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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moral theological method in the theological ethics of Martin Luther and Arthur Rich, with particular reference to their economic ethics

Doherty, Sean January 2011 (has links)
This thesis seeks to expand the self-critical resources of contemporary theological economic ethics by bringing the method of a pre-modern theologian and social commentator, Martin Luther (1483-1546), into interaction with that of a modern contribution to social ethics, the Swiss theologian Arthur Rich (1910-92). This thesis is the first substantial treatment in English of Rich’s magnum opus, Wirtschaftsethik. The demonstration of the thesis is undertaken by a close engagement with a selected publication of Luther (his 1519/20 Großer Sermon von dem Wucher) and of Rich (his masterwork, Wirtschaftsethik, published in two volumes in 1984 and 1990 respectively). The thesis does not simply describe Luther’s and Rich’s economic ethics, but demonstrates the way in which they operate, that is, their method. An introduction sets out the thesis, and defends its method. Chapter 1 introduces Luther’s sermon on usury, and situates it in its context. It then gives a commentary on Luther’s method, discussing its genre, the way in which Luther deploys Scripture and exploits doctrines with respect to ethics, and his concept of the twofold government of God. It analyses how Luther brings these theological motifs to bear on a particular economic question. Chapter 2 sketches Arthur Rich’s life and work, and presents Rich’s method as set out in Wirtschaftsethik. It discusses his understanding of ethics, his approach to Scripture, and his adoption of the thought of Max Weber and John Rawls. Chapter 3 brings our study of Luther to bear on Rich’s approach, noting strengths and weaknesses of Rich’s method. It questions some of Rich’s assumptions, and notes ways in which a more self-critical approach could have made his project more successful. A conclusion then summarises the argument, and makes tentative suggestions as to the wider applicability of the critical questions posed to Rich’s method by the analysis of Luther.

Kündigungen aufgrund von Bagatelldelikten : eine unternehmensethische Untersuchung / Dismissals on grounds of petty offence : an investigation from an ethical business perspective

Anlauf, Lena January 2010 (has links)
Bei der Entlassung von Mitarbeitern sind Interessenkonflikte vorprogrammiert. Gut begründete Positionen stehen sich bei diesen folgenreichen Personalentscheidungen oft unversöhnlich gegenüber. In den letzten Jahren waren vermehrt Kündigungen aufgrund von Bagatelldelikten in den Medien präsent. So wurde einer Kassiererin fristlos gekündigt, weil sie zwei Pfandbons unterschlagen haben sollte. Angesichts der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise, in der Banken Milliarden fehlinvestierten die Bankmanager jedoch kaum zur Rechenschaft gezogen wurden, verstärkte sich der Eindruck unbotmäßiger Härte und Ungerechtigkeit. Aber ist dieser Eindruck gerechtfertigt? Unterschiedliche Urteile der Instanzgerichte zu Bagatellkündigungen zeigen, dass im Arbeitsrecht nicht abschließend geklärt ist, wie in solchen Bagatellkündigungsfällen verfahren werden soll. Zudem stellt die Rechtskonformität einer Kündigung ohnehin kein abschließendes Kriterium dafür dar, ob sie auch aus ethischer Sicht gut ist. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist daher die Frage zu beantworten, wie Bagatellkündigungen moralisch zu bewerten sind. Ethisch relevante Aspekte werden zur Unterstützung von Personalentscheidungen in der Praxis identifiziert. Zunächst werden als Überblick die Ergebnisse einer Medienrecherche zu den Bagatellkündigungen dargestellt. Im ersten Untersuchungsschritt wird gefragt, warum eine Kündigung als Auflösung einer privaten Vertragsbeziehung rechtfertigungsbedürftig ist. An Praxisbeispielen wird dargestellt, welche Regelungen zum Kündigungsschutz bestehen und wie diese durch die Spezifika der Arbeitsbeziehung anhand ethischer Aspekte begründet werden. Bezugnehmend auf die Stakeholder-Sicht auf Wirtschaftsunternehmen und Überlegungen der Agenturtheorie wird gezeigt, dass die Beziehung im Arbeitskontext Spezifika aufweist, die übergebührliche Rechte und Pflichten begründen und auch in der psychologischen impliziten Vertragsbeziehung ihren Ausdruck finden. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich – insbesondere bei langjährigen Vertragsverhältnissen – ein prima-facie-Recht der Arbeitnehmer nicht gekündigt zu werden begründen lässt. Dieses Recht liegt im Status der Arbeitnehmer als rationalen moralfähigen Personen mit Anspruch auf Achtung ihrer Würde begründet. Aus der Personenhaftigkeit der Mitarbeiter entspringt der legitime Anspruch, rationale Gründe für Entscheidungen, welche sie betreffen, genannt zu bekommen. Es wird argumentiert, ein Arbeitgeber dürfe die Arbeitsbeziehung nur aufkündigen, wenn es hierfür objektiv gute Gründe gibt – ein grundsätzlicher Kündigungsschutz ist also nicht nur rechtlich sondern auch moralisch geboten. Daher schließt sich die Frage an, ob das Bagatelldelikt als Vertragspflichtverletzung ein guter objektiver Grund ist, welcher eine Kündigung rechtfertigt. Von Seiten der Kündigungsbefürworter wird argumentiert, das Vertrauensverhältnis sei durch die Tat zerstört. Daher wird geprüft, ob der Vertrauensverlust aufgrund des Bagatelldiebstahls ein guter Grund für die Kündigung ist. Ob das Bagatelldelikt als objektiver Grund für den Vertrauensverlust gewertet werden kann, hängt nun davon ab, ob der Mitarbeiter das Vertrauen tatsächlich missbraucht hat. Daraus folgt, dass sich die moralische Bewertung des Delikts an Prinzipien orientiert, die auch im Strafrecht gelten (Schuldprinzip, Unschuldsvermutung, Rechtsprinzips, Ultima-Ratio-Prinzip). Das Ergebnis der Untersuchung ist: Bagatelldelikte können aufgrund ihrer Spezifika anhand dieser gültigen Prinzipien schwerlich als objektiver Grund angesehen werden, der eine fristlose Kündigung ohne vorherige Abmahnung rechtfertigt. Abschließend wird gezeigt, dass auch die vermeintliche präventive Wirkung der Kündigung nicht als guter Kündigungsgrund gelten kann. Mit spezialpräventiven Gründen kann die Kündigung ebenso wenig wie mit positiver als auch negativer generalpräventiver Wirkungen begründet werden. Insbesondere stellt eine Kündigung aus generalpräventiven Zwecken eine illegitime Instrumentalisierung des Mitarbeiters als Person dar. Zwar können Kündigungen bei Bagatelldelikten durchaus nicht nur arbeitsrechtlich, sondern auch moralisch gerechtfertigt sein. Aufgrund der Spezifika der Bagatelldelikte und der Vertrauenskündigung ist die fristlose Kündigung in den meisten vorliegenden Fällen aus ethischer Sicht aber nicht akzeptabel. Hohe Anforderungen an die Objektivität des Vertrauensverlustes, der als Kündigungsgrund dienen soll, sind aufgrund der schwächeren Machtposition der Mitarbeiter notwendig und klug im Sinne der Wahrung des betrieblichen und gesellschaftlichen Friedens. Es wird daher für ein grundsätzliches Abmahnungsgebot bei Bagatelldiebstählen plädiert, welche weitergehend durch eine Wertgrenze definiert werden können. Weitere Maßnahmen, mit denen man missbräuchlichen Bagatelldeliktkündigungen vorbeugen oder auf Bagatelldelikte reagieren kann werden im Ausblick genannt. / When employees are dismissed, conflicts of interest are almost inevitable. In these cases of momentous personnel decisions, well-founded points of view are often inexpiably confronted. In recent years, dismissals due to minor offences were increasingly mediatised. A cashier for example was dismissed without previous notice, because she had supposedly embezzled two deposit receipts. Given the financial and economic crisis, where banks misplaced Billions whilst bank managers were rarely held accountable, the impression of insubordinate rigour and injustice was reinforced. But is this impression justified? Different judgments of the lower courts regarding the dismissals have shown that employment legislation does not clearly state how to proceed in cases of dismissals on grounds of petty offence. In addition and in any case, the legal conformity of a dismissal does not constitute a final criterion for whether it is good from an ethical point of view. The aim of this paper is to answer the question of how to morally evaluate dismissals on grounds of petty offence. It identifies ethically relevant aspects, which provide assistance when addressing responsible decision-making in personnel matters in practice. First, the results of a media research concerning dismissals on grounds of petty offence are displayed, in order to give the reader an overview of the different cases and the arguments of the opponents, the courts and the professionals. Then, in the first step of analyzing, the paper deals with the question of why a termination, when seen as the cancellation of a private contractual relationship, is in need of justification at all. Examples taken from practice illustrate the existing regulations concerning dismissal protection and how these are justified by the specifications of the work relationship based on ethical aspects. Also referring to the stakeholder view of business companies and the considerations of the agency dilemma, the paper shows that relationships in business contexts are specific, which justifies supererogatory rights and duties and which is also reflected in the psychological and implicit contractual relationship. The paper furthermore demonstrates that a prima facie right of employees not to be terminated can be justified, in particular in long-term contractual relationships. This right originates in the employees’ status as rational, conscious persons, with their entitlement to have their dignity respected. From the fact that they are persons emanates the legitimate claim of the employees to be told rational reasons for decisions that affect them. It is argued that an employer may terminate the employment relationship only if there are objectively good reasons for this - a fundamental protection against dismissal is therefore not only legally but also morally necessary. This leads to the question whether petty offence as a breach of contract is a good objective reason to justify a dismissal. Dismissal proponents argue that the mutual trust is destroyed by the act. It is therefore necessary to check whether the loss of mutual trust due to the petty theft is a good reason for a dismissal. Whether the petty offence can be seen as an objective reason for the loss of mutual trust now depends on whether the employee has actually abused the trust. Consequently, the moral evaluation of the offence is based on principles that also apply in criminal law (nulla poene sine culpa, presumption of innocence, legal principle, ultima ratio principle). The result of the investigation is that due to their specifications based on these valid principles, petty offences can hardly be considered an objective reason justifying a dismissal without prior warning. Finally, the paper shows that the alleged preventive effect of the dismissal cannot be a legitimate argument for a good cause of dismissal. The dismissal can neither be justified by special-preventive reasons nor by having positive and negative general preventive effects. In particular, a dismissal as means of general preventive purposes constitutes an illegitimate instrumental use of the employee as a person. Although a dismissal due to minor offences may well not only be justified legally, but also morally, the termination without notice is unacceptable from an ethical point of view in most present cases, due to the specificities of the petty offences and the lost in trust. On the grounds of respecting the peace within companies and society and because of the weaker position of employees, it is necessary and wise to stick to high exigencies towards the objectivity of the loss of trust, which will serve as grounds for dismissal. The paper therefore argues for a generalization of written warnings in cases of petty thefts, which can be further defined by a maximum amount. Other possible measures which may prevent abusive dismissals for petty offences or be a response to minor offences are dealt with in the prospect part.

Confucian humanism as the foundation of human rights and economic ethics: a study of Korea, Japan and the Republic of China.

Lee, Calvin C, calvin.lee@rmit.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
This study is about Confucian humanism as the foundation of human rights and economic ethics. The study covers Korea, Japan and the Republic of China. The main research question lies in how Confucian humanism emerged as an enduring tradition, and how it impacts upon human rights and economic ethics of the three nations on their individual paths towards globalizing civil societies. Research elements are (i) literature review, (ii) focus group discussions and (iii) documentation corroborations. Literature reviews covered scholarly works of East Asia and international scholars. Narrative data were obtained from the focus group discussions. Documentation corroboration complemented the focus group discussions. The study explores the origin of Confucianism and proceeds to examine how the Confucian philosophical tradition gave naissance to Confucian humanism. From Confucian humanism, the thesis proceeds to Confucian governance (ching shih). Alternative political views of more egalitarian Confucian schools such as of Mencius also take up a good part of the governance theme. The role of life long self-cultivation is seen as the foundation of character-building for respective societal roles within Confucian ethics and social ethos. The modern democratic institution of human rights is argued as having emerged from the fertile demo-centric Confucian social psychology, but benefited directly from the Western institutional models. Discussions on the tradition of Confucianism and that of Confucian humanism progress through the important turning points throughout history, i.e., the Classic age of Confucius, the Neo-Confucian reformation, the Practical Learning sub-era of the Neo-Confucian era, and, finally, the contemporary Neo-Confucian. The discussions highlight that the Confucian tradition of 'humanity' that Confucius and his disciples formulated in the Classical age endured through the ages to modernity. They also point to the notion that Confucians pursued their intellectual, moral and aesthetic ideals to the highest possible level through the system of learning, philosophizing, and practicing in the tradition. The Confucian cosmology of the 'human to nature' nexus and the Confucian spirituality of cosmic immanence in the 'self' provide clues to the multi-layer structure of Confucian consciousness of self, selves and the greater self, namely society or the Heaven itself. The Neo-Confucian school of 'mind and heart' learning reinforced the inquiry into selves in nexus to nature and the universe. Religious tolerance and the adaptability of Confucianism have stood out as important qualities in the globalization of East-Asian values and ethos, i.e., Confucian 'souls and decorum.' Japan, as an island nation with a unique perception of its self-identity, employs Confucianism, still considered fundamentally as the philosophy of China, to reinforce the national identity without compromising the integrity of the Japanese tradition and sensitivity. Japanese aesthetic sensitivity would place aesthetic unity with nature on equal footing with that of moral unity with the world. Secularism and spirituality of Confucianism benefited from the peaceful co-existence amongst the three great philosophical traditions of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. The thesis as an inquiry into Confucian humanism as a living tradition concludes by answering the main research question and its three associated postulates.

An overview of the value and effect of an integration of Christian spirituality and ethics

Stavridis, Glenn Brian 01 January 2002 (has links)
The modern world is experiencing a spiritual and moral crisis. Associated with this, Christian spirituality and ethics have become separated in the life of the individual Christian and the community of the church. The Christian understanding of human beings and the integrated nature of spirituality and ethics provides a solution to this crisis. Christian spirituality and morality both originate in the character and purposes of God as revealed in the biblical record. The value and effects of the. integral relationship between spirituality and morality can be traced throughout scripture and the history of the church. The. encounter and relationship with God, in Jesus Christ and through the presence and power of God's Spirit, transforms the disciple of Christ, which means that spirituality is the basic framework and motivation for morality. Integrated spiritual and moral formation creates moral character and moral communities which enable believers to act with love and justice.

S'opposer à l'incorporation des professionnels au Québec : une question de justice sociale

Bélec, Guillaume 04 1900 (has links)
Alors que de multiples compressions ont eu des effets négatifs sur le système public, illustrant la « rigueur budgétaire » des dernières années au Québec, nombreuses sont les pratiques permettant à plusieurs citoyens pourtant très bien nantis d’échapper légalement au fisc. Parmi celles-ci se trouve une stratégie fiscale relativement récente et de plus en plus utilisée: l’incorporation des professionnels. Ce mémoire, qui s’inscrit dans une perspective d’éthique sociale et économique, vise à remettre en question cette pratique fiscale d’un point de vue moral. Pour ce faire, nous soulignons d’abord les inégalités fiscales évidentes découlant d’un traitement différencié accordé aux professionnels. Comprenons, pour le dire simplement, que les avantages fiscaux liés au statut légal de l’incorporation sont pratiquement inaccessibles à plusieurs entrepreneurs prenant un réel risque financier dont la rémunération est de loin inférieure à une majorité de professionnels pouvant s’incorporer. Or, de telles inégalités posent des problèmes d’équité substantiels, lesquels sont abordés en deuxième partie de ce mémoire. En effet, en permettant l’abaissement du taux effectif d’imposition chez des professionnels bien situés dans l’échelle socio-économique, l’incorporation contrevient notamment à des principes de capacité de payer et à son interprétation possible du sacrifice égal. Enfin, dans la troisième partie de notre projet axée sur une perspective de justice distributive plus largement construite, nous remettons en question la position gouvernementale s’appuyant sur le principe de différence rawlsien et son argument des incitatifs économiques. Nous soulignons, d’une part, qu’une justification de l’incorporation basée sur ces incitatifs laisse place à de larges inégalités et est révélatrice d’une société dans laquelle s’opère une brèche dans la condition élémentaire de communauté. D’autre part, nous soutenons qu’une telle position va à l’encontre d’un ethos égalitariste que devraient promouvoir les citoyens et le gouvernement en respect au principe de différence et que, selon ce point de vue, permettre l’incorporation revient à cautionner une forte injustice. / While many budget cuts have dented public coffers, illustrating the "budgetary rigor" of recent years in Quebec, some fiscal practices allow very well-off citizens to legally reduce their tax burdens. Among them is a relatively recent and increasingly used tax strategy: the incorporation of professionals. This thesis aims to question this tax practice from a moral point of view. First, we empirically highlight socio-economic inequalities resulting from differential treatment granted to professionals. We assume that the tax advantages associated with the legal status of incorporation are practically inaccessible to many entrepreneurs who take real financial risks and whose remuneration is far less than most professionals who can incorporate. Such inequalities carry substantial equity problems, which will be discussed in the second section of this thesis. Indeed, with the lower effective tax rate of professionals well situated on the socio-economic scale, incorporation contravenes the principle of capacity to pay and its possible interpretation of equal sacrifice. Finally, in the third part of our project focusing on a broader perspective of distributive justice, we question the government's position based on the Rawlsian difference principle and its argument of economic incentives. On one hand, we emphasize that justifying incorporation by appeal to economic incentives leaves place to large inequalities and reveal a society in breach of elementary community condition. On the other, we argue that this viewpoint infringes an egalitarian ethos that should be promoted by the citizens and the government in accordance with the principle of difference and that, according to this view, allowing incorporation amounts to endorse a strong injustice.

Ökonomische Ethik der Unternehmensberatung

Noßmann, Alexander 23 July 2021 (has links)
Aufgrund fehlender Industriestandards/-verhaltenskodizes sehen sich (potentielle) Kunden von Unternehmensberatungen Informationsasymmetrien und Unsicherheiten ausgesetzt. Die Vertrauensbeziehung zwischen Kunden und Unternehmensberatern ist die zentrale Voraussetzung für Kooperationen und Kundenvertrauen ist somit der größte Vermögenswert einer Beratung. Der Auf- und Ausbau von Kundenvertrauen hängt vor allem von der Vertrauenswürdigkeit der Berater ab. Mit Kompetenz und Integrität besitzt Vertrauenswürdigkeit im Allgemeinen zwei Dimensionen. Beratungen fokussieren mit ihren Prozessen und Tools vor allem die Kompetenz ihrer Berater. Es fehlen gleichsam professionelle Methoden, um auch die Integrität der Berater zu schulen. Hierfür sind die Beraterprozesse und –tools als Derivate der Betriebswirtschaftslehre nicht ausreichend effektiv, da sie Ideale und Werte nicht explizit berücksichtigen (können). Ethik bietet Beratern diese fehlende strukturierte Orientierung zum Umgang mit moralischen Dilemmata und hilft ihnen so, sich integer zu verhalten und damit ihre eigene Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu steigern. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelte Ökonomische Ethik der Unternehmensberatung bietet eine ethisch gehaltvolle und gleichzeitig praktikable Orientierung für Unternehmensberater. Sie reframed integres Verhalten, sodass es sich hierbei nicht um einen Verzicht auf Gewinne bzw. den eigenen Nutzen, sondern um eine Investition in den Vermögenswert Kundenvertrauen handelt.

Problematiska Sponsorskap I Allsvenskan : En kvalitativ studie om fotbollsföreningars etiska och ekonomiska ställningstagande vid sponsorskap och dess påverkan på samhället.

Österblom, Marcus, Ljung, Noa January 2023 (has links)
Sponsring är en viktig intäktskälla för idrottsföreningar i Sverige, där mycket gott kan komma från olika sponsorskap men även leda till svåra etiska ställningstaganden för föreningarna. Även om Riksidrottsförbundet (RF) har en tydlig policy gällande att inte uppmuntra till användning av tobak, narkotika, dopning och alkohol finns det fortfarande föreningar som låter sig bli sponsrade av dessa typer av företag, framförallt i övriga världen, men även i Sverige. Gällande spelbolag är gränsdragningarna otydliga trots fotbollsföreningarnas vetskap om dess problematik. Studiens syfte är att se hur fotbollsföreningar i Allsvenskan resonerar kring sponsorskap, sponsorskap som kan anses problematisk samt hur föreningar förhåller sig till CSR, ekonomi, legitimitet, etik och idrottens normer och värderingar samt vilken inverkan det kan ha på samhället. För att besvara syftet och de frågeställningar i studien har tre olika teorier använts; Corporate Social Responsibility, Ekonomisk etik och institutionell förändring och legitimitet. Studien använde en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och tillvägagångssättet för att samla in den empiriska datan var; semistrukturerade intervjuer. Tre informanter från AIK, Brommapojkarna respektive Hammarby medverkade i studien, samtliga har högt uppsatta befattningar i respektive fotbollsförening och är väl insatta i arbetet kring organisationens sponsorarbete. Studien bidrar till en större förståelse om sponsorskap och hur fotbollsföreningar i Allsvenskan resonerar. Studien tydliggör att fotbollsföreningarnas sponsorskap står på en grund av juridiska faktorer, de etiska faktorerna är viktigare än de ekonomiska och de filantropiska inslagen är essentiella för att påverka samhället positivt. Fotbollsföreningarna försöker involvera sponsorer i sina sociala arbeten och ett krav är att de måste förhålla sig till fotbollens normer och värderingar. Fotbollsföreningarna i studien är proaktiva i att förbättra sina sponsorskap och skapa en positiv påverkan både på och utanför planen. / Sponsorship is an important source of income for sports associations in Sweden, where a lot of good can come from various sponsorships, but it can also lead to difficult ethical positions for the associations. Even though the Swedish sports confederation (RF) has a clear policy on tobacco, narcotics, doping and alcohol that it should not be encouraged, you can see that there are still associations that allow themselves to be sponsored by these types of companies, above all in the rest of the world, but also in Sweden. Regarding betting companies, the boundaries are unclear despite the football associations' knowledge of its problems. The purpose of the study is how football associations in the Allsvenskan reason about sponsorship, sponsorship that can be considered problematic, and how associations relate to CSR, finances, legitimacy, ethics and the norms and values of sport, as well as what impact it can have on society. To answer the purpose and the questions in the study, three different theories have been used; Corporate Social Responsibility, Economic Ethics and Institutional Change and Legitimacy. The method used was a qualitative research method and the approach to collect the empirical data was; semi-structured interviews. Three informants from AIK, Brommapojkarna and Hammarby participated in the study, all of them hold high-ranking titles in the respective football association and are well versed in the organization's sponsorship work. The study contributes to a greater understanding of sponsorship and how football associations in the Allsvenskan reason. The study makes it clear that the football associations' sponsorship is based on legal factors, the ethical factors are more important than the financial ones and the philanthropic elements are essential to positively impact society. The football associations try to involve sponsors in their social work and one requirement is that they must relate to football's norms and values. The football associations in the study are proactive in improving their sponsorships and creating a positive impact both on and off the pitch.

An investigation of the economic viability and ethical ramifications of video surveillance in the ICU

Bagge, Laura 01 August 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this review of literature is to investigate the various roles of video surveillance (VS) in the hospital's intensive care unit (ICU) as well as its legal and ethical implications. Today, hospitals spend more money on the ICU than on any other unit. By 2030, the population of those 65 and over is expected to double. 80% of older adults have at least one chronic diseases (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). As a consequence, the demand for ICU services will likely increase, which may burden hospital with additional costs. Because of increasing economic pressures, more hospitals are using video surveillance to enhance quality care and reduce ICU costs (Goran, 2012). Research shows that VS enhances positive outcomes among patients and best practice compliance among hospital staff. The results are fewer reports of patient complications and days spent in the ICU, and an increase in reported hospital savings. In addition, VS is becoming an important tool for the families of newborns in the neonatal ICU (NICU). The belief is that the VS can facilitate parent-baby bonding. In the United States of America, privacy rights impose legal restrictions on VS. These rights come from the U.S. Constitution, Statutory law, Regulatory law, and State law. HIPPA authorizes the patient to control the use and disclosure of his or her health information. Accordingly, hospitals are under obligation to inform patients on their right to protected health information. It is appropriate that hospitals use VS for diagnostic purposes as long as they have obtained patient consent. According to modern day privacy experts Charles Fried and Alan Westin, a violation of a person's privacy equates a violation on their liberty and morality. However, if a physician suspects that a third party person is causing harm to the patient, than the use of covert VS is justifiable.

An overview of the value and effect of an integration of Christian spirituality and ethics

Stavridis, Glenn Brian 01 January 2002 (has links)
The modern world is experiencing a spiritual and moral crisis. Associated with this, Christian spirituality and ethics have become separated in the life of the individual Christian and the community of the church. The Christian understanding of human beings and the integrated nature of spirituality and ethics provides a solution to this crisis. Christian spirituality and morality both originate in the character and purposes of God as revealed in the biblical record. The value and effects of the. integral relationship between spirituality and morality can be traced throughout scripture and the history of the church. The. encounter and relationship with God, in Jesus Christ and through the presence and power of God's Spirit, transforms the disciple of Christ, which means that spirituality is the basic framework and motivation for morality. Integrated spiritual and moral formation creates moral character and moral communities which enable believers to act with love and justice. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Specialisation in Christian Spirituality)

An overview of the value and effect of an integration of Christian spirituality and ethics

Stavridis, Glenn Brian 11 1900 (has links)
The modern world is experiencing a spiritual and moral cns1s. Associated with this, Christian spirituality and ethics have become separated in the life of the individual Christian and the community of the church. The Christian understanding of human beings and the integrated nature of spirituality and ethics provides a solution to this crisis. Christian spirituality and morality both originate in the character and purposes of God as revealed in the biblical record. The value and effects of the integral relationship between spirituality and morality can be traced throughout scripture and the history of the church. The. encounter and relationship with God, in Jesus Christ and through the presence and power of God's Spirit, transforms the disciple of Christ, which means that spirituality is the basic framework and motivation for morality. Integrated spiritual and moral formation creates moral character and moral communities which enable believers to act with love and justice. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Christian Spirituality)

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