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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acceptance and impact of social networks marketing using extended technology acceptance model

Mulero, Senikat Olumayowa January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Information Technology)--)Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2012 / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 127) / In rapid advances in marketing strategies, Social Networks Marketing (SNM) is dramatically becoming an important aspect in promoting businesses. Social networks marketing has been found as one of the most effective tool used in businesses today, by most business owners in South Africa, to expand, and flourish their businesses. The explosion of Internet usage has drawn the attention of researchers towards social networks marketing. Research has shown that potential Internet users are doubtful, and indecisive to use, and accept SNM system in spite of their availability. Therefore, there is a need for researchers to identify some of the factors that determine user’s unwillingness to accept and use the system. According to the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), and Perceived Usefulness (PU) are the two major constructs in determining the use and acceptance of various information systems. These beliefs may not fully explain the user’s behaviour towards newly introduced system, such as social networks marketing. Hence, this study had successfully implemented TAM to the newly proposed information system (social networks marketing system). Using TAM as a theoretical framework, the study added two new constructs “perceived credibility” and “awareness” as part of the factors influencing user’s acceptance of social networks marketing. The purpose of the study was to explore the impact of social networks marketing system by SMEs in South Africa, and perception of consumers. In addition, this research investigated factors that influence users’ acceptance of social networks marketing using TAM as the basis for the theoretical framework. Questionnaire-based study done in 2 groups; consumers and small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs), in this work, represent the major users of social networks marketing in South Africa. The research model was tested using data collected from 143 questionnaires and analysed using linear regression. The results show that user’s intentions to use SNM are strongly and positively correlated with user acceptance. The empirical results confirmed that perceived credibility and perceived usefulness are the strongest determinant in predicting user’s intention to use SNM. In addition, many of the South African SMEs using SNM, have presumed that SNM has positively and negatively impacted their businesses.

Social media risks in large and medium enterprises in the Cape Metropole : the role of internal auditors

Gwaka, Leon Tinashe January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Internal Auditing))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2015. / Social media has undoubtedly emerged as one of the greatest developments in this technology driven generation. Despite its existence from years back, social media popularity has recently surged drastically, with billions of users worldwide reported to be on at least one social media platform. This increase in users of social media has further been necessitated by governmental and private-sector initiatives to boost Internet connectivity to bridge the digital divide globally. Mobile Internet access has also fuelled the use of social media as it allows easy and economical connectivity anytime, anywhere. The availability of hundreds of social media platforms has presented businesses with several opportunities to conduct business activities using social media. The use of social media has been reported to avail businesses with plenty of benefits when this use is strategically aligned to business objectives. On the flipside of the coin, these social media platforms have also emerged as new hunting grounds for fraudsters and other information-technology related criminals. As with any invention, engaging social media for business has its own inherent risks; this further complicates existing information-technology risks and also presents businesses with new risks. Despite blossoming into a global phenomenon, social media has no universally accepted frameworks or approaches (thus no safeguards) when engaging with it, resulting in almost unlimited risk exposures. The uncertainly, i.e. risks surrounding social media platforms, proves problematic in determining the optimum social media platform to use in business. Furthermore, organisations are facing challenges in deciding whether to formally adopt it or totally ignore it, with the latter emerging not to be a viable option. The complex nature of social media has made it difficult for enterprises to place a monetary value and determine a return on investment on these platforms. From a governance perspective, it remains a challenge for most enterprises to identify and appoint individuals responsible for social media management within businesses, although recently social media strategist positions have been surfacing. Due to their nature, the social media trigger matters relating to governance, risk and compliance, which imply that internal auditors therefore are expected to champion the adoption of social media in enterprises. As a relatively new concept, the role that internal auditors should play towards social media appears not to be well defined. Through examination of existing guidelines, an attempt is made to define the role of internal auditors towards social media.

Instrumento de gerenciamento de reputação nas redes sociais online como suporte ao processo de gestão da inovação tecnológica

Sartori, Rodrigo Vinícius 27 February 2012 (has links)
A segunda geração da Internet, conhecida como Web 2.0, vem revolucionando o modo como governo, empresas e sociedade interagem, trabalham, comunicam e compartilham conhecimento. Parte do fenômeno, as redes sociais constituem uma forte convergência de diálogo, engajamento e interação de milhões de usuários pelo mundo. Sendo assim, a Web 2.0 vem sendo utilizada como apoio à estratégia organizacional e dos negócios. No campo da Inovação, são múltiplas as oportunidades que surgem diante do bom aproveitamento deste fluxo de informações e conhecimento pelos canais das redes sociais. Mas, como fazê-lo? Visto que nada se identificou na produção científica a esse respeito em específico, teste trabalho apresenta um instrumento de gerenciamento da reputação de marcas, produtos e serviços na Internet colaborativa, como forma de avaliar seu potencial de contribuição para suporte ao processo de gestão da inovação tecnológica. A construção do instrumento resultou em cinco etapas: determinação do escopo; identificação das fontes; avaliação quantitativa da reputação; avaliação qualitativa da reputação e suporte ao planejamento da inovação tecnológica. Metodologicamente, o trabalhou iniciou com a revisão do embasamento teórico, avançou para a elaboração de uma primeira proposta do instrumento, seguiu para a submissão desta primeira proposta para avaliação por parte de 6 especialistas e, finalmente, resultou na revisão do instrumento conforme as sugestões recebidas – configurando, desta forma, uma metodologia de análise de face. De 30 aspectos de avaliação, os especialistas sinalizaram concordância (total ou parcial) com 29 destes aspectos, proporcionando uma taxa geral de aprovação de 96,7% em relação ao instrumento elaborado. Concordâncias parciais, e também a única discordância detectada, foram acompanhadas de sugestões para aprimoramento do instrumento. Os resultados demonstraram que é possível utilizar o instrumento apresentado para fins de suporte ao processo de gestão da inovação tecnológica. Apesar da reputação corporativa na Web 2.0 ser um campo ainda muito incipiente para a gestão da inovação, a tendência é de grande desenvolvimento, de modo que eventuais pesquisas científicas complementares ajudarão a consolidar conhecimentos nesta área –sugerindo-se, principalmente, seguir com estudos de caso da aplicação prática do instrumento apresentado neste trabalho, oportunidades de automação do mesmo, avaliação da influência do hoax (histórias falsas) nas redes sociais e estudo do perfil do instrumento junto à cadeia de compras (compradores, influenciadores de compra e usuários finais). / The second generation of Internet, known as Web 2.0, has been revolutionizing the way that government, companies and society interact, work, communicate and share knowledge. Part of the phenomenon, online social networks constitute a strong convergence of dialogue, engagement and interaction of millions of users around the world. So, Web 2.0 is being used as a support to organizational strategy and business. In the innovation field, there are multiples opportunities that arise due to the good use of this flow of information and knowledge in online social network channels. But, how to do it? Since nothing was identified in the scientific literature in this specific respect, this work presents a tool for managing reputation of brands, products and services in collaborative Internet, as a form for evaluating its contribution potential to the process of technological innovation management. The construction of the instrument resulted in five steps: scoping; sources identification; quantitative assessment of reputation; qualitative assessment of reputation and technological innovation planning support. Methodologically, the work started with a theoretical base review, advanced to the elaboration of an instrument´s first draft, followed for the submission of this first proposal for evaluation by six experts, and finally resulted in the instrument´s revision according to suggestions received – configuring, thus, a method of face analysis. For 30 evaluation aspects, experts have signaled agreement (partial or total) with 29 of these, providing an approval rate of 96.7% to the developed instrument. Partial agreements, and also the only disagreement detected, were accompanied by suggestions for instrument´s improvement. Results demonstrated that the instrument presented can be used for purposes of support to technological innovation management. Although corporate reputation on Web 2.0 is still a very early field for the innovation management, tendency is for major development, so that eventual additional scientific researches will help to consolidate knowledge in this area - suggesting, especially, following case studies of practical application of the instrument presented in this paper, automation opportunities of this one, evaluation of hoax (false stories) influence in social networks and profile study of the instrument with the consume chain (buyers, purchase influencers and end users).

Representação e análise de encontros espaço-temporais publicados em redes sociais online

MORENO, Bruno Neiva 09 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-04-24T14:37:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) tese_bnm_OK.pdf: 5126585 bytes, checksum: 5ccba23295950094b489a2df805e0815 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-24T14:37:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) tese_bnm_OK.pdf: 5126585 bytes, checksum: 5ccba23295950094b489a2df805e0815 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-09 / O crescente uso de redes sociais online tem feito com que usuários compartilhem, também, informações detalhadas a respeito dos locais que os mesmos frequentam, criando uma ligação entre o mundo físico (o movimento destes usuários no globo) e o mundo virtual (o que eles expressam sobre esses movimentos nas redes). O “check-in” é a funcionalidade responsável pelo compartilhamento da localização. Em uma rede social com essa funcionalidade, qualquer usuário pode publicar o local em que o mesmo está em determinado instante de tempo. Esta tese apresenta novas abordagens de análise de redes sociais online considerando as dimensões social, espacial e temporal que são inerentes à publicação de check-ins de usuários. As informações sociais, espaciais e temporais são definidas sob a perspectiva de encontros de usuários, sendo este o objeto de estudo dessa tese. Encontros ocorrem quando duas pessoas (dimensão social), estão em algum local (dimensão espacial), em determinado instante de tempo (dimensão temporal) e decidem publicar esse encontro através de check-ins. Além de apresentar um algoritmo para detecção de encontros, é definido um modelo para representação desses encontros. Este modelo é chamado de SiST (do inglês, SocIal, Spatial and Temporal) e modela encontros por meio de redes complexas. Para validar o modelo proposto, foram utilizados dados reais de redes sociais online. Com esses dados, os encontros foram detectados e analisados sob diferentes perspectivas com o objetivo de investigar a existência de alguma lei que governe a publicação dos mesmos, bem como para identificar padrões relativos a sua ocorrência, como padrões temporais, por exemplo. Além disso, as redes construídas a partir do modelo SiST também foram analisadas em termos de suas propriedades estruturais e topológicas. Por meio de redes SiST também foram estudados padrões de movimentação de usuários, como situações em que usuários se movimentam em grupo no globo ou situações em que um usuário é seguido por outros. / The growing use of online social networks has caused users to share detailed information about the places they visit, resulting on a clear connection between the physical world (i.e. the movement of these users on the globe) and the virtual world (which they express about these movements in the social network). The functionality responsible for sharing location by users is named as “check in”. In a social network with this feature, any user can publish their visited places. This thesis presents new approaches for online social networks analysis considering the social, spatial and temporal dimensions that are implicit in the publication of users check-ins. Social, spatial and temporal information is defined from the perspective of “user encounters”, which is the study object of this thesis. Users encounters occur when two people (social dimension) are somewhere (spatial dimension) in a given time (temporal dimension) and decide to publish this meeting through check-ins. In addition to the algorithm presented for encounters detection, we also defined a model for representation of these encounters. This model is called as SiST (SocIal, Spatial and Temporal). The SiST model basically represent encounters by a graph structure. To validate the proposed approach, we used real data from online social networks. With these data the users encounters were detected and analyzed from different perspectives aiming at investigating the existence of any law governing the publication of encounters and also to identify patterns related to its occurrence, like temporal patterns, for example. Furthermore, the graphs built from SiST model were also analyzed in terms of its structural and topological properties. Through the SiST networks the users movements were studied as well, like in situations in which users move in group or situations where users are followed by other users.

RSN - Rede Social de Notícias

Monteiro, Eduardo Rocha 19 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:33:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao de Eduardo Rocha Monteiro.pdf: 2785467 bytes, checksum: 577f7503c72e792b907de5a0eb99ec58 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-19 / Dentro do conjunto de transformações ocasionados pela evolução da internet, há uma que nada tem a ver com tecnologias de processamento e apresentacão de informaçãoes, mas nem por isso é menos importante do que as outras mudanças: É a transformação do comportamento do usuário perante a Internet. Se antes ele era um mero consumidor de informacão, agora ele participa ativamente, avaliando e criando conteúdo na web. Este cenário estimulou o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para apoiar a coletividade na web, que hoje possibilitam um amplo mecanismo de interação para diversos indivíduos, favorecendo a consolidacão de importantes espaços virtuais que promovemconstrução e socialização de conhecimento. Neste contexto, destacam-se as redes sociais virtuais. Redes sociais virtuais são espaços virtuais que incluem uma estrutura feita por indivíduos e organizações conectados por um ou mais tipos de interdependência, como valores, visões, idéias, amizade ou interesses comerciais. Este trabalho realizou um estudo sobre o estado da arte sobre as redes sociais virtuais e sobre os sistemas de recomendação, com o objetivo de criar uma rede social virtual que permite a publicação de conteúdo por usuários comuns, e um sistema de recomendação, para dirigir informações relevantes para os usuários. Também foi realizado um estudo sobre os agregadores de notícias sociais, que compõem uma categoria específica de redes sociais virtuais. Como produto principal deste trabalho, foi desenvolvido o sistema RSN: Rede Social de Notícias. RSN agrega características dos agregadores de notócias sociais a outras características de redes sociais virtuais com o objetivo de construir um espaço virtual com alto potencial de exibição de notícias interessantes aos seus usuários / Within the set of transformations from the evolution of the Internet, there is one that has nothing to do about processing and presenting information, but no less important than the other changes: the transformation of the behavior of the Internet User. If before it was a mere consumer of information, now he actively participates, evaluating and creating content in the web. This scenario has stimulated the development of new technologies to support the community on the web, which now enables a broad mechanism of interaction for many people, which promotes the formation of important virtual spaces with respect to the construction and socialization of knowledge. In this context, the virtual social networks stands out. Virtual social networks are virtual spaces that include a structure made by individuals and organizations connected by one or more types of interdependency, such as values, visions, ideas, friendship or business interests. This work conducted a study on the state of the art on virtual social networks and on the recommender systems, in order to create a virtual social network which enables content share by users, and a recommendation systemto direct relevant information for its users. Was also a study on the social news aggregators, that constitute a specific category of virtual social networks. The system RSN: Social Networking News was develop as the main product of this work. RSN adds features of social news aggregators to other characteristics of virtual social networks in order to build a virtual space with a high potential display of interesting news to its users

Estudo e proposta de ferramentas para comunicação e expressão em redes sociais inclusivas online / Study and proposal for communication and expression tools for online inclusive social networks

Hayashi, Elaine Cristina Saito, 1975- 03 December 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T05:15:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Hayashi_ElaineCristinaSaito_M.pdf: 2919944 bytes, checksum: 796b5657fcad5f05fdf5bdea0a6364ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Com o desafio de projetar interfaces de usuários que contribuam com a promoção de uma cultura digital entre os cidadãos brasileiros, uma Rede Social Inclusiva (RSI) está sendo desenvolvida no âmbito do Projeto e-Cidadania2. Seu intuito é o de viabilizar o acesso ao conhecimento para maior número de pessoas, independentemente da sua familiaridade com as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) ou do seu grau de letramento - entre outras habilidades. Os sistemas de apoio e as pesquisas conduzidas sobre os mesmos apresentam pouca preocupação com a questão da inclusão e acessibilidade, principalmente quando relacionados a redes sociais. Neste contexto, esta dissertação propõe um mecanismo de meta-comunicação cujo objetivo é apoiar os participantes de RSI na sua comunicação com o sistema no que diz respeito ao modelo conceitual das funcionalidades. A pesquisa foi realizada com base nos princípios do Design para Todos, utilizando-se dos artefatos da Semiótica Organizacional e de técnicas adaptadas do Design Participativo. As contribuições do trabalho incluem: a identificação de requisitos para ferramentas de comunicação e expressão buscando atenderàs necessidades dos cidadãos brasileiros, na sua maior extensão possível; a proposta de um mecanismo de meta-comunicação para redes sociais inclusivas e uma avaliação preliminar de tal mecanismo / Abstract: In order to face the challenge of designing user interfaces that contribute to the promotion of a digital culture among Brazilian citizens, an Inclusive Social Network (ISN) is being conceived in the e-Cidadania Project3. It aims at making possible for people to access knowledge, regardless of their familiarity with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) or their literacy skill - among other abilities. The support systems and the research lead on such systems present few concerns with the question of the inclusion and accessibility, mainly when related the social nets. In this scenario, this work proposes a mechanism for meta-communication to support participants of this ISN in all communication that are related with the conceptual model of the system's functionalities. The investigation was carried out based on the principles of the Design for All, using artifacts from Organizational Semiotics and techniques that were adapted from the Participatory Design. The work contributions include: the identification of requirements for communication and expression tools aiming at the fulfillment of Brazilian citizens' needs, in the vastest extension possible; the proposal of a meta-communication mechanism for inclusive social nets; and a preliminary evaluation of the considered mechanism / Mestrado / Interação Humano-Computador / Mestre em Ciência da Computação

Assessing the role of online social media in the South African political sphere

Steenkamp, Marika Louise 04 June 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The use of the Internet and New Media is becoming increasingly relevant for 21st century politics, not only as a means of political campaigning but also as a platform used by the public to engage in political discussion, debate and opinion formation. As the field of study is relatively new, there has been much argument regarding the opportunities that New Media, such as the Social Media network Facebook, holds for political use. However, not enough research has been done to scrutinise the outcomes of truly utilising the platform. Furthermore, not enough research concerning the use of Social Media in the South African political sphere has been done. Thus, this study concentrates on how the public and the political parties are using Facebook. The research questions examine the nature of (a) political party (ANC and DA) and (b) public participation on the respective Facebook sites. It also enquires as to what benefits and challenges Social Media such as Facebook offer to political parties in South Africa. The study relies on a qualitative methodological orientation. Firstly, content analysis by means of thematic analysis was applied to all posts present on the Facebook pages of the ANC and the DA during the timeframe of 14-21 June 2010. The overall themes were World Cup 2010 and Youth Day, and their emergent sub-themes were explored in this context. Secondly, in-depth interviews were conducted with representatives from each political party who dealt with the Social Media output and monitoring of the party. It would appear that political parties are not capitalising on the full range of Social Media offerings and not promoting two-way communication. Instead they are merely using it as a monitoring tool or as a way to disseminate information. However, the research shows that the members of the public are utilising the Facebook site(s) to engage in discussion of a political nature as well as using the platform to connect with and reach individuals in new ways.

The influence of anonymity on participation in online communities / L'influence de l'anonymat sur la participation dans les communautés en ligne

Paskuda, Malte 24 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur l'influence de l'anonymat sur la participation dans les communautés en ligne. Le point de départ de ce travail est une observation au cours de la conception d'une plate-forme en ligne pour le soutien social entre aidants informels. J'avais noté que nous ne savions pas décider si les aidants devaient pouvoir être anonymes sur la plate-forme ou non, et quel en serait l’effet. Ma thèse comporte une revue de la littérature qui est synthétisée dans un modèle qui décrit quel sont les facteurs qui de participation en ligne qui pourraient être influencés par l’anonymat. Nous avons conduit trois études : Une sur Youtube, dont le système d'identification a changé pour ne plus permettre de poster des commentaires de façon anonyme, une sur Quora, où les utilisateurs peuvent choisir de répondre aux questions de manière anonyme ou non, et une sur Hacker News, où les utilisateurs peuvent choisir de dévoiler plus ou moins leur identité. Ces études nous permettent de montrer que, contrairement à ce que dit la littérature, 1) l'anonymat ne conduit pas nécessairement à des discussions impolies, 2) qu'il y a d'autres facteurs que l'anonymat qui ont une influence plus importante sur la participation, et que 3) l'anonymat peut révéler d’autres facteurs qui ont un effet sur la participation, comme la longueur du texte, qui a un effet sur l’appréciation sociale. Ces résultats permettent de confirmer le modèle "Social Identity of Deindividuation Effects", et le fait que l'anonymat peut avoir une influence positive sur l'esprit de groupe / This work presents my PhD thesis over the influence of anonymity on participation in online environments. The starting point was the observation made during the design of an online platform for informal caregivers, where I realized that it was unknown to us which practical effects an anonymous identity would have on the participation. This work contains the subsequent literature review, which was synthesized into a model showing which participation factors might be influenced by anonymity. We conducted three studies on existing online environments: One on Youtube, where there was a change in the comment system forbidding anonymous comments, one on Quora, where users can opt to answer questions anonymously, and one on Hacker News, where users choose how many identity factors they present and which name they use. The result of these studies are that, contrary to what the literature would suggest, 1) anonymity did not result to impolite and uncivil discussion, and 2) other factors than anonymity have a stronger influence on participation, and that 3) anonymity can make the effect of social signals visible, e.g. text properties like length which influences social appreciation. Additionally, we observed that participation is linked to profile completeness, and that an established web presence elsewhere limits participation. The implications of these results are a confirmation of the Social Identity Model of Deindividuation Effects, in its interpretation that anonymity can have positive effects on group identity

E-mail Prioritization through Social Network Analysis / E-mail Prioritization through Social Network Analysis

Rezaee, Shaliz January 2012 (has links)
Context. Trust and reliability are important issues in online communication. By rapid growth of online social networks (OSNs), online communication becomes richer by the integrating of social interaction into the communication model. However, E-mail communication systems concern about unsolicited messages. Objectives. In this thesis the aim is to investigate how to prioritize E-mails between recipients and senders by using information from OSNs. Methods. An algorithm is presented for computing trust by measuring users‟ interaction and similarity in online social networks and this trust is used by another algorithm for prioritizing the E-mail inbox. Results. An evaluation of the proposed method is performed via a case study and the prediction error of the method is compared with the prediction error of the random feedback. The error of the method is significantly lower than random feedback and is relatively low, given the small number of observations. Conclusions. This thesis contributes in its review and categorization of existing trust models. Furthermore, it provides an analysis on how to use social information for E-mail prioritization. Based on the analysis, a method is presented for improving the reliability of E-mail communication by extracting information from OSNs. The information is used for computing the trust score between two OSN friends. In this thesis, it is suggested that, inbox prioritization is achievable using the selected method. / This thesis has addressed E-mail prioritization through social network by using social information. The task has been done by focusing on the interaction and similarity between friends in the OSN. A theoretical analysis has been performed in order to identify the characteristic of suitable trust model. An algorithm (Algorithm 1) has been suggested to estimate weights of different criteria of social information. In order to have the trust predictions based on the user‟s preferences, the algorithm adjusted the weights based on the user‟s feedback. In addition, another algorithm (Algorithm 2) has been proposed to compute trust scores and prioritize E-mails inbox. Finally, an algorithm (Algorithm 3) has been presented to evaluate the error of the computed (predicted) trust scores. In order to display the applicability of the method as well as to motivate the theoretical foundation, a case study was reported in which the proposed method was applied to Facebook. The analysis showed that the proposed method was feasible to be used, and it provided users a mean to prioritize E-mail inboxes based on the social information extracted from Facebook. The analysis indicated that least squares method was a suitable approach to estimate weights that were used in computing trust scores and thus prioritizing E-mails inbox.

A framework for the implementation of social media marketing strategies in political campaigning

Ayankoya, Kayode A January 2013 (has links)
The concept of social media has grown rapidly in the last years. This can be attributed to the rate of adoption and the penetration of social media around the world. Currently, there is an estimate of over two billion people that are actively using social media. The increased usage of social media has changed the way people interact and communicate. Literature suggests that Internet-enabled social networks (relationship between or among individuals and groups) are developing faster than offline relationships. Previous studies have linked social media to the social network theories that define social relationships based on the actors, the ties that exist and the flow of resources among them. This is made possible by social networking sites and other Internet enabled services that allow friends to meet, connect and interact. Social media allow for individuals, groups or organisations to build their social network of friends and followers. It also facilitates the formation of communities with common interest. Social media facilitate the creation and exchange of content such as text messages, images, audio and video formats among individuals or communities that share a common interest or belong to the same social network. Social capital theorists suggest that the ties that exist in social interaction like on social media have the ability to create benefit for the actors in the networks. This provides the foundation to study the benefits that individuals and organisations can obtain from social media. The opportunity to target and communicate directly with the target market and potential customer qualifies social media as a valuable marketing tool and an important component of the integrated marketing communication. As a marketing communication tool, social media introduces a completely new paradigm into marketing communications. Therefore marketing professionals and academics are continuously seeking how to take advantage of social media for different industries. In the field of politics, the use of marketing concepts to engage voters and drive collective participation in political processes has become critical due to stiff competition. The use of social media for political campaigning and engagement could be beneficial, but politicians and political organisations are not taking full advantage of the concept. Previous studies show that organisations are aware of the opportunities that social media could provide for their organisations. However, they are reluctant because they are faced with the problems of lack of information on how to implement social media for business purposes. This treatise investigates the approach and critical success factors for the use of social media for political campaigning and engagement. To evaluate the conceptual framework that was suggested by this study based on the literature review and case studies, an empirical study was conducted among the members of the Democratic Alliance in the Eastern Cape. A survey was conducted among the members of the Democratic Alliance in the Eastern Cape using a questionnaire and 92 responses were received. The questionnaire measured the respondents’ social media usage, level of political engagement, perception on the use of social media for political engagement and the level of political activities on social media. Also, hypotheses were tested to examine the assumption that there might be an association between the respondents’ gender, population group and level of political activities on social media. The findings of this study indicate that a structured approach, a strong emphasis of engaging followers socially and micro-targeting are critical to effective implementation of social media for political campaigning and engagement. Other factors include the direct involvement of leadership, listening and encouragement of user generated contents. This study concludes that political organisations can use social media to establish multi-levelled social networks that provide access to their target audience and also reach potential audience through their friends. This social connectedness can then be translated into political social capital for campaign and engagement purposes.

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