grund angesehen werden, der eine fristlose Kündigung ohne vorherige Abmahnung rechtfertigt. Abschließend wird gezeigt, dass auch die vermeintliche präventive Wirkung der Kündigung nicht als guter Kündigungsgrund gelten kann. Mit spezialpräventiven Gründen kann die Kündigung ebenso wenig wie mit positiver als auch negativer generalpräventiver Wirkungen begründet werden. Insbesondere stellt eine Kündigung aus generalpräventiven Zwecken eine illegitime Instrumentalisierung des Mitarbeiters als Person dar. Zwar können Kündigungen bei Bagatelldelikten durchaus nicht nur arbeitsrechtlich, sondern auch moralisch gerechtfertigt sein. Aufgrund der Spezifika der Bagatelldelikte und der Vertrauenskündigung ist die fristlose Kündigung in den meisten vorliegenden Fällen aus ethischer Sicht aber nicht akzeptabel. Hohe Anforderungen an die Objektivität des Vertrauensverlustes, der als Kündigungsgrund dienen soll, sind aufgrund der schwächeren Machtposition der Mitarbeiter notwendig und klug im Sinne der Wahrung des betrieblichen und gesellschaftlichen Friedens. Es wird daher für ein grundsätzliches Abmahnungsgebot bei Bagatelldiebstählen plädiert, welche weitergehend durch eine Wertgrenze definiert werden können. Weitere Maßnahmen, mit denen man missbräuchlichen Bagatelldeliktkündigungen vorbeugen oder auf Bagatelldelikte reagieren kann werden im Ausblick genannt. / When employees are dismissed, conflicts of interest are almost inevitable. In these cases of momentous personnel decisions, well-founded points of view are often inexpiably confronted. In recent years, dismissals due to minor offences were increasingly mediatised. A cashier for example was dismissed without previous notice, because she had supposedly embezzled two deposit receipts. Given the financial and economic crisis, where banks misplaced Billions whilst bank managers were rarely held accountable, the impression of insubordinate rigour and injustice was reinforced. But is this impression justified? Different judgments of the lower courts regarding the dismissals have shown that employment legislation does not clearly state how to proceed in cases of dismissals on grounds of petty offence. In addition and in any case, the legal conformity of a dismissal does not constitute a final criterion for whether it is good from an ethical point of view. The aim of this paper is to answer the question of how to morally evaluate dismissals on grounds of petty offence. It identifies ethically relevant aspects, which provide assistance when addressing responsible decision-making in personnel matters in practice. First, the results of a media research concerning dismissals on grounds of petty offence are displayed, in order to give the reader an overview of the different cases and the arguments of the opponents, the courts and the professionals. Then, in the first step of analyzing, the paper deals with the question of why a termination, when seen as the cancellation of a private contractual relationship, is in need of justification at all. Examples taken from practice illustrate the existing regulations concerning dismissal protection and how these are justified by the specifications of the work relationship based on ethical aspects. Also referring to the stakeholder view of business companies and the considerations of the agency dilemma, the paper shows that relationships in business contexts are specific, which justifies supererogatory rights and duties and which is also reflected in the psychological and implicit contractual relationship. The paper furthermore demonstrates that a prima facie right of employees not to be terminated can be justified, in particular in long-term contractual relationships. This right originates in the employees’ status as rational, conscious persons, with their entitlement to have their dignity respected. From the fact that they are persons emanates the legitimate claim of the employees to be told rational reasons for decisions that affect them. It is argued that an employer may terminate the employment relationship only if there are objectively good reasons for this - a fundamental protection against dismissal is therefore not only legally but also morally necessary. This leads to the question whether petty offence as a breach of contract is a good objective reason to justify a dismissal. Dismissal proponents argue that the mutual trust is destroyed by the act. It is therefore necessary to check whether the loss of mutual trust due to the petty theft is a good reason for a dismissal. Whether the petty offence can be seen as an objective reason for the loss of mutual trust now depends on whether the employee has actually abused the trust. Consequently, the moral evaluation of the offence is based on principles that also apply in criminal law (nulla poene sine culpa, presumption of innocence, legal principle, ultima ratio principle). The result of the investigation is that due to their specifications based on these valid principles, petty offences can hardly be considered an objective reason justifying a dismissal without prior warning. Finally, the paper shows that the alleged preventive effect of the dismissal cannot be a legitimate argument for a good cause of dismissal. The dismissal can neither be justified by special-preventive reasons nor by having positive and negative general preventive effects. In particular, a dismissal as means of general preventive purposes constitutes an illegitimate instrumental use of the employee as a person. Although a dismissal due to minor offences may well not only be justified legally, but also morally, the termination without notice is unacceptable from an ethical point of view in most present cases, due to the specificities of the petty offences and the lost in trust. On the grounds of respecting the peace within companies and society and because of the weaker position of employees, it is necessary and wise to stick to high exigencies towards the objectivity of the loss of trust, which will serve as grounds for dismissal. The paper therefore argues for a generalization of written warnings in cases of petty thefts, which can be further defined by a maximum amount. Other possible measures which may prevent abusive dismissals for petty offences or be a response to minor offences are dealt with in the prospect part.
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Kanoninės teisės ir LR Baudžiamojo kodekso bausmių panašumai ir skirtumai / The similarities and differences between the penal code of the Lithuanian Republic and Canon law

Markaitytė, Vilma 05 June 2008 (has links)
Katalikų bažnyčios ir Lietuvos Respublikos institucijoms intensyviai bendradarbiaujant, aktualiu tampa teisinių sistemų derinimas. Tam pagrindą suteikia Šventojo sosto ir Lietuvos Respublikos sutartis, apibrėžianti teisinius bendradarbiavimo pagrindus. O taip pat Bažnyčios kanonų kodekse įtvirtinta nuostata, kad civiliniai įstatymai minimi Bažnyčios teisėje galioja su tomis pačiomis pasekmėmis ir kanonų teisėje tiek, kiek jie nėra priešingi dieviškajai teisei, ir jei kanonų teisė nenustato kitaip. Ypač svarbiu teisinių sistemų suderinamumą laikytume baudžiamosios teisės sferoje. Atsižvelgiant į pastarąsias aktualijas darbo pagrindiniu tikslu tapo Lietuvos Respublikos Baudžiamojo kodekso ir Katalik����� bažnyčios kanonų teisės apibrėžiamų bausmių bei numatomų jų taikymo praktikų palyginimas. / Active collaboration between institutions of Catholic Church and Republic of Lithuania implies importance of coordination between those legislation systems. The foundation for such cooperation ensures the Treaty between the Holy Seat and Republic of Lithuania, which determines the juridical aspect of the collaboration. Also Canon Law of the Church contains the provision that Civil Law, which is mentioned in Canon Law, obtains the same consequences when Civil Law makes no objection to Canon Law. It is especially important to expose the compatibility in field of Criminal Law. Considering the late events the main objective of the work is the comparison of penalties and applications of Penal Code of the Lithuanian Republic and the penalties of the Code of Canon Law. To reach the goal of the work it was juxtaposed the concepts of “penalty” and “offense”. Also it was examined and compared the variety of sanctions in civil and ecclesiastical law. It was established principal similarities and differences between civil and canon law definitions and penalty applications for some particular crimes.
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Iracionální přesvědčení v souvislostech s osobnostními proměnnými v penitenciárních podmínkách: komparační analýza odsouzených za majetkovou a násilnou trestnou činnost. / Irrational Beliefs in Connections with Personality Variables in Penitentiary Background: Difference Analysis of Prisoners Convicted of Property and Violent Criminal Offence

Ivanovičová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is research of irrational beliefs of Ellis in connections with personality variables in penitentiary background. This study is oriented to differences in this domains by prisoners according to the kind of criminal offence too. Prisoners were administrated (N=208; violent criminal offence N=100, property criminal offence N=108) PSSI - Inventory of styles and personality disorders (Kuhl - Kazén, 2002), Quenstionaire SPARO (Mikšík, 2001), Inventory of irrational beliefs (IBI; Koopmans et al.) and scale IPA (Kondáš - Kordačová, 2000). Results refer to signifikant high rate of prisoners irrational beliefs and their specific personality configuration. Differences in prisoners personality in according to the kind of criminal offence was not affirm. Prisoners irrationality of Ellis relate mainly to schizotyp styl of personality and to others personality variables of behavior under stress. This study offers an qualitative and longitudinal view in this problematic, too. Outcomes of this study are to use for concret work with prisoners, for creation of treatment program toward influence their attitudes, beliefs and general kognitive framework, their is relate to their criminal offence; for checking of effectiveness this programs and for inspiration in another reasearch in penitentiary...
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Kriminalita páchaná na seniorech / Crime perpetrated against seniors

BREDOVÁ, Eva January 2007 (has links)
The issue of violence against seniors is a major concern in many developed countries. The elderly are among the demographic groups that are most at risk. This group is growing because the population is generally getting older. Each year, hundreds of seniors in the Czech Republic become victims of crime. Within the bounds of quantitative research, I chose the methods of controlled dialogue, model casuistry and secondary data analysis. The issues seniors face are becoming more and more prominent and pressing; they demand a solution. Education about how to protect themselves and their property is an important tool, which helps to minimalize the perpetration of criminal offences against seniors.

Trestněprávní aspekty umělého přerušení těhotenství. / Criminal Aspects of Artificial Abortion

Hartmanová, Leona January 2016 (has links)
Criminal Aspects of Artificial Abortion This diploma thesis deals with the issue of artificial abortion, especially its criminal aspects. Legal aspects are not the most important aspects of artificial abortion. Social, ethical or ideological aspects are of the same importance but this diploma thesis cannot analyse all of them. The main issue with artificial abortion is whether it is possible to force a pregnant woman to carry a child and give birth to a child when she cannot or does not want to do so, and whether a state can prosecute a pregnant woman or anyone else for interrupting her pregnancy. The thesis is divided into an introduction, seven chapters and conclusion. After a short introduction, the author of this thesis briefly defines the concept of artificial abortion. The following chapter focuses on two ideological groups - pro choice and pro life. The first group prefers mother's right to self-determination. The second group regards a human foetus as a person and considers killing the human foetus as a murder. The third chapter is dedicated to historical development of artificial abortion. The author regards historical development as an important part of this thesis, especially for understanding the current legislation. The fourth chapter analyzes the current legislation, the Abortion Act...
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Příprava k trestnému činu / Crime preparation

Verner, David January 2017 (has links)
The master's thesis comprehensively deals with the issue of the preparation of a criminal offence and other disputable questions related with this stage in the commission of a criminal offence. The emphasis is mainly put on its definition in the Czech criminal law, taking account of relevant judicial decisions necessary to interpret the relatively brief statutory provisions. The aim of the thesis is to carry out critical evaluation of the current legislation sanctioning preparation, to identify questionable parts and potential shortcomings that may exist in the practice. On this basis I try to suggest solutions to the identified problems or at least to contribute to the discussion about them. The thesis is divided into five parts, the first generally puts the preparation into the criminal law system, describes its various forms, distinguishes it from the other stages in the commission of the criminal offence and briefly describes the historical development of its sanctioning on our territory. The second part focuses on the problematics of the impossible preparation and issues regarding its criminalization and punishing. The third part deals with a specific reason for extinction of criminal liability for the preparation, namely the voluntary refraining from further preparatory acts. The attention is...
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